E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 134 - PART I, October 1, 1999.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 134,  October 1, 1999

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582



>>>>  PART I

1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Call for nominations W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize
        3.2  Call for nominations SIAM Activity group on linear algebra prize
        3.3  SIAM student paper prizes
        3.4  SysQuake, interactive software for control design
        3.5  SIAM Student Travel Awards

4.      Positions
        4.1  Various positions at Mads Clausen Institute, Univ. of Southern Denmark
        4.2  Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics Univ. of Maryland
        4.3  Process Control and Control Engineer, ABB Corporate Research Switzerland
        4.4  Faculty position at Univ. of Connecticut
        4.5  PhD and Post-Doc positions at CESAME, Louvain University, Belgium
        4.6  Postdoctoral positions at UCLA
        4.7  Assistant Research Professor in Medical Informatics, Duke University
        4.8  Post-Doctoral Fellowships at ISR at the University of Maryland
        4.9  Studentship available in the Engineering Department, Leicester University
        4.10 Lectureship in Applied Mathematics, Univ. of Sheffield
        4.11 Research Associateship in Nonlinear Control Theory, Univ. of Sheffield
        4.12 Fellowship positions for graduate studies in control, Univ. of Houston
        4.13 NASA Postdoctoral fellowship position, Univ. of Houston

5.      Books
        5.1  "Further topics on discrete-time Markov control processes"
        5.2  "Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems"
        5.3  "Lectures on Course of Oscillations"
        5.4  "Robust Kalman for signals and systems with large uncertainties"
        5.5  "Nonlinear programming" (2nd edition)
        5.6  Invitation book proposals for various series.

>>>> PART II

5.      Books (ctd)
        5.7  "The Astrom Symposium on Control"
        5.8  "Introduction to Discrete Event Systems"

6.      Journals
        6.1  CFP Industrial application of parallel computing
        6.2  TOC IFAC Journal Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 7:9
        6.3  TOC IJC, Vol. 72:15,16
        6.4  TOC Automatica, Vol. 35:12
        6.5  CFP Automatica special issue Neural Networks for Feedback Control
        6.6  TOC Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems,, Vol. 5:3
        6.7  Start of Asian Journal of Control

7.      Conferences
        7.1  Meeting in honor of Cleve Moler's 60th Birthday
        7.2  CFP 2nd Intl. Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems
        7.3  CFP 15th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control
        7.4  CFP 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on  Control & Automation
        7.5  CFP 7th International Workshop PASE 2000
        7.6  CFP AARTC2000 and WRTP2000
        7.7  CFP ITS 2OOO
        7.8  CFP 3rd Intl. Workshop Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
        7.9  CFP 6th Intl. Conf. Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics
        7.10 CFP 4th IFAC SICICA 2000

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 134 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear November 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Paul van den Hof


Please note that from Sept. 1, 1999 M. Verhaegen will take the chair of the
Measurement and Systems group of the University of Twente. The address is:

Prof. dr. ir. M. Verhaegen
Faculty of Applied Physics
Chair of Measurement and Systems
P.O. Box 217
NL-7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands

Tel:           +31.53.489 3181
Secretary:     +31.53.489 3174
Fax:           +31.53.489.3184
Email: M.Verhaegen@tn.utwente.nl

Contributed by: Julio H. Braslavsky


Please note my new address:

Julio H. Braslavsky
Department of Science & Technology
Universidad Nacional de Quilmes
Av. Calchaqui Km 23.5
Florencio Varela (1888)

Tel: +54.11.4275.7714
Fax: +54.11.4275.7716
Email: jbrasla@unq.edu.ar

Contributed by: Francesco Crusca

ADDRESS CHANGE (full details given in web pages)

My new address:
Monash University Engineering Faculty Control Group's new address:

Contributed by: Ravindran 


Dear Collegues and friends:

I have taken a faculty position
in the Mathematical Sciences Department
at University of Alabama.

My new coordinates are

S.S. Ravindran
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL 35899
Phone: 256 890 6611
Fax:   256 890 6173

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                             CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                         W. T. AND IDALIA REID PRIZE

The Reid Prize
     SIAM will present the W.T. and Idalia Reid Prize at the 2000 SIAM
     Annual Meeting at the Westin Rio Mar Beach Resort in Puerto Rico next
     July 10-14.  The award will be given for research in, or other
     contributions to, the broadly defined areas of differential equations
     and control theory.  The prize may be given either for a single
     notable achievement or for a collection of such achievements.

     The prize is awarded to any member of the scientific community who
     meets the general guidelines of the prize description above.

Description of Award
     The award consists of an engraved medal and a $10,000 cash prize, plus
     travel expenses to attend the prize ceremony.

     A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s)
     should be sent by February 1, 2000 to:

                Professor John A. Burns
                Chair, Reid Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

Selection Committee
     Members of the selection committee are John A. Burns, Chair (Virginia
     Institute of Technology and State University); H. Thomas Banks (North
     Carolina State University); James G. Glimm (State University of New
     York at Stony Brook); John Guckenheimer (Cornell University); and
     Arthur J. Krener (University of California, Davis).

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                                   CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

The SIAG/LA Prize
     The SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra will present the award at its
     Seventh SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra at North Carolina State
     University in October 2000.  The prize, the fifth to be given, is awarded
     to the author(s) of the most outstanding paper on a topic in applicable
     linear algebra published in a peer-reviewed journal.

     Candidate papers must be published in English in a peer-reviewed journal
     bearing a publication date between January 1, 1997 through December 31,
     1999.  The papers must contain significant research contributions to the
     field of linear algebra, as commonly defined in the mathematical
     literature, with direct or potential applications.  Nominations should
     include a full bibliographic citation for the paper and a brief statement
     outlining the justification for the nomination in terms of its importance
     and impact.

     Authors are discouraged from nominating their own papers.

Description of Award
     The award consists of a plaque and a certificate containing the

     Nominations including a copy of the nominated paper should be sent by
     March 15, 2000 to:

                Professor Volker Mehrmann
                Chair, SIAG/LA Prize Selection Committee
                c/o A. G. Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104
                Telephone: 215-382-9800
                Fax:  215-386-7999
                E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

Selection Committee
     The members of the selection committee for the award are Volker
     Mehrmann (TU Chemnitz), chair; Uwe Helmke (University of Wuerzburg);
     Daniel Hershkowitz (Technion Haifa); Nicholas Higham (University of
     Manchester); and Zdenek Strakos (Emory University).

Contributed by:  bogardo@siam.org

                            SIAM Student Paper Prizes

     The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the 2000
     SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, at the Westin Rio Mar Beach Resort in
     Rio Grande, Puerto Rico.

     If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take part
     in the competition, here are the details:

     The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
     mathematics written by students and submitted to SIAM will receive a
     $1,000 cash prize and a framed calligraphed certificate as well as
     gratis registration for the meeting.  There is no provision for travel
     expenses associated with the prize.

     Papers must be singly authored and not previously published or
     submitted for publication to be eligible for consideration.  To
     qualify, authors must be students in good standing who have not
     received their PhDs at the time of submission.

     In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to
     consider SIAM journals.  However, student paper prize winners are not
     guaranteed publication in any SIAM journal; all papers submitted to
     SIAM journals are subject to the same refereeing process and

     Submissions must be received in the SIAM office before
     February 15, 2000.

     Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail or
     fax.  Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT LONGER
     THAN 5 PAGES (including bibliography); (2) the complete paper, which
     will be used solely for clarification of any questions; (3) a
     statement by the student's faculty advisor that the paper has been
     prepared by the author indicated and that the author is a student in
     good standing; (4) a letter by the student's faculty advisor
     describing and evaluating the paper's contribution; and (5) a short
     biography of the student.

     Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and quality
     of exposition.

     The winners will be notified by April 15, 2000.

     Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to
     A. Bogardo at SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia,
     PA 19104-2688; telephone (215) 382-9800; e-mail to bogardo@siam.org.

Contributed by: Yves Piguet (yves.piguet@calerga.com)

        SysQuake, interactive software for understanding,
              teaching, and designing controllers

Understanding how systems work, how to improve their performance, and what
their limits are is made easier when presented graphically. SysQuake, a
new application for Macintosh and Windows computers developed by Calerga,
goes one huge step further by allowing the user to manipulate the graphics
interactively. The effects of changing a parameter, dragging a point or
pulling some part of a diagram are immediately revealed by the update of
the graphics.

Automatic control is one of the many areas which can benefit from SysQuake.
The stability and performance of a controlled system are often evaluated
independently, using different graphics. By revealing how they relate to
each other, SysQuake can reveal insights into the design of efficient

SysQuake is based on a powerful, yet easy-to-program computer language
which makes it accessible to all fields and any kind of application. It is
provided with examples of application to the fields of automatic control,
analog and digital filters, model identification, physics, and finance.
SysQuake is very useful in research and development. Its capability to help
really understand the system beyond the graphics makes it the ideal tool for

In addition to the SysQuake application, SysQuake Viewer 1.0, a free
application based on SysQuake, permits the viewing and manipulation of
graphics made for SysQuake that have been processed by a third application,
SysQuake Signer. SysQuake Signer is intended for professors, teachers,
and book and scientific article authors who want to provide cost-effective
interactive graphics for their readers. SysQuake Viewer, as well as more
than twenty "SQ files" (SysQuake scripts) in different fields, are available
now from the Calerga Web site. It can be installed as a browser helper such
that a single click in a Web page will download the SQ file and display the
live figure in a window.

Calerga Web site: http://www.calerga.com
For more information: sysquake@calerga.com

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                        SIAM Student Travel Awards
                          for 2000 Conferences

     During 2000, SIAM will make a number of awards for $300 to support
     student travel to each of the following SIAM conferences:

        Eleventh ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, San Francisco,
        California, January 9-11.

        Eighth International Conference on Numerical Combustion,
        Amelia Island, Florida, March 5-8.

        Third SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science,
        Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, May 21-24.

        Tenth SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics (SIAG/DM),
        Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 12-15.

        2000 SIAM Annual Meeting, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, July 10-14.

        Pacific Rim Dynamical Systems Conference (SIAG/DS), Maui, Hawaii,
        August 10-12

        First SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering,
        Washington, DC, September 21-23.

        Seventh SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Raleigh,
        North Carolina, October 23-26.

     The awards are to be made from the SIAM Student Travel Fund, created
     in 1991 and maintained through book royalties donated by generous SIAM

     Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award
     plus gratis meeting registration.  Top priority will be given to
     students presenting papers at the meeting, with second priority to
     students who are co-authors of papers to be presented at the meetings.
     Only students traveling more than 100 miles to the meetings are
     eligible for the awards.

     An application for a travel award must include:

     (1) A letter from the student describing his/her academic standing and
     interests, his/her expected graduation date and degree, advisor's
     name, and, if available, a URL for a working Web page.

     (2) A one-page vita that includes the student's research interests,
     projects, and papers published.

     (3) A detailed letter from the student's faculty advisor indicating
     why the student is deserving of receiving a travel award and any
     special circumstances.

     (4) If applicable, the title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented
     (co-authored) by the student at the meeting.

     Applications should be sent to the SIAM office (Attention: SIAM
     Student Travel Awards), 3600 University City Science Center,
     Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688.  Students also may apply by e-mail to
     bogardo@siam.org or by fax to 215-386-7999.

     Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office no later
     than TWO MONTHS before the first day of the meeting for which support
     is requested.

     Winners will be notified FIVE WEEKS before the first day of the
     meeting. Checks for the awards will be given to the student awardees
     when they arrive at the given meeting and pick up their registration
     packet at the SIAM Registration Desk.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Frands Voss (voss@mci.sdu.dk )

Appointments at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or
Professor in

1. User centred Product Development,
2. Mathematical Modelling, and
3. Embedded Software Systems

Applications are invited for academic positions in any of the above fields
of research and tenable at the level of either Assistant Professor,
Associate Professor or Professor, which have now been created within the
newly-established Mads Clausen Institute for Product Innovation at the
University of Southern Denmark in Snderborg. The foremost objective of the
Mads Clausen Institute is to establish a top-level international environment
for research and teaching in Product Innovation based on close co-operation
between researchers in three key areas, and at the same time to strengthen
collaboration betwen the university and industry.

The three key areas of research at the Institute are:
1)  User-oriented Product Development, with a focus on product design and
user involvement in product development.

2)  Mathematical Modelling and Control of Physical Systems, with focus on
sensors and actuators.

3)  Embedded Software Systems with a focus on intelligent appliances and
also on microprocessors and signal processing.

The positions have been created for the purpose of advancing research into

1)Product Design and Development based on the involvement of user
and customer viewpoints,

2)Mathematical Modelling and Control of Physical Systems with a particular
focus on sensors and actuators,

3)Embedded Software Systems with a specific focus on integration of product
software with microprocessors and signal processing.

The newly-appointed professors will be required to take an active part in
the management of the Institute together with the Director, and will assume
overall responsibility for developing research and teaching within their own
respective fields. They will be in charge of building within the Institute a
research environment which will interact with the work of the researchers in
Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark to form the research
basis of the Master of Engineering Degree programme in Mechatronics,
which is expected to be offered at Snderborg starting 1 September 2000.

The appointments to these positions can be made as soon as possible.
Applicants are requested to specify the field and appointment level for which
they wish to be considered. Applicants who have completed their Ph.D. more
than 5 years prior to appointment to the position will normally not be
considered for the position as assistant professor. An applicant who feels
that this 5-year rule should be disregarded on the basis of special
circumstances must state this explicitly in the application.

The application must include the following: 1) A curriculum vitae including
previous teaching experience; 2) A list of all publications, indicating
which publications are most relevant for the position; 3) Copies of all
relevant publications; 4) A list of all enclosures. All enclosures must be
numbered, stated the applicant's name, and be assembled in sets. Applications
will be assessed by a committee. The applicants will receive the evaluation
about themselves. Appointment to the position will be in accordance with the
salary agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation
of Professional Associations. The salary for the position as professor is
equivalent to salary grade 37 (which consists of the agreed-upon salary plus
a pensionable salary supplement). In addition, an individual salary supplement
is negotiated. Further information on the positions and the institute may be
obtained from its homepage www.mci.sdu.dk or its director, Frands Voss, at
phone: +45 6550 1190 or e-mail: voss@mci.sdu.dk

Please send 5 copies of the application, marked
"Position No. 993018 (User-oriented Product Development)"
"Position No. 993020 (Mathematical Modelling)" or
"Position No. 993021 (Embedded Software Systems)" to:
Det Naturvidenskabelige og Tekniske Fakultetssekretariat, Syddansk
Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Danmark.

The closing date is 15 October 1999, 12:00.

Contributed by:  seidman@pc14.math.umbc.edu

Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Maryland Baltimore County

The University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) invites
applications for the position of the Chair of the Department of
Mathematics and Statistics.  The Chair is expected to lead the faculty
in the development of the department's instructional and research
programs, including the anticipated filling of several open faculty
positions over the next few years.  Candidates should have an earned
doctorate in mathematics, statistics, or a closely related field,
and be qualified for appointment at the rank of full professor.
Committment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education,
possession of superior leadership and communication skills, and a
strong and active research program are required.

The department offers programs leading to the BA, BS, MS and PhD
degrees in applied mathematics and MS and PhD in statistics.  Currently
there are 22 full-time faculty members, 25 full-time and 30 part-time
graduate students, and 150 undergraduate majors.  Further details can
be obtained from the department's web site at http://www.math.umbc.edu.

UMBC is located just outside Baltimore and about 30 minutes from
Washington DC, near major industries, federal laboratories and
sponsoring agencies.  It has a faculty of over 400 and a student
body of approximately 10,000.  The campus is in a growth mode and
has several facilities under construction The campus's total research
funding is approaching $50 million.

Candidates should submit a CV, a statement of professional goals,
and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four references
to Dr. Geoffrey Summers, Chair of Math/Stat Search Committee, c/o
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UMBC, Baltimore, MD~21250.
Screening of the candidates will begin in November 1999 and will
continue until the position is filled.  UMBC is an EOE/AA employer.

Contributed by: A. Stothert, ABB Corporate Research Switzerland

             Process Control and Control Engineer (f/m)
                       ABB Corporate Research Switzerland
                     Control and Automation Group

The ABB Research Centre in Baden-Dattwil employs 160 engineers with
wide-ranging expertise. In close cooperation with various ABB business
areas the Centre is developing the foundations for the next generation
of ABB products.

Furthermore, we are looking to expand our "Automation and Control" team
with  two control engineers or information technologists with excellent
university degrees (degree and/or doctorate).

As the successful applicant you will be involved mainly with process control
technologies for power stations, distributed power generators and propulsion
systems. Your tasks will include the creation of physical models for these
processes, identification of model parameters, simulation of the process models
and the development of appropriate control systems. Additionally, the "Control
and Automation Team" is attaching increasing importance to process optimisation.
Typical projects within the team could thus include estimation of the lifetime
of power station components or the effect of distributed current generators on
the electricity grid.

A strong foundation in mathematics/physics coupled with an element of
pragmatism will enable you, the control engineer or information technologist,
to contribute your control technology knowledge to the automation of complex
processes. If you have experience with process control technology in power
stations, power semiconductors, or propulsion systems or, if you have worked
with MATLAB/Simulink, all the better!

You will work independently, using a great deal of initiative, in a friendly
research and development environment. A young, multinational team is looking
forward to welcoming two, affable and communicative colleagues!

Interested? If so, send your application to the address below. Additional
information can be found at http://www.chcrc.abb.com.

ABB Corporate Research Ltd
Frau Beatrice Brander Claessen
Human Resources
CH-5405 Baden-Dattwil
(Tel: 0041 56 486 82 12)

Contributed by:  Prof. Nejat Olgac, University of Connecticut


The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Connecticut invites applications for up to 3 tenure track faculty
positions in the areas of (A) design, manufacturing and controls, and
(B) thermal and fluids engineering.

For the design, manufacturing and controls positions (position A), primary
consideration will be given to applicants with research activities in emerging
areas such as but not limited to: mechatronics, micro-mechanical systems,
biomedical engineering, manufacturing and design, integration of design and
manufacturing, and others.

For the thermal and fluids engineering positions (position B), primary
consideration will be given to applicants in emerging areas such as: biomedical
engineering, science-based manufacturing and materials processing,
micro-thermal fluid systems, practical combustion in complex systems, and

The search is open at the Assistant/Associate/Full Professor levels. All

candidates must have a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering or an allied
field.  The positions involve integration of research into undergraduate and
graduate curricula, developing and sustaining externally funded research

programs, supervising undergraduate and graduate students, and performing
other professional services and outreach. Candidates for senior positions must
have an outstanding record of scholarly achievement, research funding, and
demonstrated leadership in research.

The University of Connecticut is a Carnegie Foundation Research I university.
The University is in a period of unprecedented growth as evidenced by a ten-
year, $1 billion state-funded initiative to enhance the physical structure as
well as teaching and research laboratories. There are 5 affiliated specialized
service centers and research facilities including: Environmental Research
Institute, Precision Manufacturing Institute, Institute of Materials Science,
Booth Center for Computer Applications & Research and the Photonics Research
Center. The University is located in a scenic region of New England with a
moderate cost of living and easy access to the major urban centers of the

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, along with the names of
five references to:

   Professor Theodore L. Bergman
   Department of Mechanical Engineering, U-139
   University of Connecticut
   191 Auditorium Rd.
   Storrs, CT 06269-3139

Please specify the position (A or B) of interest in your application.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. We welcome
applications from under-represented groups including minorities, women and
people with disabilities.

Contributed by: Michel Gevers (gevers@csam.ucl.ac.be)

                PhD and Post-Doc positions at
                CESAME, Louvain University
                Louvain la Neuve, Belgium

Several doctoral and post-doctoral positions are available at CESAME
(Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics):

1. Two PhD positions (3 to 4 years) and one Post-Doc position (6 months to
1 year) for fundamental research in all areas of modelling, identification
and control. Contact: M. Gevers.
2. One PhD or Post-Doc position for fundamental research in System
Identification to work with M. Gevers (funded by the European Union until
March 2002, and only available to citizens from the member countries)
3. One PhD position in process control to work with D. Dochain (same as above).
4. One possible Post-Doc position (2 years) to work with D. Dochain on a
collaborative project with Dow Corning (production of polymers), pending
5. One possible Post-Doc position (1 year) to work with V. Blondel on the
algorithmic complexity of dynamical systems (in particular discrete event
systems), pending European Union approval.
6. Two positions (PhD, 3 to 4 years; or Post-Doc, 1 to 2 years) to work
with G. Bastin on challenging applications of modelling and advanced
control techniques on industrial processes. Two possibilities :
- Cooling control in steel rolling mills (collaboration Usinor)
- Optimization of glycoprotein production in CHO cells cultures (Biotechnology)
7. One position (1 year, possible extension) for an Engineer (5 year
degree) or a Post-Doc to work with V. Wertz on the control of the
Czochralski crystal growth process for the production of Silicon crystals,
in collaboration with the German company Wacker Siltronic. Strong
motivation for industrial applications is required. Knowledge of german is
an asset.

Please address your application or request for information directly to the
academic in charge of the project for which you want to apply (e.g. Blondel
for project 5). The generic email address is: surname@csam.ucl.ac.be (Ex:
gevers@csam.ucl.ac.be). Deadline for applications: 15 November 1999.

Contributed by: Jeff Shamma 


The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at
the University of California, Los Angeles, has several
immediate openings for post-doctoral positions in the area of
systems and controls. The appointment duration is approximately
1 1/2 years.

The specific area of interest is optimization based control
and estimation of large scale complex systems. Persons with
a strong analytical and computational background are desired.

Interested applicants may e-mail:


or write to:

Professor Jeff Shamma
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095

Contributed by:  Prof. Paul P. Wang
        Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering
        P.O. 90291
        Duke University
        Durham, NC 27708 - 0291

Assistant Research Professor in Medical Informatics

Duke University, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering invites applications for an assistant
research professor.The appointment duration is 2-3
years and salary competitive,depending upon the
applicant's past experience and qualification.The
individual should have demonstrated leadership through
established publication record.The areas of interest include
at least half of the following:mathematical modeling of
complex systems;artificial intelligence & expert
systems;computational intelligence;computer software;
data & knowledge bases;internet protocols,telemedicine
and cost models.

The position is intended to build on our existing
research projects on medical informatics.These research
projects are conducted jointly by medical doctors,
computer scientists and system engineers.Candidates with
a doctorate in electrical engineering or computer
science or related fields should include a resume,a
statement of research interests, and the names and phone
numbers of four references.(hard copies are required).
Applications should be mailed to:Dr.Prof.Paul P.Wang,
Duke University,Box 90291,Department of Electrical &
Computer Engineering,Durham,N.C.27708-0291,USA.Dr.Wang's
e-mail address is ppw@ee.duke.edu

Duke University is an equal opportunity/affirmative
action employer.

Contributed by: Susan Frazier 

Post-Doctoral Fellowships
For Ph.D. recipients in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and
related areas.

The Institute for Systems Research (ISR) is an interdisciplinary
research unit of the University of Maryland. Located in College Park,
Md., ISR generates fundamental knowledge and technologies of integrated
design for control of complex engineering systems. The following thrust
areas are emphasized:
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems
- Systems Integration  Methodology

ISRs research programs are at the forefront of advances in modern
systems engineering, and incorporate sophisticated analytical and
computational methods with progressive experimental and modeling

A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is
pursuing in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern
computer technology to control and communication systems technologies.
Extensive industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.
ISRs research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems;
they include intelligent control of processes, electromechanical motion
control, wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and
terrestrial communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual
factories for the manufacture of electromechanical devices.
While we encourage all persons with interests in systems engineering to
apply, we are especially seeking persons with the following interests:
- Air traffic management
- Operations research
- Sensor networks (sensor webs)
  and biologically motivated sensor processing
- Dynamic network monitoring and management
- Object-oriented system modeling, trade-off analysis (optimization and
  logic unification), system validation and verification
- MEMS design and fabrication experience
- AI planning systems
- Semiconductor manufacturing operations process control, simulation and
- Human-computer interaction

Departments participating in ISR research include:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Business and Management
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical and  Computer Engineering
- Materials and Nuclear Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Zoology

ISR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are available for recipients of Ph.D.
degrees who have interests in systems engineering and its applications.
Candidates must have received their degrees by August 31 of the same
year that the fellowship begins.
Typically, fellowships are effective from September through August.
Academic excellence and outstanding potential for basic research weigh
heavily in fellowship selection.

ISR Post-Doctoral Fellows enjoy the unique opportunity of participating
in state-of-the-art research in systems engineering. Exceptional
opportunities exist for research in collaboration with leading
industrial and government research laboratories. Appointments offer
generous stipends (approximately 40K per year) and provide excellent
benefits. They are typically for one year and are renewable up to a
second year based on performance and the availability of funds.

To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit
the following  materials:
- Curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
- Statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one
wishes to participate in this program,
- Sample publications,
- Three letters of  recommendation,
- A transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be)
earned, showing grades in courses taken.

All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by
January 15 to qualify candidates for fall consideration.
Mail applications to:
Institute for Systems Research
Attn: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Review Committee
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
For additional information,
call 301-405-6599.

The Institute for Systems Research is a permanent state-supported
institute of the University of Maryland, within the A. James Clark
School of Engineering and the Glenn L. Martin Institute of Technology.

ISR is a self-sustaining National Science Foundation Engineering
Research Center.

Contributed by: eon@le.ac.uk (Dr Sarah Spurgeon)

               Fully funded EPSRC PhD Research Studentship

One EPSRC Project Studentship is available for three years in
the Engineering Department, Leicester University. The successful
applicant will join the Control Systems Research Group and will
be expected to work in the area of sliding mode control of flat
and non-flat nonlinear systems. This is a joint project with Sheffield
University and the successful applicant will work with a postdoctoral
research associate based at Sheffield under the supervision of Dr Sarah
Spurgeon at Leicester and Professor Alan Zinober at Sheffield.
Candidates should possess an appropriate qualification in a relevant
branch of Mathematics, Engineering or Physics.

Application forms for the studentship are available from Ms Michelle
Christian (mc41@le.ac.uk), Postgraduate Admissions Secretary, Department
of Engineering, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester,
LE1 7RH, UK. Please quote reference SKS94021. Closing date for the
receipt of all completed application forms is 31 October 1999.

Contributed by: Professor Alan Zinober (a.zinober@shef.ac.uk)

       Lectureship in Applied Mathematics


Department of Applied Mathematics

A Lectureship is available in the Department of Applied Mathematics.

One of the favoured areas of research is Control Theory.

Further information can be obtained from Professor Alan Zinober

Contributed by: Professor Alan Zinober (a.zinober@shef.ac.uk)

       Research Associateship in Nonlinear Control Theory


Department of Applied Mathematics
Research Associate in Nonlinear Control Theory

A Research Associateship in Nonlinear Control Theory is available in the
Department of Applied Mathematics.

The post will be available from December 1999 for a period of three years and is
funded by an EPSRC Research Grant awarded to Professor Alan Zinober to undertake
research on Recursive-interlacing and Sliding Mode Control of Flat and Non-flat
Systems. The work will involve collaboration with Dr Sarah Spurgeon and colleagues
at the University of Leicester. Applicants should have a PhD and have experience in
a relevant area of Nonlinear Control Theory.

Further information can be obtained from Professor Alan Zinober

Interviews will be held as soon as possible after the closing date.

    Salary in the range 16,286 - 21,597 pa
    Closing Date for applications: 22 October 1999
    Reference Number: PRW074

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)


             Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory
            Department of Mechanical Engineering
                    University of Houston
                   Houston, TX 77204-4792

The Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory at the University of Houston and the
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., are pleased to announce the
availability of two prestigious Draper Fellowship positions leading to
Masters or Ph.D. degrees with a specialization in control systems analysis
and design. The Draper Fellows will enroll as graduate students in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and they will conduct research on
advanced linear and nonlinear robust control with applications to space
systems in collaboration with the Houston office of the Draper
Laboratory. The positions offer paid tuition and fees at the University of
Houston, medical benefits and a salary of $18,000 per year. The positions
are open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only.

For additional information please contact:
Dr. Karolos Grigoriadis
Tel: 713-743-4387
Email: karolos@uh.edu

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)


Applications are invited for a joint Postdoctoral Fellowship position at the
University of Houston and the NASA JSC. The position entails conducting
research in the area of human motion tracking for teleoperation of robotic
manipulators. The position is available for a period of two years (with the
potential for a renewal for a third year). The fellow will be working closely
with an interdisciplinary team of researchers at the UH Visual Computing Lab,
the UH Dynamic Systems and Control Lab (directed by Prof. Grigoriadis) and the
Robotic Systems Technology Branch at NASA JSC. He/she is expected to conduct
approximately 70% of his/her research activity at NASA. A Ph.D. in Computer
Science or Engineering with a special

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Jean-Bernard Lasserre 

                      BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999. 276 pages.
ISBN 0-387-98694-4

This book is devoted to a systematic exposition of some
recent developmentsin the theory of discrete-time Markov control
processes. Interest is mainly confined to MCPs wih Borel
state and control spaces, and possibly unbounded costs.The book
follows on from the authors' earlier volume in this area, however,
an important feature of the present volume is that it is esentially
self-contained and can be read independently of the first volume.
Although both volumes deal with similar classes of Markov control
processes, the assumptions on the control models are usually different.

The control model studied is sufficiently general to include
virtually all the usual discrete-time stochastic control models that appear
in applications to engineering, economics, mathematical population
processes, operations research, and management science.



    CHAPTER 7. Ergodicity and Poisson Equation

        7.1. Introduction
        7.2. Weighted Norms and Signed Kernels
        7.3. Recurrence Concepts
        7.4. Examples on w-Geometric Ergodicity
        7.4. Poisson's Equation

    CHAPTER 8. Discounted Dynamic Programming with Weighted Norms

        8.1. Introduction
        8.2. The Control Model and Control Policies
        8.3. The Optimality Equation
        8.4. Further Analysis of Value Iteration
        8.5. The Weakly Continuous Case
        8.6. Examples
        8.7. Further Remarks

    CHAPTER 9. The Expected Total Cost Criterion

        9.1. Introduction
        9.2. Preliminaries
        9.3. The Expected Total Cost
        9.4. Occupation Measures
        9.5. The Optimality Equation
        9.6. The Transient Case

    CHAPTER 10. Undiscounted-Cost Criteria

        10.1. Introduction
        10.2. Preliminaries
        10.3. From AC-Optimality to Undiscounted Criteria

    CHAPTER 11. Sample-Path Average Cost

        11.1. Introduction
        11.2. Preliminaries
        11.3. The w-Geometrically Ergodic Case
        11.4. Strictly Unbounded Costs
        11.5. Examples

    CHAPTER 12. The Linear Programming Approach

        12.1. Introduction
        12.2. Preliminaries
        12.3. Linear Programs for the AC Problem
        12.4. Approximating sequences and strong duality
        12.5. Finite LP Approximations

See also the website "http://www.laas.fr/~lasserre/books.html"

Contributed by: Catherine Bangura 

 D. Aeyels, Universiteit Gent, Belgium; F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue,
 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France; A.  van der Schaft, University of Twente,
 Enschede, The Netherlands (Eds.)

 "Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems"

 Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Vol. 246

 1999. XII, 396 pp. 45 figs. Softcover 611 FF, ISBN 1-85233-638-2

 he first of 5 volumes to be published from the first Nonlinear Control
 Network Workshop
 Contributions come from internationally renowned experts in this field
 A unique collection of papers providing a comprehensive overview and
 introduction to this exciting area of research

 These papers were presented at the first EC-TMR Nonlinear Control Network
 Workshop, on Stability and Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems, that took
 place in March 1999, Ghent, Belgium. The TMR programme offers a unique
 opportunity for the academic community to expand their knowledge, share
 their experience and identify and discuss strategic issues in aspects of
 nonlinear control engineering. The aim is to create a resource centre of
 available expertise and research interests. This outstanding reference
 volume presents current and emerging research directions, including:
 Stability analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems and converse Lyapunov
 theorems; Stabilization and regulation of nonlinear dynamical control
 systems; Control of physical systems using physics-based Lyapunov
 functions and passivity, as well as bifurcation analysis and optimal
 control. This collection of peer-reviewed papers provides a comprehensive
 overview of this field of research for graduate students and researchers
 in engineering and applied mathematics.

 Contents: - Disturbance attenuation for discrete-time feedforward
 nonlinear systems. - Further results on decoupling with stability for
 Hamiltonian systems. - Issues in modelling and control of mass balance
 systems. - Control of dynamic bifurcations. - Extension of Popov criterion
 to time-varying nonlinearities. - Uniqueness of control sets for
 perturbations of linear systems. - Design of control Lyapunov functions
 for "Jurdjevic-Quinn" systems. - Bifurcation analysis of a power factor
 precompensator. - Stabilization by sampled and discrete feedback with
 positive sampling rate. - Linear controllers for tracking chained-form
 systems. - Asymptotic methods in stability analysis and control. - Robust
 point-stabilization of nonlinear affine control systems. - Stabilization
 of port-controlled Hamiltonian systems via energy balancing. - Invariant
 tracking and stabilization. - Control of mechanical structures by
 piezoelectric actuators and sensors. - A novel impedance grasping strategy
 as a generalized Hamiltonian system. - A nonsmooth hybrid maximum
 principle. - A converse Lyapunov theorem for robust exponential stochastic
 stability. - LMIs for robust stable neural model-based control.

Contributed by:  Sergei V. Zubov (zubov@dc2.ff.phys.spbu.ru)

I am a distributor of a  book by Vladimir I. Zubov, Sergei V. Zubov
"Lectures on Course of Oscillations", published by Stock Corporati-
on Mobilnost Plus, Russia, St.-Petersburg, 1999/for individual book
orders  price is $29.00 (US dollars,  plus postage), for  corporate
book  orders (for organizations)  price is $87.00 (US dollars, plus
postage) / 400 pages / softcover / ISBN 5-85766-014-9 (in English).
If you want to order this book, please, let me know.

Price is subject to change.
Below is an advertising information about mentioned book.

                         Vladimir I. Zubov
                          Sergei V. Zubov
                "Lectures on Course of Oscillations",
            published by Stock Corporation Mobilnost Plus,
                   Russia, St.-Petersburg, 1999
              400 pages / softcover / ISBN 5-85766-014-9
                           (in English)

                         VLADIMIR I. ZUBOV
                          SERGEI V. ZUBOV

                 Stock Corporation Mobilnost Plus,
                        St.-Petersburg, 1999

    CONTENTS: The book consists of introduction, six chapters, bib-
liography and index.

Chapter 1. Preliminary Representations and Investigation  of Motion
    Family Behavior

Chapter 2. On Behavior of Paths in the Vicinity of  Periodic Motion

Chapter 3. Proper and Constrained Oscillations in Systems with Many
    Degrees of Freedom

Chapter 4. Technique for Analyses and Construction of Stationary

Chapter 5. Oscillations in Nonlinear and Control Systems

Chapter 6. Rated Stability

    READERSHIP: The  book is  addressed to  University graduate and
postgraduate  students, researchers in  dynamical systems, ordinary
differential equations and stability theory.

Contributed by: Ian Petersen, irp@ee.adfa.edu.au


by I.R. Petersen and A.V. Savkin

BIRKHAUSER: Control Engineering Series, Sept 1999
ISBN 0-8176-4089-4,  216 pages, price $US65.00.
For details on ordering information, please contact
Caroline Graf: CGRAF@springer-ny.com.

The topic of this book  is robust Kalman Filtering. Kalman Filtering involves
constructing an optimal state estimate for a signal or process which has a
linear state space model. In robust Kalman Filtering, an exact signal or
process model is unavailable and instead the robust state estimate must be
constructed using an uncertain system model which may involve large
uncertainties. The purpose of this book is to present some  recent research
results on robust Kalman Filtering in a way which is accessible to
researchers, postgraduate students and practitioners. The most important
feature of the book is that it presents theory which enables the concepts
of Kalman Filtering to deal with signal and process models with large
uncertainties. The book approaches the robust Kalman Filtering problem from
two viewpoints. The first is closely related to the standard stochastic
approach to Kalman Filtering. In this approach,  an upper bound on the
filter mean square error is guaranteed. The second viewpoint considered is the
deterministic set valued state estimation viewpoint in which the filter
constructs the set of all values of the state consistent with the received
data and the model. This viewpoint is not commonly used in the standard
Kalman Filtering literature. However, it provides a  natural way of
extending standard Kalman filtering ideas to uncertain systems with large
uncertainties. The book features many illustrative examples together with
an engineering example relating to the problem of flux estimation in an
induction motor.


1 Introduction
1.1 The Kalman Filter
1.2 Robust State Estimation
1.3 Set-Valued State Estimation
1.4 Model Validation for Uncertain Systems
1.5 Robust H infinity Filtering
1.6 Applications of Robust Kalman Filtering

2 Continuous-Time Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Filtering
2.1 Introduction
2.2 A Guaranteed Cost State Estimation Problem
2.3 Preliminary Results
2.4 Optimal Guaranteed Cost Filter Design
2.5 Illustrative Example

3 Discrete-Time Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Filtering
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Discrete-Time Quadratic Guaranteed Cost Filtering
3.3 Preliminary Results
3.4 Discrete-Time Optimal Guaranteed Cost Filter Design
3.5 Illustrative Example

4 Continuous-Time Set Valued State Estimation and Model Validation
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Model Validation Problem Statement
4.3 Design of Set Valued State Estimator
4.4 Time-Invariant Set-Valued State Estimation

5 Discrete-Time Set Valued State Estimation
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Sum Quadratic Constraint Uncertainty Description
5.3 Design of Discrete-Time Set Valued State Estimator
5.4 Discrete-Time Uncertain Systems with Missing Data
5.5 Design of a Set-Valued State Estimator with Missing Data
5.6 A Robust Deconvolution Problem
5.7 A Robust Deconvolution Problem  with Missing Data

6 Robust State Estimation with Discrete and Continuous Measurements
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Uncertain Systems with Discrete and Continuous Measurements
6.3 Design of a Hybrid Set-Valued Estimator
6.4 Uncertain Systems with Missing Data
6.5 Model Validation and State Estimation with
    Missing Discrete-Continuous Data

7 Set Valued State Estimation with Structured Uncertainty
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Averaged Integral Quadratic Constraints
7.3 S-Procedure for Averaged Integral Quadratic Constraints
7.4 Design of a Set-Valued State Estimator
7.5 Illustrative Example

8 Robust H infinity Filtering with Structured Uncertainty
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Robust H infinity Filtering
8.3 S-Procedure for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems
8.4 Design of Robust H infinity Filters

9 Robust Fixed Order H infinity Filtering
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Fixed Order H infinity Filters
9.3 Nonlinear versus Linear Fixed Order Filtering

10 Set Valued State Estimation for Nonlinear Uncertain Systems
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Problem Formulation
10.3 The State Estimator
10.4 A Robust Extended Kalman Filter
10.5 Local Results for the Robust Extended Kalman Filter
10.6 Illustrative Example

11 Robust Filtering Applied to Induction Motor Control
11.1 Introduction
11.2 State Feedback Torque Control of Induction Motors
11.3 A Robust Kalman Filter for the Induction Motor
11.4 Simulation and Experimental Results
11.5 Discussion


Contributed by: Dimitri Bertsekas 

                      by Dimitri P. Bertsekas
           (780 pages, Hardcover, appeared September 1999)
                       ISBN: 1-886529-14-0
                          published by
                   Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA

This is a substantially expanded (by 130 pages) and improved edition of the
author's 1995 nonlinear programming book. The treatment focuses on iterative
algorithms for constrained and unconstrained optimization, Lagrange multipliers
and duality, large scale problems, and on the interface between continuous and
discrete optimization.

Nearly 40% of the new material represents miscellaneous additions scattered
throughout the text. The remainder deals with three new topics. These are:
a) A new section in Chapter 3 that focuses on a particularly simple but
far-reaching treatment of Fritz John necessary conditions and constraint
qualifications, and also includes semi-infinite programming.
b) A new section in Chapter 5 on the use of duality and Lagrangian
relaxation for solving discrete optimization problems. This section describes
several motivating applications, and provides a connecting link between
continuous and discrete optimization. c) A new section in Chapter 6 on
approximate and incremental subgradient methods. This material is the subject
of ongoing research, but it was thought sufficiently significant to be
included in summary here.

A new internet-based feature was added to the book, which significantly
extends its scope and coverage. Many of the theoretical exercises, quite a
few of them new, have been solved in detail and their solutions have been
posted in the book's www page


which also gives the preface and the detailed table of contents. Among its
special features, the book:

** provides extensive coverage and a unifying analytical framework for
iterative optimization methods
** provides a detailed treatment of interior point methods for linear
** covers in depth duality theory from both a variational and a
geometrical/convex analysis point of view
** includes much new material on a number of topics, such  as  neural
network training, discrete-time optimal control, and large-scale
** includes a large number of examples and exercises. Has been
developed through extensive classroom use in first-year graduate

Chapter Titles:

1.  Unconstrained Optimization
2.  Optimization Over a Convex Set
3.  Lagrange Multiplier Theory
4.  Lagrange Multiplier Algorithms
5.  Duality and Convex Programming
6.  Dual Methods

Publisher's Information:

Athena Scientific, P.O.Box 391, Belmont, MA, 02178-9998, U.S.A.
Email: athenasc@world.std.com
Tel: (617) 489-3097, FAX: (617) 489-2017

Nonlinear Programming ($79.00, 780 pp., Hardcover, ISBN: 1-886529-00-0)

Contributed by:   "George Anastassiou"

Dear Colleaques Hi!
I am soliciting high quality math.books/book proposals of all levels
and kinds for possible publication at the following settings:

1)For the new book series of "Computational Mathematics and
Applications" of Kluwer/Plenum as the Editor-in-Chief.

2)For the Applied Mathematical Sciences of Birkhauser-Boston
as a Consultant Editor.

3)For Applied Mathematics of CRC as an Advisor.

To find out how to submit your manuscripts to G.Anastassiou,please
visit the updated web site


 Also I run as the Editor-in-Chief the new Kluwer/Plenum "Journal
 of Computational Analysis and Applications"(JoCAAA).
 Institutional Annual subscription $160,personal $65.

 For more and how to submit articles to JoCAAA,please visit above
 web site.

 Table of Contents JoCAAA Vol.1,No.2,April 1999

1)A Learning Algorithm for the Control of Continuous Action Set-Point
Regulator Systems,A.O.Esogbue and W.E.Hearnes,II,121

2)A General Sampling Theorem Associated with Differential Operators,
A.G.Garcia and M.A.Hernandez-Medina,147

3)Fundamental Solutions of Linear Differential Equations in the Sense
of Mnemofunctions,N.Y.Radyno and V.G.Papanicolaou,163

4)Univariate Geometric Stable Laws,T.J.Kozubowski and S.T.Rachev,177

5)Fast Iterative Methods for Solving of Boundary Nonlinear Integral
Equations with Singularity,D.Rostami Varnos Fadrani and

 Table of Contents JoCAAA Vol.1,No.3,July 1999

1)Dedication to Professor P.L.Butzer,235


3)Simultaneous Polynomial Approximation in the Weighted Chebyshev
Norm,T.Kilgore and M.Tasche,239

4)Interpolation on Sparse Grids and Tensor Products of Nikol'skij-
Besov Spaces,W.Sickel and F.Sprengel,263

5)General Theory of Global Smoothness Preservation by Singular
Integrals,Univariate Case,G.A.Anastassiou and S.G.Gal,289.

George A. Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Memphis,Memphis,TN 38152,USA
Editor-In-Chief JoCAAA,CMAA
Birkhauser Consultant Editor in A.M.S.
CRC-A.M. Advisor
tel:901-678-3144 office

              *                                        *
              *       TO BE CONTINUED IN PART II       *
              *                                        *