E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 136, December 1, 1999.
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 136, December 1, 1999
E-mail: eletter-request@win.tue.nl
Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel
Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 246 5995
Siep Weiland
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 243 4582
1. Editorial
2. Personals
3. General announcements
3.1 A toolbox for piecewise linear approximations of functions
4. Positions
4.1 Position in the Dept of Math of the University of Haifa, Israel.
4.2 PDF Position in RTO and Advanced Control
4.3 Full professor position in control engineering, Delft University
4.4 Tenure track position, Dept. of applied math, Univ of Waterloo
4.5 Assistant or Associate Professor, Dept. of Mech. Engr, Florida State
4.6 AECM Chair of Mechatronics, University of Melbourne
4.7 Faculty positions Stanford Univ. Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
4.8 Postdoctoral Research Assistant Position, Univ. of Hull
4.9 Pre- of post doctoral research positions at Systems group, Ghent
4.10 Computer Science Faculty Position, Idaho State University
4.11 Endowed Professor and Assistant Professor, Rice University
5. Books
no contributions
6. Journals
6.1 CFP special issue EJC on Verification of Hybrid Systems
6.2 TOC IJC, Vol. 72:18
6.3 TOC IJC, Vol. 73:1
6.4 CFP Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
6.5 TOC IFAC CEP, Vol.7:10
6.6 TOC Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 12:4
6.7 TOC LAA, Vol 299:1-3
7. Conferences
7.1 CFP Nonlinear Control Network Workshop
7.2 CFP ICSC Symposium on Engineering of Intelligent Systems EIS'2000
7.3 CFP 2000 World Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Physics
7.4 CFP for a training course on Model Based Control, Belgium
7.5 CFP for a training course on Applied Control Techniques, Belgium
7.6 CFP Workshop Systems with time-domain constraints, Eindhoven
7.7 CFP 6th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
7.8 CFP IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Dearborn
7.9 CFP 5th Intl. Conf on Mathematics in Signal Processing, Warwick
7.11 Reminder 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems WODES2000
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* Editorial *
* *
Welcome to E-letter number 136 !!!
We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
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the right to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.
We remind you of the following.
-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"
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next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
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* Personals *
* *
Contributed by: Miloud FRIKEL
Please note my new address:
Dr. Miloud Frikel,
(Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung)
Munich University for Technology
Institute for Network Theory and Circuit Design
Arcisstr. 21, D-80290 Muenchen,
e-mail: mifr@nws.e-technik.tu-muenchen.de
Contributed by: Andrew Paice
As of November 1st 1999 I have taken on a new position at ABB Power Automation.
My new contact details are as follows:
Dr. Andrew Paice Andrew.Paice@ch.abb.com
ABB Power Automation
Dept. NPA
5401 Baden Tel: +41 56 205 8606
Switzerland Fax: +41 56 205 3306
Contributed by: Ayeley Philippe Tchangani
I have taken a Postdoctoral position in the French-South African
Technical Institute in
Electronics (F'SATIE) at Technikon Pretoria . My new coordinates are:
Dr Ayeley Ph. Tchangani
Staatsartillerie Road, Pretoria West
PB X680 Pretoria 0001
Republic of South Africa
phone : +27 (0)12 318 4165
fax : +27 (0)12 318 5294
E-mail : tchangani@fsatie.techpta.ac.za
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* General announcements *
* *
Contributed by: Pedro Julian
We have developed a Matlab toolbox for function approximation, using a
recently developed high level canonical piecewise linear (PWL) structure.
The existing canonical PWL functions only permitted to work in domains of R1
and R2; the main feature of this PWL structure is that it can be used in
domains of arbitrary dimension.
The toolbox contains several groups of routines: namely, function
evaluation, domain generation, function approximation (including optimal and
robust approximation routines), graphics, orthonormal bases and model
reduction. Each function has a help entry and for more details we have
prepared a manual in PDF format (which. contains references to the most
important results applied in the toolbox). In addition to the routines
already mentioned, there are five demos that illustrate the use of the
The PWL toolbox has been elaborated by Pedro Julin, thanks to the support
of the Departamento de Ingeniera Elctrica, Universidad Nacional del Sur,
and CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technological Research of
The toolbox can be used in Matlab 4 and 5, and it's available for free.
The M-files (30.9K) and the manual (912K) can be downloaded from the web
For any question or comment, please send an e-mail to pjulian@criba.edu.ar
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* Positions *
* *
Contributed by: Yair Censor
Position in the Department of Mathematics
of the University of Haifa, Israel.
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Haifa, Israel,
expects to have an opening for a tenure-track position
beginning in October 2000. The position will be for an applied
mathematician OR a computer scientist. Fields connected with
high-tech industries are preferred. Candidates must hold a Ph.D.
in mathematics or computer science, and have an excellent record
in research and teaching.
The position will require teaching of computer science courses in ia
BA program of "Mathematics with Computer Science"; thus, the
candidates must have a proven record of teaching such courses,
and must have a reasonable command of the Hebrew language.
Remark: the University of Haifa has an independent Department of
Computer Science which is not part of the above mentioned
program and of this announcement.
Please send a letter of application, which addresses your
suitability for the position described above, a complete CV
and list of publications. In addition, please have three
letters of recommendation sent directly to us. The whole material
should be addressed to
Professor Izu Vaisman, Chairman
Department of Mathematics
University of Haifa
Mt. Carmel, Haifa 31905, ISRAEL.
Contributed by: Fraser Forbes
Integrated Real-Time Optimization and Advanced Control
This four year project focuses on the interaction between two key
automations systems, the Real-Time Optimization (RTO) and Advanced Process
Control (APC) systems. The RTO system must respond to low-frequency process
changes (e.g., equipment efficiency / fouling, catalyst deactivation,
variation in ambient conditions, and so forth) to ensure that the changing
optimal operations policy is tracked efficiently. The operating policies
calculated by the RTO system are enforced by the APC system. This control
system must be capable of quickly bringing the process to and accurately
regulating the process at the operating policy determined by the RTO system.
Thus, RTO and APC are a synergistic pair of technologies and their
interaction / interdependence is crucial to the success of an RTO
implementation. To date, this interaction has received very little attention
despite being widely recognized as a crucial factor in determining the
performance of an RTO system. This project enjoys the support of nine
industrial partners and as a result will involve close collaboration with
a wide range of industries.
Project Team:
This project is a collaboration between three researchers:
Fraser Forbes
Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Martin Guay
Department of Chemical Engineering
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Michel Perrier
Ecole Polytechnique
Universite de Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
PDF Position:
The successful candidate will be one of the central figures in the research
effort. They will work closely with each of the graduate students and
researchers involved the project. They will also be one of the primary
liaisons with the industrial partners to coordinate both research efforts
and industrial implementations.
Applicants should have a strong background in either real-time optimization
or advanced control and a strong interest in the other.
Start Date: January 1, 2000 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Please send your CV and a list of three references to:
Fraser Forbes
Department of Chemical & Materials Engineering
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, T6G 2G6
Phone: (780) 492-0873
Fax: (780) 492-2881
Email: Fraser.Forbes@UAlberta.ca
Contributed by: Jacquelien M.A. Scherpen
The Faculty of Information Technology and Systems (ITS) of Delft
University of Technology, The Netherlands, invites applications
for a position for a
The faculty ITS has recently been created by the merger of the former
faculties of Electrical Engineering and Technical Mathematics and
Informatics. Education is divided into separate schools: Electrical
Engineering, Technical Mathematics, and Technical Informatics. Research
is organized within 7 new departments, which are:
Computer and Telecommunication Systems, Information Systems and
Software Engineering, Micro-electronics, Electrical Power Engineering,
Mediamatics, Applied Mathematical Analysis, Control Risk Optimization
Stochastics and Systems. The growing relevance of the discipline to
society stimulates the Faculty ITS to further optimize the research and
education activities. The increasing number of applications is a challenge
to the quality of the separate disciplines as well as for the
interdisciplinary foundations.
The retirement of the full professor in Control Engineering has left
a vacancy for a successor for this chair in Control Engineering, as a part
of the Electrical Engineering school and of the research department
"Control, Risk, Optimization, Stochastics and Systems". This department
consists of the laboratories for Control Engineering, Mathematical Systems
Theory, Operations Research, Stochastics and Statistics. Within this multi-
disciplinary department the Control Engineering group focuses on the
analysis of control problems and the design and implementation of solutions,
as well as the study and development of underlying scientific techniques.
You will be in charge of, and contribute to, the educational and research
tasks of the Control Engineering group within the Faculty Information
Technology and Systems. Additionally, you will lead a relatively large
team, you will manage the corresponding laboratory, and you will have a
pioneering position within the new faculty. The research is subdivided
into themes under the overall theme "Complex Nonlinear Systems & Control".
It goes without saying that collaboration with the laboratory of
Mathematical Systems Theory within the Department Control, Risk,
Optimization, Stochastics and Systems is expected. In the application
domains the faculty aims at improving the internal collaboration,
especially with the departments of "Electrical Power Engineering", and
"Telecommunication and Computer Systems". In accordance with the policy
of Delft University of Technology, collaboration with other faculties
within the university will be of major interest. Participation in the
research school DISC (Dutch Institute for Systems and Control) is likely.
You have an excellent (international) research reputation. You operate
from a personal technical/scientific expertise that does not necessarily
coincide with one of the current research themes. You have a doctoral
degree and publications in leading international journals. Industrial
experience is advantageous. You also have a clear opinion on the form
and contents of exchange of knowledge in Control Engineering and you
have excellent didactical skills. You have proven to possess managerial
qualities and abilities, and are able to acquire local, national and
European projects.
Written applications, including a curriculum vitae and lists of research
projects and publications, should be sent before January 1st 2000 to :
Prof.Dr.ir. J. van Katwijk
Dean of the faculty ITS
Mekelweg 4
2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands.
In the top left corner of the envelope state the vacancy number ITS99.47.
Further information can be obtained from Prof.Dr.Ir. J. Hellendoorn,
Delft University of Technology, Faculty ITS, Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD Delft,
The Netherlands (phone: +31 70 3331985, e-mail: j.hellendoorn@its.tudelft.nl).
Additional information about the faculty ITS is available on the Internet at
Contributed by: Ann Puncher
Department of Applied Mathematics
Tenure Track Position
Applications are invited for a tenure-track faculty position in the
Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada,
in the area of Control Theory, to begin on or after 1 September 2000.
Applicants will normally have at least two years' post-doctoral experience
by the time of the appointment. Preference will be given to applicants
whose research interests overlap one or more areas of activity of the
present members of the Department. Salary and rank, at the Assistant or
Associate Professor level, will be commensurate with qualifications and
experience. A curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation should
be sent to F.O. Goodman, Chairman, Department of Applied Mathematics,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. Applications
will be considered until the position is filled, but it is hoped that all
applications will be received by 31 January 2000. The appointment is
subject to the availability of funds.
The Department of Applied Mathematics is one of five Departments in
the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo. The Department
members have interests in a wide variety of areas, including Control
Theory, Dynamical Systems, Electroacoustics, Fluid Mechanics, Ordinary and
Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Theory, Relativity, and Scientific
Computation. There are also close collaborations with the Faculties of
Engineering and Science in the University.
The University of Waterloo encourages applications from all
qualified individuals, including men, women, members of visible minorities,
native peoples, and persons with disabilities.
Ann Puncher
Administrative Assistant
Department of Applied Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario
N2L 3G1
email: apuncher@math.uwaterloo.ca
phone: (519) 888-4567, ext. 5360
FAX: (519) 746-4319
Contributed by: Emmanuel G. Collins, Chair of the Search Committee
Assistant or Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering
Applications are invited for a tenure track faculty position at the Assistant
or Associate Professor level in the fields of controls, mechatronics or
robotics. Applicants must have an earned Ph.D. in mechanical engineering
or a closely related field and must be able to teach at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels. A demonstrated track record of research is
required and the selected applicant will be expected to obtain external
research funding. Research with an applied or experimental component is
Please send a resume, including a statement of research and teaching
interests, and a list of at least three references to:
Dr. Emmanuel G. Collins
Department of Mechanical Engineering
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer St., Room 229
Tallahassee, FL 32310.
For more on the Department of Mechanical Engineering see
Applications must be received by February 29, 2000. The FAMU-FSU
College of Engineering is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Contributed by: Malcolm Good (mcg@mame.mu.oz.au)
The University of Melbourne, Australia, Faculty of Engineering
The University, recognised internationally for excellence in teaching and
research, is located centrally in Melbourne, a vibrant centre of Australian
intellectual and cultural life.
The Position: This new Chair is located in the Department of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, one of six departments in the Faculty of
Initially the Chair will be funded by the Advanced Engineering Centre for
Manufacturing, an organisation allied to but independent of the University.
The new Professor will be expected to:
provide leadership in research relevant in mechatronics;
enhance teaching to the four hundred students in the new five-year course;
develop and provide advanced professional education in mechatronics;
develop collaborative projects with Australian industry, and
develop strategic relationships between higher education and industry.
The Person: The new professor will be expected to have a distinguished
record in research and teaching in an area that is consistent with the
Department's research interests in Mechatronics, and to have a strong
record of successful interaction with industry and government organisations.
The appointee will be expected to deliver the planned objectives for growth
of Mechatronics research and postgraduate teaching in the Department.
Benefits: An attractive remuneration package is negotiable.
Duration: This Chair is offered as a continuing position subject to
negotiation with the successful candidate.
This appointment will be available from early 2000.
Contact: Academic enquiries to Professor D G Wood, Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering, telephone: 61 (3) 9344 6619; secure facsimile: 61 (3) 9344 7707;
e-mail d.wood@eng.unimelb.edu.au Further information about the position,
including details of the application procedure, conditions of outside work,
superannuation, travel and removal expenses, housing assistance and
conditions of appointment, is available from Ms Rosemary Senior, telephone:
61 (3) 9344 5003; secure facsimile: 61 (3) 9344 6897; e-mail: r.senior@unisec.
unimelb.edu.au This information is also available on the internet:
Application to: University Secretary, The University of Melbourne,
Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia (marked "PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL"
Application 99/11). Secure facsimile 61 (3) 9344 6897, by January 31, 2000.
The Council reserves to itself the right to make no appointment or to fill
the Chair by invitation at any stage.
Contributed by: Claire Tomlin (tomlin@leland.stanford.edu)
Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The Stanford University Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
(http://aa.stanford.edu) is developing new programs in the design of
autonomous and distributed aerospace systems. We are seeking candidates for
faculty positions with interests in areas related to this field, including
(but not limited to):
design strategies and technologies appropriate for distributed systems
control system design for autonomous air, space, land, or marine vehicles
We are looking for individuals who have shown particularly creative approaches
to these issues, are grounded in the basic disciplines affecting aerospace
vehicles, and who have experience with the development of complete aerospace
systems. The successful candidates will be expected to set up innovative
collaborative research programs with other researchers in Aero/Astro,
Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, or Electrical Engineering as well
as to teach courses in either aerospace design, or vehicle/system control.
The search is open at all levels, from tenure-track Assistant Professor to
tenured Full Professor. The application should comprise a brief research and
teaching plan, a resume including a publication list, an academic transcript,
and names and addresses of at least five references. Stanford University is
an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications from women and minority
group members. Applicants should send resumes by Jan. 30, 2000 to:
Prof. Brian Cantwell
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Tel. 650-723-4825, FAX 650-735-3377
e-mail: cantwell@leland.stanford.edu
Contributed by: M. Hou
Postdoctoral Research Assistant Position
-State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems-
School of Engineering, University of Hull, UK
Applicants in relevant areas of Engineering, Physics and Applied
Mathematics are invited to apply for this post. Experience in
nonlinear systems analysis and neural nets would be an advantage.
The post is available for a fixed term of one year but may be
extended subject to progress of the research and availability
of further funds. Salary range 15,735 - 17,570 pa.
Informal inquires may be made to Dr M Hou
(tel: ++44 1482 465063, email: M.Hou@eng.hull.ac.uk)
For further information and details of how to apply,
Faculty of Engineering & Mathematics
Personnel Office (quoting ref. EM39)
University of Hull, HU6 7RX, U.K.
Tel: ++44 1482 466661
Fax: ++44 1482 466660
email: M.C.Parnaby@admin.hull.ac.uk
Closing date: 7 January 2000
Contributed by: Rene Boel
Group of the University of Ghent, Belgium.
At the SYSTeMS Research Group of the University of Ghent, Belgium, there
is a vacancy for a researcher for fundamental research in the field of
The purpose of the research project is to evaluate the potential of
timed discrete event theory for the design of supervisory controllers in
some typical applications, such as:
- routing protocols in communicaition networks;
- urban traffic control;
- scheduling in large production plants.
The project is funded by the University of Ghent, but will involve
cooperation with other members of an European research project on
verification of hybrid systems.
The position is available for a period of up to 2 years, from January 1,
2000. The salary will depend on qualifications of the candidate, but
will probably be in the range of BEF 50.000 to 60.000 per month after
Interested candidates should send a c.v. to the address below, where
further information can also be obtained:
Dr. Rene Boel
Universiteit Gent
Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 9
B-9052 Gent
tel.: +32-9-2645658
e-mail: rene.boel@rug.ac.be
Contributed by: ??
Computer Science Faculty Position
Idaho State University College of Engineering invites applications for a
tenure track position in Computer Science at the Assistant or Associate
Professor level. Preferred areas of specialization are computer graphics,
computational geometry, AI, VLSI, computer architecture, programming language
design, computer arithmetic, communications, networking, microprocessors, and
analog and digital electronics. The successful applicant will be expected to
develop and teach courses at all levels, perform university service including
assisting with development of advanced degree programs in Computer Science and
Computer Engineering, and conduct an active research program. An earned Ph.D.
in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or a related
field is required.
Idaho State University is a comprehensive doctoral granting university with an
enrollment of 12,600. The College of Engineering has nearly 500 students and
offers an ABET-accredited interdisciplinary B.S. in Engineering with additional
emphases in civil, electrical and mechanical engineering; a B.S. in Computer
Science; M.S. degrees in Environmental Engineering, Measurement and Control
Engineering, Nuclear Science and Engineering, and Engineering Structures and
Mechanics; and a Ph.D. in Engineering and Applied Science.
ISU's main campus is located in a city of approximately 60,000 and is located
50 miles from the Department of Energy's Idaho National Engineering and
Environmental Laboratory (INEEL), an important source of research and educational
The applicant should submit a letter of application, resum, statements of
teaching and research interests, and a minimum of three confidential letters of
reference to:
Director of Human Resources
Idaho State University
Pocatello, ID 83209-8107
Review of applications will begin immediately. The search will continue until
the position is filled, with possible appointment as early as January 3, 2000.
For further information about the University and the College of Engineering,
visit us on the internet at www.isu.edu or www.coe.isu.edu/engrg/. Questions
should be addressed to: engineering@isu.edu, or FAX: (208) 236-4538.
Idaho State University is an AA/EEO employer.
Contributed by: Fathi Ghorbel
Endowed Professor and Assistant Professor
The Rice University Department of Mechanical Engineering and
Materials Science is seeking candidates for the positions of a tenured
Professor to fill the Benjamin M. and Mary Greenwood Anderson Chair,
and a tenure-track Assistant Professor.
Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, or a closely
related discipline, and should have strong interest in teaching both
graduate and undergraduate students and establishing a strong
research program. The successful candidate for the Anderson Chair
will be expected to build and lead an area of excellence in one or more
of the following subjects: mechanics (fluids or solids), dynamics and
control, robotics, mechatronics, micro electromechanical systems,
design, biomechanics, and smart structures. The successful candidate
for the Assistant Professor position will be expected to establish a
strong research program in computational design. Assistant Professor
candidates in solid mechanics, preferably with side interest in
disciplines cited above, will also be given serious consideration.
Furthermore, exceptional candidates in other areas of Mechanical
Engineering will be given consideration for all positions. Candidates
from under-represented groups, including women, are encouraged to
Interested individuals should send their resume, including their
publication list, and the names of at least three references (with their
postal and email addresses, and phone and fax numbers) to:
Search Committee Chair
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Rice University - MS 321
6100 Main Street
Houston, TX 77005-1892
Candidates will be considered as their applications arrive. However, the
deadline for receipt of all application material is February 1, 2000.
Rice University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contributed by: M. Verhaegen
Detection of buried landmines via Ground Penetrating Radar.
Recently the Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands was granted
a project entitled: Advanced Re-locatable Multi-Sensor System for Buried
Landmine Detection. The grant was given by the Dutch Technology Foundation
STW. The project was set up as a four year program with an evaluation after
two years.
In the project the participating groups are: the International Research
Centre for Telecommunications-transmission and Radar (IRCTR), the Systems
and Control Engineering Group of the Faculty of Applied Physics of the
University of Twente, the Centre for Applied Geophysics (CTG) and the
Laboratory for Electromagnetic Research. The research environment for the
below vacancies is the IRCTR.
Because of the international character of the existing research groups we
expect that the new employees have a good written and oral ability to express
themselves in English and will be able to work in a team.
In this project we have two vacancies, i.e. for one PostDoc and one PhD candidate,
on the subject of Multi Sensor Data Fusion and Object Classification.
The Post Doc positions are for two years, continuation for another two years will
be decided after the evaluation. Normally the PhD candidate positions are for four
The detectability of mines respectively the power of classification is a function
of many environmental as well as mine composition factors. MSDF (multi-sensor
data fusion) is a sophisticated technique that combines data from different sensors
to enhance landmine detection. Because algorithms for signal processing and image
construction in different sensor modes have their own different parameter features,
as well as because the characteristics of the sensors are often different, it is
necessary that the measurements from the different sensors should be fused together
so as to extract as much desirable information as possible. The topics
of the research are:
* Methods of fusing data from different-hierarchical outputs of the multi-sensor
* Algorithms for fusing the features or characteristic vectors output from the
different processing methods.
* Extraction of the features from the fused-data space and construction of the
pattern-space for object classification.
* Classification methods and algorithms.
Expertice in the above areas with emphasis on the field of application of electro-
magnetic data processing related devices used for mine detection, such as SAP
radars, infrared sensors, etc.
The research is done in a collaboration between IRCTR and the Systems
and Control Engineering Group .
Further information can be obtained from Prof. Dr. Michel Verhaegen,
e-mail: M.Verhaegen@tn.utwente.nl
Contributed by:
University of California, Riverside
Teaching and Visiting Positions in Electrical Engineering
The Department of Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Riverside
invites applications for part-time teaching and visiting positions beginning in the
99-00 academic year. Specific courses needing lecturers for the 99-00 year are
Digital Signal Processing, Analog Communications, Analog Control, Circuits, and
Logic Design.
Candidates interested in part-time teaching positions as lecturers should have at
least a master's degree and one year teaching experience, or an equivalent
combination of education and industrial experience. Visiting assistant, associate,
or full professor candidates must have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering or a
related field and teaching experience.
Salary for all positions will be competitive and commensurate with appointment
title and qualifications. Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis and
will be reviewed as positions become available. Applicants must submit a new
application letter and curriculum vitae every two years to retain eligibility.
Interested individuals should send a curriculum vitae with names and addresses
of at least three references to: Pamela Gunderson, Electrical Engineering, Bourns
College of Engineering, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (pam@ee.ucr.
edu). For teaching positions, please include teaching evaluations or other
evidence of teaching, if available. For more information about the College of
Engineering, please check our web site at: http://www.engr.ucr.edu/.
The University of California, Riverside is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action
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* Books *
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no contributions in this eletter
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* Journals *
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Contributed by: Oded Maler Oded.Maler@imag.fr
Call for Papers: Special Issue of the European Journal of Control on
Verification of Hybrid Systems
Guest Editor: Oded Maler, Verimag (maler@imag.fr)
Verification is a collection of techniques intended to help software
and hardware developers to produce systems which function correctly.
It builds upon system description languages having a precise semantics
and upon specification formalisms which state the desired properties
of the system such as absence of deadlock, mutual exclusion etc. A
verification tool is a software system which takes these descriptions
and attempts to prove that all possible behaviors of the system
satisfy the specification. In recent years, attempts have been made to
export verification technology outside its traditional application
domains (communication protocol and digital hardware) toward domains
in which the computer is only a part of a system which contains other
physical components. Examples can be found in avionics, ground
transportation, robotics, manufacturing and process control. The
extension of verification methodology toward such systems requires
models which include hybrid (discrete-continuous) dynamics to model
physical plants, timing information as well as the formalization of
the programming languages used in implementing controllers.
The research on such hybrid systems poses challenges to both computer
scientists (who need to pay attention to continuous phenomena) and to
control theorists (whose classical models are incapable of expressing
formally complex control systems as they are implemented today). The
goal of the special issue is to report progress made in these
directions in order to contribute to the emergence of a sound
discipline encompassing the whole chain of control systems production
- from modeling and design down to implementation.
Papers should be submitted according to the EJC submission guidelines
(see http://www-ejc.ensieg.inpg.fr), and not later than 15/01/2000
to the editor-in-chief
I.D. Landau
European Journal of Control
Laboratoire d'Automatique
38402 Saint Martin d'Heres, France
with a specific mention "call for papers on Verification of Hybrid
Systems". The submission deadline is 15/01/2000.
Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service
International Journal of Control
Volume:- 72 Issue:- 18
Publication Date (Scheduled): 01/12/99
Title: Stabalization of linear systems with simalteneous state, actuation, and
measurement delays
Authors: V Kapila, W M. Haddad, A Grivas.
Pages 1619-1629.
Title: Continuous control-lyapunov functions for asymptotically comtrollable
time-varying systems
Authors: F Albertini, E. D. Sontag.
Pages 1630-1641.
Title: Linear functional state observer for time-delay systems
Authors: H. Trinh.
Pages 1642-1658.
Title: Robust stabalization for generalized state-space systems with uncertainty
Authors: S Xu, Chengwu Yang.
Pages 1659-1664.
Title: Autonomous intellegent vechicle and its performance in automated traffic
Authors: S Huang, W Ren.
Pages 1665-1688.
Title: Adaptive stabilization of uncertain dynamic nonholonomic systems
Authors: W Dong, W Huo.
Pages 1689-1700.
Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service
International Journal of Control
Volume:- 73 Issue:- 1
Publication Date (Scheduled): 01/12/99
Title: Repetitive control of tracking systems with time-varying periodic
Authors: Z-H Luo, B Mahawan.
Pages 1-10.
Title: Robust H2-Control for discrete-time markovian jump linear systems
Authors: O L. V. Costa, R P. Marques.
Pages 11-21.
Title: Optimal control of dynamic systems with hysteresis
Authors: S. A. Belbas, I.D. Mayergoyz.
Pages 22-28.
Title: Nonlinear measures for a class os SISO nonlinear systems
Authors: D Sun, K A. Hoo.
Pages 29-37.
Title: A bias-eliminated least-squares method for continuous-time model
identification of closed-loop systems
Authors: H Garnier, M. Gilson, W. X. Zheng.
Pages 38-48.
Title: Constrained feedback control of imperfectly known singularly perturbed
nonlinear systems
Authors: H.S. Binning, D.P Goodall.
Pages 49-62.
Title: Stability if uncertain quasi-periodic hybrid dynamic systems
Authors: Z.G Li, Yeng Chai Soh, C. Wen.
Pages 63-73.
Title: Stability of nonlinear QFT designs based on robust absolute stability
Authors: A Banos, A Barreiro.
Pages 74-88.
Contributed by: Eduardo A. Misawa
Call for Papers
Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
Special Issue on Variable Structure Systems
Systems and control theories and technologies are integral part of our
society. The field of Variable Structure Systems (VSS), characterized by
formal design techniques based on Lyapunov stability theory and intentional
use of nonlinearities such as switching gains, switching and saturation
functions, was born in Russia and its use is now widespread. It is applied
in several areas such as intelligent highway vehicle systems, vehicular
control (e.g. engine control, brake control), process control and motor
This special issue of the Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and
Control (JDSMC) aims to bring together historical, tutorial, fundamental
and application papers in the general area of sliding mode and variable
structure systems. Subjects areas of interest include, but are not limited
to: history of VSS, continuous-time VSS, VSS for linear systems,
discrete-time VSS, stochastic VSS, VSS for infinite dimensional systems,
VSS for systems with time delays, differential equations with discontinuous
right-hand sides, and applications of VSS.
All papers will be reviewed in accordance with standard procedures for the
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control. Reviews will be
obtained and publication decisions will be made by the technical editor,
associate editors, and special issue organizers.
Submission details:
- Submission deadline for the special issue: January 31, 2000.
- Acceptance notification: June 1, 2000.
- Publication in the Fall of 2000.
Papers that are submitted to the special issue should follow the guidelines
for submission of papers for the JDSMC, be clearly marked and mailed to:
Prof. A. Galip Ulsoy
Technical Editor
Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control
Special Issue on VSS
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
University of Michigan, College of Engineering
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125
Special issue organizers: Professor Eduardo A. Misawa, Oklahoma State
University, and Professor Vadim Utkin, Ohio State University.
Questions regarding the special issue should be addressed to
Professor Eduardo A. Misawa
School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Oklahoma State University
218 Engineering North
Stillwater, OK 74078-5016
Tel: (405) 744-5900
Fax: (405) 744-7873
e-mail: misawa@okstate.edu
Contributed by: George W Irwin
IFAC Journal of Control Engineering Practice
Volume 7, Number 10, October 1999
pp 1191-1208
Experimental testing of flexible recipe control based on a hybrid
model D
Sel, N Hvala, S Strmcnik, S Milanic, B Suk-Lubej
pp 1209-1220
Self-learning neurofuzzy control of a liquid helium cryostat
WW Tan, AL Dexter
pp 1221-1231
A simple method for detection of stiction in control valves
A Horch
pp 1233-1248
Multi-sensor fusion for steerable 4-wheeled industrial vehicles
YEWK Tham, HAN Wang, HANW Teoh
pp 1249-1256
Robotic force/velocity control for following unknown contours of
granular materials
K Yu, J Kieffer
pp 1257-1257
Preface to Special Section on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
A Ollero
pp 1259-1267
External model and synccharts description of an automobile cruise
control system
M Bayart, E Lemaire, MA Peraldi, C Andre
pp 1269-1277
Fuzzy modeling and control of an engine air inlet with exhaust gas
P Bortolet, E Merlet, S Boverie
pp 1279-1289
Multiple-observer scheme for safe navigation
R Schultze
pp 1291-1299
Control and perception components for autonomous vehicle
guidance. Application to the ROMEO vehicles
A Ollero, BC Arrue, J Ferruz, G Heredia, F Cuesta, F Lopez-
Pichaco, C Nogales
pp 1301-1304
IFAC Meeting Papers
pp 1305-1311
Index of IFAC meeting papers 1993/4/5/6/7/8
Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca)
Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN : 0952-1976
Volume : 12
Issue : 4
Date : 09-Sep-1999
pp 401-409
A combined machine learning and genetic algorithm approach to
controller design
B Filipic, T Urbancic, V Krizman
pp 411-427
Design of a dedicated parallel processor for the simulation of the
photolithography process using a genetic algorithm
I Karafyllidis
pp 429-441
Gesture-based editing system for graphic primitives and alphanumeric
BW Min, HS Yoon, J Soh, T Ohashi, T Ejima
pp 443-452
Identification and control of a wheelchair using recurrent neural
L Boquete, R Barea, R Garcia, M Mazo
pp 453-470
Analysis of neural-network-based congestion control algorithms for
ATM networks
C Douligeris, BK Singh
pp 471-477
Application of perceptron neural networks to tool-state
classification in a metal-turning operation
DE Dimla, Snr., PM Lister, NJ Leighton
pp 479-490
Self-directed processing of materials
PH Garrett, JJ Jones, SR Leclair
pp 491-501
Accident identification in nuclear power plants using hidden Markov
KC Kwon, JH Kim
pp 503-512
Fuzzy-logic-based ranking of steel grades generated by material
design KBS
SS Shivathaya, XD Fang
pp 513-521
Fuzzy avoidance control strategy for redundant manipulators
H Ding, HX Li
pp 523-541
Fuzzy situational tree-networks for intelligent flight support
IY Burdun, OM Parfentyev
pp 543-554
Mobile robot path planning: A multicriteria approach
JA Fernandez, L Mandow
Contributed by: Hans Schneider
ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science
URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738
Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN : 0024-3795
Volume : 299
Issue : 1-3
Date : 29-Nov-1999
pp 1-20
A block en algorithm for nonsymmetric linear systems with multiple
right-hand sides
pp 21-80
Computing the singular value decomposition with high relative
J Demmel
pp 81-99
Potentially nilpotent sign pattern matrices
CA Eschenbach
pp 101-117
Self-adjoint operators and pairs of Hermitian forms over the
M Karow
pp 119-151
Feedback design for regularizing descriptor systems
A Bunse-Gerstner, V Mehrmann
pp 153-163
The moment and gram matrices, distinct eigenvalues and zeroes, and
rational criteria for diagonalizability
RA Horn
pp 165-169
A characterization of triangularizability of a linear associative
pp 171-173
Convergent multiples of convergent operators
B Cain
pp 175-190
Hook immanantgal inequalities for Hadamard's function
ONN Chan
pp 191-194
An algebraic proof opf a result by Gonzaga and Lara
KD Ikramov
pp 195-200
A note on *orthant-monotonic norms
B Lavric
pp 201-201
Author index
* *
* Conferences *
* *
Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
Second Nonlinear Control Network (NCN) Workshop
June 5 - 8, 2000
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 3 rue Michel-Ange - 75794 Paris
cedex 16, France
The objective of the Workshop is to bring together scientists that are
already active in nonlinear control and young researchers working in
this field. It is important to favour interactions between various
generations of researchers. This goal may be achieved as a result of
the different kinds of presentations: some will describe a
state-of-the-art subjects that have already a status of maturity while
others will propose promising future directions in nonlinear control.
The Workshop will comprise the following subjects of nonlinear control
-Adaptive and robust control
-Applications in physical systems
-Classification and equivalence
-Distributed parameter systems
-Disturbance attenuation
-Dynamic feedback
-Identification and estimation
-Optimal control
-Sliding mode control
-Sub-Riemannian geometry
-Systems with constraints
-Tracking and motion planning
Invited speakers:
Besides numerous lectures given by NCN members, the following
scientists have been invited:
Alessandro ASTOLFI, Imperial College Sci., England
John S. BARAS, Univ. of Maryland, USA
Christopher I. BYRNES, Washington Univ., USA
Bronislaw JAKUBCZYK, Academy of Sciences Poland
Anders RANTZER, Lund Inst. of Tech., Sweden
Kurt SCHLACHER, Inst. Automatic Control, Austria
Eduardo D. SONTAG, Rutgers Univ., USA
Hector J. SUSSMANN, Rutgers Univ., USA
Call for papers:
Prospective authors are invited to submit a full draft paper for the
regular sessions by March 1, 2000. The proposals should be submitted in
electronic or paper free format. Selected papers will be published in
the NCN Springer-Verlag series and a copy of the final version should
be ready by May 1, 2000. The corresponding format instructions for this
book can be found on the NCN Web page.
Call for invited sessions:
Proposals for topics of invited sessions are most welcome. These proposals
should include the title of the session, a list of 5 speakers with the
titles of their papers, and should be submitted by February 1, 2000 in
electronic or paper free format.
Call for academic and industrial exhibitions:
Proposals for academic and industrial exhibitions are especially encouraged.
These proposals should be submitted by February 1, 2000 in a one-page
electronic or paper free format.
Mailing address:
Nonlinear Control Network coordinator
Laboratoire des signaux et systemes
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
Phone: +33 1 69 85 17 27
Fax: +33 1 69 41 30 60
Conference fees:
Registration will be free of charge for NCN members and young researchers
working with them. It will amount to 200 EUR for non members. Payment
should be made in cash at the Workshop location.
Registration form and hotel accommodation is available on the NCN web
page http://www.supelec.fr/lss/NCN/reg-acc.html
Contributed by: pascal@icsc.ab.ca
Second International ICSC Symposium on
To be held at the University of Paisley, Scotland, U.K.
June 27-30, 2000
The EIS conference series pursue the synthesis of Artificial Intelligence techniques
with Control Engineering methods to produce Intelligent Systems for Engineering
applications. In recent years, the combination of Control Engineering and extensive
knowledge of AI techniques has allowed scientists and practitioners to make a number
of significant contributions to this rapidly developing field, for example in
qualitative control, fuzzy qualitative simulation and model based diagnosis,
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), Genetic Algorithms (GAs), Fuzzy Logic (FL), and
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS).
EIS'2000 will include invited plenary talks, contributed sessions, invited sessions,
workshops and tutorials.
The organization of invited sessions is encouraged. Prospective organizers are
requested to send a session proposal (consisting of 4-5 invited papers, the
recommended session-chair and co-chair, as well as a short statement describing
the title and the purpose of the session to the Symposium Chairman or the
Symposium Organizer. Invited
sessions should preferrably start with a tutorial paper. The registration fee of
the session organizer will be waived, if at least 4 authors of invited papers
register to the conference.
Poster presentations are encouraged for people who wish to receive peer feedback
and practical examples of applied research are particularly welcome. Poster
sessions will allow the presentation and discussion of respective papers, which
will also be included in the conference proceedings.
Proposals should be submitted as soon as possible to the Symposium Chairman or the
Symposium Organizer.
- Submission Deadline November 30, 1999
- Notification of Acceptance January 31, 2000
- Delivery of full papers March 15, 2000
- Tutorials and Workshops June 29, 2000
- EIS'2000 Symposium June 27-30, 2000
Accommodation at reasonable rates will be available at nearby hotels and within
student residences at the University of Paisley. Full details will follow with the
letters of acceptance.
Full updated information is available from
or contact
- ICSC International Computer Science Conventions
P.O. Box 279, Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0 / Canada
Email operating@icsc.ab.ca (Operating Division)
planning@icsc.ab.ca (Planning Division)
Phone +1-780-387-3546
Fax +1-780-387-4329
- Prof. Colin Fyfe (EIS'2000 General Chair)
University of Paisley, Computing & Information Systems
High Street, Pasiley PA1 2DE, Scotland / U.K.
Email fyfe0ci@paisley.ac.uk
Fax +44-141-848-3542
Contributed by: "mcp"
We cordially invite you to participate/contribute/attend the:
VOULIAGMENI (Athens) GREECE, JULY 10-15, 2000
(2nd World MCP)
ORGANISED: by World Scientific and Engineering Society (WSES)
Deadline for paper submission: MARCH 15, 2000
INVITATION: Would you like to join the International Scientific Committee
for MCME 2001?
OR Would your institution, company or organization like to
participate in MCME 2001? Send your request by email (including a short CV,
your web page (if it is available) and a list of your publications) to
Contributed by: H. Eder
a training course for control professionals
on practical implementation and use of the
most powerful control technology.
March 20-22, Brussels / Antwerp, Belgium.
Students with control experience learn to develop surprisingly simple yet
high performing and robust single- and multivariable controls in short
time. Besides, they will able to select the most suited technology and
vendor where needed. The course is fully practice oriented and easy to
follow, with many examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and
their resolutions. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning tool
TOPAS deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups with an
exceptionally experienced instructor.
Main Topics: Motivation for Model Based Predictive Control, application
areas and criteria for use, model types and selection criteria, the main
approaches and selection criteria, plant tests and test signals, process
parameter identification / validation / refinement, closed loop control and
dynamic model updating, handling of process changes, model errors,
non-linearities, model based feedforward, constraint, multivariable
control, Application design and implementation, operator interface,
For more information see
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/actgmbh/ training.htm
or contact
Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussel office,
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895,
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com
Contributed by: H. Eder
a training course for process control and operations
professionals on practical use of basic and advanced
controls and performance optimization.
February 21-25, Brussels / Antwerpen, Belgium.
Newcomers gain extensive, sound knowledge in the practical and most
effective use of standard and advanced techniques and experienced users the
extra know-how for handling complex and difficult situations and to achieve
better performance in shorter time. The course is fully practice oriented
and delivers exceptional know-how in an easy understandable way, with many
examples of successful applications but also pitfalls and their
resolutions. It covers also special, little known techniques which are
simple but powerful. Many realistic PC exercises with our award winning
software TOPAS deepen the understanding. All work is done in small groups
with an exceptionally experienced instructor.
Main topics: Process dynamics, measurements & signals, sampling &
filtering, basic control concepts. PID principles - configuration - tuning
(load/setpoint, tight/average level control), single loop vs. cascade
advanced PID topics, feedforward-, constraint-, multivariable- ,
inferential control, RGA, introduction to model based control,
optimization. Incentive calculation, application design and implementation,
performance analysis.
For more information see
http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/actgmbh/ training.htm
or contact
Hans H. Eder
ACT - Brussesl office,
Phone & fax (+32)-2-767-0895,
e-mail: actgmbh@compuserve.com
Contributed by: Malo Hautus
Workshop Systems with time-domain constraints
Eindhoven University of Technology
August 30 through September 1, 2000
Description of research field
The theory of linear systems has been the most important topic for research
in system and control theory for decades. A consequence of this is that
many theoretical and practical results have been obtained in this theory.
In principle, the theory is rather complete, although many unsolved
problems exist and will arise in the future.
In many practical applications, the assumption of linearity is felt to be
an increasing limitation. More and more, a non-linear theory is felt to be
necessary. Of course, there has been a lot of research in non-linear system
theory. However, the structure of non-linear systems is so much more
complex than in the linear case, that it seems very unlikely that a
comprehensive theory will ever come to exist.
In recent years, interest has arisen in linear problems with restrictions
in the time-domain values of input, state and output values, or for
piecewise linear systems. For such problems, a number of the results for
linear systems still apply, but yet they also contain aspects that are of a
typically non-linear nature, such as saturation, discontinuous optimal
control, limit cycles, etc. Usually, such systems require non-linear
In this research area, a lot of research has been performed recently. It
seems adequate that exchange of ideas and experiences takes place between
the various research groups. To this extent, we organise a workshop on
Systems with time-domain constraints, to be held in Eindhoven, the
Netherlands on August 30 through September 1, 2000.
The topics of the workshop will be of a theoretical or practical nature and
will include:
Saturation at the input and the output
positive systems
piecewise linear systems
hybrid systems
model-predictive control with saturation and bounds
ageing processes in agriculture
fault detection
The workshop is organised by members of the departments
Mathematics and Computing Science
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Applied Physics
of the Eindhoven University of technology.
Invited Speakers
Manfred Morari, Anders Rantzer, Ali Saberi
Organising Committee
M. L. J. Hautus
P. P. J. van den Bosch
J. J. Kok
H. A. Preisig
M. Steinbuch
A. A. Stoorvogel
Time Schedule
December 1 1999 Call for abstracts
March 1 2000 Deadline for abstracts
April 16 2000 Evaluation of the abstracts ready
Social Events
There will be a welcoming reception on Tuesday August 29 and a conference
dinner on Thursday August 31.
Send us your abstract before March 1, 2000
by writing an e-mail with attachment (LaTeX, DVI, PS or PDF) to
by sending it to
Dr. A.A. Stoorvogel
Department of Mathematics and Computing Science
Eindhoven University of technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Registrations, (with or without an abstract) can be sent to the same
address or can be achieved by filling out the form on the web page
In first instance there will be no conference fee. Only when the number of
registrations is much larger than anticipated will we start to ask a
conference fee. This will be not more than 100 EURO.
Further information
You can use the web page given above to get information about progress of
the organisation. If you have questions, sent a message to
Contributed by Xinghuo Yu
6th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
7-9 December 2000 Gold Coast Australia
VSS'2000 is the 6th in a series of biannual international workshops on
Variable Structure Systems (VSS). Previous workshops were held in
Sarajevo Bosnia 1990, Sheffield UK 1992, Benevento Italy 1994,
Tokyo Japan 1996 and Florida USA 1998, respectively.
For the past forty years Variable Structure Systems have been studied
extensively and applied in many fields. Variable Structure Systems
theory nowadays has become one of the distinct control methodologies.
This workshop, as the last VSS Workshop of the 20th Century, will be
an important event in the history of VSS. It will not only summarise
the state of art in VSS theory and applications, but also identify
new directions perceived as being important for the 21st Century.
CDC'2000, 12-15 December Sydney Australia.
ACE'2000, 17-19 December Gold Coast Australia.
TOPICS (include but are not limited to): Theories and Applications of
Variable Structure Systems; Integration of VSS with other control
methodologies such as Hinf, Adaptive Control, Robust Control, Nonlinear
Control; Intelligent Systems with Variable Structure including Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Modelling and Optimisation.
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Full paper submissions, in English, are solicited.
Electronic submissions in pdf or postscript format are strongly
encouraged. Guidelines for submission are available on the VSS'2000
homepage given below. Manuscripts must be received by the
General Chair/Co-Chair by the submission due date: JUNE 1, 2000.
All papers will be reviewed and accepted papers will be published in
the Conference Proceedings by World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
Submission of Full Papers: JUNE 1, 2000
Notification of Acceptance: JULY 5, 2000
Submission of Camera-Ready Papers: AUGUST 1, 2000
For more up to date information, contact either the General Chair or Co-Chair
General Chair:
Prof. Xinghuo Yu
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia
Phone: +61 7 49309865
Fax: +61 7 49309729
E-mail: X.Yu@cqu.edu.au
Prof. Jian-Xin Xu
Dept of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Phone: +65 8742566
Fax: +65 7791103
Email: elexujx@leonis.nus.sg
or send an email to vss2000@cqu.edu.au. Please consult regularly the
VSS'2000 homepage http://vss2000.cqu.edu.au for latest information.
Contributed by: Alessandra Fascioli
IV 2000
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Dearborn, MI, USA
October 4-5, 2000
The IEEE Intelligent Transportation System Council (ITSC) is sponsoring a
professional-level conference on basic research and present and future
application for Intelligent Vehicles. Papers dealing with vehicle-centered
intelligent systems are solicited.
This symposium is characterized by a single session format so that all
the attendees remain in a single room for multilateral communications in an
informal atmosphere. As another tradition, the meetings have enthusiastic
participation from industry, as well as research centers and universities.
The IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be
held at the same location on Oct. 2-3, 2000, and a single -reduced rate-
registration option will be available for both Conferences, as well as
individual registrations.
Driver Assistance Systems System Architectures Sensors
Navigation/Guidance Systems Imaging and Vision Enhancement Vehicle Control
Information Systems Human-machine Interfaces Active Safety
Traffic Monitoring and Control Communications and Networks CAN
Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper in electronic
(Postscript) form by FTP at: ftp://ftp.ce.unipr.it/iv2000 by March 1st,
2000 for peer review. Submitted papers must be no longer that six (6)
pages in IEEE two-column format, including figures and references. Papers
exceeding this length limit may be rejected without review. The first page
should include (1) the title of the paper, (2) the names of the authors,
(3) the technical categories, and (4) the name, mailing address, telephone
and fax number, and e-mail address of the contact author.
Same papers may not be submitted to both IV and ITSC conferences.
Paper submission should be followed by an e-mail to Alessandra Fascioli
at fascal@ce.unipr.it specifying:
* Authors' complete affiliation;
* Contact author's postal address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address;
* Title and topic of the paper and up to 5 keywords.
* Name and length of the file uploaded to ftp.ce.unipr.it.
Papers will be reviewed for technical content, originality, completeness
and clarity.
Papers due for peer review . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1, 2000
Notification of acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1, 2000
Camera-ready copy for proceedings due . . . . . . July 1, 2000
Please refer frequently to the following websites for the most up-to-date
information or contact the General Chair (Jim Rillings, jrilling@notes.gmr.com)
or the Program Chair (Alberto Broggi, broggi@ce.unipr.it):
IV-2000 Home Page: . . . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.ce.unipr.it/iv2000
ITSC-2000 Home Page: . . http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/its/cfp-itsc-2000.html
IEEE ITS Council Home Page: . . . . . . . . . . . http://www.ieee.org/its
Contributed by: Ian Proudler
University of Warwick, 18th - 20th December 2000
Co-sponsored by the Institution of Electrical Engineers
Signal processing constitutes an important area for the application of
mathematical concepts and techniques fuelled, for example, by recent
developments in mobile communications, multimedia systems and digital
TV. The last IMA conference on this subject was held in Dec. 1996 and
the intervening years have witnessed significant developments in many
topics such as nonlinear/non-Gaussian signal processing, multirate
signal processing, blind deconvolution/signal separation and broadband
systems. The aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians
and engineers with a view to exploring recent developments and
identifying fruitful avenues for further research. It is hoped that
the meeting will also help to attract more mathematicians into this
important and challenging field.
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Pierre Comon, Eurecom, France.
"Tensor Decompositions: State of the Art and Applications"
Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics
in signal processing. The majority of contributed papers will be
presented in the poster sessions.
WWW Site: http://www.ima.org.uk/mathematics/confsignalprocessing.htm
Conference Officer: Mrs. Pamela Bye
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Catherine Richards House,
16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea
Essex SS1 1EF, England.
Email: pam@ima.org.ac.uk
Fax: +44 (0)1702 354111
Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy"
Call for Papers
IEEE International Conference on Control Applications
IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design
September 25-27, 2000. Anchorage Hilton. Anchorage, Alaska, USA
The IEEE Control Systems Society will hold the Ninth IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) and the
Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System
Design (CACSD), Monday through Wednesday, September 25-27, 2000 at the
Anchorage Hilton, Anchorage, Alaska, USA.
The CCA and CACSD will run in parallel from Monday, September 25th,
2000 to Wednesday, September 27th, 2000 and will be preceded by
several tutorial workshops on Sunday, September 24th, 2000. There will
be a single registration for both the CCA and CACSD and all attendees
will receive proceedings from both events. The Technical Program
Committees solicit papers presenting original contributions in all
areas of control applications and computer-aided control system
The conference will be held at the Anchorage Hilton, in Downtown,
Anchorage, Alaska, USA, a city with all the amenities of a major
metropolitan area, yet with the advantage of being a few short minutes
away from the wilderness. The city, located on the Cook Inlet has a
breathtaking backdrop of the Chugiak mountain range. We hope that you
will join us in this land of superlatives, the last American
Frontier, for the technical excellence of the conference and to
experience the uniqueness of the land.
Scope and Topics of Interest
o Applications of Adaptive & Robust Control
o Sensor Based Control
o Nonlinear Control
o Sliding Mode Control
o Modeling & System Identification
o Fuzzy Logic & Control
o Neural Control
o Expert Systems
o Distributed Systems
o Discrete Event Systems
o Manufacturing Systems
o Mechatronics
o Motion Control
o Robotics Vibration Control
o Structural Control
o Flexible Systems
o Fault Detection & Fault Tolerant Control
o Aeronautical, Aerospace & Space Systems
o Systems
o Vehicle Control
o Traffic & Network Control
o Process Control
o Biomedical Systems
o Data Fusion Systems
o Power Electronics Systems
o Man/Machine Systems
o Industrial Case Studies.
Please submit five copies of your completed manuscript to the Program
Chair-CCA at the address given below.
o Theory and Applications of Symbolic and Numerical Analysis and
Synthesis Algorithms
o Soft-Computing and Evolutionary Algorithms in Control Engineering
o Control Problem-Solving Environments
o Hybrid Systems and Physical/Discrete Event Plant Modeling
o Computer Aided Uncertainty Modeling for Control Design
o Optimization-Based Control System Design and Robustness Assessment
o Methodologies for Multi-Objective Goal Attainment in Control Design
o Design-Embedded Simulation
o Supervisory Control and Model-Based Fault Monitoring Techniques
o Automatic Code Generation
o Teach-Ware for Control
o Computer-Aided Industrial Design Cases
o Large Scale System Modeling.
Please submit five copies of your completed manuscript to the Program
Chair-CACSD at the address given below.
In addition to the contributed papers, the Joint CCA/CACSD also
solicits Invited Session proposals. Please contact the respective
Chair for Invited Sessions for CCA and CACSD, whose addresses are
given below, for further information about the format and forms.
General Chair-CCA
Pradeep Misra
Elect Engr Dept
Wright State Univ
Dayton, OH 45435
Tel: (937) 775-5062
Fax: (937) 775-5009
Program Chair-CCA
Gary G. Yen
Elect & Comp Engr
Oklahoma State Univ
Stillwater, OK 74078
Tel: (405) 744-7743
Fax: (405)744-9189
Invited Sessions-CCA
Chaouki T. Abdallah
Elect & Comp Engr
Univ of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Tel: (505) 277-0298
Fax: (505) 277-1439
General Chair-CACSD
Andras Varga
DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
Postfach 1116
D-82230, Wessling
Tel: (49) 8153-28-2407
Fax: (49) 8153-28-1441
Program Chair-CACSD
Vassilis Syrmos
Dept of Elect Engr
Univ of Hawaii at Manoa
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: (808) 956-3432
Fax: (808) 956-3427
Invited Sessions-CACSD
Francois Delebceque
Domaine deVoluceau
F-78153 Le Chesnay
Tel: (33) 1 39635450
Fax: (33) 1 39635786
In addition to the regular technical program, the conference will
offer several pre-conference Tutorial Workshops. Those interested in
offering a workshop at the 2000 CCA/CACSD should contact the Workshops
Chair: Michael Masten, Texas Instruments, 2309 Northcrest, Plano, TX
75075, USA, Tel: (972) 997-5179, Fax: (972) 997-5693,
January 21, 2000
- Deadline for submission of Invited Session Proposals to
Vice-Chair, Invited Sessions
- Deadline for submission of Contributed Papers to the
appropriate Program Chair
- Deadline for submission of Workshop Proposals to the
Workshops Chair.
Further Information
Further information about the conference may be found on any of the
three web sites listed above; for faster connections, please visit the
web-site nearest to you. Alternatively, you may contact Pradeep Misra
or Andras Varga - their contact information is listed above.
Contributed by: Rene Boel
Please note that the deadline of JANUARY 15, 2000 for the submission of
articles for
the 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems
Ghent, Belgium
August 21-23, 2000
is approaching.
Extended abstracts (6 pages) for individual talks and proposals for
special sessions are welcome.
For more information see: http://systems.rug.ac.be/wodes2000/
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