E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 127, March 1, 1999.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 127,  March 1, 1999

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Encryption option now available at preprint archive
        3.2  TMR Nonlinear control network
        3.3  NICONET Newsletter 2 and NICONET E-letter

4.      Positions
        4.1  Full time professor position Eindhoven University
        4.2  Professor position applied math. Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Inst.
        4.3  Ph.D. Studenships in Control, Pytechnic Univ., New York
        4.4  Postdoc in Control, University of California, San Diego
        4.5  Position research associate in control, Univ. of Leicester
        4.6  Control Faculty Position in Canberra Australia
        4.7  Postdoctoral fellowship positions Missouri-Kansas
        4.8  Postdoctoral research position, Princeton University

5.      Books
        5.1  Errare humanum est...
        5.2  "Complexity and Information", Traub and Werschulz
        5.3  CFP series "Computational Mathematics and Applications"
        5.4  "High-level feedback control with neural networks", Kim & Lewis.
        5.5  "Mathematical Methods for Stabilization of Dynamical Systems",
              Zubov and Zubov

6.      Journals
        6.1  Editorial change ELA
        6.2  TOC LAA Vol. 286, 288 and 290, issues 1-3
        6.3  TOC Control Engineering Practice, Vol.7:1
        6.4  TOC EJC, Vol. 1.99
        6.5  TOC Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 12:1

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP Symposium on Quantitative Feedback Theory
        7.2  CFP 11th Haifa Matrix theory conference
        7.3  CFP 3rd IMACS-IEEE CSCC.
        7.4  CFP IEE Workshop on Model Predictive Control
        7.5  CFP MTNS-2000
        7.6  CFP session on Teaching Mechatronics
        7.7  CFP NSF Workshop on Control of Flows
        7.8  CFP ICASSP-99
        7.9  CFP IEEE Conference on Information, Intelligence and Systems

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 127 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear April 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
    will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list.
    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
    "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or

-3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address)
    and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not
    use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed
    manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to
    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

-5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you
    wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching
    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Thomas Fliegner


Please, note my new address (since September 1998)

Thomas Fliegner
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Bath
Bath BA2 7AY, UK
Tel: +44-(0)1225-826891
Internet E-mail: T.Fliegner@maths.bath.ac.uk

Contributed by: Datta Godbole


Please note that I have moved from the PATH program at U. C. Berkeley
to Honeywell Technology Center.

My new coordinates are:

Datta Godbole,
Honeywell Technology Center,
3660 Technology Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55418
Tel: 612-951-7035,
Fax: 612-951-7438

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag

            Encryption option now available at preprint archive

As mentioned in last month's Eletter, the Los Alamos preprint archives added a
"Control and Optimization" category.

Unfortunately, and somewhat embarrassingly for those of us who had lobbied
to get control theory to be recognized as an official subject area, few
people have placed their papers there.  Perhaps the public availability of
TeX sources has been a factor discouraging some people from submitting.

The administrators have just added an option which allows encryption of TeX
sources.  So now there is no excuse not to send your papers to the archive.
Please do so, and tell your colleagues and students too!  The archives provide
an excellent way to make control research available to everyone, including
search engines, and to "time stamp" your work.  Even if a paper is submitted
to a conference or to a journal, it is very useful to have it online.

Please see:
for instructions  (access also available from www.theorem.net/control.html).
You will want to use the "math.OC" category for "Optimization and Control".

Contributed by: Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue

       TMR contract of the European Community

The NCN Web site contains information about the various actions of the network
and many updated links concerning other international Nonlinear Control activities.

Network Board
* Dirk  Aeyels, Universiteit Gent, Belgium
* Alfonso Banos, Universidad de Murcia, Spain
* Fritz Colonius, Universitat   Augsburg, Germany
* Alberto Isidori, Universita di Roma,  Italy
* Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue (coordinator), CNRS, France
* David H. Owens, University of Exeter, England
* Arjan J. van der Schaft, University of Twente, Netherlands
* Fatima Silva  Leite, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
* John  Tsinias, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

In the framework of this project young researchers (Post-docs and Ph.D.
students) can be appointed. These researchers will work with, and can
be employed by, one of the previous partners. Potential candidates may
contact the network coordinator or any Permanent member of the
Nonlinear Control Network.

Francoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue
Laboratoire des Signaux et Systemes,
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
Address: LSS, CNRS
         91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Phone : (33) 1 69 85 17 27
Fax :   (33) 1 69 41 30 60
e-mail: lamnabhi@lss.supelec.fr
http://www.supelec.fr/lss/NCN (Nonlinear Control Network)

Contributed by: A.J.W. v.d.Boom 

NICONET Newsletter 2 and NICONET E-letter 2 have appeared.

The NICONET Newsletter informs you about the evolution of the SLICOT library
and other NICONET activities related to CACSD software developments.

The Newletter can be accessed at:

Contents of NICONET Newsletter 2:
1. Editorial
2. New developments in the SLICOT benchmark library
3. Basic numerical SLICOT tools for control
4. SLICOT tools for model reduction
5. SLICOT tools for subspace identification
6. SLICOT tools for robust control
7. SLICOT tools for nonlinear systems in robotics
8. An introduction to the CACSD software package Scilab
9. SLICOT: a usuful tool in industry?
10. Highlights of the first NICONET workshop in Valencia, Spain
11. NICONET information corner

NICONET E-letter 2 has appeared too. This E-letter 2 reports on the
of the EU sponsored Thematic Network project NICONET and the publications
in this project during the period October to December 1998.

The NICONET E-letter 2 can be accessed at:
or via anonymous ftp from:

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: B.A. Cornelissen 

Full-time Professor for the chair of Signal Processing Systems (m/f)

The Faculty of  Electrical Engineering of the Eindhoven University of
Technology comprises approximately 200 staff members and 600 students.
The educational curriculum and research programme are provided by four
groups:  Electrical Power Engineering, Information and Communication
Systems, Measurement and Control Systems and Telecommunication Technology
and Electromagnetics. The Faculty has a vacancy for a full-time professor
in  the Measurement and Control Systems group, which includes the chairs
Electromechanics and Power Electronics and Measurement and Control.

Information about the position

You will be responsible for education and research within the chair of
Signal Processing Systems, and in particular for the fundamentals and
applications of signal processing.  Strong emphasis will lie on modern signal
specifications, implementation of algorithms for digital signal processors or
other adapted architectures, and signal representation with respect to people
and network theory. In addition to knowledge of the fundamental areas already
mentioned,  knowledge of applications, preferably of physiological systems,
is also required.  Your research within the chair must be finely tuned to that
of three Associate Professors in the sub-fields of  mixed signal representa-
tions, adaptive signal processing and clinical automation.  Your group
provides lectures for the Electrical Engineering and Biomedical Technology
study programmes.

It is expected that you will have broad international scientific, and where
possible industrial experience in a substantial part of the field outlined
above, backed-up by articles published in relevant scientific journals.  You
will be responsible for your chair, which consists of  approximately 6
scientific personnel and five supporting staff members.  One of your tasks
will be the recruitment and supervision of  PhD. students.  You will also be
required to participate in the research schools COBRA (Communication
Technology Basic Research & Applications) and/or DISC  (Dutch Institute of
Systems and  Control) and/or  EESI (Eindhoven Embedded Systems Institute).
You will also be expected to participate in the management of the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering as a whole.

A technical-academic education and  PhD. are essential.  You must possess
excellent didactic and leadership qualities.  An effective network is
essential and you must be able to secure funding from both government and
industrial sources for projects which you will supervise and manage.

Further Information
About the position:
Prof. dr. ir. P.P.J. van den Bosch,
E-mail:  P.P.J.v.d.Bosch@tue.nl

General information:
Mrs. Y. van der Veer,
E-mail: Y.v.d.Veer@tue.nl

Please send your application in writing, accompanied by a complete Curriculum
Vitae and list of publications to  G.H. Pasmans, Manager, Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Contributed by: Peder Thusgaard Ruhoff (ptr@mip.ou.dk)


A position as assistant/associate professor in Applied Mathematics is vacant
at the The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute for Production Technology at
University of Southern Denmark, Main Campus: Odense University. It is
anticipated that the successful applicant will take up the position on 1
August 1999 or as soon as possible thereafter.

Applications are invited from applied mathematics or engineering Ph.D.'s for
this position. The department is particularly interested in applicants with
research interests in the field of automatic control. The successful candidate
will be expected to participate in undergraduate and graduate teaching in
control theory within the departments's Applied Mathematics programme.

Applicants who have completed their Ph.D. more than 5 years prior to
appointment to the position will normally not be considered for the position
as assistant professor. An applicant who feels that this 5-year rule should
be disregarded on the basis of special circumstances must state this
explicitly in the application.

The application must include the following: 1) A curriculum vitae including
previous teaching experience; 2) A list of all publications, indicating which
publications are most relevant for the position; 3) Copies of all relevant
publications; 4) A list of all enclosures. All enclosures must be numbered,
stated the applicant's name, and be assembled in sets.

Applications will be assessed by a committee. The applicants will receive the
evaluation about themselves.

Appointment to the position will be in accordance with the salary agreement
between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional

Further information can be obtained by contacting

       Professor John Perram
       University of Southern Denmark, Main Campus: Odense University
       phone: (+45) 6315 7111
       e-mail: jperram@mip.ou.dk

Please send 3 copies of the application, marked "Position No. 993003" to:
Det Naturvidenskabelige og Tekniske Fakultetssekretariat, Syddansk
Universitet, Odense Universitet, Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark.

The closing date is 3 May 1999, 12:00.

Contributed by: Z. P. Jiang 

        Ph.D. Studenships in Control
        Department of Electrical Engineering
        Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, New York

TA or RA opportunities exist in our Department to attract
students with outstanding track records to do research towards
a PhD degree in the general area of nonlinear control and applications.
Any students with good analytical and computer skills are encouraged to
apply. Check the home page of the Dept (http://www.poly.edu) for the details
about the courses and application forms.

Additional info can be obtained by sending an e-mail to
Dr. Jiang 

Contributed by: M. Krstic 

Postdoc in Control of Nonlinear Distributed Parameter Systems
                University of California, San Diego

Applications are invited from mathematicians or mathematically
inclined engineers and physicists to work on problems of
stabilization of nonlinear distributed parameter systems with
Professor Miroslav Krstic. The types of expertise of interest
include: analysis of well posedness of nonlinear PDEs, Lyapunov
theory, and numerical methods/CFD. Applications motivating
the work are in the area of control of flow instabilities. The position
is for one year with possibility of extension subject to research
progress and availability of funds.

Before applying, candidates are encouraged to e-mail to Prof. Krstic
a detailed curriculum vitae with names of at least three persons
who will provide letters of reference. If sufficient match of interests
exists, the full application will include the letters plus the
representative articles. For contact coordinates, see the web page

Contributed by: Professor Ian Postlethwaite,
                The University of Leicester, Department of Engineering


The Research Associate will work on a 3 year EPSRC funded project
which aims to develop new design methods for the conditioning of
controllers to overcome the problems of actuator saturation.
Candidates should have, or be completing, a PhD in control or a
related subject.    Salary:  # 15,735  to # 23,651   pa.

Research Associate: further particulars and application forms are
available, by quoting the reference R9025, from the Personnel
Office (Appointments), University of Leicester, University Road,
Leicester, LE1 7RH.  Tel: 0116 2523 2439.  Closing date: 12 March


The Project Student will work on the same project as the RA and will
register for a PhD in the general area of Control with Input
Constraints. Candidates should have or be expecting a first class
or 2.1 honours degree in a relevant subject.

Project Student: CV including the names and addresses of two referees
to Professor Ian Postlethwaite, University of Leicester, University
Road, Leicester,  LE1 7RH.  Closing date: 12 April 1999.

Contributed by: Ian Petersen 
                Control Faculty Position in Canberra Australia


School of Electrical Engineering

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer

Applications are invited for this position from suitably qualified
personnel in the field of electrical engineering. The School of Electrical
Engineering is one of twelve Schools at University College which form a
campus of the University of New South Wales. Located at the Australian
Defence Force Academy, the school provides undergraduate courses in
electrical engineering to midshipmen, officer cadets and officers of the
Australian Defence Force. Postgraduate courses are offered to civilian and
defence personnel, including postgraduate coursework programs and the
supervision of research masters and PhD degrees. The School also provides a
number of technology awareness courses for defence personnel. Active
research programs are maintained in the areas of control, robotics,
image/video coding and transmission, image processing and interpretation,
remote sensing, radar and electromagnetic engineering, mobile
communications, antenna arrays, optoelectronics, laser applications and
electronic materials. Many of these projects are supported by bodies like
the Australian Research Council. The successful applicant will be expected
to undertake an active research program and to attract external funding to
support their research.

The position is available at either the lecturer  or senior lecturer level
depending on the teaching and research experience of the successful
applicant. The position is available from July 1999. The School is looking
to appoint a staff member who has the ability and willingness to deliver
undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects in the area of both
control and power & machines.

A successful applicant would be expected to have: a PhD or equivalent in
electrical engineering or a related field; demonstrated achievement in
research; an ability and willingness to undertake an active research
program and to contribute to research in at least one of the School's
current research programs; an ability and willingness to teach at all
levels and in a range of topics within the School's teaching program if
required; an ability and willingness to contribute to aspects of School
administration and to serve on University College committees; an ability to
communicate well in English both orally and in writing; a knowledge and
understanding of the principles of EEO/AA and OH&S practices and

It would be desirable for the successful applicant to have: the ability to
contribute to the School's research program in at least one of the areas of
control and robotics, communications or image/video coding and processing;
an ability to contribute to the School's teaching program in at least one
of the areas of radar and electromagnetics, guided weapons, avionics or
systems engineering; a demonstrated record of quality teaching at the
university level.

Membership of an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment of this position. For further information including selection
criteria for this position, please contact the Head of School Professor
John Arnold on telephone +61 2 6268 8212, fax +61 2 6268 8443 or email

Salary:         Lecturer        $AUD 48,678 - $57.806 per annum
                Senior Lecturer $AUD 59,629 - $68,757 per annum

Applications will close on 19 March 1999. Please quote Ref Z200.019.

Written applications addressing the selection criteria and including
details of work experience, qualifications, contact number (business/home),
citizenship status and the names and addresses, including facsimile numbers
of at least two referees should be forwarded to: Recruitment Officer
(Personnel), University College, University of New South Wales, Australian
Defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Canberra, ACT 2600. For
confirmation of receipt of applications telephone +61 2 6268 8726.

UNSW is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a smoke free workplace.

Contributed by: Prof. Khosrow Sohraby


Computer Science Telecommunications at the University of Missouri-Kansas
City invites applications for number of postdoctoral fellowship positions.
We are looking for excellent candidates in the following broad areas:

-Design and Analysis of High-Speed Computer and Communications Networks
-Wireless Networks
-Parallel, Distributed and Large-Scale Computations Applied to Design and
 Analysis of Communications Networks

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D in EE, CS, Applied Mathematics
or related areas.  The expected starting date will be as soon as possible.
For more information, please contact:

Prof. Khosrow Sohraby
Computer Science Telecommunications
University of Missouri-Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64110

Tel: 816-235-2361
FAX: 816-235-5159
E-Mail: sohraby@cstp.umkc.edu

Contributed by: Minh Q. Phan (mqphan@princeton.edu)


The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering invites applications
for a post-doctoral position in system identification and intelligent control
and optimization.  A Ph.D. degree in engineering or applied physical sciences
is required.  Candidates with balanced knowledge in theory and application
of linear and nonlinear system identification, control, intelligent agent
design, neural networks, computational learning, and other aspects of
artificial intelligence are sought. Interested applicants should send
their vita, related publications, and a list of references as soon as possible to:

Prof. Minh Q. Phan
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ  08544

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Yair Censor and Stavros Zenios

Errare humanum est...

We proudly announce that our tireless efforts to publish the "first ever
published book without errors" have failed....

For the benefit of the readers of our book (see full publication details
below) we installed an Errata list at the following internet site:

We would be grateful to anyone bringing to our attention further errors,
typos, or omissions of credits and references. We will gladly post those
on the page.

Yair Censor and Stavros Zenios
P.S. If you wish a .ps file of the Errata list e-mailed to you please send
a request to: yair@mathcs2.haifa.ac.il

By Yair Censor and Stavros A. Zenios,
A volume in the series: "Numerical Mathematics and Scientific Computation",
Oxford University Press, New York, 1997.
Hardcover, 576 pages, ISBN 0-19-510062-X.
For information on the book, including Title Page, Foreword, Preface,
Organization of the Book, Suggested Course Outlines, Acknowledgements,
and Ordering Instructions, please visit the publisher on the internet at

Contributed by: Art Werschulz 

                        COMPLEXITY AND INFORMATION

                                J. F. TRAUB
                Columbia University and Santa Fe Institute

                                A. G. WERSCHULZ
                Fordham University and Columbia University

                        CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS

Simultaneous publication in hard and soft cover as part of the
series Lezioni Lincee, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

The twin themes of computational complexity and information pervade
this book.  The authors begin with an introduction to the computational
complexity of continuous mathematical models, that is, information-based
complexity.  This is used to illustrate a variety of topics, including
breaking the curse of dimensionality, complexity of path integration,
solvability of ill-posed problems, the value of information in computation,
assigning values to mathematical hypotheses, and new, improved methods for
mathematical finance.

The style is informal, and the goals are exposition, insight and motivation.
A comprehensive bibliography is provided, to which readers are referred for
precise statements of results and their proofs.  As the first introductory
book on the subject it will be invaluable to the many students and
researchers whose disciplines are influenced by the computational complexity
of continuous problems.


     Part One: Fundamentals
1    Introduction
2    Information-Based Complexity
3    Breaking the Curse of Dimensionality

     Part Two: Some Interesting Topics
4    Very High-Dimensional Integration and Mathematical Finance
5    Complexity of Path Integration
6    Are Ill-Posed Problems Solvable?
7    Complexity of Nonlinear Problems
8    What Model of Computation Should Be Used by Scientists?
9    Do Impossibility Theorems from Formal Models Limit
     Scientific Knowledge?
10   Complexity of Linear Prgramming
11   Complexity of Verification
12   Complexity of Implementation Testing
13   Noisy Information
14   Value of Information in Computation
15   Assigning Values to Mathematical Hypotheses
16   Open Problems
17   A Brief History of Information-Based Complexity

     Part three: References
18   A Guide to the Literature of IBC

Author index
Subject index

Hardback         0-521-48005-1        US$54.95 UK L35.00
Paperback        0-521-48506-1        US$19.95 UK L12.95

This book can be ordered online:

* It can be conveniently ordered from Cambridge University Press via
* It can also be ordered through amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com

It can, of course, be obtained through your bookstore.

Contributed by: George Anastassiou

Dear Colleaques Hi!

I, George Anastassiou, have been appointed a KLUWER/PLENUM publishers
book series Editor for the new book series "Computational Mathematics
and Applications"(CMAA). This series basically intends to publish high
quality  strictly refereed books in all of Mathematics and their
applications including Probability, Stochastic Processes and Statistics,

 The books we will consider should be in one of the following groups:
 upper level undergraduate,graduate level,research level.
 We intend to publish texts,monographs,proceedings of conferences,
 handbooks and compilations of papers.
 The published books will be suitable for
 students,researchers,libraries in Mathematical
 Interested potential authors should send 3 hard copies of their book
 proposal(about 10 pages) or 2 hard copies of their book in final
 form(at least 125 printed pages),along with 2 discs with book content
      Dr.George Anastassiou
      Department of Mathematical Sciences
      The University of Memphis
      Memphis,TN 38152
      Tel (901) 678-3144 office
          (901) 678-2482 secretary
          (901) 678-2480 FAX
          (901) 371-9752 home
      e-mail  anastasg@hermes.msci.memphis.edu

Book manuscripts should be typed in any of the TEX,LATEX,AMS-TEX,AMS-
LATEX different versions.It would be much easier for the publishers
and authors, if authors follow the Kluwer typing style file,which is
among others Latex 2.09.To get it please write to

 editdept@wkap.nl    OR    Texhelp@wkap.nl

The authors should provide us a list of 6 possible referees to
be used in case our long list of referees does not contain the
appropriate persons to do the refereeing job of the particular

  Strictly speaking: "Computational Mathematics identifies with
the computational approach in solving mathematical problems within
Mathematics or other Sciences,as well as in the real world.The
solutions are given either constructively and concretely or
algorithmically in forms that can be any of explicit,implicit,visual
or approximate and numerical."

 Working computationally in Mathematical Sciences has become one of
the main trends in the last fourty years internationally,so we can
understand and solve the complex problems of our scientific and real
Next we provide a list of possible areas,meaning also their
combinations,where submitted books can emphasise on.
However submitted books can be also on any other topic of NON-PURE
 The partial list of sample subjects follows:
computational real and complex analysis,applied analysis,applied
functional analysis,approximation theory,o.d.e,p.d.e,Toda-lattice
theory,wavelet,neural networks,difference
equations,summability,fractals,special functions,splines,asymptotic
analysis,inequalities,moment theory,numerical analysis,applied
numerical analysis,numerical functional
analysis,tomography,asymptotic expansions,Fourier analysis,integral
equations,potential theory,sampling theory,signal analysis,graph
theory and combinatorics,computational geometry,computational
algebra,cryptography,coding,computational number theory,optimization,
operations research,mathematical programming,control theory,fuzzy
theory,fluid dynamics,econometric theory,computer aided geometric
design,functional equations,orthogonal polynomials,game
theory,calculus of variations,systems theory,numerical Fourier
analysis,computational complexity,etc.

  Developing software related to the book material is strongly
encouraged  if applicable.

       Cordially yours
       George Anastassiou
       CMAA book series editor

Contributed by:  F. L. Lewis, Automation and
Robotics Research Institute, The University of
Texas at Arlington, flewis@controls.uta.edu


Y.H. Kim and F.L. Lewis.  World Scientific, 1998.
ISBN 9810233760

This book provides rigorous design techniques
for High-Level intelligent feedback control
systems, including reinforcement learning neural
net (NN) control, reinforcement learning fuzzy
logic control, and neural net optimal HJB
control.  Also discussed are NN friction
compensation and output-feedback control using
Dynamic NN.  Mathematical proofs of stability
lift intelligent control design to the level of
firm engineering theory and practice.  This book
provides links between feedback control
techniques and computer science AI techniques.

Selected Topics from Table of Contents

Chapter 2.  Background on neural networks, fuzzy
logic systems, and learning paradigms

Chapter 3.  NN control of multiple robot

Chapter 4.  Output feedback control using
dynamic neural networks

Chapter 5.  NN observer design for nonlinear

Chapter 6.  NN direct reinforcement learning

Chapter 7.  Fuzzy logic direct reinforcement
learning control

Chapter 8.  NN friction compensation

Chapter 9.  NN Optimal control using Hamilton-
Jacobi-Bellman design

Contributed by: Sergei V. Zubov (zubov@dc2.ff.phys.spbu.ru)

I am an author (in co-authorship with  Nickolay V. Zubov) of a book
"Mathematical Methods for Stabilization of Dynamical Systems", pub-
lished by St.-Petersburg State University, 1996/for individual book
orders price is $30.00 (US dollars), for corporate book orders (for
organizations) price is $60.00 (US dollars) /286 pages/illustrated/
/ hardcover / ISBN 5-288-01255-5/(in Russian). If you want to order
this book, please, let me know.

Price is subject to change.
Below is an advertising information about mentioned book.



           St.-Petersburg State University Publishing Company,
                        St.-Petersburg, 1996

A book is dedicated to a memory of outstanding Russian mathematician
Andrey N. Tikhonov (30.10.1906 - 07.10.1993), Academician of Russian
Academy of Sciences, a world-wide leading specialist in mathematical
physics, ill-posed problems, calculating mathematics and other
branches of science. A portrait of this famous scientist is placed
in a frontispiece of a book.

   THE AUTHORS: Sergey V. Zubov is a Candidate  of Science (Physics
and Mathematics), Associate Professor  of St.-Petersburg State Uni-
versity, one of the Russian leading specialists in stability of ra-
ted motion in control systems, in application of hysteresis functi-
ons for stabilization  of dynamical systems, in the theory of boun-
dary-value  problems for  ordinary differential  equations with un-
fixed boundary conditions, an author of fundamental works on theory
of rated stability.

   Nickolay V. Zubov is a Candidate of  Science (Physics and Mathe-
matics), Head of Department in Institute for  High-Efficient Compu-
ting Systems (Moscow, Russian Academy of Scienses), one of the Rus-
sian leading  specialists in ordinary  differential  equations with
delay argument, in  boundary-value  problems for ordinary differen-
tial  equations with  two-sided boundary  conditions of  inequality
type, an author of fundamental  works on theory of stabilization in
dynamical systems with after-effect.

   CONTENTS: The book consists of introduction, five  chapters, ap-
pendices and bibliography.

   Chapter 1. Stability of rated motions for differential equations
   Chapter 2. Construction of stabilization systems for rated moti-
   Chapter 3. Construction of solutions for boundary-value problems
              of nonlinear systems for ordinary differential equations
   Chapter 4. Construction of  control actions for systems with af-
   Chapter 5. Investigation of  dynamics for  multistage  processes

   READERSHIP: The book is addressed to University  students, rese-
archers in ordinary differential equations  and control theory, ap-
plied mathematicians and theorist-engineers, employing mathematical
methods  for designing  and investigation  of automatic control sy-

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Hershkowitz Daniel 

The ELECTRONIC Journal of LINEAR ALGEBRA (ELA) is happy to announce the
appointment of five new advisory editors and three new associate editors.

The new advisory editors are:

 Richard A. Brualdi
 Ludwig Elsner
 Miroslav Fiedler
 Shmuel Friedland
 Hans Schneider

The new associate editors are:

 Ravindra B. Bapat
 Steve Kirkland
 Bryan L. Shader

Our entire board is shown in ELA's primary homepage:


and in ELA's mirror sites are:

 http://www.math.temple.edu/iic/ela          (Temple University)
 http://hermite.cii.fc.ul.pt/iic/ela/        (Univ. Lisbon)
 http://www.tu-chemnitz.de/ftp-home/pub/ela  (Univ. Chemnitz)
 http://www.emis.de/journals/ELA/            (EMIS)

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 286
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 17-Dec-1998

pp 1-17
Infima of hilbert space effects
T Moreland, S Gudder

pp 19-35
Ambiguity resistant polynomial matrices

pp 37-44
Products of diagonalizable matrices over a field of characteristic
JD Botha

pp 45-68
Restrictions on implicit filtering techniques for orthogonal
projection methods
G De Samblanx

pp 69-85
Construction and decoding of BCH codes over finite commutative rings
AA De Andrade

pp 87-106
A Young-Eidson's type algorithm for complex p-cyclic SOR spectra
S Galanis, A Hadjidimos

pp 107-133
Convex convertible cones of matrices-a unified framework for the
equations of Sylvester, Lyapunov and Riccati
I Lewkowicz

pp 135-148
Time-varying discrete Riccati equation:some monotonicity results
G Freiling

pp 149-173
Geometric proofs of some theorems of Schur-Horn type
RS Leite, C Tomei

pp 175-186
On normal affine semigroups
JC Rosales

pp 187-196
A generalization of Sourour's theorem
EW Ellers

pp 197-208
A conjecture concerning strongly connected graphs

pp 209-221
Some inequalities for singular values and eigenvalues of generalized
schur complements of products of matrices
J Liu

pp 223-259
Inversion of a generalized block loewner matrix, the minimal partial
realization, and matrix rational interpolation problem
GN Chen

pp 261-272
Schur norms of bicirculant matrices
M Hladnik

pp 273-285
The Holens-Dokovic conjecture on permanent fails!
IM Wanless

pp 287-295
On matrix groups with finite spectrum
G Cigler

pp 297-301
Norm inequalities for Cartesian  decompositions

pp 303-309
Right eigenvalues for quaternionic matrices: A topological approach
A Baker

pp 311-321
Some linear preserver problem on B(H) concerning rank an corank
L Molnar

pp 323-324
Author index vol. 286

             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 288
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 01-Feb-1999

pp 1-10
Positive definite completions and determinant maximization
W Glunt, TL Hayden

pp 11-22
On constructing matrices with prescribed singular values and diagonal

pp 23-33
Trace form preservers
DB Shapiro

pp 35-43
Hadamard inverses, square roots and products of almost semidefinite
RB Reams

pp 45-51
Forme de Jordan des extensions d'operateurs lineaires (probleme de
Carlson) et sous-espaces reduisants minimaux contenant un sous-espace

pp 53-73
Matrix majorization
G Dahl

pp 75-88
Structured backwards errors for KKT systems
JG Sun

pp 89-104
Commutativity preserving linear maps and lie automorphisms of
triangular matrix algebras
LW Marcoux

pp 105-121
A matrix Euclidian algorithm induced by state space realisation
BM Allen

pp 123-148
The Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problems and power moment problems
for matrix-valued functions

pp 149-173
Sub-direct sums and positivity classes of matrices
SM Fallat

pp 175-186
On the numerical solution of a nonlinear matrix equation in Markov

pp 187-198
On the contribution of cardinalities of row space of Boolean matrices
L Zhong

pp 199-210
S-subunitvariant norms
B Lavric

pp 211-217
Maximum rank matrix completion
JF Geelen

pp 219-228
Estimation of the mean and the covariance matrix under a marginal
independence assumption- an application of matrix differential
E Cramer

pp 229-241
Exponents of indecomposability
J Shen, DA Gregory

pp 243-247
Remarque sur l'approximation positive contractante
S Cherki

pp 249-258
Applications of vector bundles to factorization of rational matrices
V Lomadze

pp 259-267
On a conjecture of Fiedler and Markham

pp 269-281
Finite rank Hankel operators on the polydisk
C Gu

pp 283-292
The numerical range of products of normal matrices
SW Drury

pp 293-312
Computation of formal fundamental solutions
W Balser

pp 315-316
Author index

ContentsDirect lists the first author of each paper and the
corresponding author (if different).


             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 289
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 01-Mar-1999

       Seventh Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics

        Special Editors: S.PUNTANEN, G.P.H.STYAN, H.J.WERNER

pp 1-2

pp 3-24
Improved biased estimation in an ANOVA model
SE Ahmed

pp 25-39
Mimimax adjustment technique and fuzzy information
BF Arnold

pp 41-54
Monte Carlo estimates of the log determinant of large sparse matrices
RP Barry

pp 55-74
Linear restrictions, rank reduction, and biased estimation in linear
JS Chipman

pp 75-94
Spherical functions on the Grassmann manifold and generalized Jacobi
polynominals-Part 1
AW Davis

pp 95-119
Spherical functions on the Grassmann manifold and generalized Jacobi
polynominals-Part 2
AW Davis

pp 121-126
A class of statistical estimators related to principal components
RW Farebrother

pp 127-130
Solution to a rank equation
J Gross

pp 131-134
Explicit solutions to the matrix inverse problem AX=B
J Gross

pp 135-139
Idempotency of the Hermitian part of a complex matrix
J Grob

pp 141-150
On the product of orthogonal projectors
J Grob

pp 151-160
A note on the rank-subtractivity ordering
J Gross

pp 161-168
Partial orderings, preordenings, and the polar decomposition of
J Gross

pp 169-182
On semi-orthogonality and a special class of matrices
J Gross

pp 183-201
Frechet distance as a tool for diagnosing multivariate data
ALIS Hadi, H Nyquist

pp 203-224
Use of the Gibbs sampler to invert large, possible sparse, positive
definite matrices
DA Harville

pp 225-242
Changes in the general linear model: a unified approach
SR Jammalamadaka

pp 243-259
The Marcus-de Oliveira conjecture, bilinear forms, and cones
A Kovacec

pp 261-266
A note on the parameter set for factor analysis models
WP Krijnen

pp 267-277
Matrix results on the Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh products
S Liu

pp 279-284
Simultaneous polar decomposition of rectangular complex matrices
A Markiewicz

pp 285-296
Softly unbiased estimation part 1: the Gauss-Markov model
B Schaffrin

pp 297-310
On oblique projectors
Y Takane

pp 311-318
Some new results on correlation-preserving factor scores prediction
JMF Ten Berge

pp 319-332
The perturbed nonhomogeneous Markov systems
PCG Vassiliou

pp 333-342
Two-way selection of covariables in multivariate growth curve models
SG Wangi, T Nummi

pp 343-344
Author index to volume 289


             ContentsDirect from Elsevier Science

URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/jnlnr/07738

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
ISSN   : 0024-3795
Volume : 290
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 12-Mar-1999

pp 1-22
Real quadratic flexible division algebras
JA Cuenca Mira, A Rochdi

pp 23-29
On local w-uniqueness of solutions to linear complementarity problem

pp 31-48
Singular numbers of contractions in spaces with an indefinite metric
and Yamamoto's theorem
A Ben-Artzi

pp 49-59
The relationship between the class u_2(R,S) of (0,1,2)-matrices and
the collection of constellation matrices

pp 61-94
Extending the notions of companion and infinite companion to matrix
M Van Barel, V Ptak

pp 95-108
Index of Hadamard multiplication by positive matrices
D Stojanoff

pp 109-118
A fixed point theorem and a norm inequality for operator means
JS Aujla

pp 119-134
Generalized inversion of finite rank Hankel and Toeplitz operators
with rational matrix symbols
VM Adukov

pp 135-144
An inequality for non-negative matrices
MW Wang, J Shallit

pp 145-166
The contragredient equivalence: application to solve some matrix
P Rubio

pp 167-191
Mappings preserving spectrum and commutativity on Hermitian matrices
T Petek

pp 193-212
The symmetric inverse m-matrix completion problem
CHR Johnson, RL Smith

pp 213-235
The realization graph of a degree sequence with majorization gap 1 is
AR Arikati, UN Peled

pp 237-246
On some properties of p-matrix sets

pp 247-255
A bound for the condition of a hyperboic eigenvector matrix
I Slapnicar, K Veselic

pp 257-266
Irreducible matrices with reducible principal submatrices
D London

pp 267-273
resolving infeasibility inextremal algebras
K Cechlarova

pp 275-301
Eigenvalue interlacing and weight parameters of graphs
MA Fiol

pp 303-303
Author index to volume 290

Contributed by: g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk

                IFAC Journal: Control Engineering Practice


                Volume : 7, No  : 1 1999

pp 1-10
Advanced control of superheater steam temperatures-an evaluation based on
practical applications
T Moelbak

pp 11-26
Validation of drum boiler models through complete dynamic tests
A Leva, C Maffezzoni, G Benelli

pp 27-40
Dynamic interactions between power plants and power systems
E Welfonder

pp 41-47
Active suspension of passenger cars using linear and fuzzy-logic controls
T Yoshimura, K Nakaminami, M Kurimoto, J Hino

pp 49-55
Sensor fault diagnosis in a chemical process via RBF neural networks
DL Yu, BJ Gomm, D Williams

pp 57-61
Dedicated sensor and classifier of rail head defects
L Oukhellou, P Aknin, JP Perrin

pp 63-70
I1-norm optimal control of n-removal in an activated sludge process
LJS Lukasse, KJ Keesman, G Van Straten

pp 71-77
Robust identification of first-order plus dead-time model from step
Q Bi, WJ Cai, EL Lee, QG Wang, CC Hang, Y Zhang

pp 79-79
Preface to the special section on intelligent components and instruments
for control application
L Foulloy

pp 81-94
Fieldbuses and interoperability
JP Thomesse

pp 95-100
Actuator-sensor-interface interconnectivity
M Sveda, R Vrba

pp 101-108
Using a planning scheduler to improve the flexibility of real-time fieldbus
L Almeida, R Pasadas, JA Fonseca

pp 109-115
Specification and modelling of time-window mechanisms for the FIP fieldbus
P Lorenz

pp 117-121
Neural networks and stochastic search methods applied to industrial
capacitive tomography
J Tapson

pp 123-131
Techniques for reducing false alarms in infrared forest-fire automatic
detection systems
A Ollero, BC Arrue, JR Martinez, JJ Murillo

pp 145-145
Book review - Electromagnetics and calculation of fields by Nathan Ida and
Joao P.A. Bastos
C Christodoulou

pp 146-146
Book review: Evolutionary algorithms in management applications
ST Wierzchon

Prof. George W Irwin
Advanced Control Engineering
EE Engineering
The Queen's University of Belfast
Belfast BT9 5AH

Voice: +44(0)1232 335439
UK Mobile:07788668548
Fax:   +44(0)1232 664265
email: g.irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk
web:   www.ee.qub.ac.uk

CEP email:cep@ee.qub.ac.uk

Contributed by: ???

Content EJC Issue 1.99 : papers and discussions

Contributed by: Y. A. Tsypkin, B and T. Polyak
High-Gain Robust Control

Contributed by: M. Boulvin, C. Renotte, A. Vande Wouwer and M. Remy
Modeling, Simulation and Evaluation of Control Loops for a Cement Grinding

Contributed by: I. K. Kookos, A. I. Lygeros and K. G. Arvanitis
On Line PI Controller Tuning for Integrator/Dead Time Processes

Contributed by: D. Nesic and I. M. Y. MareelS
Stabilisability and Stability for Explicit and Implicit Polynomial Systems:
A Symbolic            Computation Approach
Discussion on the paper by S. Diop.

Contributed by: A. Farina and A. Graziano
IM3HT Algorithm : A Joint Formulation of IMM and MHT for Multitarget Tracking
Discussion on the paper by Y. Bar-Shalom.

Contributed by: G. Freiling, G. Jank and H. Abou-Kandil
Discrete Time Riccati Equations in Open Loop Nash and Stackelberg Games
Discussion on the paper by G. De Nicolao.

Contributed by: J. Hennet and T. Dorea
Invariance Conditions of Polyhedral Domains for Continuous Time Systems
Discussion on the paper by F. Blanchini and S. Miani.

Contributed by: M. Alamir and N. Marchand
Numerical Stabilisation of Non-Linear Systems- Exact Theory and
Approximative Numerical Implementation

Contributed by: J. Alvarez Samirez, R. Suarez and R. Femat
Robust Control of a Class of Uncertain Non-Linear Systems in Strict
Feedback Form

Contributed by: E. Panteley and A. Loria
Global Uniform Asymptotic Stability of Cascaded Non Autonomous Non-Linear

Contributed by:  J. Bruls, C. T. Chou, B. R. J. Haverkamp and M. Verhaegen
Linear and Non-Linear System Identification Using Separable Least-Squares

Contributed by: H. Werner
Tracking and Disturbance Rejection for an Uncertain System Using Fast
Output Sampling

Contributed by: O. M. Grasselli, L. Menini and P. Valigi
Output Regulation, Tracking and Nominal Decoupling with Stability for
Uncertain Linear Periodic Systems

Contributed by: D. Henrion, G. Garcia and S. Tarbouriech
Piecewise-Linear Robust Control of Systems with Input Constraints

Contributed by: Q.J. Staffans
Quadratic Optimal Control Through Spectral and Coprime Factorisation

Contributed by:Clarence W. de Silva, Regional Editor

Journal: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
         (International Journal of Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
ISSN   : 0952-1976
Volume : 12
Issue  : 1
Date   : 19-Jan-1999

pp 1-1
No Author

pp 3-19
Real-time adaptive neural control of a class of nonlinear systems
I Lizarraga, V Etxebarria

pp 21-35
Neural-network-based d-step-ahead predictors for nonlinear systems
with time delay
Y Tan, AV Cauwenberghe

pp 37-42
Multiagent AI implementations an emerging software engineering trend
CF Nourani

pp 43-57
A framework for developing an agent-based collaborative
service-support system in a manufacturing information network
SK Tso, HCW Lau, JKL Ho, WJ Zhang

pp 59-78
Decomposition of interacting features using a Kohonen self-organizing
feature map neural network
AH Zulkifli, S Meeran

pp 79-92
Fuzzy modeling of enzymatic penicillin-G conversion
R Babuska, HB Verbruggen, HJL Van Can

pp 93-109
On-line learning of fuzzy decision trees for global path planning
GHS Hamzei, DJ Mulvaney
If you are interested in this journal, please send a message to:



1.  Your name
2.  The e-mail address
3.  Your full mailing address
4.  The journal title, and the information which you require.

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Ed Boje (boje@eng.und.ac.za)

                International Symposium on
            Quantitative Feedback Theory and
            Robust Frequency Domain Methods

26 & 27 August 1999

Co-Sponsors: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development
South African Council for Automation and Computation
South African Institute of Measurement and Control
Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

2nd Announcement and Call for Papers

This symposium will be the fourth in series of specialist conferences
on quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and other robust frequency domain
design methods. Its purpose is to bring together practitioners and
researchers in the field and to promote the development of these
methods and their practical application.

Application, tutorial, and theoretical papers are invited in the field
of frequency domain design with the following deadlines:

Abstracts    1 May 1999
Full papers  1 July 1999

Contact Dr Ed Boje (boje@eng.end.ac.za) for further details.

Contributed by: Hershkowitz Daniel 


                          SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT


                           21-25 June, 1999

                           to be held at the

                        Technion, Haifa, Israel

The  Conference  plans  to  cover  all  aspects  of  matrix  theory,
linear algebra, and their applications.

For further information:
Sylvia Schur (Secretary)
Department of Mathematics
Technion-Israel Insitutute of Technology
32000 Haifa, Israel
e-mail: iasm@techunix.technion.ac.il
fax: 972 4 832 4654

Deadline for registration:
The deadline for registration is  March  31,  1999.   Please make
every effort to mail/email your form in time to ensure that it reaches
us before that date.  The conference will commence on the  morning  of
Monday, June 21, 1999, so participants should reach Haifa by  Sunday
evening.  Lectures will be held from  Monday through Friday.

Talks - Abstracts:
If you are interested in presenting a talk, please let us have a title and
a short abstract as soon as possible.  Abstracts should be up to one page
in length and can be sent either by e-mail in TeX or typed and sent by
mail (no larger than 14cm x 20cm).

Conference Proceedings:
A special issue of ELA - The ELECTRONIC Journal of LINEAR ALGEBRA will be
devoted to the conference.  This issue will contain only papers that meet
the publication standards of the journal, and that are approved by normal
refereeing procedures. Papers should be submitted electronically to
ela@math.technion.ac.il in any form of TeX or LaTeX. The submission
deadline is September 15, 1999.

Airport arrival:
A sherut (shared taxi) service has recently  been  introduced  by  the
Amal Taxi Co. from Ben Gurion Airport direct to your hotel  in  Haifa.
The cost is about $15.00 (including service charges) and  the  service
is available  at  all  times.   There  is  also  a  bus  service  from
Ben-Gurion Airport to Haifa  (bus  No.  947)    available  daily  from
6:30-20:40 hours, except for Saturdays.  On Fridays  public  transport
stops before 16:00. Bus  fare  costs  about  $8.00  (payable  only  in
Israeli shekels) per person, and a taxi from  the  Haifa  central  bus
station to your hotel costs about the same. There is  also  a  special
taxi service to Haifa available at the airport for  about  $80.00  per

Hotel rooms will be available for the conference  at the Marom and the
Shulamit Hotels on Mount Carmel at the following rates:

Marom Hotel:
               double room (2 persons sharing):   $ 65.00
               single room:                       $ 50.00

Shulamit Hotel:
               double room (2 persons sharing):   $ 96.00
               single room:                       $ 69.00

The price includes breakfast and service charges.   These  rates  also
apply  to  periods  directly  before  and  after  the  conference,  if
reservations are made together with the registration form. In order to
benefit from the special workshop rates, please complete the  enclosed
registration form and  mail/email  it so as to reach us  no later than
March 31, 1999.

Cultural activities:
Conference tour:
On Wednesday, June 23, there will be a half-day excursion.  The cost
of the  tour will be  $30.00  per person,   depending on the number of
participants.   Please indicate on  the  registration  form whether or
not you wish to participate in this tour.

Conference banquet:
On  Thursday, June 24, the conference banquet will be held. The cost
will be  $40.00  per person.  Please indicate on the registration form
whether or not you wish to participate in the banquet.

Contributed by: Nikos E. Mastorakis

       3rd IMACS-IEEE International Multiconference on


(Also sponsored by WolrdSES, Greece Section of IEEE, MIUE, HNA)
In cooperation with School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of
Southern Mississippi.

Lotfi A. ZADEH L. (CSCC'99 Honorary Chairman)

Athens, July 4-8, 1999


As for the papers of the conferences CSC'96 and CSC'98, we schedule
post-conference publications with the WSES Press.
Accepted papers in CSCC'99 (after Review and full Registration of their
Authors) will be included in these Books. The titles of our new
post-conference books with World SES Press (WSES Press) will be:

The titles of these Special Issues may be finally slightly modified as well
as some other titles may be added.

Previously Special Issues with World Scientific edited by
Nikos E. Mastorakis can be found at the site:

Contributed by:  Bruce Hajek and R.S. Sreenivas


September 22 - 24, 1999

 The Thirty-Seventh Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control,
and Computing will be held from Wednesday, September 22 through Friday,
September 24, 1999, at the Allerton House, the conference center of the
University of Illinois. Allerton House is located twenty-six miles
southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University, in a wooded
area on the Sangamon River. It is part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert
Allerton Park, a complex of natural and man-made beauty designated as a
National natural landmark. The Allerton Park has twenty miles of
well-maintained trails and a living gallery of formal gardens, studded with
sculptures collected from around the world.

Papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of
communication systems, communication and computer networks, detection and
estimation, information theory and error-correcting codes, source coding
and data compression, multiple-access communications, queueing networks,
control systems, robust and nonlinear control, adaptive control,
optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems, robotics and automation,
manufacturing systems, discrete event systems, intelligent control,
multivariable control, adaptive signal processing, numerical methods for
signals and systems, learning theory, neural networks, combinatorial and
geometric algorithms, parallel and distributed computation, computational
complexity, VLSI design algorithms, VLSI architectures for communications
and signal processing, and automated highway systems. Also solicited are
organized sessions for the Conference; prospective organizers should
discuss their plans with the Conference co-chairmen before sending a formal

This year the plenary lecture entitled, "Proportional fairness, resource
pricing and the evolution of congestion control," will be delivered by
Prof. Frank Kelly of Cambridge University, England.

Information for authors: Regular papers, suitable for presentation in
twenty minutes, as well as short papers, suitable for presentation in ten
minutes, are solicited. The purpose of the short paper category is to
encourage authors to present preliminary results of their work. Regular
papers will be published in full (subject to a maximum length of ten 8.5" x
11" pages) in the Conference Proceedings, while short papers will be
limited to two-page summaries in the Proceedings.

For regular papers, a title and a five-to-ten page extended abstract,
including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing, are
required. For short papers, a title and a three-to-five page summary are
required. Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers but cannot be
accommodated in that category will be considered in the short paper
category, unless the authors indicate otherwise.

Three copies of the manuscript should be mailed to 37th Annual Allerton
Conference, Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, 1308
West Main Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801-2307, USA, in time to be received
by July 14, 1999. Submissions by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.

Submissions should specify the name, e-mail address, and postal address of
the author who is to receive all subsequent correspondence. Authors will be
notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 14, 1999, at which time they
will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation of their papers
for the Proceedings. Full camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be
due the last day of the Conference.

Further information on the Conference can be found on the Conference Web
site whose URL is given below.

Conference Co-Chairmen: Bruce Hajek and R.S. Sreenivas
Email: allerton@csl.uiuc.edu    URL:  http://www.comm.csl.uiuc.edu/allerton
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contributed by: Peter D Roberts (p.d.roberts@city.ac.uk)


On 28 and 29 April 1999, the UK Institution of Electrical Engineers
is holding a workshop on Model Predictive Control.

Model predictive control, probably more than any other advanced
control technique, has rapidly found significant application in the
process control industry. The aim of this event is to describe the
various techniques that are available together with latest
developments and examples of industrial applications, with the first
day concentrating mainly on techniques and second day devoted
primarily to applications. The programme contains keynote papers
from leading instigators and practitioners in the field, as well as
contributions from academia and industry. The workshop will have
a tutorial element as well as covering the latest research. The event
will benefit practicing control engineers as well as academics
interested in this important area of modern control.

For more information contact either scurwen@iee.org.uk or
p.d.roberts@city.ac.uk. The programme can be found on the web
page: http://www.iee.org.uk/Events/b28apr99.htm

Contributed by: Michel.Fliess@cmla.ens-cachan.fr

        First announcement and call for papers


The 14th International Symposium on "Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems" (MTNS-2000) will be held in Perpignan, France, from June 19 to 23,

Other important dates:
1 October 1999, submission of extended abstracts (3 to 5 pages)
15 January 2000, acceptance notification
31 March 2000, full paper (e-mail)

Registration Fees (tentative):
Regular fee: 305 euros before 30 April 2000
Industrial participants: 460 euros before 30 April 2000
The fee will include a book of abstracts, the proceedings CD, the coffee
breaks, the welcome reception on Monday 19 June, and the banquet.

For more details see the MTNS-2000 web site:


For further information please contact:

        MTNS-2000 Secretariat
        L.T.S., Universite de Perpignan
        66860 Perpignan Cedex, France

        A. El Jai
        Phone: 33 4 68 66 17 61
        Fax: 33 4 68 66 17 60
        e-mmail: eljai@univ-perp.fr

        M. Fliess
        Phones: 33 1 47 40 59 16 & 33 6 61 19 12 06
        Fax: 33 1 47 40 59 01
        e-mail: fliess@cmla.ens-cachan.fr

Contributed by: Ronald Perez (perez@csd.uwm.edu)

Announcement and Call for Papers for Sessions on Teaching Mechatronics

1999 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent
Mechatronics (AIM'99)
September 19-22, 1999
Atlanta, Georgia

Papers are invited for technical sessions on teaching mechatronics.
Acceptable topics include but are not limited to teaching methodologies,
laboratory experiments, and implementation and/or curriculum issues
related to the teaching of mechatronics at the university level.

In addition, proposals are invited for presentations to be held in a
poster session in which mechatronics experiments will be demonstrated.
Live and/or video-taped demonstrations of mechatronics experiments are

Session deadlines and details for submitting manuscripts and proposals
for demonstrations are listed in the attached flyer.

Session Organizers:

Professor Ronald A. Perez
Mechanical Engineering Department
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
P.O. Box 784
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Telephone:  (414) 229-6543
E-mail:     perez@csd.uwm.edu

Professor William R. Murray
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Washington
UW Box 352600
Seattle, WA 98195-2600
Telephone:  (206) 543-5710
E-mail:     murray@me.washington.edu

Professor John F. Gardner
Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering
Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone:  (814) 865-8281
E-mail:     jfgardner@psu.edu

Professor Imme Ebert-Uphoff
George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0405
Telephone:  (404) 385-0667
E-mail:     imme.ebertuphoff@me.gatech.edu

ontributed by: M. Krstic 

               NSF Workshop on CONTROL OF FLOWS
               San Diego, California
               May 31 and June 1, 1999

The workshop will be held during the two days preceding the
1999 ACC in San Diego. All participants of ACC are invited
to attend (no registration fee).

PURPOSE: The rate of progress and investment into actuator/sensor
technology for flow control has created an unprecedented situation
in which the theory is lagging behind experimentation.  The objective
of the workshop is to thrust the control-theoretic and computational
expertise in this field towards problems with technology-enabling

M. Krstic (UCSD), T. Bewley (UCSD), and B. Bamieh (UCSB)

J. Baillieul (Boston University)
A. Balogh (UC San Diego)
H. T. Banks (North Carolina State University)
B. Bamieh (UC Santa Barbara)
V. Barbu (Iasi University, Romania)
T. Bewley (UC San Diego)
J. Burns (Virginia Tech)
H. Choi (Seoul National University)
P. Christofides (UCLA)
S. Collis (Rice University)
J.-M. Coron (Universite Paris-Sud, France)
B. Farrell (Harvard)
J. Freund (UCLA)
D. Gilliam (Texas Tech)
R. Glowinski (University of Houston)
M. Gunzburger (Iowa State)
M. Heinkenschloss (Rice University)
P. Huerre (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
P. Ioannou (University of Athens)
K. Ito (North Carolina State University)
I. Kevrekidis (Princeton)
J. Kim (UCLA)
P. Koumitsakos (ETH-Zurich)
P. Krishnaprasad (University of Maryland)
M. Krstic, (UC San Diego)
W. Liu (UC San Diego)
I. Mezic (UC Santa Barbara)
R. Murray (Caltech and UTRC)
S. Ravindran (NASA Langley)
J. Speyer (UCLA)
S. Sritharan (Navy-SPAWAR)
E. Titi (UC Irvine)
M. Zianne (Texas A&M)

ARRANGEMENTS: ACC attendees wishing to attend this
workshop are encouraged to book the same hotel they plan
to use for ACC. Even though no registration fee will be
charged for the workshop, for planning purpose we request
RSVP by May 1 to Workshop Secretary, Edith Juanengo,

Contributed by: Lina Karam (karam@asu.edu)


IEEE Signal Processing Society
1999 IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
March 15-19, 1999
Civic Plaza, Hyatt Regency
Phoenix, Arizona, USA

The IEEE Signal Processing Society and the ICASSP-99 Organizing
Committee invite you to attend the world's premier conference in the
field of signal processing.  This year's technical program features
technical papers spanning all aspects of signal processing theory
and practice.  ICASSP-99 conference will introduce the ICASSP Industry
DSP Technology Tracks, a new feature of ICASSP highlighting industrial
aspects and applications of signal processing.  The rich variety of
keynote and plenary speakers, tutorials, exhibits, and social activities
outlined below will be augmented by the appeal of the spectacular spring
season in central Arizona.  Please plan to join us in Phoenix in March!

On-line registration for the conference, tutorials, and hotels
is available at the ICASSP-99 web site http://icassp99.asu.edu/.
On-site registration is also available in the South Lobby of the
Phoenix Civic Plaza.


Topics in the new ICASSP Industry DSP Technology Tracks include DSP
Chips and Architectures; DSP Tools and Rapid Prototyping; DTV and
Multimedia Technologies; Communication Technologies; Adaptive
Interference Cancellation; Automotive Applications; and Defense DSP
Applications.  technical contributors include ALCATEL, AMD, Analog
Devices, DSP Software Engineering; Hitachi; Honeywell; IBM; Intel;
Logic Devices; Lucent Technologies; Motorola, NEC, Nokia; Northrop
Grumman; Qualcomm; Siemens; Sony Research labs; Texas Instruments;
and Xilinx.


Exhibitors at ICASSP-99 will include Texas Instruments, The MathWorks,
Xilinx, DSP Technologies, Elanix, and many other companies well known
in the signal processing community.


March in Phoenix is the pinnacle of the sunny and comfortable desert
springtime.  In addition to the conference banquet under the stars at
the Rawhide Resort, ICASSP-99 has arranged for the availability of
numerous organized outdoor activities.  There are also bountiful
opportunities for informal outings, from a stroll through the Desert
Botanical Garden, to serious hiking, to a day trip to the Grand
Canyon.  Bring walking shoes, shorts, and your camera!

The Phoenix area also offers cultural activities, sporting events,
excellent shopping, and a broad variety of dining.  More information
is being added to the ICASSP-99 web site and still more will be
available at the conference.


ICASSP-99 has selected United Airlines as our official air carrier
and has arranged a special discount agreement.  ICASSP-99 participants
will receive a 5% discount off the lowest applicable fare or 10% off
the unrestricted coach airfare by calling United's toll-free number
(800-521-4041) and referring to the Meeting ID number 526ZF when
making reservations.  An additional 5% discount will apply if
tickets are purchased at least 60 days in advance of the travel
date. Discounted car rentals with Avis and Alamo may also be obtained
at the time airline reservations are made with United.

In addition to United, Phoenix is served by all major U.S. airlines and,
by connection, by many major international air carriers.

The Phoenix Civic Plaza and the conference hotels are located in the
heart of downtown Phoenix, approximately eight kilometers from the
Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport.  Information on local transportation will
be made available at the ICASSP-99 web site http://icassp99.asu.edu

Tutorial day:  March 15, 1999
Technical sessions begin: March 16, 1999

Conference Management Services
3109 Westchester Avenue
College Station, TX  77845-7919
(409) 693-6000 (phone)
(409) 693-6600 (fax)

Contributed by: ???
                            First Call for Papers

   IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence and Systems

                             November 1-3, 1999
                               Washington, DC

                               Sponsored by :
                            IEEE Computer Society


The IEEE International Conference on Information, Intelligence, and Systems
(ICIIS) offers theoretical and practical media for the constructive interaction
among scientists and practitioners from different research fields
(computers, mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, chemistry,
engineering, etc) having as goals the development of methodologies and
tools for the solution of complex problems in neuroscience and
biology, automation and robotics, image, speech and natural languages,
and their integration. The conference is organized as four simultaneous
single-track symposia.


SOME TOPICS: Biological Models, Computational Biology, Evolutionary
Dynamics, Evolutionary Computation Models, Molecular Biology, DNA Sequence
Processing, Genome Processes, DNA Topologies, Genome Mapping and Sequencing,
Learning, Perception, Models of Neural Nets, Neuroscientific Models, etc.

     Program Chairs: J.Gattiker, LANL, and J. Wang, NJIT
     Phone: (505) 665-0604 & (973) 596-3396
     Email: gatt@lanl.gov & jason@village.njit.edu

     Submit summary to:
          JR Gattiker
          TA3, SM43, MSF645, DP13S, XCM
          Los Alamos National Laboratory
          Los Alamos, NM 87544


SOME TOPICS: Robot Path Planning, Multiple Robot Motion Planning, Autonomous
Navigation, Arm/Leg Control, Robot Vision, Visual Tracking, Human-Robot
Symbiosis, Telerobotics, Micro and Nano Robotics, Robot Cooperation,
Assembly Strategies, Sensors, , Walking/Running Robots, Task Planning,
Process Planning, Scheduling, Intelligent Control, etc.

     Program Chairs: L. Tsoukalas, Purdue U. and A.Tascillo, Ford
     Phone: (765) 494-0198 & (313) 845-7427
     Email: tsoukala@helios.ecn.purdue.edu & atascill@ford.com

     Submit summary to:
          L. Tsoukalas
          1290 Nuclear Engineering Building
          Purdue University
          West Lafayette, IN 47907-1290


SOME TOPICS: Image (Coding, Compression, Encryption, Segmentation,
Enhancement, Restoration, Skeletonization, Analysis, Morphology, Databases,
Video, Pattern Recognition, OCR, Image Understanding & Interpretations,
Mathematical Methods); Speech (Coding, Compression, Processing, Analysis,
Synthesis, Recognition, Understanding); Natural Language (NL) Processing,
Computational Linguistics, Document Processing, NL Translation, NL
Understanding, Multimedia, etc.
Papers on the technical details of the commercial (e.g. , consumer
electronics) , scientific, and medical applications of the above are

     Program Chairs: G. Bebis, U. Nevada, and S. Amer, USGS
     Phone: (702) 784-6463 & (605) 594-6864
     Email: bebis@cs.unr.edu & samer@edcmail.cr.usgs.gov

     Submit summary to:
          George Bebis
          Dept of Computer Science
          University of Nevada
          Reno, NV 89557


SOME TOPICS: Agent models and architectures, Agent-oriented programming,
Communication issues and protocols, Cooperation and coordination,
Cooperative information systems, Conflict resolution and negotiation,
Distributed search, Intelligent agents, Multiagent planning and learning,
Practical applications (Enterprise integration, Feature interaction,
Information gathering, Manufacturing, Software agents, Software
engineering), Testbeds and development environments, User interface issues.

     Program Chairs: C. Koutsougeras, Tulane U., and S. Mertoguno, FUJITSU.
     Phone: (504) 862-3369 & (408) 922-9520
     Email: ck@eecs.tulane.edu & jmertohu@fmi.fujitsu.com

     Submit summary to:
          Chris Koutsougeras
          Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Dept.
          Tulane University
          New Orleans, LA 70118

 Information for Authors:

Please send four copies of a paper or an extended summary (3-6 pages)
describing the methodology and/or results by May 15, 1999 to the appropriate
Program Chair's address above. Notification of acceptance (please provide
email address or fax number) by June 30, 1999. Camera ready articles by
August 15, 1999.

Publication of Papers and Awards:

This is a fully refereed conference. The proceedings will be published by
IEEE Computer Society Press. A collection of best papers will be published
in an archival Journal and an Award will be given to each best paper per
Symposium. For further details or more up-to-date information please visit
the conference WWW page at http://iciis99.cs.unr.edu/

Special Sessions:

Proposals are invited for special sessions on any topic relevant to
the symposium. If you are interested in organizing an special session
please follow the procedure outlined below:

1. Submit a proposal (topic area) to one the appropriate program chair.

2. Upon approval, recruit authors for the session (2 hours, 4/5 papers)
   and review papers for appropriate topic/contents.

3. Session chair submits abstract *package* of author/title/extended
   abstracts to the appopriate program chair by May 30.

4. Editorial comments, and official acceptance of the session will be
   made by the program chair(s) by June 30.

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *