E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 138 Part I, February 1, 2000.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 138,  February 1, 2000

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582



>>> PART I

1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  SIAM Student Paper Prizes
        3.2  Deadline nominations Idalia Reid Prize
        3.3  Deadline nominations Richard C. DiPrima Prize

4.      Positions
        4.1  Vacancies in the MAC network
        4.2  Research positions at IRISA / INRIA Rennes
        4.3  Chair EE, University of Missouri-Columbia
        4.4  Dean, College of Technology, Bowling Green State Univ., Ohio
        4.5  Research position Safety Control Engineering, Univ. of Wuppertal
        4.6  Faculty Positions in SP and EE, University of California, LA
        4.7  Director School of EE and CS, Washington State University
        4.8  Faculty position in Systems and Control UCLA EE Department
        4.9  NASA/RRA/NRC Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards
        4.10 Assistant Professor Ident. and Control, Delft University
        4.11 Post-Doct. Positions in Control Systems, Washington Univ. St.Louis
        4.12 Academic position in EE, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra
        4.13 Post doctoral position at Yale University
        4.14 Post-doctoral position in Real-Time Airport Control, MIT
        4.15 Faculty Positions School of EECS, Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando
        4.16 Faculty Position Department of Mech. Engr, University of Houston
        4.17 Research assitantship in control, University of Houston
        4.18 Faculty positions in the Computer Engineering area, Clemson University

5.      Books
        5.1 "ELA: The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Volumes 1-4"
        5.2 "Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering"
        5.3 "A Course in Robust Control Theory: a Convex Approach"
        5.4 "Iterative learning control: Convergence,Robustness and Applications

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Asian Journal of Control, Vol.1:1-4
        6.2  CFP Automatica special issue on Neural Networks for Feedback Control
        6.3  IEEE ITSC newsletter is available
        6.4  TOC LAA, Vol. 304:1-3, Vol.305:1-3
        6.5  CFP Communications in Information and Systems
        6.6  TOC IFAC Journal: Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 8:1
        6.7  TOC The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, Vol. 5
        6.8  TOC Automatica, Vol. 36:4
        6.9  TOC Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 13:1

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP IFAC Symposium Power Plants and Power Systems Control 2000
        7.2  CFP 2nd Intl. Conf. on Modeling of Biointeraction
        7.3  CFP ISA'2000
        7.4  CFP Balkan Conf. on Signal proc., Communications, Circuits and Systems                             AND SYSTEMS
        7.5  CFP WSES/MIUE/HNA/MCBE 2000 Conference
        7.6  CFP of 3rd International Conference on Information Fusion, Fusion2000
        7.7  Deadline for Congress on Evolutionary Computation is revised
        7.8  CFP APCCM'2000
        7.9  CFP HSCC00
        7.10 CFP Workshop on Mathematical Control Theory and Robotics
        7.11 CFP IFAC- ADCHEM 2000
        7.12 CFP ADPM'2000
        7.13 CFP MMAR 2000
        7.14 CFP Workshop on Autonomous artificial systems exploring hostile env.
        7.15 CFP Workshop on Information Systems for Mass Customization
        7.16 CFP Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
        7.17 Deadline extended for 2000 CCA/CACSD

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 138 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear March 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

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-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Peter Benner and Volker Mehrmann

                   Thilo Penzl

On December 17, Thilo Penzl died in a tragic avalanche
accident in the Canadian Cascade Mountains while pursuing his favourite
hobby of mountain climbing.  Thilo was currently a post-doc at the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Calgary.
He was about to return to the Technische Universitaet Chemnitz to take
a position as assistant professor ("Hochschulassistent") at the
Department of Mathematics in the research group "Numerical Linear
Algebra" and the Sonderforschungsbereich 393 "Numerical Simulation on
Massively Parallel Computers" on January 1, 2000.

Thilo was born in June 1968 in Plauen, Germany.  He received his PhD
in mathematics in 1998 at the Technische Universitaet Chemnitz with
his thesis "Numerical Solution of Large Lyapunov Equations".  He was
an active member of the Working Group on Software participating in the
development of the Subroutine Library in Control Theory (SLICOT).
His latest research was devoted to model reduction and optimal control
for large sparse control systems arising from discretized PDEs.
He will always be remembered as a good friend and colleague who was
liked and respected by everybody.  We miss him a lot.

  Peter Benner and Volker Mehrmann

Contributed by:  Alex Smerlas

                         ADRESS CHANGE

As of November 1st 1999 I have taken on a new position at
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH

My new contact details are as follows:

Dr. Alex Smerlas
Eurocopter Deutschland GmbH
D/TA3, 81663 Munich
tel: +49-89-6000-5447
fax: +49-89-6000-9544
email: Alexandros.Smerlas@eurocopter.de

Contributed by: Alexander Leonessa


 Please note my new address:

 Professor Alexander Leonessa
Florida Atlantic University
Department of Ocean Engineering
SeaTech Campus
Dania Beach, FL  33004-3023
Tel: +1.954-924-7248
Fax: +1.954-924-7233
Email: aleo@seatech.fau.edu

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                            SIAM Student Paper Prizes

     The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the 2000
     SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, at the Westin Rio Mar Beach Resort in
     Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

     If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take part
     in the competition, here are the details:

     The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
     mathematics written by students and submitted to SIAM will receive a
     $1,000 cash prize and a framed calligraphed certificate as well as
     gratis registration for the meeting.  There is no provision for travel
     expenses associated with the prize.

     Papers must be singly authored and not previously published or
     submitted for publication to be eligible for consideration.  To
     qualify, authors must be students in good standing who have not
     received their PhDs at the time of submission.

     In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to
     consider SIAM journals.  However, student paper prize winners are not
     guaranteed publication in any SIAM journal; all papers submitted to
     SIAM journals are subject to the same refereeing process and

     Submissions must be received in the SIAM office before
     February 15, 2000.

     Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail or
     fax.  Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER
     THAN 5 PAGES (including bibliography); (2) the complete paper, which
     will be used solely for clarification of any questions; (3) a
     statement by the student's faculty advisor that the paper has been
     prepared by the author indicated and that the author is a student in
     good standing; (4) a letter by the student's faculty advisor
     describing and evaluating the paper's contribution; and (5) a short
     biography of the student.

     Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and quality
     of exposition.

     The winners will be notified by April 15, 2000.

     Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to
     A. Bogardo at SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia,
     PA 19104-2688; telephone (215) 382-9800; e-mail to bogardo@siam.org.

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

     REMINDER:  Deadline approaching!

                             CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                         W. T. AND IDALIA REID PRIZE

     The Reid Prize

     SIAM will present the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the 2000 SIAM
     Annual Meeting at the Westin Rio Mar Beach Resort in Puerto Rico next
     July 10-14.  The award will be given for research in, or other
     contributions to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations
     and control theory.  The prize may be given either for a single
     notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.


     The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who
     meets the general guidelines of the prize description above.

     Description of Award

     The award consists of an engraved medal and a $10,000 cash prize, plus
     travel expenses to attend the prize ceremony.


     A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s)
     should be sent by February 1, 2000 to:

                Professor John A. Burns
                Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

     Selection Committee

     Members of the selection committee are John A. Burns, Chair (Virginia
     Institute of Technology and State University); H. Thomas Banks (North
     Carolina State University); James G. Glimm (State University of New
     York at Stony Brook); John Guckenheimer (Cornell University); and
     Arthur J. Krener (University of California, Davis).

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org


                               Call for Nominations
                           The Richard C. DiPrima Prize

     The DiPrima Prize

     SIAM will present the award at the 2000 SIAM Annual Meeting in Rio
     Grande, Puerto Rico, July 10-14.  The award honors the memory of
     Richard C. DiPrima, long-time Chair of the Department of Mathematical
     Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and former President and
     energetic supporter of SIAM.  The award will be based on an
     outstanding doctoral dissertation in applied mathematics.


     The award, based on Ph.D. research in applied mathematics (defined as
     those topics covered in SIAM journals or series) is made to a young
     scientist.  The Ph.D. thesis and all other Ph.D. requirements should
     have been completed in the time period from July 1, 1997 to June 30,
     1999.  The Ph.D. degree must be awarded by December 31, 1999.

     Description of the Award

     The award will consist of a certificate and a cash prize of $1,000.
     The SIAM President will notify the recipient of the award in advance
     of the award date and invite the recipient to attend the annual
     meeting to receive the award.  Travel expenses will be paid by the
     prize fund.


     Nominations, along with a copy of the dissertation (in English), should
     be sent by February 15, 2000 to:

                Professor Ronald A. DeVore
                Chair, DiPrima Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax: (215) 386-7999
                E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

     Members of the selection committee are Russel Caflisch (UCLA), Andrew
     J. Wathen (University of Oxford, UK), and Ronald A. DeVore, Chair
     (University of South Carolina).

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Douglas Leith

Multi-Agent Control: Probabilistic reasoning, optimal coordination, stability
analysis and controller design for intelligent hybrid systems


Vacancies in the MAC network (deadline 1st March 2000):

The Multi-Agent Control (MAC) network is a collaboration between the
Universities of Glasgow, Strathclyde, Maynooth, NTNU, DTU and the Jozef
Stefan Insitute (participants). This project is funded by the European
Commission as a Research Training Network. The University of Glasgow
acts as the project coordinator. There are vacancies for researchers
at each of the members of the network as follows.

1.Pre-doctoral position at University of Glasgow
2.Pre-doctoral position at University of Strathclyde
3.Pre-doctoral position at National University of Ireland, Maynooth
4.Post-Doctoral Position at Norwegian University of Science and Technology
5.Pre-doctoral Position at Technical University of Denmark
6.Post-Doctoral Position at Institut Jo?ef Stefan, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

NOTE:  To be elegible it is *essential* that applicants satisfy EU requirements
(i.e. be citizen/resident of EU member or associated state - see below for
further etails).

Highlights of the programme for potential applicants are:

   Challenging programme of interdisciplinary research
   Industrially relevant research problems
   Excellent training programme
   Mobility between network nodes
   Industrial secondments
   Competitive salary and relocation package

Project Goals
The overall research objective of the network is to develop rigorous
methods for analysis and design of Multi-Agent Control systems. Due to
the interdisciplinary nature of this objective, the network has been
structured to include expertise from relevant problem domains;
probabilistic reasoning, optimisation, stability analysis, control
theory and computing science. The specific design problems to be
addressed are:

1.To develop probabilistic reasoning methods for design that
accommodate the inherent uncertainty in the system's knowledge of the
state of the world. The work will build on new developments of
computationally-intensive statistical inference tools, for modelling
complex physical systems and human control behaviour.
2.To develop tools for rigorously analysing the potentially very
strong and safety critical interactions between the outcome of
controller decisions and the dynamic behaviour of the overall system.
3.To develop formal methods of design, which incorporate in a single
framework, the design of the switching logic, co-ordination between
multiple agents as well as optimisation of performance within given
constraints on the overall system behaviour.

The emphasis in this network is to develop a theory to support the
design of computer-controlled systems where performance and safety are
crucial. The efficacy of the research results will be evaluated using a
number of test-bed industrial applications (aerospace, automotive,
process and renewable energy fields). These applications will be
supplied by a number of major European industrial companies, some of
which are members of the network, and others that have expressed an
interest in the scientific output of the network. Software tools
developed during prototyping, as well as the scientific results, will be
made available to the wider academic and industrial community.

The project is funded by the European Commission under a Research
Training Network. The European Commission requires that the candidate is
aged 35 years or less at the time of his appointment and must be a
national of a Member State of the Community or of an Associated State
excluding the country in which you plan to work) or have resided in the
Community for at least five year prior to the appointment.  It is emphasised
that these elegibility conditions are strict requirements.

Note that pre-doctoral positions are essentially fully paid Ph.D.
positions, where the candidate is expected to gain a Ph.D. by the end of
the work period. Post-doctoral positions require the candidate to have
qualified for a Ph.D. or equivalent before starting work.

Further information
Please visit the project web site http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mac/ for more
information. Details about the individual vacancies can be found at

Contributed by: Albert Benveniste and Francois Le Gland

            Research positions at IRISA / INRIA Rennes

INRIA is an internationally recognized research institute
in Computer Science and Automation, funded by the french government.

INRIA seeks outstanding candidates who have completed a Ph.D.
(or equivalent) in Computer Science, Signal and Image Processing,
or Applied Mathematics.

Permanent positions are open at the level of "Charge de Recherche"
(best corresponding to Research Assistant, but with tenure). They are
open to French as well as non-French applicants. French speaking is not

Applicants should have a commitment to research as well as transfer of
results to industry. The Signals, Models and Algorithms (Sigma2) group
at IRISA / INRIA Rennes seeks candidates with the following profiles:

        1. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS. The group is launching
        research on full optical network communication systems (WDM).
        Research involves systems and signals for the evaluation of QoS,
        modulation techniques, and the control of optical devices.
        Cooperation with major industrial companies.

        2. NONLINEAR CONTROL. Applicant would perform research
        in the area of fault detection and diagnosis.
        Cooperation with industrial companies, in particular automotive
        and power systems.

Interested persons should contact as soon as possible

        Albert Benveniste, mailto:benveniste@irisa.fr

        Francois Le Gland, mailto:legland@irisa.fr

and no later than

        FEBRUARY 15, so as to have enough time for preparing
        a formal condidature.

For further information
on IRISA / INRIA Rennes, see http://www.irisa.fr/newtree/Welcomee.html,
on the Sigma2 group, see http://www.irisa.fr/sigma2/index-en.html,
and on the city of Rennes, see http://www.rennestelecom.com/index_map.htm.

Contributed by:  Prof. S. Nair, University of Missouri

The College of Engineering invites applications and nominations for the
position of Chair, Department of Electrical Engineering.  An earned
doctorate in electrical engineering or a related area is required.  A
faculty appointment at the rank of Professor is anticipated for the new
department chair.

The Chair must have strong leadership capability, demonstrated ability to
secure and perform funded research, and the ability to interact proactively
with the Missouri technical and professional communities.  The Chair should
also be committed to graduate and research program growth, innovation and
excellence in undergraduate education and continuing education programs.

The Electrical Engineering Department was the first established EE
Department in the US, west of the Mississippi, and has active research
programs in physical electronics, communications, signal processing, power
systems, biomedical, and remote sensing.  Current enrollment is
approximately 425 undergraduates and 100 full-time graduate students.  The
Department expects to add several positions to its current faculty of 22
which includes 5 faculty on its Kansas City campus.  This will give the new
Chair an excellent opportunity to provide academic leadership to a dynamic
and growing faculty.

The University of Missouri-Columbia is a Carnegie I research university, a
member of the American Association of Universities and is a broad-based
university of 23,000 students with significant opportunity for
interdisciplinary research with other colleges and research centers.

Columbia is a city of approximately 75,000 people located 2 hours from the
larger cities of Kansas City and St. Louis and approximately 1 hour from the
scenic recreational areas of the Ozark Mountains.  Living conditions are
pleasant with moderate cost.  Columbia has some of the best public K-12
schools in the country.  Columbia was ranked No.2 to live in by the Money
magazine in 1999.

Review of applications will begin March 1, 1999, and will continue until the
position is filled.  All correspondence should be sent to:  Prof. Satish
Nair, Electrical Engineering Chair Search Committee, 349 Engineering
Building West, University of Missouri-Columbia, MO 65211, email:
nairs@missouri.edu. For additional information, please visit the web site:
. The University of Missouri is an equal
opportunity, affirmative action employer.

Contributed by:  Sri R. Kolla  


Responsibilities: Bowling Green State University (BGSU), located in
Northwest Ohio, seeks a creative leader to motivate and work
collaboratively with faculty, staff, students, and administrators in this
fast growing and innovative college of diverse, yet interconnected graduate
and undergraduate programs. The successful candidate will demonstrate
abilities to build effective partnerships with other BGSU colleges,
industry, K-12 education, and surrounding communities to maximize the
experience provided to students.

Required Qualifications:  Candidates will be expected to have a terminal
degree in the candidate's academic field or discipline; a record of
scholarship or applied research qualifying the candidate for appointment as
full professor; evidence of successful experience in teaching and/or
training; and five years of administrative and managerial experience with
progressive responsibility.

Deadline:  Applications postmarked by February 23, 2000.

Further Information: Complete position announcement and application
procedures available at: www.bgsu.edu/colleges/technology.  Contact Dr.
Carol Engler at: cengler@bgnet.bgsu.edu with questions.

BGSU is an AA/EEO institution.

Contributed by: Dr.-Ing. Dirk Soeffker


is available at the working group of Safety Control
Engineering (http://wssrm86.site.uni-wuppertal.de),
University of Wuppertal.

Application of observer techniques to dynamic
modeling of the rail-/wheel contact.
Observer-based validation of existing models using
experimental data

The project is part of a special priority program of the
Germany Research Council called Systemdynamik und Langzeitverhalten
von Fahrwerk, Gleis und Untergrund, which is focussed
to the short- and long-term behavior of the rail-wheel
contact in general. The candidate for the position must have
a master equivalent degree (M.Sc. or Dipl.-Ing. (U/TH/TU) in a
relevant engineering discipline (mechanics / dynamics /
control / mechatronics). Actually the project is limited to
two years. The full-time position is according to IIa BAT.

Interested persons should contact:
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Soeffker
Safety Control Engineering
University of Wuppertal
Tel.: +49 (0) 202-439-2019
Fax.: +49 (0) 202-439-2586
email: soeffker@wrcs2.uni-wuppertal.de

Contributed by: Ali H. Sayed (sayed@ee.ucla.edu)

Faculty Positions in Signal Processing
Electrical Engineering
University of California
Los Angeles

The Electrical Engineering Department invites applications
from highly qualified persons for tenure-track faculty
positions in the School of Engineering and Applied Science
at the Assistant Professor level.

The department is particularly interested in candidates with
experience in Speech, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing.
Candidates with a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and an
excellent research and teaching record are encouraged to apply.
Applications including a curriculum vitae, names of at least
3 referees, teaching and research statements (no longer than 1
page each), and three selected reprints should be sent, by
March 1st 2000 to:

Professor Tatsuo Itoh
Electrical Engineering Department
School of Engineering and Applied Science
66-147A Engr IV
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095

The University of California, Los Angeles is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.

Contributed by: Ali Saberi


--Director-The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
Washington State University is soliciting applications and nominations for
the position of Director of the School.  Candidates must (1) possess a
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering computer
science or a related discipline, (2) demonstrate outstanding leadership,
(3) have an international research reputation, (4) have a clear vision of
the growth and development needed to enhance excellence in both teaching
and research, (5) possess good communication skills and the ability to
motivate people, (6) aggressively promote the school to universities,
industry, and government, (7) be committed to the promotion of faculty
research activities, and (8) take the lead in the continued development of
a diverse work force.
The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science is the largest of
five engineering departments in the College of Engineering and Architecture
at Washington State University.   The School is represented on WSU's four
campuses: the main campus at Pullman and three branches at Richland,
Spokane and Vancouver.  It presently has 40 full-time faculty and is
expected to grow to 44 in the near future.  Student enrollment consists of
695 undergraduates and 120 graduates.  It awards B.S., M.S. and Ph.D.
degrees in electrical engineering and computer science, B.S. in computer
engineering and a B.A. in computer science.  Currently the annual external
research budget is over $4 million with half the funding coming from the
federal government and the remainder from other sources.  The total school
budget exceeds $8.75 million per year.  Major areas of research include
energy systems, solid state electronics, communications and signal
processing, electromagnetics, control systems, embedded systems, computer
engineering, algorthmics, graphics, distributed systems, knowledge
discovery and databases, and computer networks.  The School has endowed
chair positions in software engineering and computer engineering, and
various distinguished professorships.  Two NSF IUCRC centers are housed in
EECS, one for Design of Analog-Digital Integrated Circuits and another for
Power Engineering.  In addition, there are several other strong research
groups in electrical engineering and computer science.

Washington State University was established in 1891 as a land grant college
located in the beautiful rolling hills of Eastern Washington.   It is
classified as a Carnegie Research I University and is one of the largest
residential universities west of the Mississippi with an enrollment of over
18,000 at the main campus in Pullman.   Pullman's small town atmosphere is
enriched by the academic and cultural offerings of the university. It has
an outstanding public school system, and recreational and outdoor
activities are available year-round.
Applications and nominations should be sent to EECS Director Search
Committee, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Washington State University, Pullman, WA  99164-2752.  Screening of
applicants will begin February 15, 2000 and continue until the position is

Contributed by: Fernando Paganini (paganini@ee.ucla.edu)


The Electrical Engineering Department invites applications for a faculty
position in the area of systems and control. Applicants at all levels will be
considered. Candidates should have a PhD and an outstanding research and
teaching record in this area. The department is particularly interested in
persons whose research involves interaction between systems and control and
other areas of Electrical Engineering.

Applications including a curriculum vitae, names of at least 3 referees,
a 2-page statement of research and teaching interests, and 3 selected
reprints should be sent, by March 15th, 2000 to:

Professor Tatsuo Itoh
Electrical Engineering Department
School of Engineering and Applied Science
66-147A Engr IV
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Applications will be processed as they are received.
UCLA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Contributed by: Marty Brenner

       NASA/RRA/NRC Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards
              NASA Dryden Flight Research Center

Proposed Research Title:
Nonlinear Analysis of Aerospace Systems using Multiresolution Methods

NASA Resident Research Associateships (RRA) are administered by the
National Research Council (NRC). These opportunities at NASA Dryden
are open only to US citizens.

Postdoctoral Research Associateships are awarded to those with a PhD
less than five years, and Senior Research Associateships to those with
the doctorate five years or more. They are usually for 1-2 years, but
Senior awards for periods of three months or longer are considered.
A Research Associate must conduct his research full-time and on-site.

Evaluations are conducted in June, October, and February by the NRC.
Application deadlines are Apr 15, Aug 15, and Jan 15, respectively.
Current annual stipend is about $50K for Postdoc and $80K for Senior.

Problem definition:
The ability to identify and control nonlinear phenomena is extremely
important to the aerospace community. Understanding aeroelastic
nonlinear dynamics is becoming vital for advanced design configurations.
Stability estimation from flight data must account for nonlinearity to
distinguish linear from nonlinear dynamics for model development.

Confidence bounds are desired in identification schemes to guarantee system
stability within a flight regime. Realistic stability prediction requires
system identification consistent with uncertainty and disturbance models.

Application of multiscale wavelet methods is an attractive approach to
this problem. Adaptive signal decompositions for signal processing of
nonlinear and time-varying systems is a major focus of research at NASA
Dryden. Algorithms are needed to generate adaptive multiresolution
representations for identification in aircraft dynamics analysis.

Dryden is studying linear and nonlinear identification algorithms and
methodologies for in-flight aeroservoelasticity (aero+structures+controls).
Intelligent data processing and analysis methods are desired for accurate
control-oriented stability determination during flight testing.
This integrated research effort requires innovative digital signal
processing, identification, and robust system theory applications.

Marty Brenner
NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
MS 4840D / RS
Edwards, California 93523-0273
Phone: 661-258-3793 (starting in March: 661-276-3793)
Email: martin.brenner@dfrc.nasa.gov


Contributed by: Paul Van den Hof

In the Signals, Systems and Control Group of the Department of
Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology, there is an
open position for an

         Assistant Professor  (Universitair Docent)
      Identification and Control of Dynamical Systems
             (appointment for a period of 5 years)

Group The Signals, Systems and Control Group of the Department of
Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
is a recently installed group, currently composed of 5 academic
staff people. Their teaching and research field encompasses the
wide area of modelling, parameter estimation, signal processing,
identification and control of dynamical systems, with application
areas in both physical measurement systems (electron microscopy,
radar, positioning stages) and in industrial process control
systems. Ongoing research projects are:
  Identification for control
  (Model-based) signal-processing in electron microscopy
  Orthogonal basis functions in identification and control of
   industrial processes
  Structure selection in time series analysis
  Modelling and control of high-accuracy positioning systems
(scanning tunnelling microscope).

At the moment there are 6 Ph.D.-students working in the group. A
research laboratory is under construction and a long term
collaborative relation with the Dutch Technological Institute
TNO/TPD is being prepared. The group actively participates in the
dutch graduate school DISC (Dutch Institute of Systems and

 Performing and conducting research in the area of
identification and control theory and its applications, and
contributing to the international literature in this area;
 Supervision of undergraduate and Ph.D.-students in their research
 Initiating research projects and seeking financial
support from research funding agencies (EU, government, industry);
 Contribution to the teaching activities of the group in
undergraduate and graduate courses and labs.

The succesful candidate has a good background in
systems and control theory and its applications and is able to
perform and conduct research according to international standards,
proven by international publications and Ph.D.-thesis. He/she has
a stimulating and cooperative attitude in contacts with students
and colleagues and in projects performed in collaboration with
other university groups and/or industrial partners. International
applicants must be willing to acquire working knowledge of the
Dutch language.

The selected candidate will be appointed for a period of
5 years as a "Universitair docent" (assistant professor), with a
salary ranging from Euro 2300 to Euro 3900 per month (depending on

Information and application
More information on this position can be obtained from:
Prof. Paul Van den Hof, Department of Applied
Physics, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ
Delft, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31-15-2784509; Fax: +31-15-2784263;
E-mail: p.m.j.vandenhof@tn.tudelft.nl; WWW:
Interested applicants should send their resume, including the names
of two professional referees, before March 1, 2000, to the same address.

Contributed by: Hiro Mukai (mukai@zach.wustl.edu)

       Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Control Systems

         Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
                  Washington University
                 St. Louis, MO 63130 USA

The Department of Systems Science and Mathematics at Washington
University has post-doctoral research positions available.
Candidates with advanced knowledge in control systems theory are
sought. The term of appointment will be from March 1, 2000 till
Feb. 28, 2001.

Your computational experience in the following fields is important:
Kalman filtering, optimal control, dynamic programming, LQG,
differential game-theoretic approach to control, and nonlinear
Our applications include military air operations, flight control,
and operational analysis.

If interested, immediately send your CV by e-mail to

     Prof. Hiro Mukai
     Tel: 314-935-6064 or +1-314-935-6064
     Email: mukai@zach.wustl.edu

In your cover letter, please tell us how fluent you are in
English and why you are fluent in English. Furthermore tell us
your computational experience. For example, what languages have
you used? C? Matlab? How familiar are you with Unix and Windows
computers? How many lines of codes have you written? For what
purpose have you computed? Also tell us when you will be

Contributed by: Ian Petersen


School of Electrical Engineering, Australian Defence Force Academy,
Canberra Australia.

Lecturer Level B /Senior Lecturer Level C
Salary:  Level B:  $AUS49,652 - $AUS58,962 per annum:
     Level C:  $AUS60,822 - $AUS70,132 per annum:  plus up to 17% employer
superannuation contribution

Applications are invited for this position from suitably qualified people
in the field of electrical engineering. The School of Electrical
Engineering is one of twelve Schools at University College which form a
campus of the University of New South Wales. Located at the Australian
Defence Force Academy, the school provides undergraduate courses in
electrical engineering.  Postgraduate courses are offered to civilian and
defence personnel, including postgraduate coursework programs and the
supervision of research masters and PhD degrees. The School also provides a
number of technology awareness courses for defence personnel. Active
research programs are maintained in the areas of control, robotics,
image/video coding and transmission, image processing and interpretation,
remote sensing, radar and electromagnetic engineering, mobile
communications, antenna arrays, optoelectronics, laser applications and
electronic materials. Bodies like the Australian Research Council support
many of these projects. The successful applicant will be expected to
undertake an active research program and to attract external funding to
support their research.  The position is available from July 2000. The
School is looking to appoint a staff member who has the ability and
willingness to deliver undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects
in the areas of communications, electromagnetics and optoelectronics.

A  successful  applicant  would  be  expected  to  have:  either successful
completion  of  a  PhD  or equivalent degree in electrical engineering or a
related  field  or  significant  professional  or  research  experience  in
electrical  engineering  or  a related field; a demonstrated record of high
quality  research activity in electrical engineering or a related field; an
ability  and  willingness  to  undertake  an active research program and to
contribute  to  research  in  at least one of the School's current research
programs;  an ability and willingness to teach at all levels and in a range
of  topics within the School's teaching program if required; an ability and
willingness  to contribute to aspects of School administration and to serve
on University College committees; an ability to communicate well in English
both orally and in writing; a knowledge and understanding of the principles
of EEO/AA and OH&S practices and procedures.

Membership  of  an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment of this position. For further information including selection
criteria,  please  contact  the  Head  of  School  Professor John Arnold on
telephone  +61 2 6268 8212, fax +61 2 6268 8443 or email j-arnold@adfa.edu.au
Applications  will close on 25 February 2000. Please quote reference number

Contributed by: A S Morse 

Post doctoral position at Yale University for laboratory-oriented
individual with training in robotics, control and sensors. Please
sent CV to A. S. Morse, PO Box 208267, Yale University, New Haven,
CT 06520-8267

Contributed by: Eric Feron,
                Laboratory for Information and Decision
                Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Post-Doctoral Position in Real-Time Airport Control
International Center for Air Transportation
Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MA 02139, USA

The air transportation system keeps expanding worldwide. However, few or no
new airports are being built to meet the demand for increased schedules. As
a consequence, airport congestion is becoming a problem, with significant
economical and environmental impact, and there is significant institutional
interest in improving arrival and departure operations at large airports

The International Center for Air Transportation is seeking a qualified
individual to perform post-doctoral research in the areas of airport
modeling and airport control. The fundamental  disciplines to be drawn from
include system identification and control, and queueing systems.
Appointment duration will be at least one year. Appointment starting date
is flexible.

Expected applicant qualification:
- PhD or equivalent degree in control systems engineering, manufacturing or
related engineering sciences.
- A strong interest and competence in applications of system identification
from very heterogenous and large data sets.
- A strong academic and research record.

Please send email requests to

Prof. Eric Feron

Contributed by: Zhihua Qu:

Faculty Positions (at all levels) in Signals, Systems & Control
Electrical Engineering Program
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of Central Florida
Orlando, Florida

The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the
University of Central Florida in Orlando seeks qualified candidates for
tenured and tenure-track faculty positions for Fall 2000. Two positions
are open in the Electrical Engineering program. Active research areas in
EE are communication, controls, digital signal processing,
electromagnetics, electronics and power electronics, solid state and
microelectronics. All areas of specialization in electrical engineering
will be considered, but applicants with a research and teaching
background in Signals & Systems and their applications are particularly

Applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to the academic
process, including teaching and research.  Candidates at the Associate
or Full Professor level should have funded research and clearly
demonstrated leadership in their fields at the national or international
level. Those seeking positions as Assistant Professors should have an
established track record in high quality publications, and be recognized
for their contributions and outstanding promise.

The University of Central Florida (UCF) enrolls over 32,000 students. It
is among the Nation's fastest growing universities, with enrollment
expected to grow to 48,000 by 2010. Research programs in the School
enjoy the support of several Federal agencies such as NSF, ONR, ARO,
NASA, NIH, US Army STRICOM and Naval Air Warfare Center as well as many
industries including Lockheed Martin, Lucent/Cirent, Sun Microsystems,
DPT,  Oracle, Harris, Siemens, Federal Express and others.
Applications, including up to five names of references, should be sent
to:  Chair, Faculty Search/Personnel  Committee, Electrical Engineering
Program, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2450.

For general information, please contact Dr. Zhihua Qu, Director of
Electrical Engineering Programs via phone at (407) 823-2787 or via email
at  qu@pegasus.cc.ucf.edu.

The University of Central Florida is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. As an
agency of the State of Florida, UCF makes all application materials and
selection procedures available for public review.

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston
invites applications for tenure track faculty positions effective
as early as the Fall, 2000. Appointment is expected to be made for
at least one Endowed Assistant Professor. Appointments at the Associate
or Full Professor level may be considered but only in extraordinary
circumstances. The primary qualifications for these positions, in
addition to an earned doctorate, are demonstrated ability to perform
top quality research, a commitment to excellence in teaching at both
the undergraduate and graduate levels, and the potential to acquire
support for research. We are seeking individuals with research interests
in intelligent systems, robotics, mechatronics, smart materials,
controls, or micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS). Applicants should
send a detailed resume, a summary of research and teaching interests
and a list of at least three references to:

Faculty Search Committee
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4792

Contributed by: Karolos M. Grigoriadis 

Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory
University of Houston

Research Assistantships are available in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston
for graduate studies in the areas of robust, gain scheduled
and optimal control with applications to space systems,
engine control and structural control. Applicants are
expected to have a good mathematical background and
knowledge of control systems. The Houston metropolitan
area offers ample opportunities for interaction with
industry and the NASA Johnson Space Center. The research
projects are sponsored by the National Science Foundation,
the Texas Advanced Research and Technology programs and
local industry. Applications from qualified students are
invited for Fall 2000.For more information including application
material please contact:

Prof. Karolos Grigoriadis
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4792
E-mail: karolos@uh.edu

Contributed by: Matthew Feemster

Clemson University:  Applications are invited for faculty in the Computer
Engineering area of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The
Department has active research in wireless communications and signal
processing, robotics and mechatronics, computational electromagnetics,
solid-state device reliability, power systems, and computer engineering. The
Computer Engineering area has strong research programs in parallel computer
systems, wireless networking, robotics, and computer vision and image
processing.  There is particular interest in embedded systems,
hardware/software co-design, and real-time systems with applications to
robotics and control.  Candidates should have high potential for
establishing a
sustained research program and quality teaching.

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science, or a closely related field.  The individual
selected will be expected to contribute to both new and ongoing research
programs at Clemson and to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses.  A
detailed description of the department is available at
Send resume and names and addresses of five references to Chair, Holcombe
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 105 Riggs Hall, Box 340915,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0915. Evaluation will begin October 1,
1999, and will continue until the positions are filled.  Clemson University is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Richard A. Brualdi, ILAS President

We are happy and proud to report that a book containing volumes 1-4
of The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (ELA) has now been
produced and published by ILAS. The title of the book is

"ELA: The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Volumes 1-4"

and orders are now being accepted.

The *list price* is $20 (including surface mail shipping), with a 20%
discount for ILAS members.

Price per copy: US$16 (ILAS members) US$20 (others)
Total Enclosed: US$         ___ check    ___ cash
(checks should be made out to the International Linear Algebra Society)
Shipping Address:
E-mail address in case of questions:
Return with either your check or cash (US currency only) to:

Professor James R. Weaver
Department of Mathematics/Statistics
University of West Florida
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL 32514

Orders will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.


Our plan is to produce print versions of future volumes of ELA, so
start your collection now.

Contributed by: Yun Q. Shi

New book

     "Image and Video Compression for Multimedia Engineering:
                        Fundamentals, Algorithms and Standards"

                                Yun Q. Shi and  Huifang Sun

                                    ISBN # 0-8493-3491-8

                                the CRC Press

                                         US $89.95


It can serve as a text for senior/graduate students or a comprehensive
reference book for scientists and engineers. The entire book consists of
twenty chapters, which can be grouped into four parts: 1) Fundamentals, 2)
Still image compression, 3) Motion estimation and compensation, and 4) Video

The first part includes the first six chapters. It provides readers with a
solid basis for understanding the remaining three parts of the book. In
Chapter 1, the practical needs for image and video compression is
demonstrated. The feasibility of image and video compression is analyzed.
Specifically, both statistical and psychovisual redundancies are analyzed
and the removal of these redundancies leads to image and video compression.
In the course of the analysis, some fundamental characteristics of human
visual system are discussed. Visual quality measurement as another important
concept in the compression is addressed in both subjective quality measure
and objective quality measure. The new trend in combining the merits of the
two measures also is presented. Some information theory results are
presented as the final subject of the chapter. Quantization, as a crucial
step in lossy compression, is discussed in Chapter 2. Two efficient coding
schemes, differential coding and transform coding, are discussed in Chapters
3 and 4, respectively. Both techniques utilize redundancies discussed in
Chapter 1, thus achieving data compression. The last two chapters in the
first part cover some coding (codeword assignment) techniques. In Chapter 5,
two types of variable-length coding techniques, Huffman coding and
arithmetic coding, are discussed. While two types of variable-length coding
techniques, introduced in Chapter 5, can be classified as
fixed-length-to-variable-length coding techniques, run-length coding (RLC)
and dictionary coding, discussed in Chapter 6, can be classified as
variable-length-to-fixed-length coding techniques. At the end of the
chapter, a discussion of international standards for lossless still image
compression is given. For both lossless bilevel and multilevel still image
compression, the respective standard algorithms and their performance
comparisons are provided.
The second part of the book contains Chapters 7, 8, and 9, which are devoted
to still image compression. In Chapter 7, the international still image
coding standard JPEG is introduced. Chapter 8 begins with an introduction to
wavelet transform (WT), which includes a comparison between WT and the
short-time Fourier transform (STFT), and presents WT as a unification of
several existing techniques, known as filter bank analysis, pyramid coding
and subband coding. Then the DWT for still image coding and JPEG 2000 are
discussed. Chapter 9 presents three non-standard still image coding
techniques: vector quantization (VQ), fractal and model-based image coding.
Part 3 of the book, consisting of Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, addresses
the motion estimation and motion compensation, which are key issues in
modern video compression. In this sense, Part 3 is prerequisite to Part 4.
The first chapter in Part 3, Chapter 10, introduces motion analysis and
compensation in general. Chapter 11 addresses the block matching technique,
which presently is the most frequently used motion estimation technique. The
pel recursive technique is discussed in Chapter 12. Optical flow, the third
technique in motion estimation for video coding, is covered in Chapter 13.
Chapter 14, the last chapter in Part 3, provides a further discussion and
summary of 2-D motion estimation.
Part 4, covering various video coding standards, contains Chapters 15, 16,
17, 18, 19 and 20. Chapter 15 presents fundamentals of video coding. Chapter
16 is devoted to video coding standards MPEG-1/2, which are the most widely
used video coding standards at present. Chapter 17 presents several
application examples of MPEG-1/2 video standards. They are the ATSC DTV
standard approved by the FCC in the United States, transcoding,
down-conversion decoder, and error concealment. Chapter 18 presents the
MPEG-4 video standard. The predominant feature of MPEG-4, content-based
manipulation, is emphasized. The underlying concept of audio/visual objects
(AVOs) is introduced. The important functionalities of MPEG-4 are discussed.
Chapter 19 introduces ITU-T video coding standards H.261 and H.263, which
are utilized mainly for videophony and videoconferencing. Features of
H.263+, H.263++, and H.26L are presented. Chapter 20 covers the systems part
of MPEG, multiplexing/demultiplexing and synchronizing the coded audio,
video and other dada. Specifically, MPEG-2 systems and MPEG-4 systems are

Contributed by: Fernando Paganini


Title:  A Course in Robust Control Theory: a Convex Approach
        Texts in Applied Mathematics 36
        Springer Verlag; New York, Feb 2000.
        ISBN: 0387989455

Authors: Geir E. Dullerud, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
         Fernando Paganini, Univ. of California at Los Angeles

About the Book:

Robust control theory has been one of the most active areas of mainstream
systems theory since the late 1970s. During the 1990s the theory has seen
major advances and achieved a new maturity, hinging around the notion of
convexity. In particular, the methods of convex programming have proven
relevant to a wide class of control problems.

Our broad goal in this book is to give a graduate-level course on
robust control theory that emphasizes these new developments, but at the same
time conveys the main  principles and  ubiquitous tools at the heart of
the subject. We thus aim at a coherent and unified introduction to robust
control which starts at the ``beginning'' of basic systems theory,
covers some of the more established landscape of the field, and leads up
to the more recent themes and to topics of current research.

The text is written to comprise a two-quarter or two-semester
graduate course in applied mathematics or engineering. Alternatively, for
students with background in state space methods, a serious approach at a
significant portion of the material can be achieved in one semester.
The core chapters of the book are accompanied by exercises, ranging from simple
application examples to more significant extensions of the exposed theory.


0. Introduction
1. Preliminaries in Finite Dimensional Space
2. State Space System Theory
3. Linear Analysis
4. Model Realizations and Reduction
5. Stabilizing Controllers
6. H2 Optimal Control
7. H-infinity Synthesis
8. Uncertain Systems
9. Feedback Control of Uncertain Systems
10. Further Topics: Analysis
11. Further Topics: Synthesis
Appendix A. Some Basic Measure Theory
         B. Proofs of Strict Separation
         C. mu-Simple Structures

Contributed by: Dr YangQuan Chen 


ITERATIVE LEARNING CONTROL: Convergence,Robustness and Applications
by Yangquan Chen and Changyun Wen

Yangquan Chen (email:=yqchen@ieee.org)
Seagate Technology International,
63 The Fleming, Science Park Drive,
Singapore Science Park, Singapore 118249.

Changyun Wen (email:=ecywen@ntu.edu.sg)
BLK S1, School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798.

A research monograph published by Springer-Verlag, London, August 1999.
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume LNCIS-248,
199 pages / ISBN 1-85233-190-9

      A system  is called a `repetitive system' when it performs a given task
  repeatedly. Robotic  and functional neuromuscular stimulation systems are
  examples of such systems. Iterative Learning Control (ILC), which is a
  relatively new area in the field of control,  is proposed to control these
  types of systems.
      Generally speaking, a system under control may have uncertainties in its
  dynamic model and its environment. One attractive point in ILC is the
  utilisation of the system repetitiveness to reduce such uncertainties and
  in turn to improve the control performance by operating the system
  repeatedly.  ILC is a feedforward control strategy that updates, through
  iterative learning,  control signals at every repeated operation.  As the
  number of iterations increases,  the system tracking error over the entire
  operation time period including the transient portion  will decrease and
  eventually vanish.   This may not be possible for conventional
  non-iterative learning control.
      This booklet provides readers with a comprehensive coverage of iterative
  learning control and  emphasises both theoretical and practical aspects.
  It provides some recent developments in ILC convergence and robustness
  analysis as well as issues in the ILC design.

Webserver for ILC research:
http://ilc.ee.nus.edu.sg  mirror: http://cicserver.ee.nus.edu.sg/~ilc
The detailed Table of Contents is located at

              *                                        *
              *         END OF PART I                  *
              *                                        *