E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 135 - PART I, November 1, 1999.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 135,  November 1, 1999

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582

>>>>>>>>   This Eletter appears in two parts! <<<<<<<<


>>>>> PART  I

1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1   NICONET E-letter issue 5

4.      Positions
        4.1  Position professor and head of department, ANU
        4.2  Research Fellow in Distributed Systems and Tracking, CSSIP
        4.3  Faculty position computer engineering Clemson University.
        4.4  Post-doctoral research associate positions Univ. of Leicester
        4.5  Post-Doctoral Positions Control Systems Theory, Washington Univ.
        4.6  Pratt&Whitney Endowed Chair in Mech.Engr., Univ. of Connecticut
        4.7  Faculty Position in Systems Control at University of Toronto
        4.8  PhD/Master Scholarship in Control Engr., Univ. of South Australia
        4.9  Post doctoral positions, UCLA Electrical engineering
        4.10 Call for fellowship applications, ERNSI
        4.11 Research assistantship positions in control, University of Houston
        4.12 Assistant or Associate Professor, Floriada A&M Florida State Univ.

5.      Books
        5.1  Invitation book proposals of all levels, TOC JoCAAA
        5.2  "L_2 Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control", 
             vd Schaft
        5.3  "An introduction to Hybrid Dynamical Systems", vd Schaft, 
        5.4  "Control of Linear Systems with Regulation and Input Constraints",
              A.Saberi, A.A. Stoorvogel, and P.Sannuti
        5.5  "Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations", M.Anthony,
        5.6  "A Practical Approach to Robustness Analysis with Aeronautical
              Applications", G. Ferreres
        5.7  "Performance assessment of control loops: theory and applications"
              B.Huang and S. Shah
        5.8   "Intelligent Data Analysis: An Introduction" M. Berthold and D.J.
               Hand (editors)

6.      Journals
        6.1  Intern.J. of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
        6.2  TOC LAA, 297:1-3
        6.3  TOC LAA, 298:1-3
        6.4  TOC Automatica, 36:1-2
        6.5  TOC IJC, 72:17

>>>>> PART II

        6.6  TOC Journal of The Franklin Institute, 336:7
        6.7  TOC Journal of Dynamical and control systems, 5:4
        6.8  CFP JSC, special issue computer algebra
        6.9  TOC The Asian Journal of Control, 1:1-3

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP CCA and CACSD
        7.2  CFP Conference on Multimedia and Expo
        7.3  CFP 2nd Intl. Workshop on Multidimensional (nd) Systems (NDS-2000)
        7.4  CFP 2nd Intl. ICSC Symposium on Neural Computing (NC'2000)
        7.5  CFP CONTROLO'2000
        7.6  CFP Marine Electrotechnology Conference and Exhibition, IMECE 2000
        7.7  CFP ICARCV 2000
        7.8  CFP Workshop on Hybrid Systems aff. with 1999 CDC
        7.9  CFP Workshop on Unmanned Air Vehicles aff. with 1999 CDC
        7.10 CFP AIPS 2000 Workshop
        7.11 CFP 19th Benelux Meeting on Systems and Control
        7.12 CFP 3rd International Conference on Information and Fusion
        7.13 CFP ISI'2001
        7.14 CFP Second NICONET workshop
        7.15 CFP 5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES2000)
        7.16 CFP Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC'2000)

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 135 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear December 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Vincent Blondel 


I have taken a faculty position in the Mathematical Engineering Department at
the University of Louvain. My new coordinates are:

Vincent Blondel
Department of Mathematical Engineering
Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME)
University of Louvain
Avenue Georges Lemaitre, 4
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve

Tel.:   +32 10 472381 (direct)
        +32 10 472597 (dept)
Fax :   +32 10 472180
E-mail: blondel@inma.ucl.ac.be
URL:    http://www.inma.ucl.ac.be/~blondel

Contributed by: Rozmat  K. Ashurbekov


Please note my new address:
Rozmat K. Ashurbekov,
TUHH-Koordinationsstelle "Osteuropa/NUS" AB  4-014
Schwarzenbergstrasse 95
21073 Hamburg


Contributed by: Vijay Chellaboina


Please note my new address:

Professor VijaySekhar Chellaboina
E2404C Engineering Building East
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Missouri-Columbia
Columbia, MO 65211-2200
Tel: +1.573-884-625
Fax: +1.573-84-5090
Email: ChellaboinaV@missouri.edu

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: A.J.W. v.d. Boom 

      NICONET E-letter 5

The fifth issue of the NICONET E-letter is now available and can be
accessed from the World Wide Web URL:


or can be downloaded as compressed postscript file from the WGS ftp site:

       ( filename: E-issue-5.Z)

1. Welcome to the NICONET E-letter number 5!
2. New additions to SLICOT since July 1999
3. New NICONET Reports since July 1999
4. Niconet events
5. (Forthcoming) Meetings and symposia attended by NICONET partners

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Pam Ferrar


(Level E2/E1)

Salary  Professor Level E1      $91,038 pa
        Professor Level E2      $96,546 pa

Ref:    ISE  8.9.1

Applications are invited from exceptionally distinguished persons to
fill the above senior continuing position. Depending on the
availability of funding, a second appointment as Professor could be
made.  Successful applicants must be, or expect to achieve, election
as an IEEE Fellow.

The successful applicant will be expected to assume a Department
Head position for an agreed term, and be capable of inspirational
leadership of a group committed to the highest standards of research
and research training.  There are no undergraduate responsibilities.
The appointee must have the ability to form synergies with other
activities in the School or the University.  In addition, a proven
record in attracting external grants through links with industry,
the private sector and government is essential.

An appointee with expertise in control systems, signal processing,
computer vision, intelligent systems or robotics is desired.  It is
desirable that  a non-robotics person has a coupling to robotics.  A
capacity for further career development is essential and applicants
are asked to present as part of their application a 5 to 10 year
vision of their discipline (in the broad sense), as well as a 5 year
view of personal research directions.

The University has a policy which provides for market related and
merit loading of academic salaries in appropriate instances,
superannuation, Outside Studies Program leave and grant, funds for
travel, visiting fellow grants and state of the art infrastructure.
The preferred starting date is early 2000. Suitably qualified women
are particularly encouraged to apply.

Enquiries:  Professor Brian Anderson e-mail:
brian.anderson@anu.edu.au,  Telephone:  (+61 2)  6279 8667, Fax:
(+61 2) 6279 8688

Contact:  Further particulars and selection criteria must be
obtained before applying from the Business Office, telephone: (+61
2) 6279 8665, fax: (+61 2) 6279 8688 or email: bm.rsise@anu.edu.au.
 Further information about the school is available at Web site:

Closing date:  29 October 1999
Late applications will be received up to 7 November 1999

Information on how to apply may be obtained from the ANU Web page -
http://www.anu.edu.au/hr/jobs or by telephoning/emailing the contact.

Contributed by: Gwenda Pittaway - G.Pittaway@ee.mu.oz.au

Research Fellow in Distributed Systems and Tracking

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Cooperative Research Centre for Sensor Signal and Information Processing

The Position:   A Research Fellow is required in areas relating to distributed
systems and multi-sensor target tracking.  The Research Fellow will be attached
to the University of Melbourne node of the Cooperative Research Centre for
Sensor Signal and Information Processing (CSSIP). The incumbent will work with
other researchers, academic staff and postgraduate students to conduct high
quality research into the design, analysis and implementation of estimation,
optimization and control algorithms for distributed systems including
multi-sensor multi-target tracking systems.

The Person:   You will hold a PhD in Electrical Engineering, Systems
Engineering, Applied Maths or an equivalent qualification. A demonstrated
research record, evidenced by research publications in good international
conferences and journals is essential. The ability to present research results
in a comprehensive and timely manner, through verbal and written means is
required. You will demonstrate high level knowledge and experience in the
fundamental techniques and applications of systems theory, particularly
estimation and control. Excellent oral and written communication skills are
essential, as are skills in implementing numerical algorithms in C, C++ and
Matlab under Unix.  You must be eligible for an Australian Security Clearance.

The Benefits:  Total remuneration package up to $68,926 per annum (includes
employer superannuation contributions of 17% )

Duration:    Three year (fixed term) appointment subject to satisfactory
completion of a probationary period.

Contact: Further information at www.ee.mu.oz.au or  Ms Gwenda  Pittaway.
Tel:+61 3 9344 0376, Fax: +61 3 9344 6678,  Email:g.pittaway@ee.mu.oz.au.

Applications to: Deputy Principal, Human Resources, The University of
Melbourne, Parkville, Vic. 3010. Fax: + 61 3 9344 4694 by 22 October 1999.
Please quote position no Y0008330 and include the names (with phone and
facsimile numbers) of three referees in your application.

Contributed by: Matthew Feemster

Clemson University:  Applications are invited for faculty in the Computer
Engineering area of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The
Department has active research in wireless communications and signal
processing, robotics and mechatronics, computational electromagnetics,
solid-state device reliability, power systems, and computer engineering. The
Computer Engineering area has strong research programs in parallel computer
systems, wireless networking, robotics, and computer vision and image
processing.  There is particular interest in embedded systems,
hardware/software co-design, and real-time systems with applications to
robotics and control.  Candidates should have high potential for
establishing a sustained research program and quality teaching.

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Science, or a closely related field.  The individual
selected will be expected to contribute to both new and ongoing research
programs at Clemson and to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses.  A
detailed description of the department is available at
Send resume and names and addresses of five references to Chair, Holcombe
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 105 Riggs Hall, Box 340915,
Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0915. Evaluation will begin October 1,
1999, and will continue until the positions are filled.  Clemson University is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Contributed by: Dr. Declan Bates, University of Leicester


Two post-doctoral research associate positions are currently
available in the Control and Instrumentation Research Group at the
Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, in the area of
robust control of aerospace systems. Salaries for both positions will
be in the range 16,286 to 24,479 pounds sterling, depending on
qualifications and previous experience. More details of current
research activities at Leicester can be found at

Research Associate 1 (Ref: RA1 R9110/TH) will work on an 18 month
EPSRC funded project on robust integrated flight control system
design for civil transport aircraft. This project involves
collaboration with the Aerospace Engineering Department of the
Technical University of Delft (Holland) and the University of
Cranfield (UK). Experience of current industrial flight control
system design procedures would be an advantage for this position.

Research Associate 2 (Ref: RA2 R9111/TH) will work on a 4 year
EPSRC funded project which addresses a range of problems in
aerospace control e.g. integrated flight and propulsion control and
helicopter control.

Candidates for both posts should have or be completing a PhD in
control or a related subject.

Initial enquiries can be directed to Dr. Declan Bates (RA1), Email
dgb3@le.ac.uk, or to Prof. Ian Postlethwaite (RA2), Email
ixp@le.ac.uk. Application forms and further particulars are available
from the Personnel Office, University of Leicester, University Road,
Leicester LE1 7RH, Tel: (0116) 223 1341. Fax: (0116) 252 5140.
Email: personnel@le.ac.uk.  Closing date: 15 November 1999.


Project Student 1 will register for a PhD and research on the
development of novel nonlinear control system analysis and design

Project Student 2 will register for a PhD and research in the area of
aerospace control addressing implementation, flight clearance and
airworthiness issues.

Candidates for both studentships should have or be expecting a first
class or 2.1 honours degree in a relevant subject.

Applications in writing, including a CV and names and addresses of two
referees, should be sent to Mrs M. Strange, Department of
Engineering, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH.  Closing Date: 6
December 1999.

Contributed by: Hiro Mukai (mukai@zach.wustl.edu)

       Post-Doctoral Positions in Control Systems Theory

         Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
                  Washington University
                   St. Louis, MO 63130

The Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
in Washington University has several post-doctoral
positions available immediately. Candidates with
advanced knowledge in control systems theory are sought.
The duration of appointment will be 1.5 years.
Experience in the following fields is a plus:
computer simulation of distributed-parameter systems,
infinite-dimensional systems, Kalman filtering
differential game-theoretic approach to control,
nonlinear control, partial differential equations,
or discrete-event systems.
Applications include military operations, financial
institutions, manufacturing plants and power grids.

If interested, immediately send your CV to

     Prof. Hiro Mukai
     Tel: 314-935-6064 or +1-314-935-6064
     Email: mukai@zach.wustl.edu

Contributed by: Nejat Olgac

Pratt & Whitney Endowed Chair in Mechanical Engineering

The University of Connecticuts Department of Mechanical Engineering is
seeking a distinguished scholar with a record of excellence in research and
teaching, to fill the newly established Pratt & Whitney Chair in Design and

The successful candidate will have:

-An international reputation for scholarship in a field of mechanical
engineering as applied to design and manufacturing
-An exceptional record of excellence and accomplishment in research
-A successful record of teaching and advising graduate and undergraduate
-A record of significant leadership and team building in his/her
department, university and profession.

The Pratt & Whitney Chaired Professor will:

-Conduct science-based, applications-driven research in critical and
evolving areas of design and manufacturing
-Provide leadership to the department, university and profession
-Develop, direct and teach graduate and undergraduate courses in
mechanical engineering.

With 15,000 undergraduate and 6,000 graduate students, the University of
Connecticut is in a period of unprecedented growth as evidenced by a
ten-year, $1 billion state-funded initiative to enhance the physical
structure as well as research and teaching activities. The University is one
of two public Carnegie Foundation Research I universities in New
England. While the state is home to a large number of international, high
technology companies engaged in state-of-the- art design and manufacturing
activities, the University of Connecticut campus is located in a scenic area
with a moderate cost of living and easy access to the major urban centers of
the Northeast.  The Department of Mechanical Engineering presently has 17
tenured or tenure-track faculty members. There are 5 affiliated specialized
service centers and research facilities including the: Environmental
Research Institute, Precision Manufacturing Institute, Institute of
Materials Science, Booth Center for Computer Applications & Research and the
Photonics Research Center.  The Pratt & Whitney Chair is funded by a $1
million endowment. The successful candidate will control the use of the
revenue from this endowment (anticipated to be at least $50,000 per year),
subject to the conditions of the endowment. Salary, benefits, and a
competitive start-up package will be supplied by way of non-endowment

The University of Connecticut invites applications and nominations for
this position. Applications, including a statement of interest, a current
curriculum vitae, and the names and contact information of at least five
references, should be forwarded to:

   Prof. Theodore L. Bergman
   Department of Mechanical Engineering
   191 Auditorium Road, U-139
   The University of Connecticut
   Storrs, CT 06269-3139

The position is full-time and tenurable at the rank of Full Professor. The
position is available as early as August, 2000 and will remain open until
filled.  The University of Connecticut encourages under-represented groups
to apply for this position.

Contributed by: Raymond Kwong (kwong@control.utoronto.ca)

          Faculty Position in Systems Control at University of Toronto

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University
of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-stream Assistant Professor
position in the area of systems control, especially real-time computer
control.  A Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, computer engineering,
or computer science is required.

The Department consistently ranks among the top 10 departments in its field
in North America.  It attracts outstanding students, has excellent research
facilities, and is ideally located in the middle of a vibrant metropolitan
city.  Additional information can be found on the departmental web page:


Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a list of three references to
Professor Safwat G. Zaky, Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Toronto, 10 King's College Road, Toronto,
Ontario, M5S 3G4, Canada.  The search will continue until the position
is filled. To ensure consideration, please respond by November 30, 1999.
(Note added: November 30, 1999 should not be considered as the application
deadline. It should be viewed as encouraging prospective candidates to apply

In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority will be
given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.  The
University of Toronto is committed to employment equity and encourages
applications from women, visible minorities, aboriginal people and
physically challenged persons.

Contributed by: jingxin.zhang@cssip.edu.au

            PhD/Master Scholarship in Control Engineering

The University of South Australia, in collaboration with BHP Long Products,
Whyalla Works, SA, invites applications for a PhD/Master scholarship to
support study Modeling and Control of Hot Steel Rolling Mills. This study
will be conducted within the School of Physics and Electronic Systems
Engineering with Dr Jingxin Zhang as principal supervisor.  The scholarship
is funded through the Australian Research Council's Strategic Partnerships
in Research Training (SPIRT) scheme.

This project is to investigate the modeling and control of mechanical
impact of drive spindles in hot steel rolling mills. It will use modeling
and optimal control techniques to produce an effective method for
minimizing the mechanical impact and failures of the spindles.

Applicants require at least a Class 2A honours degree or equivalent and
must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia. The latter
are normally required to have been resident in Australia for 12 months prior
to commencement.  It is anticipated that the successful applicant will have
a background in electrical and electronic engineering or mechanical engineering
with interests in modeling and control of complex industrial processes.

The scholarship provides a tax-exempt stipend of $20,822 pa (1999 rate,
indexed annually) for full-time study over three years for PhD or two
years for Master. The Scholarship must commence before 31 December 1999.
The successful applicant will be exempt from the obligations of the Higher
Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) for the normal duration of candidature.

Enquiries about the program of study should be directed to Dr Jingxin Zhang,
CSSIP, SPRI Building, Levels Campus, University of South Australia, Mawson
Lakes Boulavard, Mawson Lakes, SA  5095, telephone: 08 8302 5023,
e-mail: jingxin.zhang@cssip.edu.au.

Application forms and details of how to apply are available from
Dr Robert Lawrence, Scholarships Officer, Research Services, University
of South Australia, Levels Campus, Mawson Lakes Boulavard, Mawson Lakes
SA  5095, telephone: 08 8302 3615, e-mail: robert.lawrence@unisa.edu.

Applications close 30 November 1999.

Contributed by: Fernando Paganini


The UCLA Electrical Engineering Department is seeking qualified people to take
part in a multi-university project on dynamics and control of distributed
networks, including fundamental theory and applications to data networks,
sensor networks, and the power grid.  Candidates should have a doctorate in a
systems related discipline, a strong mathematical background and interest in
the above application areas.

Interested applicants may e-mail:


or write to:

Professor Fernando Paganini
UCLA Electrical Engineering
UCLA, Box 951594
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594

Contributed by: Jan van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)

issued by the
European Research Network System Identification (ERNSI)

Applications are invited for fellowships
at the post-doctoral and at the Ph.D. student level
with the research teams of ERNSI.
The positions are financially supported by the
European Commission through the
EU TMR Project System Identification (ERB FMRX CT98 0206).

Please show this call to potential applicants and
post it at your institute. A version of the complete call
is available on the web at the address:


See also the ERNSI home page:


Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)

Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory, University of Houston

Research Assistantships are available in the Department
of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Houston
for graduate studies in the areas of robust, gain scheduled
and optimal control, robotics, and vision-based control, with
applications to space systems, engine control and structural
control. Applicants are expected to have a good mathematical
background and knowledge of control systems. The Houston
metropolitan area offers ample opportunities for interaction with
industry and the NASA Johnson Space Center. The research
projects are sponsored by the National Science Foundation,
the Texas Advanced Research and Technology programs and
local industry. Applications from qualified students are
invited for Spring and Fall 2000. For more information including
application material please contact:
Prof. Karolos Grigoriadis, Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-4792
E-mail: karolos@uh.edu, Tel: 713-743-4387, Fax: 713-743-4503

Contributed by: Emmanuel G. Collins, Chair of the Search Committee

                          Assistant or Associate Professor
                      Department of Mechanical Engineering
  Florida A&M University-Florida State University College of Engineering

Applications are invited for a tenure track faculty position at the Assistant
or Associate Professor level in the fields of controls, mechatronics or
robotics. Applicants must have an earned Ph.D.  in mechanical engineering
or a closely related field and must be able to teach at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels.  A demonstrated track record of research is
required and the selected applicant will be expected to obtain external
research funding.  Research with an applied or experimental component is

Please send a resume, including a statement of research and teaching
interests, and a list of at least three references to:

Dr. Emmanuel G. Collins
Department of Mechanical Engineering
FAMU-FSU College of Engineering
2525 Pottsdamer St., Room 229
Tallahassee, FL  32310.

For more on the Department of Mechanical Engineering see


Applications must be received by February 29, 2000. The FAMU-FSU
College of Engineering is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:   "George Anastassiou" 

Dear Colleaques Hi!
I am soliciting  high quality math.books/book proposals of all levels
and kinds for possible publication at the following settings:

1)For the new book series of "Computational Mathematics and
Applications" of Kluwer/Plenum as the Editor-in-Chief.

2)For the Applied Mathematical Sciences of Birkhauser-Boston
as a Consultant Editor.

3)For Applied Mathematics of CRC as an Advisor.

To find out how to submit your manuscripts to G. Anastassiou, please
visit the updated web site


Also I run as the Editor-in-Chief the new Kluwer/Plenum "Journal
of Computational Analysis and Applications"(JoCAAA).
Institutional 1999 subscription $160,personal $65.

For more and how to submit articles to JoCAAA,please visit above
web site.

Table of Contents JoCAAA Vol.1,No.4,October 1999

1) Sturm-Liouville Problems with Coupled Boundary Conditions and

Lagrange Interpolation Series                     319

W.N.Everitt and G.Nasri-Roudsari

2) Multivariate Geometric Stable Laws             349

T.J.Kozubowski and S.T.Rachev

Contributed by: A.J. van der Schaft (a.j.vanderschaft@math.utwente.nl):

                      BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

        L_2 Gain and Passivity Techniques in Nonlinear Control
        (second revised and enlarged edition), p.249.

        Arjan van der Schaft, University of Twente, The Netherlands.

        Springer-Verlag, Communications and Control Engineering Series,
        London, November 1999, ISBN 1 85233 073 2.

The first edition of this book appeared in the Lecture Notes on Control and
Information Sciences series, Volume 218 (1996). The book gives a unified
treatment of classical input-output stability theory and recent developments
in nonlinear robust and passivity-based control. The synthesis between these
areas is provided by the theory of dissipative systems. Specifically, the
small-gain and passivity theorems and their implications for nonlinear
stability and stabilization are discussed from this vantage-ground. The
connection between L2 -gain and passivity via scattering is detailed. The
passivity concepts are enriched by a generalized Hamiltonian formalism,
emphasizing the close relations with modeling and control by
interconnection. Feedback equivalence to a passive system and resulting
stabilization strategies are discussed. The potential of L_2-gain techniques
in nonlinear control is demonstrated, including a compact treatment of the
nonlinear H_infinity optimal control problem.

Brief Table of Contents:
1. Input-Output Stability
2. Small-gain and Passivity of Input-Output Maps
3. Dissipative Systems Theory
4. Hamiltonian Systems as Passive Systems
5. Passivity by Feedback
6. Factorizations of Nonlinear Systems
7. Nonlinear H_infinity Control
8. Hamilton-Jacobi Inequalities

Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co KG
PO Box 31 13 40
D-10643 Berlin
Fax: +49 (30) 8 27 87 301
Email: orders@springer.de

Contributed by: Hans Schumacher (jms@cwi.nl)

                        NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

                A.J. van der Schaft, J.M. Schumacher


        Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences vol. 251
            Springer, London, 2000 (available: November 1999)
            xiv+174 pp., 28 figs., ISBN 1-85233-233-6, DM 96

This book is about dynamical systems that are ``hybrid'' in the sense
that they contain both continuous and discrete state variables. Such
systems occur in many places in science and engineering; examples include
computer-controlled continuous processes, regime-switching systems,
mechanical systems with unilateral constraints, electrical networks
with internally or externally controlled switches, and so on. There has
recently been increased research interest in the study of the
interaction between discrete and continuous dynamics. The present
volume provides a first attempt in book form to bring together concepts
and methods dealing with hybrid systems from various areas, and to
look at these from a unified perspective. Since the systematic study of
hybrid systems is still in an early stage, the authors have chosen a
mode of exposition that is largely based on illustrative examples rather
than on the abstract theorem-proof format. The examples are taken from
many different application areas, ranging from power converters to
communication protocols and from chaos to mathematical finance. Subjects
covered include the following: definition of hybrid systems; description
formats; existence and uniqueness of solutions; special subclasses
(variable-structure systems, complementarity systems); reachability and
verification; stability and stabilizability; control design methods.
The book, which has been developed from a course on hybrid systems taught
by the authors as part of the national graduate program of the Dutch
Institute of Systems and Control (DISC), will be of interest to scientists
from a wide range of disciplines, including computer science, control
theory, dynamical system theory, systems modeling and simulation, and
operations research.


Ch. 1   Modeling of hybrid systems
Ch. 2   Examples of hybrid dynamical systems
Ch. 3   Variable-structure systems
Ch. 4   Complementarity systems
Ch. 5   Analysis of hybrid systems
Ch. 6   Hybrid control design

The preface and the full table of contents are available for downloading in
postscript format at http://www.cwi.nl/~jms/hybdyn.ps (65 K) and in pdf at
http://www.cwi.nl/~jms/hybdyn.pdf (118 K).

Contributed by: Anton A. Stoorvogel 



             Ali Saberi, Anton A. Stoorvogel, and Peddapullaiah Sannuti

             Communications and Control Engineering Series, 1999
             ISBN  1 85233 153 4
             Price 60.00 UK pounds

 The issue of tracking a desired reference signal in the presence of external
 disturbances is a classical control problem that resides at the core of
 control engineering. This is referred to as the output regulation problem.
 In this book the output regulation problem is examined in depth.
 New, highly significant dimensions are added to the problem and all
 pertinent topics associated with it are discussed. These topics include:

 *  Classical output regulation problem along with its different facets of
     well-posedness, internal model principle, and structural stability.

 *  Analysis and design of controllers for the output regulation problem
     subject to physical constraints on actuators such as amplitude and rate

 * Incorporating transient performance requirements into output regulation
    problem formulation, thus creating an optimal framework for the output
    regulation problem.

 * Uniting the output regulation problem formulation with other performance
    requirements of modern control theory such as H_2 and H_\infinity
    optimal and suboptimal performance criteria.

 * Opening up a novel framework of output regulation problem formulation in
    order to enlarge the class of signals dealt with whilst at the same time
    adding new possibilities. This is termed as generalized output regulation.
    The generalized output regulation problem has many features. We
     mention below a few among them:
      It lets us treat almost any arbitrary reference signal.

      It lets us utilize the derivative or feedforward information of reference
      signals whenever it is available.

      It opens up new avenues to pursue whenever exact output regulation
      problem is not solvable; for instance, one can study almost output
      regulation in which one can cast several performance measures one at a
      time on the asymptotic tracking error, e.g.  the supremum of asymptotic
      tracking error be less than a specified fraction of a specified norm of
      the reference signal.

 This book is designed to meet the needs of a variety of readers including
 practising control engineers, graduate students, and researchers in control

 1.   Introduction  1
 2.   Classical exact output regulation  13
 3.   Classical output regulation with actuators subject to amplitude
          saturation  -- continuous-time systems  69
 4.   Classical output regulation with actuators subject to amplitude
          saturation -- discrete-time systems  129
 5.   Output regulation with actuators subject to amplitude and rate
          saturation  177
 6.   Transient performance in classical output regulation  213
 7.   Achieving a desired performance with an output regulation
          constraint  271
 8.   H_2   optimal control with an output regulation constraint
          -- continuous-time systems  291
 9.   H_2   optimal control with an output regulation constraint
          -- discrete-time systems  303
10.   H_\infinity    optimal control with an output regulation  constraint
          -- continuous-time systems  317
11.   H_\infinity    optimal control with an output regulation constraint
          -- discrete-time systems  333
12.   Robust output regulation  349
13.   Generalized output regulation  355
14.   Generalized output regulation with saturating actuators
          -- continuous-time systems  411
15.   Generalized regulation with saturating actuators
          -- discrete-time systems  421
16.   Generalized output regulation with actuators subject to amplitude and
          rate saturation  431
17.   What does one do if output regulation is not possible?  441
      Epilogue  451
      Bibliography  453
      Index  461

For orders contact:

        Springer-Verlag GmbH & Co KG
        PO Box 31 13 40
        D-10643 Berlin

        Fax: +49 (30) 8 27 87 301
        Email: orders@springer.de

Contributed by: Peter Bartlett (Peter.Bartlett@anu.edu.au)

            NEURAL NETWORK LEARNING: Theoretical Foundations

                           Martin Anthony
            London School of Economics and Political Science

                           Peter Bartlett
                  Australian National University

This book describes recent theoretical advances in the study of
artificial neural networks. It explores probabilistic models of supervised
learning problems, and addresses the key statistical and computational
questions.  Research on pattern classification with binary-output
networks is surveyed, including a discussion of the relevance of
the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, and calculating estimates of the
dimension for several neural network models. A model of classification by
real-output networks is developed, and the usefulness of classification
with a 'large margin' is demonstrated. The authors explain the role
of scale-sensitive versions of the Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension in
large margin classification, and in real prediction. They also discuss
the computational complexity of neural network learning, describing a
variety of hardness results, and outlining two efficient constructive
learning algorithms. The book is self-contained and is intended to be
accessible to researchers and graduate students in computer science,
engineering, and mathematics.

Contents: 1. Introduction; Part I. Pattern Recognition with Binary-output
Neural Networks: 2. The pattern recognition problem; 3. The growth
function and VC-dimension; 4. General upper bounds on sample complexity;
5. General lower bounds; 6. The VC-dimension of linear threshold networks;
7. Bounding the VC-dimension using geometric techniques; 8. VC-dimension
bounds for neural networks; Part II. Pattern Recognition with Real-output
Neural Networks: 9. Classification with real values; 10. Covering numbers
and uniform convergence; 11. The pseudo-dimension and fat-shattering
dimension; 12. Bounding covering numbers with dimensions; 13. The sample
complexity of classification learning; 14. The dimensions of neural
networks; 15. Model selection; Part III. Learning Real-Valued Functions:
16. Learning classes of real functions; 17. Uniform convergence results
for real function classes; 18. Bounding covering numbers; 19. The sample
complexity of learning function classes; 20. Convex classes; 21. Other
learning problems; Part IV. Algorithmics: 22. Efficient learning;
23. Learning as optimisation; 24. The Boolean perceptron; 25. Hardness
results for feed-forward networks; 26. Constructive learning algorithms
for two-layered networks.

1999   228 x 152 mm   416pp
0 521 57353 X   Hardback  US$59.95 (US$41.97 at Amazon)

For further information, see http://www.cup.cam.ac.uk or
http://www.cup.org or http://csl.anu.edu.au/ml/nnbook.html

Contributed by: Carsten Doell, ONERA-CERT/DCSD

                BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

                "A Practical Approach to Robustness Analysis
                 with Aeronautical Applications"

                        Gilles Ferreres
                ONERA-CERT (DCSD), Toulouse, France

Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Hardbound, ISBN 0-306-46283-4
September 1999, 232 pp.
NLG 315.00 / USD 135.00 / GBP 93.25

see : http://www.wkap.nl/book.htm/0-306-46283-4


Because a model never perfectly represents the real plant to be
controlled, it is important once a controller is designed to evaluate
its robustness properties: assuming the controller ensures the
stability and performance of the nominal closed loop (i.e. the one
without model uncertainties), does this closed loop still satisfy
stability and performance properties despite such uncertainties ? These
ones correspond to uncertainties in the physical parameters of the
plant model, to unmodeled dynamics and to uncertain time-delays. The mu
analysis technique and its extensions provide a complete solution to
this problem.

The purpose of this book is twofold. The first one is to introduce as
clearly as possible the mu framework, the second one being to emphasize
its practical usefulness. To this aim, classical and advanced mu tools
are first presented, and then applied to a range of engineering
problems, namely a missile, a large rigid or flexible transport
aircraft, and a highly flexible telescope mock-up.

The book is intended to be complete, from theory to application. The
general problem of robustness analysis is first stated. It is then
explained how the structured singular value mu and its skewed version
nu solve it. One then focuses on the two general issues which arise
when applying the mu approach to a real world control problem. Firstly,
this specific control problem is to be put into a standard form. When
applying the mu tools to this standard form, the second issue concerns
the computational requirement, which must remain reasonable even for
large dimension problems.

The last part of the book finally presents new solutions to difficult
and yet interesting problems, namely the analysis of the robustness
properties of a closed loop, either in the specific context of flexible
structures, or in the presence of parametric uncertainties, neglected
dynamics and uncertain time-delays. A mu based nonlinear analysis
method is also presented.




 1. Realization of uncertain systems under an LFT form
 2. Applications


 1. Computation of mu bounds
 2. Applications of the mu tools


 1. Skewed mu problems in robustness analysis
 2. Computation of skewed mu bounds
 3. Application of the skewed mu tools


 1. Robustness analysis of flexible structures
 2. Introduction of time delays
 3. Nonlinear analysis


Contributed by: Prof. Biao Huang  (biao.huang@ualberta.ca)

Biao Huang and Sirish Shah, University of Alberta
Publisher: Springer-Verlag;  ISBN: 1-85233-639-0; 255 pages

The design of advanced control algorithms has largely preoccupied the
control practitioners' efforts. The rationale has been that systems which
are difficult to control need advanced optimal, non-linear, adaptive or
like control algorithms for better regulation. Although there are a
variety of control design techniques, few techniques exist for objective
measures of control loop performance or conversely measures of the level
of difficulty in controlling a process variable from routine operating
industrial process data. Clearly it is important to establish the
effectiveness of a given controller on a process prior to re-tuning or
redesigning the control strategy, if necessary. The control literature is
relatively sparse on studies concerned with such proper or formal measures
of control loop effectiveness or performance. The purpose of this book is
to expose the reader to the most recent techniques for controller
performance assessment. Specifically, this text ponders questions such as
the following: Is your controller healthy? Is it doing its job well? How
can one obtain a non-invasive or a model-free assessment of controller
performance? One of the motivating factors as to why the industrial
practitioner and the academic researcher may want to investigate this area
is the explosive growth in the amount of process data that is available
for analysis. This book introduces the reader to the techniques for
evaluating the performance of univariate and multivariate controllers.

List of Chapters

1. Introduction
2. Feedback Controller Performance Assessment of Univariate Processes
3. Multivariate Processes: Preliminaries
4. Unitary Interactor Matrices and Minimum Variance Control
5. Estimation of the Unitary Interactor Matrices
6. Feedback Controller Performance Assessment: Simple Interactor
7. Feedback Controller Performance Assessment: Diagonal Interactor
8. Feedback Controller Performance Assessment: General Interactor
9. Feedforward and Feedback Controller Performance Assessment
10. Performance Assessment of Nonminimum Phase Systems
11. A Unified Approach to Performance Assessment
12. Performance Assessment: User-specified Benchmark
13. Performance Assessment: LQG Benchmark
14. Control Loop Performance Monitoring via Model Validation
15. Closed-loop Identification
16. Practical Considerations and Industrial Case Studies
A. The algorithm for the calculation of a unitary interactor matrix
B. Examples of the diagonal/general interactor matrices
C. Spectral techniques in performance assessment

Contributed by: Michael Berthold 

        We would like to announce the availability of our new book:

          "Intelligent Data Analysis: An Introduction"
                           edited by
               Michael Berthold and David J. Hand
          (Springer-Verlag, 1999. ISBN 3-540-65808-4)

  The idea for this book arose when, through teaching classes on IDA
and doing consulting work, we realized that there was no coherent
textbook to which we could direct students or interested researchers
and practitioners in the field. We considered writing such a book
ourselves, but abandoned this idea when we realised how wide would be
the range of topics which should be covered.  Instead, we decided to
invite appropriate experts to contribute separate chapters on various
fields, and we took pains to ensure that these chapters complemented
and built on each other, so that a rounded picture resulted. Our aim
was that, rather than focusing on state-of-the-art research, where it
is always difficult to tell which ideas will turn out to be really
important, each chapter should provide a thorough introduction to its
domain.  The areas covered are:

  - Statistical Concepts (Chapter 2)
  - Statistical Methods (Chapter 3)
  - Bayesian Methods (Chapter 4)
  - Analysis of Time Series (Chapter 5)
  - Rule Induction (Chapter 6)
  - Neural Networks (Chapter 7)
  - Fuzzy Logic (Chapter 8)
  - Stochastic Search Methods (Chapter 9)

  The book begins with an introduction to the field of intelligent data
analysis (Chapter 1) and concludes with a discussion of applications
(Chapter 10) and a list of available tools (Appendix A).

The table of contents and the preface can be accessed from the Springer
(Germany) web-site at:

We hope that the community will find this book useful.

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Wen Chen 

Dear Colleagues:

A new "international journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation"
will be launched in the coming 2000 year.  The sponsorships of institutes
and universities worldwide are invited to join in us to activate the
nonlinear sciences. The nomination of member of editorial board is also
welcome. Aims and Scope of this journal is given below

The International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation
publishes original papers on all subjects relevant to nonlinear sciences and
numerical simulation. The highest priority will be given to those
contributions concerned with a discussion of the background of a practical
problem, the establishment of an appropriate nonlinear model, the
determination of a solution, approximate or exact, analytical or numerical,
and a discussion of the relevance of the results when applied to the
real-life problem.
    The following types of manuscript are encouraged:
1) New nonlinear model for a real-life problem with possible exciting
2) New analytical techniques for new nonlinear problems with physical
3) Numerical simulation revealing possible hidden pearls in nonlinear
   Although the journal concentrates mainly on the applications side, review
articles dealing with establishment of nonlinear models, new numerical or
analytical techniques, with potential for wider application to real-life
problems, are invited by the Editor, and  will be published from time to

For more details please contact

Editor-in-Chief  Dr. Ji-Huan He
149 Yanchang Road, Shanghai University, Shanghai Institute of Applied
Mathematics and Mechanics, Shanghai 200072, China.

Yours sincerely,


Contributed by: Hans Schneider

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 297
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 20-Oct-1999

pp 1-7
Diagonability of idempotent matrices over noncommunicative rings

pp 9-22
Le theoreme de hua pour les algebres artiniennes simples
H Essannouni

pp 23-56
Stratification of linear systems. Bifurcation diagrams for families
of linear systems
I Garcia-Planas

pp 57-61
Operators which are remain convergent when multiplied by certain
Hermitian operators
B Cain

pp 63-80
Eigenvalues of tridiagonal pseudo-toeplitz matrices
D Kulkarni, SZEKAI Tsui

pp 81-85
Extensions d'operateurs auto-adjoints et defaut de reflexivite
M'HAMMED Benlarbi Delai

pp 87-105
Is every matrix similar to a Toeplitz matrix?
SM Mackey, N Mackey

pp 107-132
Inverse eigenvalue problem: existence of special mass-damper-spring
P Nylen

pp 133-155
Robust controllability and robust closed-loop stability with static
output feedback for a class of uncertain descriptor systems
C Lin, JL Wang

pp 157-175
Majorization polytopes
G Dahl

pp 177-182
On the decomposition of a matrix into the sum of stable matrices
Y Ito

pp 183-191
A note on the equivalence of a class of factorized Broyden families
for nonlinear least squares problems
H Ogasawara

pp 193-202
The distribution of the maximum condition number on great circles
through a fixed 2 x 2 real matrix
D Lewis

pp 203-203
Author index

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

            ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 298
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 08-Nov-1999

pp 1-8
On exponent of indecomposability for primitive boolean matrices
B Liu

pp 9-20
On graphs with complete bipartite star complements
PS Jackson, P Rowlinson

pp 21-37
Infite eigenvalue assignment for singular systems
D Chu

pp 39-50
A matrix-decomposition theorem for GLn(K)
F Bunger, K Nielsen

pp 51-71
The covering number of elements of a matroid and associated
R Fernandes

pp 73-86
On syzygy modules for polynomial matrices

pp 87-97
Automorphisms of some Banach algebras of analytic functions
MR Alaimia

pp 99-113
A unified approach to Krylov subspace methods for the Drazin-inverse
solution of singular nonsymmetric linear systems
A Sidi

pp 115-141
On the algebraic theory of pseudo-distance-regularity around a set
MA Fiol

pp 143-158
Nearest pair with more nonconstant invariant factors. Pseudospectrum
JM Gracia

pp 159-169
OMC for householder reflections
SW Drury

pp 171-191
Column optimal strongly three-fold orthogonal matrices in a class
index eight
AS Hedayat, H Pesotan

pp 193-208
Littlewood's algorithm and quaternion matrices
DI Merino

pp 209-209
Author index

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

January, 2000                                             Issue    36:1

P. Young                      Professor John Flavell Coales, C.B.E., F.R.S.,
                               F.R.S.E., M.A., Hon. D.Sc., C.Eng., F.I.E.E.,
                               F.I.E.E.E., F.Inst.P., F.I.C.E.

Regular Papers

G. J. Kulawski, M. A. Brdys   Stable adaptive control with recurrent

H. Zhang, A. Ray, S. Phoha    Hybrid life extending control of mechanical
                              systems: Experimental validation of the

Brief Papers

L. Scibile, B. Kouvaritakis   Stability region for a class of open-loop
                              unstable linear systems: Theory and

P. D. Christofides            Robust output feedback control of nonlinear
                              singularly perturbed systems

T. Soderstrom, M. Mossberg    Performance evaluation of methods for
                              identifying continuous-time autoregressive

J-X. Xu, Y. Song              Multi-scale direct learning control of linear
                              time-varying high order systems

P. Kallappa, A. Ray           Fuzzy wide-range control of fossil power
                              plants for life extension and robust

P. M. Makila                  Linear quadratic control revisited

J-X. Xu, B. Viswanathan       Adaptive robust iterative learning control
                              with dead zone scheme

M. Basseville, M.             Subspace-based fault detection algorithms for
Abdelghani, A. Benveniste     vibration monitoring

Technical Communiques

P. S. V. Nataraj, G. Sardar   Template generation for continuous transfer
                              functions using interval analysis

E-W. Bai, Z. Ding             Zeros of sampled data systems represented by
                              FIR models

A. Casavola, E. Mosca         Minimax predictive control strategies for
                              input-saturated polytopic uncertain systems

J. Engwerda                   Feedback Nash equilibria in the scalar
                              infinite horizon LQ-game

K-Y. Chang, W-J. Wang         Variable structure based covariance assignment
                               for stochastic multivariable model reference

Y-G. Wang, H-H. Shao          Optimal tuning for PI controller

J. F. Dunne                   An explicit control energy function for
                              optimal suppression in linear systems

S. Xie, L. Xie                Stabilization of a class of uncertain
                              large-scale stochastic systems with time


M. J. Chappell, K. R.         Reply to "Some remarks about an
Godfrey                       identifiability result of nonlinear systems"

L. Denis-Vidal, G.            Authors reply

D. J. Leith, W. E. Leithhead  Further comments on "Gain scheduling dynamic
                              linear controllers for a nonlinear plant"

Book Reviews
D. Mishne                     M. Noton: Spacecraft navigation and guidance



                                Table of contents

February, 2000                                            Issue    36:2


K. S. Narendra, F. L. Lewis   Call for papers Special Issue on Neural
                              networks for feedback control

Regular Papers

F. Mazenc, L. Praly           Asymptotic tracking of a reference state for
                              systems with a feedforward structure

Z-P. Jiang                    Robust exponential regulation of nonholonomic
                              systems with uncertainties

K. Furuta, Y. Pan             Variable structure control with sliding sector

M. W. Vandegrift, F. L.       Adaptive fuzzy logic control of discrete-time
Lewis, S. Jagannanthan        dynamical systems

Y-L. Chen, S. Lafortune, F.   Incremental model evolution and reusability of
Lin                            supervisors for discrete event systems

Brief Papers

M. Sznaier, J. Tierno         Is set modeling of white noise a good tool for
                               robust H2 analysis?

X. Bao, Z. Lin, E. D. Sontag  Finite gain stabilization of discrete-time
                              linear systems subject to actuator saturation

V. A. Ugrinovskii, I. R.      Guaranteed cost control of uncertain systems
Petersen                      via Lur'e- Postnikov Lyapunov functions

K. Furuta, K. J. Astrom       Swinging up a pendulum by energy control

Z. Li, C. B. Soh, X. Xu       Lyapunov stability of a class of hybrid
                              dynamic systems

S. K. Nguang, P. Shi          Nonlinear H(infinity) filtering of
                              sampled-data systems

P. Lindskog, L. Ljung         Ensuring monotonic gain characteristics in
                              estimated models by fuzzy model structures

Technical Communiques

E. Eitelberg                  Quantative feedback design for tracking error


J. E. Kurek                   Counterexample to "Iterative learning control
                              of linear discrete-time systems multivariable
Book Reviews

S. Zampieri                   J. W. Polderman, J. C. Willems: Introduction
                              to mathematical systems theory

S. Celikovsky                 A. J. Fossard, D. Norman-Cyrot: Nonlinear
                              systems: Stability and stabilization, Volume 2

Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 72  Issue:- 17

Publication Date (Scheduled):  04/11/99


Title: Discrete-time implementation of high-gain observers for numerical
Authors:  A M. Dabroom, H .K Khalil.
Pages 1523-1537.

Title: Predictive control based on neural network models with I/O feedback
Authors:  M  A Botto, T J. J. van den Boom, A Krijgsman, J Sa Da Costa.
Pages 1538-1554.

Title: Optimal directionality compensation in processes with input saturation
Authors:  M Soroush, S Valluri.
Pages 1555-1564.

Title: Tracking control of a pendulum using a numerically efficient state
estimation approach for polynomic non-linear systems
Authors:  R Madhavan.
Pages 1565-1591.

Title: Qualitative validation and generalization in non linear system
Authors:  G. L. Zheng, S. A. Billings.
Pages 1592-1608.

Title: Exact slow-fast decomposition of a class of nonlinear singularly perturbed
optimal control problems via invariant manifolds
Authors:  E Fridman.
Pages 1609-1618.

              *                                        *
              *       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART II       *
              *                                        *