E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 140, April 1, 2000.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 140,  April 1, 2000

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Call for nominations IEEE CSS outstanding paper awards
        3.2  NSF Initiative on  Combined Research-Curriculum Development
        3.3  New WEB database RUSYCON

4.      Positions
        4.1  Post-Doctoral positions in control systems, St. Louis
        4.2  Fac. positions at Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
        4.3  Post-doc positions at the Naval Postgraduate School
        4.4  Post-doc position in robust control, Supelec, France
        4.5  Faculty position at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
        4.6  Position in the area of analysis and control, ETHZ
        4.7  Position in the area of sensor processing, KU Leuven
        4.8  Readership in Applied Mathematics, University of Exeter
        4.9  Faculty position in Aerospace Dynamics and Control, Virginia Tech
        4.10 Job openigs Xerox Corporation, Webster, NY
        4.11 Positions EE Department of CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico
        4.12 Post-doc position on optimal batch process control, Newcastle

5.      Books
        5.1  "Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems"
        5.2  "Robust and H-infinity Control"

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC International Journal of Control, 73:5
        6.2  TOC Automatica, 36:6
        6.3  TOC Control Engineering Practice, 8:3
        6.4  TOC LAA, 307, 1-3
        6.5  Submissions Asian Journal of Control
        6.6  TOC European Journal of Control, 6:2

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP APCCM'2000
        7.2  CFP ISI'2001
        7.3  CFP 2000 Grenoble Automatic Control Summer School
        7.4  CFP FUSION 2000
        7.5  CFP SSSC 2001
        7.6  CFP Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing
        7.7  CFP ISA'2000
        7.8  CFP Workshop VSS'2000
        7.9  CFP IIZUKA 2000
        7.10 Cybernetics andInformatics Eurodays: Young Generation Viewpoint
        7.11 CFP Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control and Computing
        7.12 NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems
        7.13 CFP ICSPC 2000
        7.14 CFP CCA-2001 and ISIC-2001

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 140 !!!


We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear May 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Sung Kyung Hong 


As of March 1st, I have accepted a faculty position at the School of Mechanical
& Aerospace Engineering of the Sejong University, Seoul, Korea.

My new coordinates are

            Sung Kyung Hong
            School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
            Sejong University
            98 Kunja-Dong, Kwangjin-Ku
            Seoul, 143-747, Korea

            Tel: 82-2-3408-3772
            FAX: 82-2-3408-3333

            E-mail : skhong@sejong.ac.kr

Contributed by: Subhrakanti Dey

Dr. Subhrakanti Dey has recently moved to take up a faculty position with
the University of Melbourne, Australia. His new coordinates are:

Dr. Subhrakanti Dey
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
University of Melbourne
Parkville Vic 3052

Ph: +61 3 8344 6299
Fax: +61 3 8344 6678
e-mail: s.dey@ee.mu.oz.au
Web:  http://www.ee.mu.oz.au/staff/sdey/

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: by Mark W. Spong, VP-Publication Activities, IEEE CSS

Call For Nominations:  IEEE CSS Outstanding Paper Awards

Nominations are solicited for the Outstanding Paper Awards for
the three IEEE Control Systems Society publications, the
Transactions on Automatic Control, Transactions on Control Systems
Technology and Control Systems Magazine.  Any reader who wishes to
nominate a paper is urged to do so.  No nomination form is required.
A letter or e-mail message identifying the paper by title, author, and
issue of publication, and a description of the significance of the
contribution of the paper, should be submitted to the appropriate
Editor-in-Chief or Editor, who will forward the nomination to the
Chairman of the Award Committee.  Please send nominations before
May 15, 2000. A description of the three awards follows.


The George S. Axelby Outstanding paper Award for papers appearing
in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control in the years 1998 and

The George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award is given each year by the
IEEE Control Systems Society to the authors of outstanding papers
published in the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control during the two
calendar years preceding the year of the Award. The Award is named for
George S. Axelby, founding editor of the IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control. The award consists of a certificate and plaque. No more than
three papers can be selected each year.

The Axelby Award Committee makes use of selected reviews and panel
evaluations to evaluate and rank the papers that are nominated. Papers
are judged on their originality, their potential impact on the foundations
of control, their importance and practical significance in applications,
and on their clarity.

Nominating letters should be sent to:

Professor Christos G. Cassandras, Editor-in-Chief
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
Department of Manufacturing Engineering
Boston University
15 St. Mary's St.
Boston, MA 02215


The IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper
Award for papers appearing the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Technology in the years 1997-1999.

The IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award
is an annual award by the IEEE Control Systems Society to be presented to
the author(s) of an outstanding paper published in the IEEE Transactions
on Control Systems Technology during the three calendar years preceding
the year of the Award (starting next year, papers from the preceding two
years will be eligible). The Award consists of a certificate and plaque.
No more than one paper can be selected  each year.

The Award Committee makes use of selected reviews and panel evaluations
to evaluate and rank the papers that are nominated. Papers are judged on
their originality, relevance of application, clarity of exposition, and
demonstrated impact on control systems technology.

Nominations should be sent to:

Professor Marc Bodson, Editor
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
50 S Central Campus Dr Rm 3280
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-9206 /USA


The IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award for papers
appearing in the IEEE Control Systems Magazine in the years 1997-1999.

The IEEE Control Systems Magazine Outstanding Paper Award is an annual
award by the IEEE Control Systems Society to be presented to the author(s)
of an outstanding paper or column published in the IEEE Control Systems
Magazine during the three calendar years preceding the year of the Award
(starting next year, papers from the preceding two years will be eligible. )
The Award consists of a certificate and plaque. No more than one paper
can be selected each year.

The Award Committee makes use of selected reviews and panel evaluations to
evaluate and rank the papers that are nominated. Papers are judged on their
impact on, and benefit to, members of the IEEE Control Systems Society.

Nominations should be sent to:

Dr. Tariq Samad, Editor
IEEE Control Systems Magazine
Honeywell Technology Center Mn65-2700
3660 Technology Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55418

Contributed by:  Kishan Baheti

NSF Initiative on  Combined Research-Curriculum Development (CRCD)

The Combined Research-Curriculum Development(CRCD) Program, a joint
initiative of the Directorate for Engineering (ENG) and the Directorate for
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), supports
multidisciplinary projects that integrate new, state-of-the-art research
advances in emerging technology areas into upper level undergraduate and
introductory graduate engineering and computer and information science
curricula. Projects address a need for innovative curricula, courses,
textbooks, instructional modules and instructional laboratories by
integrating the research and education interests of faculty through
involvement in curriculum change. The CRCD program seeks to closely engage
faculty researchers, with support of academic administration and industry,
in curriculum innovation in the context that education and research are of
equal value and complementary parts of an integrative engineering and
science education enterprise.

Contributed by: Alexander Fradkov: fradkov@mail.ru

   New WEB database RUSYCON - Russian Systems and Control Archive
   has been launched in  January, 2000. It is now available at

   RUSYCON is designed in order to facilitate and enhance
   cooperation between experts in the field of systems and
   control in Russia and worldwide. One may find there unique
   information about Russian specialists, groups, universities,
   organizations, conferences, journals, books - everything
   related to systems and control. Information is presented
   both in English and in Russian.

   Also more than 1000 references to useful sources in Russia
   and worldwide are collected, including links to general
   databases in control, online experiments, educational sites,
   sites on nonlinear dynamics, complexity and chaos, etc.

   Finally, an electronic journal is incorporated into RUSYCON.

   Rusycon is updated regularly.
   Every comments and/or suggestions as well as additional
   information and links for inclusion into RUSYCON are welcome.
   Please send them to  rusycon@ccs.ipme.ru

   Alexander Fradkov,
   Lab "Control of Complex Systems",
   Institute for Problems of Mechnanical Engineering (IPME)
   of Russian Academy of Sciences,
   61, Bolshoy av.V.O., 199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Hiro Mukai (mukai@zach.wustl.edu)

       Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Control Systems

         Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
                  Washington University
                 St. Louis, MO 63130 USA

The Department of Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington
University has post-doctoral research positions available.
Candidates with advanced knowledge in control systems theory are
sought. The term of appointment will be from March 1, 2000 till
Feb. 28, 2001.

Your computational experience in the following fields is important:
Kalman filtering, optimal control, dynamic programming, LQG,
differential game-theoretic approach to control, receding-horizon
optimal control, control of a hybrid system, control of a discrete-
continous system and differential-geometric nonlinear control.

Our applications include military enterprise control, military air
operations, flight control, and operations analysis.

If interested, immediately send your CV by e-mail to

     Prof. Hiro Mukai
     Tel: 314-935-6064 or +1-314-935-6064
     Email: mukai@zach.wustl.edu

In your cover letter, please tell us how fluent you are in
English and why you are fluent in English. Furthermore tell us
your computational experience. For example, what languages have
you used? C? Matlab? How familiar are you with Unix and Windows NT
computers? What was the largest program you have created?
How many lines of codes have you written for this program?
For what purpose have you computed?
Also tell us when you will be available.

Contributed by: Okyay Kaynak


The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Bogazici
(Bosphorus) University invites applications for visiting and tenure
track faculty positions effective as early as the Fall, 2000.
Appointments to be made are at Assistant Professor level, however
appointments at Associate or Full Professor level may also be
considered for suitably qualified candidates. The primary
qualifications required for these positions, in addition to an earned
doctorate, are demonstrated ability to perform top quality research, a
commitment to excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and
graduate levels, and the potential to acquire support for research.
Although our immediate needs are in the areas of communications and
electronics, applications in all areas of EEE will be considered.

Bogazici University is one of the most prestigious universities in
Turkey.  It is the direct heir to Robert College, which dates back to
1863. The student enrollment is over 10,000 with a strong graduate
component. The medium of instruction in the campus is English.

Applicants should send a detailed resume, a summary of research and
teaching interests and a list of at least three references to:

Prof. Okyay Kaynak, Chair, Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, Bogazici University, Bebek, 80815 Istanbul, Turkey.
Applications by e-mail (to kaynak@boun.edu.tr) will also be

Contributed by: Isaac Kaminer, Department of Aeronautics and
                Astronautics, Naval Postgraduate School

Post-doc positions and Summer positions at the Department of Aeronautics
and Astronautics at the Naval Postgraduate School

The Department is currently involved in the development of a guidance,
navigation and control (GNC) system for an autonomous parachute. The
successful candidate will be involved in the development and flight
testing of the GNC system for the unmanned vehicles and parachutes. He
or she must have strong background in robust and nonlinear control as
well as a working knowledge of  MATLAB, C,C++ and hopefully Matrix-x.
PhD in Aero or EE required.  Summer positions are open to students
studying for Master's and PhD in Control

Please send applications electronically to kaminer@nps.navy.mil

Contributed by: G. Duc

Post Doctoral Research position in Robust Control
Ecole Superieure d'Electricite (Supelec)
Automatic Control Department

Robust Autopilot for a non stationnary space launcher via LMI optimization.

This work is part of a triannual program which associates 'Supelec', the
'CNES' (French space agency) and 'Aerospatiale Matra Lanceurs' about robust
control applied to a space launcher (ARIANE 5 type). Non-stationnary
autopilots have to be designed using LMI techniques.
The work consists in developping procedures to design LPV control laws and
analyse robustness properties for 1 axis of the launcher. The controllers
have to be scheduled by 2 main aerodynamic coefficients, and to be robust
against uncertainties on these coefficients and on the bending modes.
The post doctoral fellowship is awarded by the CNES (French Space Agency)
for one year and the monthly gross amount is 12.700 FF.
Expected applicant:
* PhD in automatic control with experience in robust control techniques
(H-infinity, LMI...) or related engineering sciences.
* European Union nationality
* French speaking if possible

For further inquiries and application, please contact
Pr. G. Duc
3 rue Joliot Curie
Plateau de Moulon
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex
Tel:   +33 (0)1 69 85 13 88
Fax:   +33 (0)1 69 85 13 89
email: gilles.duc@supelec.fr

Contributed by:  John T. Wen (wen@cat.rpi.edu)

FACULTY POSITION  at  Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering Department invites
applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position.  We are
seeking an outstanding individual whose research and teaching
interests are at the intersection of control systems engineering,
robotics and automation, and computer algorithms and architecture.
The successful candidate will have the opportunity to collaborate with
existing departmental and university-wide strengths in this area,
including the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in
Automation Technologies.

The ECSE Department offers programs in Electrical Engineering and
Computer & Systems Engineering.  Our major strengths are in control
and automation, microelectronics design and technology, digital signal
and image processing, computer communication networks, and
electromagnetics. We are seeking faculty who bring innovative
approaches to research and who can effectively contribute to a
campus-wide initiative in Interactive Learning.  New faculty will
receive special career start-up arrangements including summer support,
equipment, graduate student support and reduced loads to encourage the
development of successful research and teaching programs.

A doctorate in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering or related field is required.  Letters of application and
resumes (including a list of references) should be directed to:

Dr. Joe H. Chow, Acting Chair
Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY  12180-3590
Email: chowj@rpi.edu

Rensselaer is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and
specifically encourages applications from women and underrepresented
minority groups.  Further information is also available at:

Contributed by: Manfred Morari 

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ) invites
applications for the position of a

Professor / Assistant Professor in the area of
Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems

The research focus is open but areas like hybrid/embedded systems or
the modelling and control of complex systems like communication
networks, transportation systems, biomedical systems or fluid flows
are preferred. Theoretically founded contributions on practically
relevant problems are appreciated.

Candidates should have a strong background in fundamentals and should
have established an internationally recognized research record. The
rank (full/associate/ assistant professor with tenure track) will
depend on the candidate's qualifications. For additional information
see http://www.control.ethz.ch/news/openpos/openpos.msql

Applications should include a detailed resume and a list of
publications and are to be submitted to the President of ETH Zurich,
Prof. Dr. O. Kuebler, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, not later than May
15, 2000. The ETHZ specifically encourages female candidates to apply
with a view towards increasing the proportion of female professors.

Contributed by: Herman Bruyninckx 

Place: K.U.Leuven, Dept. Mechanical Engineering, Leuven, Belgium,

Topic: advanced sensor processing and active sensing in robotics.

Our group investigates optimal sensor processing techniques for model-based
parameter estimation in robotics problems: advanced identification of
dynamic parameters for serial robot arm inertias and friction;
identification of the environment geometry in sensor-controlled robot task
(force, distance and real-time stereo vision); development of motion
trajectories that optimally excite the information contents of the sensor
signals depending on the desired task.
The candidates are expected to find their own niche in this group, keeping
strong links with current research topics of the other members in the
group. Candidates will be responsible for some didactical tasks too.

Language: English and/or Dutch.

Period: determined by mutual agreement.

Ideal background would include good programming skills and knowledge of:
     (Bayesian) probability: Maximum Likelihood estimation, Kalman Filter,
         EM algorithm.
     System and control theory.
     Robot kinematics and dynamics.

More information: 

Contributed by: Stuart Townley

Readership in Applied Mathematics

Applications are invited for the above post available
from 1st September 2000.

The School of Mathematical Sciences attaches great importance
to research, and the person appointed will be expected to have
international excellence in research and to make a substantial
contribution to the research activity of the School. Candidates
in any field of applied mathematics are invited to apply, but
preference may be given to individuals with research interests
related to those of members of the Applied Division. These are:
Fluid Dynamics, including Magnetohydrodynamics and Geophysical
Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Systems, Control Theory, Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems.

Salary will be at point 20 on the Senior Lecturer/Reader scale,
(currently 31,563 pounds per annum).

Further particulars available from the Personnel Division,
University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QJ or by telephoning
(01392) 263100 (Ansaphone). Closing date: 25th April 2000.

Contributed by: Chris Hall 

Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, VA 24061

The Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering requests applications for
a tenure track position in dynamics and control from applicants with a Ph.D.
and a superior academic and/or professional record.  Applicants must have a
demonstrated ability to develop a graduate program in topics related to
dynamics and control, including the control of aircraft, spacecraft, and
ocean vehicles, autonomous control, and control of distributed systems, and
to secure external support.  It is anticipated that the position will be
filled at the assistant or associate professor level commensurate with
experience and accomplishments.  Responsibilities will include teaching at
both the undergraduate and graduate levels, directing MS and Ph.D. theses
and developing a research program. Review of applications will begin on
June 15, 2000, and will continue until the position is filled.  Interested
persons should send a letter of application including personal data,
education, publications, research and professional experience along with
the names and addresses of three references to:
Prof. Bernard Grossman, Department Head,
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering
Virginia Tech Mail Stop 0203
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Virginia Tech has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity and, in
that spirit, seeks a broad spectrum of candidates including women,
minorities, and people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities
desiring accommodations in the application process should notify Wanda Foushee,
Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Department, 540-231-9057, Virginia
Telecommunications Relay Service number 1-800-828-1120

Contributed by: Meera Sampath (msampath@crt.xerox.com)

Job Openings

Xerox Corporation
The Joseph C. Wilson Center for Research and Technology
Webster, N.Y.

1. Systems Architecture and Engineering:

We are currently seeking candidates for Systems Architecture & Engineering
openings in mechatronic printing system technology development and system
design for new product platforms.  The selected candidate will work as part
of a team defining the next generation of advanced printing systems.
Essential functions will include: maintaining system balance and vision,
understanding system impacts of market requirements, system requirements
allocation, ensuring the maintenance and evolution of system interfaces in a
global context, systems design for scalability and modularity and supporting
platform and division level architecture and development activities.
Specific areas of focus may include:
*       The application, development and popularization of system level
methodologies for identifying system requirements and allocating system
performance to sub-system elements and architecture definition.
*       Development of analysis methodologies for system performance
estimation based on known and projected subsystem inputs and outputs. The
development of advanced system simulations for the design and systems
optimization of complex electro-mechanical systems.
*       The development of distributed mechatronic systems architectures
with local embedded intelligence for self-monitoring and control.
*       The integration of advanced high resolution opto-electronic imaging
devices such as scanning lasers and LED bars into mechatronic printing
systems.  Partnering with image processing specialists to develop integrated
imaging strategies.
Our group develops advanced system architectures for Xerox' complete line of
digital, networked products.  This requires a diverse, multi-disciplinary
collection of highly talented and motivated individuals with backgrounds
drawn from many fields of engineering, physics,  and computer science.  In
addition, to traditional technical skills in these fields a background or
interest in systems design and exposure to methodologies such as quality
function deployment, robust design, system simulation and optimization would
be helpful.  Demonstrated teamwork and leadership skills in a complex and
fluid environment are a plus.  Preferred candidates will  have an M.S.,
Ph.D. or equivalent experience in an engineering discipline, computer
science or physics.  These positions offer exciting challenges, wide variety
and the potential to have significant impact.  Women and minority candidates
are particularly encouraged to apply. The positions are expected to be
filled fairly soon. To apply, send resume (email submission preferred) and
any additional information to:

        Donna Scheible          dscheible@crt.xerox.com
        ref:  MSL-101 System Arch. & Engr.
        Xerox Corporation
        MS:  0147-17A
        800 Phillips Rd.
        Webster, NY 14850

2. Software Engineer

We are currently seeking candidates with proven expertise and creativity to
develop, coordinate and implement software architectures and software
algorithms aimed at enabling and supporting the control of complex hardware
systems.  Of particular interest are candidates with software engineering
skills in distributed real time systems; however, highly skilled candidates
of diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The selected candidate will
work as part of a team defining and implementing a network-based device data
access architecture and distributed real time software for the control of
the next generation of advanced printing systems.  The development
environment is one where rapid software prototyping of architectural
components is a key attribute.

Essential functions will include: developing and managing requirements,
selecting and applying relevant industry standard technical solutions,
defining extensions to industry standards where appropriate, designing and
implementing software components, documenting architecture and design
concepts, designing for scalability and modularity and supporting platform
and corporate-level architecture and development activities.

Our group develops advanced systems for Xerox' complete line of digital,
networked products and is diverse, multi-disciplinary collection of highly
talented and motivated individuals with backgrounds drawn from many fields
of engineering & computer science. Demonstrated teamwork and leadership
skills in a complex and fluid environment are a plus. Openings exist for
B.S, M.S. or Ph.D., or equivalent experience in a relevant engineering or
computer science discipline. Experience with SEI based KPA processes and
IEEE documentation standards is helpful.  Highly successful candidates will
have a working knowledge of distributed computing and demonstrated system
development and implementation skills using object oriented methods.
Candidates should be results oriented, with a keen interest in ensuring that
work output is incorporated into successful products.  Research and
technology or product development job experience is desirable. These
positions offer exciting challenges, wide variety and the potential to have
significant impact. Women and minority candidates are particularly
encouraged to apply. The positions are expected to be filled fairly soon. To
apply, send resume (email submission preferred) and any additional
information to:

        Donna Scheible          dscheible@crt.xerox.com
        ref:  MSL-102 System Arch. & Engr.
        Xerox Corporation
        MS:  0147-17A
        800 Phillips Rd.
        Webster, NY 14850

3. Embedded Software

Position Objective:  Architect and leverage commercial technologies in
development of coherent document systems products.  Advance the state-of-the
art in extensible embedded electrical and software system architectures.
Support the creation of an advanced product feature set which will create a
vector of differentiation for future products.  Understand and develop the
framework required to comprehend emerging product features and services to
include machine control, remote diagnostics, fault prediction and recovery
over a distributed network and others.  The overall intention is to propose,
develop and demonstrate technical options and influence organizational

Essential Functions:  Lead the development of hardware and software
architectures that are consistent with corporate coherence and goals.
Ensure instantiation of prototypes for concept demonstration.  These could
include the following: computer simulation, off-the-shelf and/or in-house
hardware interfacing and development, software development,
hardware/software integration, performance analysis and concept evaluation,
oral and written presentations.

Qualifications: The highly successful candidate will have a
cross-disciplined skill base both in Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science.  The ideal candidate will possess a grounding in the SEI Capability
Maturity Model KPA's, the ability to quickly gather information and come up
to speed in an ever-changing technology area.  Experience or interest in
electronics, embedded processors, real time control software, networking
skills and systems architecture development strongly desired.  Candidate
must comprehend a networked future full of ubiquitous web/network aware
devices.  Excellent interpersonal and communications skills are necessary
for success in the position.  Leadership experience or potential is
especially desirable.

Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. The
positions are expected to be filled fairly soon. To apply, send resume
(email submission preferred) and any additional information to:

        Bev Dippel                      bdippel@crt.xerox.com
        ref:  MSL-103 Embedded Software
        Xerox Corporation
        MS: 0147-52A
        800 Phillips Rd.
        Webster, NY 14850

4. Embedded  Controls

Job Description: Seeking individuals with proven expertise and creativity to
invent, design and develop advanced control applications for intelligent,
real-time distributed systems.  Should have strong interest and background
in embedded controls architecture, algorithm development and performance
demonstration.  Areas of interest may include distributed systems with
local, embedded intelligence for self-monitoring and control; stabilization
of complex, non-linear systems with parameter variation and noise; advanced
embedded real-time applications utilizing intelligent actuators and sensors;
system analysis and implementation of embedded communications networks; and
system integration and optimization based on electronics/firmware

Position Objective: Architect and leverage commercial technologies in
development of coherent document systems products. Advance the
state-of-the-art in extensible embedded electrical and software system
architectures. Support the creation of an advanced product feature set which
will create a vector of differentiation for future products. Understand and
develop the framework required to comprehend emerging product features and
services to include: machine control, remote diagnostics, fault prediction
and recovery; creating new features such as the marker as a network portal;
and others. The overall intention is to propose options and influence
organizational directions.

Qualifications Desired: The successful candidate should have an MS, PhD or
equivalent experience in EE, CE, CS or relevant engineering discipline.
Requires strength in Control System principles and/or developing
micro-processor- based electronics, embedded firmware applications and
inter-processor communications. The Candidate should posses the ability to
quickly gather information and come up to speed in an ever-changing
technology area. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are
necessary for success in the position.  Leadership experience or potential
is especially desirable.

Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply. The
positions are expected to be filled fairly soon. To apply, send resume
(email submission preferred) and any additional information to:

        Bev Dippel                      bdippel@crt.xerox.com
        ref:  MSL-104 Embedded Software
        Xerox Corporation
        MS: 0147-52A
        800 Phillips Rd.
        Webster, NY 14850

5. Diagnostics Systems

We are currently actively seeking out-standing and highly motivated
candidates to fill one or more positions in the  Xerox Wilson Center for
Research and Technology at Rochester, New York. Successful candidates will
participate in exciting research and development projects related to the
design, development, and delivery of novel architectures and advanced
technologies for diagnostics and service. Applicants should posses a sound
theoretical background and working knowledge of systems engineering with
specific expertise in the one or more the following areas:
*       embedded diagnostic technologies
*        model based reasoning
*       soft computing
*       statistical reasoning
*       decision making.

An M.S., Ph.D., or equivalent experience  in electrical engineering,
mechanical engineering, statitistics, computer science or related
disciplines is required.  Technical background in controls, signal
processing, and/or image processing  is highly desirable as is experience in
modeling, simulation, and design of real time data acquisition systems.
Candidates should possess the interest  to work in multi-disciplinary
environments, and should have the desire to see their ideas realized in
practice. Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to
apply. The positions are expected to be filled fairly soon. To apply, send
resume (email submission preferred) and any additional information to:

        Donna Scheible          dscheible@crt.xerox.com
        ref:  MSL-105 System Arch. & Engr.
        Xerox Corporation
        MS:  0147-17A
        800 Phillips Rd.
        Webster, NY 14850

Xerox is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer.

Contributed by: Martin Velasco-Villa (velasco@mail.cinvestav.mx)


The Electrical engineering Department of CINVESTAV-IPN at Mexico City,
invites applications for a full-time staff position at its Mechatronics
Section. Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, or
a closely related discipline. The candidate will be expected to work in
one or more of the following subjects: mechanical design, machin design,
mechanisms robotics, mechatronics, CAD and must be able to teach at the
graduate levels. It is desired a good knowledge of English. Spanish speaking
is not requested. Salary will be into the range of $2500-$3000 USA/month
(before taxes) and will depend on an initial qualification.

Please send a complete resume, including research interests, and a
list of at least three references to

Dr. Martin Velasco-Villa (e-mail: velasco@mail.cinvestav.mx)
c/o Dr. Eduardo Aranda-Bricaire (e-mail: earanda@mail.cinvestav.mx).
Departamento de Ingeniera Elctrica
Seccion de Mecatronica
Apdo. Postal 14-740
Mexico D.F. C.P. 07000
Tel: (+52) 57 47 38 00 ext 3232
fax: (+52) 57 47 38 66

There is not deadline for receipt of all application material.
Candidates will be considered as their applications arrive.
Additional information about the research center of CINVESTAV-IPN can be
found at

Contributed by: Dr. Jie Zhang (jie.zhang@newcastle.ac.uk)

Post-Doctoral Research Associate on Optimal Batch Process Control

Centre for Process Analytics and Control Technology
Department of Chemical & Process Engineering
University of Newcastle, U.K.

A post-doctoral Research Associated is required to work on an UK EPSRC
funded project "Nonlinear Optimising Control in Agile Batch Manufacturing".
The project is for three years and is planned to start on 1 July 2000 or
soon thereafter. The project aims to address the on-line nonlinear
optimising control of multi-product/fed-batch agile manufacturing processes
with particular emphasis on the control of process chemistry. Applicants
should have a PhD in a related subject. Experience in process control,
optimisation, neural networks, and model predictive control will be an

The salary is on the RA1A scale (16,286 - 24,479 pounds pa) starting at
around 18,185 pounds pa. Applicants should send a full CV and the names and
addresses of two referees to: Dr. Jie Zhang, Department of Chemical and
Process Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU,
U.K. Related research can be found at (http://www.staff.ncl.ac.uk/jie.zhang
and http://www.ncl.ac.uk/cpact). Application closing date: 31 May 2000.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ole Ravn 

                        NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems:
A Practitioner's Handbook
Magnus Norgaard, Ole Ravn, Niels K. Poulsen and Lars K. Hansen

24.50 2000 258 pages 235 x 155 cm Softcover
ISBN: 1-85233-227-1

The technology of neural networks has attracted much attention in recent
years. Their ability to learn nonlinear relationships is widely appreciated
and is utilized in many different types of applications; modelling of
dynamic systems, signal processing, and control-system design being some
of the most common. The theory of neural computing has matured considerably
over the last decade and many problems of neural-network design, training
and evaluation have been resolved. This book provides a comprehensive
introduction to the most popular class of neural network, the multilayer
perceptron, and shows how it can be used for system identification and
control. It aims to provide the reader with a sufficient theoretical
background to understand the characteristics of different methods, to be
aware of the pit-falls and to make proper decisions in all situations.
The subjects treated include:

- System identification: multilayer perceptrons; how to
conduct informative experiments; model structure selection; training
methods; model validation; pruning algorithms.
- Control: direct inverse, internal model, feedforward, optimal and
predictive control; feedback-linearization- and instantaneous linearization
based controllers.
- Case studies: prediction of sunspot activity; modelling of a
hydraulic actuator; control of a pneumatic servomechanism; water-level
control in a conical tank.

The book is very application-oriented and gives detailed and pragmatic
recommendations that guide the user through the plethora of methods suggested
in the literature. Furthermore, it attempts to introduce sound working
procedures that can lead to efficient neural network solutions. This will
make the book invaluable to the practitioner and as a textbook in courses
with a significant hands-on component.

1. Introduction
2. System Identification with Neural Networks
3. Control with Neural Networks
4. Case Studies

Contributed by: Ben M. Chen

                 NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT


Ben M. Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 117576

Communications and Control Engineering Series, Springer, London, March 2000.
xii/446 pages. ISBN 1-85233-255-7


 1 Introduction  {1}
 2 Linear System Tools  {19}
 3 Structural Mappings of Bilinear Transformations  {57}
 4 Existence Conditions of H-infinity Suboptimal Controllers  {83}
 5 Solutions to Discrete-time Riccati Equations  {95}
 6 Infima in Continuous-time H-infinity Optimization  {111}
 7 Solutions to Continuous-time H-infinity Problem  {143}
 8 Continuous-time H-infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling  {177}
 9 Robust and Perfect Tracking of Continuous-time Systems  {215}
10 Infima in Discrete-time H-infinity Optimization  {249}
11 Solutions to Discrete-time H-infinity Problem  {269}
12 Discrete-time H-infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling  {287}
13 Robust and Perfect Tracking of Discrete-time Systems  {339}
14 Design of a Hard Disk Drive Servo System  {363}
15 Design of a Piezoelectric Actuator System  {381}
16 Design of a Gyro-stabilized Mirror Targeting System  {407}
Bibliography  {429}
Index  {443}

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Taylor and Francis

Volume 73, Number 5 of:

International Journal of Control a journal from Taylor and Francis
is now available online via the Catchword service, and contains the following

 Simultaneous deadbeat-tracking control of three plants: multivariable case (pg. 361)
  Chih-Min Lin; Chun-Hua Chen; Sing-Kiong Nguang

 Design of dynamic output feedback decentralized controllers via a separation
 procedure (pg. 371)
  M. C. De Oliveira; J. C. Geromel; J. Bernussou

 Global H infinity control and almost disturbance decoupling for a class of
 interconnected non-linear systems (pg. 382)
  Shoulie Xie; Lihua Xie; Wei Lin

 Unfalsified probability estimation for a model set based on frequency domain
 data (pg. 391)
  Tong Zhou

 Robust stabilization via state feedback for descriptor systems with uncertainties
 in the derivative matrix (pg. 407)
  Chong Lin; Jian Liang Wang; Guang-Hong Yang; James Lam

 Non-linear output feedback stabilization on a bounded region of attraction
 (pg. 416)
  Hyungbo Shim; Jin Heon Seo

 Application of moving horizon estimation based fault detection to cold tandem
 steel mill (pg. 427)
  Matthew L. Tyler; Kazuya Asano; Manfred Morari

 Finite-dimensional approximation and control of non-linear parabolic PDE
 systems (pg. 439)
  James Baker; Panagiotis D. Christofides

Subscribers can view this issue at:

This journal is available in RealPage or Adobe Acrobat formats.
You can download the latest version of the RealPage browser free from:

You can read more about this journal at:

To subscribe to this journal, please email: orders@tandf.co.uk

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

June, 2000                                                Issue    36:6

Survey Papers

D. Q. Mayne, J. B. Rawlings,  Constrained model predictive control:
 et al.                       Optimality and stability

Regular Papers

J. Glaria, R. A. Rojas, M.    Regulation by tables
E. Salgado, M. Vera

D. Di Ruscio                  A weighted view on the partial least squares

Brief Papers

R. M. Palhares, P. L. D.      Robust filtering with guaranteed
Peres                         energy-to-peak performance - An LMI approach

Y-Y. Cao, J. Lam              On simultaneous H(infinity) control and strong
                               H(infinity) stabilization

C. R. Edgar, B. E.            MIMO fuzzy internal model control

F. Caccavale, P. Chiacchio,   Task-space regulation of cooperative
S. Chiaverini                 manipulators

Y. Miyasato                   A model reference adaptive controller for
                              systems with uncertain relative degrees r, r +
                               1 or r + 2 and unknown signs of
                              high-frequency gains

Bo Hu, A. N. Michel           Stability analysis of digital feedback control
                               systems with time-varying sampling periods

Y. Zhang, C. Wen, Y. C. Soh   Robust decentralized adaptive stabilization of
                               interconnected systems with guaranteed
                              transient performance

Technical Communiques

S-H. Lee, T-H. Kim, J-T. Lim  A new stability analysis of switched systems

C-F. Yung                     Reduced-order H(infinity) controller design -
                              An algebraic Riccati equation approach

Book Reviews

A. Bagchi                     C. Hey, J. M. Schumacher, B. Hanzon, K.
                              Praagman: System dynamics in economic and
                              financial models

H. Unbehauen                  P. N. Paraskevopoulos: Digital control

Contributed by: George W Irwin, Editor-in-Chief

Control Engineering Practice Vol 8 Issue 3, March 2000


pp 241-252
Systematic H-infinity weighting function selection and its
application to the real-time control of a vertical take-off aircraft

pp 253-258
A new method of generating differential GPS corrections
JL Martinez, MA Martinez, A Garcia-Cerezo

pp 259-269
Design of a torque observer for detecting abnormal load
MICHING Tsai, EC Tseng, MY Cheng

pp 271-278
Control of an alternating aerobic - anoxic activated sludge system -
part 1: development of a linearized modeling approach. JS
Anderson, H
Kim, TJ Mcavoy, OJ Hao

pp 279-289
Control of an alternating aerobic - anoxic activated sludge system -
part 2: optimization using a linearized model. H Kim, TJ Mcavoy, JS
Anderson, OJ Hao

pp 291-297
Application of the extended Kalman filter to a lysine
hydrochlorination process
E Boje, M Petrick

pp 299-310
Hybrid modelling of a sugar boiling process
P Lauret, H Boyer, JC Gatina

Special Section

pp 311-312
J Heidepriem

pp 313-318
Modeling of visual flotation froth data
H Hyotyniemi, R Ylinen

pp 319-325
An implementation of generalized predictive control in a flotation
plant M Suichies, D Leroux, C Dechert, A Trusiak

pp 327-335
Implementation and industrial experiences of advanced control and
monitoring in coal injection W Birk, A Johansson, R Johansson, A

pp 337-344
Hot strip mill tension-looper control based on decentralization nad
cordination KAZUYA Asano, KAZUHIRO Yamamoto, TAKASHI

pp 345-350
Implementation of a predictive controller for thermal treatment
C Lazar, E Poli, B Mustata

Prof. George W Irwin
Intelligent Systems and Control Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH

Voice: +44(0)28 90335439
Fax:   +44(0)28 90664265
email: g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk
web:   www.ee.qub.ac.uk

IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice (cep@ee.qub.ac.uk)

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 307
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 31-Mar-2000

pp 1-14
The positive definite completion problem relative to a subspace
CR Johnson, RL Smith

pp 15-33
The local exponent sets of primitive digraphs
MINO Zhengke

pp 35-46
Characteristic polynomials of graphs having a semifree action

pp 47-67
Some remarks on quasi-equivalence of bases in Frechet spaces
N Zobin

pp 69-75
A norm bound for projections with complex weights
EY Bobrovnikova, SA Vavasis

pp 77-87
On lattice property of group induced cone orderings
M Niezgoda

pp 89-101
Stable subnorms
M Goldberg

pp 103-117
On the ultimate behavior of the sequence of consecutive powers of a
matrix in the max-plus algebra
B De Schutter

pp 119-129
Strengthening the Gilbert-Varshamov bound
A Barg, J Simonis

pp 131-144
A matrix inequality and its statistical application
J Jiang

pp 145-150
Two-dimensional representations of the free group in two generators
over an arbitrary field
L Vaserstein

pp 151-165
Principal pivot transforms: properties and applications
M Tsatsomeros

pp 167-182
Linear matrix period in max-plus algebra
M Gavalec

pp 183-192
Free product Z_3 * Z_3 of rotations with rational entries
G Liu, LC Robertson

pp 195-195
Author index

Contributed by:  Li-Chen Fu, Editor-in-Chief
                 Hidenori Kimura, Editor-in-Chief

    The Asian Journal of Control, an ACPA (Asian Control Professor
Association) affiliated journal, is the first international journal
originating from the Asian Pacific region and being recognized by the
major body of control researchers in this region. This quarterly
journal starts last year and has been published for four issues.
Thanks to support of scholars and experts in control community,
the journal grows steadily. In the end of last year, an editorial
board meeting has been held during CDC, 1999 in Phoenix which was
chaired by Prof. Kimura.  According to our statistics, the editorial
board will respond to the authors for the first review result within
five months mostly, which indicates the high efficiency of paper
processing of this journal. In the file attached, we send you the
list of the papers published in the past four issues of Vol. 1.

     If you are interested in submitting a paper, we now accept
"electronic submission" of the manuscript so long as it is in either
postscript, pdf, or word format.  Or if you are interested in
subscribing the journal, please either contact me or visit our web
page at         http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw.

     Besides, we also warmly welcome any proposal of a special
issue. Look forward to hearing from you.

Prof. Li-Chen Fu
Tel: (+886-2) 2362-2209
Fax:(+886-2) 2365-7887
E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

Contributed by: Gabriela Stroian 


European Journal of Control Vol.6, no. 2, 2000


Dynamic Wavelet and Equivalent Models
O.M. Boaghe and S.A. Billings

Discussions on the paper by A. Benveniste.

Nonlinear Estimator Design of Automotive Alternator utilising Battery
Current and Speed Measurements
V.I. Utkin, D.-S. Chen, S. Zarei and J. Miller

Discussions on the paper by L. Hsu and S. Drakunov.

Nonlinear Missile Autopilot Design Based on Angle of Attack
H. Siguerdidjane and E. Devaud

Discussions on the paper by M. Lovera and H. Sira-Ramirez.

Multiobjective L1/H-inf Controller Design for Systems with Frequency
and Time Domain Constrains
W.H. Haddad, V. Chellaboina and R. Kumar

Discussion on the paper by B.T. Polyak.

Stability and tracking of Linear System Control in presence of
magnitude and rate constraints
F.Z. Chaoui, F. Giri and M. M'Saad

Discussion on the paper by S. Tarbouriech.

Stabilisation of Linear Discrete-Time Systems Using Singular Values
K. Reif

Discussion on the paper by G. Basile.

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Prof.H.Kashiwagi

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

APCCM'2000( 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement)

                        9-12 July, 2000
                          Guilin China



APCCM'2000 will be the 4th event in a series of biennial international
conferences on control and measurement. The conference will provide a survey
of the advances in this field, including topics such as modeling, analysis,
verification, synthesis, simulation, and the application of these methods in
the design of automation systems. The aim of the APCCM'2000 is to bring
together researchers and practitioners with backgrounds in control,
electronics or computer science and to initiate discussions on how concepts
from these different domains can be integrated to improve the existing
engineering methods for control and measurement systems.

 Technical Program:

The technical program will consist of invited lectures by distinguished
experts in control and measurement systems and reviewed papers and posters,
either as individual contributions or in special sessions.


Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of
and measurement systems.

 (I) Individual Papers and Posters:

 Authors are invited to submit an abstract about 1000 words, either a PS or
PDF file or 4 hard copies. The organizers strongly encourage electronic
submission.  The extended abstract must contain each author's affiliation
and complete address (postal, e-mail, phone, fax) and a short summary.
Please identify the corresponding author. Submissions should also indicate
the preferred form of presentation, oral or poster. Poster presentations
are encouraged in particular for reports on tool development. The conference
program will include poster sessions during which no oral sessions will
take place.

 (II) Special Sessions:

Proposals for special sessions on particular aspects of control systems are
invited. A special session should consist of 4 to 6 papers in the format
described for individual contributions and a one page abstract summarizing
the aim and content of the session, starting with a session title, name and
full address of the session organizer, a list of the included papers, and
the preferred form of presentation (oral or poster). Survey papers at the
beginning of special sessions are encouraged. They can replace two regular


 February 29, 2000  -  Submission of extended abstracts and special session
 March 31, 2000  ----  Notification of acceptance
 May 15, 2000  ------  Final papers due,

Address for all Submissions:

 Hardcopies:      Yuping Lu
                  Co-Chair APCCM'2000
                  Department of Automatic Control
                  Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
                  Nanjing 210016, China
 PS or PDF files: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn

 Conference Secretary (for all organizational inquiries):

 Shi Yong
 Department of Automatic Control
 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Nanjing 210016, China
 phone: +8625 489 2440
 fax:   +8625 449 8069
 email: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn
        or      masterac@nuaa.edu.cn

For any further details, do not hesitate to contact the secretariat or
visit our homepage:

Contributed by: "NAISO" 

Second Call for Papers
American University in Dubai, U.A.E.

     March 17-21, 2001

ISI'2001 is under the Honorary Patronage of H.H. The Crown Prince of Dubai,
Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashed AL Maktoum, Defense Minister of UAE


Robotics competitions have become popular and attract people from all walks of life
throughout the world irrespective of their ages. Robot soccer makes heavy demands
in all the key areas of robot technology, mechanics, sensors, communication, and
intelligence. The hope of course, is that by discovering how to get a robot to move
with agility, see with acuity, and think perceptively in the limited context
of a soccer game, it will be possible to use the same techniques to build robots
to carry out other more useful tasks.
For details on previous tournaments see 


All accepted and invited papers will be included in the congress proceedings,
published in print and on CD-ROM by ICSC Academic Press, Canada/Switzerland.

A selected number of ISI'2001 papers will be expanded and revised for possible
inclusion in major information science journals, such as
- Knowledge and Information Systems An Interantional Journal by Springer-Verlag
- Electronic Copmmerce Research Journal
- Systemes d'Information et Management
(list incomplete)

The organization of invited and special sessions is encouraged. Prospective
organizers are requested to send a session proposal (consisting of 4-5 invited
papers, the recommended session-chair and vice-chair, as well as a short
statement describing the title and the purpose of the session) to the respective
symposium chair or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should preferrably
start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session organizer will be
waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers register to the conference.

Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to
receive peer feedback and practical examples of applied research
are particularly welcome. Poster sessions will allow the
presentation and discussion of respective papers, which will
also be included in the conference proceedings.

Prospective authors are requested to either send a draft paper
(maximum 7 pages) or an extended abstract for review by the
International Program Committee. All submissions must be
written in English, starting with a succinct statement of the
problem, the results achieved, their significance and a
comparison with previous work.

Submissions must be received by June 30, 2000.

Submission by electronic mail (ps, pdf or word files) is strongly recommended to

or else by fax or mail (2 copies) to the following address

5101C - 50 Street
Wetaskiwin, Alberta T9A 1K1 / Canada
Fax +1-780-352-1913

June 30, 2000 Submission deadline
September 30, 2000 Notification of acceptance
November 30, 2000 Delivery of full papers
March 17-21, 2001 ISI'2001 congress


NAISO Natural & Artificial Intelligence Systems Organization
Division of ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
5101C - 50 Street, Wetaskiwin AB T9A 1K1 / Canada
Phone +1-780-352-1912
Fax     +1-780-352-1913
Email   Operating Division 
Email   Planning Division  
WWW http//www.icsc.ab.ca

Contributed by: Bernard Brogliato

2000 Grenoble Automatic Control Summer School

E.N.S. d'Ingenieurs Electriciens de Grenoble
        Domaine Universitaire
        Rue de la Houille Blanche
        38402 - Saint-Martin-d'Hres -  France


  Tel : 33 (0),
  Fax : 33 (0), E-mail :
  Web : http://ecole-ete-auto-ensieg.inpg.fr

4 - 8 September 2000

Analysis and Control of Time-Delay Systems

Many physical dynamical systems possess delays. However
they are often considered without delay for the sake of simplicity.
Time delays create instability in control systems, and it is crucial to
take them into account in the design.
Time delay systems represent a class of infinite dimensional systems,
and are used to model and analyse propagation phenomena, or people
dynamics. Roughly speaking, physical systems never respond
instantaneously to external excitations. This may be interpreted as
delays. From a mathematical point of view, such systems are described
by functional differential equations, either on abstract spaces
(infinite dimensional systems) or on rings and modules. From the point
of view of systems theory, they may be represented as 2D systems, or as
behaviors. A particular attention will be paid to applications to
concrete cases. The goal of this summer school is to present in a
coherent and pedagogical fashion the basic tools that serve for
modelling, analysis and control of time delay systems. This also
constitutes a novelty of this session. Research works on time delay
systems have started in France in 1991 in the Systems and Control
community. Since that time significant progresses have been made and
it seems to be the right time to transfer the accumulated knowledge.
This event is coupled with an international workshop that will be
organized in Ancona (Italy) the week after the summer school.

Potential attendees:
This summer school is primarily intended for PhD
students, University Academics, Research Engineers in Control, as well
as Researchers from Systems and Control and other scientific
communities using advanced control techniques (Mechanical Engineering,
Applied Mathematics, Process Engineering).


1.  Introduction - Time domain approach
2.  Frequency domain approach - LMIs
3.  Stabilization - Robustness
4.  Network applications
5.  Varying delay - Numerical aspects
6.  Tracking - Applications
7.  Introduction to ring theory
8.  Application to actuators
9.  Observers.

Contributed by: Dr. Jean Dezert

The third International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION 2000) will
be held next July 10--13, 2000 at The Cit des Sciences et de l'Industrie,
Paris, France.

The submission deadline has been extended to March 15 and we are soliciting
invited sessions with deadline on March 31.

You are cordially invited to submit your paper describing advances,
and ideas in multi-source/multi-sensor information fusion,
theory and/or application to: submit@fusion2000.ief.u-psud.fr

Further information is available at:  http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000

Any help in distributing this reminder will be most appreciated for the
benefit of our scientific community.

Best regards,

Prof. Yaakov Bar-Shalom
FUSION 2000 General Chairman of  FUSION 2000 conference
and President of International Society of Information Fusion (ISIF)

Prof. Roger Reynaud,
Program Chairman

Dr. Jean Dezert
Local Arrangements Chair

  FUSION 2000 Conference web site : http://www.onera.fr/fusion2000
  Please, support the Keo project : http://www.keo.org

Contributed by: Frank Lewis

            1st IFAC Symposium
 on System Structure and Control (SSSC 2001)


            August 29 - 31, 2001
                Czech Republic

         P. Zagalak, Czech Academy of Science
        Chairman, National Organizing Committee


The aim of SSSC 2001 is to bring together
experts working on the system structure and
control of linear, nonlinear, time-varying,
multidimensional, implicit, and hybrid systems
to discuss new trends, exchange new ideas,
establish fruitful contacts, and promote
interactions between their fields of interest.
System Structure is understood as a collection
of system quantities (geometric, algebraic, or
hybrid, e.g. system invariants) describing the
system essential parts and features that assist
and limit the designer in achieving the desired
performance.  Topics include linear and
nonlinear control, adaptive control, stability,
linear and nonlinear control strategies, systems
over rings, numerical methods and algorithms

The roots of the Symposium on System Structure
and Control go back to the IFAC Workshops first
held in Prague in 1989 and 1992 and subsequently
in Nantes in 1992 and 1998 as IFAC Conferences.
Now the status of a permanent IFAC Symposium has
been reached and the first Symposium will again
be held in Prague.

The Symposium will consist of satellite
workshops, invited sessions, contributed
sessions, poster sessions, plenary talks, and
panel discussions.  Especially junior people are
encouraged to attend the symposium and
participate in discussions.

Prague is often called "The Golden City". It is
one of Europe's old, unique, and romantic towns
offering to visitors an unforgettable experience
of various lifestyles as well as architectures
from the Romanesque up to present times. Prague
is a living museum of European history with
castles, cathedrals, and the famous bridges of
the Vltava River.  Thanks to its location in the
true heart of Europe, Prague has been always an
important crossroads of trade and culture for
centuries.  Prague has a wide variety of
excellent restaurants, clubs, and theaters of
the performing arts.

More information about SSSC 2001 can be found on
the WWW at www.sssc01.cz


The Workshop on Max-plus Algebras forms a part
of the 1st Symposium on System Structure and
Control.  It consists of plenary talks and
invited and contributed sessions oriented to Max-
plus Algebras, Discrete-event and Hybrid Systems
, Automata and Formal Languages, Optimization
and Optimal Control  and their applications to
automatic control, communication and
transportation networks, manufacturing, and
computer science.


Submission of papers and invited sessions
          31 OCTOBER, 2000
Notification of acceptance
          31 JANUARY, 2001
Receipt of papers in camera-ready form
          31 MARCH, 2001

5 copies of full draft papers should be sent to
the IPC Chairman

          Professor F. L. Lewis
          Automation and Robotics Research Institute
          The University of Texas at Arlington
          7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S
          Ft. Worth, Texas 76118-7115, USA

Papers submitted to the Workshop on Max-plus
Algebras should be directly sent to the Workshop
Program Committee Chairman

             Dr. J. J. Loiseau
             IRCyN de Nantes
             1 rue de la Noe
             44321 Nantes Cedex 03, France

Details are avalaible on the web at www.sssc01.cz

Contributed by: Laurence T. Yang 

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

Workshop on High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing with

     The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Canada, August 21-24, 2000
     in conjunction with

Scope and Interests:
Parallel and distributed scientific and engineering computing has become a
key technology which will play an important part in determining, or at least
shaping, future research and development activities in many academic and
industrial branches. This special workshop is to bring together computer
scientists, applied mathematicians and researchers to present, discuss and
exchange idea, results, work in progress and experience of research  in the
area of parallel and distributed computing for problems in science and
engineering applications.

Among the main topics (but not limited to) are:
  development of advanced parallel and distributed methods,
  parallel and distributed computing techniques and codes,
  practical experiences using various supercomputers with software such as MPI,
  PVM, and High Performance Fortran, OpenMP, etc.
  applications to numerical fluid mechanics and material sciences,
  applications to signal and image processing, dynamic systems, semiconductor
  technology, and electronic circuits and system design etc.

Submission Information:
   Authors should send one copy of paper to the workshop organizers
(lyang@stfx.ca or pan@cps.udayton.edu) via electronic mail or three
copies via postal mail . Contributions will be reviewed for relevance and
technical contents on basis of papers. Accepted papers will be published by
IEEE Computer Society Press as proceedings of the ICPP 2000 workshops.

      Further information about the conference proceedings and registration
fee can be found by web sites:


Important Deadlines:

      Paper submission Due April 1, 2000
      Notification of Acceptance May 1, 2000
      Final camera-ready paperJune 1, 2000

Workshop Organizers:

      Prof. Laurence T. Yang (chair)
      Department of Computer Science
      PO Box 5000, St. Francis Xavier University
      Antigonish, B2G 2W5, Nova Scotia, Canada
      Email: lyang@stfx.ca

      Prof. Yi Pan (Co-Chair)
      Department of Computer Science, University of Dayton
      Dayton, OH 45469-2160, USA
      Email: pan@cps.udayton.edu

Contributed by:?

Second Call for Papers International Congress on
to be held at the University of Wollongong (near Sydney), Australia
from December 12-15, 2000

Honorary Chair: Prof. Hans-Juergen Zimmermann, RWTH Aachen, Germany

General Chair: Prof. Fazel Naghdy, University of Wollongong, Australia


The ISA2000 Congress aims to provide researchers and practitioners from
academia and industry with a forum to report on the latest developments in
intelligent systems and their applications within the four major areas of
computational intelligence, interactive and collaborative computing,
industrial systems, and biologically inspired systems. The Congress will
also provide a unique opportunity for dialogue and synergy between
scientists and engineers from different backgrounds with the common interest
in intelligent systems.

ISA'2000 will include invited plenary talks, contributed
sessions, invited sessions, workshops and tutorials.
Updated details are available from the ISA'2000 website at

The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective
organizers are requested to send a session proposal (consisting
of 4-5 invited papers, the recommended session-chair and
co-chair, as well as a short statement describing the title and
the purpose of the session) to the respective symposium chair
or the congress organizer. Invited sessions should preferably
start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of the session
organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited
papers register to the conference.

Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to
receive peer feedback, and practical examples of applied research
are particularly welcome. Poster sessions will allow the
presentation and discussion of respective papers, which will
also be included in the conference proceedings.

Several workshops/tutorials are planned for ISA'2000. Each
workshop/tutorial will focus on a particular topic, and consist
of several presentations and open discussions. The proposal for
a workshop/tutorial should include the title, topics covered,
proposed speakers, targeted audiences, and estimated length
(hours) of the workshop/tutorial. The proposal should be
submitted either to the congress chair, the corresponding
symposium chair or the congress organizer by March 31, 2000.

Prospective authors are requested to either send a draft paper
(maximum 7 pages) or an extended abstract for review by the
International Program Committee. All submissions must be
written in English, starting with a succinct statement of the
problem, the results achieved, their significance and a
comparison with previous work.

Submissions must be received by March 31, 2000.

Submission by electronic mail is strongly recommended to

or else by fax or mail (2 copies) to the following address:

ICSC Canada
5101C - 50 Street
Wetaskiwin Alberta T9A 1K1 / Canada
Fax:     +1-780-352-1913

March 31, 2000: Submission deadline
May 31, 2000: Notification of acceptance
July 30, 2000: Delivery of full papers
December 12-15, 2000: ISA'2000 congress

ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
5101C - 50 Street
Wetaskiwin AB, T9A 1K1 / Canada
Phone: +1-780-352-1912
Fax:     +1-780-352-1913
Email Operating Division: operating@icsc.ab.ca
Email Planning Division:  planning@icsc.ab.ca

Contributed by: Xinghuo Yu 

      6th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
       7-9 December 2000, Coolangatta, Gold Coast, Australia

VSS'2000 is the 6th in a series of biannual international workshops on
Variable Structure Systems (VSS). Previous workshops were held in
Sarajevo Bosnia 1990, Sheffield UK 1992, Benevento Italy 1994,
Tokyo Japan 1996 and Florida USA 1998, respectively.

For the past forty years Variable Structure Systems have been studied
extensively and applied in many fields. Variable Structure Systems
theory nowadays has become one of the distinct control methodologies.
This workshop, as the last VSS Workshop of the 20th Century, will be
an important event in the history of VSS. It will not only summarise
the state of art in VSS theory and applications, but also identify
new directions perceived as being important for the 21st Century.

One of the highlights of the workshop will be the keynote speech entitled
"VSS of XX Century: Evidences of a Witness" by Professor Vadim I. Utkin.
Professor Utkin will talk about the development of basic ideas of VSS
and underline the exceptional role of sliding modes for VSS theory. He
will also deal with all aspects of VSS: mathematical methods, design
principles and implementation issues.  Assessment of the current
arsenal will be given along with discussion on the future prospective
research areas.

ABOUT THE VENUE: VSS'2000 will take place at the Greenmount Beach Resort,
at Collangatta on the beautiful Gold Coast, Australia. Greenmount Beach
Resort provides access to some of the most glorious scenery in the
Australia, with  amazing beaches and tranquil rainforests.  Whether
you're set to work, relax or be adventurous, the Gold Coast has it all,
from fishing to fashion, dining to driving and golfing to glitter.

CDC'2000, 12-15 December Sydney Australia.
ACE'2000, 17-19 December Gold Coast Australia.

TOPICS (include but are not limited to): Theories and Applications of
Variable Structure Systems; Integration of VSS with other control
methodologies such as Hinf, Adaptive Control, Robust Control, Nonlinear
Control; Intelligent Systems with Variable Structure including Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Modelling and Optimisation.

SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Full paper submissions, in English, are solicited.
Electronic submissions in pdf or postscript format are strongly
encouraged. Guidelines for submission are available on the VSS'2000
homepage given below. Manuscripts must be received by the
General Chair/Co-Chair by the submission due date: JUNE 1, 2000.
All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will be published in
the Conference Proceedings by World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.

WORKSHOP INFORMATION: Please visit VSS'2000 homepage

      http://vss2000.cqu.edu.au for latest information.

or send an email to


Submission of Full Papers: JUNE 1, 2000
Notification of Acceptance: JULY 5, 2000
Submission of Camera-Ready Papers: AUGUST 1, 2000

For further information, contact

General Chair:
Prof. Xinghuo Yu
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia
Phone:  +61  7  49309865
Fax:    +61  7  49309729
E-mail:         X.Yu@cqu.edu.au

Prof. Jian-Xin Xu
Dept of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Phone:  +65 8742566
Fax:    +65 7791103
Email:  elexujx@leonis.nus.sg

Contributed by: Secretariat of IIZUKA2000 

         6th International Conference on Soft Computing
            Iizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, October 1-4, 2000


The deadline of IIZUKA2000 is fast approaching, which is;

       Deadline of Camera-ready Paper Submission:         April 28, 2000
       Deadline of Camera-ready Abstract Submission:      April 28, 2000

We hope that you will submit many papers on your recent works.
Please deliver this information to whom he/she will be interested in
this conference.

Authors are invited to submit camera-ready paper (6-8 pages) for IIZUKA2000
proceedings (CD form).  One page camera-ready abstract is also needed for
summary books.

        Submission of camera-ready paper        April 28, 2000
        Submission of camera ready abstract     April 28, 2000
        Acceptance notification                 July 15, 2000
        Registration                            August 31, 2000

IIZUKA2000 aims to bring together researchers from academic, governmental,
and industrial institutions to discuss new developments and results in the
field of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Chaos and other Soft Computing.
This conference emphasizes the integration of these fields to promote
the research work on post-digital computers.

October 1-4, 2000

[Algorithms and Methodologies]
  A. Uncertainty and Fuzzy Logic
  B. Automatic Extraction of Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules
  C. Evolutionary Computation
  D. Stochastic/ Probabilistic Systems
  E. Hybrid Systems
  F. Learning Algorithms and Machine Learning
  G. Hardware Implementation
  A. Nonlinear Control, Adaptive and Optimal Control, Model-Predictive
  B. Information Fusion and Mining
  C. Noise Reduction and Pattern Separation
  D. System Modeling, Systems Identification, Forecasting and Prediction
  E. Pattern recognition and Clustering
  A. Aerospace
  B. Agriculture
  C. Artificial Life
  E. Behavioral Sciences
  F. Bio-engineering
  G. Medicine
  H. Trading Systems and Strategies
  I. Business and Management
  J. Civil Engineering
  K. Cognitive Sciences
  L. Computer Vision
  M. Ecology
  N. Education

For more information on the conference, please contact:
Professor Takeshi Yamakawa
Organizing Committee Chairman of IIZUKA2000
c/o Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI)
680-41 Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0067 Japan
Phone : +81-948-24-2771
FAX : +81-948-24-3002
e-mail : iizuka2000@flsi.cird.or.jp

Secretariat of IIZUKA2000
c/o Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute(FLSI)
680-41, Kawazu, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0067, Japan
E-mail: iizuka2000@flsi.cird.or.jp
TEL: +81-948-24-2771    FAX: +81-948-24-3002

Contributed by: Natalia Khailova

   Cybernetics & Informatics Eurodays: Young Generation Viewpoint

We are a Czech-Republic-based group of PhD students interested mostly
(but not exclusively) in system identification, control and signal processing.
In order to establish and promote contacts with individuals of similar age
and interests, we organize:

an informal Workshop at Marianska, a mountain village wedged between forests
in Krusne Hory in Bohemia, near the border between the Czech Republic and
Germany, within a short hike from Jachymov spa famous for the uniqueness of
a treatment based on radioactive springs.

The program of the workshop includes a convenient presentation about work
and research of participants as well as walking in the mountains ...

Full organizational info about this Workshop is on

    See you at Prague for trip to enjoyable days in Marianska.

                       Ms Marketa Valeckova
                       Ms Natalia Khailova
                      Ms Emmanuelle Legrand
                     Dept of Adaptive Systems
           Institute of Information Theory and Automation
              Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
              valecko@utia.cas.cz; tel. +420-2-66052583;
              khailova@utia.cas.cz; tel.+420-2-66052570;
                      fax +420-2-6884903;

Contributed by: R.S. Sreenivas and Douglas L. Jones (allerton@csl.uiuc.edu)

October 4 - 6, 2000

The Thirty-Eighth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and
Computing will be held from Wednesday, October 4 through Friday, October 6,
2000, at the Allerton House, the conference center of the University of
Illinois. Allerton House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the
Urbana-Champaign campus of the University, in a wooded area on the Sangamon
River. It is part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, a
complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a National natural
landmark. The Allerton Park has twenty miles of well-maintained trails and
a living gallery of formal gardens, studded with sculptures collected from
around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of
communication systems, communication and computer networks, detection and
estimation, information theory and error-correcting codes, source coding
and data compression, multiple-access communications, queueing networks,
control systems, robust and nonlinear control, adaptive control,
optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems, robotics and automation,
manufacturing systems, discrete event systems, intelligent control,
multivariable control, adaptive signal processing, numerical methods for
signals and systems, learning theory, neural networks, combinatorial and
geometric algorithms, parallel and distributed computation, computational
complexity, VLSI design algorithms, VLSI architectures for communications
and signal processing, and automated highway systems. Also solicited are
organized sessions for the Conference; prospective organizers should
discuss their plans with the Conference co-chairmen before sending a formal

This year the plenary lecture will be delivered by Professor Robert J.
McEliece of the California Institute of Technology.  It is scheduled for
Friday, October 6, and is entitled "Achieving the Shannon Limit: a Progress

Information for authors: Regular papers, suitable for presentation in
twenty minutes, as well as short papers, suitable for presentation in ten
minutes, are solicited. The purpose of the short paper category is to
encourage authors to present preliminary results of their work. Regular
papers will be published in full (subject to a maximum length of ten 8.5" x
11" pages) in the Conference Proceedings, while short papers will be
limited to two-page summaries in the Proceedings.

For regular papers, a title and a five-to-ten page extended abstract,
including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing, are
required. For short papers, a title and a three-to-five page summary are
required. Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers but cannot be
accommodated in that category will be considered in the short paper
category, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Three copies of the manuscript should be mailed to 38th Annual Allerton
Conference, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, 1308
West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801-2307, USA, in time to be received
by July 7, 2000. Submissions by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.

Submissions should specify the name, e-mail address, and postal address of
the author who is to receive all subsequent correspondence. Authors will be
notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 11, 2000, at which time they
will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation of their papers
for the Proceedings. Full camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be
due the last day of the Conference.

Conference Co-Chairmen: R.S. Sreenivas and Douglas L. Jones
Email: allerton@csl.uiuc.edu    URL:  http://www.comm.csl.uiuc.edu/allerton
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contributed by:  Dawn Tilbury        and
                 Pramod Khargonekar 

            NSF Workshop on Logic Control for Manufacturing Systems

                           June 26-27, 2000

                  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

                     Sponsored by NSF and the
   Engineering Research Center for Reconfigurable Machining Systems

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together participants from
industry and academia to create an understanding of the gaps which
exist between the theory of discrete-event systems and control and
their implementation in industrial manufacturing systems.

The workshop will begin on Monday morning at 8am and will conclude
after lunch on Tuesday. Industry representatives will give an overview
of the challenges faced in logic control and current efforts on
addressing these issues. Academic researchers will present introductions
to and research results on logic control using both Petri net and
finite state machine methods. Time will be allocated for discussion
during break-out sessions and a poster session. A proceedings will
be published after the workshop.

More information on the workshop is available at

Contributed by: Marc Moonen 

Signal Processing and Communications
SEPTEMBER 19-22, 2000
Marbella, Spain


The aim of The International Conference on Signal Processing and
Communications 2000 (ICSPC 2000) is to provide a forum for the presentation
of technological advances, research results and educational aspects by
engineers, scientists and educators working in Signal Processing and
Communication Systems. Sessions will include tutorials, as well as
presentations on new research results. Papers describing original work are
invited in any of the areas listed. The full papers will be published in the
proceedings of the conference. Acceptance will be based on quality,
relevance, and originality.


Initial selection will be based upon full papers. SPC 2000 will be one of
the first conferences to use on line paper submission. All papers will be
submitted on line via our web site
http://www.iasted.com/conferences/2000/spain/submit-320.htm Full
instructions for paper submissions will be found on the web site. All
submissions should be in postscript (.ps) and/or MS Word (.doc) formats. The
papers submitted for review should be no more than ten (10) pages in length.
Please include a complete list of references. The IASTED Secretariat should
receive your paper by May 1, 2000. All submissions must be made on line. Do
not send a hard copy of your paper. An on line copy is sufficient.
Please provide four keywords to indicate the subject areas of the paper with
at least one keyword from the list given under conference scope. Include a
statement in your cover letter confirming that if the paper is accepted, one
of the authors will attend the conference to present it. Please indicate the
corresponding author, and provide the full names, affiliations, addresses,
telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses of all authors.
Notification of acceptance will be emailed, and all other author information
will be available on our website by June 1, 2000. Registration payments and
camera-ready manuscripts are due July 1, 2000. Papers may be excluded from
the proceedings if registration fees are not received by that date. Please
send final manuscripts on line. Do not send a hard copy of the final

The IASTED Secretariat should receive proposals for half-day tutorials (3
hours) by May 1, 2000. Tutorial proposals should clearly indicate the topic,
background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, time
allocations for the major course topics, and the qualifications of the

Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal to
the IASTED Secretariat by May 1, 2000. Proposals should include a minimum of
4 paper abstracts, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and
qualifications of the session organizer(s). Special session proposals will
also be submitted on line at the following address


Submissions due
June15, 2000
Notification of acceptance
July 15, 2000
Registrations and camera-ready manuscripts due
August 15, 2000

For more information or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact:
IASTED Secretariat - ASC 2000
#80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T3B 0M6
Tel: 403-288-1195
Fax: 403-247-6851
Email: calgary@iasted.com
Web site: http://www.iasted.com

Contributed by: Fathi Ghorbel (ghorbel@rice.edu)


and the

5-7 September 2001
Presidente Inter-Continental Hotel
Campos Eliseos 218
Mexico City, Mexico



Both conferences will be held in Mexico City at the famed Presidente
Intercontinental Hotel which is in the Polanco district across from the
famous Chapultepec Park, close to lakes and gardens, renowned museums,
and historical sites. This is a prime area and provides a safe and pleasant
venue to have a conference location. The meeting will highlight the
exciting and multidisciplinary areas of control systems applications
as well as Intelligent Control. The general theme of the conference is:

Eclectic Applications and Intelligent Control In The New Millennium

The program committee solicits papers presenting original contributions
in all areas of control applications and Intelligent Control including,
but not limited to:

. Applications of adaptive and robust control  sensor based control
 nonlinear control  sliding mode control  modeling and system identification
 fuzzy logic control  expert systems  distributed systems
 manufacturing systems mechatronics  motion control  robotics
 vibration control  structure control  fault detection and fault
tolerant control
 man/machine interface  aeronautical, aerospace and space systems
 automotive systems  vehicle control  traffic and network control
 chemical and steel process control systems  biomedical systems
 data fusion  power electronics systems  computed aided design.

. Intelligent Control architectures and methods  knowledge based systems
and learning control  temporal logic for control  path planning systems
 reactive multi-agent systems  machine learning  neural networks
 fuzzy logic  genetic algorithms and evolutionary computing
 hybrid dynamical systems  pattern discovery  distributed or decentralized
control methods  discrete event systems  supervisory control
 probabilistic approaches  knowledge-based sensor fusion
 neuro-fuzzy approaches  neural-adaptive control systems
 intelligent sensors  intelligent machines.


Both conferences will run in parallel. The sessions will be held Wednesday,
5 September - Friday, 7 September, 2001 with workshops on Tuesday,
September 4. There will be only one registration fee for both  conferences
and all attendees will receive proceedings from both conferences.


 January 31, 2000: Papers, Session and Workshop Proposals Due
 March 20, 2001:    Notification of Acceptation/Rejection
 May 4, 2001:          Final Camera-Ready Papers Due


The Program Committee invites authors to submit five (5) copies of complete
manuscripts for papers by 31 January, 2000. The first page of each manuscript
must contain the title of the paper, the names and affiliations of
the authors, and
four keywords,/phrases. In addition, please identify the corresponding author
with full contact information, including fax and e-mail, if available. Your
manuscripts should be sent to one of the Technical Program Chairs:

       D. W. Repperger (for CCA Submission).

Dan Repperger
Building 33, AFRL/HECP
Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433
Email: D.Repperger@IEEE.ORG
Phone: (937)-255-8765
Fax: (937)-255-8752

       T. Parisini (for ISIC submission).

Thomas Parisini
Department of Electronic Engineering
and Information Sciences
Politecnico di Milano
P.za Leonardo da Vinci 32
20133 Milano, Italy
Phone: +39-02-23993539
Fax: +39 02 23993412
Email: parisini@elet.polimi.it


The Program Committee also solicits proposals for invited sessions in the
above areas of applications. Each proposal for an invited session should
describe the theme and scope of the proposed session and should include
extended summaries (at least four pages in length) of six papers.
In addition, the proposal should contain the name, affiliation , and complete
address of the session organizer)(s) and of the authors of all included papers.
Five (5) copies of the invited session proposals should be sent to the Chair of
Invited Sessions  Linda G. Bushnell.

Linda G. Bushnell
Army Research Office
P. O. Box 12211
RTP, NC 27709-2211
Phone: (919)-549-4319
Fax: (919)-549-4354
Email: bushnell@ieee.org


The Program Committee is also soliciting proposals for workshops related
to the theme of the conference. Persons interested in organizing a
workshop should contact the Workshop Chair: Eduardo A. Misawa

Eduardo A. Misawa
Oklahoma State University
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Eng.
218 Engineering North
Stillwater, OK 74078-5016
Phone: (405)-744-5900
Fax: (405)-744-7873
Email: misawa@master.ceat.okstate.edu

For more information, visit http://www.control.rice.edu

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *