E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 131, July 1, 1999.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 131,  July 1, 1999

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1 INFORMS Computing Society Prize
        3.2 George B. Dantzig Prize 2000
        3.3 Short course ``Iterative Identification and Control Design''

4.      Positions
        4.1 Research Assistant Positions, Univ. of Houston
        4.2 UH/Draper Fellowship positions, Univ. of Houston
        4.3 PostDoc position, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
        4.4 Research positions, University of Dortmund, Germany
        4.5 PostDoc position, University of Manchester, U.K.
        4.6 Research Fellow, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
        4.7 Control Engineer position, Ford Motor, Co.
        4.8 Research fellow, Univ. of Melbourne, Australia
        4.9 Ph.D student position, Univ. of Hull, U.K.
        4.10 Research position, Univ. of Leuven, Belgium

5.      Books
        5.1 "Lectures on Course of Oscillations", Zubov & Zubov
        5.2 "Indefinite quadratic estimation and control",
            Hassibi, Sayed, Kailath
        5.3 "Robustness in identification and control",
            Garulli, Tesi, Vicino (eds.)
        5.4 "Orthogonal rational functions",
            Bultheel, Gonzalez-Vera, Hendriksen, Njastad

6.      Journals
        6.1 New Editor-in-Chief Lin. Alg. & Appl.
        6.2 TOC Engineering Appl. of Artificial Intelligence, 12:3
        6.3 Special issue IJCEE on time-delay systems
        6.4 TOC J. of Dynamical and Control Systems, 5:2
        6.5 TOC Lin. Alg & Appl. 292-293
        6.6 TOC Control Engineering Practice, 7:may
        6.7 TOC Journal of The Franklin Institute, 336:5
        6.8 New Journal: Asian Journal of Control
        6.9 TOC Automatica, 35:9
        6.10 TOC European J. of Control, 2.99
        6.11 TOC Int. J. of Applied Math. and Comp. Science, 9:1
        6.12 Call for papers Stability and Control: Theory and Appl.
        6.13 CfP Special Issue, Lin Alg. Appl.
        6.14 TOC Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, 12:2

7.      Conferences
        7.1 Int. Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
        7.2 ITS 2000
        7.3 Meeting in honor of Cleve Moler
        7.4 Int. Workshop Hybrid Systems, Computation and Control
        7.5 Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
        7.6 Int. Workshop on Independent Component Analysis
              and Blind Signal Separation
        7.7 ACC sessions on Control education
        7.8 Tutorial Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
        7.9 Int. Workshop on Lie theory and applications
        7.10 Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods
              for Nonlinear Control
        7.11 Brazilian Automatic Control Conference
        7.12 Workshop on discrete event systems
        7.13 Int. Workshop on Mathematics in Signal Processing
        7.14 Workshop on Digital Control
        7.15 Int. Conference on Control Appl. & Computer-Aided Control
                System Design
        7.16 Workshop on the Dynamics of Switching

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 131 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Myung-Gon Yoon

Please note my new address:

Myung-Gon Yoon,
Special Foreign Researcher (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow)
Department of Mathematical Engineering & Information Physics.
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656
(Tel) + 81-3-5841-6894  (Fax) +81-3-5802-2973
email: mgyoon@crux.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Contributed by: Keith Glover (kg@eng.cam.ac.uk), Malcolm Smith
(mcs@eng.cam.ac.uk) and Jan Maciejowski (jmm@eng.cam.ac.uk)

It is with regret that we report the deaths this month of two members of the
control community who each had a long association with the Control Group at
Cambridge. On June 6th, 1999, Prof. John F Coales died after collapsing on
his way to church with his wife and daughter; he was 91 years of age.  On
June 7th, Dr. A.T. (Tom) Fuller passed away at his home in Hampshire at the
age of 74.

John Coales came to control after working for the Admiralty Department of
Scientific Research from 1929-46, making important contributions to naval
radar, and then being Research Director at Elliott Bros. (London) from
1946-52.  He joined the academic world in the University of Cambridge where
he established and developed a thriving Control Group, becoming the
Professor of Control in 1965.  He was a prominent figure in industry and the
professional institutions.  He was President of both the Institute of
Measurement and Control (1958) and the IEE (1971-2). In the control
community he will probably be best remembered for his contributions to IFAC.
He was a founding Member of the Executive Committee of IFAC, and was fourth
President (1963-66) when the Third World Congress was held in London. He
received numerous honours and awards during his life: CBE, FRS, IFAC Giorgio
Quazza Medal, Honda Prize, several honorary degrees etc.  After his
retirement in 1974 he remained extremely active professionally.  This year's
IFAC Congress in Beijing will be the first World Congress where John Coales
will be absent.

Tom Fuller joined the Control Group as a research assistant in 1954 after
spending about ten years in industry working in the fields of
instrumentation and automatic control. He studied for a PhD under the
supervision of John Coales and went on to be Assistant Director of Research
and later Reader in Control Engineering at Cambridge in 1979. He became well
known for his scholarly research in control, most notably in the areas of:
optimal control, stochastic systems, systems with saturation, stability
criteria. He also had a keen interest in the history of control and was well
known for his editorial work on the writings of Routh, Lyapunov, Maxwell and
others.  He was a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal
of Control from its founding in 1965 until 1991. He retired early from his
Readership in Cambridge in 1983, due to ill health, but nevertheless was
able to continue with his research and publishing until he died. His most
recent paper appeared this year in Historia Mathematica.

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ramayya Krishnan, Chair, INFORMS Computing Society

The 1999 INFORMS Computing Society Prize

We are pleased to announce the winners of the 1999 INFORMS Computing Society
Prize.  Yair Censor and Stavros A. Zenios were awarded "The 1999 INFORMS
Computing Society Prize for Research Excellence In The Interface Between
Operations Research And Computer Science" for their book "Parallel
Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications", Oxford University
Press, New York, 1997.  The prize was awarded at the National Spring Meeting
of INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences),
held May 2-5, 1999, in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

The book is a volume in the series: "Numerical Mathematics and Scientific
Computation", Hardcover, 576 pages, ISBN 0-19-510062-X. For information on
the book please visit the publisher on the internet at
http://www.oup-usa.org/gcdocs/gc_019510062X.html or contact the authors.

For further information about the INFORMS, the INFORMS Computing Society
(ICS), their missions and activities as well as details of how to join the
ICS and more information about the prize please visit the INFORMS site on
the internet at http://www.informs.org/ics.

Contributed by : bogardo@siam.org


Nominations are solicited for the George B. Dantzig Prize, administered
jointly by the Mathematical Programming Society (MPS) and the Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). This prize is awarded to one or
more individuals for original research which by its originality, breadth and
depth, is having a major impact on the field of mathematical programming.
The contributions(s) for which the award is made must be publicly available
and may belong to any aspect of mathematical programming in its broadest
sense.  Strong preference will be given to candidates that have not reached
their 50th birthday in the year of the award.

The prize will be presented at the Mathematical Programming Society's
triennial symposium, to be held 7-11 August 2000 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Past prize recipients are listed on the MPS Web site
http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mathprog/ ). The members of the prize committee
are William H. Cunningham, Claude Lemarechal, Stephen M. Robinson (Chair),
and Laurence A. Wolsey.

Nominations should consist of a letter describing the nominee's
qualifications for the prize, and a current curriculum vitae of the nominee
including a list of publications. They should be sent to

        Stephen M. Robinson
        Department of Industrial Engineering
        University of Wisconsin-Madison
        1513 University Avenue
        Madison, WI 53706-1572, USA
        E-mail: smrobins@facstaff.wisc.edu

Nominations must be received by 15 October 1999. Any nominations received
after that date will not be considered. Submission of nomination materials
in electronic form (e-mail with attachments as needed) is strongly

Contributed by:  P. Albertos (Technical University Valencia) (pedro@aii.upv.es)


                        Iterative Identification and Control Design
                            (An European Science Foundation course)
                         Valencia (Spain), September 8-11, 1999

The course will present, in a structured way, the methodologies and tools
for the iterative process identification and control design. For that
purpose, the required basic concepts are reviewed.

The need of a balance between modelling and control design effort should be
emphasised. The progressive modelling and controller improvement will be
proposed, and the available options analysed. In this course, techniques
which have already given industrial results and which have as a first
objective to provide a good end-user's appearance will be presented and a
sample of some of the latest advances and applications will be discussed.
Furthermore, this course will provide a good framework for analysis and
discussion, as well as a prospective of future developments.

The course will result of undoubtedly interest for different collectives
working in the control area at an academic, research and/or a professional
level, having either a theoretical or practical point of view, in particular
graduate students which work in the control area.

Initially addressed to COSY (Control of Complex Systems) programme
participants, it is open to a wider audience, as far as the limitation in
the number of attendants allows for that.  It is a final activity of this
ESF project.

For a course outline and schedule, please visit

To apply for course attendance, please Email asala@isa.upv.es asking for

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)

Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory
University of Houston

Research Assistantships are available in the Department of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Houston for graduate studies in the areas
of robust, gain scheduled and optimal control with applications to space
systems, engine control and structural control. Applicants are expected to
have a good mathematical background and knowledge of control systems. The
Houston metropolitan area offers ample opportunities for interaction with
industry and the NASA Johnson Space Center. The research projects are
sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Texas Advanced Research
and Technology programs and local industry. Applications from qualified
students are invited for Fall 1999 and Spring 2000.

For more information including application material please contact:

Prof. Karolos Grigoriadis
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4792
E-mail: karolos@uh.edu
Tel: 713-743-4387
Fax: 713-743-4503

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)


             Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory
            Department of Mechanical Engineering
                    University of Houston
                   Houston, TX 77204-4792

The Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory at the University of Houston and the
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., are pleased to announce the
availability of two prestigious Draper Fellowship positions leading to
Masters or Ph.D. degrees with a specialization in control systems analysis
and design. The Draper Fellows will enroll as graduate students in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering and they will conduct research on
advanced linear and nonlinear robust control with applications to space
systems in collaboration with the Houston office of the Draper
Laboratory. The positions offer paid tuition and fees at the University of
Houston, medical benefits and a salary of $18,000 per year. The positions
are open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents only.

For additional information please contact:

  Dr. Karolos Grigoriadis                Dr. David Zimmerman
    Tel: 713-743-4387         or          Tel: 713-743-4520
  Email: karolos@uh.edu                Email: dzimmerman@uh.edu

Contributed by: Per-Olof Gutman (peo@math.kth.se)

Post-Doctoral position

The Division of Optimization and Systems Theory, Royal Institute of
Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, has an opening for a Post Doctoral Fellow
within the research program "Process modeling, operator training simulation
and optimization applied to paper board manufacturing".

The project is a joint project between the Division of Optimization and
Systems Theory; the Division of Automatic Control, Royal Institute of
Technology AssiDomn Carton Board Ltd, Frvi; AssiDomn Development, Skrblacka;
Dynasim Ltd, Lund; and Solvina Ltd, Gothenburg, all in Sweden, and is
partially funded by the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical

The aim of the proposed research is to integrate existing models of the
paper board manufacturing process at AssiDomn Carton Board AB, together with
on-line identification routines, into a comprehensive Modelica model, with
the purpose of interactive operator simulation and operator assisted
optimization of important quality variables.

Dynamic models based on physical and grey-box principles will be developed
for those sub-processes for which suitable models do not exist. A library of
reusable model components for process applications will be developed in the
new modeling language Modelica. A Modelica tool will be extended with
features for operator training simulation.

Such a simulation tool will enable the paper board industry to validate
proposed process modifications, test control strategies, train operators,
and enhance process understanding resulting in less raw material usage and
decreased environmental impact.

The Post-Doctoral position is open for immediate occupancy, and preferrably
before the end of September 1999. The salary is tax free for non-Swedish
nationals. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will be stationed at the Royal Institute
of Technology, or Dynasim, or AssiDomn Development, depending on his/her
research interests, while maintaining intimate contact with the other

A suitable candidate should have a Ph.D.-degree in Automatic Control, or
Process Control or Systems Theory or Optimization, or Mathematical Modelling
or Identification or Paper Chemistry or Paper Manufacturing. The research
work, leading to publications in internationally renowned journals, may get
an applied or theoretical emphasis, according to the interests of the Post
Doctoral Fellow. In any case, the research is meant to significantly
contribute to the integration of advanced methods in the chosen area with
real life carton board manufacturing process control. Hence the suitable
candidade should be fascinated and have a keen interest in this integration.

For more information, please turn to   Professor Per-Olof Gutman,
(peo@math.kth.se), or  Dr. Hilding Elmquist, Dynasim AB
(elmqvist@dynasim.se), or  Professor Anders Lindquist, Division of
Optimization and Systems Theory, Royal Institute of Technology

Contributed by: Stefan Kowalewski  s.kowalewski@ct.uni-dortmund.de

                  University of Dortmund, Germany

The Process Control Laboratory in the Chemical Engineering Department,
University of Dortmund, invites applications for two open positions in the
field of control software verification. Candidates should have a background
in computer science, control engineering or related disciplines, preferably
with knowledge in formal methods. The positions are suitable for PhD
students as well as for post-doctoral researchers. The main duty is to carry
out research in two new projects funded by the German Research Council with
an expected length of 3 years. Both positions are available from now on.

One position is supposed to be filled by a candidate with pertinent
experience who is willing and able to take over the responsibility for the
laboratory's working group on verification of logic controllers (currently 5
researchers) by the end of this year.

Knowledge of German is not a pre-requirement, but it is expected that the
successful candidates will quickly develop a working knowledge of German.
Participation in the teaching acitivities of the laboratory belong to the
duties of both positions.

Further information can be obtained from the laboratory's web site


or from

Dr. Stefan Kowalewski
Email: s.kowalewski@ct.uni-dortmund.de
Phone: +49 231 755 5128

Applications, including a curriculum vitae and a statement of professional
objectives, should be sent to

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Engell
Universitaet Dortmund
D-44221 Dortmund
Fax: +49 231 755 5129

Contibuted by: Steven Schooling

University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)

Control Systems Centre

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Applications are invited for a Research Associate to join an industrially
led consortium developing a decentralised process control environment. The
post will be funded for 3 years duration, starting September 1999 or as soon
as possible thereafter.

The project is a multi-disciplinary collaboration between UMIST, Sheffield
University, The University of Wales, Bangor and a number of industrial
partners. The task of the UMIST postholder will be to consider control
systems research issues centred on :

. Techniques for performance analysis of control systems.

. Integration of process understanding into the controller design process.

. Techniques to aid controller selection.

The ideal candidate will have a good education in system modelling and
control systems design and will possess a PhD in Control Engineering.  Some
industrial experience ideally gained in the process industries would be
advantageous. The salary will be within the range stlg17,570 - stlg19,197.
Informal enquiries by email to Dr Steven Schooling
(s.p.schooling@umist.ac.uk). Applications, including a full CV and the names
of 2 referees, should be sent to: Dr S Schooling, Control Systems Centre, E
E & E, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD.

Dr Steven Schooling
Technology Manager
Control Systems Centre, UMIST
PO Box 88
Manchester M60 1QD

email s.p.schooling@umist.ac.uk
Tel : 0161-200-8718
Fax : 0161-200-8717

Contributed by: Vikram Krishnamurthy,
                Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
                Univeristy of Melbourne,
                Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia.

A Research Fellow is required in the area of stochastic optimization,
stochatic control and sensor scheduling. You will work in the development,
implementation and analysis of stochastic scheduling algorithms for
applications in statistical signal processing.

You will hold a PhD in Electrical/Electronic Engineering, Mathematics,
Operations Research, or another relevant discipline. An excellent knowledge
of stochastic optimization, combinatorial optimization, structural results
in dynamic programming and discrete-time stochastic control is essential.
You will have a demonstrated research record, excellent oral and written
communication skills and a willingness to work as part of a team. Experience
in using Matematica, Maple and Matlab is desirable.

The Benefits: Salary: $45,883 - $54,487 Australian  per annum (Level B)

Duration: 3 years

Contact: Information and Position Description available from Assoc
Prof Vikram Krishnamurthy, Tel: +61 3 9344 6702, Fax: +61 3 9344
6678. Email: vikram@ee.mu.oz.au
The position description is available at http://www.ee.mu.oz.au/jobs

Deadline: Applications close on July 25, 1999.

Contributed by: "Carl Palmeri" 


My name is Carl Palmeri, an account manager over at Source Technology.  I'm
currently working on a position that needs to be filled at Ford Motor Co.
This is a controls engineer position.  What we are looking for is someone
who has either a masters or a PHD in electrical engineering with emphasis on
Control.  It would be nice if the person was familiar with
Simulink/Systembuild.  If anyone knows anyone or is interested please call
me at (248)816-8484.  Either send a resume by e-mail or fax.
Fax#(248)816-3111, attention Carl Palmeri.  Referral bonuses are given to
anyone that can help me out.

Thank You,

Contributed by: D. Nesic (d.nesic@ee.mu.oz.au)

Research Fellow in Polynomial Systems:

Position of research fellow in polynomial (nonlinear) systems is available
at The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Melbourne. The position is for one year with a possible extension of
another year (two years in total). The advertisement and position
description with selection criteria can be found at:


or by directly contacting me at the above given email address. Note that the
deadline for the applications has passed but we are accepting late
applications until 15 July 1999. Applications can be sent to me directly by

Contributed by: Panos Liatsis

Two CASE studentships are available for PhD research in Automotive Control
Systems in the Control Systems Centre, UMIST in collaboration with
LucasVarity Plc. Suitable candidates will have a good first degree in
electrical/electronic/mechanical engineering and/or a postgraduate
qualification in Control Engineering. Applicants with industrial experience
in Control Systems are particularly encouraged to apply. The vacancies are
available to UK/EU applicants and the EPSRC research studentship rates will
be supplemented by a generous industrial top-up bursary.

For further details, please contact Mr P.Liatsis, LucasVarity Lecturer,
Control Systems Centre, Dept of EE&E, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD,
UK. Tel: +44-161-200 4659, Fax: +44-161-200 4647, E-mail:

Contributed by: M. Hou

                  EPSRC PhD Studentship
        -State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems-
      School of Engineering, University of Hull, UK

Applications having or being expected to have a 1st or upper 2nd class
honors degree in a relevant branch of Engineering, Physics or Applied
Mathematics are invited for applying for the PhD studentship. Experience in
system simulation, symbolic computation and neural nets would be an

The studentship holder will be registered for a PhD
in the School of Engineering at Hull University.
Eligibility for the PhD studentship may be checked
at http://www.epsrc.ac.uk.

Applicants should send CVs including the names and addresses
of two referees to:

Dr. M. Hou
School of Engineering
University of Hull
Cottingham Road
Hull, HU6 7RX, UK

Tel. +44 (0)1482 465063
Fax. +44 (0)1482 466006

Contributed by: marnix nuttin (marnix.nuttin@mech.kuleuven.ac.be)

                   Research position in mobile robotics

Research position in mobile robotics
at the University of Leuven - Belgium
working with Prof. Van Brussel

* Job:
  We are looking for an experienced person in the field of mobile robotics.
  We have got a mobile platform (robosoft) with a manipulator on it,
  equipped with a force sensor and stereo-vision.
  The research deals with the problem of cooperation between the
  mobile platform and the manipulator (there are redundant degrees of
  freedom). Also  a behaviour-based approach could be developed, or a
  classical approach could be integrated in behaviour-based approaches.
  The applicant is also prepared to do some practical work on the test-platform
  when necessary.

* Location:
  Leuven is a nice small university town, with a green campus and
  green surroundings, not far from Brussels, "the centre of Europe".
  There are e.g. many attractive pubs and about 26,000 students in Leuven.
  Town: htpp://www.leuven.be (and then choose English site)
  University: htpp://www.kuleuven.ac.be (and then click on English)

* Required experience:
  Experience in mobile robotics is required (software/hardware),
  Experience in the field of vision is appreciated.

* Research team:
  you will work with several people in the mobile robot group. We are
  e.g. starting up research on sensor-based wheel chairs.
  We also have Pioneer robots with which
  we study multi-agent systems and cooperating robots. Other interests of the
 research team are skill acquisition and learning robots.
 Your input to the research group will be appreciated.


 More info on the research division:

* Job: depending on the applicant, the job may lead to a PhD,
  or is for a post-doc. It contains both practical work
  and research work.
  Starting date: some time between now and the end of 1999.

* Our philosohy: we want results on real robots - in real world. All developed
  algorithms should be tested in real-world.

* Interested ? More information ?
  Please contact marnix.nuttin@mech.kuleuven.ac.be with cc to

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Sergei V. Zubov (zubov@dc2.ff.phys.spbu.ru)

I am a distributor of a  book by Vladimir I. Zubov, Sergei V. Zubov
"Lectures on Course of Oscillations", published by Stock Corporati-
on Mobilnost Plus, Russia, St.-Petersburg, 1999/for individual book
orders  price is $29.00 (US dollars,  plus postage), for  corporate
book  orders (for organizations)  price is $87.00 (US dollars, plus
postage) / 400 pages / softcover / ISBN 5-85766-014-9 (in English).
If you want to order this book, please, let me know.

Price is subject to change.
Below is an advertising information about mentioned book.

                         Vladimir I. Zubov
                          Sergei V. Zubov
                "Lectures on Course of Oscillations",
            published by Stock Corporation Mobilnost Plus,
                   Russia, St.-Petersburg, 1999
              400 pages / softcover / ISBN 5-85766-014-9
                           (in English)

                         VLADIMIR I. ZUBOV
                          SERGEI V. ZUBOV

                 Stock Corporation Mobilnost Plus,
                        St.-Petersburg, 1999

    THE MAIN AUTHOR:  Professor  Vladimir I.  Zubov is a  Doctor of
Science (Physics and  Mathematics), famous  Russian  mathematician,
well-known specialist in a field of control theory, theory of ordi-
nary differential  equations, theory of oscillations, nonlinear me-
chanics and other branches of science.

    CONTENTS: The book consists of introduction, six chapters, bib-
liography and index.

Chapter 1. Preliminary Representations and Investigation  of Motion
    Family Behavior
1.1 Main Properties of Functions  Defined by Ordinary  Differential
1.2 Characters of Solutions to Linear Systems
1.3 Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of a Nonlinear System of Ordi-
    nary Differential Equations
1.4 Behavior of Solutions in the Vicinity of a Singular Point
1.5 Theory of Lyapunov Stability of Nonperturbed Motion

Chapter 2. On Behavior of Paths in the Vicinity of  Periodic Motion
2.1 Analysis of Autonomous Dynamical Systems
2.2 Preliminary Investigation of Characters of the  Vicinity of Pe-
    riodic Motion
2.3 The Case of Unit Roots of Characteristic Equation
2.4 Some Complex Roots of Characteristic Equation with Unity Moduli
2.5 Theory of Disturbances of Periodic Motions

Chapter 3. Proper and Constrained Oscillations in Systems with Many
    Degrees of Freedom
3.1 Main Characters of Periodic Dynamical Systems
3.2 Small Parameter Technique
3.3 Proper Oscillations of Autonomous  Systems in a  Vicinity of an
3.4 Constrained Periodic and Almost Periodic Oscillations
3.5 Influence of Exterior Disturbances on Stationary Motions

Chapter 4. Technique for Analyses and Construction of Stationary
4.1 Introduction to Recurrent Function Theory
4.2 Constrained Multifrequency Oscillations
4.3 Modes of Nonlinear Systems Defined by Boundary Conditions
4.4 Application of Process of Sequential Approximations for Sear-
    ching Stationary Motions
4.5 Numerical Stability  Criteria for Stationary Motions in Automa-
    tic Control Systems

Chapter 5. Oscillations in Nonlinear and Control Systems
5.1 Analyses and Construction of Stationary Natural Oscillations in
    Automatic Control Systems
5.2 Existence and  Stability of Natural  Oscillations in Hysteresis
5.3 Investigation of Behavior of Charged Particles Controlled Moti-
    on in Magnetic Field
5.4 Analyses of Phase Plane
5.5 Investigation of Oscillations in Autonomous System
5.6 Analytical Criterion for Qualitative  Behavior of Integral Cur-
    ves on a Plane in the Vicinity of Periodic Orbit

Chapter 6. Rated Stability
6.1 Analyses of Rated Stability by Lyapunov's Direct Method
6.2 Investigation of Rated Stability by Lyapunov's First Method

    READERSHIP: The  book is  addressed to  University graduate and
postgraduate  students, researchers in  dynamical systems, ordinary
differential equations and stability theory.

Contributed by: Ali H. Sayed


A Unified Approach to H_2 and H_oo Theories

B. Hassibi, A. H. Sayed, and T. Kailath

Studies in Applied Mathematics, vol. 16,
SIAM, PA. Hardcover. xvii+555 pages.
ISBN 0-89871-411-7.


This monograph presents a unified mathematical framework
for a wide range of problems in estimation and control.
The authors discuss two most commonly used methodologies:
the stochastic H_2 approach and the deterministic (worst-
case) H_oo approach. Despite the fundamental differences
in the philosophies of these two approaches, the authors
have discovered that, if indefinite metric spaces are
considered, they can be treated in the same way, and are
essentially the same. The benefits and consequences of
this unification are pursued in detail, with discussions
of how to generalize well-known results from H_2 theory
to the H_oo setting, as well as new results and insights,
the development of new algorithms, and applications to
adaptive signal processing.

Table of Contents:

 1. Introduction and Motivation
 2. Linear Estimation in Krein Spaces
 3. State-Space Models in Krein Space
 4. Finite Horizon H_oo Filtering
 5. Array Algorithms
 6. Several Related Problems
 7. H_oo Optimality of the LMS Algorithm
 8. Duality
 9. Finite-Horizon Control Problems
10. Input-Output Approach to H_2 and H_oo Estimation
11. Input-Output Approach to H_2 and H_oo Control
12. The Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation
13. Infinite-Horizon Results for State-Space Models
14. Asymptotic Behavior
15. Optimal H_oo Solutions
16. Continuous-Time Results and Final Remarks



Written for the second-year graduate student in electrical,
mechanical, or aerospace engineering, the book requires a
basic understanding of linear algebra and linear systems
theory. Researchers in systems and control, signal
processing, communications, and numerical algorithm
development will also find this book useful.

About the Authors:

B. Hassibi is with Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
A. H. Sayed is Associate Prof. of Electrical Eng., UCLA
T. Kailath is Hitachi America Prof. of Eng., Stanford Univ.

Contributed by: Andrea Garulli (garulli@ing.unisi.it)
                Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
                Universita' di Siena

Book Announcement:

Antonio Vicino (Eds.)

Springer-Verlag, London, June 1999
Series: Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, vol. 245

ISBN: 1-85233-179-8, 467 pp., 91 figs., 4 tabs.  (approx: $90.00)


This book comprises a selection of papers that were first presented at the
"Robustness in Identification and Control" Workshop, held in Siena, July 30
- August 2, 1998.  These are the latest contributions to the field, from
leading researchers worldwide. The common theme underlying all of the
contributions is the interplay between information, uncertainty and
complexity in dealing with modelling, identification and control of
dynamical systems. Papers cover recent developments in research areas such
as identification for control and the classical area of robust control.
There are a number of real-world case studies where the most advanced
robustness analysis and synthesis techniques are applied to resolve
previously unsolved problems.  The relevance of the topic to the system
engineering field, and the excellent scientific level of the contributions
combine to make this book an important acquisition for engineers, control
theorists and applied mathematicians.


The book is opened by a contribution of R.E. Kalman on "Robustness in
Identification".  The rest of the book is organized into two parts:

1. Identification for Robust Control (14 contributions);
2. Robust Control (17 contributions).

The table of contents can be found at the URL:

Contributed by: Adhemar Bultheel 

It is a pleasure to announce our new book

Orthogonal Rational Functions

A. Bultheel
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
P. Gonzalez-Vera
Universidad La Laguna,
E. Hendriksen
Universiteit van Amsterdam
and O. Njastad
Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

Cambridge Monographs on Applied and Computational Mathematics series,
vol 5.
Cambridge University Press, 1999


Title Details

Binding: Hardback
Bibliographic information:
228 x 152 mm 407pp 18 line diagrams
ISBN: 0 521 65006 2
15 April 1999
Price:  37.50


This book generalises the classical theory of orthogonal polynomials on the
complex unit circle, or on the real line to orthogonal rational functions
whose poles are among a prescribed set of complex numbers. The first part
treats the case where these poles are all outside the unit disk or in the
lower half plane.  Classical topics such as recurrence relations, numerical
quadrature, interpolation properties, Favard theorems, convergence,
asymptotics, and moment problems are generalised and treated in detail. The
same topics are discussed for the different situation where the poles are
located on the unit circle or on the extended real line. In the last
chapter, several applications are mentioned including linear prediction,
Pisarenko modeling, lossless inverse scattering, and network synthesis. This
theory has many applications in theoretical real and complex analysis,
approximation theory, numerical analysis, system theory, and in electrical

Chapter Contents

List of symbols;
1.  Preliminaries;
2.  The fundamental spaces;
3.  The kernal functions;
4.  Recurrence for orthogonal functions;
5.  Quadrature;
6.  Interpolation;
7.  Density of the rational functions;
8.  Favard theorems;
9.  Convergence;
10. Moment problems;
11. The boundary case;
12. Some applications;

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

                         LAA Announcement
Starting with the July 1999 issue, Volker Mehrmann joins us as
editor-in-chief of "Linear Algebra and its Applications."

Volker Mehrmann's achievements in core, applied, and numerical linear
algebra are broad and large. He has handled many papers for LAA since he
became an associate editor of LAA in 1992. In addition, he has organized
and edited several special issues for this journal.

We are very pleased to welcome Volker Mehrmann as an editor-in-chief of
this journal.

 Richard A. Brualdi
 Hans Schneider

                         ELA Announcement
Because of his appointment as an Editor-in-Chief of Linear Algebra and
its Applications, Volker Mehrmann will resign from his position as an
Editor-in-Chief of The ELECTRONIC Journal of LINEAR ALGEBRA (ELA) as of
July 1, 1999.

We thank Volker for his valuable sevice to ELA and wish him success in
his new position.

 Daniel Hershkowitz

Contributed by: Clarence de Silva, Regional Editor (desilva@mech.ubc.ca)

 Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
         (The International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
 ISSN   : 0952-1976
 Volume : 12
 Issue  : 3
 Date   : 09-Jun-1999


pp 241-253
Incorporating constraint propagation in genetic algorithm for
university timetable planning
S Deris, S Omatu, H Ohta, P Saad

pp 255-272
Viscometric interpretation using qualitative and quantitative
SMFD Syed Mustapha, TN Phillips, CJ Price, LG Moseley, TER Jones

pp 273-279
Recognition of line segments with unevenness used in OCR &
NG Bourbakis, D Goldman

pp 281-296
Data-scaling problems in neural-network training
P Koprinkova, M Petrova

pp 297-307
Improving the global performance of a fuzzy gain-scheduler by
R Palm, D Driankov

pp 309-319
Identification of enhanced fuzzy models with special membership
functions and fuzzy rule bases
M Hanss

pp 321-342
ATM traffic modelling and dimensioning using artificial neural
S Naughton, P Cunningham, F Somers

pp 343-361
Dynamic case-based reasoning for process operation support system
Q Xia, M Rao

pp 363-378
Time-critical problem-solving with cached knowledge: A case study in
shortwave radio resource allocation
N Chatterjee, JA Campbell

pp 379-387
Knowledge acquisition assisted by CLIPS programming
Z Chen

pp 389-399
Mind and autonomy in engineered biosystems
G Clark, R Kok, R Lacroix
 If you have any questions about the Journal, please send a message to:
 1.  Your name
 2.  The e-mail address
 3.  Your full mailing address
 4.  The journal title.

Contributed by: Dr. Zribi 

Many engineering systems include, in one form or another, some sort of
past (delayed) information for present processing.  The models of such
systems are represented by dynamical equations with delay factors which
are frequently called time-delay systems. The last decade has witnessed
growing research interests in various topics related to time-delay
systems.  With the purpose of evaluating  the technical progress thus
far and predicting future trends, the IJCEE is soliciting original
papers for a special issue to be published on
                       (TIME-DELAY SYSTEMS)

The subject areas include, but not limited to, the following:

Output Feedback,  Robust Filtering, Linear Time-Varying Systems,
Non-linear Time-Delay Systems.

Process Systems with Recycling,  Neural Networks,  Water Pollution
Systems, Vehicle Following Systems.

Tentative Schedule
Call for Papers          :    June 1999
Submission Deadline      :    January  2000
Notification of Decisions:    June 2000
Publication              :    March  2001

Manuscripts should be submitted by  January 2000 to one of the Guest

Professor Magdi S Mahmoud
ECE Dept , Kuwait University
PO Box 5969, Safat-13060, KUWAIT
E-mail: magdi @ eng.kuniv.edu.kw

Dr Mohamed Zribi
ECE Dept , Kuwait University
PO Box 5969, Safat-13060, KUWAIT
E-mail: mzribi @ eng.kuniv.edu.kw

For smooth operations, the IJCEE will charge  $400 for each accepted

Contributed by: Yu. Sachkov 

               Vol. 5, No. 2  April 1999

V.Y. Glizer
Stabilizability and Detectability of Singularly Perturbed
Linear Time-Invariant Systems with Delays
in State and Control                                            153--172

G.R. Goodson
A Survey of Recent Results in the Spectral Theory
of Ergodic Dynamical Systems                                    173--226

V.A. Dobrynskii
Critical Sets and Properties of Endomorphisms Built
by Coupling of Two Identical Quadratic Mappings                 227--254

K.B. Hannsgen, O.J. Staffans, R.L. Wheeler
Rational Approximations of Transfer Functions of Some
Viscoelastic Rods with Applications
to Robust Control                                               255--302

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Volume : 292
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 14-Jun-1999

pp 1-14
Eigenvalue analysis of equilibrium processes defined by linear
complementarity conditions
A Seeger

pp 15-37
How fast can one compute the permanent of circulant matrices?
A Bernasconi, G Resta

pp 39-59
Lenear conditions for positive determinants
JM Carnicer

pp 61-71
Products of three triangular matrices
KR Nagarajan, T Soundararajan

pp 73-97
Feedback invariants of matrix quadruple completions
I Zaballa

pp 99-125
A projective simplex method for linear programming
PQ Pan

pp 127-138
Majorization via generalized Hessenberg matrices
S Hwang

pp 139-154
Some inequalities for norms on matrices and operators
JC Bourin

pp 155-178
Spectral properties of the transition operator associated to a multivariate
refinement equation

pp 179-185
A remark on pattern problems for matrix groups
NQ Thang

pp 187-206
The algebraic riccati inequality: parametrization of solutions, tightest
local frames and generalized feedback matrices
A Ferrante

pp 207-231
G-majorization inequalities for linear maps
M Niezgoda

pp 233-244
Elementary bidiagonal factorizations
CR Johnson, P Van Den Driessche

pp 245-266
Matrix manifolds and the Jordan structure of the bialternate matrix product
W Govaerts

pp 267-280
Biclique decomposition adn hermitian rank
DA Gregory

pp 281-288
Notes on cartesian symmetry classes and generalized trace functions
TG Lei

pp 289-296
Positive semi-definiteness in a group algebra
TG Lei

pp 297-310
Thin structure of eigenvalue clusters for non-hermitian toeplitz matrices
EE Tyrtyshnikov

pp 311-311
Author index

ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 293
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 08-Jul-1999

pp 1-14
On the equality of families of decomposable symmetrized tensors
A Fonseca

pp 15-38
Multiresolution on compact groups
A Lim

pp 39-49
Some inequalities for sum and product of positive semidefinite
BY Wang, F Zhang

pp 51-72
On the characteristic polynomial of matrices with prescribed rows
S Furtado, FC Silva

pp 73-84
On the recognition and rigidity problems for sums of matrices
O Neto, FC Silva

pp 85-131
Spectral and structural analysis of high precision finite differences
matrices for elliptic operators
S Serra Capizzano

pp 133-144
The cycle time vector of D-A-D functions
E Katirtzoglou

pp 145-158
Spectra and elementary cycles of the digraphs with unique paths of
fixed lenghth
Yaokun Wu

pp 159-170
On the coxeter polynomials of wild stars
P Lakatos

pp 171-186
Positive matrix factorization via extremal polyhedral cones
JM Van Den Hof, JH Van Schuppen

pp 187-197
Nonlinear resonance set for nonlinear matrix equations
C Margulies, W Margulies

pp 199-232
Almost periodic factorization of block triangular matrix functions
YI Karlovich, IM Spitkovsky

pp 233-241
Some inequalities of Schur complements
J Liu

pp 243-256
Expanded systems and the ILU preconditioner for solving non-Hermitian
linear systems
EH Ayachour

pp 257-272
Graphical matroid for causality assignment in bond-graphs
H Haffaf, G Dauphin-Tanguy

pp 273-288
Reverse order laws for generalized inverses of multiple matrix
M Wei

pp 289-289
Author index

Contributed by: George W Irwin, Editor-in-Chief

          IFAC Journal: Control Engineering Practice

        Volume : 7, May 1999

pp 591-600
Output-model-based predictive control of unstable combustion
systems using
neural networks GP Liu, S Daley

pp 601-610
Experimental verification of stabilising predictive control
P Zelinka, B Rohal-Ilkiv, A Kuznetsov

pp 611-621
Intelligent anti-skid brake controller using a neural network
R Somakumar, J Chandrasekhar

pp 623-633
A new PID controller tuning method based on multiple integrations
D Vrancic, Y Peng, S Strmcnik

pp 635-640
Defense plans: economic solutions for improving the security of
systems MP Houry, O Faucon

pp 641-641
DFG Nocetti, PJ Fleming

pp 643-653
Hardware-in-the-loop simulation for the design and testing of
engine-control systems
R Isermann, J Schaffnit, S Sinsel

pp 655-664
Distributed aero-engine control systems architecture selection
multi-objective optimisation
HA Thompson, AJ Chipperfield, PJ Fleming, C Legge

pp 665-671
Progressive domain focalization in intelligent control systems
R Sanz, I Alarcon, M Segarra, JA Clavijo, A De Antonio

pp 673-678
Biologically inspired fault-tolerant architectures for real-time control
applications C Ortega, A Tyrrell

pp 679-686
High-performance computing for real-time spectral estimation
MM Madeira, SJ Bellis, LA Aguilar Beltran, J Solano Gonzalez, DF
Nocetti, WP Marnane, MO Tokhi, MG Ruano

pp 687-688
IFAC meeting papers keyword listing
No Author

pp 689-694
Index of IFAC meeting papers 1993/4/5/6/7/8
No Author

Contributed by: tmanning@pop.fi.edu
For information about The Journal of The Franklin Institute, please
contact Tricia Manning at tmanning@fi.edu or see


for full text online.

Journal of The Franklin Institute
Volume 336, Issue 5, July 1999

pp 749-754
Stability properties of the Hadamard product of interval polynomials
and SPR functions
G Fernandez-Anaya

pp 755-765
Stability robustness analysis of linear systems with delayed
L Yu

pp 767-781
Modelling and control of high-voltage AC-DC power systems
AS Alfuhaid, MS Mahmoud, MA El-Sayed

pp 783-797
Simulation and identification of helicopter rotor dynamics using a
general-purpose multibody code
V Bertogalli, S Bittanti, M Lovera

pp 799-808
Cellular automata-based noise generator
I Kokolakis, S Koukopoulos, I Andreadis, Y Boutalis

pp 809-819
Bayesian classification using a noninformative prior and mislabeled
training data
RS Lynch Jr., PK Willett

pp 821-832
On the integral transform solution of convection-diffusion problems
within unbounded domain
AR Almeida, RM Cotta

pp 833-849
Structure theory of choice-free petri nets based on eigenvalues
C Amer-Yahia, N Zerhouni

pp 851-873
Stability analysis of fuzzy systems
C Kolodziej, R Priemer

pp 875-892
Estimation of forces generated by a machine mounted upon isolators
under operating conditions
CK Ma, DC Lin, JM Chang

Contributed by: Li-Chen Fu

                 Announcement : A New Journal Starts in 1999

The Asian Journal of Control, an ACPA (Asian Control Professor Association)
affiliated journal, is the first international journal originating from the
Asian Pacific region and being recognized by the major body of control
researchers in this region. The Asian Journal of Control publishes quarterly
high-quality papers on original theoretical and experimental research and
development in the areas of control, involving all facets of control theory
and its application. Functionally, this journal not only provides a forum
where control researchers and practitioners can exchange their knowledge and
experiences in the control areas, but also serves as an educational means
for students and any others whoever like to learn some topics in the same
technical area. It is strongly believed this journal will become an
important communication channel for the control community in the Asian
Pacific region and the outside international community.

The scope of the journal is extensive. Topics include: the theory and design
of control systems and components, encompassing robust and distributed
control using geometric, optimal, stochastic and nonlinear methods, game
theory and state estimation; adaptive control, including robotics, neural
networks, learning, parameter estimation and system fault detection;
additional topics including artificial intelligence, fuzzy and expert
systems, hierarchical and man-machine systems, all parts of systems
engineering which consider the reliability of components and systems; data
processing; mechatronics; and computers for computer-aided design,
manufacturing, and control of various industrial processes, space vehicles
and aircraft, ships, traffic, biomedical systems, national economies, power
systems, agriculture and natural resources.

Submitted articles may be Survey Papers (extensive reviews of established or
emerging research topics or application areas), Papers (detailed discussion
involving new research, applications or development), or Brief Papers (brief
presentations of new technical concepts and developments). The journal also
publishes the Special Issues on subjects of increasing importance.

The editorial board is being formed at the moment, and the tentative
structure is the following:

Advisory Editor: Prof. Han, Kuan-Wei

Editor-in-Chief:  Prof. Hidenori Kimura (The University of Tokyo),
                  Prof. Li-Chen Fu (National Taiwan University)

Editor :

Dr. M. Vidyasagar (Center for AI and Robotics)
Prof. Wook Hyun Kwon (Seoul National University)
Prof. C.C. Hang (The National University of Singapore)
Prof. T.J. Tarn(Washington State University)
Prof. S. Sastry(University of California, Berkeley)
Prof. M. Tomizuka(University of California, Berkeley)
Prof. Akira Sano(Keio University)
Prof. Bor-Sen Chen(National Tsing Hua University)
Prof. Fan-Bor Yeh(Tung Hai Univeristy)
Prof. Harijono A. Tjokronegoro(Institute of Technology Bandungjalan)
Prof. Graham Goodwin (The University of Newcastle)
Prof. Da-Zhong Zheng (Tsinghua University)

Associate Editor :

Prof. Chung, Chung Choo (Hanyang University)
Prof. Evans, Rob. (The University of Melbourne)
Prof. Fong, I.-K. (National Taiwan University)
Prof. Hashimoto, Hideki (The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Huang, Jie (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Prof. Hu, Jwusheng (National Chiao Tung University)
Prof. Lee, Man Hyung (Pusan National University)
Prof. Lin, C.-T. (National Chiao Tung University)
Prof. Shin, Seiichi (The University of Tokyo)
Prof. Soh, Yeng-Chai (Nanyang Technology University)
Prof. Sugie, Toshiharu (Kyoto University)
Prof. Tan, Kok-Kiong (National University of Singapore)
Prof. Vlacic, Ljubo (Griffth University)
Prof. Wada, Kiyoshi (Kyushu University)
Prof. Yang, Ciann Dong (National Cheng Kung University)
Prof. Zheng, Yufan (The University of Melbourne)

                     Vol.1, No.1 First Issue

1. Title: "Super-Heuristics and Their Applications to Combinatorial Problems,"
   Author: Tak Wing Edward Lau and Yu-Chi Ho

2. Title: "Nonlinear Optimal ControlGA Control Lyapunov Function and
           Receding Horizon Perspective,"
   Author: James A. Primbs, Vesna Nevistic and John C. Doyle

3. Title: "The Role of Euler Parameters in Robot Control,"
   Author: Fabrizio Caccavale, Bruno Siciliano and Luigi Villani

4. Title: "Improved Continuation Method Controller for PWM SystemsGAn
           Experimental Case Study,"
   Author: T. Iwata, M. Yamakita and K. Furuta

5. Title: "Observer-based Control of Systems with Monotonic Nonlinearities,"
   Author: Murat Arcak and Petar Kokotovic

6. Title: "Control System Design Considering a Tradeoff Between Evaluated
           Uncertainty Ranges and Control Performance,"
   Author: Y. Wakasa and Y. Yamamoto

7. Title: "Modeling of a Three-phase Step Up/Down AC /DC Converter,"
   Author: Jeng-Yue Chen, Ching-Tsai Pan and Yi-Shuo Huang

    Anyone who is interested in submitting papers to or in subscribing the
journal, he can contact the Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Fu at the following address
for the necessary information.

          Prof. Li-Chen Fu
          Dept. of Electrical Engineering
          National Taiwan University
          Tel: +(886-2) 2362-2209
          Fax: +(886-2) 2362-8167
          E-mail: lichen@ccms.ntu.edu.tw

or directly visit our web page at : http://ajc.csie.ntu.edu.tw.

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

September, 1999                                           Issue    35:9


Regular Papers

P. Bolzern, P. Colaneri, G.   H(infinity)-robustness of adaptive filters
De Nicolao                    against measurement noise and parameter drift

C. G. Panayiotou, C. G.       Optimization of Kanban-based manufacturing
Cassandras                    systems

Brief Papers

J-X. Xu, Y. Chen, T. H. Lee,  Terminal iterative learning control with an
 S. Yamamoto                  application to RTPCVD thickness control

M. Kuijper                    A periodically time-varying minimal partial
                              realization algorithm based on twisting

J. J. Loiseau, P. Zagalak,    Pole structure assignment via non-regular
V. Kucera                     static state feedback

Z. Tan, Y. C. Soh, L. Xie     Dissipative control for linear discrete-time

T. Soderstrom                 Feedforward, correlated disturbances and

Technical Communiques

J. Y. Ishihara, R. M. Sales   Doubly coprime factorizations related to any
                              stabilizing controller in state space

W. K. Ho, K. W. Lim, C. C.    Getting more phase margin and performance out
Hang, L. Y. Ni                of PID controllers

S-H. Song, J-K. Kim, H-C.     H(infinity) control of discrete-time linear
Kim, C-H. Yim                 systems with time- varying delays in state

S-T. Wu                       Dynamic transfer between sliding control and
                              internal model control

S. Tarbouriech, D. Henrion    LMI relaxations for robust stability of linear
                               systems with saturating controls

D. Famularo, P. Pugliese,     A global optimization technique for checking
Ya. D. Sergeyev               parametric robustness

S. Xu, C. Yang                Stabilization of discrete-time singular
                              systems: A matrix inequalities approach

F. Amato, A. Pironti          H(infinity) optimal terminal state control for
                               linear systems with lumpled and distributed
                              time delays

E-K. Boukas, P. Shi           H(infinity) control for discrete-time linear
                              systems with Frobenius norm-bounded

Contributed by: Florence HIRSCH 

Content EJC Issue 2.99 : papers and discussions


Guest Editorial: Special Section on "Robust Control Benchmark- New results"

Contributed by: G. Ferreres and V. Fromion
H Control for a Flexible Transmission System

Contributed by: J. Langer and A. Constantinescu
Pole Placement Design Using Convex Optimization Criteria for the Flexible
Transmission Benchmark

Contributed by: N. Singer, W. Singhose and W. Seering
Comparison of Filtering Methods for Reducing Residual Vibration
Discussion on the paper by P. H. meckl and W. J. Book
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by: R. T. O'Brien and P. A. Iglesias
Robust Controller Design for Linear, Time-Varying Systems
Discussion on the paper by L. Y. Wang
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by: A. Hansson and P. Haggander
How to Decompose Semi-Definite Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equations
Discussion on the paper by A. Barraud and S. Lesecq
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by: H. C. Takahashi and P. L. D. Peres
Unknown Input Observers for Uncertain Systems: A Unifying Approach
Discussion on the paper by V. Utkin and S. V. Drakunov
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by: S. I. Niculescu and B. Brogliato
Force Measurement Time-Delays and Contact Instability Phenomenon
Discussion on the paper by A. Tornamb
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by: W. Leroquais and B. d'Andrea-Novel
Modeling and Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots not Satisfying Ideal Velocity
Constraints: The Unicycle Case
Discussion on the paper by J. Ostrowski
Coordinated by Alina Voda-Besanon

Contributed by M. Canale, G. Fiorio, S. Malan and M. taragna
Robust Tuning of Low order Controllers via uncertainty Model Identification
Discussion on the paper by A. Voda-Besanon

Contributed by:  A. Lozowicki
Robust Controller Design for a Non-Linear Benchmark Problem

Contributed by: J. Lam
Computation of Balanced Realization Approximation of Delay Systems

Contributed by: Q. G. Wang, T. H. Lee and J. B. He
A Polynomial Approach to Decentralized Control Analysis and Design

Contributed by:  F. Jadot, G. Bastin and F. Viel
Robust Global Stabilization of Stirred Tank Reactors by Saturated Output

Letter to the Editor

Contributed by:Zdzislaw Kowalczuk  (Guest Editor)  

                       International Journal of
          Special Issue on  Predictive Methods for Adaptive Control
                  Vol  9,  Issue 1, 1999, (ISSN 0867-857X)

List of Contents

pp 9-24
Some issues in the design of predictive controllers
Magni L., De Nicolao G. and Scattolini R.

pp 25-52
Adaptive control through on-line optimization. The MPCI paradigm and variants
Nikolaou M. and Eker S.A.

pp 53-100
Analytical design of stable continuous-time generalised predictive control
Kowalczuk Z. and Suchomski P.

pp 101-128
Robust predictive control using a time-varying Youla parameter
Van den Boom T.J.J. and De Vries R.A.J.

pp 129-148
Suboptimal nonlinear predictive controllers
Declercq F. and De Keyser R.

pp 149-160
On fast state-space algorithms for predictive control
Bachuta M.J.

pp 161-174
Sub-optimal nonlinear predictive and adaptive control based on
the parametric Volterra models
Haber R., Bars R. and Lengyel O.

pp 175-192
Adaptive predictive controller using orthogonal series functions
Oliveira G.H.C., Amaral W.C. and Favier G.

pp 193-206
Adaptive predictive control of a distillation column
Yoon T.-W., Yang D.R., Lee K.S. and Kwon Y.-M.

pp 207-217
D-step ahead Kalman predictor for controlled autoregressive processes
with random coefficients
Hilgert N. and Vila J.-P.

Contributed by: Tchangani Philippe

Call for submission in a new International Journal


Electronic submission of articles is preferred.  The finally accepted papers
are to be submitted in the prescribed LaTeX style that can be obtained from
the Editorial Office.


Prof. V.B.Bajic, SACAN, P.O.Box 1428, Link Hills 3652, South Africa
Tel. (+2731) 204 2560
Fax (+2731) 204 2560


Prof. V.B.Bajic
Centre for Engineering Research
Technikon Natal
73 Mansfield Rd., Gate 1,
Block S8, Third floor, Room 314
Durban 4001
South Africa

See journal webpage at http://nsys.ntech.ac.za/SACTA_journal/index.htm for
more informations

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

Linear Algebra and its Applications

Special Issue on


One of the traditional hunting grounds of linear algebra is the area of
finite systems of linear equations, as described by a matrix equation $Ax =
b$. Here $A$ is a known matrix, $b$ a known vector of finite dimensions, and
$x$ is an unknown vector of finite dimensions, which is to be determined
such that the equation is either satisfied, or, if that is not possible,
approximately satisfied. Many techniques are known for finding solutions or
approximate solutions, depending on the properties of the given data and the
approximation technique choosen.

If the system of equations is not finite, i.e. $A$ is not a matrix but an
operator, and $b$ and $x$ are of infinite dimension, then algebraic and
numerical techniques can still be used provided the given data are finitely
specified. Operators with such a property are often called 'structured
operators', and it turns out that one can solve such infinite equations in
an exact or approximate sense using finite methods and algorithms.

The conjunction of linear algebra and inversion theory for finitely
specified infinite operators brings interesting connections to the
forefront: algebraic equivalents of inner-outer factorizations e.g., or the
algebraic significance of Kalman filtering. Structured matrices can be of
many types, e.g. systems with finite displacement ranks or time-varying
systems with state spaces of finite dimensions and whose limiting behaviour
is known, e.g. as a time invariant system.

A non-limiting list of topics of interest in this area is (assuming
$A$ is an infinite but finitely described operator of some kind):
- inversion methods
- decomposition methods for the operator A
- quadratic approximation methods
- complexity reduction
- equivalencies
- canonical forms
- transform techniques.

Examples of operator structure:
- systems with low displacement rank
- finitely described time-varying systems
- finitely described almost-periodic systems
- differentials of non-linear systems.

Interested authors are kindly invited to submit full papers with
significant contributions to this area to any of the three
guest editors listed below before June 1st, 2000.

Patrick Dewilde
DIMES, Delft University of Technology
POB 5031,
2600GA Delft, the Netherlands.
Fax:   +31 15 262 3271
email: dewilde@DIMES.tudelft.nl

Vadim Olshevsky
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Georgia State University
University Plaza
Atlanta, GA 30303, USA
Fax:   +1 404 651 2246
email: volshevsky@cs.gsu.edu

Ali Sayed
Rm 44-123A Engr. IV Bldg
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of California
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1594, USA
Fax:    +1 310 206 8495
email:  sayed@biruni.icsl.ucla.edu

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 12 (1999), Number 2

B. Schwartz, A. Isidori and T.J. Tarn,
Global normal forms of MIMO nonlinear systems,
with applications to stabilization and disturbance attenuation.
MCSS 12 (1999), 121-142.

V.S. Kozyakin, A. Bhaya and E. Kaszkurewicz,
A global asymptotic stability result for a class
of totally asynchronous discrete nonlinear systems.
MCSS 12 (1999), 143-166.

O.L.V. Costa and R.P. Marques,
Maximal and stabilizing Hermitian solutions for discrete-time
coupled algebraic Riccati equations.
MCSS 12 (1999), 167-195.

B. Jacob,
Linear quadratic optimal control of time-varying systems with
indefinite costs on Hilbert spacces.
MCSS 12 (1999), 196-218.

Information on MCSS including tables of contents is
available at its home pages:

Address for submissions:
J.H. van Schuppen (Co-Editor MCSS)
P.O.Box 94079
1090 GB Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Bradley Dickinson, Eduardo Sontag, Jan van Schuppen (Editors)

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Xinghuo Yu 


6th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
     Gold Coast Australia 7-9 December 2000

Sponsored by
IEEE Control Systems Society
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan
Central Queensland University

Related Conferences: CDC2000  12-15 December 2000 Sydney Australia
                     ACE2000  17-19 December 2000 Gold Coast Australia

VSS'2000 is the 6th in a series of biannual international workshops on
Variable Structure Systems (VSS). Previous workshops were held in Sarajevo
Bosnia 1990, Sheffield UK 1992, Benevento Italy 1994, Tokyo Japan 1996 and
Florida USA 1998, respectively.

For the past forty years Variable Structure Systems have been studied
extensively and applied in many fields. Variable Structure Systems theory
nowadays has become one of the distinct control methodologies. This
workshop, as the last VSS Workshop of the 20th Century, will be an important
event in the history of VSS. It will not only summarise the state of art in
VSS theory and applications, but also identify new directions perceived as
being important for the 21st Century.

Topics (include but are not limited to): Theories and Applications of
Variable Structure Systems; Integration of VSS with other control
methodologies such as Hinf, Adaptive Control, Robust Control, Nonlinear
Control; Intelligent Systems with Variable Structure including Neural
Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Modelling and Optimisation.

Submission of Papers: Full paper submissions, in English, are solicited.
Electronic submissions are encouraged. Guidelines for electornic submission
will be available soon on the VSS'2000 homepage given below. Manuscripts
must be received by the General Chair/Co-Chair by the submission due date:
June 15, 2000.  Accepted papers will be included in the Conference
Proceedings which will be published by a commercial publisher.

Important dates (tentative):
Submission of Full Papers: June 15, 2000
Notification of Acceptance: July 20, 2000
Submission of Camera-Ready Papers: August 15, 2000

For more up to date information, consult the VSS'2000 homepage:


Enquiries to:

General Chair:
Assoc. Prof. Xinghuo Yu
Faculty of Informatics and Communication
Central Queensland University
Rockhampton QLD 4702 Australia
Phone: +61  7  49309865
Fax:    +61  7  49309729
E-mail: x.yu@cqu.edu.au

Dr. Jian-Xin Xu
Dept of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
10 Kent Ridge Crescent, 119260 Singapore
Phone:  +65 7722566
Fax:    +65 7701103
Email:  elexujx@leonis.nus.sg

Contributed by: "ITS" 

ITS 2000 ITS 2000 ITS 2000  Montreal the place to be in June 2000

The next ITS conference will hold in Montreal (as indicated in San
Antonio, in August 1998) from June 19 to June 23, 2000.

ITS will precede EDMEDIA and so, Montreal will host two main conferences
in the field of tutoring systems and computing in education. We have
tried to optimize these events by combining the dates in  June.

More details about the conference will be sent soon.

Hope to see you all in Montreal

Contributed by: Jack Dongarra 

Meeting in honor of Cleve Moler's 60th Birthday

Cleve Moler will be 60 in August 1999, and we are planning a one-day
meeting on Saturday October 9, 1999 to honor the occasion.

The meeting will take place at MathWorks new headquarters in Natick,
Massachusetts, about 30 minutes from Boston by car. It will consist of
informal talks addressing Cleve's impact on various areas of research, his
unique style of interacting with people, anecdotes, a survey of areas where
he has had an impact, etc.

The list of invited speakers follows:
Tom Coleman, Cornell University
Germund Dahlquist, KTH Sweden
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee/ORNL
Alan Edelman, MIT
Stan Eisenstat, Yale University
Walter Gander, ETH, Zurich
Joe Hicklin, The MathWorks
Nick Higham, Manchester University
Chuck Lawson, JPL
Jack Little, The MathWorks
Bill McKeeman, DEC/Compaq
Kathryn Ann (KAM) Moler, Stanford
Rob Schreiber, HP Lab
Larry Shampine, Southern Methodist University
Pete Stewart, U of Maryland
Gil Strang, MIT
Nick Trefethen, Oxford University
Charlie Van Loan, Cornell University
Margaret Wright, Lucent Technologies

The event will begin with a reception hosted by the MathWorks on Friday
October 8th and end with a banquet on Saturday from 6:00 - 10:00.

For addition information on the meeting and to register see:

We hope to see you there!

With best wishes,
Jack Dongarra
Gene Golub
Jack Little
Charlie van Loan

Contributed by: Bruce H. Krogh (krogh@ece.cmu.edu)


Third International Workshop
Pittsburgh, PA USA

Important Dates
Submission deadline: October 15, 1999
Notification of acceptance: December 15, 1999
Final versions due: January 15, 2000
Workshop: March 23-25 (Thur-Sat), 2000

Aims and Scope
The Workshop on Hybrid Systems attracts researchers from industry and
academe interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of dynamic
and reactive systems involving both discrete (integer, logical,
symbolic) and continuous behaviors.  It is a forum for the latest
developments in all aspects of hybrid systems, including formal models
and computational representations, algorithms and heuristics,
computational tools, and new challenging applications.

The Third International Workshop continues the series of workshops held
in Grenoble, France (HART'97), University of California at Berkeley,
USA (HSCC'98), and Nijmegen, The Netherlands (HSCC'99).  Proceedings of
these workshops have been published in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag.

Scientific Program and Topics
Sessions will include presentations of contributed and invited papers.
In keeping with the tradition of previous workshops, there will be
ample time and space for informal discussions.

Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design, analysis
and implementation of hybrid control systems.  Topics include but are
not limited to:
- modeling and representations of hybrid systems
- reasoning about hybrid systems at multiple levels of abstraction
- specification and implementation languages
- computer-aided design and simulation
- algorithms and heuristics for verification
- control (synthesis, controllability, stability)
- optimization of hybrid systems
- engineering applications

Reports on case studies and tool development are particularly
encouraged.  Tool
demonstrations will form an integral part of the workshop.

The workshop will be held at the University Club, a private club near
the campuses of Carnegie Mellon University and the University of

Researchers are invited to submit the postscript file of an extended
abstract via e-mail to: hs99@ece.cmu.edu. The abstract should not
exceed 10 pages.  The first page should contain the title of the paper,
each author's name and affiliation, complete contact information for
the corresponding author (postal and e-mail addresses, telephone and
fax numbers), and a one-paragraph summary of the contribution.  Full
versions of the accepted submissions will be published in the Springer
LNCS series.  The proceedings will be available at the workshop.

Workshop Co-chairs
Bruce H. Krogh (krogh@ece.cmu.edu) and Nancy Lynch

Program Committee
Rajeev Alur, Eugene Asarin, Marica Di Benedetto, Gautam Biswas, Rene
Boel, Michael Branicky, Peter Caines, Datta Godbole, Mark Greenstreet,
Stefan Kowalewski, Bruce H. Krogh (co-chair), Michael Lemmon, Nancy
Lynch (co-chair), Bengt Lennartson, Nancy Leveson, Daniel Liberzon,
John Lygeros, Oded Maler, Manfred Morari, Joerge Raisch, Anders
Rantzer, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Roberto Segala, Henny Sipma,
Eduardo Sontag, Claire Tomlin, F.W. Vaandrager, Howard Wong-Toi, Feng

Steering Committee
Panos Antsaklis, Tom Henzinger, Bruce Krogh, Nancy Lynch, Oded Maler,
Amir Pnueli, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Shankar Sastry, Jan van
Schuppen, Frits Vaandrager.

Additional Information
To stay informed about HSCC'00, register for e-mail announcements by
sending e-mail to hs99@ece.cmu.edu. Also refer to the Workshop webpage
at http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~hs00.

Contributed by: Michael Berthold (berthold@cs.berkeley.edu)

                     CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

    The Third Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-99)
                     Amsterdam, The Netherlands
                         August 9-11, 1999

             [ http://www.wi.leidenuniv.nl/home/ida99/ ]

You are invited to participate in IDA-99, to be held in Amsterdam. The
symposium aims to bring together a wide variety of researchers concerned
with extracting knowledge from data, including people from statistics,
machine learning, neural networks, computer science, pattern recognition,
database management, and other areas. The symposium focuses on the
interaction between people from different backgrounds. IDA-99 will be a
single-track conference consisting of oral and poster presentations,
invited speakers, demonstrations and exhibitions. The invited speakers are
- Jacqueline Meulman (Leiden University, The Netherlands):
  "Optimal Scaling";
- Zdzislaw Pawlak (Warsaw Institute of Technology, Poland):
  "Rough Sets";
- Paul Cohen (University of Massachusetts, Amherst):
  "Data Analysis and the Development of Robot Minds".
Special sessions include: Learning, Classification and clustering,
Applications, WWW and media mining, Visualization, and Integration.

IDA-99 is organized by the Leiden Center for Natural Computation from
Leiden University, in cooperation with AAAI, CEPIS and NVKI. It is the
third symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis after the successful
symposia IDA-97 in London and IDA-95 in Baden-Baden.

Information regarding registration can be found on the IDA-99 web page
(address listed above). More details and the preliminary program can
also be found there.

We hope to see you in Amsterdam!

Contributed by: Aapo Hyvarinen 

                           First Call for Papers:

                                I C A 2000

                         International Workshop on

                          BLIND SIGNAL SEPARATION

                              19-22 June 2000
                             Helsinki, Finland


                      Submission deadline: 1 March 2000


This workshop is the second in the series initiated by the highly succesful
ICA'99 workshop in Aussois, France. It is devoted to recent advances in
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation.  An important
goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers from artificial neural
networks, signal processing, and other related fields to provide
interdisciplinary exchange.

Papers describing original work on ICA and BSS are invited.
Relevant topics include, for example:
- Theory and estimation methods
- Extensions of basic models
- Convolutive and noisy mixtures
- Nonlinear methods
- Hardware implementations
- Audio and telecommunications applications
- Biomedical applications
- Image processing applications
- Data mining applications
- Sensory coding models


Important dates:

    1  March, 2000     Submission of *full* paper
    15 April, 2000     Notification of acceptance
    19-22 June, 2000   Workshop

Detailed submission information will be available from our web site:

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed, and acceptance
will be based on quality, relevance and originality.
All the papers presented at the workshop will be published in the
Proceedings of ICA 2000.


General Chair:
E. Oja
Program Chair:
J. Karhunen
Local Arrangements Chair:
V. Koivunen
Publications Chair;
P. Pajunen
Publicity Chair;
A. Hyvarinen
J. Iivarinen
Web Master:
J. Sarela


European Neural Network Society, IEEE Signal Processing Society,
EURASIP, IEEE Neural Networks Council, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society


web site               http://www.cis.hut.fi/ica2000/
email                  ica2000@mail.cis.hut.fi
postal mail            ICA 2000, P.O.Box 5400
                       Lab of Comp. and Info. Science
                       Helsinki Univ. of Technology
                       FIN-02015 HUT, Finland

Contributed by: Bonnie Heck

                   2000 ACC Sessions on Control Education

The IEEE Control Systems Society Technical Committee on Education (TCE)
will begin sponsoring invited sessions on education at the CDC and at the
ACC.   Individuals are welcome to organize complete sessions and then seek
TCE sponsorship, or to submit individual papers directly to the committee
and we will organize the sessions.  Topics may include (but are not limited
to) new approaches to material presentation or coverage, innovative
laboratory experiences, remote or virtual labs, technological advances
(such as the web) in teaching controls material.  Please contact Bonnie
Heck (bonnie.heck@ece.gatech.edu) by July 15, 1999 if you are interested in
submitting a session or a paper for the 2000 ACC.  We will need an extended
abstract (at least 2000 words) by August 1, 1999 for individual paper
contributions.  We will need the session proposals by August 15, 1999 for
complete session contributions.

Contributed by: Dr. Yun Li (Y.Li@elec.gla.ac.uk)

             IEEE Tutorial Workshop on Evolutionary Computation
                  and Its Application to Control Engineering
            at IEEE CCA/CACSD'99, Hawaii, Friday, August 27, 1999
                       Yun Li, University of Glasgow

Evolutionary algorithms can be interfaced with current CAD simulators to
facilitate "intelligent" search for globally optimal structures and parameters
in controller design and system identification through an automatic,
computerised trial-and-error process.

For details, see: http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~cca99/workshop6.html
For registration, see: http://www-ee.eng.hawaii.edu/~cca99/

Contributed by: Knut Hueper 

     International Workshop on Lie Theory and Its Applications

                       2-4 AUGUST, 1999

                       to be held at the

                      WUERZBURG, GERMANY

The workshop, organized by the Lehrstuhl fuer Mathematik II
(U. Helmke, K. Hueper), is intended to be a small one of
approximately 25 talks. The goal is to bring together both
experts on Lie semigroups and those working on applications
of Lie theory, such as e.g., in control theory, geometric mechanics,
and numerical analysis. Several expository lectures of 45 minutes
length as well as special topic lectures of 30 minutes length will
be given, that allow an overview on the present status of the field
and exciting future directions.

Invited speakers include:
P.E. Crouch, Arizona
L. Faybusovich, Notre Dame
M. Finzel-Hoffmann, Erlangen
A. Iserles, Cambridge
V. Jurdjevic, Toronto
P.S. Krishnaprasad, College Park
J. Lawson, Louisiana
D. Mittenhuber, Darmstadt
D. Prokhorov, Saratov
O. Roth, Wuerzburg
Y. Sachkov, Pereslavl-Zalessky
L.A.B. San Martin, Campinas
A. Sarychev, Aveiro
F. Silva Leite, Coimbra
K. Spindler, Darmstadt

For further information:
K. Hueper
Department of Mathematics
University of Wuerzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Wuerzburg
e-mail: hueper@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de
fax: +49 931 888 4611

Conference Website:

Conference fee:
The registration fee for the workshop is DM 50.00.

Contributed by: Naomi Ehrich Leonard (naomi@princeton.edu)

              First Announcement and Call for Papers

                         IFAC Workshop on

     Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control

                         March 16-18, 2000
                       Princeton University
                        Princeton, NJ  USA


The workshop will present new approaches to nonlinear control that
exploit mechanical and electromechanical system structure, in particular,
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian structure.  New technologies have created
engineering problems where successful controller designs must account
for nonlinear effects, yet existing theory for general nonlinear systems
often proves insufficient.  This workshop will cover new developments in
nonlinear control theory, design methods and applications where
techniques have been effectively tailored to exploit mechanical and
electromechanical system structure.  The workshop program will include
contributed papers as well as a number of invited papers by leading
international authorities.  In-depth discussions by all participants on
basic problems and future directions will be encouraged.

Topics to be covered include among others:

- control of mechanical, electromechanical and electrical systems
- control of autonomous vehicles
- Hamiltonian and Lagrangian control systems
- use of symplectic, Poisson and Dirac structures in control
- role of symmetry, reduction and integrability in control
- analysis of global phase space structure and qualitative
    phenomena with application to control
- effect of physical and feedback-controlled dissipation
- nonholonomic control systems


N.E. Leonard  (Princeton Univ.)
R. Ortega  (CNRS, France)
F. Bullo  (Univ. Illinois)
J. Ostrowski  (Univ. Pennsylvania)
A. Dittrick  (Princeton Univ.)


Ms. Arla Dittrick
IFAC Workshop Secretariat
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ  08544  USA
Tel: (+1) 609-258-5127
Fax: (+1) 609-258-2404
Email: adittric@princeton.edu


Four copies of an abstract should be received by
September 15, 1999 at the workshop address.
The abstract should be of sufficient detail and
length to permit careful reviewing.


Submission of abstracts         September 15, 1999
Notification of acceptance      November 1, 1999
Submission of full paper        January 7, 2000


The copyright of papers presented at the meeting belongs to IFAC.

Contributed by: Augusto Humberto Bruciapaglia (cba_org@das.ufsc.br) and

                Antonio Simoes Costa (cba_tec@labspot.ufsc.br)

                         CBA 2000


        Florianpolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, September 11-14 , 2000



Aims and Scope


The XIII Brazilian Automatic Control Conference (CBA 2000) is
being jointly organized by the Brazilian Society of Automatic
Control (SBA) and the Federal University of Santa Catarina,
Brazil. CBA 2000 will take place in Florianpolis, Santa Catarina,
Brazil. The aim of CBA 2000 is to provide a forum of discussion
for researchers, engineers and students in all fields related to
Control, Automation and their applications.

Papers submitted to CBA 2000 will be analyzed by the conferences
Technical Committee and other designated referees, and should
contain relevant contributions to the state-of-art.

Topics of Interest


- Control Theory (robust, adaptive, predictive,
  decentralized and nonlinear control);

- Power Systems (control, stability, operation,

- Power Electronics (static power converters,
  modeling, applications);

- Control of Electric Machines (control of vehicles,
  machines and converters);

- Intelligent Systems (neural networks, fuzzy logic,
  genetic algorithms, expert systems);

- System Modeling and Identification;

- Manufacturing Automation (discrete event systems,
  robotics, hybrid dynamic systems);

- Control Education and Social Aspects of Automation;

- Signal Processing;

- Biomedical Engineering;

- Optimization;

- Control Applications (plant control, aerospace
  and agriculture applications, etc.)



Florianpolis is the capital of Santa Catarina State, a pleasant city of
400.000 inhabitants located on the Southern Brazil Atlantic coast. The
administrative center and a large portion

of the city is on the Ilha de Santa Catarina, a mountainous island
surrounded by over 40 beaches. This makes Florianpolis an important summer
resort for Southern Brazil and neighboring countries, as well as a
year-round center of attraction for tourists from Brazil and abroad. Two
large public universities and several other private universities and
colleges are located in the Florianpolis region. The city is also becoming
an important technological center in the areas of Automation, Control and
software development, as a result of the establishment of research and
development parks funded by government and private investments. For more
information about the city and some sample views of its scenery and
landscape, visit the web site www.guiafloripa.com.br.



Prospective authors are invited to submit the full manuscript
in Portuguese, Spanish or English, in free format, to the
Technical Committee of CBA 2000. The final version of the

paper will be in a two-column, A4 size format, with no more
than 6 pages. Guidelines for the final paper format will be
subsequently issued by the Technical Committee.

Important Dates


Submission deadline: December 20, 1999
Notification of acceptance: April 30, 2000
Final version of paper: June 15, 2000

Address for all submissions


Prof. Antonio Simes Costa (cba_tec@labspot.ufsc.br)
CBA 2000 Program Chair
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
88.040-900 - Florianpolis, SC

For conference information and other inquiries:

Prof. Augusto Bruciapaglia (cba_org@das.ufsc.br)
CBA 2000 General Chair
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
88.040-900 - Florianpolis, SC

To stay informed about CBA 2000, refer to the conference
homepage at http://www.cba2000.ufsc.br

Contributed by: Rene Boel 

                    Preliminary announcement

                5th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems


                        August 21-23, 2000

                          Ghent, Belgium

======================= AIMS AND SCOPES =======================

The interdisciplinary field of Discrete Event Systems combines
methodologies and applications from control and computer science.
The research activity in this field is driven by the
needs of many different applications domains: manufacturing, supervisory
systems, transportation, software engineering, and so on. DES is now a
mature field and many interesting applications have been developed.

The workshop aims to provide researchers from different fields (control
theoreticians and control engineers, software engineers and computer
scientists) with an opportunity to exchange information and new ideas, and
to discuss new developments in the different fields. It is envisaged that
areas of interaction will be further explored and common applications will
be considered with focus on design, techniques and implementation
for the new era of technology.

=========================== TOPICS ============================

The workshop will focus on
- the theory and the applications of control of Discrete event systems
(with emphasis on supervisory control and on real time control),
- computer science (with emphasis on hybrid systems,
timed systems, Petri nets, process algebras, software verification
and design),
- applications (including manufacturing systems, transportation systems,
process control, software engineering, system analysis and design).

======================= PROGRAMME  ======================

The workshop programme will consist of both contributed lectures, invited
sessions and a number of plenary invited talks, covering different topics
in computer science and control.

===================== WODES STEERING COMMITTEE ====================

Christos Cassandras
    Boston University, Department of manufacturing Engineering and
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
    Boston, USA, e-mail: cgc@bu.edu

Guy Cohen
    Ecole des Mines de Paris, Centre Automatique et Systemes,
    Paris, France, e-mail: cohen@cas.ensmp.fr

Alessandro Giua
    University of Cagliari, Dept. of Electric and Electronic Engineering
    Cagliari, Italy. E-mail: giua@diee.unica.it

Michael P. Spathopoulos
    University of Strathclyde, Department of Mechanical Engineering
    Glasgow, Scotland, UK. E-mail: mps@mecheng.strath.ac.uk

Rein Smedinga
    University of Groningen, Department of Computing Science,
    Groningen, the Netherlands. E-mail: rein@cs.rug.nl

====================== LOCAL ORGANISATION ==================

Rene Boel
    SYSTeMS Group, Universiteit Gent
    Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 9
    B-9052 Gent Belgium

=========== CONTRIBUTED PAPERS/IMPORTANT DATES ===============

Contributed papers containing original, unpublished research results
should be submitted to the workshop at the address below. Submission
by email and in LaTeX is preferred.
Style files and instructions for preparation of camera-ready copy will be
available from the organizers.
The maximum page size for contributed papers is 6 pages (A4). Papers will
be reviewed by the programme committee and by external reviewers.
Full versions of the accepted contributions will appear in the Proceedings
of the Workshop. The Proceedings will be published prior to the workshop.

Important dates:
JANUARY 15, 2000: Deadline for submission of contributed papers

APRIL 15, 2000:  Notification of acceptance of papers, second
                 announcement, and preliminary programme

JUNE 1, 2000:  Deadline for submission of final version of papers

JUNE 15, 2000: Deadline for early registration

AUGUST 21-23, 2000: WORKSHOP

========================= REGISTRATION ========================

Please use the early registration form on the Web server at


for early registration. An air-mail address for registration and final
submission will be included in the first anouncement and call for papers.

======================= WORKSHOP ADDRESS ======================

All inquiries regarding the workshop, and all contributions, PREFERABLY in
electronic form (in LaTeX using the style mentioned above, or in
Postscript) are to be directed to

  Rene Boel
  SYSTeMS Group, Universiteit Gent,
  Technologiepark-Zwijnaarde 9
  B-9052 Gent

  E-mail: rene.boel@rug.ac.be
  Phone:  +32-9-2645658
  Fax:    +32-9-2645840

Up to date information, and early registration forms are available from:

  WWW: http://systems.rug.ac.be/wodes2000

Contributed by: proudler@signal.dera.gov.uk




University of Warwick, 18th - 20th December 2000

Signal processing constitutes an important area for the application of
mathematical concepts and techniques fuelled, for example, by recent
developments in mobile communications, multimedia systems and digital TV.
The last IMA conference on this subject was held in Dec.  1996 and the
intervening years have witnessed significant developments in many topics
such as nonlinear/non-Gaussian signal processing, multirate signal
processing, blind deconvolution/signal separation and broadband systems. The
aim of this conference is to bring together mathematicians and engineers
with a view to exploring recent developments and identifying fruitful
avenues for further research.  It is hoped that the meeting will also help
to attract more mathematicians into this important and challenging field.

Keynote Speaker:        Dr. Pierre Comon, Eurecom, France.

Contributed papers are invited on all aspects of mathematics
in signal
processing. The majority of contributed papers will be
presented in the
poster sessions.

WWW Site:

Members of the organising committee

Prof. J G McWhirter (Chairman) (DERA, Malvern)
Prof. O R Hinton (University of Newcastle)
Dr. M D MacLeod (University of Cambridge)
Prof. M Sandler (Kings College, London)
Dr. S McLaughlin (University of Edinburgh)
Dr. I K Proudler (DERA, Malvern)

Conference Officer: Mrs. Pamela Bye
The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications
Catherine Richards House,
16 Nelson Street, Southend-on-Sea
Essex SS1 1EF, England.
Email: pam@ima.org.ac.uk
Fax: +44 (0)1702 354111

Contributed by: Joseba Quevedo

IFAC Workshop on Digital Control: Past, present and future of PID

  Terrassa (Spain), 5-7 April 2000

 Organized by dept. ESAII. Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya
 In cooperation with CERCA, CEA-IFAC, ISA-Spain and Addlink Spain
 Sponsored by IFAC

This IFAC workshop is organized so that the scientific world and the
industrial control world can meet and discuss about the present and
future use of PID controllers. This workshop can be also useful for
learning about control history and the origin and evolution of the PID
control can give us the keys for new developments and designs. The
structure of this workshop is based on selected papers about the
topics related with the aims of this meeting. Dr. S. Bennett, Dr. F.G.
Shinskey and Prof. K. Astrom have been invited to present keynotes
about the past, present and future of PID control. It is expected to
organize a roundtable with industrial control specialists to discuss
about PID control in industrial processes nowadays. There will be room
available to show the more recent controllers and tools to design,
implement and use them.

The topics of this Workshop are:
 -OTHERS( Education,...)

The paper submission deadline is:
 October 15, 1999

Please send four copies of draft papers to:
 Secretary of PID'00
 Dept. Automatic Control
 Edifici TR11
 Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10
 E-08222 Terrassa

The Workshop participation fee will be 270 EUROS or 45000 Spanish
Pesetas for all participants except students (towards master, diploma
of first or second cycle), these ones will have a reduction. The
standard fee includes the refreshments during the breaks, lunches,
pre-prints of the meeting containing full papers, the banquet dinner
and a short sightseeing tour.

The Workshop will be held in Terrassa. Terrasssa is a medium city of
Catalonia, in the Northeast of Spain, situated 25-km northerly from
Barcelona and about 100-km from Costa Brava and Pirineus. Terrassa is
easily reached by train and by motorway from Barcelona. Accommodation
will be in hotels of all categories. Further information will be sent
to all registrants.

We look forward to hosting you in Terrassa(Barcelona) next year.

Additional details can be found on our web site at:
You can also contact us by:
Tel. +34 93 7398641     Fax +34 93 7398628      E-mail: pid00@esaii.upc.es

Contributed by: Thomas Parisini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy"

                     * Call for Papers *

     IEEE International Conference on Control Applications
  IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System Design

September 25-27, 2000.   Anchorage Hilton.   Anchorage, Alaska, USA


The IEEE Control Systems Society will hold the Ninth IEEE
International Conference on Control Applications (CCA) and the
Eleventh IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control System
Design (CACSD), Monday through Wednesday, September 25-27, 2000 at the
Anchorage Hilton, Anchorage, Alaska, USA. The joint CCA/CACSD meeting
is being Technically Co-sponsored by Dynamic Systems and Control
Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), USA,
the European Union Control Association (EUCA), Europe, and the Society
of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Japan.

The CCA and CACSD will run in parallel from Monday, September 25th,
2000 to Wednesday, September 27th, 2000 and will be preceded by
several tutorial workshops on Sunday, September 24th, 2000. There will
be a single registration for both the CCA and CACSD and all attendees
will receive proceedings from both events. The Technical Program
Committees solicit papers presenting original contributions in all
areas of control applications and computer-aided control system


The conference will be held at the Anchorage Hilton, in Downtown,
Anchorage, Alaska, USA, a city with all the amenities of a major
metropolitan area, yet with the advantage of being a few short minutes
away from the wilderness. The city, located on the Cook Inlet has a
breathtaking backdrop of the Chugiak mountain range. We hope that you
will join us in this land of superlatives, the last American
Frontier, for the technical excellence of the conference and to
experience the uniqueness of the land.

Scope and Topics of Interest


o Applications of Adaptive & Robust Control
o Sensor Based Control
o Nonlinear Control
o Sliding Mode Control
o Modeling & System Identification
o Fuzzy Logic & Control
o Neural Control
o Expert Systems
o Distributed Systems
o Discrete Event Systems
o Manufacturing Systems
o Mechatronics
o Motion Control
o Robotics Vibration Control
o Structural Control
o Flexible Systems
o Fault Detection & Fault Tolerant Control
o Aeronautical, Aerospace & Space Systems
o Systems
o Vehicle Control
o Traffic & Network Control
o Process Control
o Biomedical Systems
o Data Fusion Systems
o Power Electronics Systems
o Man/Machine Systems
o Industrial Case Studies.

Please submit five copies of your completed manuscript to the Program
Chair-CCA at the address given below.


o Theory and Applications of Symbolic and Numerical Analysis and
  Synthesis Algorithms
o Soft-Computing and Evolutionary Algorithms in Control Engineering
o Control Problem-Solving Environments
o Hybrid Systems and Physical/Discrete Event Plant Modeling
o Computer Aided Uncertainty Modeling for Control Design
o Optimization-Based Control System Design and Robustness Assessment
o Methodologies for Multi-Objective Goal Attainment in Control Design
o Design-Embedded Simulation
o Supervisory Control and Model-Based Fault Monitoring Techniques
o Automatic Code Generation
o Teach-Ware for Control
o Computer-Aided Industrial Design Cases
o Large Scale System Modeling.

Please submit five copies of your completed manuscript to the Program
Chair-CACSD at the address given below.

In addition to the contributed papers, the Joint CCA/CACSD also
solicits Invited Session proposals. Please contact the respective
Chair for Invited Sessions for CCA and CACSD, whose addresses are
given below, for further information about the format and forms.

General Chair-CCA
 Pradeep Misra
 Elect Engr Dept
 Wright State Univ
 Dayton, OH 45435
 Tel: (937) 775-5062
 Fax: (937) 775-5009

Program Chair-CCA
 Gary G. Yen
 Elect & Comp Engr
 Oklahoma State Univ
 Stillwater, OK 74078
 Tel: (405) 744-7743
 Fax: (405)744-9189

Invited Sessions-CCA
 Chaouki T. Abdallah
 Elect & Comp Engr
 Univ of New Mexico
 Albuquerque, NM 87131
 Tel: (505) 277-0298
 Fax: (505) 277-1439

General Chair-CACSD
 Andras Varga
 DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
 Postfach 1116
 D-82230, Wessling
 Tel: (49) 8153-28-2407
 Fax: (49) 8153-28-1441

Program Chair-CACSD
 Vassilis Syrmos
 Dept of Elect Engr
 Univ of Hawaii at Manoa
 Honolulu, HI 96822
 Tel: (808) 956-3432
 Fax: (808) 956-3427

Invited Sessions-CACSD
 Francois Delebeque
 Domaine deVoluceau
 F-78153 Le Chesnay
 Tel: (33) 1 39635450
 Fax: (33) 1 39635786

In addition to the regular technical program, the conference will
offer several pre-conference Tutorial Workshops. Those interested in
offering a workshop at the 2000 CCA/CACSD should contact the Workshops
Chair: Michael Masten, Texas Instruments, 2309 Northcrest, Plano, TX
75075, USA, Tel: (972) 997-5179, Fax: (972) 997-5693,


January 21, 2000

       - Deadline for submission of Invited Session Proposals to
         Vice-Chair, Invited Sessions
       - Deadline for submission of Contributed Papers to the
         appropriate Program Chair
       - Deadline for submission of Workshop Proposals to the
         Workshops Chair.

Further Information

Further information about the conference may be found on any of the
three web sites listed above; for faster connections, please visit the
web-site nearest to you. Alternatively, you may contact Pradeep Misra
or Andras Varga - their contact information is listed above.


Sponsored by:

    The IEEE Control Systems Society, USA

Technical Co-sponsors:

    The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA

    The European Union Control Association and

    The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Japan

Contributed by: Vincent Blondel (vblondel@ulg.ac.be)


                    University of Liege (Belgium)

                          August 30, 1999

This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from computer
science, dynamical systems theory, and control theory. The talks will be
in a tutorial format and informal discussions between the participants
will be encouraged.

This is the third of a series of workshops on Systems and Dynamics held
at the University of Liege. Programs of the previous workshops can be
obtained from: http://www.ulg.ac.be/mathsys/blondel/workshop.html

Liege is at one hour from Brussels and at 4h30 from Karlsruhe by train.
Arrangments will be offered to participants coming from the Astrom
Symposium in Control (Lund, Sweden) and/or going to the European Control
Conference (Karlsruhe, Germany).

Registration to the workshop is free. If you wish to attend the workshop,
please inform one of the organizers by electronic mail.


10:00 S. Morse (University of Yale, USA)
Stability of switching systems

11:00 L. Gurvits (Nec Research Institute, USA and Technion, Israel)
Various stability notions for discrete switching systems

12:00 Lunch break

14:00 D. Aeyels (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Stability of time-varying systems

15:00 Coffee break

15:15 J. Goncalves (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Global quadratic stability of limit cycles is common in relay feedback

16:15 A. Rantzer (Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Stability of piecewise-linear systems


University of Liege, Institute Montefiore
Instruction on how to reach the Institute can be obtained from:


Rodolphe SEPULCHRE, r.sepulchre@ulg.ac.be
Vincent BLONDEL, vblondel@ulg.ac.be

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *