E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 139, March 1, 2000.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 139,  March 1, 2000

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
3.1     NICONET Newsletter 4
3.2     Call for nominations Linear Algebra prize
3.3     SIAM outreach membership
3.4     NSF Engineers the Transport Industries

4.      Positions
4.1     Staff positions Computer Science of FORTH
4.2     Post-Doctoral Research Positions IMTI
4.3     5 Ph.D. positions TU Eindhoven
4.4     Ph.D Position - UK/EU Nationals Leicester University
4.5     Postdoctoral Position Hong Kong Univ.
4.6     Three Research Fellowships CSSIP
4.7     Post-Doctoral Research Positions Washington University

5.      Books
5.1     "Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness"
5.2     "Discrete-Time Dynamic Models"
5.3     "Compartmental Modeling with Networks"
5.4     "Classical Feedback Control with Matlab"
5.5     "Handbook on semidefinite programming"

6.      Journals
6.1     New editor IEEE Trans on control systems techn.
6.2     Special issue LAA
6.3     Special issue LAA
6.4     Special issue LAA
6.5     TOC LAA Vol. 306:1-3
6.6     TOC J. of Dynamical and Control systems, vol. 6:2
6.7     TOC MIC, Vol. 20:4
6.8     CFP Multidimensional systems and signal processing
6.9     TOC Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis Vol. 8
6.10    TOC Journal of Process Control
6.11    TOC Asian Journal of Control vol. 1:1-4
6.12    TOC IJC, Vol. 73:4
6.13    New IFAC Proceedings recently published
6.14    TOC Automatica, vol. 36:5
6.15    TOC CEP, Vol. 8

7.      Conferences
7.1     CFP Latin American Congress on Automatic Control
7.2     CFS WSES
7.3     CFP GCTAA-2000
7.4     CFP 10th International Conference on Computing and Information
7.5     Submission deadline IV2000
7.6     CFP APCCM'2000
7.7     CFP Workshop Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods
7.8     CFP ITS2000
7.9     CFP Sensors and controls for intelligent manufacturing
7.10    CFP 7th International Workshop PASE 2000
7.11    CFP 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement
7.12    CFP 2nd DARPA-JFACC Symposium on advances in enterprise control
7.13    CFP Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop
7.14    CFP Conf. on Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers
7.15    CFP 50th Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Conference

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 139 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear April 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: George J. Pappas 


As of March 1st, I have accepted a faculty position at the Department of
Electrical Engineering of the University of Pennsylvania.  My new coordinates

            George J. Pappas
            Department of Electrical Engineering
            University of Pennsylvania
            200 South 33rd Street
            Philadelphia, PA 19104

            Tel: 215-898-9780
            FAX: 215-573-2068

            E-mail : pappasg@seas.upenn.edu
            Web : http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~pappasg/

Contributed by: Elling W. Jacobsen, Stockholm, Sweden

   Jens G. Balchen receives the Nordic Process Control Award

The Nordic Process Control Award is awarded for lasting and significant
contributions to the field of process control. The fourth recipient of this
award is professor Jens G. Balchen from NTNU in Trondheim, Norway.

The award was presented to professor Balchen on January 14 2000 during the
9th Nordic Process Control Workshop held at the Technical University of
Denmark, Lyngby. The title of his award lecture was "Some Comments about
Model Based Control of Multivariable Processes".

The three previous recipients of this prestigious award are Howard H.
Rosenbrock (1995), Karl Johan Astrom (1997) and F. Greg Shinskey (1998).
The award, consisting of a travel grant and a diploma, is awarded by the
Nordic Working Group on Process Control. For more information on the working
group, see: www.chembio.ntnu.no/users/skoge/npc.html

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ad van den Boom

NICONET Newsletter 4, dated 31 January 2000, is now available and can be
downloaded as compressed postscript file from the World Wide Web URL:

  http://www.win.tue.nl/niconet/   and choose: Newsletters

or from the WGS ftp site:

  ftp://wgs.esat.kuleuven.ac.be (directory pub/WGS/NEWSLETTER/)
                                ( filename: issue-1-00.ps.Z)

1. Editorial
2. New developments in the SLICOT benchmark library
3. Basic numerical SLICOT tools for control
4. SLICOT tools for model reduction
5. SLICOT tools for subspace identification
6. SLICOT tools for robust control
7. SLICOT tools for nonlinear systems in robotics
8. SLICOT: a useful tool in industry?
9. Highlights of the second NICONET workshop at INRIA-Rocquencourt, France
10. NICONET information corner

NICONET is an acronym for Numerics in Control Network. NICONET promotes the
development and evaluation of numerically reliable software in control
engineering and its implementation in production technologies.

Contributed by: ?

     Deadline Approaching

                                   CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

     The SIAG/LA Prize

     The SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra will present the award at its
     Seventh SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra at North Carolina
     State University in October 2000.  The prize, the fifth to be given, is
     awarded to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper on a topic in
     applicable linear algebra published in a peer-reviewed journal.


     Candidate papers must be published in English in a peer-reviewed
     journal bearing a publication date between January 1, 1997 through
     December 31, 1999.  The papers must contain significant research
     contributions to the field of linear algebra, as commonly defined in
     the mathematical literature, with direct or potential applications.
     Nominations should include a full bibliographic citation for the paper
     and a brief statement outlining the justification for the nomination in
     terms of its importance and impact.

     Authors are discouraged from nominating their own papers.

     Description of Award

     The award consists of a plaque and a certificate containing the


     Nominations including a copy of the nominated paper should be sent by
     March 15, 2000 to:

                Professor Volker Mehrmann
                Chair, SIAG/LA Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104
                Telephone: 215-382-9800
                Fax:  215-386-7999
                E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

     Selection Committee

     The members of the selection committee for the award are Volker
     Mehrmann (TU Chemnitz), chair; Uwe Helmke (University of Wuerzburg);
     Daniel Hershkowitz (Technion Haifa); Nicholas Higham (University of
     Manchester); and Zdenek Strakos (Emory University).

Contributed by: ?

     The SIAM Board of Trustees has approved a proposal to provide an
     affordable membership option for individuals who live and work in
     developing countries (as identified by the World Bank). This new
     category of membership, called "outreach membership," was created to
     help make SIAM products and services accessible to a wider and more
     global group of applied and computational mathematicians. This is a
     great alternative for individuals in developing countries who cannot
     afford the full SIAM dues. For just $25 per year, eligible individuals
     receive a slightly reduced set of benefits.

     Outreach Members receive all print issues of SIAM News and
     electronic-only access to SIAM Review. They can join any of the SIAM
     Activity Groups at $10 per group, are entitled to 20% off list prices
     on all SIAM books, and receive member discounted registration at SIAM
     sponsored meetings. No additional journal subscriptions at membership
     rates are available as part of the Outreach Membership.

     The Outreach Membership application (secure) form can be found at

     The list of developing countries (as identified by the World Bank)
     can be found at http://www.siam.org/membership/outreachlist.htm.

     Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
     3600 University City Science Center
     Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA
     fax 215-386-7999

Contributed by:  Kishan Baheti

The Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
announces a research initiative on Engineering the Transport Industries. It
addresses a broad class of complex engineering systems in the modern service
industry, focusing on one of the most vital services in modern society,
namely transportation. The transport of people, goods, energy, and
information -- in systems as diverse as highways, railways, air transport,
shipping, gas-, fuel-, and water distribution pipelines, power distribution
grids, communication networks and the Internet -- is an increasingly
important component of an economy based on rapid response, wide geographical
coordination, and inter-linking of physical distribution networks with
information networks.
This initiative is intended to encourage the development of new engineering
principles, methods of analysis, simulation, design, experiments and field
studies of key transport systems. Proposals are encouraged to integrate the
modeling of physical distribution and transport networks with the analysis
and design of information networks that support sensing, decision-making and
real-time control. Proposals that address only the routing and flow of
information in conventional communications networks will not fully meet the
intent of this initiative.
The initiative encourages cooperative and interdisciplinary activities,
particularly the direct involvement of applications-domain experts and
industry participants, as well as the use of shared facilities, of advanced
experimental and computational facilities, and access to federally-supported
laboratories and experimental facilities.
Researchers are encouraged to visit the ENG web-site
) for information related to
this initiative.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Dimitris Tsakiris (tsakiris@ics.forth.gr)


The Institute of Computer Science of FORTH, a leading Greek
research institution in Heraklion, Crete, invites applications
for several full-time staff positions in its Computer Vision
and Robotics Group. The positions are related to R&D projects
in the areas:
1) Design and development of robotic systems, with emphasis
on sensor-based robot navigation and control.
2) Design and development of computer vision, image processing
and image/video communication systems.
3) Design and development of Internet/WWW applications.

All positions require at least an M.S.-equivalent degree
in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or a related discipline,
with exposure to relevant subjects. Also required are a very good
knowledge of English and the ability to work in a team. Previous
experience in related projects is highly desirable.

The positions are of limited duration (1 to 2 years),
with the possibility of extension. Salary will be in the range
of 1200 to 2000 ECU/month and will depend on qualifications.

Information on the research activities of the Institute
can be obtained from its WWW site (http://www.ics.forth.gr).
More information on the above positions can be obtained
from Dr. Dimitris Tsakiris (e-mail: tsakiris@ics.forth.gr).

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter specifying
the position for which they apply and a detailed resume.
Electronic submissions are acceptable and should be addressed
to the above e-mail address. Hard copy submissions should be
addressed to:
The Secretariat, Institute of Computer Science,
Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH),
Vassilika Vouton, P.O.Box 1385,
GR-71110 Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Phone: +30 81 39 16 04, Fax: +30 81 39 16 01.

Review of applications is already in progress.

Contributed by: Evgueni Bordatchev (evgueni.bordatchev@nrc.ca)

                     Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Optimal Control
                                  of High Precision Laser Machining

                   Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute (IMTI)
                           National Research Council of Canada (NRC)
                     800 Collip Circle, London, ON CANADA  N6G 4X8

The Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Institute (http://www.nrc.ca/imti)
has post-doctoral research positions available.  Candidates with advanced
knowledge in optimal control theory and laser-machining systems are sought.
Appointment duration will be two years.  Appointment starting date is

Our research includes development and implementation of optimal control
algorithms which take into account actual feed motions, laser parameters and
thermodynamic modelling.

Interested persons should contact as soon as possible
    Prof. Evgueni V. Bordatchev
    E-mail: evgueni.bordatchev@nrc.ca
    Tel: (519) 430-7107
    Fax: (519) 430-7064

Expected applicant qualification:
- PhD or equivalent degree in control systems engineering, manufacturing
  or related engineering sciences.
- A strong interest and competence in applications of physical system
  modelling, control and identification.
- A strong academic and research record.

Contributed by: Maurice Heemels 

        5 Ph.D. positions in the Measurement and Control Group
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Eindhoven University of Technology (EUT)
        The Netherlands

The Measurement and Control group invites applications for Ph.D. positions
 in the following areas. All appointments are for four years.

(1) L1-optimal control (1 Ph.D. position)

Together with the Department of Mathematics (EUT) we have a Ph.D.  position
in the area of linear systems subject to saturations and L1-optimal
control. The purpose of the research is the development of algorithms for
the synthesis of optimal or almost optimal controllers which guarantee
amplitude bounds for controlled system behaviours. Both fundamental as well
as practical aspects are subject of investigation. The project team consists
of Dr. A.A. Stoorvogel (EUT, Dept. of Mathematics) and Dr. S. Weiland (EUT,
Dept. of Elect. Eng.). The research will be in close cooperation with a
Ph.D. student who is already working in this area.

Preference will be given to candidates with a background in electrical
engineering, mathematics or related engineering sciences.

(2) Model Predictive Control (3 Ph.D. positions and/or PostDocs)

Many markets are becoming "demand-driven". Consequently, a fast and accurate
response to the needs of the customer is becoming a prerequisite.  In the
process industry Model Predictive Control (MPC) is used to guarantee the
product quality during set-point changes. However, present day controllers
have a limited bandwidth, which prevents to cover both fast and slow
dynamics. Since disturbance rejection requires a fast response and the
calculation of a change between two operating modes needs a large
computation time, the MPC strategy has to be improved.

To improve the current MPC technology two projects have been formulated
with several industrial and academic partners.

The first project "INCOOP", which is financed by the European Union, aims at
complete integration of process control and model based process
optimization.  The use of complex first-principle models is the central idea
to optimize the changes between operating points.  Nowadays, mainly black
box models are used inside MPC systems. The research must lead to a new
generation of technologies in the area of Process Control. The project
includes both fundamental and practical aspects. The importance of the
project is demonstrated by the industrial and academic partners in the
project: Shell (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Bayer (Antwerp, Belgium), MDC
(UK), IPCOS Technology (Boxtel, The Netherlands) and the universities of
Delft (The Netherlands) and Aachen (RWTH in Germany). The project team
consists of Prof.dr.ir. A.C.P.M. Backx, Prof.dr.ir. P.P.J. van den Bosch,
Dr.ir. A.A.H. Damen, Dr. S. Weiland (all EUT, Electrical Engineering) and
Prof.dr.ir. R. Beerkens (EUT, Chemical Technology)

The second project entitled "REGLA" is a joint project of the above
mentioned project team, Prof.dr.ir. Beerkens (EUT/Chemical Engineering) and
Prof.dr.-ing Preisig (EUT). The object is the development of new
technologies, which must lead to control methodologies improving the quality
and flexibility of industrial glass-production. Modelling the dynamical
behaviour of the glass melting process, the design of dedicated sensors and
the development of model based control systems are the key issues of the
project. There will be a close cooperation with the companies TNO-TPD, IPCOS
Technology, PPG Fiber Glass, Vereenigde Glasfabrieken, Philips Lighting, PLM
and the Dutch Glass Institute (NCNG), which represents the glass industry in
the Netherlands.

Aspects that play a crucial role are:
- The use of white-box models within MPC systems
- The design of high performance MPC systems, which guarantee good quality
control and allow fast and completely predictable changes between operating

It may be clear that the projects INCOOP and REGLA are closely related and
that cooperation will be stimulated.

(3) Hybrid systems: modelling embedded controllers (1 Ph.D. position)

Embedded systems are frequently used to control processes and devices.
Embedded controllers allow a large complexity and flexibility of many
products at acceptable production costs. The final products exhibit a hybrid
("mixed") behaviour. The physical (e.g. mechanical, electrical) components
behave in a time-continuous manner. On the other hand, the controller,
implemented in software, is generally some form of finite-state machine on a
digital processor and is, therefore, asynchronous and time-discrete. The
controller takes care of functions such as start-up, mode switching,
constraint handling, safety and - using a synchronous, time-discrete
feedback controller - stability and performance. The controller, excluding
the basic feedback controller, can be described and analysed with process
algebra as used in computer science. System and control theory allows the
analysis of the basic feedback controller and the physical process. Due to a
lack of common models and theories between computer science and system
theory the design of the controller software for a dedicated application is
still a heuristic, time-consuming and error-prone activity, which generates
only limited transferable knowledge.  Until now, the control theories of
time-continuous systems and time-discrete systems have been studied as two
separate fields.

The challenge of this project is to integrate knowledge of controllers from
computer science and system theory for the analysis and synthesis of real
industrial embedded systems. The proposal is aimed at describing and
generalising this design knowledge, leading to a better understanding of
these systems. It is expected to lead to an increased throughput of the
process, a substantial decrease of development time and more predictable and
reliable results. Focussing on the type of applications suggested by
industry, this research project brings closer continuous and discrete
control systems by comparing and, possibly, combining their techniques. The
expectation is that this will lead to an improved mutual understanding,
cross-fertilisation and to generic results for analysing and synthesising
the dynamic behaviour of industrial embedded systems.

The project team consists of Prof.dr.ir. P.P.J. van den Bosch,
Dr.ir. W.P.M.H. Heemels, Dr. S. Weiland (all EUT, Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, Measurement and Control Systems) and Prof.dr.ir. J.F. Groote,
Prof.dr.ir. C.A. Middelburg (EUT, Dept. Mathematics and Computer Science,
Formal Methods).
The following industrial participants support the project:
- Philips CFT (Technology Center of Philips in the area of Mechatronics
and Manufacturing, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
- Toolex (Manufacturer of Optical Recorder Mastering Machines, Eindhoven,
   The Netherlands)
- Oce (Manufacturer of (Digital) Copiers in Venlo, The Netherlands).

For further inquiries and applications, please contact

Dr. ir. W.P.M.H. Heemels
Department of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O.Box 513
5600 MB  Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel:   +31.40.2473587
Fax:   +31.40.2434582
E-mail: w.p.m.h.heemels@tue.nl

Contributed by: D.J. Walker

                    (Ph.D Position - UK/EU Nationals)

Industrial CASE Award: (GKN Westland Helicopters/Leicester
University). Recent research has highlighted the importance of more accurate
mathematical models, if better helicopter handling qualities are to be
achieved. This project will involve modelling and identification of the
DERA/GKN Westland experimental rotor rig. The aim: to pinpoint deficiencies
in and improve the accuracy of currently available models.  We will identify
and validate a range of black-box dynamic models.  Control systems will be
designed using the new models, and tested on the rig.

Applications are invited from individuals having - or expecting shortly to
obtain - a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree in a relevant branch
of Engineering, Physics or Applied Mathematics.  Relevant experience in
dynamics, system identification, and control would be an advantage. The
successful candidate will be expected to register for the degree of Ph.D in
the Control and Instrumentation Research Group at Leicester University
Engineering Dept. More information on the Research Group is available at

Applicants should send a c.v. and names and addresses of three
referees by regular mail to:

Dr. Daniel Walker
Dept. of Engineering
University of Leicester
University Road

Informal enquiries (phone or e-mail) are also welcome.

Tel +44 (0)116 252 2529
Fax +44 (0)116 252 2619
e-mail: wjd@le.ac.uk

Please note that this studentship can only be awarded to UK and EU
nationals, to whom its value is as follows:-

UK nationals:- fees + standard EPSRC maintenance grant + industrial top-up
EU nationals:- fees  + industrial top-up

The value of the industrial top-up will be at least GBP 3000 p.a.

Contributed by: Li Qiu

          Postdoctoral Position in Systems and Control

          Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of Systems and Control
Theory. Expected research topics include, but not limited to,
multi-objective control, control with input and state constraints, interplay
of control, signal processing and communications.  The position is initially
for one year but may be extended to the second year. The salary range is
HK25,000-HK$30,000 (approximentely US$3,200-US$4,000) per month. The
successful candidate is expected to start as early as possible.

Please send your application, including a CV, three representative
publications, and names of three referees, to

Professor Li Qiu
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Tel: 852-2358-7067, Fax: 852-2358-1485
Email: eeqiu@ee.ust.hk

Contributed by: Gwenda Pittaway - G.Pittaway@ee.mu.oz.au

Research Fellow in Tracking and Data Fusion (1 position)
Research Fellow in Hybrid & Distributed Systems (2 positions)

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Cooperative Research
Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (CSSIP)

The Position: Three Research Fellows are required in areas relating to
control, modelling and estimation for hybrid and distributed systems, and
multi-sensor multi-target tracking and data fusion.  The Research Fellows
will be attached to The University of Melbourne node of the Cooperative
Research Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing (CSSIP).  The
incumbents will work with other researchers, academic staff and postgraduate
students to conduct high-quality research into the design, analysis and
implementation of estimation, optimization and control algorithms for hybrid
and distributed systems, or multi-sensor multi-target tracking and data

The Person: You will hold a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Systems
Engineering, Applied Maths or an equivalent qualification. A demonstrated
research record, evidenced by research publications in good international
conferences and journals is essential. The ability to present research
results in a comprehensive and timely manner, through verbal and written
means is required.  You will demonstrate high level knowledge and experience
in the fundamental techniques and applications of systems theory,
particularly estimation, system identification and control. Excellent oral
and written communication skills are essential, as are skills in
implementing numerical algorithms in C, C++ and Matlab under Unix.
Eligibility for an Australian Security Clearance is desirable.

The Benefits: Total remuneration package up to $69,339 per annum for
Research Fellow Grade 2.  Depending upon qualifications and experience,
appointments may be made at Senior Research Fellow with a total remuneration
package up to $82,477 per annum.  The total package includes employer
superannuation contributions of 17 percent.

Duration:   These are Fixed Term (Research) positions for 3 years

Contact: Further information at www.ee.mu.oz.au or Ms Gwenda Pittaway.
Tel:+61 3 9344 0376, fax: +61 3 9344 6678,  email: g.pittaway@ee.mu.oz.au

Applications to: Deputy Principal, Human Resources, The University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3010. Fax: + 61 3 9344 4694 by 7th March
2000. Please quote position number Y9628011 (Research Fellow Tracking and
Data Fusion) or position number Y0008702 (Research Fellow Hybrid &
Distributed Systems) and include the names, phone and facsimile numbers of
three referees in your application.

Contributed by: Hiro Mukai (mukai@zach.wustl.edu)

       Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Control Systems

         Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
                  Washington University
                 St. Louis, MO 63130 USA

The Department of Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington
University has post-doctoral research positions available.
Candidates with advanced knowledge in control systems theory are
sought. The term of appointment will be from March 1, 2000 till
Feb. 28, 2001.

Your computational experience in the following fields is important:
Kalman filtering, optimal control, dynamic programming, LQG,
differential game-theoretic approach to control, receding-horizon
optimal control, control of a hybrid system, control of a discrete-
continous system and differential-geometric nonlinear control.

Our applications include military enterprise control, military air
operations, flight control, and operations analysis.

If interested, immediately send your CV by e-mail to

     Prof. Hiro Mukai
     Tel: 314-935-6064 or +1-314-935-6064
     Email: mukai@zach.wustl.edu

In your cover letter, please tell us how fluent you are in
English and why you are fluent in English. Furthermore tell us
your computational experience. For example, what languages have
you used? C? Matlab? How familiar are you with Unix and Windows NT
computers? What was the largest program you have created?
How many lines of codes have you written for this program?
For what purpose have you computed?
Also tell us when you will be available.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Marc Bodson 

                      FREE BOOK

The book: "Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness,"
by Shankar Sastry and Marc Bodson, published by Prentice-Hall in 1989
(ISBN 0-13-004326-5) is out-of-print. However, a scanned version
(PDF format) may now be downloaded for free (for personal use).
Check the URL: http://www.elen.utah.edu/~bodson/acscr.html
Also available on the web site is a list of corrections to the book,
and a set of homework problems.

Contributed by: Ronald K. Pearson (pearson@aut.ee.ethz.ch)

                        NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

                Discrete-Time Dynamic Models

                by Ronald K. Pearson

                Oxford University Press
                ISBN 0-19-512198-8
                Hardback, 466 pages
                Price 65.00 UK pounds

Industrial interest in model-based computer control is strong and growing,
but successful applications of this approach require the availability of
discrete-time models that are both accurate enough to adequately approximate
process dynamics and simple enough to yield tractable control system design
problems. The first step in the development of such a model is the
specification of a model structure (e.g., bilinear models, Hammerstein
models, Wiener models, Lur'e models, Volterra models, linear multimodels,
etc.), and it is often not clear how to make this choice, despite its
significant influence on both the predictive adequacy of the final model and
the difficulty of the resulting control problem. This book has two primary
objectives: first, to describe some of the useful model structures that have
been proposed in the process control, time-series analysis, and digital
signal processing literature and second, to describe some of the important
qualitative behavior of these model structures to provide a rational basis
for matching classes of potentially useful mathematical models with specific

        Brief table of contents:

        Ch. 1.  Motivations and Perspectives
        Ch. 2.  Linear Dynamic Models
        Ch. 3.  Four Views of Nonlinearity
        Ch. 4.  NARMAX Models
        Ch. 5.  Volterra Models
        Ch. 6.  Linear Multimodels
        Ch. 7.  Relations between Model Classes
        Ch. 8.  The Art of Model Development

Contributed by: ?

New Book Announcement

Compartmental Modeling with Networks
By Gilbert Walter & Martha Contreras

A new book providing a thorough and comprehensive guide for compartmental
models, model construction and interdisciplinary applications. The
presentation is divided in four parts: part one is devoted to the structure
of the models as represented by directed graphs; part two addresses Markov
Chains; part three is devoted to diverse applications; while part four
covers the theoretical aspects of compartmental models. All topics, models,
and methods are presented in a clear, accessible style with many helpful
examples (with selected examples using computational program, MAPLE, in
graph theory and matrix algebra problems) and background information.

Birkhauser Boston 1999
275 pp. / Hardcover / ISBN 0-8176-4019-3 / $59.95

For further information and complete table-of-contents, please visit

Contributed by: B.J.Lurie@jpl.nasa.gov

New Book:             Classical Feedback Control with Matlab,
                Boris J. Lurie and Paul J. Enright, JPL, Caltech
                 Marcel Dekker, 2000, 480 pp, 500 illustrations,
     numerous problems, booklets with solutions are available for
instructors only
ISBN: 0-8247-0370-7  < http://www.dekker.com> ,

The book presents frequency-domain design methods for high-performance,
linear and nonlinear, analog and digital control systems.  High-performance
controllers must be high-order and nonlinear, even for low- order linear
plants. Since modern technology allows implementation of such controllers at
a very low cost, design tools for low-order (and therefore low-performance)
compensators are granted only a brief treatment in the book, making room for
loop shaping, structural simulation of complex systems, multiloop systems,
and nonlinear controllers, all of which are essential for good design
practice.  Bode integrals are employed to estimate the available system
performance and to determine the frequency responses which maximize the
disturbance rejection and the feedback bandwidth. This ability to quickly
estimate the attainable performance is critical for system-level trades in
the design of complex engineering systems, of which the controller is one of
many subsystems. Only at the final design stage and only for the finally
selected option of the system configuration do the compensators need to be
designed in detail, by approximation of the already found optimal frequency
responses.  Nonlinear dynamic compensation provides global and process
stability, and improves the transient responses. The nearly-optimal
high-order compensators are then economically implemented using analog and
digital technology.  The first six chapters support a one-semester course in
linear control.  The rest of the book considers the issues of complex system
simulation, robustness, global stability, and nonlinear control. The book
contains many examples of mechanical and electrical control systems designed
by the authors (for Deep Space Network, Cassini, DS-1, Mars Pathfinder,
Space Interferometer, and other space robotic missions).

Feedback and Sensitivity
Feedforward, Multiloop, and MIMO Systems
Frequency Response Methods
Shaping the Loop Frequency Response
Compensator Design
Analog Controller Implementation
Linear Links and System Simulation
Introduction to Alternative Methods of Controller Design
Adaptive Systems
Provision of Global Stability
Describing Functions
Process Instability
Multi-window Compensators

Feedback control, elementary treatment
Frequency responses
Causal systems, passive systems, and positive real functions
Derivation of Bode integrals
Program for phase calculation
Generic single-loop feedback system
Effect of feedback on mobility
Dependence of a transfer function on a parameter
Balanced bridge feedback
Phase-gain relation for describing functions
Design sequence
Bode Step toolbox
Bibliography; Notation; Index

Contributed by: ?


Henry Wolkowicz, Romesh Saigal, Lieven Vandenberghe (editors)
Kluwer Series:
Frederick S. Hillier
Volume: 27
ISBN: 07923-7771-0

Publication date: Feb. 25,  2000, xxvi+654 pages, hardcover
Price: $185

**SPECIAL PRE-PUBLICATION PRICE: $100 US.  (orders must be received by
Friday, March 31, 2000) Order form, table of contents, and preface, are
available at:

To take advantage of the SPECIAL OFFER, please use the ORDER FORM and follow
the directions on the above website.

[regular price order form is at the Kluwer web page

Semidefinite programming (SDP) has been one of the most exciting and active
research areas in optimization during the 1990's.  It has attracted
researchers with very diverse backgrounds, including experts in convex
programming, linear algebra, numerical optimization, combinatorial
optimization, control theory, and statistics.  This tremendous research
activity was spurred by the discovery of important applications in
combinatorial optimization and control theory, the development of efficient
interior-point algorithms for solving SDP problems, and the depth and
elegance of the underlying optimization theory.

The HANDBOOK OF SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING offers an advanced and broad
overview of the current state of the field, It contains nineteen chapters
written by the leading experts on the subject.  The chapters are organized
in three parts: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications and Extensions.

Abdo Alfakih, Farid Alizadeh, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan, Dimitris Bertsimas,
Aharon Ben-Tal, Etienne de Klerk, Laurent El Ghaoui, Valerii Fedorov,
Michel Goemans, Christoph Helmberg, Florian Jarre, Serge Kruk,
Jon Lee, Zhiquan Luo, Renato Monteiro, Yurii Nesterov, Arkadi Nemirovski,
Francois Oustry, Gabor Pataki, Franz Rendl, Kees Roos, Romesh Saigal,
Katya Scheinberg, Stefan Schmieta, Jay Sethuraman, Alexander Shapiro,
Jos Sturm, Tam\'as Terlaky, Michael J. Todd, Levent Tuncel,
Lieven Vandenberghe, Fan Wang, Henry Wolkowicz, Yinyu Ye

              *                                        *
              *             Journals                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Marc Bodson 


I have replaced Professor Mark Spong as editor of IEEE Trans. on Control
Systems Technology.  Thanks to Mark's help, the transition has proceeded
smoothly so far.  Please note my coordinates at the end of the message, and
use the address for new submissions as well as for inquiries regarding
papers in review.  Professor Sebastian Engell will continue to serve as
co-editor for a few months. Authors of papers that were submitted to
Sebastian should contact him for information about the status of their
paper.  New papers, however, should only be submitted to Sebastian's office
until May 1, 2000.

Mailing address:
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84112-9206
Phone: USA (801) 581 8590
Direct e-mail: bodson@ee.utah.edu
Fax: USA (801) 581 5281
TCST phone: (801) 581 5721
TCST web page: http://tcst.elen.utah.edu
TCST e-mail: editor@tcst.elen.utah.edu

Contributed by: Hans Schneider


CALL FOR PAPERS: Fourth Special Issue on Linear Systems and Control.

In the past, LAA has published three special issues devoted to the field of
Linear Systems and Control: 1983 (vol. 50), 1989 (vols.  122-124) and 1994
(vols. 203-204). More than six years after the publication of the last
special issue, it is time to take stock of recent and current interactions
between Linear Algebra and Systems Theory.

The cross fertilization between these two fields has been very fruitful in
the past. While linear algebraic methods have been instrumental for much of
the development of linear systems theory, many system theoretic concepts and
constructions are now part of the body of linear algebra.  Today systems
theory is a place where methods from many different parts of mathematics are
combined.  As a result linear systems theory has become a rich source of
linear algebraic problems.  More recently, new paradigms, new problems and
areas of application have appeared on the scene: the behavioural approach,
coding theory, distance problems and parameter uncertainty, the dynamic
systems approach to algorithms, computational complexity issues in systems
theory and discrete event systems.

These important subject areas have enriched linear systems theory and will
influence the future development of linear algebra, too.  We hope that the
upcoming issue will further this process and we encourage all authors
working in these areas to submit their contributions.

As in previous issues, this one will be open for all papers with significant
new results in Systems and Control Theory where either linear algebraic
methods play an important role or new tools and problems of linear algebraic
nature are presented.  Also survey papers are very welcome which illustrate
specific areas where the interaction of Systems Theory and Linear Algebra
has been particularly successful.  Papers must meet the publication
standards of Linear Algebra and Its Applications and will be refereed in the
usual way.

Areas and topics of interest for this special issue include:

- Structure theory of linear systems and system families
- Stability theory
- Distance problems and analysis of uncertain systems
- Methods of robust control
- Approximation and interpolation problems arising in systems theory
- Geometric control theory and geometry of linear systems
- Linear behaviors
- Multidimensional systems and systems over rings
- Module theoretic techniques in system theory
- Coding theory with connections to systems theory
- Algorithms for linear systems
- Numerical issues in linear systems theory
- Computational complexity in linear algebra and systems theory
- Discrete event systems

The deadline for submission of papers is 31 December 2000, and the special
issue is expected to be published in the first half of 2002. Papers should
be sent to any of its special editors:

Vincent Blondel
Department of Mathematical Engineering, CESAME
Universite catholique de Louvain
Avenue Georges Lemaitre, 4
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
E-mail: blondel@inma.ucl.ac.be

Diederich Hinrichsen
Institut fuer Dynamische Systeme,
Universitaet Bremen
Postfach 330 440
D 28334   Bremen
E-mail:  dh@math.uni-bremen.de

Joachim Rosenthal
Department of Mathematics
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556-5683
E-mail: rosen@nd.edu

Paul Van Dooren
Department of Mathematical Engineering, CESAME
Universit catholique de Louvain
Avenue Georges Lemaitre, 4
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
E-mail: vdooren@anma.ucl.ac.be

Contributed by: Volker Mehrman

Special Issue of Linear Algebra and its Applications on

Linear Algebra Methods in Representation Theory

In the last three decades in the representation theory of finite-dimensional
algebras over a field or even of more general algebraic structures several
new methods have emerged, including combinatorial, homological, categorical
and geometric aspects. One underlying aspect is the input from Linear
Algebra in a wider sense.

One basic problem in the representation theory is the classification of
indecomposable objects in some Krull-Remak-Schmidt category, or in linear
algebra terminology normal forms of indecomposable matrices. In case there
exists (up to isomorphism) only finitely many such indecomposable objects
(finite type) much more information is available and progress has been made
in case this classification depends only on one-parameter families of
indecomposable objects (tame type).  In the remaining case which is usually
called the wild case, there is only scattered information available.

Due to a vast number of internal questions but also problems arising in
applications such as perturbation and control theory the wild case should be
treated seriously.

In the last thirty years the area of representation theory has been
extending in several directions. We want to take this opportunity to devote
a special issue on the Linear Algebra aspects. A preliminary list of topics
would include.

Representations of quivers Representations of posets and BOCS's Normal forms
of matrices with additional structure Involutive algebras and their
representation theory Hall algebras Applications to numerical linear algebra

This is a sample, but not an exclusive list of topics. If there is doubt
about suitability of a particular paper, please contact one of the editors
of the special issue.

Please submit three (3) hard copies to one of the special issue
editors listed below. The format should follow the instructions given
in the `Information for Authors' in a recent issue of

The deadline for submission is DECEMBER 31, 2000.

Special editors:

Yuri Drozd
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics
Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University
252 033 Kyiv, Ukraine}
e-mail: drozd@uni-alg.kiev.ua

Robert Guralnick
Department of Mathematics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1113, USA
e-mail: guralnic@math.usc.edu

Dieter Happel
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Technische Universitaet Chemnitz
D-09116 Chemnitz, Germany
e-mail: happel@mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de

Claus Michael Ringel
Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
Universitaet Bielefeld
D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany
e-mail: ringel@mathematik.uni-bielefeld.de

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

 Linear Algebra and its Applications

 Special Issue on


 Second Announcement

 One of the traditional hunting grounds of linear algebra is the area of
 finite systems of linear equations, as described by a matrix equation $Ax =
 b$. Here $A$ is a known matrix, $b$ a known vector of finite dimensions,
 and $x$ is an unknown vector of finite dimensions, which is to be
 determined such that the equation is either satisfied, or, if that is not
 possible, approximately satisfied. Many techniques are known for finding
 solutions or approximate solutions, depending on the properties of the
 given data and the approximation technique choosen.

 If the system of equations is not finite, i.e. $A$ is not a matrix but an
 operator, and $b$ and $x$ are of infinite dimension, then algebraic and
 numerical techniques can still be used provided the given data are finitely
 specified. Operators with such a property are often called 'structured
 operators', and it turns out that one can solve such infinite equations in
 an exact or approximate sense using finite methods and algorithms.

 The conjunction of linear algebra and inversion theory for finitely
 specified infinite operators brings interesting connections to the
 forefront: algebraic equivalents of inner-outer factorizations e.g., or the
 algebraic significance of Kalman filtering. Structured matrices can be of
 many types, e.g. systems with finite displacement ranks or time-varying
 systems with state spaces of finite dimensions and whose limiting behaviour
 is known, e.g. as a time invariant system.

 A non-limiting list of topics of interest in this area is (assuming
 $A$ is an infinite but finitely described operator of some kind):
 - inversion methods
 - decomposition methods for the operator A
 - quadratic approximation methods
 - complexity reduction
 - equivalencies
 - canonical forms
 - transform techniques.

 Examples of operator structure:
 - systems with low displacement rank
 - finitely described time-varying systems
 - finitely described almost-periodic systems
 - differentials of non-linear systems.

 Interested authors are kindly invited to submit full papers with
 significant contributions to this area to any of the three
 guest editors listed below before June 1st, 2000.

 Patrick Dewilde
 DIMES, Delft University of Technology
 POB 5031,
 2600GA Delft, the Netherlands.
 Fax:   +31 15 262 3271
 email: dewilde@DIMES.tudelft.nl

 Vadim Olshevsky
 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
 Georgia State University
 University Plaza
 Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
 Fax:   +1 404 651 2246
 email: volshevsky@cs.gsu.edu

 Ali Sayed
 Rm 44-123A Engr. IV Bldg
 Dept. of Electrical Engineering
 University of California
 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594, USA
 Fax:    +1 310 206 8495
 email:  sayed@biruni.icsl.ucla.edu

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 306
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 22-Feb-2000

pp 1-13
Equivalence constants for matrix norms: a problem of Goldberg
A Tonge

pp 15-24
Classes of Schur D-stable matrices
R Fleming

pp 25-31
A representation theorem for algebras with commuting involutions
M Cabrera

pp 33-44
Sparsity of orthogonal matrices with restrictions
GS Cheon, BL Shader

pp 45-57
On sums of three square-zero matrices
K Takahashi, PEIYUAN Wu

pp 59-86
The Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems and power moment problems
for matrix-valued functions III: The infinitely many data case

pp 87-102
Generalized totally positive matrices
M Fiedler

pp 103-121
On almost regular tournament matrices
C Eschenbach, JR Weaver

pp 123-130
Dual graphs and knot invariants
M Lien, W Watkins

pp 131-143
Decomposing a matrix into circulant and diagonal factors
M Schmid, R Steinwandt

pp 145-154
Centrogonal matrices
O Krafft

pp 155-163
Spectral clustering properties of block multilevel Hankel matrices
D Fasino

pp 165-182
On condensed forms for partially commuting matrices
YUA Alpin, L Elsner

pp 183-188
A tree whose complement is not eigensharp
VL Watts

pp 189-202
Growth in Gaussian elimination for weighing matrices, W(n,n-1)
CHRISTOS Koukouvinos

pp 203-209
Semidefiniteness without real symmetry
CR Johnson, RB Reams

pp 211-211
Author index

ContentsDirect, which is automatically generated, lists the first author
of each paper and the corresponding author (if different).

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov 

                         Vol. 6, No. 2  April 2000

Yu.L. Sachkov
Classification of Controllable Systems
on Low-Dimensional Solvable Lie Groups
pp. 159--217

A.I. Gladyshev
On the Riemann--Hilbert Problem in Dimension 4
pp. 219--264

M. Guerra
Highly Singular L-Q Problems:
Solutions in Distribution Spaces
pp. 265--309

Contributed by: Lars Imsland (lsi@itk.ntnu.no)

                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 20, No. 4, October 1999

K. Y. Pettersen and H. Nijmeijer, "Global Practical
Stabilization and Tracking for an Underactuated Ship - A
Combined Averaging and Backstepping Approach" ............... 189

Geir E. Hovland and Brenan J. McCarragher, "Hidden Markov
Models as a Process Monitor in Robotic Assembly" ............ 201

Trygve Lauvdal and Richard M. Murray, "Stabilization of a
Pitch Axis Flight Control Experiment with Input Rate
Saturation" ................................................. 225

Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at

Contributed by Zhiping Lin


An International Journal

Special Issue on
Applications of Groebner Bases in
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing

Since Groebner bases play a similar role in multidimensional systems and
signal processing to Euclidean Division Algorithm in one-dimensional systems
and signal processing, there has been a growing interest in applying
Groebner bases in multidimensional systems and signal processing over the
past fifteen years.  The purpose of this special issue is to report on
recent developments in applications of Groebner bases in multidimensional
systems and signal processing.  Papers dealing with applications of Groebner
bases in all areas of multidimensional systems and signal processing are
welcome, including but not limited to: multivariate polynomial and matrix
factorization schemes, multidimensional control systems, multidimensional
realization theory, multidimensional circuits and systems, multidimensional
signal analysis and processing, multidimensional filters and filter banks,
and image and video signal processing.

Guest Editors:

Dr. Zhiping Lin
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Nanyang Technological University
Block S2, Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639798
Tel:  +65 790 6857
Fax:  +65 792 0415
Email:  ezplin@ntu.edu.sg

Dr. Li Xu
Dept. of Electronics and Information Systems
Faculty of System Science and Technology
Akita Prefecture University
84-4 Ebinokuchi, Tsuchiya, Honjo
Akita 015-0055,  Japan
Tel:  +81-184-27-2101
Fax:  +81-184-27-2187
Email:  xuli@akita-pu.ac.jp

Instructions For Authors

All manuscripts are subject to review.  To be considered for this
special issue, prospective authors should submit six copies of their
complete manuscript by October 1, 2000 to
Ms. Melissa Sullivan,
Kluwer Academic Publishers,
101 Philip Drive, Assinippi Park,
Norwell,  MA  02061;
Tel: 781 871-6600;
Fax:  617 871-6528;
E-mail: melissa.sullivan@wkap.com.

Please note each submission:

Special Issue on Applications of Groebner Bases in
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing.

Instructions for authors are regularly published in the Journal and may also
be obtained from Ms. Melissa Sullivan.  Multidimensional Systems and Signal
Processing is an archival, peer reviewed journal publishing survey and
original papers, spanning fundamental as well as applicable research
contributions.  It is published in four issues per year with worldwide
distribution to engineers, researchers, educators and libraries.  Readers
interested in subscribing to this journal should contact

Kluwer Academic Publishers,
P.O. Box 358,
Accord Station, Hingham,
MA  02018-0358,
Tel: 781 871-6600;
Fax:  617 871-6528;
E-mail:  Kluwer@wkap.com.

The following is the time schedule for this Special Issue:
Submission Deadline:  October 1, 2000
Final Selection of Papers:  May 1, 2001

Contributed by: ??

Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 8, 1999:

L. F. Pavarino,
Domain decomposition algorithms for first-order system least squares methods

R. S. Varga and A. Krautstengl,
On Gersgorin-type problems and ovals of Cassini.

A. A. Dubrulle,
An optimum iteration for the matrix polar decomposition.

A. Bjorck and J. Y. Yuan,
Preconditioners for least squares problems by LU factorization.

M. Dobrowolski, S. Graf and C. Pflaum,
On a posteriori error estimators in the finite element method on
anisotropic meshes.

I. Presson, K. Samuelsson and A. Szepessy,
On the convergence of multigrid methods for flow problems.

M. Benzi, W. Joubert and G. Mateescu,
Numerical experiments with parallel orderings for ILU preconditioners.

P. Benner, V. Mehrmann and H. Xu,
A note on the numerical solution of complex Hamiltonian and
skew-Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems.

K. Chen,
Discrete wavelet transforms accelerated sparse preconditioners for dense
boundary element systems.

V. Gradinaru and R. Hiptmair,
Whitney Elements on pyramids.


Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA),
vol. 9, 1999:

This volume contains the Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Orthogonal Polynomials held at University Carlos III de Madrid in Leganes,
Spain, 1998, organized by M. Alfaro, R. Alvarez-Nodarse, J. Arvesz and
F. Marcellan (Chair). The proceedings were edited by R. Alvarez-Nodarse and
F. Marcellan.

M. Alvarez de Morales, T. E. Pirez, M. A. Piqar and A. Ronveaux,
Non-standard orthogonality for Meixner polynomials.

G. S. Ammar, D. Calvetti and L. Reichel,
Computation of Gauss-Kronrod quadrature rules with non-positive weights.

F. Cala Rodriguez, P. Gonzalez-Vera, and M. Jimenez Paiz,
Quadrature formulas for rational functions.

C. Costa and R. Serodio,
A footnote on quaternion block-tridiagonal systems.

E. M. Garcma-Caballero, T. E. Pirez and M. A. Piqar,
Sobolev orthogonal polynomials: interpolation and approximation.

W. Gautschi,
Orthogonal polynomials and quadrature.

W. Koepf,
Software for the algorithmic work with orthogonal polynomials and special

M. Lorente,
Creation and annihilation operators for orthogonal polynomials of
continuous and discrete variables.

F. Marcellan and J. C. Medem,
q-Classical orthogonal polynomials: a very classical approach.

P. Natalini, S. Noschese and P. E. Ricci,
An iterative method for computing the eigenvalues of second kind Fredholm
operators and applications.

J. Segura and A. Gil,
Evaluation of associated Legendre functions off the cut and parabolic
cylinder functions.

Doron Zeilberger,
Proof of a conjecture of Chan, Robbins, and Yuen.

Contributed by: Martin Ruck

Journal of Process Control
Contents of Volume 10, issues 2-3 (April 2000)

Special issue of selected papers from the IFAC DYCOPS'99 meeting

p 93
T McAvoy

p 95
Guest Editorial
C Georgakis

pp 97-111
Perspectives on the synthesis of plant-wide control structures
G Stephanopoulos, C Ng

pp 113-123
Nonlinearity measures: definition, computation and applications
A Helbig, W Marquadt, F Allgower

pp 125-134
Global optimization in design and control of chemical process systems
CA Floudas

pp 135-148
Quality control of polymer production processes
M Ohshima, M Tanigaki

pp 149-155
Subspace state space system identification for industrial processes
W Favoreel, B De Moor, P Van Overschee

pp 157-166
Inferential control system of distillation compositions using dynamic
partial least squares regression
M Kano, K Miyazaki, S Hasebe, I Hashimoto

pp 167-175
Modelling for control analysis and design in complex industrial
separation and liquefaction processes
JA Mandler

pp 177-184
Order reduction for nonlinear dynamic models of distributed reacting
SY Shvartsman, C Theodoropoulos, IG Kevrekidis, R Rico-Martinez, ES
Titi, TJ Mountziaris

pp 185-194
A new measure of process output controllability
DR Vinson, C Georgakis

pp 195-202
Constrained parameter estimation with applications to blending
K Murakami, DE Seborg

pp 203-208
Application of the method of characteristics to crystallizer
simulation and comparison with finite difference for controller
performance evaluation
KI Sotowa, K Naito, M Kano, S Hasebe, I Hashimoto

pp 209-218
Nonlinear model-based control of a batch reactive distillation column
FJ Doyle, LS Balasubramhanya

pp 219-227
The interactions of design and control: double-effect distillation
V Bansal, R Ross, JD Perkins, EN Pistikopoulos

pp 229-236
PLS based monitoring and control of batch digesters
P Kesavan, JH Lee, V Saucedo, GA Krishnagopalan

pp 237-243
A case study for control structure selection: air separation plant
JO Trierweiler, S Engell

pp 245-250
Determining the number of principal components for best reconstruction
SJ Qin, R Dunia

pp 251-258
Ethylene quench column optimal operation annd controllability analysis
B Solovyev, R Miller, G Emoto, DR Lewin

pp 259-268
State observers for tubular reactors with unknown kinetics
D Dochain

pp 269-274
Nonlinear robust constrained control of partially uncontrollable and
open-loop unstable systems
O Slupphang, BA Foss

pp 275-282
Multi-scale aspects in model-predictive control
G Stephanopoulos, O Karsligil, M Dyer

pp 283-289
Linear programming and model predictive control
CV Rao, JB Rawlings

Journal homepage:

Journal of Process Control is an IFAC affiliated journal.  Visit
http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ifac for more details.

Contributed by: ?
                         Asian Journal of Control

                     URL: http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw.

                       Contributed by : Li-Chen Fu

Editor-in-Chief:  Prof. Hidenori Kimura (The University of Tokyo),
                  Prof. Li-Chen Fu (National Taiwan University)

                     Vol.1, No.1 First Issue (March, 1999)

1. Title: "Super-Heuristics and Their Applications to Combinatorial Problems,"
   Author: Tak Wing Edward Lau and Yu-Chi Ho

2. Title: "Nonlinear Optimal Control GA Control Lyapunov Function and
           Receding Horizon Perspective,"
   Author: James A. Primbs, Vesna Nevistic and John C. Doyle

3. Title: "The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control,"
   Author: Fabrizio Caccavale, Bruno Siciliano and Luigi Villani

4. Title: "Improved Continuation Method Controller for PWM SystemsGAn
           Experimental Case Study,"
   Author: T. Iwata, M. Yamakita and K. Furuta

5. Title: "Observer-based Control of Systems with Monotonic Nonlinearities,"
   Author: Murat Arcak and Petar Kokotovic

6. Title: "Control System Design Considering a Tradeoff Between Evaluated
           Uncertainty Ranges and Control Performance,"
   Author: Y. Wakasa and Y. Yamamoto

7. Title: "Modeling of a Three-phase Step Up/Down AC /DC Converter,"
   Author: Jeng-Yue Chen, Ching-Tsai Pan and Yi-Shuo Huang


           Vol.1, No.2 Second Issue (June, 1999)

1. Title: "Model Set Identification in Frequency-Domain and Its
           Application to Joint Design with Robust Contro,"
   Author: Hiroaki Fukushima and Toshiharu Sugie

2. Title: "Adaptive Control and Synchronization of Chua's Circuits,"
   Author: Teh-Lu Liao and Sheng-Hung Lin

3. Title: "On the Controller Synthesis for Linear Hybrid Systems,"
   Author: M. De la Sen

4. Title: "Indirect Adaptive Control for Nonlinear Systems with System
   Author: Kuo-Ming Chang

5. Title: "Dual Stroke and Phase Control and System Identification of
           Linear Compressor of a Split-Stirling Cryocooler,"
   Author: Yee-Pien Yang and Wei-Ting Chen

6. Title: "Force/Position Sliding-Mode Control of a Robot Manipulator in
           a Non-rigid Environment,"
   Author: Yon-Ping Chen and Zhen-Zhong Lu


           Vol.1, No.3 Third Issue (September 1999)

1. Title: "Landing an Unmanned Air VehicleG Vision Based Motion Estimation
           and Nonlinear Control,"
   Author: Omid Shakernia, Yi Ma, T. John Koo and Shankar Sastry

2. Title: "Block Decoupling Control of Linear Multivariable Systems,"
   Author: Ching-An Lin and Chang-Ming Wu

3. Title: "Tracking Control in the Presence of Nonlinear Dynamic Frictional
           EffectsGRobot Extension,"
   Author: M. Feemster, D.M. Dawson, A. Behal and W. Dixon

4. Title: "A Stable Self-Learning Optimal Fuzzy Control System,"
   Author: Sinn-Cheng Lin and Yung-Yaw Chen

5. Title: "Training Algorithm of Uniform Parzen Window Neural Networks,"
   Author: Chao-Yin Hsiao and Shan-Hung Hsien

6. Title: "Robust Neural Network Control of Rigid Link Flexible-Joint Robots,"
   Author: C.M. Kwan, F.L. Lewis and Y.H. Kim

7. Title: "Robust Sampled-Data Control Systems Analysis by Approximate Z-
           transform Using Higher-Order Integrators,"
   Author: T.C. Lin, C.C. Teng, C.H. Wang and K.H. Yu


           Vol.1, No.4 Fourth Issue (December 1999)

1. Title: "Nonlinear Network Structures for Feedback Control,"
   Author: F. L. Lewis

2. Title: "Tracking Domains for Unstable Plants with Saturating-like Actuators,"
   Author: V.A. Yakubovich, S. Nakaura and K. Furuta

3. Title: "Optimal Control for Two-Dimensional Linear Systems with Variable
   Author: Jimshone Li, Jason Sheng-Hong Tsai and Leang-San Shieh

4. Title: "A Recursive 4SID from the Input-Output Point of View,"
   Author: Hiroshi Oku and Hidenori Kimura

5. Title: "Vibration Attenuation of an Axially Moving String via Active
           In-Domain Control Method,"
   Author: Jyh-Feng Lin and Jwusheng Hu

6. Title: "Application of H-infinity Control and Closed Loop Identification to
           a Magnetic Levitation System,"
   Author: Taro Tsujino, Ken'ichi Nakashima and Takao Fujii


    Anyone who is interested in submitting papers to the journal, he
can either submit four copies of the manuscript by airmail or send the
electronic file in postcript, pdf or word (version 7.0 or above) format
to either of the two Editor-in-Chiefs at the following addresses:

          Prof. Li-Chen Fu
          Dept. of Electrical Engineering
          National Taiwan University
          Taipei, Taiwan
          Tel: +(886-2) 2362-2209
          Fax: +(886-2) 2365-7887
          E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

          Prof. Hidenori Kimura
          Dept. of Mathematics Engineering and Information Physics
          The University of Tokyo
          7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
          Tel: (+81-3) 5841-6890
          E-mail: kimura@crux.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Contributed By: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca)

Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
        (International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN   : 0952-1976
Volume : 13
Issue  : 2
Date   : 25-Feb-2000

pp 109-119
Global stability analysis of fuzzy path tracking using frequency
J Aracil, G Heredia, A Ollero

pp 121-135
Fuzzy-logic-based process modeling using limited experimental data
HH Lou, ZP Liu, YL Huang

pp 137-145
A fuzzy irrigation controller system
M Bahat, G Inbar, O Yaniv, M Schneider

pp 147-157
The exploitation of neural networks in automotive engine management
PJ Shayler, M Goodman, T Ma

pp 159-164
An improved approach to the solution of inverse kinematic problems
for robot manipulators.
B Karlik, S Aydin

pp 165-178
Automated vectorization of cartographic maps by a knowledge-based
KH Lee, SB Cho, YC Choy

pp 179-197
Heterogeneous control and qualitative supervision, application to a
distillation column
F Neves Junior, JA Martin

pp 199-213
A case-based reasoning system for identifying failure mechanisms
TW Liao, ZM Zhang, CR Mount

Contributed by: ??

Volume 73, Number 4 of:

International Journal of Control a journal from Taylor and Francis

is now available online via the Catchword service, and contains the
following articles:

 A solvability condition of an extended H infinity control problem using
  Riccati inequalities M. Hirata; K. Z. Liu; T. Sato; K. Nonami

 Solutions to a class of non-standard non-linear H infinity control problems
  Lubomir Baramov

 Local separation principle for non-linear systems
  Nam H. Jo; Jin H. Seo

 Robust state estimation for perturbed systems with error variance and
  circular pole constraints: the discrete-time case Zidong Wang

 Successive constrained optimization and interpolation in non-linear model
  based predictive control A. C. Brooms; B. Kouvaritakis

 Dissipative control of linear discrete-time systems with dissipative
  uncertainty Zhiqiang Tan; Yeng Chai Soh; Lihua Xie

 Optimal non-linear robust control for non-linear uncertain systems Wassim
  M. Haddad; Vijaysekhar Chellaboina; Jerry L. Fausz; Alexander Leonessa

 Stability of two-dimensional feedback systems
  P. A. Cook

 On stabilization of uncertain dynamic nonholonomic systems
  Wenjie Dong; Yangsheng Xu; Wei Huo

 Erratum - New 2D models and a transition matrix for discrete linear
  repetitive processes K. Galkowski; E. Rogers; D. H. Owens


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Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3UE, UK.

Contributed by: Martin Ruck

New IFAC Proceedings recently published

Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing 1998
26-28 August 1998, Glasgow, UK
Edited by R.R. Bitmead, M.A. Johnson & M.J. Grimble
Price: NLG 210 / US$ 110
ISBN: 0 08 043238 7
For more information and to order, visit:

Space Robotics
19-22 October 1998, St Hubert, Quebec, Canada
Edited by S. Rondeau
Price: NLG 139 / US$ 73
ISBN: 0 08 043050 3
For more information and to order, visit:

For a list of all available IFAC Proceedings, visit

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

May, 2000                                                 Issue    36:5

Regular Papers

J. H. Lee, K. S. Lee, W. C.   Model-based iterative learning control with a
Kim                           quadratic criterion for time-varying linear

Brief Papers

C. Batlle, A. Miralles        On the approximation of delay elements by

D. J. Stilwell, W. J. Rugh    Stability preserving interpolation methods for
                               the synthesis of gain scheduled controllers

J-X. Xu, L. Chen, C. C. Hang  Parallel structure and tuning of a fuzzy PID

Tong Zhou                     Unfalsified model parametrization based on
                              frequency domain noise information

A. Palazoglu, A. Karakas      Control of nonlinear distributed parameter
                              systems using generalized invariants

C-C. Yu, C-J. Huang, S-H.     Selection of measurement locations for the
Shen                          control of rapid thermal processor

T-Y. Kuc, W-G. Han            An adaptive PID learning control of robot

A. V. Savkin, A. S. Matveev   Cyclic linear differential automata: A simple
                              class of hybrid dynamical systems

T. Mita, X. Xin, B. D. O.     Extended H(infinity) control - H(infinity)
Anderson                      control with unstable weights

C. Edwards, S. K. Spurgeon    On the limitations of some variable structure
                              output feedback controller designs

U. Forssell, L. Ljung         Some results on optimal experiment design

Technical Communiques

M. S. Mahmoud                 Robust H(infinity) control of linear neutral

Y. Kakutani, T. Hagiwara, M.  LMI representation of the shifted Popov
 Araki                        criterion

X-R. Cao                      A unified approach to Markov decision problems
                               and performance sensitivity analysis

A. V. Savkin, A. S. Matveev   Existence and stability of periodic
                              trajectories in switched server systems


C. G. Cassandras, C. G.       Correction to "Optimization of Kanban-based
Panayiotou                    manufacturing systems"

Book Reviews

S. P. Bhattacharyya           P. J. Antsaklis, A. N. Michel: Linear systems

P. Zagalak                    S. Skogestad, I. Postlethwaite: Multivariable
                              feedback control

Contributed by: Submitted by: George W Irwin

        IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice
Volume 8        February  2000

pp 113-120
Experimental demonstration of reset control design.
Y Zheng, Y Chait

pp 121-131
Grey box fault detection of heat exchangers
E Weyer, G Szederkenyi, K Hangos

pp 133-138
Continuous gain scheduling control for a micro-positioning system

pp 139-146
A flexible interactive environment for embedded controllers.
J Eker

pp 147-154
On-line PID tuning for engine idle-speed control using continuous
action reinforcement learning automata MN Howell, MC Best

pp 155-163
Optimization of power system controls within a simulation software
package XIANZHANG Lei, D Povh

pp 165-173
Monitoring and control of fluid bed drying of tea
SJ Temple, ST Tambala, AJB Van Boxtel


pp 175-176
TI Fossen

pp 177-184
An adaptive neural-net controller system for an underwater vehicle

pp 185-190
Autopilot and track-keeping algorithms for high speed craft
CG Kallstrom

pp 191-203
Decoupled cushion control in ride control systems for air cushion
catamarans D Bertin, S Bittanti, SM Savaresi

pp 205-213
Positioning of small-waterplane-area marine constructions with roll
and pitch damping AJ Sorensen, JP Strand

pp 215-219
Bayesian estimation of directional wave spectra based on ship

pp 221-224
IFAC meeting papers

pp 225-231
Index of IFAC meeting papers 1993/4/5/6/7/8

Prof. George W Irwin
Intelligent Systems and Control Group
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH

Voice: +44(0)28 90335439
Fax:   +44(0)28 90664265
email: g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk
web:   www.ee.qub.ac.uk

IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice (cep@ee.qub.ac.uk)

              *                                        *
              *             Conferences                *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Carlos M. Velez S.


November 1-3, 2000
Cali, Colombia


The 9th Latin American Congress on Automatic Control (CLCA00), and the 4th
Congress of the Colombian Association of Automation (ACA00), will be held
in Cali, Colombia, from November 1-3, 2000. The Congress is sponsored by
IFAC and supported by the different Latin American members of IFAC.


The Congress will consist of technical sessions that include papers, panels,
specific technical lectures, and plenary lectures. In addition to the
technical sessions (papers, panels, tutorials) and social activities, there
will also be a number of short courses and industrial exhibitions. Add it
all up, and it promises to be a great week.


Papers in all the automatic control fields will be considered. Papers should
be in IFAC format (corresponding to the Automatica journal of IFAC, Word,
Latex) , but in letter paper size (8.5" x 11"). The papers should not exceed
six pages.


According to the rules approved by the Latin American Committee of
Automatica, the full paper (3 copies) must be sent to the Local Associations
(Argentina, Brasil and Chile) for the peer review process. Colleagues from
other countries must send the papers directly to the Chairman of the
International Program Committee (IPC) in Cali, Colombia. As soon as the
Local Associations finish their review process, they should send the
accepted original papers (camera ready), to the Chairman of the IPC, who
will communicate the final acceptance to the authors.
The official languages of the Congress are Spanish, Portuguese and English.


February 18, 2000 - Reception of the complete papers in Local Associations
and in Colombia (IPC).
May 5, 2000 - Communication to the authors about acceptance, modifications,
and rejection.
July 28,2000 - Reception of final papers at Local Associations and Colombia.
August 18, 2000 - Communication to the authors of the final decision from
the IPC.
November 1-3, 2000 - The Congress.


Computer Aided Design and Analysis
Design Methods
Industrial Applications of Automatic Control and Automation
Process Modelling and Simulation
Control Architectures and Algorithms
Signal Processing
Low Cost Automation
Computer Networks
Automatic Process Control
Education and Overall Aspects of Automation
Discrete Event Systems
Automation Technology Procurement
Real Time Systems
Process Identification
Distributed Control Systems
Artificial Intelligence


For more information about the activities of the Congress, please mail:
Freddy Naranjo Prez. fnaranjo@verne.cuao.edu.co
Corporacin Universitaria Autnoma de Occidente

Contributed by: ??

Dear Colleague,

I cordially invite you to organize a Session in one of the following

<>    Mathematics and Computers in Biology and Chemistry (MCBC 2000)

<>    Mathematics and Computers in Business and Economics (MCBE 2000)

<>    Acoustics and Music: Theory and Applications (AMTA 2000)

that will take place in JAMAICA, Montego Bay, December 20-22, 2000



2. Those (Faculty Members) that wish to participate in
the International Scientific Committees of MCBC or MCBE or AMTA 2000,
by reviewing papers (<5),
proposing potential invited speakers or tutorials, must, please,
reply to mcbc@worldses.org  or mcbe@worldses.org  or usa@worldses.org
as soon as possible.

Deadline for paper submission: APRIL 15, 2000

In order to help colleagues to learn about  these conferences I would
be most grateful to you, if you could forward this message to the
people of your e-Address File (colleagues and collaborators).

Also, in order to help colleagues to learn about  the WSES/MIUE/HNA
MCBE 2000 Conference you (or one of your students or assistants) could
put Links from yours or your university/department web page to the
conferences web pages:


As for the papers of the conferences CSC'98, CSCC'99, MCP'99,
MCME'99 we schedule post-conference publications with the WSES
Press Publishing Company. Accepted papers in WSES MCBE 2000 (after
Review and full Registration of their Authors) will be included in
these Books. Previously Special Issues with WSES-Press can be found
at: http://www.worldses.org

ALL THE ACCEPTED PAPERS will be published twice (two different
1)in the CD-ROM Proceedings (with Search Facilities and Page Numbering)
as well as
2)in the International Reference Book Series of WSES PRESS as
Post-Conference Books (Hard cover, velvet paper, international
These will be different International Editions (with different ISBN).

Also SPECIAL ISSUES have been scheduled for the journals :

See these Journals at the site:

TOPICS: See the relevant web sites

COMMITTEES: See the relevant web sites

Looking forward to seeing you in Jamaica, in December 2000.

Best Regards

WSES Brasil Chapter,
Inst. of Advanced Technology, Research
and Development
Rio de Janeiro

Contributed  by: fmp@hp9000a1.uam.mx



        Mexico City, UAM-Azcapotzalco

      September 4, 5 and 6, Year 2000

GCTAA-2000 is the second edition of an international conference on new
trends and the state of the art in

                 *Geometric Control Theory
                 *Optimal control theory on Lie Groups
                 *Sub-Riemannian Geometry

and related topics.

The conference shall take place on September 4, 5 and 6, of year
2000, in the campus Azcapotzalco of the Universidad Autonoma
Metropolitana (UAM-A), the second largest University of Mexico.

In this ocassion the conference shall celebrate the 60th. Anniversary

                        VELIMIR JURDJEVIC.

As in our previous conference (CMS, Proc. Series Vol 25, 1998), we
plan to make proceedings, and we are asking all the contributors to
participate in the conference with his/her paper ready for submission.


For titles and abstracts: May 31, year 2000.
For papers: September 4, year 2000.

We expect to cover partially the local expenses of the speakers.

For further information please contact

Felipe Monroy-Perez

Web site:  http://petite.uam.mx/congreso/

We are looking forward to seeing you in Mexico City in September.

Contributed by: ?

       The 10th International Conference on Computing and Information
                 ICCI '2000, Kuwait, November 18-21, 2000



                          Second Call For Papers

                Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2000

ICCI2000 will provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners
to present new results in research, development, and applications in computing
and information. Since 1989, ICCI conferences have attracted participants from
over 40 different countries. ICCI '2000 will consist of five streams ranging
from theoretical computer science to applied software systems. It will provide
a unique opportunity for cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary information

     Stream A: Theory. Theory of Data and Logic. Information and Coding
     Theory. Algorithms. Theory of Computation.
     Chair: Monty Newborn, newborn@opus.cs.mcgill.ca

     Stream B: Distribution and Parallelism. Distributed Computing and
     Communications. Concurrency and Parallelism. Cluster Computing.
     Chair: Albert Zomaya, zomaya@ee.uwa.edu.au

     Stream C: Systems and Development. Database Systems. Software Engineering
     and CASE Methodologies. Expert Systems.
     Chair: Hans Loeper, Loeper@mcs.sci.kuniv.edu.kw

     Stream D: Data and Knowledge Engineering. AI Methodologies. User
     Interfaces. Data Mining. Approximate Reasoning.
     Chair: Susan Craw, smc@scms.rgu.ac.uk

     Stream E: Networking and Internet. Information Exploration on the World
     Wide Web. Mobile Computing.
     Chair: Richard Lai, lai@cs.latrobe.edu.au

Papers for any of the above streams are welcome. All submissions should be
limited to a maximum of 5,000 words (approximately 15 A4 pages), and will
be reviewed on the basis of technical correctness, quality, relevance,
originality, significance, and clarity. Accepted papers will be published in
the conference proceedings by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series. Furthermore, a selected number of the accepted papers will be
expanded and revised for possible inclusion in the following journals:

     * Journal of Computing and Information

     * Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal

All paper submissions (by e-mail or in hardcopy) should be sent to the Program
Committee Chair at the following address.

     Xindong Wu (xwu@kais.mines.edu)
     Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
     Colorado School of Mines
     1500 Illinois Street
     Golden, Colorado 80401, USA
     Phone: +1-303-273-3874
     Fax: +1-303-273-3875

Important Dates

     March 1, 2000              Paper submissions.
     May 1, 2000                Acceptance notices.
     July 1, 2000               Final camera-readies.
     November 18-21, 2000       Conference.


     General Chair: Waldemar W. Koczkodaj, Laurentian University, Canada.
     E-mail: icci@nickel.laurentian.ca;
     URL: http://www.cs.laurentian.ca/faculty/wkoczkodaj.html

     Organizing Committee Chair: Mohammed Almulla, Kuwait University, Kuwait.
     E-mail: almulla@mcs.sci.kuniv.edu.kw;
     URL: http://www.sci.kuniv.edu.kw/~almulla/

     Program Committee Chair: Xindong Wu, Colorado School of Mines, USA.
     E-mail: xwu@kais.mines.edu;
     URL: http://kais.mines.edu/~xwu/

General inquiries should be sent to the Organizing Committee Chair at

     Mohammed Almulla
     Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
     Kuwait University
     P.O.Box 5969
     Safat, 13060, Kuwait
     Telephone: (965) 481-1188 Ext. 5303 or 5624
     Fax: (965) 481-7201
     E-mail: almulla@mcs.sci.kuniv.edu.kw

Contributed by: ?

    Dear colleague,
      the paper submission deadline for the next

              | IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium IV2000 |
              |     Dearborn, MI,  October 4-5, 2000       |

    is approaching: please submit your paper by March 1st, 2000.
    The following special sessions will be held during the symposium:

  * Military Applications  and Current Research
  organized by Bruce Brendle, U.S. Army Tank-automotive & Armaments Command

  * Autonomous Driving on Extreme Courses
  organized by Christoph Stiller, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany

  * User Interfaces for On-Board Systems
  organized by Mauro Mosconi, University of Pavia, Italy

  * Vehicle Motion Control Systems
  organized by Aurelio Piazzi and Corrado Guarino Lo Bianco,
               University of Parma, Italy

  * Autonomous Vehicles Cooperation and Coordination
  organized by Giovanni Adorni, University of Parma, Italy
               and Hiroaki Kitano, Sony Computer Science Labs, Japan

    Further information can be found in the Call for Papers enclosed below
    and in the IV2000 official web site at http://www.ce.unipr.it/IV2000

Looking forward to meeting you in Dearborn,

Alessandra Fascioli, IEEE IV2000 Publicity Chair
  Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
  Universita` di Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze, 181A
  I-43100 Parma, ITALY
  Phone: +39 0521 905711
  Fax: +39 0521 905723
  E-mail: fascal@CE.UniPR.IT


       Papers due for peer review . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1, 2000
       Notification of acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1, 2000
       Camera-ready copy for proceedings due  . . . . . .  July 1, 2000


  Please refer frequently to the following websites for the most up-to-date
information or contact the General Chair (Jim Rillings, jrilling@notes.gmr.com)
or the Program Chair (Alberto Broggi, broggi@ce.unipr.it):

   IV-2000 Home Page: . . . . . . . . . . . . .  http://www.ce.unipr.it/iv2000
   ITSC-2000 Home Page: . .  http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/its/cfp-itsc-2000.html
   IEEE ITS Council Home Page:  . . . . . . . . . . .  http://www.ieee.org/its

Contributed by: Prof.H.Kashiwagi

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

APCCM'2000( 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement)

                        9-12 July, 2000
                          Guilin China



APCCM'2000 will be the 4th event in a series of biennial international
conferences on control and measurement. The conference will provide a survey
of the advances in this field, including topics such as modeling, analysis,
verification, synthesis, simulation, and the application of these methods in
the design of automation systems. The aim of the APCCM'2000 is to bring
together researchers and practitioners with backgrounds in control,
electronics or computer science and to initiate discussions on how concepts
from these different domains can be integrated to improve the existing
engineering methods for control and measurement systems.

 Technical Program:

The technical program will consist of invited lectures by distinguished
experts in control and measurement systems and reviewed papers and posters,
either as individual contributions or in special sessions.


Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of
control and measurement systems.

 (I) Individual Papers and Posters:

 Authors are invited to submit an abstract about 1000 words, either a PS or
PDF file or 4 hard copies. The organizers strongly encourage electronic
submission.  The extended abstract must contain each author's affiliation and
complete address (postal, e-mail, phone, fax) and a short summary. Please
identify the corresponding author. Submissions should also indicate the
preferred form of presentation, oral or poster. Poster presentations are
encouraged in particular for reports on tool development. The conference
program will include poster sessions during which no oral sessions will take

 (II) Special Sessions:

Proposals for special sessions on particular aspects of control systems are
invited. A special session should consist of 4 to 6 papers in the format
described for individual contributions and a one page abstract summarizing
aim and content of the session, starting with a session title, name and full
address of the session organizer, a list of the included papers, and the
preferred form of presentation (oral or poster). Survey papers at the
of special sessions are encouraged. They can replace two regular


 February 29, 2000  -  Submission of extended abstracts and special session
 March 31, 2000  ----  Notification of acceptance
 May 15, 2000  ------  Final papers due,

Address for all Submissions:

 Hardcopies:      Yuping Lu
                  Co-Chair APCCM'2000
                  Department of Automatic Control
                  Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
                  Nanjing 210016, China
 PS or PDF files: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn

 Conference Secretary (for all organizational inquiries):

 Shi Yong
 Department of Automatic Control
 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Nanjing 210016, China
 phone: +8625 489 2440
 fax:   +8625 449 8069
 email: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn
        or      masterac@nuaa.edu.cn

 For any further details, do not hesitate to contact the secretariat or
visit our homepage:

Contributed by:  Naomi Leonard (naomi@princeton.edu)


International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)

                       NONLINEAR CONTROL

March 16-18, 2000, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA

Co-Chairs:  Naomi Ehrich Leonard (Princeton University, USA)
                   Romeo Ortega (LSS-SUPELEC, France)

For final program and registration, travel and hotel information
please see the workshop web page:

Note: Deadline for early registration is Thursday, MARCH 2, 2000.

Ms. Sharon Matarese, IFAC Workshop Secretariat
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University Princeton, NJ  08544-5263   USA
Tel: 1 609 258-5127;  Fax: 1 609 258-2404

Sponsors: IFAC - Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems
          American Automatic Control Council (AACC)
          National Science Foundation (NSF)
          Army Research Office (ARO)

Confirmed invited speakers include

A. Astolfi (UK), J. Baillieul (USA), E. Belbruno (USA), A. Bicchi (Italy),
A. Bloch (USA), R. Brockett (USA), P. Crouch (USA), A.L. Fradkov (Russia),
A. Galper (Israel), P.S. Krishnaprasad (USA), A. Lewis (Canada), J. Marsden
(USA), B. Maschke (France), R. Murray (USA), N.H. McClamroch (USA),
K. Schlacher (Austria), T. Sugie (Japan), A.J. van der Schaft (The

There will also be a mini invited session on Quantum Control
featuring:  R. Brockett (Harvard), M. Dahleh (UCSB), and H. Rabitz

Contributed by: ?

Participate to the WORKSHOPS at ITS 2000

This is to recall you that seven workshops are scheduled at ITS 2000,
Montreal. You can consult the respective call for papers or consult the
site itself at http://www.info.uqam.ca/its2000/its2000.html.

Also any comments or questions can be adressed to the Workshop chair :
Esma Aimeur, mailto:aimeur@iro.umontreal.ca

Contributed by: Evgueni Bordatchev (evgueni.bordatchev@nrc.ca)


        Conference on
        as part of SPIE International Symposium on
        5-8 November 2000
        Hynes Convention Center
        Boston, Massachusetts, USA


Extended Abstract Due Date: 10 April 2000 (possibly, it can be extended to
May 1st, 2000)
Manuscript Due Date: 9 October 2000

SPIE's International Symposium on Intelligent Systems for Advanced
Manufacturing brings together an international body of researchers,
application developers, product engineers, and OEM vendors in advanced
manufacturing and robotics systems. The 2000 symposium offers a unique and
interesting perspective on recent developments in factory and environmental
sensors, automated inspection and metrology, cooperative design and
manufacturing tools, intelligent process control and flexible factory floor
scheduling, parts production and design for reliability.
third in the series, having been part of ISAM for number of years.
The topics of interest include:
*       smart sensors
*       MEMS based sensors and actuators
*       sensor and information fusion
*       adaptive and intelligent control
*       machine health monitoring
*       on-line process monitoring and control
*       fuzzy logic and neural networks
*       modeling complex processes
*       control system architectures
*       open architecture control
*       mechanisms and controls
*       product inspection
*       case studies of real-world applications.

The invited speaker of the conference is Professor Andrew Kusiak from the
University of Iowa. The title of his presentation is:
"Data Mining in Design and Manufacturing".

The conference will feature a special session on "Sensors and Controls for
Laser-Based Machining", organized by Dr. Suwas Nikumb of the National
Research Council Canada.

Contributed by: ?

                 7th International Workshop PASE 2000

           Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics

Managing the Unexpected, Unmodeled Dynamics in Engineering and Finance

KULeuven, Belgium                                      April 2-5, 2000


 The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
 practitioneers interested in non-linear dynamical systems and their
 applications in the areas of econometrics and finance. The focus will
 be on in-depth presentations of state-of-the-art methods and
 applications as well as on communicating current research topics.
 This workshop is intended for industrial and academic participants
 seeking new ways to measure, to model and to manage unexpected events

  + Financial Risk Management, Hedging in Incomplete Markets,
  + Benchmarking and Performance Measurements, Data Warehousing,
     Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery,
  + Non-Linear Time Series Prediction, Chaotic Systems,
  + Time Series Analysis, Non-Linear Signal Processing, Bioinformatics

 The workshop will be held in Leuven (Belgium), where one of the world's
 oldest universities is located. The best connection to Leuven is to fly
 to Brussels and then to take the train. It will take about 40 minutes.

 Participants will be accommodated in hotels in walking distance from
 the conference location. The workshop starts on Sunday afternoon,
 April 2nd, with registration and ends on Wednesday, April 5th,
 after lunch. Because the number of prebooked rooms is limited,
 early registration is recommended.

 The workshop fee is in case of early registration, before
 Dec. 30st, 25,000.-- BEF for profit-making companies  and 15,000.--
 BEF (372.-- EURO) for others. Late registration after January 1st,
 2000, is 30,000.-- BEF  (745.-- EURO) and 18,000.-- BEF (446.-- EURO),
 respectively. The fees include the "Welcome Party" on Sunday evening,
 lunches on Monday, Tuesday  and Wednesday, "the Workshop Dinner" on
 Tuesday evening, and the proceedings, published as a special issue
 of the journal Neural Network World - International Journal on Neural
 and Mass-Parallel computing and Information  Systems. For students
 and a limited number of participants some support and scholarships
 will be available: please contact the organizers.

Contributed by Prof.H.Kashiwagi

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

APCCM'2000( 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Control and Measurement)

                        9-12 July, 2000
                          Guilin China



APCCM'2000 will be the 4th event in a series of biennial international
conferences on control and measurement. The conference will provide a survey
of the advances in this field, including topics such as modeling, analysis,
verification, synthesis, simulation, and the application of these methods in
the design of automation systems. The aim of the APCCM'2000 is to bring
together researchers and practitioners with backgrounds in control,
electronics or computer science and to initiate discussions on how concepts
from these different domains can be integrated to improve the existing
engineering methods for control and measurement systems.

 Technical Program:

The technical program will consist of invited lectures by distinguished
experts in control and measurement systems and reviewed papers and posters,
either as individual contributions or in special sessions.


Contributions are invited in all areas pertaining to the engineering of
control and measurement systems.

 (I) Individual Papers and Posters:

 Authors are invited to submit an abstract about 1000 words, either a PS or
PDF file or 4 hard copies. The organizers strongly encourage electronic
submission.  The extended abstract must contain each author's affiliation
and complete address (postal, e-mail, phone, fax) and a short
summary. Please identify the corresponding author. Submissions should also
indicate the preferred form of presentation, oral or poster. Poster
presentations are encouraged in particular for reports on tool
development. The conference program will include poster sessions during
which no oral sessions will take place.

 (II) Special Sessions:

Proposals for special sessions on particular aspects of control systems are
invited. A special session should consist of 4 to 6 papers in the format
described for individual contributions and a one page abstract summarizing
the aim and content of the session, starting with a session title, name and
full address of the session organizer, a list of the included papers, and
the preferred form of presentation (oral or poster). Survey papers at the
beginning of special sessions are encouraged. They can replace two regular


 February 29, 2000  -  Submission of extended abstracts and special session
 March 31, 2000  ----  Notification of acceptance
 May 15, 2000  ------  Final papers due,

Address for all Submissions:

 Hardcopies:      Yuping Lu
                  Co-Chair APCCM'2000
                  Department of Automatic Control
                  Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
                  Nanjing 210016, China
 PS or PDF files: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn

 Conference Secretary (for all organizational inquiries):

 Shi Yong
 Department of Automatic Control
 Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Nanjing 210016, China
 phone: +8625 489 2440
 fax:   +8625 449 8069
 email: apccm@ac.nuaa.edu.cn
        or      masterac@nuaa.edu.cn

 For any further details, do not hesitate to contact the secretariat or
visit our homepage:

Contributed by:  Paul Hubbard 


Minneapolis, MN
July 10-11, 2000

Submission Deadline: April 14, 2000

Aim and Scope

This Symposium is second in the series inaugurated by the Symposium on
Advances in Enterprise Control (AEC) held in San Diego, CA on November
15-16, 1999.  The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers
and practitioners from industry, government and academe to present and
discuss the latest developments in all aspects of enterprise control. The
Symposium is sponsored by the Joint Force Air Component Commander (JFACC)
Program in the Information Systems Office (ISO) of the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The Symposium seeks papers that (a)
describe the results of original research on the topics of interest (listed
below), (b) provide broad reviews of the state-of-the-art, or (c) propose
and advocate new research directions. Also invited are papers that describe
significant practical experiences with current enterprise control systems
that exhibit complex dynamic phenomena, illustrate interesting causes for
successes or failures, or that illustrate requirements and unmet needs in
enterprise control systems. Note that the security classification of this
Symposium is unclassified.  For your reference, proceedings of the 1st AEC
Symposium are available on-line at

The modern enterprise is a large-scale dynamic system with broadly
distributed and potentially conflicting goals, resources and constraints,
and with multiple semi-autonomous participants -- both human and artificial
(e.g., large military operations, financial/trading institutions, logistics
systems, manufacturing plants, power grids, etc.). The increasing
capabilities of technology to collect, automatically generate, and
disseminate information offer the possibility for large-scale enterprises
to be more responsive to change. Enterprise plans and orders quickly become
obsolete as new information about the current situation becomes available.
The challenge is to use real-time information to re-direct enterprise
operations effectively. Such systems and challenges define the scope of the

Topics of Interest

Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design, analysis and
implementation of enterprise control systems. Topics include but are not
limited to:

     * modeling and representations of large-scale enterprise
        control systems
     * analysis, simulation and verification of discrete-event
        and hybrid systems
     * integrated planning/scheduling/control
     * distributed and multi-agent control architectures
     * adaptive control in large-scale enterprises
     * game-theoretic control and adversarial control
     * role and impact of humans on the control loop
     * reasoning at multiple levels of abstraction
     * failures and pathological behavior in enterprise control
     * applications and case studies


Researchers are invited to submit an extended abstract as a postscript,
MS-Word, PDF or RTF file via e-mail
(mailto:aec-papers@jfacc.cgi.com). The abstract should not exceed 10
double-spaced pages or 4 pages in two-column format. The first page
should include the title of the paper, each authors name and affiliation,
complete contact information for the corresponding author
(postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers), and a
one-paragraph summary of the contribution. Full versions of the accepted
submissions will be published in the proceedings following the Symposium.
Full versions of the papers must conform to the standards of IEEE Computer
Society Press guidelines for conference
proceedings (see http://computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm). It is an intent
of this Symposium to encourage interactions of practitioners and
theoreticians, and to make the innovative research more accessible to the
enterprise leaders and decision-makers. To this end, all theoretical papers
should contain a section that illustrates the key idea and significance of
the paper in qualitative terms and examples, and does not require an
extensive control-theoretic background.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 14, 2000

Notification of Acceptance: May 12, 2000

Full Versions of Papers Due: June 23, 2000

Symposium Dates: July 10-11, 2000

Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue

Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop

SOME CHANGES: Fax number and Registration


June 5 - 9, 2000

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
3 rue Michel-Ange - 75794 Paris cedex 16, France

Organized by

        Alberto ISIDORI, Universit di Roma, Italy

        Franoise LAMNABHI-LAGARRIGUE, CNRS, France

        Witold RESPONDEK, INSA Rouen, France

Mailing address:

Nonlinear Control Network coordinator
Laboratoire des signaux et systmes
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Phone:  +33 1 69 85 17 27
Fax: +33 1 69 85 17 65

Conference fees: Registration is free of charge for NCN members and
young researchers working with them. For non-NCN members it will amount
to 200 EUROs when registering before April 15th and 220 EUROs after
that date.

Registration form and hotel accommodation is available on

Contributed by: ?

Circuits, Systems, Communications & Computers (CSCC 2000)

VOULIAGMENI (suburb of Athens), GREECE, JULY 10-15, 2000

Jointly with the 2nd WorldSES MCP and 2nd WorldSES MCME

Dedicated to the Memory of SIDNEY DARLINGTON

The Paradise of Vouliagmeni and the ASTIR PALACE
(A unique Group of 3 Premier De Luxe Hotels which will host CSCC 2000)

The 4 WORLD Conferences that compose the CSCC Multiconference will take
place at the ASTIR PALACE.

4th WSES CSCC (CSCC 2000) will be composed by four independent World

* 4th World Conference on Circuits

 Subject Matter Covered By Meeting:
Fundamental Theory, Network Theory and Applications, Electronics:
Components, Devices, Systems. Silicon Devices: Technology, Modeling,
Reliability. Optoelectronic Devices, Electron Devices for Control and
Robotics, Electron Devices for Power Technology, High Voltages and
Electric Machines. Device Physics. Physical Design. High-Level Synthesis
and Testing. Non-Linear Circuits. Formal Verification. Semiconductors.
Superconductivity Circuits, Computer-Aided Design. Microelectronics,
Microcircuits. Very Large Scale Integration Systems (VLSI),
Applications. Military Electronics, Electronics for Space exploration,
Consumer Electronics, Circuits in Power Technology, Electron Devices for
Video Technology. Circuits for Antennas Technology. Electron Devices and
Systems for Radar and Sonar Systems. Circuit Models, Electrical and
Electronic Measurement, Instrumentation. Laser and Optical Systems.
Sensor Technology. Instrument-Computer Interface. Circuits for
Industrial Applications. Circuit models for Electromagnetic Fields.
Electronics for Signal Processing and other Applications.

* 4th World Conference on Systems

 Subject Matter Covered By Meeting:
Systems Theory, Control Systems, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence,
Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, VLSI Realization of Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence in Systems Theory, Knowledge Modelling,
Decision Support Systems, Hierarchical Control Systems, Aerospace
Systems, Lightwave Engineering, Stochastic Systems, Non-linear Systems,
Telecommunication Systems, Information Systems, Signal Processing
Systems, Multidimensional Systems,Multivariable systems, Hybrid Systems,
Multirate Systems, Speech and Image Processing Systems, Discrete Event
Dynamic Systems, Manufacturing Systems, Decentralised Systems, Remote
Sensing, Microelectromechanical Systems, Human-Machine Systems.
Environment Modeling. Sonar and underwater acoustic systems. Undersea
Systems. Navigation and Tracking Systems. Space Systems. Wavelets.
Systems Techniques for Wireless Applications. Filter design.
Verification and Validation. Systems for Statistical Signal and Array

* 4th World Conference on Communications

 Subject Matter Covered By Meeting:
Modern Communications. Microwaves. Polarization effects in materials.
Wave-guides. Microwave propagation. Ferrites devices. Cavities.
Microwave Circuits, Periodic Structures and Filters. Tubes, Masers,
Amplifiers, Antennas. Scattering. Propagation. Optical Fiber Systems.
Communication Electronics, Radio Engineering. Satellite Communications,
Radar Systems. Applied Electromagnetism. Signal Processing for Wireless
Communication. Computational Techniques for Electromagnetic Fields.
Physical Layer. ISDN. Computer Networks. Architectural Aspects. ATM
Networks. Protocols, Queuing Theory and Communications. Traffic
Problems. Internet. WWW. Programming Techniques in Communications
Networks. Simulation Techniques in Telecommunications. Applications of
Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic and Genetic Algorithms in Communications.
Military Applications. Cryptography. Applications.

* 4th World Conference on Computers

 Subject Matter Covered By Meeting:
Software Engineering, Data Structures, File Structures and Design, Data
Bases, Compilers, Knowledge and Data Technology, Pattern Analysis and
Machine Intelligence, File Structures for on-line Systems, Operating
Systems, Parallel and Distributed Systems , Information Systems,
Management and Economic Systems. Multimedia, Complexity Theory,
Computing Theory. Numerical and Semi-Numerical Algorithms, Computers in
Armed Forces, Object-Oriented Programming, Parallel Programming,
Computerised Signal Processing, Computer Graphics, Computational
Geometry, Numerical Analysis, Finite Elements, Genetic Algorithms, Game
Theory, Operations Research, Optimization Techniques, Real Time Systems,
Virtual Reality, Computer Vision, Computer Algebra, Symbolic
Computation, Simulation, Adaptive and Learning Systems, Classification,
Identification, Chaos Fractals and Bifurcations, Graph theory. Analysis
and design tools, simulation, modeling and emulation, Fault analysis.
Hardware Engineering, Microprocessors, Computer Architecture, Special
Topics and applications.

Contributed by: ?

50th Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering Conference
October 15-18, 2000
Montral, Qubec, Canada

URL: www.csche2000.ca

Systems & Control Division - Call for Papers

The Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering will hold its 50th annual
meeting October 15-18, 2000, in Montral,  Qubec, Canada. As part of this
conference the Control and Systems Division of the CSChE is planning to hold
sessions focused on emerging areas of process control as well as established
application areas.

The following sessions are currently planned and we will be adding other
sessions based on the response to this call  for papers.

Session 1: Advances in Process Control
Session 2: Model-Based Control
Session 3: Fault Diagnosis & Process Monitoring
Session 4: Observer Design
Session 5: Plantwide Control
Session 6: Dynamics and Control of Pulp & Paper Processes
Session 7: Dynamics and Control of Polymer Processes
Session 8: Dynamics and Control of Bioprocesses
Please send us your abstracts, so we can ensure a high quality meeting.


Abstracts can be submitted in English or French and should have a length of
minimum 1 page and maximum 2 pages  (mandatory length of 2 pages for
symposia). Abstracts should begin with the title, the names of the authors,
the  authors affiliation(s) and the Email address of the corresponding

The abstracts must be submitted by Email to csche2000@csche2000.ca. Receipt
will be acknowledged to make sure that  the received file is in proper

The electronic file containing the abstract should be in WORD,
WORDPERFECT,Postscript or PDF format with 14 cpi  (12-point) fonts and
single spaced. The abstracts will be available before the conference and
will be posted on the  website. Full length papers will not be required for
the conference except for symposia.

The DEADLINE for submitting abstracts for presentation in the regular
sessions is MARCH 15th.

CSChE2000 Theme Organizers, Systems & Control Control

Michel Perrier, cole Polytechnique

Fraser Forbes, University of Alberta

Martin Guay, Queen's University

Fraser Forbes                   email: Fraser.Forbes@UAlberta.ca
Chemical & Materials Eng.       phone: (780) 492-0873
University of Alberta           fax:   (780) 492-2881
Edmonton, AB, Canada  T6G 2G6

          URL: www.ualberta.ca/CHEMENG/forbes/

              *                                        *
              *              THE END                   *
              *                                        *