E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 122, October 1, 1998.

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 122,  October 1, 1998

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1 SIAM Student Paper Prize
        3.2 SIAM Student Travel Awards
        3.3 SIAG on Optimization Prize
        3.4 The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra
        3.5 VIRUS-WARNING: CCA98 Proceedings CD infected

4.      Positions
        4.1 Faculty positions, Embry-Riddle University
        4.2 Lecturer Institute of Technology and Engineering, New Zealand
        4.3 Post Doctoral Fellowships, Univ. of Maryland
        4.4 Lecturer/Research Fellows, University of Glasgow
        4.5 Post Doctoral position, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal
        4.6 Post Doctoral position, EPFL, Lausanne
        4.7 Faculty positions at polytechnic university, Brooklyn
        4.8 Faculty Position at University of Maryland Baltimore County
        4.9 Ph.D. Research Studentship, Univ. of Leicester
        4.10 Faculty Position, Univ. of Washington, Seattle

5.      Books
        5.1 Dynamics and control of structures: a modal approach, W. Gawronski
        5.2 Fault detection and diagnosis in engineering systems, J. Gertler
        5.3 Mathematical methods for system theory, F. Gentili, L. Menini,
              A. Tornambe`, L. Zaccarian
        5.4 Mathematical control theory, J. Baillieul & J.C. Willems, Eds.
        5.5 Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Applications, C Edwards,
              S. K. Spurgeon
        5.6 Supervisory control of discrete event systems using petri nets,
              J. Moody, P. Antsaklis
        5.7 Optimization of linear control systems, F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin

6.      Journals
        6.1 Journal of computational analysis and applications
        6.2 TOC Automatica, 34:10-11
        6.3 TOC European Journal of Control, 4:2-3
        6.4 TOC Journal of The Franklin Institute, 335B:8
        6.5 TOC Electronic journal of Linear Algebra, Vol. 3
        6.6 TOC Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Vol. 282:1-3
        6.7 TOC International Journal of Control, Vol. 71:3-4
        6.8 TOC Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems, Vol. 11:2
        6.9 CfP IJRNC, Spec. Issue on  Control of Underactuated Nonlinear
        6.10 TOC Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 6:4

7.      Conferences
        7.1 Courses on Video and wireless communications, Thailand
        7.2 Symposium on QFT and Robust Frequency Domain Methods
        7.3 Workshop on Real-Time Programming and Active and Real-Time
              Database Systems, Germany
        7.4 Texas Systems Day 1998
        7.5 IASTED Conf. on Modelling and simulation 1999, Philadelphia
        7.6 Final program, Perspectives in control
        7.7 Int. joint conference on neural network, Washington, D.C
        7.8 Biomechatronics workshop, University of Twente

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 122 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear November 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
    to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You
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    To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to
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    "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem.

-4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an
    (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject
    'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl"

-5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you
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    for the string: *.**

              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Sergej Celikousky 

Starting from

September 1st, 1998 to August 31st

my address will be

Dr. Sergej Celikovsky
Centro de Investigacion
y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN
Unidad Guadalajara
Apartado Postal 31-438, Plaza la Luna
Guadalajara, Jalisco 44550

Contributed by: Devendra P. Garg

As of September 1, 1998, I have moved back to Duke University after
completing my term of assignment at the National Science Foundation.

Devendra P. Garg, Ph. D.
Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Box 90300, Duke University
Durham, N.C. 27708 - 0300

Phone:  (919) 660 - 5330
Fax:    (919) 660 - 8963
E-Mail: dpgarg@duke.edu

Contributed by: Mansour Eslami (eslami@eecs.uic.edu)

                      In Memoriam -- Thomas J. Higgins

It is my sad duty to inform that Professor Thomas J. Higgins passed away
on Sept. 11, 1998 at the age of 87.  There will be a celebration of his
life ceremony on Oct. 18, 1998, in Madison Wisconsin.  He was a great
humanitarian and a great scholar and educator.  Without a doubt, he was
one our most dedicated professionals, who would be missed by all his friends
and students.  In due time, there will be additional information about him
and his contributions which will be appearing in our professional journals.

With fond memories,
Mansour Eslami

Contributed by: Panagiotis Tsiotras 

I have moved from the University of Virginia to Georgia Tech. As of
September 1, 1998 my new contact information is:

Panagiotis Tsiotras
School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0150

Tel: (404) 894-9526
FAX: (404) 894-2760
Email: p.tsiotras@ae.gatech.edu

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                        SIAM Student Paper Prizes

     The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the
     1999 SIAM Annual Meeting, May 12-15, at the Radisson Hotel in
     Atlanta, Georgia.

     If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take
     part in the competition, here are the details:

     The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
     mathematics written by students and submitted to SIAM will
     present their papers at the meeting and each will receive a
     $1,000 cash prize as well as gratis registration for the meeting.
     There is no provision for travel expenses associated with the

     Papers must be singly authored and not previously published or
     submitted for publication to be eligible for consideration.  To
     qualify, authors must be students in good standing who have not
     received their PhDs at the time of submission.

     In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to
     consider SIAM journals.  However, student paper prize winners are
     not guaranteed publication in any SIAM journal; all papers
     submitted to SIAM journals are subject to the same refereeing
     process and standards.

     Submissions must be received in the SIAM office on or before
     February 1, 1999.

     Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular
     mail or fax.  Each submission must include (1) an extended
     abstract NOT LONGER THAN 5 PAGES (including bibliography); (2)
     the complete paper, which will be used solely for clarification
     of any questions; (3) a statement by the student's faculty
     advisor that the paper has been prepared by the author indicated
     and that the author is a student in good standing; (4) a letter
     by the student's faculty advisor describing and evaluating the
     paper's contribution; and (5) a short biography of the student.

     Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and
     quality of exposition.

     The winners will be notified by March 15, 1999.

     Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to
     A. Bogardo at SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
     Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688;telephone (215) 382-9800; e-mail to

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                        SIAM Student Travel Awards
                          for 1999 Conferences

     During 1999, SIAM will make a number of awards for $300 to support
     student travel to each of the following SIAM conferences:

     Tenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, January 17-19,
     Baltimore, MD

     Ninth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing,
     March 22-24, San Antonio, TX

     Fifth SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in
     the Geosciences, March 24-27, San Antonio, TX

     Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization, May 10-12, Atlanta, GA

     SIAM Annual Meeting, May 12-15, Atlanta, GA

     Fifth SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems,
     May 23-27, Snowbird, UT

     Sixth SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, November 2-5,
     Albuquerque, NM

     The awards are to be made from the SIAM Student Travel Fund, created
     in 1991 and maintained through book royalties donated by generous SIAM

     Any full-time student in good standing is eligible to receive an award
     plus gratis meeting registration.  Top priority will be given to
     students presenting papers at the meeting, with second priority to
     students who are co-authors of papers to be presented at the meetings.
     Only students traveling more than 100 miles to the meetings are
     eligible for the awards.

     An application for a travel award must include:

     (1) A letter from the student describing his/her academic standing and
     interests, his/her expected graduation date and degree, advisor's
     name, and, if available, a URL for a working Web page.

     (2) A one-page vita that includes the student's research interests,
     projects, and papers published.

     (3) A detailed letter from the student's faculty advisor indicating
     why the student is deserving of receiving a travel award and any
     special circumstances.

     (4) If applicable, the title(s) of the paper(s) to be presented
     (co-authored) by the student at the meeting.

     Applications should be sent to the SIAM office (Attention: SIAM
     Student Travel Awards), 3600 University City Science Center,
     Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688.  Students also may apply by e-mail to
     bogardo@siam.org or by fax to 215-386-7999.

     Complete applications must be received at the SIAM office no later
     than TWO MONTHS before the first day of the meeting for which support
     is requested.

     Winners will be notified FIVE WEEKS before the first day of the
     meeting. Checks for the awards will be given to the student awardees
     when they arrive at the given meeting and pick up their registration
     packet at the SIAM Registration Desk.

Contributed by:  bogardo@siam.org

                               Call for Nominations

                    SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Prize

     The SIAM Activity Group on Optimization Prize (SIAG/OPT) will be
     awarded at the Sixth SIAM Conference on Optimization to be held
     in Atlanta, May 10-12, 1999.

     The prize is awarded to the author(s) of the most outstanding
     paper, as determined by the prize committee, on a topic in
     optimization published in English in a peer-reviewed journal.


     Candidate papers must be published in English in a peer-reviewed
     journal bearing a publication date within the period January 1,
     1995 to December 31, 1998.  The paper must contain significant
     research contributions to the field of optimization, as commonly
     defined in the mathematical literature, with direct or potential

     Description of the Award

     The award will consist of a plaque and a certificate.  The chair
     of the prize committee will notify the recipient(s) of the award
     in advance of the award date.  An invitation will be extended to
     the recipient(s) to attend the award ceremony to receive the award
     and to present the paper. At least one of the awardees is expected
     to attend the ceremony and present the winning paper.


     Nominations, which should consist of a copy of the paper and a
     cover letter, must be received in the SIAM Office by JANUARY 15,
     1999.  Please send nominations to:

               Chair, SIAG/OPT Prize Selection Committee
               c/o  Allison Bogardo
               3600 University City Science Center
               Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
               Fax: 215-386-7999
               Telephone: 215-382-9800, Ext. 302
               E-mail: bogardo@siam.org

     Members of the selection committee are John Birge (University of
     Michigan), Roger Fletcher (University of Dundee), Jan Karel
     Lenstra (Technical University of Eindhoven), Stephen M. Robinson
     (University of Wisconsin), and Stephen J. Wright, chair (Argonne
     National Laboratory).

Contributed by: Hershkowitz Daniel 

              The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra

The Hans Schneider Prize in Linear Algebra is awarded by the International
Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) for research contributions and achievements
at the highest level in Linear Algebra. The Prize may be awarded for an
outstanding scientific achievement or for lifetime contribution. The Prize
is awarded every three years at an appropriate ILAS meeting, as decided
upon by the ILAS Executive Board. In any year in which a Prize is awarded,
there may be more than one recipient, within the discretion of the Board.
The first prize was awarded in 1993 to Miroslav Fiedler, Shmuel Friedland
and Israel Gohberg. The second prize was awarded in 1996 to Mike Boyle and
David Handelman (jointly), and to Robert Thompson (posthumously).

Procedure for determining the winner
A Prize Committee is established by the ILAS President upon the
recommendation of the ILAS Executive Board. The Committee solicits
nominations from members of the linear algebra community of people of
outstanding achievement in the subject and the Committee makes
recommendations to the ILAS Executive Board, which then makes the award.
(There shall be no restrictions on whom shall receive the Prize based on
sex, race, national origin, age or the time since the recipient took his
or her last academic degree). The recipient is notified at least two
months prior to the ILAS meeting at which the Prize is to be presented and
is also invited to give a talk at that meeting.

Nature of the Prize
The Prize consists of a plaque and a certificate containing the citation.
The Executive Board may also decide to make a cash award to the recipient
and/or make a contribution towards the expenses incurred in attending the
award ceremony.

The funding for the Prize comes from the interest accruing on a large
donation made to ILAS by Hans Schneider and a number of small
contributions from other people.

Next (third) Award
The third prize will be awarded at the ILAS conference in Barcelona,
Spain, in July 1999. The Prize Committee consists of:

    Angelika Bunse-Gerstner

    Biswa Datta

    Miroslav Fiedler

    Russell Merris

    Hans Schneider (chair)


    Richard A, Brualdi (ILAS President, ex-officio).


Nominations are now being invited from members of ILAS and the linear
algebra community in general of distinguished individuals judged worthy of
consideration for the Prize.  In nominating a person, the nominator should
include a brief biographical sketch together with a statement explaining
why the nominee is considered worthy of the Prize. The nominator should
include references to the publications or other contributions of the
nominee which are considered most significant in making this assessment.
Nominations received by Nov 15 will receive full consideration. They
should be sent to the chair of the committee

Hans Schneider
Department of Mathematics
Van Vleck Hall
480 Lincoln Drive
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Madison WI 53706 USA

Contributed by: 

Dear Sirs,

we checked out the CDs with several virus scanners. Now there is no
doubt about it: The CD is infected with the W32.CIH.SPACEFILLER

Please forward this mail (and the attachment) to the e-letter list.

The  Quicktime \ACROBAT\QUICKTIM\QT32.EXE file is infected with the
CIH Spacefiller virus version 1003. This special virus will become
active on the 26th of April of each year. This virus is extremely
dangerous scince it will delete the harddrive of the computer.
Moreover, if the mainboard uses an flash bios, this bios will be
deleted, too. If the bios is deleted, it has to be repaced.
Otherwise the computer is not bootable. More information about this
virus can be found on: http:\\www.avp.ch (select: AVPE and than CIH).

The organisation team of the CCA98 are informed and will try to
contact all participants.

Best regards,

Gregor Fernholz

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Andrew J. Kornecki (korn@db.erau.edu)

Faculty Positions

Applications are invited for faculty at the Department of Computing and
Mathematics of Embry-Riddle University in Daytona Beach,
Florida. Appointments are available for both tenure track and non-tenure
track faculty beginning in the spring 1999.

The tenure track positions require a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering/Science
or closely related field. Applicants should desire to teach at the
undergraduate and graduate level, as well as conduct applied research. The
non-tenure track positions are primarily teaching positions and require as a
minimum a Masters degree in a computing discipline. Relevant significant
industry experience and demonstrated teaching skills are required. It is
expected that the candidates can either teach over wide spectrum of Computes
Science curriculum or significantly contribute to the delivery of our
Computer Engineering program.

The Department offers four degree programs; a BS in Computer Science with
emphasis on Software Engineering, a BS in Computer Engineering , a Master of
Software Engineering (MSE); and a Master od Science in Industrial
Optimization (MSIO), as well as several undergraduate minor study programs.
The curriculum and research projects have an applied science focus and
emphasize software development process in a real-time, safety critical
environment. A number of facilities dedicated to Department use, include
computerized classrooms, UNIX and WindowNT general workstations, a real
time, graphics, and team software development laboratories.

The Department of Computing and Mathematics has 30 faculty, over 280
computer science and engineering majors, and over 40 software engineering
graduate students.

 Applications, including curriculum vitae and the names of at least three
references, should be sent, preferably on e-mail, to:

| Dr. Andrew J. Kornecki                                         |
| Professor, Department of Computing and Mathematics             |
| Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, FL, 32114 |
| Phone: (904) 226-6888,  Fax: (904) 226-6678                    |
| E-mail:  korn@erau.db.erau.edu                                 |
| World Wide Web: http://erau.db.erau.edu/~korn                  |

Contributed by: Clive Marsh 


Institute of Technology and Engineering

The Institute of Technology and Engineering offers unique academic and
research programmes in Industrial Operations Research.  The undergraduate
and postgraduate programmes provide the graduates with the theoretical
skills and problem solving experience necessary to analyse man-machine
systems for applications in industry and business.  Postgraduate and
research programmes focus on systems optimisation, modelling and control,
control system design, decision analysis, modelling for inventory
management and simulation.

You will develop and teach industrial operations research specialist
courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level.  You will also be expected
to supervise PhD level research.  A contribution to the Institute's
existing research programmes in the related areas of your expertise is
expected and also to develop new research programmes.  You will be expected
to work in a team environment.

You should have an engineering background with a PhD degree or equivalent
in the general area of Industrial Operations Research or Industrial
Engineering and have proven experience in both teaching and research.  The
preferred research areas are applications of mathematical programming,
systems optimisation, control system design and quantitative decision

This position is available from 1 January 1999.

Reference Number                55/98L must be quoted.

Closing Date: 30 October 1998.

General information about the University can be found on the Web at
http://www.massey.ac.nz and at http://www.pncc.govt.nz for information
about Palmerston North

The University reserves the right not to make an appointment or to appoint
by invitation.

An information package including the Conditions of Appointment can be
obtained from the Human Resources Section (telephone 06-350 5299 or email

Applications, including a full Curriculum Vitae and the names, addresses
and facsimile numbers of three referees should be sent to "Academic
Vacancies", Human Resources Section before the closing date specified.

Dr. Clive Marsh
Lecturer in Control Systems
Institute of Technology and Engineering
College of Sciences
Massey University
Palmerston North
Aotearoa New Zealand
Ph: DDI ++64 (0)6 350 4074
Fax:    ++64 (0)6 350 5604

Contributed by: "Susan Frazier" 

                       Subject:                               Time:3:39 PM
  OFFICE MEMO          Post Doctoral Fellowships              Date:9/10/98

We would like to post a notice about our Post-Doctoral Fellowship
opportunities on the E-LETTER on System Control & Signal Processing.  I
understand that this is a free service.  The text is as follows:

Post-Doctoral Fellowships
For Ph.D. recipients in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and related

The Institute for Systems Research is a permanent state-supported institute of
University of Maryland, within the A. James Clark School of Engineering and
the Glenn L. Martin Institute of Technology.  ISR is a self-sustaining
National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center.

The Institute for Systems Research (ISR) is an interdisciplinary research unit
of the University of Maryland.  Located in College Park, Md., ISR generates
fundamental knowledge and technologies of integrated design for control of
complex engineering systems.

The following thrust areas are emphasized:
        Intelligent Control Systems
        Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems
        Systems Integration Methodology

ISRs research programs are at the forefront of advances in modern systems
engineering, and incorporate sophisticated analytical and computational
methods with progressive experimental and modeling techniques.

A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is pursuing
in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern computer
technology to control and communication systems technologies. Extensive
industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.

ISRs research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems; they
include intelligent control of processes, electromechanical motion control,
wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and terrestrial
communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual factories for the
manufacture of electromechanical devices.

While we encourage all persons with interests in systems engineering to apply,
we are especially seeking persons with the following interests:

        Semiconductor manufacturing operations, simulation, process 
          experiments, sensor systems and control
        Air traffic management
        Operations research
        Network and combinatorial optimization
        Human-computer interaction

Departments participating in ISR research include:
        Aerospace Engineering
        Business and Management
        Chemical Engineering
        Civil Engineering
        Computer Science
        Electrical Engineering
        Materials and Nuclear Engineering
        Mechanical Engineering

ISR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are available for recipients of Ph.D. degrees
who have interests in systems engineering and its applications. Candidates
must have received their degrees by August 31 of the same year that the
fellowship begins.
Typically, fellowships are effective from September through August. Academic
excellence and outstanding potential for basic research weigh heavily in
fellowship selection.

ISR Post-Doctoral Fellows enjoy the unique opportunity of participating in
state-of-the-art research in systems engineering. Exceptional opportunities
exist for research in collaboration with leading industrial and government
research laboratories. Appointments offer generous stipends (approximately 40K
per year) and provide excellent benefits. They are typically for one year and
are renewable up to a second year based on performance and the availability of

To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit the
following materials:

        curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
        statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one 
        wishes to participate in this program,
        sample publications,
        three letters of recommendation,
        a transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be)
        earned, showing grades in courses taken.

All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by
January 15 to qualify candidates for fall consideration.

Mail applications to:
Institute for Systems Research
Attn: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Review Committee
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742

For additional information, call 3014056599.

To learn more about ISR, visit our web site at      http://www.isr.umd.edu

Contributed by: John O'Reilly

 Dear Control Community:

As a result of a successful bid to the Scottish Higher Education Funding
Council to create a new  Centre for Economic Renewable Power Delivery,
we are pleased to announce the six new positions, including opportunities
for Control Researchers, that have become available:


Ref. 372/98AL/THES

16,366-28,545 (Sterling Pounds)

Outstanding opportunities have arisen for well qualified highly motivated
persons to lead research within the newly established SHEFC funded
Glasgow-Strathclyde Centre for Economic Renewable Power Delivery.

The mission of this unique Inter-University Centre is to provide
state-of-the-art methods for the economic planning, pricing and power
electronic control of tomorrow's power delivery. These new highly integrated
power systems present a considerable challenge for the development of novel
integrated control strategies in what promises to be a rapidly evolving
control field. This will enable energy suppliers, including renewables, to
provide increased quality and security of supply, whilst ensuring
environmental concerns are met.

To meet the considerable challenges of the new Centre which requires the
successful amalgamation of several disciplines including Power
Electronics, Power Systems, Power Economics, Control Systems and
Renewable Energy Systems, the Department of Electronics & Electrical
Engineering at the University of Glasgow and the Department of Electronic
& Electrical Engineering at the University of Strathclyde are jointly
seeking to appoint two strong lectureship candidates with appropriate
Candidates should have a doctorate from a recognised University with
strong evidence of high quality research. Industrial experience is
desirable for the two posts which are for three years in the first
instance but may become permanent.


Ref: 373/98/THES

15,462-23,241 (Sterling Pounds)

In association with these two lectureships, the two closely located Grade
5 University Departments are also seeking to appoint four Research
Fellows with expertise in the relevant disciplines.  Candidates should
have a doctorate from a recognised University with strong evidence of
high quality research. These appointments will be for up to three years.

Informal enquiries at the University of Glasgow can be made to Professor
John O'Reilly (Tel:+44 141 330 5228, Email: j.oreilly@elec.gla.ac.uk) or
Dr. Enrique Acha (Tel: +44 141 330 5050, Email: e.acha@elec.gla.ac.uk)
and at the University of Strathclyde to Professor Jim McDonald (Tel: +44
141 552 4400 Ext: 2427, Email: j.mcdonald@eee.strathac.uk) or Dr. Bill
Leithead (Tel: +44 141 548 2408, Email: bill@icu.strath.ac.uk).

For an application pack please write quoting appropriate reference number
to the Recruitment Section, Personnel Services, University of Glasgow,
Glasgow, G12 8QQ or look up http://www.gla.ac.uk/ and click on "jobs", or
email personnel@mis.gla.ac.uk

Closing date: 2nd October 1998.

The University is committed to equality of opportunity in employment.

The University of Glasgow is an exempt charity dedicated to teaching and

Contributed by: Richard Hurteau  (hurteau@auto.polymtl.ca)

2-year POSTDOC position

The Perception and Robotics Laboratory of Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal
invites applications for a POST DOCTORAL position in telerobotics available

You will perform research in the area of telerobotics for machinery that
intervenes in unstructured and harsh work sites; mining is one of the major
target application areas. The project includes significant development in
four different facets: interactive 3D sensing, enhanced perception,
intelligent mediation systems, and intelligent control.

You will contribute to the development of new methods and architectures of
intelligent control for robot manipulators and mobile platforms, in close
interaction with other researchers and external industrial partners.

Knowledge of control engineering, robotics, impedance and force control are
required, and an experimental proof of concept has to be realized.

This full-time position is valid for two years and is available
immediately. Yearly salary will be dependent on experience, and will be
conform to national standards

Contributed by: Dominique Bonvin    dominique.bonvin@epfl.ch

     Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL)

The Institut d'Automatique of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Lausanne (EPFL) invites applications for a post-doctoral position in Automatic

Though the position is written up for one year, employment is likely to be
continued up to 6 years upon mutual agreement. The duties will include the
following elements:

 - Research in identification and robust linear control.
 - Supervision of doctoral candidates.
 - Secure funding from national agencies and european research programs.
 - Involvement in collaborative work with industrial partners.

The position is available starting March 1999. Though knowledge of French is
not a requirement, it is expected that the successful candidate quickly
develops a working knowledge of that language. A highly-competitive salary
is offered, the amount of which will depend upon the experience of the

The Institut d'Automatique is a multidisciplinary teaching and research unit
comprised of two professors, a senior lecturer, 3-4 post-doctoral fellows,
about 15 doctoral candidates as well as technical and administrative
supporting staff. Research and computing facilities are of the highest
standard. More information is available on the institute's Web site

Lausanne is a French-speaking, mid-sized city nicely located on the northern
shore of Lake Geneva. It offers a large variety of cultural and recreational
activities. The EPFL campus, which is located 5 km west of the city of
Lausanne, is well served by public transportation.

The application material should include:

 - Curriculum vitae with list of publications and a list of three professional
references with phone, postal and e-mail addresses.
 - One page stating past experiences and future professional objectives.

For further inquiries and application, please write to:

Prof. Dominique Bonvin
Institut d'Automatique
CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
voice   : +41 21 693 3843
fax     : +41 21 693 2574
e-mail  : dominique.bonvin@epfl.ch

Contributed by: Farshad Khorrami 

                       (INCLUDING A CONTROL POSITION)

Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, NY (Brooklyn Poly): The Department of
Electrical Engineering invites applications for several tenure track faculty
positions at both junior and senior levels starting in September 1999. We
are interested in strong candidates committed to teaching and research in
telecommunications, wireless -- networks and systems, computer engineering
and embedded computer systems, optical communications and multimedia
systems. Outstanding candidates in other areas (listed below) will also be
considered. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in EE or a closely related
field. For senior positions, applicants should have a demonstrated ability
to attract external research funding and be able to provide leadership in
national/international academic and scientific arenas. The Department has
active research programs in telecommunications (with a state sponsored
center), high-speed networking(ATM), signal processing, electromagnetics,
control, robotics, and electric power. Donald and Mildred Othmer has
recently endowed the University with approximately $175 Million, and plans
are underway to set up endowed chairs throughout the University. Strong
senior candidates in all areas will be considered for endowed chair
positions as well.  Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae including
names of four references to Professor S. Unnikrishna Pillai, Head,
Electrical Engineering Department, Polytechnic University, Six Metrotech
Center, Brooklyn, New York 11201.  Polytechnic University is an equal
opportunity and affirmative action employer.

Contributed by: Thomas I. Seidman

        Faculty Position at University of Maryland Baltimore County

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Maryland
Baltimore County (UMBC) has a faculty position in applied mathematics
beginning Fall 1999. The position is anticipated to be at the tenure-track
assistant professor level.  The candidate should have an earned doctorate in
mathematics or a related field and be able to interact with one or more of
the department's existing groups in optimization, numerical analysis, PDEs
and systems theory. The applicant should have an active, independent
research program and strong potential for obtaining external funding.

The department offers BS, MS and PhD degrees in applied mathematics and
statistics. Please refer to the web page http://www.math.umbc.edu for
more information. A vita, three letters of reference and a summary of the
candidate's current research program should be sent to: Applied Mathematics
Recruiting Committee, Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD 21250. Screening
of applications will commence December 15, 1998 and will continue until
the position is filled. UMBC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity

Contributed by: hris Edwards

                 A Three Year Ph.D. Research Studentship
                      Control Systems Research Group
                          University of Leicester

A fully funded Ph.D. Research Studentship is available in the Control Systems
Research Group at Leicester University.

Project Title: Sliding Mode Observer Based Techniques for Robust Fault
Detection and Isolation

Supervisor: C. Edwards

This research project is concerned with the development of novel,
theoretically rigorous methods for Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) which
may be applied to nonlinear, complex and uncertain industrial processes. At
present linear observers are commonly used as the basis for FDI schemes. The
proposed work aims to show that through the use of so-called sliding mode
observers, additional information about the nature of the fault can be

The theoretical research will focus on the development of nonlinear observer
schemes which use sliding mode concepts. Typically such observers include a
linear output error injection term (similar to a Luenberger observer)
together with a gain term through which a discontinuous output error
dependent switched term is injected. The applied research will focus on two
significant case studies -- a recently posed ship propulsion bench-mark
problem and an air vehicle system where noise and nonlinear effects are
known to adversely affect FDI systems.

For further information contact:

Dr. C. Edwards
Department of Engineering
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH

Email: ce@sun.engg.le.ac.uk
WWW: http://www.le.ac.uk/engineering

Contributed by:Howard Jay Chizeck (chizeck@ee.washington.edu)

                        Faculty Positions
                        Department of Electrical Engineering
                        UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON
                        Seattle, Washington, USA

        The Department of Electrical Engineering seeks seven new
tenure-track faculty in all areas of electrical engineering, with particular
interest in hybrid and mixed signal devices; analog and digital circuit
design; embedded systems; telecommunications, wireless and network systems;
VLSI, MEMS and microfabrication; image and signal processing; multimedia
devices; electromagnetics and optics; power systems, energy systems, power
electronics, power system economics, and renewable energy; automation and
control; robotics; intelligent systems; and actuators, sensors, and devices.
The Department, College of Engineering, and the University of Washington are
committed to outstanding teaching. Successful applicants will be expected to
provide innovative and quality teaching that integrates research with
instruction. They will be expected to teach both undergraduate and graduate
courses within the Department and to engage in interdisciplinary research.

        Appointments can begin in September or December 1999. Although the
Department is seeking individual(s) at the assistant professor rank, under
unusual circumstances and commensurate with the qualifications of the
individual(s), an appointment may be made at the rank of associate
professor or professor. Applicants must have earned a doctorate by the date
of appointment.

        UW currently has the highest level of federal funding of all public
universities. The EE department currently has 39 faculty (growing to 46),
400 undergraduates, and over 200 graduate students.  Information about the
department is available at http://www.ee.washington.edu.

        Send resume, list of publications, statement of interests and goals,
and the names and addresses of at least five references to EE Faculty
Search Committee,
Department of Electrical Engineering, Box 352500, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195-2500.

        Applications will be accepted until March 1, 1999,
or until the positions are filled. The University of Washington is building
a culturally diverse faculty and strongly encourages applications from
female and minority candidates. The University is an Equal Opportunity,
Affirmative Action Employer.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Wodek Gawronski 

                    NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

                      Wodek Gawronski

      (258 pages, hardcover, ISBN: 0-387-98527-1, $70.00)
                     published by
            Springer-Verlag, New York

>From the book cover:

This book addresses problems in structural dynamics and control encountered
in such applications as aerospace structures, robotics, earthquake damage
prevention, and active noise suppression. The rapid developments of new
technologies and computer power have made it possible to formulate and solve
engineering problems that seemed unapproachable only a few years ago.  The
treatment combines concepts from control engineering (such as system norms
and controllability) and structural engineering (such as modal properties
and modal models), thereby both revealing new structural properties as well
as giving new insights into well-known laws. The techniques discussed will
make it easier for structural engineers to design control systems and for
control engineers to deal with structural dynamics.  The discussion begins
by defining flexible structures and structural models, using such examples
as the international space station and the antennas of NASA's deep space
network. The book then turns to controllability and observability,
properties of system norms (H_inf, H_2, and Hankel), and model reduction in
terms of norms. A discussion of sensor and actuator location follows:
selecting these is rarely an easy task. The concluding chapters discuss the
design of the dissipative, LQG, and H_inf controllers.  Matlab codes for
many of the procedures and methods discussed in the book are included.



Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Flexible Structure Definition
1.2 Examples (Simple Structure, 2D Truss, 3D Truss, Deep Space
    Network Antenna, the International Space Station Structure)

Chapter 2.  Models
2.1 Models of a Linear System
2.2 Second-Order Structural Models (Nodal and Modal Models)
2.3 State-Space Structural Models (Nodal and Modal Models)
2.4 Models with Small Nonproportional Damping

Chapter 3.  Controllability and Observability
3.1 Definition
3.2 Balanced Representation
3.3 Balanced Systems with Integrators
3.4 Structural Properties (State-Space and Second-Order Modal Models)
3.5 Three Ways to Compute Hankel Singular Values

Chapter 4. Norms
4.1 Definition (The H_2, H_inf, and Hankel Norms)
4.2 Properties (The H_2, H_inf, and Hankel Norms)

Chapter 5. Model Reduction
5.1 Reduction through Truncation
5.2 Reduction Errors (H_2, H_inf and Hankel Model Reduction)
5.3 Systems with Integrators
5.4 Structures with Actuators and Sensors (Accelerometers, Proof-
    Mass and Centrifugal Actuators)

Chapter 6. Assignment
6.1 Problem Statement
6.2 Algorithms
6.3 Uniformly Balanced Systems

Chapter 7. Actuator and Sensor Placement
7.1 Problem Statement
7.2 Additive Property of Modal Norms (H_2, H_inf and Hankel Norms)
7.3 Placement Indices and Matrices
7.4 Placement for Large Structures
7.5 Placement for General Plant Configuration


Chapter 8. Dissipative Controllers
8.1 Definition and Properties
8.2 Dissipative Controllers for Flexible Structures
8.3 Design Examples (Simple Structure, 2D Truss)

Chapter 9. LQG Controllers
9.1 Definition and Gains
9.2 Balanced LQG Controller
9.3 Weights of Special Interest
9.4 Low Authority LQG Controller
9.5 Approximate Solutions of CARE and FARE
9.6 Almost-LQG-Balanced Modal Representation
9.7 Three Ways to Compute LQG Singular Values
9.8 Tracking LQG Controller
9.9 Frequency Weighting
9.10 Reduced-Order LQG Controller (Reduction Index, Stability and
     Performance of the Reduced-Order Controller)
9.11 Design Examples (Simple Structure, 3D Truss, 3D Truss with
     Input Filter, The Deep Space Network Antenna)

Chapter 10. H_inf and H_2 Controllers
10.1 Definition and Gains
10.2 The Balanced H_inf Controller
10.3 The H_2 Controller
10.4 The Balanced H_2 Controller
10.5 The Low Authority H_inf Controller
10.6 Approximate Solutions of HCARE and HFARE
10.7 Almost H_inf Balanced Modal Representation
10.8 Three Ways to Compute H_inf Singular Values
10.9 Tracking H_inf Controller
10.10 Frequency Weighting
10.11 The Closed-Loop System
10.12 The Reduced-Order H_inf Controller (Reduction Index, Closed-
      Loop Poles, Controller Performance)
10.13 Design Examples (Simple Structure, 2D Truss with Input Filter,
      Deep Space Network Antenna with Wind Disturbances)

Appendix A. Matlab Functions
A.1 Transformation to the Modal Representation
A.2 Open-Loop Balanced Representation
A.3 H_2 Modal Norm
A.4 H_inf Modal Norm
A.5 Hankel Modal Norm
A.6 LQG Balanced Representation
A.7 H_inf Balanced Representation

Appendix B. Structural Parameters
B.1 Stiffness and Mass Matrices of the 2D Truss
B.2 State-Space Representation of the Deep Space Network Antenna

Contributed by: Janos Gertler             (jgertler@gmu.edu)

        NEW BOOK


                              by Janos Gertler
                          George Mason University

           Marcel Dekker, New York, Basel, Hong Kong, 1998 (504 pages)
                             ISBN: 0-8247-9427-3

        This book is devoted to the model-based approach to fault  detec-
        tion and isolation. Its focus is on dynamic consistency  (parity)
        relations,  with  a  side-focus on  parameter  estimation.  These
        methods are conceptually and computationally straightforward, and
        are  posed in a framework familiar to most practicing  engineers.
        The book is unique in the sense that it offers a deep and unified
        treatment of the subject, based on the author's own research  and
        extensive interaction with the other workers of the field. It  is
        self-contained  in that the background material it  requires,  in
        linear systems, probability and statistics, and parameter estima-
        tion, is presented in the introductory chapters.

        The first chapter defines the fault detection and isolation task,
        followed  by two motivational examples, concerned with  diagnosis
        in automotive engines and in a chemical reaction process.

        The next three chapters contain the theoretical background  mate-
        rial  for  the rest of the book. In Chapter  2,  the  description
        techniques  of  discrete  linear dynamic  systems  are  reviewed,
        including  input-output  and state-space  techniques.  Chapter  3
        reviews some fundamental concepts of probability and  statistics.
        Chapter 4 is an introduction to parameter estimation.

        Chapters  5  through  9 constitute the kernel of  the  book.  The
        fundamental  concepts of analytical redundancy are introduced  in
        Chapter 5. An equivalence between parity relations and  observers
        is demonstrated here. Chapter 6 is devoted to the parity relation
        implementation of residual generators, including direct implemen-
        tation from transfer functions, state-space implementation by the
        Chow-Willsky scheme, and systematic input-output design using the
        fault  system matrix.  In Chapter 7, the concepts and  design  of
        structured residual sets is discussed, together with their parity
        relation  implementation.  Chapter 8 deals with  the  design  and
        implementation  of directional residual sets. Finally, the  above
        ideas and design techniques are extended and applied to  paramet-
        ric faults in Chapter 9. These chapters feature a chain of numer-
        ical examples to illustrate the various ideas and methods.

        Chapters 10 through 13 contain a number of important  extensions.
        Chapter  10  deals  with the subject of  robustness  in  residual
        generation.  Several  approximate  design  techniques,  utilizing
        singular  value  decomposition or constrained  optimization,  are
        described  here.  The statistical evaluation of  parity  equation
        residuals  is discussed in Chapter 11, including the  propagation
        of random noise in the residual generator, testing the  residuals
        for  detection,  and  isolation decisions  based  on  statistical
        analysis. The two final chapters are devoted to parameter estima-
        tion issues. Model building for the detection of additive  faults
        is treated in Chapter 12,  followed in Chapter 13 by the  estima-
        tion of parametric faults and a link to parity relations.  Again,
        concepts and techniques are illustrated by numerical examples.

                            Table of Contents

          1.1. The scope of fault detection and diagnosis
          1.2. Approaches to fault detection and diagnosis
          1.3. Application example: car engine diagnosis
          1.4. Example: complex chemical plant

        2. DISCRETE LINEAR SYSTEMS (56 pages)
          2.1. Static models
          2.2. Discrete transfer function
          2.3. Conventional input-output representations and system
          2.4. Discrete representation of continuous systems
          2.5. Matrix algebra fundamentals
          2.6. Representation in the state space
          2.7. System realization

        3. RANDOM VARIABLES (43 pages)
          3.1. Distribution and expectation of a single variable
          3.2. Bivariate distributions
          3.3. Multivariate distributions
          3.4. The propagation of random signals in discrete linear
               dynamic systems
          3.5. The normal distribution
          3.6. Maximum likelihood estimation
          3.7. Hypothesis testing

          4.1. Static model identification
          4.2. Dynamic models
          4.3. Recursive algorithms
          4.4. Existence conditions
          4.5. The effect of noise
          4.6. Selecting the model structure
          4.A. Appendix: vector derivatives

          5.1. Faults and disturbances
          5.2. Residual generation
          5.3. The design of residual generators

           (63 pages)
          6.1. Parity equation formulations
          6.2. Implementation of a single residual
          6.3. Naive implementation with input/output relations
          6.4. Implementation with the chow-willsky scheme
          6.5. The fault system matrix
          6.6. Systematic implementation with transfer functions

          7.1. Residual structures for single fault isolation
          7.2. Residual structures for multiple fault isolation
          7.3. Parity equation implementation of structured residuals
          7.4. Alternative interpretations of structured parity equations

          8.1. Directional specifications
          8.2. Parity equation implementation of directional residuals
          8.3. Linearly dependent columns

          9.1. Representation of parametric faults
          9.2. Design for parametric faults and model errors
          9.3. Mixed additive and multiplicative faults

          10.1. Perfect decoupling from disturbances
          10.2. Approximate decoupling with singular value decomposition
          10.3. Approximate decoupling with constrained least squares
          10.4. Robustness to multiple models
          10.5. H-infinity design of residual generators
          10.6. Robustness via combinatorial optimization

          11.1. Noise properties and propagation
          11.2. Detection testing
          11.3. Isolation testing
          11.4. Whitening filter

            (28 pages)
          12.1. Modeling errors in the residuals
          12.2. Identification with linearly dependent inputs
          12.3. Direct identification of structured parity relations

            (21 pages)
          13.1. The basic least squares algorithm
          13.2. Estimating the parameter change
          13.3. Estimating changes in the underlying parameters
          13.4. Continuous-time model identification

        REFERENCES (14 pages)

Contributed by:  Gentili, L. Menini, A. Tornambe`, L. Zaccarian.



Authors: : F. Gentili, L. Menini, A. Tornambe`, L. Zaccarian.
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1998.

See it on: http://www.wspc.com/books/mathematics/3663.html


                        SCOPE OF THE BOOK

The above book was designed as a text-book for an undergraduate course in
Applied Mathematics covering those areas of mathematics that should be
part of the background of Engineering and Applied Math students willing to
take further courses in System Theory dealing both with Static
and Dynamical Systems. Such a book can be recommended also as a support for
scientists and researchers in several areas of Engineering and Applied
Sciences who may need to master or quickly reference basic mathematical
tools. Several exercises are included, both of theoretical and computational
nature, so that the reader can deepen and test the knowledge acquired.
In order to help the reader detailed solutions are given for almost
all the exercises and problems.
The text provides an introductory account of some classical basic
notions from the algebra of vectors and matrices with application to
the solution of linear algebraic equations. Special attention has been
devoted to the definition of normed vector spaces, norms of vectors
and norms for linear mappings of vector spaces. Some detailed examples
are reported with special mention to certain functional vector spaces
of particular interest for control theory. A detailed description of
the properties of the solutions of linear difference and differential
equations is given. The theory of Laplace and Z-transforms is covered
in some detail and their use in computing the solutions
of systems of difference or differential equations is shown. A simple
presentation of some notions of abstract algebra, such as semigroups
and binary relations, which may be used to describe systems in an
abstract setting, has been included. Graphs are formally defined as
algebraic objects representing binary relation on discrete sets and
the use of these structures for the modelling of systems is hinted.
A chapter in devoted to some important notions of probability theory,
with special emphasis on discrete probability spaces.

ISBN 981-02-3334-5                          US$   88/61
576pp                                   Pub. date: Aug 1998

Contributed by: John Baillieul

          Deciated to Roger Brockett on his 60-th Birthday

                  J. Baillieul & J.C. Willems, Eds.
                         Springer-Verlag, NY
                         ISBN 0-387-98317-1

                     To appear October 15, 1998
          Advance Orders may be placed at Amazon.com and also

About the book:

This book contains a collection of scientific papers written for the
occasion by former co-workers of Roger W. Brockett.  It is a self-contained
volume which surveys three decades of mathematical control theory and which at
the same time describes how the work of Roger Brockett shaped and influenced
the field.  While intended as a commemorative volume, the book will also
provide an important reference for graduate students and researchers working
in control and system theory.


Foreward                                                      vii

Preface                                                        ix

Contributions                                                xvii

Curriculum Vitae:  Roger Ware Brockett                        xix

1 Path Integrals and Stability                                  1
  J.C. Willems

2 The Estimation Algebra of Nonlinear Filtering                33
  Wing Shing Wong, Stephen S.T. Yau

3 Feedback Linearization                                       66
  A.J. Krener

4 On the Global Analysis of Linear Systems                     99
  Christopher I. Byrnes

5 Geometry and Optimal Control                                140
  H.J. Sussmann

6 Languages, Behaviors, Hybrid Architectures,                 199
  and Motion Control
  Vikram Manikonda, P.S. Krishnaprasad, James Hendler

7 Optimal Control, Geometry, and Mechanics                    227
  V. Jurdjevic

8 Optimal Control, Optimization, and Analytical Mechanics     268
  Anthony M. Bloch, Peter E. Crouch

9 The Geometry of Controlled Mechanical Systems               322
  J. Baillieul

>From the FORWARD

by Sanjoy K. Mitter

        It is unclear when exactly the field of Mathematical Electrical
Engineering was born, but there is no doubt that Kolmogoroff, Krein, Shannon
and Wiener gave the field a definitive form in the late forties and early
fifties through their work on Filtering and Prediction Theory, Information
Theory, and Operator Theory.  The introduction in the early sixties of the
dynamical viewpoint in filtering and control, with its associated methods of
differential equations and Markov processes, gave the field new strength and

        The best work in the field makes it clear that the creative modeling
of phenomena and the conceptualization of systems using mathematics and the
subsequent mathematical analysis of these models to get a deeper
understanding of the phenomena is what is central to the field.  To
paraphrase Galileo, the book of the engineered world is often written in the
language of higher mathematics.  Roger Brockett has been a remarkable
contributor to this tradition of mathematical engineering.  This book bears
testimony to his creativity, virtuosity, and intellectual integrity.  It
gives me great pleasure to see the exploration of his ideas in the papers
that have been written for this volume.  As somebody who knows Roger
Brockett's work well, I can see his invisible touch throughout the book.

        One of the priviliges of being in a university is the satisfaction
of seeing graduate students develop their potential and become creative
scientists in their own right.  I have known all the authors for many years,
some while they were graduate students, and therefore it is doubly a
pleasure to see their contributions in this volume.

    This is an auspicious moment in Roger's life.  Not often will he have
the opportunity to look both forwards and backwards, to take stock of the
past and predict the future.  It remains for me to wish that he will
continue his creative life for the next sixty years.

Contributed by: Chris Edwards & Sarah Spurgeon

                      New Book Announcement

         Sliding Mode Control: Theory and Applications

                     C Edwards & S K Spurgeon

                  Taylor & Francis, London, 1998
                        ISBN 0-7484-0601-8

 One particular approach to robust control controller design is
 the so-called sliding mode control methodology which is a
 particular type of Variable Structure Control System (VSCS).
 Variable Structure Control Systems are characterised by a suite
 of feedback control laws and a decision rule (termed the switching
 function) and can be regarded as a combination of subsystems where
 each subsystem has a fixed control structure and is valid for
 specified regions of system behaviour. The advantage is its ability
 to combine useful properties of each of the composite structures of
 the system. Furthermore, the system may be designed to possess new
 properties not present in any of the composite structures alone.

 In sliding mode control, the VSCS is designed to drive and then
 constrain the system state to lie within a neighbourhood of the
 switching function. Its two main advantages are (1) the dynamic
 behaviour of the system may be tailored by the particular choice
 of switching function, and (2) the closed-loop response becomes
 totally insensitive to a particular class of uncertainty. Also,
 the ability to specify performance directly makes sliding mode
 control attractive from the design perspective.

 This text provides the reader with a thorough grounding in the
 sliding mode control area and as such is appropriate for the
 graduate with a basic knowledge of classical control theory and
 some knowledge of state-space methods. From this basis, more
 advanced theoretical results are developed. Fully worked design
 examples which can be used as tutorial material are included.
 Industrial case studies, which present the results of sliding mode
 controller implementations, and are used to illustrate successful
 practical applications of the theory.


  - An Introduction to Sliding Mode Control
  - Multivariable Systems Theory
  - Sliding Mode Control
  - Sliding Mode Design Approaches
  - Sliding Mode Controllers using Output Information
  - Sliding Mode Observers
  - Observer Based Output Tracking Controllers
  - Automotive Case Studies
  - Furnace Control Case Study

 Further details and an order form can be found on the web site:


Contributed by: John Moody 


John Moody, Lockheed Martin Federal Systems, Owego, NY, USA
Panos Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA

Detailed info.: http://www.nd.edu/~pantsakl/book3/supervis.html

The book presents a novel approach for the supervisory control of discrete
event systems using Petri nets.  The concepts of supervisory control and
discrete event systems are explained, and the background material on general
Petri net theory necessary for using the book's control techniques is
provided.  A large number of examples are used to illustrate the concepts
and techniques presented in the text, and there are plenty of references for
those interested in additional study or more information on a particular

In the area of supervisory control, Petri nets provide an alternative to
automata for modeling discrete event system plants.  Petri nets provide
increased modeling expressiveness and complexity compared to automata,
allowing for a richer range of possible plant behaviors.  Unfortunately this
increase in modeling power typically also increases the difficulty of
synthesizing supervisory controllers.  This difficulty is overcome here for
a large class of supervisory control goals using a method that is based on
Petri net place invariants.  The approach is easy to use and computationally
efficient, both in the design and implementation phases, making the
technique appropriate also for real time control and online control

This book is intended for graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and
practicing engineers who are interested in the control problems of
manufacturing, communication and computer networks, chemical process plants,
and other high level control applications.  The text is written from an
engineering perspective, but it is also appropriate for students of computer
science, applied mathematics, or economics.  The book contains enough
background material to stand alone as an introduction to supervisory control
with Petri nets, but it may also be used as a supplemental text in a course
on discrete event systems or intelligent autonomous control.


     List of Figures, List of Tables, Foreword, Preface
     1 introduction
     2 petri nets
     3 invariant based control design
     4 uncontrollable and unobservable transitions
     5 constraint transformation and controller synthesis
     6 resource management and deadlock avoidance
     7 other control specifications
     8 example applications
     9 summary and conclusions
     Glossary, References, List of Symbols, Index, About the Authors


Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998, 208 pages, hardbound, ISBN:

                                                   Kluwer Academic
P.O. Box 17, 3300 AA Dordrecht  101 Philip Drive, Norwell, MA 02061
The Netherlands                                                 U.S.A.
Phone: (+31) 78 639 23 92                       Phone: (781) 871-6600
Fax: (+31) 78 639 22 54                         Fax: (781) 871-6528
E-mail: Services@wkap.nl                        E-mail: kluwer@wkap.com

Contributed by: Fikret A.Aliev (afikret@lan.ab.az)

Analytical Methods and Computational Algorithms

F.A. Aliev, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Baku State
University,Azerbaijan and V.B. Larin, Institute of Mecha-
nics, Kiev, Ukraine

The authors present analytical methods for synthesis of linear
stationary and periodical optimal controlled systems, and create
effective computational algorithms for synthesis of optimal regu-
lators and filters. The procedures of Youla-Jabr-Bongiomo (1976)
and Desoer-Lin-Murray-Saeks (1980) are special cases of this pro-
cedure. The monograph also includes original computational algo-
rithms (solutions of usual and generalized Lyapunov and Riccati
equations,polynomial matrix factorization) and illustrates the
effectiveness of these algorithms by examples in the field of
numerical methods for optimization of linear controlled systems.

Contents: Linear Quadratic Problem. Method of H2-Optimization
(Frequency Method of Synthesis). Computing Algorithms of the
State Space Method.Computing Algorithms of the Frequency Method
of Synthesis

Cloth * ISBN 90-5699-113-2
US$120/ ECU 109
Gordon and Breach

To Order:

Telephone, Fax or E-mail
Please remember to state hook title, ISBN, and code VVL0698EMO with
your full postal address. Thank you.

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PTT, PO Box 566, Williston, VT 05495-0080 USA
Tel: +1 800 326 8917  Fax: +1 802 864 7626   book.orders@aidcvt.com

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Tel: +44 123 546 5500  Fax: +44 123 546 5555 


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              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: "George Anastassiou" 

a web page:

  Please visit our homepage!

  JoCAAA is calling for papers and subscriptions(PLENUM).
  First issue due to 1-1-99.
     Sincerely Yours
     George Anastassiou
     Editor in-Chief JoCAAA
     University of Memphis

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

October, 1998                                             Issue    34:10



K. Kwakernaak                 A tribute to George Zames

Regular Papers

G. Zames                      Adaptive control: Towards a complexity-based
                              general theory

M. J. Grimble, G. Hearns      LQG controllers for state-space systems with
                              pure transport delays: Application to hot
                              strip mills

G. Prasad, E. Swidenbank, B.  A local model networks based multivariable
 W. Hogg                      long-range predictive control strategy for
                              thermal power plants

H. Chen, F. Allgwer          A quasi-infinite horizon nonlinear model
                              predictive control scheme with guaranteed

Brief Papers

M. Vukobratovic, R. Stojic,   Contribution to the position/force control of
Y. Ekalo                      manipulation robots interacting with dynamic
                              environment - A generalization

R. A. Freeman, M. Krstic, P.  Robustness of adaptive nonlinear control to
 V. Kokotovic                 bounded uncertainties

S. E. Lyshevski               Nonlinear control of servo-systems actuated by
                               permanent - magnet synchronous motors

P. Dorato, L. Menini, C. A.   Robust multi-objective feedback design with
Treml                         linear guaranteed-cost bounds

E-W. Bai, H. Cho, R. Tempo    Convergence properties of the membership set

A. V. Savkin, I. R. Petersen  Almost optimal LQ-control using stable
                              periodic controllers

A. Bemporad                   A predictive controller with artificial
                              Lyapunov function for linear systems with
                              input/state constraints

H. Nijmeijer, S. M. Savaresi  On approximate model-reference control of SISO
                               discrete- time nonlinear systems

 Qing Zhao, Jin Jiang         Reliable state feedback control system design
                              against actuator failures

Technical Communiques

S. M. Shahruz                 Boundary control of the axially moving
                              Kirchhoff string

Weidong Zhang, Youxian Sun,   Two degree-of-freedom Smith predictor for
X. Xu                         processes with time delay

W. R. Cluett, R. K. Mutha,    Modifying the prediction equation for
A. Penlidis                   nonlinear model-based predictive control


                                Table of contents

November, 1998                                            Issue    34:11


Regular Papers

J. Jagannathan                Adaptive fuzzy logic control of feedback
                              linearizable discrete- time dynamical systems
                              under persistence of excitation

F. Gustafsson, S. F. Graebe   Closed loop performance monitoring in the
                              presence of system changes and distrubances

R. Kumar, H. M. Cheung, S.    Extension based limited lookahead supervision
I. Marcus                     of discrete event systems

R. Nikoukhah                  Guaranteed active failure detection and
                              isolation for linear dynamical systems

Q. Zhang, M. Basseville, A.   Fault detection and isolation in nonlinear
Benveniste                    dynamic systems: A combined input-output and
                              local approach

P. A. Parrilo, M. Sznaier,    Mixed time/frequency-domain based robust
R. S. Snchez Pena            identification

M. Basseville                 On-board component fault detection and
                              isolation using the statistical local approach

Brief Papers

PooGyeon Park, Sang Woo Kim   A revisited Tsypkin criterion for
                              discrete-time nonlinear Lur'e systems with
                              monotonic sector-restrictions

Li-Cheng Shen, Pau-Lo Hsu     Robust design of fault isolation observers

L. Qiu, K. Tan                Direct state space solution of multirate
                              sampled-data H2 optimal control

J. Lunze                      On the Markov property of quantised state
                              measurement sequences

Danwei Wang                   Convergence and robustness of discrete time
                              nonlinear systems with iterative learning

Technical Communiques

B. A. Len de la Barra        Linear multivariable servomechanisms
                              revisited: System type and accuracy trade-offs

Xiaoming Hu                   Global nonlinear feedback stabilization and
                              nonpeaking conditions

Z. Swider                     Realization using the (gamma)-operator

Y. Fang, T. W. S. Chow        Iterative learning control of linear
                              discrete-time multivariable systems

J. Y. Keller, M. Darouach     Reduced-order Kalman filter with unknown

X-G. Yan, G.-Z. Dai           Decentralized output feedback robust control
                              for nonlinear large-scale systems

T. Iwasaki, H. Tokunaga, S.   Analysis and synthesis of the robust
Hara                          impulse-to-peak performance

Book Reviews

J. Hrusk:                    A. Vanecek, S. Celikovsky Control systems:
                              From linear analysis to synthesis of chaos

Contributed by: ejc@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr ( Anne-hlne GIREL)

EJC vol 4 n2, 1998 :

Contents European Journal of Control Vol 4 n2  1998


On the use of minimal parametrization in multivariable Armax identification
R. P. Guidorzi

Discussion on the paper by T. Mc Kelvey and the author.

Model set determination and its application to the control of compact disc
T. Zhou, H. G. M. Dotsch, P. M. J. Van den Hof

Adaptative multivariable pH regulation of a biogas tower reactor
A. Ilchman, M. Pahl

Adaptive nonlinear tracking with complete compensation of unknown disturbances
V. O. Nikiforov

Switched controller synthesis for the quadratic stabilization of a pair of
unstable linear systems
M. Wicks, P. Peleties, R. DeCarlo

Application of Nlq neural control theory to a ball and beam system
H. Verrelst, K. Van Acker, J. Suiykens, B. de Moor, J Vandewalle

Output regulation of a flexible spacecraft with exponentially
stable/unstable internal dynamics
P. Lucibello

EJC vol 4 n3, 1998 contents :


Guest editorial by Romeo Ortega

* Friction models and friction compensation

by H. Olsson, K. J. Astrm, C.  Canudas De Wit, M. Gfvert, P. Lichinsky.

* Nonlinear control of the oscillation amplitude of a Coriolis mass flow meter

by D.W. Clarke.

* Sliding controller-sliding observer design for nonlinear systems

by R. Sanchis and H. Nijmeijer.

* On identification of nonlinear regression models : Application to the
cancellation problem in adaptive control

by K. Arent, R.Ortega, J.W. Polderman and I.M.Y. Mareels.

* A predictive reference governor with computational delay
by A. Casavola and E. Mosca.

* Multiple-layer variable structure controller with parameter adaptation

by C. Bonivento and C. Fantuzzi.

* Optimal traffic light control for a single intersection

 by B. De Schutter and B. De Moor.

Contributed by: Tricia Manning 

For information about The Journal of The Franklin Institute, please
contact Tricia Manning at tmanning@fi.edu.

Journal of The Franklin Institute
Volume 335B, Issue 8, November 1998

Special Section on Applications of Digital Signal Processing

pp 1339-1340
PP Vaidyanathan

pp 1341-1366
Optimal waveforms for wideband radar imaging
SM Sowelam, AH Tewfik

pp 1367-1409
Multidimensional filter banks and wavelets - a system theoretic perspective
S Basu

pp 1411-1441
Motion estimation methods for video compression - a review
AJ Tabatabai, RS Jasinschi, T Naveen

Regular Articles

pp 1443-1465
Using bond graphs to synthesize tree-structured transfer functions:
improved frequency domain analysis of uncertain systems
BH Wilson, B Eryilmaz

pp 1467-1476
On explicit equations of the Burmester curves for the PPP-P case in
spherical motion

pp 1477-1492
Optimal control of a class of time-delayed distributed systems by
orthogonal functions
SA Bianco, IS Sadek, MT Kambule

pp 1493-1506
Thermal modeling of steady state contact resistance between two dissimilar
SY Vaidya, A Razani

pp 1507-1518
Balance realization using an orthogonalization procedure and modular
polynomial arithmetic
P Vilbe, S Azou, LC Calvez

1997 Index contents list

1997 Author index

pp X-XII
1997 Subject index

1998 Index contents list

1998 Author Index

1998 Subject Index

Contributed by: Hershkowitz Daniel 

We are happy to announce the completion of Volume 3 of ELA -
the Electronic journal of Linear Algebra, published by ILAS -
the International Linear Algebra Society.
This volume is dedicated to Hans Schneider on the occasion of his 70th

ELA Volume 3 (1998). TABLE OF CONTENTS:

1.The editors, Dedication, p. 1.

2.Daniel Hershkowitz and Richard A. Brualdi, Preface, pp. 2-3.

3.Roger A. Horn and Fuad Kittaneh, Two applications of a bound on the
Hadamard Product with a Cauchy Matrix, pp. 4-12.

4.K.-H. Foerster and B. Nagy, On nonnegative operators and fully cyclic
peripheral spectrum, pp. 13-22.

5.Miroslav Fiedler, Ultrametric sets in Euclidean point spaces, pp. 23-30.

6.Chi-Kwong Li and Leiba Rodman, Shapes and computer generation of
numerical ranges of Krein space operators, pp. 31-47.

7.Shaun Fallat and Steve Kirkland, Extremizing Algebraic Connectivity
Subject to Graph Theoretic Constraints, pp. 48-74.

8.Frank Uhlig, Partial Convergence and Sign Convergence of Matrix Powers
via Eigen c--ads, pp. 75-92.

9.Mao-Ting Chien and Michael Neumann, Positive definiteness of tridiagonal
matrices via the numerical range, pp. 93-102.

10.Cristina Jordan, Juan R. Torregrosa and Ana M. Urbano, On the
Rodman-Shalom conjecture regarding the Jordan form of completions of
partial upper triangular matrices, pp. 103-118.

11.Thomas J. Laffey and Eleanor Meehan, A refinement of an inequality of
Johnson, Loewy and London on nonnegative matrices and some applications,
pp. 119-128.

12.Jeffrey L. Stuart, A polynomial time spectral decomposition test for
certain classes of inverse M-matrices, pp. 129-141.

13.Raphael Loewy and Nizar Radwan, On Spaces of Matrices with a Bounded
Number of Eigenvalues, pp. 142-152.

Contributed by:  Hans Schneider 

Journal: Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume : 282
Issue  : 1-3
Date   : 28-Sep-1998

pp 1-24
A class of parallel decomposition-type ralaxation methods for large sparse
systems of linear equations
ZZ Bai

pp 25-45
Computing hermite and smith normal forms of triangular integer matrices
A Storjohann

pp 47-61
Eigenvalues and eigen-functionals of diagonally dominant endomorphisms in
min-max analysis
M Minoux, M Gondran

pp 63-81
Invariant theory, orbits and non-decomposable quadruples of subspaces
having non-zero defect
FD Grosshans

pp 83-95
Combinatorially orthogonal matrices and related graphs
PM Gibson

pp 97-121
Exact and approximate solutions of some operator equations based on the
cayley transform
IP Gavrilyuk

pp 123-129
Dynamic feedback(A,B)-invariant submodules for linear systems over
commutative noetherian domains
N Ito

pp 131-143
On block cocyclic pairs of nonnegative matrices

pp 145-160
Completions of inverse M-matrix patterns
L Hogben

pp 161-183
An ergodic theorem for classes of preconditioned matrices
S Serra Capizzano

pp 185-198
Numerical ranges of large toeplitz matrices
S Roch

pp 199-220
Minimal null designs of subspace lattice over finite fields
S Cho

pp 221-232
On digraphs and forbidden configurations of strong sign nonsingular
JY Shao

pp 233-247
Global analytic block similarity to a brunovsky form
JM Gracia

pp 249-261
Some asymptotics for triangular matrices over finite fields
F Gerth Iii

pp 263-274
Weak block diagonally dominant matrices, weak block H-matrix and their
SH Xiang

pp 275-295
A fast hankel solver based on an inversion formula for leowner matrices
P Kravanja, M Van Barel

pp 297-310
On the sensitivity of the SR decomposition
XW Chang

pp 311-324
Generalized optimal lattice covering of finite-dimensional euclidean space
D Bryant, P Diamond

pp 325-325
Author index to Volume 282

Contributed by: table-of-contents@deep-thought.tandf.co.uk

Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service
18 September, 1998

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 71  Issue:- 3

Publication Date (Scheduled):  02/10/98


Title: A comparative study of maximum liklihood estimators for nonlinear
dynamical system models
Authors:  I. Shoji.
Pages 391-404.

Title: Observer design for a special class of nonlinear systems
Authors:  K. Busawon, M. Farza, H. Hammouri.
Pages 405-418.

Title: Optimal control of a distributed hyperbolic system with multiple time
- varying lags
Authors:  A. Kowalewski.
Pages 419-435.

Title: On the time-domain performance of multivariable systems in response
to fixed inputs
Authors:  J. K. Vethecan, R. D. Hill.
Pages 437-458.

Title: Modelling study and servo-control of air motor systems
Authors:  J. Wang, J. Pu, P. R. Moore, Z.  Zhang.
Pages 459-476.

Title: Inversion-based sliding control of a flexible-link manipulator
Authors:  M. Moallem, K. Khorasani, R. V. Patel.
Pages 477-490.

Title: A transformation for 2-D linear systems and a generalisation of a
theorem of rosenbrock
Authors:  A. C. Pugh, S. J. McInerney, M. S. Boudellioua, D. S. Johnson, G.
E. Hayton.
Pages 491-503.

Title: Input disturbance estimation in the bounded noise context
Authors:  M. P. Spathopoulos, I. D. Grobov.
Pages 505-516.

Title: (J,J')-Lossless factorization for discrete-time systems
Authors:  Y. S. Hung, D. Chu.
Pages 517-533.

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 71  Issue:- 4

Publication Date (Scheduled):  16/10/98


Title: Structured matrix norms for robust stability and performance with
block-structured uncertainty
Authors:  V-S. Chellaboina, W. M. Haddad, D. S. Bernstein.
Pages 535-557.

Title: Robust H2 control of descriptor system with time-varying uncertainty
Authors:  K. Takaba.
Pages 559-579.

Title: Anisochronic state observers for hereditary systems
Authors:  P. Ztek.
Pages 581-599.

Title: Compensator based output feedback sliding mode controller design
Authors:  C. Edwards, S. K. Spurgeon.
Pages 601-614.

Title: On the reconstruction of a finite sum of sinusoids from non-uniform
periodic samples
Authors:  G. C. Goodwin, A. Feuer, S. J. Lee.
Pages 615-629.

Title: Global minimum-time trajectory planning of mechanical manipulators
using interval analysis
Authors:  A. Piazzi, A. Visioli.
Pages 631-652.

Title: Design for general Hinfinity almost disturbance decoupling problem
with measurement feedback and internal stability - an eigenstructure
assignment approach
Authors:  B. M. Chen, Z. Lin, C. C. Hang.
Pages 653-685.

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 11, Number 2

A. Bacciotti and L. Rosier,
Liapunov and Lagrange stability:
Inverse theorems for discontinuous systems.
MCSS 11 (1998), 101-128.

R. Rebarber and H. Zwart,
Open-loop stabilizability of infinite-dimensional systems.
MCSS 11 (1998), 129-160.

H. Akcay,
An algorithm for robust identification in H-infinity
with nonuniformly spaced frequency response data.
MCSS 11 (1998), 161-181.

Information on MCSS including tables of contents is
available at its home pages:

Address for submissions:
J.H. van Schuppen (Co-Editor MCSS)
P.O.Box 94079
1090 Gb Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Bradley Dickinson, Eduardo Sontag, Jan van Schuppen (Editors)

Contributed by: G.Irwin@ee.qub.ac.uk

                        IFAC Journal: Control Engineering Practice

                                CONTENTS of  Vol 6, No. 4
                        Submitted by George Irwin (Editor-in-Chief)

pp 457-469
Joint diagnosis of process and sensor faults using principal component
R Dunia, SJ Qin

pp 471-479
A PID approach to supressing stick-slip in the positioning of transmission
CC Cheng, CY Chen

pp 481-487
Error analysis for four-axis side milling of undevelopable ruled surfaces
B Yang, MC Leu, J Zhou

pp 489-498
Methodology for a physico-economic product evaluation, starting in the
design phase
D Raviart, O Senechal, C Tahon

pp 499-499
Preface to the Special Section on Computer Aided Control Systems Design
L Boullart

pp 501-510
Physical system modeling with modelica
SE Mattsson, H Elmqvist, M Otter

pp 511-521
A hybrid modeling and verification paradigm for embedded control systems
PJ Mosterman, G Biswas, J Sztipanovits

pp 523-527
Using genetic algorithms to design a control strategy for an industrial
S Sette, L Boullart, L Van Langenhove

pp 529-540
An integrated approach to rapid product development for automotive embedded
control systems
U Lefarth, U Baum, T Beck, K Werther, T Zurawka

pp 541-546
Applying load adaptive real-time algorithms to a vehicle control system
J Pfefferl, G Farber

pp 547-555
Implementation aspects of the PLC standard IEC 1131-3
M Ohman, S Johansson, KE Arzen

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: m.joyce@ic.ac.uk

######   A new initiative from IEEE Circuit & Systems Society  #####

         ******  A gathering of world-class presenters  ******
         ******      on Nov 30  - Dec 11, 1998          ******
         ******     at Phuket Island, Thailand.         ******

           *   VIDEO AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS:          *
           *   AN INTERNATIONAL PROGRAMME OF               *
           *   PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES            *


Co-sponsored by Thai Airways - The official carrier

Maintaining an up-to-date knowledge and professional skills has never been
more important than it is today.

Recognising this as an International Programme of Advanced Continuing Education
(ACE) has been developed as a new initiative the IEEE Circuits and Systems
Society to give professionals the opportunity to hear about
recent developments in an important and growing area of technology - Video
and Wireless Communication.

This is your opportunity to meet and hear the international experts from
around the world.

During the 2-week period, twenty two 3-day courses, addressing key topics in
the field, will be presented by leading international experts and well known

Courses will be divided into 4 groups, each having a good mix of analog and
digital topics and covering key areas in the development of both video and
wireless technology. The complete course list, divided into its four groups,
is given below.



GROUP 1 - November 30 to December 2

MPEG Digital Audio and Video Technology
J. Ostermann, AT&T, USA, P. Noll, Technical University Berlin, Germany & W.
Li, Optivision, USA

Design Methodology and CAD Tools for Analog and Mixed-Signal Integrated
Circuit Design
G. Gielen, Katholieke, Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Circuits
G. De Micheli, Stanford University, USA

Analog Integrated Circuit Design and Broadband Circuit and System
J. Choma, University of Southern California, USA

Advanced Circuit Simulation Technique for Analogue  Designers
M. Green, UC Irvine and L. Trajkovic, UC Berkeley, USA

VHDL Synthesis for FPGAs and CPLDs
P. Cheung, Imperial College, University of London, UK

GROUP 2 - December 3 - 5

Metrics, Techniques and New Developments in Mixed-Signal Testing
G. Roberts, McGill University, Canada

Digital Video Processing
M. Tekalp, University of Rochester, USA

Low Voltage Low Power VLSI Design
M. Ismail, The Ohio State University, USA

DSP for Telecommunications
A.G. Constantinides, Imperial College, University of London, UK

Image and Video Recovery and Enhancement Techniques
A. Katsaggelos, Northwestern University, USA

Current-Mode Circuits:- Techniques in High Frequency Analog Design
C. Toumazou, Imperial College, University of London & J. Lidgey, Oxford
Brookes University, UK

GROUP 3 - December 7 - 9

CMOS telecommunications Circuits
M. Steyaert, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Oversampled Interfaces for CMOS
Mixed-Signal Circuits: Principles, Design Techniques, CAD Tools and Testing
A. Rodriguez-Vazquez & J.L. Huertas, University of Seville, Spain

Blind signal separation and recovery for telecommunications
F. Salam, Michigan State University, USA
and experimental results, (v) applications in several fields of interest.

Digital Image Processing Algorithms
I. Pitas, University of Thessaloniki, Greece & A.N. Venetsanopoulos,
University of Toronto, Canada

What you always wanted to know about multimedia circuits
B. Sheu, University of Southern California  and M.T. Sun, University of
Washington, USA

GROUP 4 - December 10 - 12

Video Switched-Current Signal Processing
J. Hughes, Imperial College, University of London and Philips Research, UK

Design of Low Noise Amplifiers in CMOS  and BiCMOS
W. Sansen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Computational Architecture, Infrastructure and Circuits for Real-Time Image
Processing CMOS Microprocessors
A. Rodriguez-Vazquez, University of Seville, Spain & T. Roska, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Hungary

Design Strategies for Driving C, RC, And RLC Dominated Interconnect
E.G. Friedman, University of Rochester, USA

Adaptive Techniques for Interference Suppression in Wireless Communications
P.S.R. Diniz, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Y-F Huang,
University of Notre Dame, USA


             INDUSTRIAL PARTICIPANTS -  30% discount         ACADEMIC
PARTICIPANTS -  50% discount
          If book after 8th October,
             INDUSTRIAL PARTICIPANTS -  10% discount         ACADEMIC
PARTICIPANTS -  30% discount

   So, get in early and get your discounts!

** "As an added bonus - once registered for a course, you may also have the
opportunity of attending modules of other courses within that group, that is

NB:  Places on the courses are LIMITED, booking will be made on a
first-come-first-served basis.


For a copy of the full course brochure and registration form, please contact:

Ms. Melanie Joyce (ACE Co-ordinator)
Imperial College, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Exhibition Road, London SW7 2BT,UNITED KINGDOM
Tel: +44 (0)171 594 6261; Fax: +44 (0)171 581 4419
Email: m.joyce@ic.ac.uk

Further information is also available at

(NB: For those who encounter difficulty accessing the website using Netscape
Communicator, please follow the instructions below:

1. Start Netscape Communicator
        2. Open the Edit Menu
        3. Select Preferences
        4. Select Advanced
        5. Remove check box from Enable Javascript
        6. Click OK

The page should now display ok when you go into it.  If one encounters
difficulty in accessing the webpage please try using the browser Microsoft
internet explorer.

Contributed by: Ed Boje (boje@eng.und.ac.za)

                International Symposium on
                                Quantitative Feedback Theory and
                                Robust Frequency Domain Methods

1st Announcement and Call for Papers

This symposium will be the fourth in series of specialist conferences on
quantitative feedback theory (QFT) and other robust frequency domain design
methods. Its purpose is to bring together practitioners and researchers
in the field and to promote the development of these methods and their
practical application.

Application, tutorial, and theoretical papers are invited in the field of
frequency domain design with the following deadlines:

Abstracts    1 May 1999
Full papers  1 July 1999

Contact Dr Ed Boje (boje@eng.end.ac.za) for further details.

Contributed by: Alceu.Frigeri@FernUni-Hagen.de (Alceu Heinke Frigeri)

                             WRTP'99 & ARTDB-99

                             First Announcement
                               CALL FOR PAPERS

              24th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real-Time Programming
  The Third International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems

                     Schloss Dagstuhl, Saarland, Germany

                          May 31st - June 2nd, 1999

                                Sponsored by

         IFAC Technical Committee on Real-Time Software Engineering
     IFIP Working Group on Industrial Software Quality and Certification

                               [IFAC]  [IFIP]

                                Organised by

                    GI/GMA - Fachgruppe "Echtzeitsysteme"

                              Co-Organised by

                               Schloss Dagstuhl


     The workshop will consist of formal presentations, discussions,
     and informal meetings covering recent advances and current issues
     in theory, applications, and technology of real-time programming
     and real-time database management. It is intended to promote
     interaction among researchers and practitioners and to evaluate
     the maturity of new directions in real-time software and real-time
     database systems. The topics to be covered include, but are not
     limited to:

        * Advances in real-time software engineering
             o Real-time programming languages
             o Requirements engineering methods for real-time systems
             o Software analysis and design methods for predictable
               behaviour and verification & validation
             o Object orientation in real-time environments
        * Real-time systems issues
             o Scheduling of real-time tasks and transactions
             o Real-time concurrency control and resource management
             o Real-time operating and database systems
             o Real-time system architectures
             o Communication in real-time systems
             o Distributed real-time and database systems
        * New directions in real-time database systems
             o Active and real-time databases, time-constrained rule
             o Event monitoring under temporal constraints
             o Transactions with temporal urgency and validity
        * Real-time software quality aspects
             o Verification and validation, esp. of timing and safety
             o Quality of service issues: Dependability, quality
               assurance etc.
        * Real-time applications and experience
             o Industrial applications and experience
             o Evaluation of current real-time systems and databases
             o Real-time/control systems with challenging time

Submission Details:


     The submission of full papers with up to 6 pages is invited. They
     should address the topics outlined above and focus on insights and
     lessons gained from recent research and practical experience.
     Position papers describing new ideas, promising approaches, and
     work in progress are considered particularly appropriate. These
     papers should outline the contribution that the authors intend to
     make at the Workshop. The submitted texts are to be sent to the
     workshop chair by electronic mail in one of the two following

        * as a plain ASCII file, i.e., without any mark-up, or
        * as a PostScript file (adhering to the Adobe Document
          Structuring Conventions - ADSC).

     The authors are asked to submit, with their papers, the following
     information in an attached ASCII file:

        * Paper Title
        * Author's Name
        * Contact Address & Email
        * Abstract
        * Keyword list

     If e-mail is not available, the files may be mailed on 3.5" MS-DOS

     Final Papers:

     The final papers must be prepared according to the Author's Kit
     instructions, using a certain LaTeX2e style that will be sent to
     the authors with the notification of acceptance. Accepted papers
     must be presented in person at the Workshop.

          To speed up the revision and publication processes,
          authors are urged to follow the Author's Kit
          (found in our WWW home page, at
          instructions from the very beginning, i.e., starting
          with the submission.


     English will be the working language of the workshop and will be
     used for the proceedings, the presentations and discussions. No
     simultaneous translation will be provided.


     All correspondence should be addressed to the Workshop chairman

          Alceu Heinke Frigeri
          FB Elektrotechnik (LG IT)
          D-58084 Hagen, Germany
          Phone: +49(2331)987 4527
          Fax: +49(2331)987 375
          Email: Alceu.Frigeri@FernUni-Hagen.de

     Electronic mail should be used whenever possible.

     Important Dates:

      Submissions due by:         December 18th, 1998

      Notification of acceptance: March 1st, 1999

      Registration:               March 15th, 1999

      Full papers due by:         March 31st, 1999

      Workshop:                   May 31st - June 2nd, 1999


     Attendance will be limited to approx. 60 active workers in the
     field. Participants are requested to register in advance not later
     than March 15th, 1999.

Copyright Conditions:

     The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC workshop must
     be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All
     papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of
     the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers
     duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form
     of Proceedings, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The
     presented papers will be further screened for possible publication
     in the IFAC journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice,
     or in an IFAC affiliated journals. A record of all presented
     papers will also appear in Control Engineering Practice.

     Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by
     IFAC. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica,
     Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated
     journals have priority access to all contributions presented.
     However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these
     journals, within three months after the meeting, the author is
     free to re-submit the material for publication elsewhere. In this
     case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where
     it was originally presented.

For more detailed information see the WWW-Servers:

Contributed by: Jordan M. Berg

                     Call For Abstracts
                   Texas Systems Day 1998
            Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas
                        Nov 21, 1998

Texas Systems Day is an annual workshop aimed at discussing current
research in the systems area. Participants come from a broad range of
institutions of higher education and research in the state of Texas. This
year's Texas Systems Day is being hosted by the Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, and the Department of Mechanical Engineering, of Texas
Tech University.  This is a call for preregistration and submission of

It is anticipated that there will be three parallel sessions each
consisting of about a dozen 30 minute presentations.

Areas of interest include:
  Biomedical Engineering
  Communication System
  Control Systems
  Knowledge and Distributed Intelligence
  Learning and Intelligent Systems
  Power Systems
  Signal Processing

Date: Saturday, November 21, 1998

Time: 9am till 5.30 pm.

Where: Godbold Center, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 19409

If you would like to participate please send an email as soon as possible
to either of the contacts listed below.  If you would like to present a
paper please send a title and an abstract (less than 200 words) by e-mail
or post to either of the contacts listed below.

Contact: Jordan Berg, Dept of Mechanical Eng,Texas Tech Univ,Lubbock,TX79409
         (jberg@ttu.edu; phone: 806-742-3563)
         W. P. Dayawansa, Dept of Mathematics,Texas Tech Univ,Lubbock,TX79409
         (daya@math.ttu.edu; phone: 806-742-2566)

Registration Fee:          $25.

Students may register at the reduced rate of $10. Lunch will be provided
for all registered participants.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: October 20, 1998.

Contributed by: Sergio Junco 

IASTED International Conference


MAY 5-8, 1999

Philadelphia, PA USA

Sponsor: The International Association of Science and Technology
         for Development - IASTED

Location: Philadelphia is one of Americas oldest and most historic

Purpose: The field of Modelling and Simulation is not new, however, recent
developments in research continue to allow modelling and simulation to be
utilized in innovative ways.  This conference is divided into three streams:
Modelling and Simulation Methodologies; Software Engineering; and Industrial
Applications and Environmental Systems. MS'99 will include keynote speeches,
tutorials, paper presentations and round table discussions.


1. Modelling and Simulation Methodologies

This stream focuses on the methodologies that drive new developments in the
modelling and simulation field. Successful submissions under this stream
will specifically address the newest work in this area.  Relevant topics
will include, but NOT be strictly limited to, the following list:

   - Neural Networks
   - Petri Nets
   - Artificial Intelligence
   - Expert Systems
   - Knowledge Systems
   - Fuzzy Systems
   - Others

2. Software Engineering

This stream will focus on software development relevant to the modelling and
simulation field.  This can include work-in-progress, new research or
enhancements to existing software. Relevant topics will include, but NOT be
strictly limited to, the following list:

   - Modelling and Simulation on the Internet
   - Multimedia Systems
   - Languages
   - Parallel and Distributed Simulation
   - Signal Processing
   - Communication Systems and Networks
   - Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
   - Scientific Visualization
   - Others

3. Industrial Applications and Environmental Systems

This stream will address the latest research and developments regarding the
industrial and environmental applications of modelling and simulation.
Successful submissions under this heading will discuss work-in-progress or
research related to the industrial or environmental application of modelling
and simulation technology.  Relevant topics will include, but NOT be
strictly limited to, the following list:

   - Power and Energy Systems
   - Robotics
   - Manufacturing
   - Automotive
   - Business
   - Hardware
   - Others


Three copies of an extended abstract, containing a maximum of 1000 words,
are to be received by the IASTED Secretariat not later than November 4,
1998.  Please supply four keywords to indicate the area of the paper and
provide the name, address, affiliation, telephone and fax numbers, and email
address of the main author, and of the author expected to present the paper.
The International Program Committee will make the decision concerning the
acceptance of abstracts.  The abstracts will be judged on originality,
contribution, relevance, quality of research and references, presentation
style and quality of language.  Submissions must address current and
substantially completed research.  Submissions simply discussing research
proposals, that are poorly documented or presented, or that are based on
significantly incomplete research will not be accepted.  Student papers are
acceptable, but must be of exceptional quality.

Persons wishing to organize a session or to present a half-day tutorial
should submit a proposal to the IASTED Secretariat by November 4, 1998.  The
preregistration fee is expected to be approximately US$ 500.00.  This fee
covers the conference registration, banquet, refreshments, and one volume of
the proceedings. Authors are required to preregister.

An author wishing to have his/her paper reviewed for possible publication in
the International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, or in any one of the
other IASTED journals, should mail three copies of an extended version of
the paper to the IASTED Secretariat in Anaheim, The author should indicate
the journal of his or her choice, and should provide a maximum of five
keywords describing the areas of the paper.


* November 4, 1998      - Submission of Abstracts and
* December 15, 1998     - Notification of Acceptance Sent
* February 26, 1999     - Camera-ready Manuscripts &
                          Preregistrations Due


        IASTED Secretariat - MS'99
        1811 West Katella Avenue, Suite 101
        Anaheim, California
        USA   92804
        Tel: 1-800-995-2161
        Tel: 714-778-3230
        Fax: 714-778-5463
        Email: iasted@iasted.com
        Web Site: http://www.iasted.com

Contributed by: Jan Willems 

The final program of the meeting

                                           PERSPECTIVES IN CONTROL

             Boston/Cambridge, October 23 and 24, 1998

                                A scientific conference in honor of

                          ROGER W. BROCKETT
                          Harvard University

               on the occasion of his 60-th birthday

is now available on internet


The conference is open to anyone wishing to attend. If you like to attend
the meeting, please preregister according to the instructions posted at the

John Baillieul (Boston University)
Jan C. Willems (University of Groningen)

Contributed by: "Gary Yen"

                  CALL FOR PAPERS


                RENAISSANCE HOTEL
                 WASHINGTON, D.C.
                 JULY 10-16, 1999

The premier conference on neural networks returns to Washington, D.C. in
1999. Come celebrate the end of the Decade of the Brain and prepare to
welcome the next millenium with a review of where we are and a preview of
where we are going. IJCNN'99 spans the neural network field from neurons to
consciousness, from learning algorithms to robotics, from chaos to control.
This is an unparalleled opportunity to learn about cutting edge
developments, to publicize your contributions, and to form new ties with
your colleagues in industry, academia, and government from around the
world. For details see our web site: www.inns.org or contact David Brown,
IJCNN'99 General Chair: dgb@cdrh.fda.gov

* Distinguished plenaries, highlighted by keynote speaker John Hopfield.
* Strong technical program, presenting leading research in all
  neural-network related fields.
* Focused special sessions on such subjects as Biomedical Applications and
* Theme symposium: Modeling the Brain from Molecules to Mind.
* Forum on Global Competitiveness, including Congressional face-off on U.S.
  SBIR program.
* International workshops on "Getting Your Application to Market,"
  including patent and venture capital questions, and on "Getting Funding
  for your Rsearch."
* Vigorous tutorial program, with courses taught by the leading experts in
  our field.
* Exhibits and demonstrations of real-world applications.
* Media fair-Show what you have achieved and help educate the public.
* Awards for best posters and for student contributions.
* Job fair, matching up applicants with employment opportunities.
* And much, much more: check out IJCNN'99 news on the web site:

(Deadline December 4, 1998)
Co-technical Program Committee Chairs:
Daniel Alkon (NIH)
Clifford Lau (ONR)

IJCNN'99 review and acceptance will be based on a one-page summary, which
will be distributed to Conference participants in a summary book. Detailed
instructions for authors are given on the reverse side of this sheet and on
the web site. Conference proceedings will be in CD form. Hard-copy
proceedings may be available for an additional fee.
Use of illustrations is encouraged in the summaries, within the single
allowed page. Use of audio and video segments in the CD proceedings will be
considered. Poster presentations will be encouraged, with "single-slide"
poster presentations interspersed with regular oral sessions. Monetary
awards presented for best poster in several categories. Best student paper
awards will also be given.

Paper summary format information

The summary must be accompanied by a cover sheet listing the following
1. Paper title
2. Author information - full names and affiliations as they will appear in
   the program
3. Mailing address, telephone, fax, and email for each author
4. Request for oral or poster presentation
5. Topic(s), selected from the list below:

   Biological foundations       Neural systems
   Mathematical foundations     Architectures
   Learning algorithms          Intelligent control
   Artificial systems           Data analysis
   Pattern recognition          Hybrid systems
   Intelligent computation      Applications

The one-page, camera-ready summary must conform to the following
1. All text and illustrations must appear within a 7x9 in. (178x229mm)
   area. For US standard size paper (8.5x11 in.), set margins to 0.75 in.
   (18mm) left and right and 1 in. top and bottom. For A4 size paper, set
   margins to 17mm left and right, 25mm top, and 45 mm bottom.
2. Use 10-point Times Roman or equivalent typeface for the main text.
   Single space all text, allowing extra space between paragraphs.
3. Title (16 pt. Bold, centered) Capitalize only first word and proper
4. Authors names, affiliation (12 pt., centered) omit titles or degrees.
5. Five section headings (11 pt. bold). The following five headings MUST be
   used: Purpose, Method, Results, New or breakthrough aspect of work, and

Three copies of the one-page summaries are due in camera-ready, hardcopy
form to INNS by December 4, 1998. Sent to:

19 Mantua Road
Mt. Royal, NJ 08061 USA
Phone: 609-423-7222 ext. 350

Acceptance will be determined by February 8, 1999, and complete papers are
due in digital form for CD publication by May 3, 1999.

Contributed by:Peter H. Veltink

19-21 April 1999

University of Twente
Enschede, the Netherlands

further announcements will follow


Organized by the Institute for Biomedical Technology,
University of Twente

- http://www.utwente.nl/bmti/, look under: `meetings'
(after October 1, 1998)
- subscribe to biomechatronics list (available now) and
you will receive all subsequent postings regarding the
biomechatronics workshop:
(send e-mail with body `subscribe biomechatronics' to


- Biomechatronics
- Biomechatronics at the University of Twente
- Objectives of the Biomechatronics workshop
- Format of the Biomechatronics workshop
- Who should attend
- How to register
- Submission of papers for the proceedings
- accomodation
- Organizing committee

Biomechatronics concerns intelligent electromechanical
systems to support affected functions of the human body.
The area of Biomechatronics is an interdisciplinary area
involving robotics, control engineering, biomedical and
biomechanical engineering, human factors, man-machine
interaction, rehabilitation medicine and others.
Biomechatronics encompasses intelligent prosthetic systems,
robot assist devices for handicapped, micromachined tools
for minimal invasive surgery, etc.

Biomechatronics is a newly defined theme at the Institute
for Biomedical Technology (BMTI) of the University of
Twente, aiming at the development of intelligent prosthetic
systems especially for mobility. However, the scope of the
Biomechatronics field is more extensive and relates to all
intelligent electromechanical systems that support human
body function. Biomechatronics at the University of Twente
combines the efforts of biomechanical engineers who have
contributed in the area of biomechanics, orthotic and
prothetic system design and bio-electrical engineers who
have contributed in the area of artificial control of human
mobility using functional electrical stimulation (FES) and
miniaturized sensors (especially inertial sensors).
Moreover, a tight cooperation with the Roessingh
Rehabilitation Centre (also in Enschede, the Netherlands)
has been established for many years, which is essential for
this rehabilitation related research. Furthermore, the BMTI
team coopearates with the Drebbel Institute for
Mechatronics of the University of Twente.

The objectives of the Biomechatronics workshop organized by
the Institute for Biomedical Engineering of the University
of Twente are as follows:
- To bring together all relevant disciplines in the area
of Biomechatronics (robotics, control engineering,
biomedical and biomechanical engineering, man-machine
interaction, rehabilitation medicine, etc.) in order to
review the state of the art in each discipline and
discuss the cooperation of these disciplines in the
development of intelligent electromechanical systems for
support of affected functions of the human body.
- To supply an opportunity for young as well as senior
researchers in all relevant disciplines to present and
discuss their work and to be exposed to developments in
other relevant disciplines not normally met.

The 2 to 3 day workshop will consist of:
- Introductions to relevant disciplines related to
Biomechatronics by invited speakers (typically 30
- Presentation of research done by all attending
researchers in the form of short presentations (10
minutes) or poster presentations. Young researchers
(Ph.D. students and postdocs) are especially invited to
present their work!
- Extensive plenary discussions about each discipline and
challenges for cooperation between disciplines to
further the area of Biomechatronics.
Workshop attendance is provisionally limited to 100

All young and senior researchers in disciplines related to
the interdisciplinary field of Biomechatronics are welcome
to attend (robotics, control engineering, biomedical and
biomechanical engineering, man-machine interaction,
rehabilitation medicine, etc.)

Instructions regarding registration will be sent in
subsequent e-mail postings and will be on our web site
(http://www.utwente.nl/bmti/, look under: `meetings').
Provisional fee for the workshop is HFL 450 (HFL = Dutch

All participants are invited to submit papers for the
proceedings of the workshop. Papers are up to 4 pages and
have to be submitted before 10 January 1999.
Information about the format of the papers will be
announced in subsequent e-mail postings and will appear on
the BMTI web pages (http://www.utwente.nl/bmti/, under:

It is foreseen that both the meetings and hotel
accomodation will be on the campus of the University of
More information will follow.

The Biomechatronics workshop is organized by dr.ir. Peter
H. Veltink and dr.ir. Bart.F.J.M. Koopman from the
Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI), University of
Twente, the Netherlands.
Mrs. Miranda Wiehink and drs. Iddo Bante (BMTI) provide
organizational support.

Further information can be obtained from:
Dr.ir. Peter H. Veltink (P.H.Veltink@el.utwente.nl)
Mrs. Miranda Wiehink (M.A.G.Wiehink@bmti.utwente.nl)

Institute for Biomedical Technology
University of Twente
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
the Netherlands
tel. x31-53-4893367
fax. x31-53-4892319

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *