E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 142, June 1, 2000.
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 142, June 1, 2000
E-mail: eletter-request@win.tue.nl
Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel
Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 246 5995
Siep Weiland
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 243 4582
1. Editorial
2. Personals
3. General announcements
3.1 Plenary Lecture by Y.C. Ho on CD-ROM
3.2 Rufus Oldenburger Medal
3.3 Bulletin Board on Future Directions Control & Dynamical Systems
4. Positions
4.1 Postdoc and research assistantships at ISR, Lisbon
4.2 PhD position Geometric Control, Aalborg University
4.3 PhD position Control of diesel engine systems, ETH-Zurich
4.4 Research fellow position, Un. of New South Wales, Sydney
4.5 Research associate in control, Univ. of Leicester
4.6 Postdoc position active flow control, Caltech
4.7 PhD positions Aerodynamics & control, Cranfield University
4.8 Professor position in systems and control, Univ. of Twente
4.9 Post-doctoral position, Washington University St. Louis
4.10 Post-doctoral position at IRISA, Rennes
4.11 Post-doctoral position 3D Medical Imaging, Un.of Chicago
5. Books
5.1 "Linear Estimation", T.Kailath, A.H. Sayed, B. Hassibi
6. Journals
6.1 TOC Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 1:2
6.2 TOC Modeling, Identification and Control, 21:1
6.3 Deadline extension LAA special issue
6.4 TOC Journal of The Franklin Institute, 337:2-3
6.5 TOC Control Engineering Practice, 8
6.6 EJC special issue on Nonlinear Digital Systems
6.7 TOC Automatica, 36:9
6.8 CFP Automatica special issue Neural Networks
6.9 Contribution Journal of Nonlinear Modeling
6.10 TOC J. of Computational Analysis and Applications,2:2
6.11 New issue IEEE ITSC Newsletter available
7. Conferences
7.1 CFP MAMA-2000
7.2 CFP ACC-2001
7.3 CFP CIC INDI 2000
7.4 CFP CIMA 2001
7.5 CFP SOCO/ISFI 2001
7.6 CFP IFAC Conference CAMS 2001
7.7 CFP ICSC/NAISO an conference calendar
7.8 Program ITS2000 conference on web
7.9 CFP 2nd Nonlinear control network (NCN)
7.10 Program 2nd International School on Automatic Control of Lille
7.11 CFP 2001 WSES conference on Neural Networks and Applic.
7.12 CFP NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems
7.13 CFP Symp. on Quantitative Feedback and Robust Freq. Methods
7.14 CFP 1st IFAC Symposium on System Structure and Control, SSSC 2001
* *
* Editorial *
* *
Welcome to E-letter number 142 !!!
We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
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contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
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next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
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* *
* Personals *
* *
Contributed by: Kishor Dabke
Would anyone receiving the eletter know when, where and by whom the
first or one of the first undergraduate course/s were taught in the USA
and/or Canada? I am given to understand that Prof. T.J. Higgins taught
the first such undergraduate course at University of Wisconsin in 1948.
The earliest postgraduate course in control in USA is said to have been
taught in 1942 but information about the earliest UNDERGRADUATE control
course seems to be lacking.Kishor Dabke
Kishor Dabke
(Dr Kishor P. Dabke)
Hon. Research Associate
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Systems Eng.
Monash University
Clayton VIC 3168
Contributed by: Carla Schwartz
For those of you who would like to reach me, my permanent e-mail address is:
I am living and working in the Boston, MA area.
Please write for address information.
* *
* General announcements *
* *
Contributed by: Yu-Chi Ho, Harvard University
Availability of the IFAC World Congress Plenary Lecture by Y.C. Ho on
CD-ROM in PowerPoint with Voice Synchronization.
I am writing to you about the plenary lecture I gave at the IFAC World
Congress in Beijing last July entitled "Optimization - A Many
Splendored Thing". Many of you liked the talk and asked for copies (since
I only published a two page abstract in the IFAC Congress Proceedings).
Because the entire talk was organized around a PowerPoint_ presentation, I
realized that it is possible to record my voice in sync with the graphic
animation feature of the slide show to create a near approximation of the live
lecture. A Chinese university publisher was interested and had me record the
entire talk in Chinese together with the Chinese version of PowerPoint on a
single CD-ROM for distribution in China. This was done successfully and now
on sale in China.
As I did not sign off on my rights to this talk I approached an
American publisher to handle the sale and distribution of an English version
of the lecture. They did a market survey and concluded that it was too
limited for them. However, knowing the interest of many of you in getting a
version of this talk and realizing the relative ease in producing a CD-ROM
version of the live PowerPoint presentation, I have decided to produce the
lecture myself. Here is the proposal.
My secretary, Ms Nancy Wright, retired last December after working with
me for the past 16 years. She has agreed to take your order, produce
my lecture on a CD-ROM and ship it to you. With my experience in the
production of the Chinese version, the product will be professional
looking in packaging and content. We will produce them individually on order.
The cost to you will be US$20.00 which covers material, effort AND shipping
anywhere in the world. No one is making any money from this. We are
doing this purely as a matter of professional courtesy and interest in
this new form of publishing.
If you are interested, you may send your check and order or communicate
directly with:
Nancy E. Wright (email: nancy@harvard.hrl.edu)
27 William Street
West Somerville, MA 02144 USA.
Thank you.
Yu-Chi Ho (ho@hrl.harevard.edu)
Contributed by: D.Normand-Cyrot
Rufus Oldenburger Medal
The edition 2000 of the Rufus Oldenburger Medal
of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering has been
awarded to Ioan Dore Landau for " pioneering contributions
to the analysis, design and application of continuous and discrete-time
model reference adaptive systems and for pioneering work on discrete
time output error identification, robust and adaptive control and
identification in closed loop ". It will be delivered during the ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress (5 to 10th November,
2000, Orlando, Florida, USA).
Contributed by:
Richard Murray (murray@cds.caltech.edu)
Bulletin Board on Future Directions in Control and Dynamical Systems
As part of the Panel on Future Directions in Control and Dynamical
Systems, a bulletin board has been established to collect input from the
controls community regarding topics that should be addressed in the
report. The panel will hold its first meeting in mid-June and would
be especially interested in comments and suggestions submitted before
this meeting. The panel bulletin board can be access from the
following URL:
The panel consists of Karl Astrom (Lund), Siva Banda (AFRL), Roger
Brockett (Harvard), John Burns (Virginia Tech), Munther Dahleh (MIT),
John Doyle (Caltech), John Guckenheimer (Cornell), Charles Holland
(DDR&E), Pramod Khargonekar (Michigan), P. S. Krishnaprasad
(Maryland), P. R. Kumar (UIUC), Greg McRae (MIT), Jerrold Marsden
(Caltech), George Meyer (NASA), Richard Murray (Caltech), William Powers
(Ford), Gunter Stein (Honeywell) and Pravin Varaiya (UCB).; The
panel is chaired by Richard Murray.
* *
* Positions *
* *
Contributed by: Joao Sentieiro,
Post-Doc and Research Assistantship Grants at
ISR - Institute for Systems and Robotics
Lisbon, Portugal
ISR - Post-Doc and Research Assistantship Grants
Candidates wishing to apply for a Post-Doc or a Research Assistantship grant
to pursue research activities at ISR-Lisbon should submit their applications
during the period from May 15 to June 30 for research programs starting late
September/early October 2000. The Post-Doc grants will only be available for
candidates who have obtained their Ph.D. degrees in the last five years. The
Research Assistantship grants will be offered preferably to candidates who
hold an M.Sc. degree and intend to pursue research leading to a Ph. D. degree.
Curriculum Vitae
Statement of purpose
Scientific area of interest
Name and adress (electronic and postal) of two referees
Copy of diploma(s) (english oficial translation)
1 . Underwater Acoustics
- Detection and classification of transient signals: Time-Frequency and
Time scale analisys (2 research assistant grants)
- Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques for
underwater data communications (1 research assistant grant)
2. Signal Processing for Wireless Communications
- Blind source separation (2 research assistant grants).
3. Image Processing and Computer Vision
- Tridimensional Reconstruction, Stereo Vision, Optimization Methods for
Stereo Matching (2 research assistant grant)
- Video surveillance: detection and tracking of multiple objects (1 research
assistant grant). Preference will be given to candidates
with background in detection and estimation theory.
- Visual-based Robot Navigation (1 research assistant grant).
4. Intelligent Robotics
- Teamwork and team organization models of robotic teams. Cooperative
navigation for multi-sensor multi-robot teams. (2 Post-Doc and 2
Research Assistant grants). Preference will be given to candidates
with a multi-disciplinary background.
5. Mobile Robotics
- Hybrid systems in semi-autonomous mobile robots (1 research assistant grant).
6. Data Networks
- Distributed Scheduling policies for networks of queues with applications
to manufacturing and data networks. Stability, stabilization and performance
guarantees of queuing networks through regulation (1 Research Assistant grant).
Preference will be given to candidates with background on Queuing Theory,
Stochastic Processes and Control, and Optimization.
7. Operations Management
- Production control for multi-product, multi-machine manufacturing systems
with non-acyclic flows. (1 Research Assistant grant). Preference will be
given to candidates with background on Operations Management, Control Theory,
and Operations Research.
8. Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics
- Non-linear systems with applications to the design of navigation, guidance
and control for marine vehicles (1 Research Assistant grant).
- Sensor-based control using vision and sonar (1 Research Assistant grant).
9. Artificial Intelligence
- Emotion-based agents (1 Post-Doc grant)
- Multi-agent systems. Applications to planning and control of manufacturing
systems (1 Research Assistant grant). Preference will be given to candidates
with background on A.I..
- A monthly grant of 270,000 PTE (approx. 1,350 Euros)
- Travel expenses (one fligth ticket to Lisbon and one fligth ticket back to
the home country at the end of the program)
- Accommodation expenses (one single payement of 200,000PTE on arrival)
Research Assistantship
- A monthly grant of 180,000 PTE (approx. 900 Euros)
- Travel expenses (one fligth ticket to Lisbon and one fligth ticket back to
the home country at the end of the program)
Special EC Grants
A limited number of EC grants will also be available for Post-Doc and M.Sc.
holders in the area of Dynamical Systems and Ocean Robotics (for details
contact Prof. Antonio Pascoal at: antonio@isr.ist.utl.pt).
Whenever vacancies are available students will be accomodated at one of the
University residences (monthly rent varies from 35,000 to 50,000PTE).
Visit http://www.isr.ist.utl.pt
or contact
Prof. Joao Sentieiro at jjss@isr.ist.utl.pt or fax: +351-21-8418291
Contributed by: Rafael Wisniewski (raf@control.auc.dk)
PhD program:
Geometric Nonlinear Control for Mechanical Systems.
Application to Spacecraft Attitude Control and Determination.
Differential geometry was first used for mathematical description of the
relativity theory in the beginning of this century. For the last couple of
years it has also gained attention in the field of control theory. The first
very applicable result was to show that an asymmetric satellite could be
controlled by two momentum wheels. However systematic control methods are
still lacking. The development of methods for synthesis of control and
estimation algorithms will be the innovative contribution of the Ph.D.
project. The present results are very incomplete, many important issues are
covered only partially. The Ph.D. research seen from the perspective of the
current development in the field of nonlinear control theory is as follows:
Disturbance rejection problem: In order to keep the attitude within required
value it is necessary to decrease the influence of the environmental
disturbance to minimum. The focus is on de-coupling or attenuating the
influence of aerodynamic drag, electromagnetic torque, and solar pressure.
Robustness towards modeling uncertainties: Exact knowledge of parameters and
dynamic phenomena may not be available during a modeling process. The
straightforward examples are uncertainty of inertia tensor, and rejection of
the flexibility modes in a rigid body. The attitude control algorithms have to
fulfill the requirements despite these uncertainties.
Output feedback stabilization: The recent result in geometric control theory
is a concept of joint observer and controller design in one step, so called
output feedback stabilization problem. This approach is motivated by the
linear H_2 and H_{\infty} design paradigms.
Slew maneuver. Typically the observation is carrying out for various objects,
and it is necessary to change between these. Therefore it is required to
autonomously execute a slew maneuver, and possibly avoid some undesired
rotations, e.g. bright objects. It is expected to reach promising results by
combining the results of potential function based on Hamiltonian formalism and
Pontryagin's Principle.
Estimation of attitude: The attitude estimation problem using the least
squares technique on the group of special orthogonal matrices known as the
Wohba problem has been in the very focus of aerospace engineering for many
years. However the research effort in nonlinear control theory has not been
successful in developing a state estimator competing with the linear Kalman
filter, which will be covered in this Ph.D. project.
The Ph.D.-scholarship is available from 01.07.00 Ph.D.-scholarships normally
have a duration of 3 years and it is a prerequisite for allocation of the
scholarship that enrolment as a Ph.D.-student at the Doctoral School of the
Faculty of Engineering and Science takes place with reference the completion
of a research education according to the regulations of the Ministerial Order
No. 989 of December 11, 1992 about the Ph.D.-degree. According to the
Ministerial Order the progress of the Ph.D.-student shall be assessed every
six months. It is a prerequisite for continuation of payment that the previous
progress is approved at the time of the evaluation.
For further information please contact
Associate Professor Rafal Wisniewski,
Institute of Electronic Systems
Dept. of Control Engineering
Aalborg University
Fredrik Bajers Vej 7
DK-9220 Aalborg O
Phone, +45 96 35 87 62
Fax, +45 98 15 17 39
E-mail, raf@control.auc.dk
The salary will be according to the agreement of November 25, 1997 between the
Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations
regarding holders of a Ph.D.-scholarship. The total salary (incl. own pension
contribution) amounts to DKK 237,554.- per year. A total pension contribution
amounting to 15 per cent of 70 per cent of the salary should be paid. The
Ph.D.-student shall pay 5 per cent and the employer will pay 10 per cent.
Contributed by: Lino Guzzella
Doctorate position in "Modeling and Control of Diesel Engine Systems"
Topic: Modeling and control of Diesel engine systems (including ancillary
Prerequisites: Diploma or M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, preferably with
majors in combustion engines or controls, experience with thermo- and
Start: As soon as possible.
Form: The project is in collaboration with a major car manufacturer. The
duration is 3-4 years. Location is ETH-Zurich, Switzerland. A competitive
salary and continuing education package is offered.
Information: More information on ETH-Zurich can be found at the URL
www.ethz.ch and on the research environment at www.lms.ehz.ch.
Contact: Lino Guzzella, ETH Zurich, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 1 632 54 48
email: guzzella@lms.iet.mavt.ethz.ch
Contributed by: Andrey Savkin
School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications
University of New South Wales
This position is funded by the Australian Research Council and will
involve carrying out research in conjunction
with Professor Andrey Savkin. The successful applicant will
be appointed for a period of two or three years.
Applicants should have a completed Ph.D. (or be close to completion) in
Engineering or Mathematics with a
specialisation in Control Theory. They should also have a demonstrated
ability to carry out research in one or more of the following areas:
Robust Control and Filtering; Hybrid Control Systems; Control of Networks;
Stochastic Control; Computer Control; Nonlinear Systems; Guidance,
Application of Control to Biomedical Engineering and Medicine.
Several short term (up to one year) VISITING RESEARCH FELLOW
positions are also available.
Salary: In the range $Aust 34,238 - $Aust 46,463 (level A) p.a.
or $Aust 48,909 - $Aust 58,081 (level B) depending on qualification
and experience (1$Aust ~= $US 0.6).
Further information can be obtained from Andrey Savkin on email
savkin@ee.uwa.edu.au or FAX 61 8 9380 1065 or phone 61 8 9380 1621.
Applications close 1 August 2000.
Written applications should be sent to
Professor Savkin via email or FAX.
Applications should include the names, addresses, and email or FAX numbers
of at least two referees.
Contributed by: Ian Postlethwaite
Research Associate in Control
R&A1A 16,286 to 24,479pa
Available from 1 August 2000 for 14 months
(Ref: R9189/JAU)
To work on an EPSRC funded project to develop an expert system for
supervisory control of rolling mills in collaboration with VAI
Industries and British Aluminum Plate. Candidates should have, or be
completing, a PhD in control or a related subject. Software
development skills in object-oriented programming and LabVIEW an
Application forms and further particulars are available from the
Personnel Office (Appointments), University of Leicester, University
Road, Leicester LE1 7RH, tel: 0116 223 1341, fax 0116 252 5140, email:
personnel@le.ac.uk, or via the web on www. jobs.ac.uk. Closing date:
23 June 2000.
Contributed by: Richard Murray (murray@cds.caltech.edu)
Active Flow Control
California Institute of Technology
Two Postdoctoral Research positions are available in the general area of
Active Flow Control in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and
Control and Dynamical Systems, at the California Institute of
Technology.;; Candidates with previous theoretical,
experimental, and/or computational experience in active flow control are
preferred.; The candidate must hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical
Engineering, or a related discipline.; Specific areas of interest
include but are not limited to control of separation, flow/acoustic
resonance, and compressor instabilities. The successful candidate will
also have excellent written and oral communication skills.; The
initial appointment will be for 1
year, beginning as early as June 1, 2000, renewable for a period of up to
3 years.;; Please send a CV, a list of publications, a short
statement of research interests, and the names of 3-5 persons who are
willing to serve as referees to:
Prof. Richard Murray
Control and Dynamical Systems 107-81
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Prof. Tim Colonius
Mechanical Engineering 104-44
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA 91125
Contributed by: Rafal W Zbikowski
PhD Studentships in
The Department of Aerospace, Power and Sensors at Cranfield
University , The Royal Military College of Science (RMCS) Shrivenham,
England invites applications for PhD research studentships in the
above areas. Cranfield University is an internationally unique
institution, specialising in postgraduate activities with research
excellence a high priorty. You will be joining a substantial
community of postgraduates working in these areas. We have strong
links with the defence industry and the Ministry of Defence, who
often provide rewarding career opportunities for our graduates.
Opportunities exist in the following research areas:
Aerodynamics - transonic cavity flows; flow control; unsteady
aerodynamics; high speed jet lnixing; boundary layer
Communications - indoor/outdoor/underwater broadband wireless
communications; microwave/millimetric engineering;
smart antenna systems
Control - swarm intelligence/temporal logic; computational optimal
control; GPS/INS navigation
Electro-optics - electro-optic & infra-red signature scene simulation
& modelling; hyperspectral imaging; robust imaging
For further information, contact:
Professor Brian White
Department Aerospace, Power and Sensors
Cranfield University
RMCS Shrivenham
Wiltshire SN6 8LA
Tel. +44 (0)1793 785241
B.A. White@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk
Closing date for applications: 16th June 2000
Contributed by: Arjan van der Schaft (a.j.vanderschaft@math.utwente.nl)
Fac. Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente
Applications are invited for the position of an Assistant Professor
(Universitair Docent) in the Systems, Signals and Control Group of the Faculty
of Mathematical Sciences, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands.
The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Twente offers a five
year curriculum for mathematical engineers, as well as a Masters programme in
Engineering Mathematics and Financial Engineering. Furthermore, the Faculty is
responsible for the teaching of mathematics to the other departments of the
The research of the faculty is organized around the themes of Operations
Research and Statistics, Mathematical Physics and Computational Mechanics, and
Systems, Signals and Control. With about 120 employees it is one of the largest
mathematics departments in The Netherlands.
The Systems, Signals and Control group of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences
has a joint research and teaching programme in a broad area of systems, signals
and control theory. Current research directions in the group include nonlinear
control, filtering and identification, robust control, adaptive control,
infinite-dimensional systems theory, hybrid systems and financial mathematics.
Depending on your research interests you will be associated with the chair
centered around aspects of stochastic and infinite-dimensional control and
signals theory (A. Bagchi), or the chair focussing on mathematical systems and
control theory (A.J. van der Schaft). The group takes part in the Drebbel
Institute for Systems Engineering and the national Research School on Systems
and Control (DISC), and is active in the collaboration with other engineering
You are conducting research in systems and control theory of high international
reputation, in collaboration with international and national colleagues in the
broad area of systems, signals and control, thus contributing to one or more of
the research areas of the group. You are actively involved in the formulation of
proposals for externally funded Ph.D. projects. You take part in the teaching of
the group to students in Applied Mathematics, as well as in the teaching of
courses to other departments.
You have already shown potential to be an accomplished researcher in systems and
control, and have keen interest in applying mathematical results in this field
to meaningful industrial/financial applications. You have willingness to explore
new research directions and formulate proposals for externally funded Ph.D.
Additional details and application procedure:
This is a full-time tenure track appointment for a period of two years, after
which a permanent appointment is a distinct possibility. The salary is dependent
on age and experience, and with a maximum of f. 8769,- gross per month (scale
For more information, contact prof.dr. A. Bagchi, telephone +31 (0)53 489 3406
(email: bagchi@math.utwente.nl) or prof.dr. A.J. van der Schaft, telephone +31
(0)53 489 3449 (email: a.j.vanderschaft@math.utwente.nl).
Applicants should mail their curriculum vitae before July 1, 2000, to
prof.dr.ir. J.H.A. de Smit, Dean of the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences,
University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands.
Please be sure to mention the job vacancy number: TW00/B/164.
Contributed by: Hiro Mukai (mukai@zach.wustl.edu)
Post-Doctoral Research Position in Estimation Systems
Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130 USA
The Department of Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington
University has a post-doctoral research position available.
We are seeking candidates with advanced knowledge in state
estimation and control systems together with experience in
The term of appointment will be from June 1, 2000 till Feb. 28,
Your computational experience in some of the following fields will
be important: Kalman filtering, state estimation, LQG,
optimal control, differential game-theoretic approach to control,
detection and nonlinear control.
Our applications include military air operations, flight control,
and surveillance and control in the military context.
If interested, immediately send your CV by e-mail to
Prof. Hiro Mukai
Tel: 314-935-6064 or +1-314-935-6064
Email: mukai@zach.wustl.edu
In your cover letter, please answer the following questions:
1) How fluent are you in English?
2) Why are you fluent in English? Give us the reason.
3) How familiar are you with Unix, Windows 98, and Windows NT4
operating systems?
4) What computer languages have you used? Matlab? C? C++?
5) How large was the largest program you created?
For example, about how many lines of codes did it have?
6) For what purpose have you used computers in the past?
7) When will you be available for the new post?
The sooner, the better.
Contributed by: Francois Le Gland
Post-doctoral position at IRISA, Rennes
Young researchers are invited to apply for a post-doctoral research
position at the Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes
Aleatoires (IRISA) within the group Signals, Models and Algorithms
Financial support is provided by the European Research Network
on System Identification (ERNSI) through a fellowship from the TMR
project System Identification
To be eligible for the position, the applicant should meet the following
1. He/she must be a national of a member state of the European Union
or of a country regarded as an associated state, i.e. Iceland,
Israel, Liechtenstein and Norway.
2. He/she must not be a French national, and he/she must not have
carried out his/her main activities in France for more than 18 of
the 24 months prior to his/her appointment.
3. He/she must hold a doctoral degree.
4. His/her age at the time of appointment must be 35 or less.
The position can be held for up to two years and is open to applicants
in all areas of system identification, with a preference for research
To apply, the candidate should send
1. A cover letter with information on the possible and preferred
starting date and duration of the fellowship.
2. A curriculum vitae with a list of publications.
3. A copy of three recent publications.
4. The names of at least three references (with their postal and
e-mail addresses).
before June 30, 2000 to
Francois Le Gland
IRISA / INRIA, Campus de Beaulieu
35042 RENNES Cedex, France
Fax: +33 2 99 84 71 71 (attn: Francois Le Gland)
e-mail: legland@irisa.fr
Contributed by: Hiro Yoshida
Postdoctoral Position / Research Associate in 3D Medical Imaging
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Applications are invited for a research position at the postdoctoral or
research associate level to work in 3-dimensional medical imaging.
Research in the laboratory focuses on the computer-aided diagnosis
in medical imaging. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in computer science,
engineering, or similar discipline, or in medical physics. Technical area
of experience should include computer graphics (in particular, volume
rendering), image processing, and computer vision. He/She should have
a B (Bstrong skill in C/C++ programming. Medical imaging background is not
required but desirable. Strong interests in medical imaging is essential.
Appointment to the position is renewable every year. Research areas will
include the development of a system for the detection of polyps in virtual
colonoscopy (CT colonography) and lung nodules in chest radiography.
This is an opportunity for a Ph.D. graduate from engineering discipline
whose goal is to develop an academic career in medical imaging.
If interested, please send, preferably via email, a CV and names of at least
two references to Professor Hiro Yoshida at the following address.
Prof. Hiro Yoshida
Department of Radiology
The University of Chicago
5841 South Maryland Ave., MC2026
Chicago, Illinois 60637
Phone: 773-834-3154
Fax: 773-702-1161
E-mail: h-yoshida2@uchicago.edu
* *
* Books *
* *
Contributed by: Ali H. Sayed
New Book Anouncement
T.Kailath, A. H. Sayed, and B. Hassibi
Prentice Hall, NJ, 2000
SIAM, PA. Hardcover. xviii+854 pages.
ISBN 0-13-022464-2
This textbook is intended for a graduate-level course and assumes
familiarity with basic concepts from matrix theory, linear algebra,
and linear system theory. Six appendices at the end of the book
provide the reader with enough background and review material in
all these areas.
This original work offers the most comprehensive and up-to-date
treatment of the important subject of optimal linear estimation,
which is encountered in many areas of engineering such as
communications, control, and signal processing, and also in several
other fields, e.g., econometrics and statistics. The book not
only highlights the most significant contributions to this
field during the 20th century, including the works of Wiener
and Kalman, but it does so in an original and novel manner that
paves the way for further developments in the new millennium.
This book contains a large collection of problems that complement
the text and are an important part of it, in addition to numerous
sections that offer interesting historical accounts and insights.
The book also includes several results that appear in print for
the first time.
The book takes a geometric point of view with:
a) Emphasis on the numerically favored array forms of many
b) Emphasis on equivalence and duality concepts for the
solution of several related problems in adaptive
filtering, estimation, and control.
These features are generally absent in most prior treatments,
ostensibly on the grounds that they are too abstract and
complicated. It is the authors' hope that these misconceptions
will be dispelled by the presentation herein, and that the
fundamental simplicity and power of these ideas will be more
widely recognized and exploited. Among other things, these
features already yielded new insights and new results for
linear and nonlinear problems in areas such as adaptive
filtering, quadratic control, and estimation, including the recent
H_oo theories.
1. Overview.
2. Deterministic Least-Squares Problems.
3. Stochastic Least-Squares Problems.
4. The Innovations Process.
5. State-Space Models.
6. Innovations for Stationary Processes.
7. Wiener Theory for Scalar Processes.
8. Wiener-Kalman Theory in the Vector Case.
9. The Kalman Filter.
10. Smoothed Estimators
11. Fast Algorithms.
12. Array Algorithms.
13. Fast Array Algorithms.
14. Asymptotic Behavior.
15. Duality and Equivalence in Estimation and Control.
16. Continuous-Time State-Space Estimation.
17. A Scattering Theory Approach.
A. Useful Matrix Results.
B. Unitary and J-Unitary Transformations.
C. Controllability and Observability.
D. Lyapunov Equations.
E. Algebraic Riccati Equations.
F. Displacement Structure.
About the Authors:
T. Kailath is Hitachi America Prof. of Eng., Stanford Univ.
A. H. Sayed is Associate Prof. of Electrical Eng., UCLA
B. Hassibi is with Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
Read the preface and download a sample chapter from
* *
* Journals *
* *
Contributed by: Wen Chen
International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
Vol.1, No.2 ,2000
Review Article
Review of Virtual Distortion Method and Its Applications to Fast Redesign
and Sensitivity Analysis
Jan Holnicki-Szulc, Tomasz Bielecki-----------------71
Technical Papers
Optic Discrete Breathers in Euclidean Invariant Systems
Nonlinear Properties for Dynamic Behavior of Liquid with a Free Surface in
a Rigid Moving Tank
Oleg S. Imarchenko----------------------------105
Dynamics of Stochastic Layers in Nonlinear Hamiltonian Systems
Albert C.J. Luo and Ray P.S. Han---------------------119
A Classical Variational Model for Micropolar Elastodynamics
Ji-Huan He-------------------------------133
A Variational Model for Micropolar Fluids in Lubrication Journal Bearing
Ji-Huan He-------------------------------139
Book Review
Preprinciples of Mechanics (Veljko A. Vujicic)
Katica (Stevanovic) Hedrih---------------------------143
Yours sincerely,
Contributed by: Lars Imsland
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 21, No. 1, January 2000
Editorial ................................................... 1
Jens G. Balchen, "Thirty Years of Research on the
Application of Cybernetic Methods in Fisheries and
Aquaculture Technology" .................................. 3
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 21, No. 2, April 2000
Aage Skullestad, "Identification of Vibration Parameters in a
Spacecraft using Kalman Filters, Numerical Search and
Phase-Locked Loops" ...................................... 65
Bernd Wittgens and Sigurd Skogestad, "Evaluation of Dynamic
Models of Distillation Columns with Emphasis on the Initial
Response" ................................................ 83
Rolf Henriksen, "Convergence Properties of an Extended Least
Squares (ELS) Variant" ................................... 105
Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at
Contributed by: Hans Schneider
Linear Algebra and its Applications
Special Issue on
Deadline extension
The scope of the 'Special Issue on 'Infinite Linear Systems
of Equations finitely specified' with deadline June 1st
has been slightly extended to include very large structured
systems and methods that may lead to the treatment of
infinite systems. There have already been submissions
to the previously announced special issue which
fit the extended scope. We wish to give all potential authors
the chance to submit papers fitting the broader scope and
are therefore extending the deadline for submission
to August 31st. The new, slightly adapted description of
the special session reads as follows:
One of the traditional hunting grounds of linear algebra is
the area of finite systems of linear equations, as described by a
matrix equation $Ax = b$. Here $A$ is a known matrix,
$b$ a known vector of finite dimensions, and $x$ is an unknown
vector of finite dimensions, which is to be determined such
that the equation is either satisfied, or, if that is not possible,
approximately satisfied. Many techniques are known for finding solutions
or approximate solutions, depending on the properties of the
given data and the approximation technique choosen.
If the system of equations is not finite, i.e. $A$ is not a matrix
but an operator, and $b$ and $x$ are of infinite dimension, then
algebraic and numerical techniques can still be used provided the
given data are finitely specified. Operators with such a property
are often called 'structured operators', and it turns out that
one can solve such infinite equations in an exact or approximate sense using
finite methods and algorithms. Also in the case of very large
structured matrices, methods can be devised that are in principle
extendable to the infinite case.
The conjunction of linear algebra and inversion theory for finitely
specified infinite operators brings interesting connections to the
forefront: algebraic equivalents of inner-outer factorizations e.g.,
or the algebraic significance of Kalman filtering. Structured matrices
can be of many types, e.g. systems with finite displacement ranks or
time-varying systems with state spaces of finite dimensions and whose
limiting behaviour is known, e.g. as a time invariant system.
A non-limiting list of topics of interest in this area is (assuming
$A$ is an infinite but finitely described operator of some kind):
- inversion methods
- decomposition methods for the operator A
- quadratic approximation methods
- complexity reduction
- equivalencies
- canonical forms
- transform techniques.
Examples of operator structure:
- systems with low displacement rank
- finitely described time-varying systems
- finitely described almost-periodic systems
- differentials of non-linear systems.
Interested authors are kindly invited to submit full papers with
significant contributions to this area to any of the three
guest editors listed below before August 31st, 2000.
Patrick Dewilde
DIMES, Delft University of Technology
POB 5031,
2600GA Delft, the Netherlands.
Fax: +31 15 262 3271
email: dewilde@DIMES.tudelft.nl
Vadim Olshevsky
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Fax: +1 404 651 2246
email: volshevsky@cs.gsu.edu
Ali Sayed
Rm 44-123A Engr. IV Bldg
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594, USA
Fax: +1 310 206 8495
email: sayed@biruni.icsl.ucla.edu
Contributed by: Tricia Manning
For information about submitting papers to The Journal of The Franklin
Institute, please contact Tricia Manning at tmanning@fi.edu or see
Journal of The Franklin Institute
Volume 337, Issue 2-3, May 2000
Brief Communications
pp 97-103
Generating probabilities with a specified entropy
P.F. Swaszek, S. Wali
pp 105-115
Sliding mode controller for linear systems with mismatched
time-varying uncertainties
M.-L. Chan, C.W. Tao, T.-T. Lee
Regular Articles
pp 117-130
Robustness analysis of digital feedback control systems with
time-varying sampling periods
B. Hu, A.N. Michel
pp 131-145
Sinusoidal frequency estimation via sparse zero crossings
B.M. Sadler, S.D. Casey
pp 147-169
Stabilization and path controllability of the motion of a rolling
disk by using two overhead rotors
P.D. Kemp, Y. Yavin
pp 171-199
Robust rationality and decisions under severe uncertainty
Y. Ben-Haim
pp 201-215
Set-point weighted PID controllers for unstable systems
G. Prashanti, M. Chidambaram
pp 217-249
On some classes of nonstationary parametric processes
J.A. Sills, E.W. Kamen
pp 251-265
Chua's circuit decomposition: a systematic design approach for
chaotic oscillators
A.S. Elwakil, M.P. Kennedy
pp 267-286
On control of a base-excited inverted pendulum using neural networks
Q. Wu, N. Sepehri, S. He
NOW ONLINE at http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jfranklin
Contributed by: George W Irwin, Editor-in-Chief
IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice,
Volume 8, June 2000
List of Contents
pp 605-618
Automotive vehicle control challenges in the 21st century
W. F. Powers, P. R. Nicastri
pp 619-631
An investigation into the poor performance of a model predictive
control system on an industrial CGO coker
B. Huang, R. Kadali, X. Zhao, E.C. Tamayo, A. Hanafi
pp 633-644
Advanced controller auto-tuning and its application in HVAC
systems Q. Bi, W.-J. Cai, Q.-G. Wang, C.-C. Hang, Eng-Lock Lee,
Y. Sun, K.-D. Liu, Y. Zhang, B. Zou
pp 645-656
An explicit model-based diagnostic approach in a plutonium nitrate
storage facility J. Howell, S.J. Scothern
pp 657-663
Process trend analysis using wavelet-based de-noising
A. Bakhtazad, A. Palazoglu, J. Romagnoli
pp 665-671
Generalized Luenberger observer-based fault-detection filter design:
an industrial application R. Tarantino, F. Szigeti, E. Colina-Morles
pp 673-674
pp 675-680
Aspects of flight control software - a software engineering point of
view A. Roszkopf, T. Tempelmeier
pp 681-687
Distribution of control using active storage
S.F. Andler, J. Eriksson, M. Lundin
pp 689-695
A new algorithm to prove the schedulability of real-time systems
S. Wang, G. Farber
pp 697-703
Timing analysis of PL programs
M. Lin
pp 705
Corrigendum to ''Assembly line sequencing based on Petri-net
T-invariants'' [Control Engineering Practice 8 (2000) 63]
G. Frey
Prof. George W Irwin
Intelligent Systems and Control Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH
Voice: +44(0)28 90335439
Fax: +44(0)28 90664265
email: g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk
web: www.ee.qub.ac.uk
IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice (cep@ee.qub.ac.uk)
Contributed by: Dorothee Normand-Cyrot (cyrot@lss.supelec.fr)
Special Issue on
Nonlinear Digital Systems
European Journal of Control
HERMES Paris France
Analysis and synthesis methods for continuous-time and discrete-time
systems present strong analogies in a linear context. This also greatly
simplifies the digital design since sampled dynamics maintain the linear
structure. Specific difficulties essentially appear with actuation and
This is no longer the case in a nonlinear context.
The objective of this special issue is to face and propose solutions to the
problems occurring in the nonlinear digital control design. Digital systems
have to be interpreted as sampled ones. This topic includes both analysis
and synthesis contributions, direct or indirect ones. This issue will focus
on methodologies with illustrative case studies and new basic research
results. Papers dedicated
to real pratical examples are much appreciated.
The submission and evaluation for special issues follow the same rules as
the usual submission for EJC with the mention of the title of the special
issue. Instructions can be found on the web site of the EJC
Special Issue of the EJC "Nonlinear Digital Systems"
Deadline for submission of the papers is december 1, 2000
Those who intend to submit a paper to this special issue are kindly
requested to inform Dorothee Normand-Cyrot as soon as
Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak
Table of contents
September, 2000 Issue 36:9
Survey Papers
V. D. Blondel, J. N. A survey of computational complexity results
Tsitsiklis in systems and control
Regular Papers
Yi Guo, D. J. Hill, Y. Wang Nonlinear decentralized control of large-scale
power systems
Brief Papers
E. Weyer Finite sample properties of system
identification of ARX models under mixing
L. C. Kammer, R. R. Bitmead, Direct iterative tuning via spectral analysis
P. L. Bartlett
A. Barreiro, A. Banos Nonlinear robust stabilization by conicity and
QFT techniques
M. Guihard, P. Gorce A new controller adapted to constrained
pneumatic multichain structures
M. A. Arteaga Tracking control of flexible robot arms with a
nonlinear observer
T. Nguyen, F. Jabbari Output feedback controllers for disturbance
attenuation with actuator amplitude and rate
P. F. Weston, I. Linear conditioning for systems containing
Postlethwaite saturating actuators
Y. H. Kim, F. L. Lewis, D. Intelligent optimal control of robotic
M. Dawson manipulators using neural networks
T. Wada, M. Ikeda, Y. Ohta, Parametric absolute stability of multivariable
D. D. Siljak Lur'e systems
A. S. Shiriaev Stabilization of compact sets for passive
affine nonlinear systems
Technical Communiques
W. S. Kerwin, J. L. Prince On the optimality of recursive unbiased state
estimation with unknown inputs
C. Cheng Comments on "On delay-dependent stability and
decay estimate for uncertain systems with
time-varying delay"
Y. Gu, Z. Cheng, J. Qian Author's reply
Book Reviews
W. E. Dixon, D. M. Dawson R. Ortga, A. Lora, P. J. Nicklasson, H.
Sira-Ramrez: Passivity-based control of
Euler-Lagrange systems
P. Benner F. A. Aliev, V. B. Larin: Optimization of
linear control systems. Analytical methods and
computational algorithms
D. Alpay T. Constantinescu: Schur parameters,
factorization and dilation problems
Er-Wei Bai J. F. Traub, A. G. Werschulz: Complexity and
V. L. Kharitonov T. E. Djaferis: Linear systems
Contributed by: F.L. Lewis
Special Issue on
Manuscript Due Date: 1 July 2000
Automatica is soliciting papers for a Special
Issue on "Neural Networks for Feedback Control"
to be published in July 2001. Accepted papers
will present approaches to the design of
neurocontrollers that are mathematically
precisely formulated with repeatable design
algorithms. The editors will be:
Prof. K. S. Narendra (Invited Editor)
Center for Systems Science
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Yale University
POB 208267
New Haven, Conn. 06520
Prof. F. L. Lewis (Corresponding Editor)
Automation and Robotics Research Institute
The University of Texas at Arlington
7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.
Ft. Worth, Texas 76118-7115
tel. 817-272-5972, fax. 817-272-5989
email flewis@controls.uta.edu
Manuscripts should be submitted in accordance
with standard Automatica procedures for review
to Professor F.L. Lewis, either by postal mail
or electronically. For instructions on
submissions by post or electronic mail see the
Information for Contributors in each Automatica
issue or at http://www.math.utwente.nl/eic.
Contributed by: Wen Chen
A New Proposal Journal Asking Your Affiliation
International Journal of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering
Editorial (Draft)
By Dr. Ji-Huan He ( Shanghai University, Shanghai 200072)
The universe of Newton ticks on without a hitch for two hundred years,
the space-time of Einstein's clock chimes hallelujah in unison for one
hundred years,
the light of the new century comes out just before us,
and the genius of men is considered a concerto in this new millennium.
What is it?
It is nonlinear phenomenon! And it is full of beautiful illustrations of
nonlinear phenomenon in this new century.
Newton's universe is a God's eye view of the world; it looks same to every
observer, wherever he is and however he travels.
Einstein's clock is a man's eye view of the world, in which what you see and
what I see is relative to each other.
Now the scientists are searching for a new eye view.
What is it?
It is the brain's eye view. It is just like waves in a human's brain, which
is inherently nonlinear, and to solve the nonlinear problem requires all
kinds of brains in the scientific fields.
"What would the world look like if I rode on the beam of light of
nonlinearity?" If his ghost had come to this new world, Einstein might ask
the question. The difficult task is not in finding an answer but in
conceiving the very question.
Men of genius like Newton and Einstein very often ask some straightforward
and innocent questions, which may turn out to have catastrophic answers.
Now a new question is put before us.
How do we do next?
Nonlinear phenomena appear everywhere in our daily life and in our
scientific work, and today they represent one of the most important fields
of research in science and technology. There exist innumerable hidden pears
in various nonlinear phenomena, these pearls can only be found by proper
mathematical modelling, which may be simple and beautiful, or complex and
So we feel there is an urgent need for the production of an International
Journal of Nonlinear Modelling in Science and Engineering. The aim of this
journal is to bring to the fore the many new and exciting nonlinear
mathematical modelling applications in science and engineering, thereby
capturing both the interest and imagination of the wider communities in
various fields, such as in mathematics, physics, chemistry, earth science,
computational science, biologics, economics, and nanotechnolgy. We hope by
studying or improving the proposed modelling, new branches of science will
occur, for example, nano-mathematics, nano-chemistry, nano-physics,
nano-biotechnology and the like.
The emphasis of this journal, therefore, is placed on how to establish a
proper nonlinear modelling for a real-life nonlinear problem, to search for
pearls through complex phenomena by numerical or analytical solution. The
numerical techniques for some special nonlinear modellings, for example,
nonlinear fractional differential equations, are also welcome.
To make the journal accessible to a broad audience, the authors will, in
the first Issue, present an overview of the current status of their fields
with a speculative outlook on what are to come out in the future.
We are now seeking financial support from all sectors, and nominations of
contributing editors specialized in various fields are mostly welcome. We
cordially invite universities and institutes worldwide to sponsor this new
* I would like to write an invited review paper for the first issue on the
field of ____________. The abstract is sent to you by email :
* I would like to be a possible member of the editorial board. My CV and
some of my publications are sent to you by the address:
Dr. Ji-Huan He, 149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai University, P.O. Box 189,
Shanghai 200072, China
* I would like to write an article for the new journal , please send me
a free copy of the journal.
* Our library would like to subscribe the new journal, please send me an
order form and a free copy of the journal.
* Our institute is interested in sponsoring the journal, please send me
* I would like give my finance support for the new journal to activate
the nonlinear science, please send me details.
* Our company is interested in publishing ads in your journal, please send
me details.
Contributed by: Anastassiou
The Journal of Computational Analysis And Applications(JoCAAA) is a new
International high quality quarterly publication of Kluwer/Plenum,
$190 annual institutional subscription,$72 private.
Available in HARD copy and Electronic form. Please subscribe!
To order please visit:
Table of Contents: JoCAAA,
Vol.2, No.2, April 2000
1)"Lanczos-Like s-Factors for reducing the Gibbs Phenomenon in
general Orthogonal Expansions and other Representations",A.J.Jerri, 111
2)"Weighted convergence of Lagrange interpolation based on Gauss-
Kronrod nodes",S.Ehrich and G.Mastroianni,........129
3)"Lebesgue Constants for an Orthogonal Polynomial Schauder basis",
R.Girgensohn and J.Prestin,......159
4)"Simultaneous preservation of orthogonality of polynomials by linear
operators arising from dilation of orthogonal polynomial systems",
F.Filbir,R.Girgensohn,A.Saxena,A.I.Singh and R.Szwarc,...177.
Contributed by: Alberto Broggi
Dear Colleague,
this short message to advise that the new issue of the IEEE
ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems Council) Newsletter is
available (Vol. 2 Num. 2) at http://www.ce.unipr.it/itsc and
shortly at the IEEE ITSC Official web site:
If you wish, you may remove your address from this mailing list at
any time by sending a message to majordomo@its.unipv.it
with "unsubscribe itscnews" in the body of the mail.
Thanks for being part of this,
Best regards,
Prof. Alberto Broggi
IEEE ITSC Newsletter Editor
* *
* Conferences *
* *
Contributed by: Jeanny Ryffel planning@icsc.ab.ca
Call for Submissions
International ICSC Symposium on Multi-Agents
and Mobile Agents in Virtual Organizations
and E-Commerce (MAMA'2000)
December 11-13, 2000, Wollongong, Australia
To be with
International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications
(ISA'2000), December 12-15, 2000 at the University of Wollongong (near
Sydney), Australia
Let's gather in summer in the south hemisphere
while the north hemisphere of the globe in winter
at the beginning of the exciting new millennium!
1. Purpose
Agent technology is currently one of the most vibrant and active areas of
research and development in information technology. Multi-agents and
mobile agents technologies are making significant impacts upon almost all
aspects of computing discipline. Boldly speaking, they are underpinning
the profound changes taking place in our information society. One of the
admittedly most successful applications is in globalized business
partnerships, directly due to the nature of the problem. In fact, virtual
organizations and e-commerce have become fashionable practices of toadys
globalized businesses. At the right time, agents act as key components in
the Internet-wide information and e-commerce systems that are currently
being developed across the globe, and multi-agents and mobile agents
provide most feasible and effective computational frameworks for
contemporary business practices.
In answer to such a trend at the beginning of this exciting new
millennium, MAMA2000 aims to establishing a responsive, active and
valuable world-class academic forum for executives, managers,
practitioners and academicians from multi-agents, mobiles agents, virtual
organizations and e-commerce, in particular their crisscrosses.
7. Organizer
For any further information, including registration, social events, etc.,
please feel free to contact the Symposium Organizer:
ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
5101C - 50 Street, Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1K1 / Canada
E-mail: operating@icsc.ab.ca or planning@icsc.ab.ca
Phone: +1-780-352-1912 / Fax: +1-780-352-1913
8. Submissions
MAMA2000 only accepts original contributions, which were not published
and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, neither on
journals nor on conferences. All kinds of submissions will be reviewed
for suitability and academic quality by IPC members. All accepted papers
will be included in the Symposium Proceedings published by ICSC Academic
Call for Invited Sessions
Organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers
are requested to submit session proposals (each consisting of 5-7
invited papers, recommended session chair, as well as a short statement
describing the title and the purpose of the session). Each invited
session should preferably start with an overview/survey paper.
Call for Workshops/Tutorials
Several workshops/tutorials are planned. Each workshop/tutorial will
focus on a particular topic, and consist of several presentations and
open/panel-mediated discussions. The proposal for a workshop/tutorial
should include the title, topics covered, proposed speakers, targeted
audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the workshop/tutorial.
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are requested to either send draft papers (maximum 7
pages each) or extended abstracts for review by the Symposium IPC. A
submission must be written in English, starting with a succinct statement
of the problem, the results achieved, their significance and a comparison
with previous work. The submissions should also include:
- Title of Symposium (MAMA 2000)
- Title of proposed paper
- Type of paper
- Authors names, affiliations, addresses
- Name of author to contact for correspondence
- E-mail address and fax no. of contact author
- Topics which best describe the paper (max. 7 keywords)
- Authors brief CV (optional)
Please refer to ICSC Instructions
for preparation of submissions and final camera-ready-version papers upon
Electronic submissions are highly encouraged. Please send all kinds of
submissions (preferably in format of PostScript file or Microsoft RTF
file to expedite the procedure) toward the Symposium General Chair at the
below address. If in hardcopy, please send duplicate manuscripts.
E-mail: htianfield@chelt.ac.uk
Huaglory Tianfield
General Chair, MAMA'2000
School of Multimedia & Computing
Gloucestershire Business School
Cheltenham & Gloucester College of H. E.
P O Box 220, The Park, Cheltenham
GL50 2QF, England, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 1242 54 4066
Fax: +44 1242 54 3327
9. Important Dates
Arrival of All Kinds of Submissions June 12, 2000
Notification of Acceptance July 10, 2000
Arrival of Final Camera Ready Papers September 01, 2000
MAMA'2000 December 11-13, 2000
Contributed by: Oscar D. Crisalle crisalle@che.ufl.edu
Place: The Crystal Gateway Marriott Hotel, Arlington, Virginia, USA
Date: June 25-27, 2001
Conference web site: http://acc2001.che.ufl.edu
The American Automatic Control Council (AACC) will hold the Twentieth
American Control Conference (ACC) Monday through Wednesday, June 25-27,
2001 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Virginia. Held in
cooperation with the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
this conference will bring together people working in the fields of control,
automation, and related areas from the American Institute of Aeronautics and
Astronautics (AIAA), American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE),
Association of Iron and Steel Engineers (AISE), American Society of Civil
Engineers (ASCE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), International Society for
Measurement and Control (ISA), and the Society for Computer Simulation (SCS).
Call for Contributed Papers
For regular papers (allowed 5 pages in the conference proceedings), submit
an electronic copy of the manuscript to the appropriate Society Review Chair.
For short papers (2 pages in the conference proceedings), submit an
electronic copy of the manuscript to the Vice Chair for Contributed Papers.
Consult the conference web site for more information.
Call for Invited Sessions
The 2001 American Control Conference solicits proposals for Invited Sessions
organized about a specific theme with invited authors. Papers in an invited
session should present a cohesive and comprehensive focus on a relevant topic.
Organizers of Invited Sessions must submit an electronic copy of a session
proposal to the Vice Chair for Invited Sessions. Consult the conference web
site for more information.
Industry and Applications - Tutorial Sessions
The AACC is particularly interested in enhancing the applications and
industrial perspective of the ACC. The 2001 ACC will include Tutorial
Sessions featuring a one-hour tutorial presentation on an industrially-
proven but still relatively new technique, followed by a series of short
presentations from industrial participants discussing the implementation,
application, and benefits of the technique. A manuscript that will be
allocated 15 pages in the book of proceedings must accompany the one-hour
tutorial presentation. While submission of a two-page paper will be
encouraged from the other presenters, a paper will not be required in order
to accommodate publication constraints affecting many industrial
participants. Consult the conference web site for more information.
Student Best Paper Competition
The 2001 ACC is pleased to announce a Student Best Paper Award. All primary,
first-listed authors of a regular contributed paper who were students at the
time of submission are eligible. Consult the conference web site for more
The Operating Committee intends to arrange tutorial workshops to be held in
conjunction with the 2001 ACC. Suggestions and workshop proposals are
solicited for appropriate subjects. Consult the conference web site
for more information.
Schedule Summary
o September 15, 2000:
Deadline for submission of Contributed Papers, as well as proposals for
Invited and Tutorial Sessions and for Workshops.
o January, 2001:
Author notification.
o March 1, 2001:
Final manuscript due for the Conference Proceedings.
Further Information
Bruce H. Krogh, General Chair
Carnegie Mellon University
Dept. of Elec. & Comp. Engineering
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: 412-268-2472
Fax: 412-268-3890
e-mail: krogh@ece.cmu.edu
B. Wayne Bequette, Program Chair
Chemical Engineering
Dept. Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.
Troy, NY 12180-3590
Phone: 518-276-6683
Fax: 518-276-4030
e-mail: bequeb@rpi.edu
Contributed by: virgilio@cic.ipn.mx
Call for papers to participate in:
Second International Conference on Control and Digital Instrumentation 2000
September 18-22, 2000
Queretaro (World Heritage http://www.queretaro.org/), Mexico
Important Dates
Submission deadline: June 30, 2000
Notification of acceptance: August 30, 2000
Deadline for final papers: September 15, 2000
Conference: September 20-22, 2000
The Committee of the program of the International Conference on Control
and Digital Instrumentation (CIC INDI 2000) invites your submission of technical
articles in Spanish or English reporting results or investigation works on the
development of Control Theory, Digital Systems and Instrumentation, and Digital
Signal Processing. Specialists in every topic will aim plenary conferences or
tutorials. Finally, another purpose it is developing friendship and professional
contacts among national and international groups.
The Conference involves all the areas of the Control Theory, Instrumentation
and Digital Systems as well as Digital Signal Processing covering as much the
theoretical aspects and their applications.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
process control, signal processing, measurement and sensing, intelligent
control, hybrid systems, system observers, modeling and advanced simulation,
robotics, power systems, industrial applications. Both contributed and invited
papers will be included in the program, available in a CD-ROM and, if required,
a hardcopy of the Proceedings
Program committee should select papers of high quality among the
accepted papers, in order to be published in an International Journal.
Conference Information: Please visit
Contributed by: planning@icsc.ab.ca
The second International ICSC Congress on COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE:
METHODS & APPLICATIONS (CIMA 2001) will be held in cooperation with the
University of Wales in Bangor, U.K., on June 19-22, 2001. CIMA 2001 will
include four symposia and the GrC workshop:
- Fuzzy Logic and Applications FLA 2001
- Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis (AIDA 2001)
- Advanced Computing in Bio Medicine (ACBM 2001)
- Advanced Computing in the Financial Market (ACFM 2001)
- Granular Computing Workshop (GcC 2001)
Ludmila I. Kuncheva, University of Wales (UWB), is the General
Chairperson of the CIMA congress and Tim Porter, also affiliated
with UWB, is the Co-chair.
Defining "Computational Intelligence" is not straightforward. Several
expressions compete to name the same interdisciplinary area. It is
difficult, if not impossible, to accommodate in a formal definition
disparate areas with their own established individualities such as fuzzy
sets, neural networks, evolutionary computation, machine learning, Bayesian
reasoning, etc. "Computational Intelligence" is rather the intuition behind
the synergism between these and many more, at the verge of Computer
Sciences, Mathematics and Engineering. Bringing together diverse expertise
and experience can enrich each of the participating disciplined and foster
new research perspectives in the broad field of Computational Intelligence.
Prospective authors are requested to send a draft paper of maximum 7 pages
for review by the International Program Committee. All submissions must be
written in English. A short paragraph with a biographical sketch of each
author should accompany the submission.
The submissions should include:
- Title of symposium (FLA 2001, AIDA 2001, ACBM 2001, ACFM 2001)
- Preferred type of the paper (oral/poster)
- Title of proposed paper
- Authors names, affiliations, addresses
- Name of author to contact for correspondence
- E-mail address and fax # of contact author
- Topics which best describe the paper (max 7 keywords)
A workshop/tutorial should focus on a particular topic, and consist of
several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for a
workshop/tutorial should include the title, topics covered, proposed
speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length (hours) of the
workshop/tutorial. The proposal should be submitted either to the congress
chair, the corresponding symposium chair or the congress organizer by
January 15, 2001.
Proposals for invited sessions are encouraged. A session proposal consists
of 4-5 invited papers, the recommended session-chair and co-chair, as well
as a short statement describing the title and the purpose of the session.
The organizer should send the proposal to the respective symposium chair
or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should preferably start with a
tutorial paper. The organizer will be responsible for the review of the
papers in the session. The registration fee of the session organizer will
be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers register to the
Submission deadline: October 31, 2000
Acceptance letters: December 31, 2000
Full papers/registration February 15, 2001
Conference June 19 - 22, 2001
More specific information will follow. Meanwhile you may refer to page:
gions/Gwynedd_County/Cities_and_Towns/Bangor or look up the University of
Wales, Bangor www pages at http://www.bangor.ac.uk/home.html.
Contributed by: planning@icsc.ab.ca
International ICSC Symposia on
June 26 - 29, 2001
at the University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
General Chairperson Colin Fyfe, University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
Vice-Chair: Lorenzo Moreno, University La Laguna Tenerife, Spain
The twin conferences, Soft Computing (SOCO 2001) and Intelligent Systems
for Industry (ISFI 2001) are intended to cover the field of "soft computing"
from pure blue-sky research (SOCO) to prototypes and applications of soft
computing. Soft computing has become a term embracing artificial neural
networks, evolutionary algorithms, belief networks, fuzzy sets and logics,
etc. (A fuller list of topics appears below).
SOCO 2001 aims to be of broad interest to engineers, computer scientists
and all who use such technologies. It will be a forum for the
Dissemination of new research in the field of soft computing
Introduction of application-oriented researchers to leading edge new
ISFI 2001 will encourage practitioners and researchers from industry,
commerce, education and governments to submit existing applications of soft
computing either as technical papers or as demonstrations. ISFI 2001 aims
to be a forum for the
Dissemination of results on new applications in this field
Introduction of pure research oriented personnel to applications of soft
SOCO 2001 will include contributions on long term research (theory
development, enhanced approaches, formal methods comparisons, applications,
etc.) in the area of soft-computing.
ISFI 2001
Intelligent Systems for Industry
ISFI 2001 will include contributions in the research area of Soft Computing
Application and, more in general, related to medium-to-short term and
application driven developments Advanced Information Technology and
Industrial Intelligent Technology.
Particular emphasis will be laid on industrial realization, experimental
application, application methodology development and/or formalization,
quantitative and qualitative problem modelling.
We will welcome proposals for the following special events:
Several workshops/tutorials are planned for SOCO/ISFI 2001.
Each workshop/tutorial will focus on a particular topic, and consist
of several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for
a workshop/tutorial should include the title, topics covered,
proposed speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length
(hours) of the workshop/tutorial. The proposal should be
submitted either to the congress chair, the corresponding
symposium chair or the congress organizer by January 15, 2001.
The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective
organizers are requested to send a session proposal (consisting
of 4-5 invited papers, the recommended session-chair and
co-chair, as well as a short statement describing the title and
the purpose of the session) to the respective symposium chair
or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should preferably
start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session
organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited
papers register to the conference.
Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to
receive peer feedback, and practical examples of applied research
are particularly welcome. Poster sessions will allow the
presentation and discussion of respective papers, which will
also be included in the conference proceedings.
Proceedings will be available at the congress in print and on CD-ROM.
All accepted and invited papers will be included in the congress
published in print and on CD-ROM by ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Switzerland.
A selected number of papers will be expanded and revised for possible.
inclusion in special issues of leading international journals.
Submission deadline: November 30, 2000
Acceptance letters: January 31, 2001
Full papers/registration March 15, 2001
Conference June 26 - 29, 2001
Full updated information is available from
or contact
Prof. Colin Fyfe (EIS'2000 General Chair)
University of Paisley, Computing & Information Systems
High Street, Pasiley PA1 2DE, Scotland / U.K.
Email: fyfe0ci@paisley.ac.uk
Fax: +44-141-848-3542
ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
5101C - 50 Street
Wetaskiwin AB, T9A 1K1 / Canada
Phone: +1-780-352-1912
Fax: +1-780-352-1913
Email Operating Division: operating@icsc.ab.ca
Email Planning Division: planning@icsc.ab.ca
Contributed by: Reza Katebi, r.Katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk
Control Applications in Marine Systems
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
18-20th July 2001
Marine Control Systems: Ship Control, Autopilot Systems, Dynamic Positioning
Systems, Tracking Systems, Roll Stabilization, High Speed Crafts, Underwater
Vehicles, Robotic Off-shore Systems, Electric Ships,
Ship Maneuvering Model: Modeling, Identification, Control
Navigation Systems: Positioning Systems Using Satellite, Collision Avoidance
Systems, Intelligent Navigational Aids, Integrated Navigation Systems.
Traffic Guidance and Control Systems: Guidance and Control Systems, Traffic
Flow, Weather Routing, Communication Systems
Engine and Machinery Control Systems: Design, Control Systems, Marine Engine
and Machinery
Safety and Fault Tolerant Control: Faults Detection, Risk Control Systems,
System Integration, Machinery Surveillance, Condition Monitoring and Quality
Control Systems: Supervision and Condition Monitoring Systems, Hull and
Cargo, Performance and Maintenance of Hull and Machinery.
Training and Vehicle Simulation: Ship Handling, Man-Machine Interface, and
MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION: Authors of accepted papers will be required to
prepare a manuscript in camera ready form (IFAC document style) for
inclusion in the Conference Proceeding and CD. Details for manuscript
preparation will be sent to authors by 15 January 2001.
The Workshop will be held at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,
Submission of Draft Papers: 27 October 2000
Decision Deadline: 2 February 2001
Full Paper, Early Registration: 16 May 2001
Workshops / Invited Sessions: 15 March 2001
CAMS2001 Secretary:
Mrs. Sheena Dinwoodie
Industrial Control Centre, Department of Electronic and Electrical
Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G1 1QE, U.K.
Tel +44 (0) 141 548 4297
Fax +44 (0) 141 548 4203
Email: sheena@icu.strath.ac.uk
Copyright Conditions
The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting must be original.
Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form.
Further Information is available on the Web page:
Contributed by: "ICSC Canada"
ICSC/NAISO call for papers and conference calendar (2000 and 2001)
You receive this newsletter if you participated in previous ICSC/NAISO
conferences or if your address has been forwarded to us by colleagues,
who thought you would be interested. Please advise us if your address
should be removed.
You are welcome to convey the newsletter to someone who could be personally
interested. Thank you! We trust that you will find the information valuable.
For further reference you may refer to the ICSC/NAISO home page at
Upcoming events:
University of Wollongong, Australia - December 12-15, 2000
(submission deadline passed, except for special events, such
as workshops and invited/special sessions)
ISA'2000 consists of:
1.3 Symposium on INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS (IS'2000)
(MAMA'2000 has extended deadlines)
American University in Dubai, U.A.E. - March 17-21, 2001
ISI'2001 consists of:
2.1 Symposium on CLINICAL TRIALS (CT'2001)
2.2 Symposium on E-BUSINESS AND BEYOND (EBB'2001)
University of Bangor, Wales, U.K. - June 19-22, 2001
CIMA'2001 consists of:
3.5 Workshop on GRANULAR COMPUTING (GrC'2001)
4. ICSC Congress on SOFT COMPUTING (SOCO'2001) and
University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K. - June 26-29, 2001
Rochester Institute of Technology, N.Y., USA - September 24-27, 2001
WMC'2001 consists of:
5.1 Symposium on MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS (ISMS'2001)
For information on further events, publications, further details and updated
events please follow the above links or visit our homepage at:
If the quality of this transmission is not satisfactory, please let us know.
We shall send you a text attachment instead.
ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
NAISO Natural & Artificial Intelligence Systems Organization
5101C - 50 Street - Wetaskiwin, AB T9A 1K1 - Canada
Contributed by: ...
You can find the poster of the ITS conference at
http://www.info.uqam.ca/its2000/ITSPoster.jpeg. You can distribute around
you if you wish.
The program is now on the Web site at http://www.info.uqam.ca/its2000/.
For those who intend to attend the conference, please proceed to the
reservations with the hotels as we are normally releasing the blocks of
rooms. Information is also indicated on the Web.
See you soon
Contributed by: Francisco J. Montoya
(NCN web site: http://www.supelec.fr/lss/NCN/)
(Ped. School web site: http://www.um.es/iindus/NCN)
Murcia (Spain)
Organized by:
Alfonso Banos, Francisco J. Montoya, and Miguel Moreno
(Universidad de Murcia)
This School is the second in series of Pedagogical Schools in the
framework of the European TMR project "Breakthrough in the control of
nonlinear systems (Nonlinear Control Network)". The School consists of
four courses that present the state of the art on different topics.
These topics have been chosen to give a broad range of techniques for
the analysis and synthesis of nonlinear control systems, and will bring
together leader experts in their respective fields.
The School has a pedagogical character, and is specially directed to
young postgraduates in most areas of engineering and applied sciences
like mathematics and physics. It will be also of interest for
researchers and practitioners with interest in having a solid
introduction to the areas defined in the School.
Michel Fliess (ENS de Cachan, France)
Jean Levine (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
Pierre Rouchon (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
Joachim Rudolph (TU Dresden, Germany)
Isaac Horowitz (Univ. of California at Davis, USA)
Alfonso Banos (Univ. of Murcia, Spain)
Rene K. Boel (Univ. of Ghent, Belgium)
Oded Maler (VERIMAG-IMAG, Grenoble, France)
Arjan J. van der Schaft (Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands)
Francisco J. Montoya (Univ. of Murcia, Spain)
Arjan J. van der Schaft (Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands)
Romeo Ortega (SUPELEC, CNRS, France)
Pierre Rouchon (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
Georges BASTIN (CESAME, Belgium)
Stefano Stramigioli (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
Updated and extended information about these courses and registration
may be found at the School web site (http://www.um.es/iindus/NCN), which
will periodically be updated.
For further information/questions/etc. on this event, please, do not
hesitate to contact the organization on the e-mail address
Contributed by: Rahmani Ahmed
The preliminary program, registration form and other informations for the
2nd International School on Automatic Control of Lille
on "Bond-Graph methodology"
August 28-Septembre 1rst, 2000
Villeneuve d'Ascq, FRANCE
are now available at the web site http://www.ec-lille.fr/lisac
The bond graph method invented by H. PAYNTER in 1961 is based on network
representation, which was a unified language for many physical systems.
Modelling a physical system by bond graph does not necessitate the writing
of conservation laws. It is based essentially on a characterisation of the
phenomena of power transfer in the system.
A bond graph model is somewhere between the physical system and the
classical mathematical models (transfer matrices, linear or non-linear state
equations). This model may be seen as a detailed knowledge
The school will allows its participants:
- To get used with the basis of bond graphs (modelling, causality)
To apply the bond graph method and its tools in several engineering
domains (automatic control, mechanics, pneumatics, electric engineering,
thermodynamics, chemistry,...);
To discover "state the art" industrial applications ( mechatronics,
To see how to use bond graphs as tools for analysis and control of
dynamical systems.
The school will be held at the "Ecole Centrale de Lille" in Villeneuve
d'Ascq which is located
in the north of France at 200Km from Paris (1 hour by TGV Train) and 15 Km
from Belgium.
For details see the web site http://www.ec-lille.fr/lisac.
International School in Automatic control of Lille
LAIL UPRESA CNRS 8021 - Ecole Centrale de Lille, Cit Scientifique, BP48,
59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq, Cedex, France
Phone: (33) 3 20 33 54 35 - Fax: (33) 3 20 33 54 18
Email: lisac@ec-lille.fr
Contributed by: Kostas Papanikolaou
2001 WSES International Conference on:
Neural Networks and Applications (NNA '01)
2001 WSES International Conference on:
Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Systems (FSFS '01)
2001 WSES International Conference on:
Evolutionary Computations (EC '01)
The WORLDSES Conferences: NNA'01 (Neural Networks and Applications),
FSFS'01 (Fuzzy Sets Fuzzy Logic), EC'01 (Evolutionary Computation) will
take place at the Hotel TENERIFE PLAYA (main hotel for the conferences)
as well as at the Hotel SAN FELIPE. (Puerto De La Cruz, Tenerife, Canary
Islands (Spain), February 11-15, 2001).
Contributed by: Dawn Tilbury (tilbury@umich.edu)
NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems
June 26-27, 2000
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Sponsored by NSF and the
Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems
Academicians and practitioners are invited to attend a workshop on
Logic control for manufacturing systems. The purpose of the workshop
is to bring together participants from industry and academia to
create an understanding of the gaps which exist between the theory of
discrete-event systems and control and their implementation in
industrial manufacturing systems. There is no registration fee for
the workshop; however, preregistration is required.
The workshop will begin on Monday morning at 8am and will conclude
after lunch on Tuesday. Industry representatives will give an overview
of the challenges faced in logic control and current efforts on
addressing these issues. Academic researchers will present introductions
to and research results on logic control using both Petri net and
finite state machine methods. Time will be allocated for discussion
during break-out sessions and a poster session.
More information on the workshop, including a complete schedule and
abstracts of presentations, is available at
l or contact one of the organizers: Dawn Tilbury
(tilbury@umich.edu) and Pramod Khargonekar (pramod@umich.edu).
Contributed by: Dr. Mario Garcia-Sanz (mgsanz@unavarra.es)
Public University of Navarre, Pamplona, Spain.
23 - 24 August, 2001.
Please visit the conference web site:
for complete information and on-line registration.
Scope and Topics
This symposium will be the fifth in series of specialist conferences on
quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and robust frequency domain design
methods. Its purpose is to bring together practitioners and researchers in
the field and to promote the development of these methods and their
practical application. Topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Quantitative Feedback Theory, Robust Control, Frequency-based Methods,
Robust Stability and Performance, Uncertain Dynamic Systems,
Identification for Robust Control, Fault Detection in Uncertain Systems.
Papers on industrial applications of these techniques will be particularly
Tutorials, applications, and theoretical papers will be presented in the
field of robust frequency domain design with the following deadlines:
Submission of Papers: 1 February, 2001.
Notification of Acceptance: 15 March, 2001.
Receipt of Camera ready copies: 15 April, 2001.
Advanced registration: 15 July, 2001.
Symposium: 23 - 24 August, 2001.
5th International Symposium on Quantitative Feedback
Theory and Robust Frequency Domain Methods
Automatic Control and Computer Science Department.
Public University of Navarra.
31006 Pamplona, Spain.
Fax: + 34 948 168924
Email: qft.secretariat@unavarra.es
Contributed by: Frank Lewis, University of Texas at
Arlington, flewis@controls.uta.edu
1st IFAC Symposium on System
Structure and Control (SSSC 2001)
August 29 - 31, 2001
Czech Republic
P. Zagalak, Chairman National
Organizing Committee
Czech Academy of Science
The aim of SSSC 2001 is to bring together
experts working on the system structure and
control of linear, nonlinear, time-varying,
multidimensional, implicit, and hybrid systems
to discuss new trends, exchange new ideas,
establish fruitful contacts, and promote
interactions between their fields of interest.
System Structure is understood as a collection
of system quantities (geometric, algebraic, or
hybrid, e.g. system invariants) describing the
system essential parts and features that assist
and limit the designer in achieving the desired
performance. Topics include linear and
nonlinear control, adaptive control, stability,
linear and nonlinear control strategies, systems
over rings, numerical methods and algorithms
The Symposium will consist of satellite
workshops, invited sessions, contributed
sessions, poster sessions, plenary talks, and
panel discussions. Especially junior people are
encouraged to attend the symposium and
participate in discussions.
Prague is often called "The Golden City". It is
one of Europe's old, unique, and romantic towns
offering to visitors an unforgettable experience
of various lifestyles as well as architectures
from the Romanesque up to present times. Prague
is a living museum of European history with
castles, cathedrals, and the famous bridges of
the Vltava River. Thanks to its location in the
true heart of Europe, Prague has been always an
important crossroads of trade and culture for
centuries. Prague has a wide variety of
excellent restaurants, clubs, and theaters of
the performing arts.
More information about SSSC 2001 can be found on
the WWW at www.sssc01.cz
The Workshop on Max-plus Algebras forms a part
of the 1st Symposium on System Structure and
Control. It consists of plenary talks and
invited and contributed sessions oriented to Max-
plus Algebras, Discrete-event and Hybrid Systems
, Automata and Formal Languages, Optimization
and Optimal Control and their applications to
automatic control, communication and
transportation networks, manufacturing, and
computer science.
Submission of papers and invited sessions
31 OCTOBER, 2000
Notification of acceptance
31 JANUARY, 2001
Receipt of papers in camera-ready form
31 MARCH, 2001
5 copies of full draft papers should be sent to
the IPC Chairman
Professor F. L. Lewis
Automation and Robotics Research
The University of Texas at Arlington
7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S, Ft. Worth,
Texas 76118-7115
Papers submitted to the Workshop on Max-plus
Algebras should be directly sent to the Workshop
Program Committee Chairman
Dr. J. J. Loiseau
IRCyN de Nantes
1 rue de la Noe, 44321 Nantes Cedex
03, France
Details are avalaible on the web at www.sssc01.cz
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