E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 120, August 1, 1998

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 120,  August 1, 1998

Email:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  1998 AACC awards recipients
        3.2  1999 AACC awards nominations
        3.3  Software announcement Minopt
        3.4  Tai-Ji ID Version 2.2 released
        3.5  EPRI/DoD presentation package available
        3.6  NICONET announcements

4.      Positions
        4.1  Real time simulation studies, Glasgow, UK
        4.2  PhD position in fault detection, IRISA, France
        4.3  Position automatic control, ABB Corp. Research, Switzerland
        4.4  Postdoc and PhD positions Biomedical Technology, Netherlands
        4.5  Assistant professor position ECE/Math depts, Univ. of Toronto
        4.6  PhD position in signal processing, Delft Univ., Netherlands

5.      Books
        5.1  "Passivity based control of Euler-Lagrange systems", R.Ortega, c.s.
        5.2  "Nonlinear Modeling: advanced black-bos techniques", J. Suykens, Edt.
        5.3  "Multiuser detection", S. Verdu

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC CSSP, Vol. 17:4
        6.2  TOC LAA, Vol. 278 and 279
        6.3  CFP Special issue J. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
        6.4  CFP Special issue J. Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
        6.5  TOC SIAM Review, Vol 40:3
        6.6  TOC Automatica, Vol. 34:8 and 34:9
        6.7  TOC J. of the Franklin Institute, Vol. 335B:6

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP IEEE EURASIP Workshop
        7.2  CFP 7th Mediterranean Conf. on Control and Automation
        7.3  International Summerschool in Automatic Control of Grenoble
        7.4  CFP Workshop on Applications of Interval Analysis
        7.5  CFP IFAC Workshop on Motion Control
        7.6  CFP 2nd Intl. Data Analysis Symposium
        7.7  CFP 1st Synapse*3 Matrix and Neurocomputing workshop
        7.8  CFP 1999 ACC
        7.9  CFP Special session on Discrete Event Control
        7.10 Intl. Summerschool on Fuzzy Logic Control
        7.11 Announcement 37th IEEE CDC
        7.12 CFP CIMA'99
        7.13 CFP Inv. session in conjunction with 9th European Conf. Biotechn.

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 120 !!!

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Prof. Gilead Tadmor  

Please note: I will spend most of this summer, as well as the
Fall 1998 / Winter 1999 academic quarters on sabbatical at
SatCon Technology Corporation. My address will be

Gilead Tadmor
SatCon Technology Co.
161 First Street
Cambridge, MA 02142-1221
Tel +1.617.349.0903
Fax +1.617.661.3373
email tadmor@satc.com

Contributed by: Maarten Steinbuch

                          ADDRESS CHANGE

Please note my new address from July 1, 1998:

Maarten Steinbuch
Mechatronics Department
Philips Centre for Manufacturing Technology
P.O. Box 218, 5600 MD Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 402732580, Fax: +31 402733201
Email: steinbuch_m@cft.philips.nl

Contributed by: Howard Jay Chizeck, Sc.D

                        ADDRESS CHANGE

After August 1, 1998, Prof. Howard Jay Chizeck's address and
coordinates will be

Dept. of Electrical Engineering
University of Washington
253A EE/CS Bldg, Box 352500
Seattle, Washington 98195-2500
(206) 543-6515   fax: (206 )543-3842

Contributed by Kevin L. Moore (moorek@ece.usu.edu)

Effective 1 July 1998 my coordinates are:

   Kevin L. Moore, Ph.D., P.E.
   Director, Center for Self-Organizing and Intelligent Systems
   Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
   UMC 4120, Room EL 260
   College of Engineering
   4120 Old Main Hill
   Utah State University
   Logan, UT 84322-4120

   Phone: (435)797-2924
   Fax: (435)797-3054
   email: moorek@ece.usu.edu

   http://www.engineering.usu.edu/ece/projects/csois/ (CSOIS)
   http://www.isu.edu/~moorek/mooreweb.html (Personal - dated)

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  Marwan A. Simaan (simaan@ee.pitt.edu)

1998 AACC Awards Recipients

The American Automatic Control Council (AACC) announces the
names of recipients for five awards that it sponsors in the field
of Automatic Control.  The awards were presented at the AACC
Awards Banquet held on June 25, 1998 in Philadelphia, PA, in
conjunction with the 1998 American Control Conference.
The names of the recipients and awards citations are given below:

Awarded to Lotfi A. Zadeh for fundamental contributions to systems
theory and pioneering works on fuzzy sets and systems leading
to a global trend on machine intelligence quotient systems.

Awarded to Ioannis Kanellakopoulos for outstanding theoretical
contributions to adaptive nonlinear control accompanied by
creative engineering applications.

Awarded to Peter Dorato for contributions to control systems
education and innovative ideas for teaching analytical control

Awarded to Charles R. Cutler for outstanding contributions to
process control practice through the creation, development,
and implementation of dynamic matrix control.

Awarded to Vincenzo Lioatta, Christos Georgakis and Mohamed
S. El-Aasser, for their paper "Real-Time Estimation and Control
of Particle Size in Semi-Batch Emulsion Polymerization," and to
Michael Glaum and George Zames, for their paper "A Function
Calculus for Identification and System Analysis," both presented
at the 1997 American Control Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

More information about the AACC Awards Program is available on the
AACC Web site at http://web.ece.nwu.edu/~ahaddad/aacc/awards.html

Contributed by: Marwan A. Simaan (simaan@ee.pitt.edu)
                       AACC Awards Chair

                         1999 AACC Awards
             Nominations Due December 1, 1998

Nominations for five AACC (American Automatic Control Council)
awards for 1999 are now being solicited.  Each award consists of a
certificate and an honorarium, and will be presented at the
Awards Banquet during the 1999 American Control Conference
in San Diego, California, June 2-4, 1999.

Nomination packages should be prepared in accordance with the
AACC Award Nomination Form (which can be obtained from the AACC
web site at http://web.ece.nwu.edu/~ahaddad/aacc/awards.html or
from the AACC Secretariat, Abraham Haddad) and include the following:
biographical information, a statement identifying and evaluating
the accomplishments on which the nomination is based (not to exceed
two double spaced pages), a minimum of three and a maximum of
five reference letters, a current list of publications and patents,
and any additional supporting material that could have bearing on
the award.   All materials should be collected in a single
package and the original together with six (6) copies should be
submitted at the same time. The nomination package is due by
December 1, 1998.  It should be sent to:

     Professor Abraham Haddad
     Department of ECE
     Northwestern University
     2145 Sheridan Rd.
     Evanston, IL  60208-3118

     Telephone: (847) 491-3641
     Fax: (847) 491-4455
     E-Mail: ahaddad@ece.nwu.edu

The awards are described as follows:

For distinguished career contributions to the theory or applications
of automatic control.   The nominee is to have spent a significant
part of his or her career in the United States.  Posthumous nominations
are not allowed.

DONALD P. ECKMAN AWARD:  For outstanding accomplishments
by a young engineer in the field of automatic control.  Nominees must
be younger than 35 years at the time of the award.  The award is based on
contributions made while the nominee was a resident of the United

JOHN R. RAGAZZINI EDUCATION AWARD:  For outstanding contributions
to automatic control education in any form.  The awardee normally
is a teacher, but there is no formal requirement that nominees be
members of a university faculty.

that was presented for the first time in 1998.  The award recognizes
significant contributions to the advancement of control practice
including the application and implementation of innovative control
concepts, methodology, and technology for the planning, design,
manufacture, and operation of control systems.

O. HUGO SCHUCK BEST PAPER AWARD:  For each of the best
two papers presented at the previous American Control Conference.
The award winning papers must have been presented by the author
or a co-author at the conference.  Selection criteria include quality
of the written and oral presentation, technical contribution, timeliness,
and practicality, with one award emphasizing contributions to theory
and the other emphasizing significant or innovative applications.

Contributed by: Minopt Software Support 


      A Modeling Language and Algorithmic Framework for Linear,
         Mixed-Integer, Nonlinear, Dynamic, and Mixed-Integer
                       Nonlinear Optimization

                  C. A. Schweiger and C. A. Floudas
                  Department of Chemical Engineering
                         Princeton University
                       Princeton, NJ 08544-5263


MINOPT is a comprehensive, powerful, and flexible package for the
solution of various types of optimization problems.  It features both
an ADVANCED MODELING LANGUAGE for the clear and concise representation
of complex mathematical models as well as a ROBUST ALGORITHMIC
FRAMEWORK for the efficient solution of wide variety of mathematical
programming problems.

MINOPT is a flexible tool which can be used in a broad range of
  o Process Systems Engineering
  o Optimal Control
  o Parameter Estimation
  o System Identification
  o Process Operations and Operations Research

MINOPT is capable of handling a wide variety of model types:
  o Linear Programs (LP)
  o Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILP)
  o NonLinear Programs (NLP)
  o NLPs with Differential and Algebraic Constraints (NLP/DAE)
  o Mixed Integer NonLinear Programs (MINLP)
  o Dynamic Simulations
  o MINLPs with Differential and Algebraic Constraints (MINLP/DAE)
  o Optimal Control Problems (OCP)
  o Mixed Integer Optimal Control Problems (MIOCP)

The MINOPT modeling language allows for the natural representation of
mathematical models using an advance modeling architecture.  Large,
complex models can be expressed in a concise, compact, and
understandable form.  Since the models are easy to understand, the can
be easily debugged, modified, and maintained.

MINOPT has some important key features:
  o Clear and concise representation of complex mathematical models
  o Representation of both algebraic and DYNAMIC models
  o Support for a broad variety of natural mathematical expressions
  o Capability to add, change, or delete the sets, variables, data,
      and constraints easily
  o Capability to accept model information and data provided in
      separate input files
  o Checks of model syntax and consistency
  o Efficient solution for MIXED-INTEGER NONLINEAR PROGRAMMING problems
  o Efficient solution for problems with dynamic models
  o Connection to Chemkin for kinetic modeling
  o Ability to switch easily among various solvers
  o Ability to fine tune the solution algorithms with an extensive
      list of options

For more information, visit the MINOPT homepage at
or email

For purchasing and Licensing Information, contact
  Jean A. Mahoney
  Director, Technology Transfer and Trademark Licensing
  New South Building
  P.O. Box 36
  Princeton, NJ  08544-0036
  tel: 609-258-3097
  fax: 609-258-1159

Contributed by: Yucai Zhu , 

Tai-Ji ID Version 2.2: Automatic MIMO identification with robust PID

Tai-Ji ID Version 2.2 is released. The new version includes a robust PID
auto-tuner that is based on closed-loop identification and IMC (internal
model control) tuning rules. Many controller formats are available
including Honeywell, Foxboro and Bailey. Specific controller formats can be
added for a commercial user. This will make
Tai-Ji ID an ideal tool for MPC (model predictive control) and regulatory
control projects.

Tai-Ji ID is an identification software that carries out identification
automatically from data pre-treatment to model validation. Both open-loop
and closed-loop data can be treated. Tai-Ji ID is developed for model based
process control such as MPC (model predictive control) and linear robust
control. In Tai-Ji ID, special attention is paid to deal with large scale
industrial processes which have slow dynamics, high level of disturbance
and many process
variables. Current version of Tai-Ji ID is based on Matlab (R) 4.2.

Tai-Ji ID is designed for process control engineers and process engineers
who are involved in model based process control and monitoring. No specific
knowledge on process identification is required. On the other hand, users
knowledge on process operation are very useful and can be incorporated in
data preparation step and model validation step during a Tai-Ji ID session.
It can also be used by control engineers in aerospace, automobile and
semiconductor industries. It will be a useful tool for academic researchers
who need models to develop control strategies.

The reactions from process control engineers are very positive. Several
major companies are evaluating Tai-Ji ID; they include BP, Dow, Exxon,
Shell, Stadoil, Conoco, Toshiba, Corning, ... We have already received
purchase orders from several major chemical/refinery companies and

Please visit our exhibition stand at CDC98!

Literature on ASYM Approach to MIMO Process Identification:
1) Zhu, Y.C. and T. Backx (1993). Identification of Multivariable
Processes: for Simulation, Diagnosis and Control. Springer-Verlag, London.
2) Zhu, Y.C. (1998). Multivariable process identification for MPC: the
asymptotic method and its applications. Journal of Process Control. Vol. 8
No. 2, pp 101-115.

For more information about Tai-Ji ID and Tai-Ji Control, please contact:

Dr. ir. Yucai Zhu
Tai-Ji Control
Hageheldlaan 62, 5641 GP Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Phone +31.40.2817192, fax +31.40.2813197
y.zhu@tip.nl, www.tip.nl/users/y.zhu

Contributed by: Amin, Massoud 

A presentation package for the EPRI/DoD University Research Initiative
on Complex Interactive Networks/Systems (Research Announcement
DAAG55-98-R-RA08), announced on June 25, 1998, is available on EPRI's
web site at.


Proposals are due August 25, 1998.  The research announcement (RA) with
complete proposer information/submittal package for the Complex
Interactive Networks/Systems Initiative is available on the Web at

Contributed by: Ad van den Boom 

The four year thematic network project  NICONET, which is part
of the specific European Community programme on Industrial and
Applied technologies (BRITE EURAM III), started in January 1998 and
is executed by the Working Group on Software WGS.

Detailed information on NICONET can be found at the website:


WGS has recently issued the first NICONET Newsletter; its contents

1. Editorial
2. New SLICOT standards for parallel machines and nonlinear systems
3. The SLICOT benchmark library
4. SLICOT tools for basic control
5. SLICOT tools for model reduction
6. SLICOT tools for subspace identification
7. SLICOT tools for robust control
8. SLICOT tools for nonlinear systems in robotics
9. NICONET information corner

The NICONET Newsletter can be accessed through the website mentioned
above or can be ordered at the WGS secretariat:

Mrs. Ida Tassens
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Dept. of Electrical Engineering (ESAT-SISTA)
Kardinaal Mercierweg  94
3001 Leuven-Heverlee BELGIUM

email: ida.tassens@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
phone: + 32 16 32 17 09
fax: + 32 16 32 19 70

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by Jeremy J. Gribble


A three year study of advanced non-linear control has recently begun within
the Centre for Systems and Control in the Engineering Faculty of the
University of Glasgow. The study, "Physically Oriented Non-Linear Control",
is funded by the UK's Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council and
is supervised by members of the mechanical and electrical engineering
departments. Its aim is to develop techniques for the design of control laws
for non-linear plant which fully exploit physical knowledge of the plant's
properties. A detailed review of families of non-linear models, control
techniques and applications is being compiled as the first part of the study.

The aim of the PhD Project is to support the EPSRC study by building up a
suite of detailed models of non-linear industrial processes which will be
used for real-time testing of the advanced control algorithms developed in
the EPSRC study. Implementation of the real-time models will use the
Electrical Department's Real Time Station (RTS). The RTS is an advanced real
time simulation facility manufactured by Advanced Dynamics International and
is designed for hardware-in-the-loop simulation. The installation at Glasgow
University is unique in the UK University sector and is one of only two in
Europe. The review of non-linear models and applications will be used as a
starting point in selecting the plant models for implementation on the
ADI-RTS. In addition to direct supervision by Dr. Gribble, the project
student will liaise with the Research Assistant employed under the EPSRC
grant and the other members of academic staff involved.

For further information, please contact any of the following:


Contributed by: Zhang

PhD Position in Fault Detection and Isolation at IRISA, France

IRISA (Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires)
invites applications for a PhD studentship in the field of
Fault Detection and Isolation of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems.

The funding provided by a European Program requires that the
applicant must be citizen of a member state of the European Union.

The problem of fault detection and isolation is important for the
purpose of supervision and condition-based maintenance of industrial
systems. Most research results in this field are based on linear
time invariant systems, whereas many industrial systems have
significant nonlinear behaviors. The goal of this PhD research
project is to develop methods for the detection and isolation of
faults in nonlinear dynamic systems.

For application, mailto:zhang@irisa.fr with a CV.
Recommendations from teachers or supervisors are appreciated.

For information about IRISA: http://www.irisa.fr

 Qinghua ZHANG                   Phone: +33 2 99 84 74 63
 IRISA                           Fax:   +33 2 99 84 71 71
 Campus de Beaulieu
 35042 Rennes Cedex              mailto:zhang@irisa.fr

Contributed by: Andrew Paice (Andrew.Paice@chcrc.abb.ch)

       Permanent Position in Automatic Control
       at ABB Corporate Research in Switzerland

       Contribute to the future of Automation!

For our international Control team at the ABB Research Center near
Zurich, we are looking for a

          Control Engineer or Computer Scientist

with a very good university degree (Masters or Doctorate).  Your
interests in control engineering and process optimisation, as well as
in physical modelling, identification and simulation for power plant
applications, industrial plants and rail vehicles, set you apart from
other applicants.  Your projects would be, for example, in the area of
life time estimation for power plant components, or in the study of
the interoperability of rail vehicles in international rail traffic.
We will find the right position for your abilities!

With your innovative ideas, you can contribute to the understanding of
complex processes and systems.  It is important that you be able to
quickly learn and apply new technologies - we give you the
opportunity.  We offer independant project work and support you in
your personal career path.  Our team enjoys a positive, collaborative
atmosphere.  We look forward to your application!

Interested? For further information about this position, call
Dr. Andrew Paice, Tel. +41 56 486 81 77, e-mail:
Andrew.Paice@chcrc.abb.ch. Please address written applications to Frau
Brander Claessen.

ABB is a world leader in Power generation and distribution, Automation
and Transport Systems.  In order to maintain a competitive advantage,
a strong research and development program is mandatory.  Important
contributions arise in the interaction between our research centers
and business areas. For further information, visit our web site at

                         ABB Corporate Research Ltd
                         Beatrice Brander Claessen
                         Personalabt. CHCRC-P
                         CH - 5405 Baden-Daettwil

Contributed by: Peter Veltink, University of Twente

Institute for Biomedical Technology

Vacancies for one POSTDOC and two Ph.D. STUDENTS
In the interdisciplinary research theme BIOMECHATRONICS

vacancy 1:
two and a half year POSTDOC position

vacancy 2:
four year Ph.D. student position

Vacancy 3:
four year Ph.D. student position

(descriptions: see below)

For additional information regarding these vacancies you can contact dr.ir.
Peter H. Veltink (tel. x31-53-4892765, e-mail: P.H.Veltink@el.utwente.nl) or
dr.ir.Bart Koopman (tel. x31-53-4892465; e-mail: H.F.J.M.Kooman@wb.utwente.nl). Your
written application, including a curriculum vitae and the vacancy number, can
be sent before 11 July 1998 to: drs. I. Bante, Managing Director BMTI,
University of Twente, P.O.Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, the Netherlands.


The Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI) coordinates and stimulates
biomedical technological research at the University of Twente, Enschede, the
Netherlands. This multidisciplinary research is performed at the Faculties of
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Technology and
Technical Physics. BMTI also support these faculties and the Faculty of
Computer Science in their biomedical technological education. The BMTI has
close cooperation with several medical research groups both at local clinical
centres (Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre and Medical Spectrum Twente) and at
Medical Faculties of several Universities. The BMTI and Biomedical research
groups of the Catholic University of Nijmegen, the University of Leiden and
the Technological University of Delft have joint their efforts in the
interuniversity research school iBME (integrated BioMedical Engineering for
restoration of human function), which is headed by the University of Twente.
More that 180 researchers are involved in these activities.

The Biomechatronics research theme of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering
(BMTI) of the University of Twente is directed towards the design of
intelligent prosthetic systems for  restoration of mobility. This
interdisciplinary theme is carried out by research teams of BMTI within the
faculties of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, in cooperation with
several external partners.

vacancy 1:
two and a half year POSTDOC position
vacancy number: 1618/98/105

You will perform independent research in the area of INTELLIGENT PROTHETIC
DEVEICES FOR RESTORATION OF MOBILITY, which will lead to new developments in
the design of these systems. You will integrate the results of the other
research projects within the Biomechatronics theme and cooperate with external
partners. Furthermore, you will assist in the supervision of Ph.D. and M.Sc.
students and contribute to the formulation of research proposals, to be
submitted to external granting agencies and industry. You are an enthousiastic
academic and have a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences. Knowledge of control
engineering, robotics, information technology and mechanics are required, like
experience with Biomedical application of this knowledge. You perform well
when working in a team and have excellent communicative capacities.
You will have a fulltime employment for a period of two and a half year with
the Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI). Your salary will be dependent
on your experience, minimally DFL (Dutch Guilders) 4711 and maximally DFL
8263 per month (before tax).

vacancy 2:
four year Ph.D. student position
vacancy number: 1618/98/106

You will perform research in the area of INFORMATION EXCHANGE BETWEEN
INTELLIGENT PROTHETIC SYSTEMS AND USERS. The research questions concern the
information capacity of the interaction between artificial prosthetic system
and user, coding of information exchange, physical method of interaction,
sensory feedback and learning by user and prosthetic system. You will finalize
your research with a Ph.D. thesis. You have an academic training at an M.Sc.
level in a relevant discipline, like Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.
Knowledge in the areas of information theory, signal analysis and measurement
technology is required. Knowledge in the area of neurophysiology and human
motor control is important. You have affinity with performing experimental
studies with human subjects, you perform well in a team and have good
communicative capacities. You will have a fulltime employment for a period of
maximally four years with the Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI).

Vacancy 3:
four year Ph.D. student position
vacancy number 1618/98/007

You will perform research in the area of POSTURE CONTROL of static and dynamic
activities, like standing and walking, in healthy persons and in persons with
neuro-muscular diseases. You will investigate the effect of affected
performance of the human sensory, motor control and actuator systems and
artificial support systems for posture control. You will simulate and
experimentally identify models of human posture control. You will finalize
your research with a Ph.D. thesis. You have an academic training at an M.Sc.
level in a relevant discipline, like Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or
Movement Sciences. Knowledge in the areas of control engineering, dynamic
systems and biomechanics are required. Knowledge in the area of human motor
control is important. You have affinity with performing experimental studies
with human subjects, you perform well in a team and have good communicative
capacities. You will have a fulltime employment for a period of maximally four
years with the Institute for Biomedical Technology (BMTI).

Contributed by: Bruce Francis 

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Department of
Mathematics at the University of Toronto invite applications for a joint
tenure-stream Assistant Professor position to build on the collaboration
between the two departments in research and teaching.

The successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability as a researcher
in mathematics and in the application of mathematics in electrical and
computer engineering.  Areas of interest include applied probability,
stochastic differential equations and computational partial differential
equations, and their application in communications, network modelling or
real-time systems.

The position involves teaching and research in Electrical Engineering,
Computer Engineering, and Mathematics.  Candidates must have a doctoral
degree, an outstanding academic record and an effective teaching ability.

Additional information can be found on the Web pages

http://www.ece.toronto.edu and http://www.math.toronto.edu

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, including a statement about
teaching and research interests.  They should also arrange for at least
three reference letters about their research and teaching abilities to be
sent to:

Professor Safwat G. Zaky, Chair
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Toronto
10 King's College Road, Room 1024
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4, Canada

To ensure consideration, please send the application material by October
30, 1998.  In accordance with Canadian Immigration requirements, priority
will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.  The University
of Toronto is committed to employment equity and encourages applications
from women, visible minorities, and physically challenged persons.

Contributed by: Alle-Jan van der Veen 

    at Delft University of Technology, related to the project


Radio astronomy observations are increasingly corrupted by man-made
interfering signals.  Very often, these are communication signals (TV,
mobile phones or radio dispatch signals) or satellite navigation signals
such as GPS.  These signals have certain characteristics that, in
principle, allows to detect and perhaps reject them using modern signal
processing techniques.

The aim of the NOEMI project is to investigate the merits of a number of
such algorithms, and to develop new algorithms that are taylored to the
existing Westerbork synthesis telescope of 14 dishes.  In a second phase
of the project, one of these algorithms will be selected, implemented
using ASICs, and attached to the Westerbork telescope.

For this project, TU Delft is looking for recent graduates (M.Sc.
level) in the area of Electrical Engineering or Physics.  The position
is immediately available.  The project is carried out in cooperation with
ASTRON in Dwingeloo.

For more information, please contact

    Dr. E.F. Deprettere or dr. A.J. van der Veen
    Department of Electrical Engineering
    Delft University of Technology
    Circuits and Systems Laboratory
    Mekelweg 4
    2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands

    (+31 15) 278 6189, (+31 15) 278 6240
    ed@cas.et.tudelft.nl, allejan@cas.et.tudelft.nl

    A. van Ardenne
    Oude Hoogeveenseweg 4
    7990 AA Dwingeloo, The Netherlands

    (+31 521) 595 134

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: A. Loria,            aloria@hamilton.ece.ucsb.edu

Mechanical, Electrical and Electromechanical Applications
Romeo Ortega, CNRS, Supelec, Gif s/Yvette, France,
Antonio Loria, CCEC, Univ. of California at Sta Barbara, USA,
Per. J. Nicklasson, SINTEF Electronics, Norway,
Hebertt Sira-Ramirez, Universidad de los Andes, Venezuela.

Detailed info.: http://www-ccec.ece.ucsb.edu/people/aloria/Pbcels

New technological developments have created engineering problems where
nonlinear effects have to be taken into account for a successful
controller design.  Unfortunately, the existing theory for general
nonlinear systems cannot successfully deal with them . This book, which
summarizes the experience of the authors on control engineering
applications over the past ten years, aims to overcome this drawback

    Giving back to modeling the central role that it deserves,
    and focusing on the structural aspects that can be exploited
    for the controller design.

    Formalizing mathematically current engineering practice,
    which is usually developed from practical experience and
    considerations, as opposed to theoretical analysis.

    Proposing new control laws that sometimes are viewed as
    `upgrades' to the existing schemes.

    Experimental validation, that confronts the new schemes
    with other theoretical studies or with industrial

The fundamental concept of passivity and the perspective of control as
a suitable interconnection of the system with its environment are key
ingredients in all the developments of the book, which is primarily
aimed at control-oriented graduate students and researchers, but
which will also have value for both practicing engineers and those
concerned with the more theoretical side of the subject.

The Communications and Control Engineering Series reflects the major
technological advances which have a great impact in the fields of
communication and control.  It reports on the research in industrial
and academic institutions around the world to exploit the new
possibilities which are becoming available.


1. Introduction. 2. Euler-Lagrange systems. Part I: Mechanical Systems:
3. Set-point regulation. 4. Trajectory tracking control. 5. Adaptive
disturbance attenuation: Friction compensation. Part II: Electrical
systems: 6. Modeling of switched DC-to-DC power converters. 7. Passivity-
based control of DC-to-DC power converters. Part III: Electromechanical
systems: 8. Nested-loop passivity-based control: An illustrative example.
9. Generalized AC motor. 10. Voltage-fed induction motors. 11. Current-fed
induction motors. 12. Feedback interconnected systems: Robots with AC
drives. 13. Other applications and current research. Appendices:
A. Dissipativity and passivity. B. Derivation of the Euler-Lagrange
equations. C. Background material. D. Proofs


Springer Verlag, London, Ltd, 1998,     Elaine Fuoco, Ed. Assist., Engg.:
575 pages, hardbound, L60 Sterling.     elaine@svl.co.uk
ISBN 1 85233 016 3.                      Springer-Verlag London Ltd
                                         Sweetapple House, Catteshall Rd,
                                         Godalming, Surrey GU7 3DJ, UK
                                         tel: +44 (0)1483 414104,
                                         fax: +44 (0)1483 415144.

Contributed by: Johan Suykens 


 Nonlinear Modeling: Advanced Black-Box Techniques

 Edited by Johan A.K. Suykens and Joos Vandewalle
           Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ESAT, Belgium

 Contents and Contributors

 1. Neural Nets and Related Model Structures for Nonlinear System
    Identification; J. Sjoberg, L.S.H. Ngia.
 2. Enhanced Multi-Stream Kalman Filter Training for Recurrent Networks;
    L.A. Feldkamp, et al.
 3. The Support Vector Method of Function Estimation;
    V. Vapnik.
 4. Parametric Density Estimation for the Classification of Acoustic
    Feature Vectors in Speech Recognition; S. Basu, C.A. Micchelli.
 5. Wavelet Based Modeling of Nonlinear Systems;
    Y. Yu, et al.
 6. Nonlinear Identification Based on Fuzzy Models;
    V. Wertz, S. Yurkovich.
 7. Statistical Learning in Control and Matrix Theory;
    M. Vidyasagar.
 8. Nonlinear Time-Series Analysis;
    U. Parlitz.
 9. The K.U. Leuven Time Series Prediction Competition;
    J.A.K. Suykens, J. Vandewalle.

 Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
 Hardbound, ISBN 0-7923-8195-5 June 1998, 274 pp.
 NLG 285.00 / USD 125.00 / GBP 85.00
 More information: http://www.wkap.nl

Contributed by: Sergio Verdu 


by Sergio Verdu, Princeton University

(ISBN 0-521-59373-5, 464 pp. , hardcover $59.95)

Cambridge University Press
40 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011

Customer Service Tel: 1-800-872-7423, Fax: (914) 937-4712

WWW: http://www.cup.org

        "Multiuser Detection" provides the first comprehensive treatment of
the subject of multiuser digital communications. Multiuser detection deals
with demodulation of the mutually interfering digital streams of information
that occur in areas such as wireless communications, high-speed data
transmission, satellite communication, digital television, and magnetic
recording. The development of multiuser detection techniques is one of the most
important recent advances in communications technology, and this
self-contained book gives a comprehensive coverage of the design and analysis
of receivers for multiaccess channels, while focusing on fundamental models
and algorithms.
        The author begins with a review of multiaccess communications, dealing
in particular with code division multiple access (CDMA) channels.
Background material on hypothesis testing and the effect of multiuser
interference on single-user receivers are discussed next. This is followed by
the design and analysis of optimum and linear multiuser detectors. Also covered
in detail are topics such as decision-driven multiuser detection  and
noncoherent multiuser detection.
        The elements of multiuser detection are clearly and systematically
presented along with more advanced recent results, some of which are published
here for the first time.  The extensive set of references and bibliographical
notes offer a comprehensive account of the state of the art in the subject.
        The only prerequisites assumed are undergraduate-level probability,
linear algebra, and introductory digital communications. The book contains
over 300 exercises and is a suitable textbook for electrical engineering
students. It is also an ideal self-study guide for practicing engineers, as
well as a valuable reference volume for researchers in communications and
signal processing.

Table of contents:

1. Multiaccess communications
2. Code division multiple access channels
3. Single-user matched filter
4. Optimum multiuser detection
5. Decorrelating detector
6. Non-decorrelating linear multiuser detection
7. Decision-driven multiuser detectors

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: A.H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for:


             (Vol. 17, No. 4, 1998)

A Note on error bounds for function approximation using nonlinear networks,
    Ajit T. Dingankar and Irwin W. Sandberg

A new corner classification approach to neural network training,
    Kun-Won Tang and Subhash C. Kak

Parameter estimation using RELAX with a COLD array,
    Jian Li and Dunmin Zheng

A sectoring algorithm for exact computation of the frequency response
of linear interval systems,
    A. Karamancioglu and V. Dzhafarov

On cross-correlation function evaluation from a periodically
time-varying digital filter's output,
    Desmond C. McLernon

Coordinate logic filters and their applications in image processing
and pattern recognition,
    B.G. Mertzios and T. Tsirikolias

A comprehensive approach to DOA-estimation using higher-order statistics,
    Zhenghao Shi and Frederick W. Fairman

Contributed by: Hans Schneider

                Linear Algebra and Its Applications

                           Volume 278


Journal Code   : 7738
Journal        : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume issue   : 278/1-3
Year           : 1998
Anticipated Publication Date: 31-JUL-98

pp. 1-10
Convergence of certain bounded sequences
B Lavric

pp. 11-36
Transformation techniques for Toeplitz and Toeplitz-plus-Hankel matrices II.
G Heinig

pp. 37-62
Unitary and euclidean representations of a quiver
VV Sergeichuk

pp. 63-84
Schur complements obey Lambek's categorial grammar: another view of Gaussian
elimination and LU decomposition
DS Parker

pp. 85-90
Multiplicative semigroup automorphisms of upper triangular matrices over rings
Chongguang Cao

pp. 91-120
Locally Toeplitz sequences: spectral properties and applications
P Tilli

pp. 121-132
Structured perturbations and symmetric matrices
SM Rump

pp. 133-145
Extremal majorizing and anti-majorizing matrices
J Kastner

pp. 147-161
What is a vector Hankel determinant
A Salam

pp. 163-181
On Phi-convexity of convex functions
JE Martinez-Legaz, I Singer

pp. 183-193
Orthogonality and its approximation in the analysis of asymmetry
JC Gower

pp. 195-219
Quasicomplete factorization and the two machine flow shop problem
H Bart

pp. 221-236
Laplacian graph eigenvectors
R Merris

pp. 237-247
The generalized sine theorem and inequalities for simplices
L Gangsong

pp. 249-262
Group partition and systems of orthogonal idempotents
Z Yingshan

pp. 263-284
Representations and characterizations of vertices of bounded-shape partition
FK Hwang, UG Rothblum

pp. 285-285
Preface: Challenges in matrix theory 1998
F Uhlig

pp. 287-293
On the boundary of the set of real spectra of nonnegative matrices
A Borobia

pp. 295-301
Matrices with higher order displacement structure
G Heinig

pp. 303-307
Challenging eigenvalue perturbation problems
E Jiang

pp. 309-316
Approximation of linear operators in the 2-norm
AC Antoulas

pp. 317-326
Spectral variations and Hadamard products: some problems

pp. 327-336
Assigning the Kronecker invariants of a matrix pencil by row or column
JJ Loiseau

                Linear Algebra and Its Applications

                           Volume 279


Journal Code   : 7738
Journal        : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume issue   : 279/1-3
Year           : 1998
Anticipated Publication Date: 11-AUG-98

pp. 1-12
An algorithm to obtain laws families of filiform Lie algebras
JR Gomez

pp. 13-19
Hadamard functions preserving nonnegative H-matrices
L Elsner

pp. 21-30
Indices and nonzero decomposable elements of a symmetry class of tensors

pp. 31-38
Derivation ranges
S Mecheri

pp. 39-50
On schur D-stable matrices
R Fleming

pp. 51-74
Block Toeplitz preconditioning for static and dynamic linear systems
K Burrage, Z Jackiewicz

pp. 75-91
A lexicographic algebraic theorem and its applications
S Fujishige

pp. 93-109
On solutions of matrix equation AXB + CYD = F

pp. 111-117
An improvement on Ky Fan's theorem of matrix eigenvalues
L Li

pp. 119-134
The pointwise feedback relation for linear dynamical systems
M Carriegos, T Sanchez-Giralda

pp. 135-151
Perturbation analysis of the canonical subspaces

pp. 153-161
Null space structure of tree-patterned matrices
P Nylen

pp. 163-175
Computation of pseudospectra via spectral projectors
SK Godunov, M Sadkane

pp. 177-180
The sign-real spectral radius and cycle products
SM Rump

pp. 181-193
Invariant manifolds and projective combinations of solutions of the riccati
differential equation
D D'Alessandro

pp. 195-199
On linear subspaces of nilpotent elements in a Lie algebra
R Meshulam

pp. 201-206
An interlacing property of eigenvalues of strictly totally positive matrices
A Pinkus

pp. 207-225
Generalized exponents of non-primitive graphs
JY Shao

pp. 227-254
Differential topology of numerical range
EA Jonckheere

pp. 255-279
The algebraic structure of pencils and block Toeplitz matrices
DL Boley

pp. 281-283
A note on nonnegative normal matrices
W Li

pp. 285-301
On the condition numbers of large semi-definite toeplitz matrices^1
A Bottcher

pp. 303-316
Properties of positive definite solutions of the equation X + A^ X^-^2A = I^1
I Gantchev

pp. 317-324
Exponentials of symmetric matrices through tridiagonal reductions

NOTE:  These contents are produced by Elsevier using a procedure which
sometimes does not list all authors of a paper.  We apologize to
co-authors whose names are omitted from the contents.

Contributed by: Michele Basseville 

        Journal: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing

                    * CALL FOR PAPERS *

                     Special Issue on

Model-based structural monitoring using in-operation system identification.

In many industrial applications, in-operation data is the only form of
measurement accessible to estimate structural dynamics models.
Such models are typically the basis for validating or improving the
accuraccy of numerical (FEM) models, for deriving damage monitoring and
diagnosis approaches and for developing model based approaches to
control industrial processes.

In-operation monitoring answers needs present in a large number of
industrial sectors. Applications range from structural integrity
analysis of civil constructions (bridges, dams), of aircraft and
spacecraft components and systems, the vibroacoustic optimisation of
cars, trucks, household equipment and consumer products.

The special issue of Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
will consist of about 10 papers aiming at covering
different types of model-based approaches to in-operation modal
analysis and structural monitoring.

A priority will be given to papers showing novel approaches for
the identification, model validation, damage monitoring and
diagnosis phases, as well as validation on real data.

Possible topics are (but are not limited to):

o in-operation mechanical system identification;
o model updating using in-operation data;
o model-based structural monitoring (fault detection and diagnosis)
  using in-operation data;

for applications where only output measurements are available.

Guest Editors

Etienne Balmes
Laboratoire MSS-MAT
Ecole Centrale Paris
92295 Chatenay-Malabry, France
Phone: +33 (0)1 41 13 13 57
Fax:   +33 (0)1 41 13 14 42
Email:  balmes@mss.ecp.fr

Michele Basseville
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)2 99 84 72 36
Fax:   +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71
Email: basseville@irisa.fr

 Authors are invited to send five (5) copies of their manuscript,
prepared as per regular MSSP guidelines, making clear that
it is intended to contribute to the present special issue, to
the guest editor

Important Dates

- The deadline for submission of manuscripts is December 15, 1998.
- Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by March 31, 1999 and
  final manuscripts will be due by August 1999.
- The expected publication date for the special issue is January 2000.

Contributed by: Michele Basseville 

  International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing


                    * CALL FOR PAPERS *

                     Special Issue on

                Fault Detection and Isolation.

Fault detection and isolation problems have received an increasing
attention these last twenty years, on both the theoretical and applied
sides. Nevertheless, several challenging problems are still open,
among which: increasing sensitivity to faults and robustness with
respect to uncertainties, monitoring nonlinear plants, monitoring
hybrid dynamical systems, to mention but a few.

The special issue of the International Journal of Adaptive Control and
Signal Processing will consist of about 5-6 papers aiming at covering
different types of approaches to fault detection and isolation, with
the objective of clarifying their underlying assumptions and possibly
different ranges of applicability, and their performances.

It is the opinion of the Guest Editors, that important contributions
to the solution of current open FDI problems could come from strong
interactions between the (system theoretic) Adaptive Control Community
and the (statistical) Signal Processing Community.  Contributions are
encouraged that explore the links and interactions betweeen these two

Possible topics for exploring this interaction are (but are not
limited to):

o model-based FDI methods;
o stochastic systems;
o residual generation and evaluation;
o analytical redundancy relationships;
o parameter estimation;
o change detection;
o algebraic, geometric, or statistical rejection (decoupling).

Guest Editors

Michele Basseville
Campus de Beaulieu
35042 Rennes Cedex, France
Phone: +33 (0)2 99 84 72 36
Fax:   +33 (0)2 99 84 71 71
Email: basseville@irisa.fr

Thomas Parisini
DEEI- University of Trieste
Via Valerio 10, 34175 Trieste, Italy
Phone : + 39 40 676 71 38
Fax   : + 39 40 676 34 60
Email : thomas@dist.unige.it

Authors are invited to send five (5) copies of their manuscript,
prepared as per regular IJACSP guidelines, making clear that
it is intended to contribute to the present special issue, to
the guest editor.

Important Dates

- The deadline for submission of manuscripts is December 1, 1998.
- Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent by July 1999 and
  final manuscripts will be due by October 1999.
- The expected publication date for the special issue is June 2000.

Contributed by: Deidre Wunderlich, Production Editor

SIAM Review
Volume 40, Number 3, SEPTEMBER 1998


Thin Films with High Surface Tension
T. G. Myers

On the Asymptotic and Numerical Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential
A. B. Olde Daalhuis and F. W. J. Olver

Well-Solvable Special Cases of the Traveling Salesman Problem: A Survey
Rainer E. Burkard, Vladimir G. Deineko, Rene van Dal, Jack A. A. van der
Veen, and Gerhard J. Woeginger

>From Potential Theory to Matrix Iterations in Six Steps
Tobin A. Driscoll, Kim-Chuan Toh, and Lloyd N. Trefethen

Collective Coordinates and Length-Scale Competition in Spatially
Inhomogeneous Soliton-Bearing Equations
Angel Sanchez and A. R. Bishop

A Similarity Approach to the Numerical Solution of Free Boundary Problems
Riccardo Fazio

Solving Ill-Conditioned and Singular Linear Systems: A Tutorial on
Arnold Neumaier

A Model of Dieting
Ronald E. Mickens, Denise N. Brewley, and Matasha L. Russell

Note on the Optimal Intercept Time of Vessels to a Nonzero Range
Martin J. Gander

What Makes a Good Friend? The Mathematics of Rock Climbing
Matthew Bonney, Joshua Coaplen, and Erik Doeff

On Particular Solutions of Linear Difference Equations with Constant
Ramesh C. Gupta

Calculation of Weights in Finite Difference Formulas
Bengt Fornberg

The Global Positioning System and the Implicit Function Theorem
Gail Nord, David Jabon, and John Nord

Centrosymmetric Matrices
Alan L. Andrew

A Note on the Matrix Exponential
Eduardo Liz

The Power of a Matrix
M. Kwapisz

A Simple Proof of the Leverrier-Faddeev Characteristic Polynomial Algorithm
Shui-Hung Hou


CHAOS: An Introduction to Dynamical Systems (Kathleen T. Alligood, Tim D.
Sauer, and James A. Yorke), David Chillingworth

Introduction to Asymptotics: A Treatment Using Nonstandard Analysis (D. S.
Jones), Adri B. Olde Daalhuis

Numerical Linear Algebra (Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau, III), Ricardo
D. Fierro

The Mathematica Programmer II (Roman E. Maeder), Alfred Gray

Nonlinear Programming (Dimitri P. Bertsekas), W. W. Hager and O. L.

Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in Domains with Point Singularities (V. A.
Kozlov, V. G. Maz'ya, and J. Rossmann), R. Bruce Kellogg

Information and Randomness: An Algorithmic Perspective (Christian Calude),
Vladik Kreinovich

Mathematical Models in the Applied Sciences (A. C. Fowler), J. David Logan

Theory and Applications of Partial Functional Differential Equations
(Jianhong Wu), C. V. Pao

Computational Differential Equations (Kenneth
Eriksson, Don Estep, Peter Hansbo, and Claes Johnson), Todd E. Peterson

Discrete Hamiltonian Systems: Difference Equations, Continued Fractions,
and Riccati Equations (Calvin D. Ahlbrandt and Allan C. Peterson), Leiba

Nonlinear Dynamics: A Two Way Trip from Physics to Math (Hernan G. Solari,
Mario A. Natiello, and Gabriel B. Mindlin), Timothy Sauer

Handbook of Numerical Analysis. Volume V. Techniques of Scientific
Computing. (Part 2) (P. G. Ciarlet and J. L. Lions), Zhimin Zhang

Selected Collections

Later Editions


Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

August, 1998                                              Issue    34:8


Regular Papers

M. F.  Younis, G. Tsai, et    Formal verification of transformations for
al.                           speculative real-time execution

R. F. Curtain, J. C.          Riccati equations for strongly stabilizable
Oostveen                      bounded linear systems

J. E. Seem                    A new pattern recognition adaptive controller
                              with application to HVAC systems

Brief Papers

Jian-Xin Xu, Zhihua Qu        Robust iterative learning control for a class
                              of nonlinear systems

M-S. Chen                     Exponential stabilization of a constrained
                              bilinear system
J. Rudolph, E. Delaleau       Some examples and remarks on quasi-static
                              feedback of generalized states

Technical Communiques

D. J. Leith, W. E.Leithead    Comments on "Gain scheduling dynamic linear
                              controllers for a nonlinear plant"

J-H. Moon, T-Y. Doh, M. J.    An robust approach to iterative learning
Chung                         control design for uncertain systems

M. Darouach, S. J. Xu         On the robustness of linear systems with
                              nonlinear uncertain parameters

W. K. Ho, K. W. Lim, W. Xu    Optimal gain and phase margin tuning for PID

Han Ho Choi                   An explicit formula of linear sliding surfaces
                               for a class of uncertain dynamic systems with
                               mismatched uncertainties

K. G. Arvanitis               On the location of intersample ripples of
                              linear systems controlled by generalized
                              sampled-data hold functions

S. Panzieri, P. Lucibello     Application of cyclic control to a two-link
                              flexible arm

A. Beghi, D. d'Alessandro     Discrete-time optimal control with
                              control-dependent noise and generalized
                              Riccati difference equations

Yongru Gu, Qiqiang Li, et     On delay-dependent stability and decay
al.                           estimate for uncertain systems with time-
                              varying delay


                                Table of contents

September, 1998                                           Issue    34:9

Regular Papers

D-P. Song, Y-X. Sun           Optimal service control of a serial production
                              line with unreliable workstations and random

P. M. Makila, J. R.           Lethargy results in LTI system modelling

Chengshan Xiao, D.J. Hill     Concepts of strict positive realness and the
                              absolute stability problem of continuous-time

F.L. Lewis,  S. Bogdan,  A.   Analysis of deadlock and circular waits using
Gurel, et al.                 a matrix model for flexible manufacturing

H. Akcay, B. Ninness          Rational basis functions for robust
                              identification from frequency and time domain

Brief Papers

K. Reif, F. Sonneman, R.      An EKF-based nonlinear observer with a
Unbehauen                     prescribed degree of stability

B-G. Hu, G. K. I. Mann, R.    Control curve design for nonlinear (or fuzzy)
G. Gosine                     proportional actions during spline-based

Technical Communiques

R. J. Patton, M. Hou          Design of fault detection and isolation
                              observers: A matrix pencil approach

V. Kapila, W. M. Haddad       Memoryless H(infinity) controllers for
                              discrete-time systems with time delay

H. W. Fung, Q-G. Wang, T. H.  PI tuning in terms of gain and phase margins

G. Joly-Blanchard, L.         Some remarks about an identifiability result
Denis-Vidal                   of nonlinear systems


                              Errata to the December, 1997, and January and
                              February, 1998 issues

Contributed by: Tricia Manning
                Managing Editor, J. Franklin Institute

Journal of The Franklin Institute
Volume 335B, Issue 6, August 1998

Buckling Load Relationship between Reddy and Kirchhoff Circular Plates
Wang, C. and Lee, K.
page 989-995

Novel Oscillators using Current and Voltage Follower
Soliman, A.M.
page 997-1007

Buckling of Unilaterally Constrained Plates: Applications to the Study of
Delaminations in Layered Structures
Shahwan, K.W. and Waas, A.M.
page 1009-1039

Graph Theoretic and Boolean Conditions for Structurally Fixed Modes of
Augmented System Forms
Evangelatos, D.S.
page 1041-1051

An Integrated Method in Wavelet-based Image Compression
Hsu, H., Hu, Y. and Wu, B.
page 1053-1068

Inclusion Isotonicity for Circular Centered Forms in Several Complex Variables
Lin, Q. and Rokne, J.G.
page 1069-1076

Physical and Geometrical Interpretation of Fractional Operators
Moshrefi-Torbati, M. and Hammond, J.K.
page 1077-1086

Comments on "Delay-independent Stability Criteria for Discrete Uncertain
Large-scale Systems with Times Delays"
Tao, Y.
page 1087-1088

Analysis of Disposition Alternatives for Radioactively Contaminated Scrap
Nieves, L.A., Chen, S.Y., Kohout, E.J., Nabelssi, B., Tilbrook, R.W. and
Wilson, S.E.
page 1089-1103

On Nonlinear Detectability
Amicucci, G.L. and Monaco, S.
page 1105-1123

Disturbance Rejection in Multivariable Systems by State Feedback Controller
Al-Assadi, S.A.K.
page 1125-1144

Edge-preserving Smoothing using Median Mean Neural Hybrid Filters
Muneyasu, M., Hotta, K., Hinamoto, T. and Taguchi, A.
page 1145-1156

The Computational Efficiency of a Spectral Walsh Function Method
Sloss, B.G. and Blyth, W.F.
page 1157-1170

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by A. Enis Cetin, cetin@ee.bilkent.edu.tr

               IEEE-EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Proc.
                               Call for Papers
                      June 20-23, 1999, Antalya, Turkey
                  Web: http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/NSIP99

  The 1999 Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and
  Image Processing will be the fourth in a
  series of international workshops. It will
  be a forum for the presentation and
  discussion of the most recent work in the
  area of nonlinear signal and image
  The '99 workshop will be held in June 20-23
  in Antalya, Turkey. Antalya is a scenic
  resort town by the Mediterranean Sea. The
  weather is warm and clear in June.
  Archeological sites near Antalya include
  Phaselis, Aspendos, Perge, Letoon, Patara,
  Xanthos, and Termessos. A wide variety of
  outdoor activities are also available.

               WORKSHOP TOPICS:
  The topics to be addressed are intended to
  cover the theory and application of
  nonlinear techniques in signal and image
  processing. Specific topics which will be
  addressed in this workshop are:
  * Order statistic type filters and filter
  * Robust methods for detection and
  * Chaotic and fuzzy systems in signal and
    image processing
  * Implementation of nonlinear systems
  * Nonlinear techniques for waveform
  * Morphological signal/image processing
    and analysis
  * Neural networks for signal processing
  * Volterra and general polynomial type
  * Applications of nonlinear signal and
    image processing
  * Nonlinear techniques for color images
    and image sequences

 October 30, 1998  Submission of two-page summary
 February 15, 1999  Notification of acceptance
 April 1, 1999  Receipt of final five page manuscript
 and registration fee

  Prof. A. Enis Cetin, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  Bilkent University, Bilkent, Ankara, 06533 Turkey.
  FAX: +90 312 266 4126, TEL: +90 312 2664307 or +90 312 2901477
  E-mail : cetin@ee.bilkent.edu.tr
  Web: http://www.ee.bilkent.edu.tr/NSIP99

Contributed by: Hector Rotstein 



                   June 28-30, 1999 - Haifa, Israel


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the 1999 Mediterranean Control Conference (MED99). MED99 is the 7th of
a very successful series of conferences, which take place each summer
on or around the Mediterranean sea. The conferences are co-sponsored by
the IEEE through the Control System Society.


MED99 will be held in Haifa, Israel on June 28-30, 1999 at the Dan
Panorama Hotel. We expect to have a strong program covering a wide
variety of topics and providing a good balance between control and
automation theory and applications. At the same time, the Mediterranean
sun and beaches will provide a relaxed and friendly atmosphere for
fruitful work.

The city of Haifa stretches over the green slopes of the Mount Carmel,
located in the northern part of Israel, at a comfortable driving
distance from the buzzing center of the country and the golden city of
Jerusalem. The visitors will find in Haifa a seamless combination of
modern occidental life with the rich traditional heritage of the
country. Participants, their families and guests will be able to enjoy
the beauty of the Bahai gardens, and take a cable car up the Mount
Carmel. They will also be able to cross the Bay of Haifa to the
fascinating historical city of Acco (Acre), and visit a traditional
Druse Village hidden in the Carmel National Park. In addition to all
this, the special activities being planned for the occasion promise to
transform MED99 into a conference you will never forget.

                KEYNOTE SPEAKERS

There are five keynote addresses already confirmed for the Conference:

* Prof. Y. Bar Shalom, University of Connecticut.
* Prof. S. Boyd, Stanford University.
* Mr. G. Burdick, JPL, NASA-Caltech.
* Prof. G. Goodwin, University of Newcastle.
* Prof. M. Heymann, The Technion.


Prospective authors are invited to submit four (4) copies of the full
paper by November 15, 1998. Organizers of special sessions are
requested to submit four (4) copies of a proposal with titles and
summaries of the papers to be included in the session. Proposals
should contain the names, affiliation and E-mail addresses of the
organizer(s) and all the authors. All submissions should be sent to
the address:
        c\o Mr. C. Mayer
        P.O. Box 3666
        Haifa 31036, Israel

Notification will be e-mailed by February 1, 1999.  Authors of accepted
papers will be required to submit their final papers by April 2, 1999.
Since E-mail is the preferable means of correspondence of MED99, it is
very important for all prospective authors to send accurate electronic
addresses. Further information may be requested via E-mail to:
or by visiting our home-page:

Accepted papers will be included in a CD-ROM Proceedings to be supplied
to each participant. Also, the Book of Abstracts of all accepted papers
will be available to each participant at the registration desk.

The official language of the conference is English.



All conference attendees must register. At least one registration must
be received at the moment of submitting each final paper, by April 2,
The basic registration includes full lunches, entrance to the reception,
and a festive Banquet. Participants will also receive coffee, cake and
refreshments during the conference breaks, the Book of Abstracts, and a
copy of the CD-ROM Proceedings. Additional tickets to the Banquet and
excursions to nearby tourist attractions will be available on the site.
The estimated fee is $320 for early registrants.


Information concerning registration and accommodation should be
addressed to the Conference Secretariat:
        Palex Tours
        59 Ha'atzmaut Rd.
        Haifa 33033, Israel
        Ph.: 972-4-852 4254
        Fax: 972-4-852 2491
        E-mail: pl@netvision.net.il

Contributed by : Alina Voda-Besancon (Alina.Besancon@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr):

             http : //armor.ensieg.inpg.fr

Organisation:     Sylviane GENTIL
Session 18:      31 August 1998 - 4 September 1998

Interaction between Identification and Control Design

Scientific Responsibility : Michel GEVERS
Laboratory session Responsible: Alina BESANCON-VODA


E.N.S. d'Ingenieurs Electriciens de Grenoble
Domaine Universitaire
Rue de la Houille Blanche
38402 - Saint-Martin-d'Heres - France


The objective of this summer school is to present the recent developments
of the techniques of identification for control (robust, adaptive,
iterative), that have been already confirmed by practice. Identification
and validation in closed-loop, uncertainty evaluation and compatible control
design will be emphasised. Attendees will get a good understanding of the
interaction between identification and control design as well in theory as
on illustrative examples. They will have the possibility to test the presented
algorithms in simulation and on real-time applications during the laboratory

Potential attendees.

This summer school is particularly intended for :
- PhD students wishing to learn about interaction between identification
  and control design and its applications.
- Engineers from control industry concerned by identification and control
  design problems.
- Researchers or Professors wishing to create an expertise, or to up-date
  their information for future research, or teaching.


The attendees should have some background in identification and linear

M. GEVERS               Universite Catholique Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium.
L. LJUNG                Linkoping University, Sweden.
B. BITMEAD              Australian National University, Canberra.
P. VAN DEN HOF          Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.
A. BESANCON-VODA        Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble-INPG, France.
I. LANDAU               Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble-INPG, France.

The presentations will be held in English.

WEB ADRESS:  http : //armor.ensieg.inpg.fr

Registration deadline : Friday, August 21, 1998
Possibility of lodging in the student Hall of Residence
Please, contact the secretariat before August 20th 1997
Secretariat :
        Ecole d'Ete d'Automatique de Grenoble
        A l'attention de Marie-Therese DESCOTES-GENON
        Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble
        B.P. 46,     38402 - Saint-Martin-d'Heres - France
        Tel. 33 (0)             Fax. 33(0)4.76 82 63 88
        Email : Marie-Therese.Descotes-Genon@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr
        Web : http : //armor.ensieg.inpg.fr

Contributed by: Josep Vehi 

                               Workshop on:
        Applications of Interval Analysis to Systems and Control
  with special emphasis on recent advances in Modal Interval Analysis
                           February 24-26, 1999
                           University of Girona
                              Girona, Spain


During the last years, Interval Analysis has been widely applied to
solve open problems in Systems and Control Engineering. For instance,
problems like analysis and synthesis of robust controllers for uncertain
plants or fuzzy inference has been stated from the interval point of
view. Other fields where the use of Interval Analysis is increasing are
qualitative, semiqualitative and interval simulation and their
application to fault detection and diagnosis and to systems

All these applications benefit of the ability of intervals to manipulate
imprecise data, keep track of truncation and round-off errors and
reliability, but they suffer the main weakness of the classical Interval
Analysis: too conservative results are often obtained when the range of
a function is computed.

The aims of this workshop are:
   1.to present recent advances in applications of Interval Analysis in
Control, focusing on the limitations and drawbacks of Classical Interval
   2.to present recent advances on the Modal Interval Analysis, a new
paradigm on uncertainty representation, and some of its recent
applications to control,
   3.to analise and discuss, in the context of Modal Interval Analysis,
open problems in the field of Control Systems where Classical Interval
Analysis is used and fails or seems to be limited.


The workshop will focus on four main topics:
Modal Interval Analysis: Modal Interval Analysis will be presented with
recent results and applications.
Open Problems: Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical or practical
open problems which may be considered as interval problems, but their
resolution goes beyond Classical Interval Analysis.
Interval Applications to Control: The following topics will be
considered but not restricted to robust control design, identification,
fuzzy control, robustness analysis, signal processing, etc.
Interval Simulation: Interval modelling. Qualitative, semi-qualitative
and interval simulation. Applications to fault detection and diagnosis.

Paper submission

Five copies of full papers of no more than 15 pages including abstract,
references, figures, and tables (one column format, 11pt Times font, and
A4 paper) should to be received by conference organizers by September
30. All papers must be submitted in hard copy form. No paper will be
accepted by fax or in electronic form.

Submission adress

     Dr. Josep Vehi
     Control Engineering and Intelligent Systems Group
     Campus Montilivi. Edifici P-II
     University of Girona
     E-17071 Girona (Spain)

Important dates

     September 30, 1998 :     Full paper submissions
     November 30, 1998 :      Notification of acceptance/rejection
     December 20, 1988 :      Camera-ready copy due & Registration
     February 24-26, 1999 :   Workshop will be held

Participation Fee

The workshop participation fee (incorporating the organization costs,
the refreshments during the breaks, lunches, the proceedings volume
containing full papers, the banquet dinner and a short sightseeing tour)
will be 23000 Spanish pesetas (~150 US Dollars).


All the presented papers will be published in a proceedings volume.

Financial Aid

Limited funds are expected to be available to assist a small number of
student authors and authors from developing countries, who will attend
the Workshop with a paper accepted.

Contributed by L. Dugard  

         IFAC Workshop on MOTION CONTROL
          Grenoble, France, September 21-23,1998.
  WEB PAGE: www-lag.ensieg.inpg.fr/manifestations/motion98.html

ACCOMODATION etc)on the afore mentioned web site.

 The IFAC Workshop on Motion Control will be held from Monday 21 to
 Wednesday 23 September 1998, at the Ecole Nationale Suprieure
 d'Ingenieurs Electriciens de Grenoble, France.

 The objective of this workshop is to bring together specialists in the
 field of motion control to present the state of the art and to discuss
 new trends and mutual impacts of their research on the topic. Junior
 people are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference.

 The topics include :
 Flexible structures  Marine systems  Rotating machinery control
 Vehicle control  Smart structures  Vibration control  Robot control
 Force control  Transportation systems  Vision  Actuators/sensors
 Micro-mechanisms  AC and DC motors drives  Walking mechanisms
 Systems with friction and hysteresis  Attitude control.

Contributed by: hm@mitgmbh.de

 Second International DataAnalysis Symposium

Mine for it!

On September 10, 1998 the heart of intelligent data analysis and data
mining beats in Aachen, Germany! During the Second DataAnalysis
Symposium numerous applications of MIT's software tools will be
presented and discussed. Listen to our customers' experience and get
ideas about applying our software tools in your area and for your

Attendees at this symposium will witness the presentation of the new
versions of MIT's product family, the software tools for intelligent
data analysis and data mining. Discuss the new features of our
software tools with our developers. Tell us your requirements for the
next release, so we can fulfill your needs.

A round table discussion during the symposium will elaborate the
potential of intelligent data analysis in process optimization.
Benefit from the experience of successfully performed projects in
which we optimized industrial processes in cooperation with our
project partners.

Attendance at the Second DataAnalysis Symposium is a must, if you

*** are looking for successful applications of intelligent data
    analysis and data mining in order to decide which data analysis
    software tool meets your needs best.
*** are already using software tools for intelligent data analysis and
    you would like to further improve the efficiency of your work by
    exchanging experience and information with other users.
*** have developed your own solution or techniques based on
    intelligent data analysis and you would like to partner with other
    developers and users.

We are excited to meet you here in Aachen and to discuss intelligent
data analysis with you.

The detailed program including a fax form for registration is
available via internet
(http://www.mitgmbh.de/mit/transfer/das98/program.htm) or
contact us for details via products@mitgmbh.de

Contributed by: Michael Breitner 

               First SYNAPSE*3 Matrix- and Neurocomputing Workshop

Dear Colleagues,
we have organized the first workshop to bring together developers, users and
researchers working with the new SYNAPSE*3 matrix- and neurocomputer. The
SYNAPSE*3 is a low budget PCI-board with 2 MA16 co-processors designed for
very fast matrix computations and very fast neurocomputing. We invite
interested colleagues to attend the workshop free of charge. The workshop
aims at fostering discussions and cooperation among practitioners and
theoreticians in all fields of low budget high performance matrix- and

Location: TU Clausthal, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik, Erzstrasse 1,
          D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany (about an hour's drive from
          Hannover, Braunschweig and Goettingen).

Tentative schedule: September 24 (1:00 p.m.) - September 25 (12:00 noon), 1998.

Tentative lectures on September 24 (45 -- 60 minutes with discussion)
 * SYNAPSE*3 hardware and user-interface (U. Dostal and T. Westfeld,
    MediaInterface, Dresden)
 * SYNAPSE*3 for Linux PCs (U. Kritzner, TU Dresden)
 * Image processing (A. Kritzner, Anwendungszentrum Neuro-Informatik, Schwerin)
 * Image processing with AXON (I. Elsen, RWTH Aachen)
 * Dud detection with neural networks (C. Cruse, Cruse Leppelmann
    Kognitionstechnik, Muenster)
 * Heuristic option pricing with neural networks (M. H. Breitner, TU Clausthal)

Computer demonstrations and further discussions are planed on September 25.

Further information and registration:

 Dr. Michael H. Breitner
 Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der TU Clausthal
 Erzstrasse 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
 Email: breitner@math.tu-clausthal.de   Phone/Fax: Germany+5323-722959/-722304

 Dr.-Ing. Uwe Dostal
 MediaInterface Dresden GmbH
 Washingtonstrasse 16/16a, D 01139 Dresden, Germany
 Email: dostal.mid@drs.siemens.de       Phone/Fax: Germany+351-8442101/8442067

Contributed by: Mark Nagurka (nagurka@marquette.edu)

                      1999 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE

We wish to draw your attention to the 18th American Control Conference (ACC),
June 2 -- June 4, 1999 at the Hyatt Regency San Diego on the San Diego Bay,
California, USA. Topics of interest include all aspects of theory and
applications pertinent to control systems encountered in Aerospace, Chemical,
Electrical, Mechanical and Manufacturing and Process Engineering fields.

September 1, 1998 is the deadline for
1. submission of Invited Session Proposals to Vice-Chair, Invited Sessions
2. submission of Contributed Regular Papers to appropriate Society Review
3. submission of Contributed Short Papers to Vice-Chair, Contributed Papers
4. nominations for Student Best Paper Award to the Program Chair and
5. submission of Workshop Proposals to the Workshop Chair.

To receive further information, view the 1999 ACC homepage at
http://www.marquette.edu/acc1999/ or the AACC homepage at
http://web.ece.nwu.edu/~ahaddad/aacc/ or contact the General Chair.

General Chair                                            Program Chair
Stephen Yurkovich                                        Pradeep Misra
Tel: (614) 292-2586                                      Tel: (937) 775-5062
s.yurkovich@ieee.org                                     p.misra@ieee.org

Contributed by:  Dawn Tilbury (tilbury@umich.edu) and Mark Lawley

                           Call for Papers
   Special Session on Discrete Event Control of Manufacturing Systems
       IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
                 May 10-15, 1999 -- Detroit, Michigan

Organized by Mark Lawley (malawley@ecn.purdue.edu), Purdue University
and Dawn Tilbury (tilbury@umich.edu), University of Michigan

Many manufacturing systems can be characterized as discrete-event systems.
As systems become more complex, new techniques are needed to design and
verify the control systems.  The 1999 ICRA will be held in the
manufacturing heartland of the USA.  Papers are invited on all methods
and aspects of discrete-event control of manufacturing systems.  New
solution techniques as well as applications of existing techniques to
new problems are invited.  Papers from industrial participants
outlining the key problems faced today in discrete-event control are
also welcomed.

Short abstracts (1/2 page) should be submitted by email to one of the
organizers by September 1, 1998.  Full papers will need to be submitted for
review by September 30.  For more information on the session, contact
one of the organizers, or more information on the ICRA, see

Contributed by: Robert Babuska 

          International School on Fuzzy Logic Control
                  Advances in Applications

          Faculty of Information Technology and Systems
                 Delft University of Technology
                     Delft, The Netherlands
                       April 20-24, 1999

An International School on the advances in applications of fuzzy logic
control will be held on April 20-24, 1999, at the Delft University of
Technology, Faculty of Information Technology and Systems, in Delft, the
Netherlands. This is the second of two coordinated events, devoted to
the dissemination of state of the art knowledge in methodology and
application of fuzzy logic. The first event was held in Ferrara, Italy
on June 16-20, 1998 and was devoted to the advances in the theory and
methodology of fuzzy logic control. This successful event was attended
by 50 doctorate students and researchers (the maximum possible number of
participants). The Summer School is sponsored by the TMR programme of
the European Commission and organized by the Department of Electronics,
Computers and Systems, University of Bologna, in collaboration with the
Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara and the Faculty of
Information Technology and Systems, Delft University of Technology.

The aim of the school is twofold:
* provide doctorate students and professionals with the basic as well as
  advanced material on fuzzy control and to stimulate discussion of
  problems and future research directions;

* bring together young researchers both from academia and industry that
  work in systems and control engineering and give them the opportunity
  to exchange experience and knowledge.

The number of participants is limited to 50, and registration before
January 31, 1999 is mandatory. The participants' registration will be
considered in the order of reception. A limited number of grants are
available upon request for young researchers (born after May 1, 1964),
with the European Community or associated Countries citizenship to
partially cover their travel, lodging and fee costs. Contact the
organizers for the eligibility conditions and application forms.

Preliminary Program

1. Tutorials
* State of the art in fuzzy control
* State of the art in fuzzy modeling
2. Surveys on advanced methodologies
* Fuzzy decision making and control
* Fuzzy techniques in fault detection, isolation and diagnosis
* Complexity reduction in fuzzy systems
* Fuzzy control of multiple-input, multiple-output systems
* Neuro-fuzzy methods
3. Application-oriented contributions
* Process industry
* Electromechanical systems, robotics
* Cement and ceramics
* Waste-water treatment and drinking water purification
* Power systems
* Biotechnology
* Automotive industry
* Traffic management and control
* Avionics
4. Other activities
* Hands-on experience with software tools for fuzzy modeling and control
* Case studies
* Poster session of the participants
* Plant visit


The event will be held at the Faculty of Information Technology and
Systems, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands. Delft
is a historical city, situated in the neighborhood of The Hague
(governmental seat) and Rotterdam (among the largest harbors of the
world). The 17th century center of the city if well preserved, with
beautiful churches, buildings and musea.

Contact Address

Mrs. Anja van den Berg
Control Laboratory
Faculty of Information Technology & Systems
Delft University of Technology
P.O. Box 5031/Mekelweg 4
2600 GA Delft/2628 CD Delft
The Netherlands
tel: +31 (0)15 278 5119
fax: +31 (0)15 278 6679
e-mail: a.f.m.vandenberg@its.tudelft.nl

Contributed by: David A. Schoenwald (schoenwaldda@ornl.gov)

                37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

                Hyatt Regency Westshore, Tampa, Florida, USA
                            December 16-18, 1998



On behalf of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM),
the Program and Operating Committees invite you to participate in the
thirty-seventh IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).
The CDC will be held December 16-18, 1998 at the Hyatt Regency Westshore,
Tampa, Florida, with tutorial workshops preceding the conference
on Monday and Tuesday, December 14-15 and after the conference
on Saturday, December 19.  For more information on the conference, please
visit the conference web site:


The conference registration form and hotel reservation form are
available at the CDC'98 web site. The deadline for advance
registration is November 9, 1998.  Hotel reservation requests received
after November 23, 1998 will be accepted subject to availability.
Please make your reservations early.

Contributed by: pascal@icsc.ab.ca

International Congress on

June 22-25, 1999
at the Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, N.Y., USA

CIMA'99 features the following Symposia:

Third International ICSC Symposium on FUZZY LOGIC AND APPLICATIONS
Chair:Hans Bothe, Switzerland/Germany

Chair:Erkki Oja, Finland

Chair:Eduardo Massad, Brazil

Chair:Seth A. Greenblatt, USA

Please consult the websites for details or request the Call for Papers for
a specific Symposium from the organizer

International Computer Science Conventions
P.O. Box 279
Millet, Alberta T0C 1Z0

EMAIL:    operating@icsc.ab.ca
URL:   http://www.icsc.ab.ca
FAX:   +1-403-387-4329 (after January 25, 1999 +1-780-387-4329)
PHONE:    +1-403-387-3546 (after January 25, 1999 +1-780-387-3546)

Contributed by: Denis Dochain

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                       Invited session(s) on

                        11-15 July 1999
                       Brussels, Belgium

The European Congress on Biotechnology  (ECB) is an event that is organized
every two years. ECB is a fundamental science based but application directed
Biotechnology Congress.

As for the previous ECBs, invited sessions on Monitoring and Control of
Bioprocesses are planned for ECB9.  Papers are solicited which address
theoretical and application problems  associated with monitoring and control
of bioprocesses. Topics may include, but are not  limited to process monitoring
and control, nonlinear and robust control, optimal control, batch process
control and discrete event  systems, and process control applications.

If you are thinking about submitting a paper to these sessions please inform
us about your tentative intent already now, so that we can direct any  upcoming
news related to this session to you.

September 1, 1998   Submit extended abstracts to session organizers
September 15, 1998  Authors notified of acceptance to invited sessions
February 1, 1999    Definite notification about approval of invited sessions
April 1, 1999       Submit final manuscript
July 11-15, 1999    ECB9 in Brussels

Potential authors should express their interest in the session by sending both
organizers a fax or e-mail in which they ask to receive the abstract macro (it
will be sent preferably by e-mail, if needed on disk), as soon as possible and
of course before the deadline of September 1, 1998.

Jan Van Impe                                      Denis Dochain
Department of Food and Microbial Technology       CESAME
BioTeC - Bioprocess Technology and Control        Universite Catholique
                                                  de Louvain
Katholieke Universteit Leuven                     Batiment Euler
Kardinaal Mercierlaan 92                          4-6 ave. Georges Lemaitre
B-3001 Heverlee                                   B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
Belgium                                           Belgium

email: jan.vanimpe@agr.kuleuven.ac.be             dochain@auto.ucl.ac.be
Tel.+32-16-32.14.66 (direct)                      +32-10-472378 (direct)
       +32-16-32.15.85 (secretary)                +32-10-472597 (secretary)
Fax.+32-16-32.19.60                               +32-10-472180

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *