E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 118, June 1, 1998

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 118,  June 1, 1998

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Millemiglia in Automatico, the demo if te ARGO Vehicle
        3.2  URL address S. African Conuncil for Automation

4.      Positions
        4.1  Draper fellowship positions at Univ. of Houston
        4.2  Postdoctoral position coord. science lab. Univ. of Illinois.
        4.3  Ph.D. position in control & opt., Imperial College, London
        4.4  Academic positions at Canberra, Australia
        4.5  Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.6  Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.7  Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.8  Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.9  Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.10 Postdoc position EE dept., Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
        4.11 Research assoc. position, EE dept., Univ. of Hong Kong
        4.12 Position in Aut. Control, ABB Corporate Research, Heidelberg
        4.13 Department chair, Case School of Engr., Case Western Reserve Univ.
        4.14 Control Engineering Consultant, ISC Ltd, Glasgow

5.      Books
        5.1  "Network optimization: continuous and discrete models", Bertsekas
        5.2  "Stabilization of nonlinear uncertain systems", Krstic and Deng
        5.3  "H-infinity control and its applications", Chen
        5.4  "Robust control of systems subject to hard constraints", Reinelt

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Automatica, Vol. 34:6-7
        6.2  TOC MCSS, Vol. 11:1
        6.3  TOC Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 4:2
        6.4  TOC IJC, Vol. 70:5
        6.5  TOC SIAM Review, Vol. 40:2

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP ITS'98 Workshops
        7.2  CFP EUFIT'98
        7.3  CFP 14th IFAC Worldcongress, Beijing, 1999
        7.4  CFP IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Santa Fe, 1999
        7.5  CFP School on Comp. Aspects and Applic. of Hybrid Systems
        7.6  CFP Workshop on Identification and Control, Siena, Italy
        7.7  CFP 14th IEEE Intl. Symp. on Intelligent Control, Cambridge, USA
        7.8  Advance program of Tempus Summer School
        7.9  CFP 5th Workshop on Variable Structure Systems 1998
        7.10 CFP IFAC/IFIP Workshop on Real-time systems, Shantou, 1998
        7.11 CFP session on chemical process control, ECC 1999
        7.12 CFP Conf. on Information, decision and control, Adeleide, 1999.

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

         >>> No contributions for the Personals section <<<

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  Alberto Broggi 

       You  are  cordially  invited  to  take part in one of the  most special
    rides on public roads:  from June 1st  to  June 6th, 1998  the  autonomous
    vehicle ARGO will drive through Italy automatically and  during  the  tour
    it will broadcast a live video stream to the Internet.
       You will be able to take a look at ARGO's driving cabin, at the results
    of the processing, and... at the outside landscapes, LIVE.

       The official presentation of the tour will  take  place  on  Wednesday,
    May 27th, 1998, at the Faculty of Engineering of the  University of Parma,
    at 2:30 pm, room F.

       Please check      http://millemiglia.ce.unipr.it    for more details,
    ...and stay tuned.

                M I L L E M I G L I A   I N   A U T O M A T I C O

                         The Demo of the ARGO Vehicle

                     Dip. di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
                            Universita` di Parma

 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche                    in cooperation with TIM
 Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti II                       Telecom Italia Mobile


      The prototype vehicle ARGO (a Lancia Thema 2000) has  been  developed  at
   the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione of the University of Parma,
   under the framework of the Progetto Finalizzato Trasporti 2 of  the  Italian
   National Research Council (CNR).  ARGO  is  able  to  compute  its  relative
   position with respect to the lane, to extract the geometry of the road,  and
   to localize eventual obstacles obstructing the driving path.

      A computing engine processes the  images  acquired  by  a  stereo  vision
   system whose  cameras  are  localized  behind  the  windscreen,  inside  the
   vehicle; the results are used to drive an electric engine installed  on  the
   steering column, which provides automatic  steering.  The  whole  system  is
   based on the processing  of  visual  information  in  order  to  remove  the
   possibility of inter-vehicle interference and does not  need  specific  road

      The original target of the project was the development  of  a  system  to
   improve road safety by controlling  and  supervising  the  driver  activity.
   Further developments,  however,  allowed  to  extend  the  functionality  to
   automatic  driving:  during the  MILLEMIGLIA IN AUTOMATICO Tour,  ARGO  will
   drive in automatic mode.

      In the world two other extensive tests  have  been  conducted  on  public
   roads in the last few years:  `No Hands Across America'  by  the  CMU  group
   (Pittsburgh, USA) and a  trip  from  Munchen  to  Odense  by  the  group  of
   Universitat der Bundeswehr (Germany). The goal of our trip is to demonstrate
   that using only visual information and low-cost general purpose hardware  it
   is possible to drive automatically and safely a vehicle under different road
   and environmental conditions.


  Monday, June 1 1998
     8.00  11.00        Parma - Torino.........................245 km
    12.00  18.00        Demo & Seminar: IEN Galileo Ferraris, Torino
    18.00  20.00        Torino - Milano - Pavia................175 km

  Tuesday, June 2 1998
     8.00  13.00        Demo & Seminar: DIS, Universita` di Pavia
    14.00  18.00        Pavia - Milano - Padova - Ferrara......340 km

  Wednesday, June 3 1998
     8.00  11.00        Demo & Seminar: Universita` di Ferrara
    12.00  15.30        Ferrara - Bologna - Ancona.............260 km
    16.00  19.00        Demo & Seminar:  Universita` di Ancona

  Thursday, June 4 1998
     8.30  13.00        Ancona - Pescara - Roma................365 km
    14.00  19.00        Demo & Seminar: CNR - PFT II,  Roma

  Friday, June 5 1998
     9.00  12.30        Roma - Firenze.........................280 km
    15.00  18.30        Demo & Seminar: Universita` di Firenze

  Saturday, June 6 1998
     8.30  12.00        Firenze - Bologna - Parma..............195 km

           Minor program variations may be announced on the Web page.


  Alberto Broggi, Massimo Bertozzi, Alessandra Fascioli
    Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione, Universita` di Parma


      During the `MilleMiglia in Automatico' tour, thanks to the cooperation of
   TIM, Telecom Italia Mobile,  ARGO will broadcast a live video stream to  the
   Internet. A PC acquires images from a camera installed  inside  the  vehicle
   and, using 2 independent GSM channels,  sends  the  data  to  a  Web  Server
   (http://millemiglia.ce.unipr.it) accessible from any host on the Internet.
      Up-to-date information as well as live images acquired from  the  vehicle
   during the demo are available at:



  * Lancia Thema 2000                 * Led-based control panel
  * B/W cameras, f=0.6mm, 360 lines   * On board 6'' color monitor
  * Trinocular acquisition system     * Inverter generating 220V @ 50Hz
  * Odometer, Hall effect             * Electric engine on steering column
  * PC Pentium MMX, 200MHz, Linux     * Joystick for emergency situations
  * Analog/Digital I/O board          * Stereo speakers


   The system installed on ARGO allows the following functions:

    the system monitors the driver activity; in case of potential dangerous
    situations the system warns the driver with acoustic and optic signals
    the system warns the driver with acoustic and optic signals and, in case
    of dangerous situations, takes the control of the vehicle
    the system drives automatically, following the lane and localizing obstacles
    on the path; the system is able to perform lane changes

For information:
 Alberto Broggi, ARGO project coordinator
 Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione
 Universita` di Parma, Viale delle Scienze, 43100 PARMA, ITALY

 Fax: +39-521-905723
 E-Mail: broggi@ce.unipr.it
 WebSite: http://www.ce.unipr.it/people/broggi

Contributed by: Fernando Camisani (mailto:cami-fr@suntiger.ee.up.ac.za)

                 IFAC's SOUTH AFRICAN NMO: SACAC

The South African Council For Automation and Computation(SACAC) is the
National Member Organisation(NMO) of IFAC in South Africa. The main
function of SACAC is to promote the science and practice of automation
and computation for the benefit and economic prosperity of the
people of South Africa.

To achieve this broad aim, SACAC is involved in acquiring and
disseminating information on automation and computation by:

1. Organizing and participating in National and International
Conferences, Symposia and Workshops on topics which are relevant to

2. Maintaining a formal association with IFAC(International Federation
of Automatic Control) and other selected international organisations
whose purposes are similar to those of IFAC.

3. Facilitating contact amongst researchers, practitioners, users and
suppliers of automation technology.

4. Establishing contact with relevant national and international

Please see the new SACAC web site at http://www3.fast.co.za/~sacac or
contact the SACAC secretariat at mailto:assoc@jcci.co.za for more

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Karolos Grigoriadis (karolos@uh.edu)


             Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory
            Department of Mechanical Engineering
                    University of Houston
                   Houston, TX 77204-4792

The Dynamic Systems Control Laboratory at the University of Houston
and the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory, Inc., are pleased to announce
the availability of two prestigious Draper Fellowship positions
leading to Masters or Ph.D. degrees with a specialization in control
systems analysis and design. The Draper Fellows will enroll as graduate
students in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and they will
conduct research on advanced linear and nonlinear robust control
with applications to space systems in collaboration with the Houston
office of the Draper Laboratory. The positions offer paid tuition
and fees at the University of Houston, medical benefits and a salary
of $18,000 per year. The positions are open to U.S. citizens only.

For additional information please contact:

Dr. Karolos Grigoriadis
Tel: 713-743-4387
Email: karolos@uh.edu

Contributed by: Pierre Moulin

                     POSTDOCTORAL POSITION

A postdoctoral position in statistical signal and image processing and imaging
science is available at the Coordinated Science Laboratory of the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  The project aims at developing
novel concepts in imaging with emphasis on modeling of image sources and
imaging systems.  It will involve a synthesis of nonlinear inverse problem
theory with statistical inference techniques.  A strong background in
detection/estimation and random processes is a must.  Desirable background
includes statistical pattern recognition, information theory, optimization,
imaging systems, image processing, inverse problem theory, wavelets, and
computational algorithms.  A background in electromagnetic waves,
scattering, and propagation is an advantage.

Prospective candidates should send CV and names and emails of three
references to Ms. Nancy Carr, n-carr@uiuc.edu

Yoram Bresler                                           Pierre Moulin
http://what.csl.uiuc.edu/~yoram                 http://www.ifp.uiuc.edu/~moulin

                     Coordinated Science Laboratory
                 University  of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Contributed by: Keith Woodgate


Applications are invited for a three year PhD studentship beginning in
January 1999. Possible areas of study include applications of modern control
and/or optimization theory preferably, though not necessarily, in aerospace and
related technologies. The studentship is open to EU citizens only and comprises
payment of all tuition fees and an allowance of up to GBP 9,000 p.a.
Applicants should have, or shortly expect to obtain, the equivalent of a first
or upper second class degree in a relevant discipline. Send a current curriculum
vitae, either by s- or e-mail to:

Dr K.G. Woodgate
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College
Prince Consort Road
London SW7 2BY, UK
+44(0)171 594 5100

Contributed by Ian Petersen (irp@ee.adfa.oz.au)



School of Electrical Engineering

Senior Lecturer/Lecturer

Applications are invited for these positions from suitably qualified
personnel in the field of electrical engineering. The School of Electrical
Engineering is one of twelve Schools at University College which form a
campus of the University of New South Wales. Located at the Australian
Defence Force Academy, the school provides undergraduate courses in
electrical engineering to midshipmen, officer cadets and officers of the
Australian Defence Force. Postgraduate courses are offered to civilian and
defence personnel, including postgraduate coursework programs and the
supervision of research masters and PhD degrees. The School also provides a
number of technology awareness courses for defence personnel. Active
research programs are maintained in the areas of control, robotics,
image/video coding and transmission, image processing and interpretation,
remote sensing, radar and electromagnetic engineering, mobile
communications, antenna arrays, optoelectronics, laser applications and
electronic materials. Many of these projects are supported by bodies like
the Australian Research Council. The successful applicant will be expected
to undertake an active research program and to attract external funding to
support their research.

Two positions are available at the lecturer level. Depending on the
teaching and research experience of the successful applicants, one of these
positions may be offered at the senior lecturer level.

The School is looking to appoint staff members who have the ability and
willingness to deliver undergraduate and postgraduate coursework subjects
in one of the following two areas:
* both control theory and power & machines (Z200.019),
* at least one of communications, optoelectronics or engineering
electromagnetics (including antennas & radar) (Z200.015),

Applicants should indicate clearly in their application which positions
they are applying for.

A successful applicant would be expected to have: a PhD or equivalent in
electrical engineering or a related field; demonstrated achievement in
research; an ability and willingness to undertake an active research
program and to contribute to research in at least one of the School's
active research programs; an ability and willingness to teach at all levels
and in a range of topics within the School's teaching program if required;
an ability and willingness to contribute to aspects of School
administration and to serve on University College committees; an ability to
communicate well in English both orally and in writing; a knowledge and
understanding of the principles of EEO/AA and OH&S practices and procedures.

It would be desirable for the successful applicant to have: the ability to
contribute to the School's research program in at least one of the areas of
control and robotics, communications or image/video coding and processing;
a demonstrated record of quality teaching at the university level.

Membership of an approved University superannuation scheme is a condition
of employment of this position. For further information including selection
criteria for each position, please contact the Head of School Professor
John Arnold on telephone (02) 6268 8212, fax (02) 6268 8443 or email

Salary:         Lecturer                $AUS 47,260 - 56,122 per annum
                Senior Lecturer $AUS 57,892 - 66,754 per annum

Applications will close on 10 July 1998.

PLEASE QUOTE Ref Z200.019 or Z200.015 as appropriate.

Written applications addressing the selection criteria and including
details of work experience, qualifications, contact number (business/home),
citizenship status and the names and addresses, including facsimile numbers
of at least two referees should be forwarded to: Recruitment Officer
(Personnel), University College, University of New South Wales, Australian
Defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Canberra, ACT 2600. For
confirmation of receipt of applications telephone (02) 6268 8726.

UNSW is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a smoke free workplace.

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

                    Postdoc position for 2 years
            Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

Analogue implementation of analogue and mixed analogue/digital neural networks

Among other areas of interest, the Electronic Circuit Design Group researches
implementation of analogue and mixed analogue/digital neural networks. Recently
a design for a full-range cellular neural network was realised. In addition we
have a draft for a coherent pulse width modulated neural network. The postdoc
scientist is expected to optimise both designs with respect to speed, area and
power consumption, etc. Subsequently, the circuits will be realised in submicron
(0.5 micrometer or lower) CMOS technology, after which they can be tested and
measured to characterise their performance. In the area of full-range cellular
neural networks, the work involves theoretical studies regarding the stability
and convergence of this class of systems. In relation to the circuits to be
designed, the postdoc will also pay attention to applications of these neural
networks, such as for instance in the field of image processing.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further inquiries and application please contact:

dr.ir. J.A. Hegt
tel.+31 402473810

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

                Postdoc position for 2 years on High performance
                Digital-to-Analogue converter in submicron CMOS

              Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

Circuit Design Group also researches integrated analogue circuits in submicron
CMOS technology. A major topic in this field is the design of analogue-to-digital
and digital-to-analogue converters (DACs). Currently, a switched current (SI)
DAC is under development. The goal of the research is to design a new DAC based
on an improved cell recently developed by the group. The design criteria are
low voltage (3 Volt), low power, high precision (16 bits), and a low conversion
time using a 0.5 micrometer (or lower) CMOS technology process. Besides the
design criteria mentioned, the signal noise ratio will play an important role
too. The postdoct scientist will design this new SI DAC using the published
memory cell and will realise a working prototype. For the noise characterisation
of the submicron process, several noise measurements and analyses should also
be carried out. These noise issues should be taken into account during the
design of the DAC. Finally, the working prototype should be measured and tested
to characterize its performances.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further inquiries and application please contact:

dr.ir. D.M.W. Leenaerts
tel. +31 402473642

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

        Postdoc postion for two years on High-speed local radio networks
             Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

The goal is to perform research with respect to local radio networks intended
for the support of broadband multimedia services like videophone and rapid
data transfer. Previous research has demonstrated that the transmission rate
required for such services (150 Mbps) is technically feasible if the radio
system operates in the 60 GHz band. A prerequisite, however, is that the
user terminals are fixed during communication. Research is centered on the
question how a high degree of mobility can be achieved while maintaining
the high transmission rate. Research topics include handover initiation,
optimization of modulation/equalisation schemes by analysis, and simulation,
and network architectural design including mobility management. The facilities
necessary to characterise and evaluate 60 GHz radio links will be at the
postdoc's disposal.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further information and application please contact:

dr.ir. M.H.A.J.Herben
tel. +31 402473594

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

     Postdoc position for 2 years on Applications of the CTW-algorithm
                        in error-correcting codes

            Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

The Information and Communication Theory group investigates fundamental
limits in communication and develops techniques that approach these limits
as much as possible. One such technique is the Context Tree Weighting (CTW)
method. It removes the maximum amount of redundancy from sequences generated
by tree sources and is therefore an optimal data compression method. The
objective of this postdoc project is to investigate how the CTW method can
be used in error-correcting systems. One important question is to find out
whether or not it is a good idea to compress data before transmission, or to
use the redundancy in the data in the decoding procedure. This can decrease
error propagation. The CTW method can then be used to provide the decoder
with metrics. In this project, cooperation with other researchers, including
people from industry, is essential.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further inquiries and application please contact:

dr.ir. F.M.J. Willems
tel. +31 402473539

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

     Postdoc position for 2 years on Transparent stereo audio conferencing

             Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

A typical feature of audio conferencing, and of all hands-free audio
communication systems in general, is that the participants are at a relatively
large distance from both the loudspeakers and the microphones. This results
in the following three main problem areas that are not encountered in ordinary
telephony acoustic echoes, background noise, and reverbation of the desired
speech signal. Current state-of-the- art technology offers separate solutions
to these problems. For a transparent stereo audio conferencing system there is
the added complication by the fact that processing of stereo signals has to be
carried out in real-time. It is the goal of this project to combine the three
dominant technologies in a unified approach, while robustness and system
performance can be further improved by taking psycho-acoustical knowledge into
account when designing algorithms.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further inquiries and application please contact:

dr.ir. P.C.W. Sommen
tel. +31 402473634

Contributed by: Pleun Bazen

        Postdoc position for 2 years on Telecommunication network based
                          on laser neural nodes

        Eindhoven University of Technology; The Netherlands

Until now neural networks have been particularly realised in software
simulations. One drawback of software based neural networks is that the
connections are commonly not physically present. A computer is needed to
calculate these connections one by one in sequence, imposing limits to
the speed of operation. A hardware realisation can provide more speed,
especially when optical hardware is implemented. Laser Neurons Beams of
lightwaves can  cross each other in space without causing disturbances.
A large number of connections between the neurons are therefore possible.
Also, optical connections can be implemented without the need to use wires.
As a result, all three dimensions in space can be used. Optical systems can
thus offer a large number of parallel connections at higher speeds. In a
joint effort with Philips Research, a Laser Neural Network (LNN) has been
realised experimentally by providing a diode laser with an external optical
feedback. If the amount of feedback exceeds a certain threshold value,
the amount of light emitted by the laser diode will suddenly change. By
matching the amount of optical feedback to the weighted sum of separate
inputs, an optical laser neuron is thus created. The diode laser is a multi-
longitudinal mode laser. Such lasers can emit light with a number of
different wavelength simultaneously. By spatially separating the different
wavelengths, a neuron can be created for each separate wavelength. In this
way many neurons can be created with a single laser diode. The spectrum
of optical powers of the different laser modes are the outputs of the LNN.
First results of this unique experiment has appeared in the Applied Optics
issue of September 1997. The experiments show that the LNN, when first
subjected to an appropriate learning process, can be used to perform simple
tasks. We propose to carry out research towards the use of LNN in optical
telecommunication networks in which optical domain ATM (Asynchronous Transfer
Mode) can be implemented. Packets of optical data are provided with an optical
header. This header, constructed of an optical bit pattern, can be processed
by the LNN. The command contained in the header can be translated into a
particular power spectrum of the laser modes. The challenge imposed to the
Post Doc is the design of an optical telecommunication node with the use of
the LNN which allow implementation of ATM in the optical domain. In the area
of Neural Networks concepts in general, the Post Doc shall cooperate with
experts in the group of professor van Bokhoven. In the area of ATM concepts in
general, a cooperation with professor van den Dool is foreseen.

The Post Doc position is open for a period of two full years. Extension with
a second period of two years is possible. The task of the Post Doc is to
carry out the research as described above. A junior Scientist will also
start work in that area early 1998. The work is currently pursued within the
context of a Ph.D. project. A number of graduate student projects have also
been devoted to this area.

For more information: http://www.ele.tue.nl
For further inquiries and application please contact:

prof.ir. G.D. Khoe
COBRA Institute
tel.+31 402473452

Contributed by:  Grantham Pang                gpang@eee.hku.hk

      Research Associate/Fellow  position in

      Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

An immediate post-doctoral position is available on a project in the
area of communications and control.  The candidate should hold a Ph.D.
in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Communications Engineering
and should be proficient and active in research in any of the following
- Digital Communications
- Signal Processing
- Optical Communications
- Computer Networks
- Wireless Communications

The period of employment will be for one year initially with a
strong potential for extension to 2 or 3. The salary will depend
on the age and experience of the applicant, and the range is from
HK$15,000 to HK$27,000.

The starting date for application is ASAP.
Closing date:   June 10, 1998

To apply, please forward your CV and  List of Publications
by email to Dr. Grantham Pang (gpang@eee.hku.hk).

Applications (CV + List of Publications) and enquiries
can also be addressed to:

   Dr. Grantham Pang
   Associate Professor
   Dept. of Elec. & Electronic Engr.,
   The University of Hong Kong,
   Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong.

   Tel:(852)-2857-8492  Fax:(852)-2559-8738
   Email: gpang@eee.hku.hk

Contributed by: Peter Terwiesch (peter.terwiesch@decrc.abb.de)

   Permanent Position in Automatic Control Research
   at ABB Corporate Research in Heidelberg/Germany

The Information Technology Department at ABB Corporate Research in
Heidelberg, Germany (http://www.decrc.abb.de/decrc/i/ihomepge.shtml),
invites applications from recent graduates or Ph.D.s in automatic
control, signal processing, or mechatronics with degrees in electrical
or mechanical engineering or computer science for work in its
Automatic Control & Human-Machine Interaction Group.

Experience in mathematical modeling, dynamic simulation and advanced
control is a prerequisite (please state level). Knowledge
in software engineering, human-machine interaction, signal processing,
rail transportation or power plant control would be an additional asset.

ABB is a world-wide leader in power generation, distribution,
industrial automation, and transportation. In our German Research
Center in Heidelberg, about 200 employees are working towards
innovative new products for ABB.

Interested applicants should submit a curriculum vitae by mail,
fax or e-mail (ASCII or MS Word) to

Peter Terwiesch
ABB Corporate Research
Manager Information Technology Dept.
Speyerer Str. 4
D-69115 Heidelberg / Germany
Fax:  +49-6221-596253
E-mail: peter.terwiesch@decrc.abb.de

Contributed by: Kenneth A. Loparo

                Department Chair
                Electrical, Systems, Computer Engineering and Science
                Case School of Engineering
                Case Western Reserve University

        The Case School of Engineering is seeking an outstanding leader to
become the Department Chair of Electrical, Systems, Computer Engineering
and Science (ESCES), a new department created through the merger of Systems
and Control Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Computer Engineering
and Science. The Department Chair will build on the existing expertise and
capabilities of the department in order to enhance its position among top
tier academic programs. We are seeking an individual who is committed to
excellence, demonstrates strong leadership and interpersonal skills who
would be an effective advocate for the department and who would be able to
help attract additional resources. The new Chair will serve as academic
leader for the department and will identify and build upon the many
resident synergisms and lead the department into new areas where it can
excel. Further, this individual should demonstrate an ability to understand
the critical issues in the wide range of disciplines comprising the
department. The chair should be able to set and maintain high standards in
research and teaching.

        A documented record of excellence in both teaching and research in
one of or more of the academic disciplines represented in this new
department is an essential qualification. The selected candidate will be
appointed to the academic rank of full professor with tenure.

        The school is committed to substantial expansion of the department
beyond the present 27 faculty. Over 200 graduate students and 400
undergraduate majors are served by the department. All of the engineering
degrees are ABET accredited.

        Applications and nominations, including curriculum vitae and the
names of at least three references, should be sent to:
        Dr. Kenneth Singer, Search Committee Chair
        c/o Dean's Office
        Glennan Building, Room 312
        CWRU 10900 Euclid Avenue
        Cleveland, OH 44106-7220

        CWRU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.

URL http://k2.scl.cwru.edu/cse/esces/

Contributed by Andy Clegg:

              Control Engineering Consultant

ISC Ltd. was established by the University of Strathclyde to
stimulate Advanced Control Technology Transfer.  The company is a
market-leading supplier of consultancy in the field of control as
well as being owner/manager of the Advanced Control Technology
Club (ACT Club) with a membership of 32 major international

An opportunity exists for a well qualified control engineer to
work on commercial projects as well as training, research and
educational programmes for the ACT Club.  The ideal candidate
would have a good degree and some industrial experience.  Salary
will be negotiable in accordance with experience and qualification
in the range of 18 - 26k (UK Sterling)

Interested candidates should send application along with a current
CV to:
Mr A.J. Buchanan
Industrial Systems and Control Ltd.
50 George Street
G1 1QE
tel: (+44) 0141 553 1111
fax: (+44) 0141 553 1232
email: iscmail@isc.eee.strath.ac.uk

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Dimitri Bertsekas 

                      Dimitri P. Bertsekas
            Massachusetts Institute of Technology

      (608 pages, hardcover, ISBN:1-886529-02-7, $74.00)
                     published by
            Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA

An introductory treatment of linear, nonlinear, and discrete network
optimization problems. It covers extensively theory, algorithms, and
applications, and it aims to bridge the gap between linear and nonlinear
network optimization on one hand, and integer/combinatorial network
optimization on the other.


** linear network flow problems (including simplex, dual ascent, and
auction algorithms)

** models for discrete network optimization (such as traveling salesman,
vehicle routing, multidimensional assignment, facility location,
spanning tree construction, etc)

** methods for integer-constrained network problems (such as
branch-and-bound, Lagrangian relaxation and subgradient optimization,
genetic algorithms, tabu search, simulated annealing, and rollout

** nonlinear network problems (such as convex separable and
multicommodity flow problems)


1. Introduction
2. Shortest Path Problems
3. The Max-Flow Problem
4. The Min-Cost Flow Problem
5. Simplex Methods for  Min-Cost Flow
6. Dual Ascent Methods for  Min-Cost Flow
7. Auction Algorithms for  Min-Cost Flow
8. Nonlinear Network Optimization
9. Convex Separable Network Problems
10. Network Problems with Integer Constraints




Athena Scientific, P.O.Box 391, Belmont, MA, 02178-9998, U.S.A.
Email: athenasc@world.std.com, Tel: (617) 489-3097, FAX: (617) 489-2017
WWW Site for Info and Ordering:

Contributed by: Miroslav Krstic 

new book:

                    Miroslav Krstic and Hua Deng
                 (University of California, San Diego)

                 Springer, 1998,  ISBN 1-85233-020-1

The efforts in nonlinear control over the last few years have led
to  the  level  of  generality  in  which conceptual solutions to
global Lyapunov stabilization and optimal control problems  exist
for  all  finite-dimensional  continuous-time  systems  affine in
control and the  disturbance.  At  the  same  time,  constructive
algorithms  exist  for a specific subclass which is broad both in
terms of physical relevance and in terms of challenges it imposes
for  control  design.  This monograph gives a unified and concise
(193 pp) view of the fundamentals  of  deterministic  disturbance
attenuation,   stochastic   control,  and  adaptive  control  for
nonlinear systems.  It is tuned to the interests  of  researchers
in  the areas of robust and adaptive nonlinear control, nonlinear
H-infinity,  stochastic  nonlinear   control   (including   risk-
sensitive), and dynamical systems theory.



Chap 1: Stability and Regulation without Uncertainties
   1.1 Lyapunov and LaSalle Theorems
   1.2 Example: Strict-Feedback Systems and Backstepping
   1.3 Control Lyapunov Functions (clf) and Sontag's Formula

Chap 2: Disturbance Attenuation
   2.1 Input-to-State Stability (ISS)
   2.2 Input-to-State Stabilizability and iss-clf's
   2.3 Inverse Optimal Gain Assignment
   2.4 Stability Margins
   2.5 Inverse Optimality via Backstepping
   2.6 Design for Strict-Feedback Systems
   2.7 Performance Estimates


Chap 3: Stochastic Stability and Regulation
   3.1 Stochastic Lyapunov and LaSalle Like Theorems
   3.2 Stabilization in Probability via Backstepping
   3.3 Stochastic Control Lyapunov Functions
   3.4 Inverse Optimal Stabilization in Probability
   3.5 Inverse Optimal Backstepping
   3.6 Output-Feedback

Chap 4: Stochastic Disturbance Attenuation
   4.1 Noise-to-State Stability (NSS)
   4.2 Noise-to-State Stabilization and nss-clf's
   4.3 Design for Strict-Feedback Systems
   4.4 Inverse Optimal Noise-to-State Stabilization


Chap 5: Deterministic Adaptive Tracking
   5.1 The Adaptive Tracking Problem
   5.2 Stable Adaptive Tracking and atclf's
   5.3 Adaptive Backstepping
   5.4 Inverse Optimal Adaptive Tracking
   5.5 Inverse Optimality via Backstepping
   5.6 Design for Strict-Feedback Systems
   5.7 Transient Performance

Chap 6: Stochastic Adaptive Regulation
   6.1 Adaptive Stochastic Backstepping Design
   6.2 Example

Chap 7: Invariant Manifolds and Asymptotic Properties
   7.1 Closed-Loop Adaptive System
   7.2 Parameter Estimates Converge to Constant Values
   7.3 Decomposition of the Parameter Vector
   7.4 Center Manifold Analysis
   7.5 Categorization of Equilibria
   7.6 Invariant Manifolds
   7.7 Convergence to Stabilizing/Destabilizing Parameters
   7.8 Disconnecting Adaptation

Chap 8: Extremum Seeking
   8.1 Extremum Seeking---Problem Statement
   8.2 A Peak Seeking Scheme
   8.3 Averaging Analysis
   8.4 Singular Perturbation Analysis

Price: $85
U.S. Customers: Call Toll Free 1-800-SPRINGER

Preface in postscript format can be downloaded from:

Contributed by: Ben M. Chen 



Ben M. Chen
Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 119260

A research monograph published by Springer-Verlag, Berlin, May 1998
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Volume 235,
356 pages / ISBN 1-85233-026-0


H-infinity control theory is a subject that deals with the minimisation
of the H-infinity norm of the transfer matrix from an exogenous
disturbance to a pertinent controlled output of a given plant.
H-infinity Control and Its Applications examines both the theoretical
and practical aspects of H-infinity control from the angle of the
structural properties of linear systems. Constructive algorithms for
finding solutions to general singular H-infinity control problems are
presented, as well as solutions to general H-infinity almost disturbance
decoupling problems, and the applications of the theory to real-life
problems with actual implementations are also presented. The book deals
with all such issues for general continuous- and discrete-time systems.


1  Introduction
   1.1 Introduction
   1.2 Notations and Terminology
   1.3 Statement of H-infinity Optimization Problem
   1.4 Preview of Chapters

2  Linear System Tools
   2.1 Jordan and Real Jordan Canonical Forms
   2.2 Brunovsky and Block Diagonal Controllability Forms
   2.3 Special Coordinate Basis
   2.4 Proofs of Properties of Special Coordinate Basis

3  Existence Conditions of H-infinity Suboptimal Controllers
   3.1 Continuous-time Systems
   3.2 Discrete-time Systems

4  Bilinear Transformations and Discrete Riccati Equations
   4.1 Structural Mappings of Bilinear Transformations
   4.2 Solutions to Discrete-time Riccati Equations

5  Infima in Continuous-time H-infinity Optimization
   5.1 Full Information Feedback Case
   5.2 Output Feedback Case
   5.3 Plants with Imaginary Axis Zeros

6  Solutions to Continuous-time H-infinity Problem
   6.1 Full State Feedback
   6.2 Full Order Output Feedback
   6.3 Reduced Order Output Feedback
   6.4 Proofs of Main Results

7  Continuous-time H-infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling
   7.1 Introduction
   7.2 Solvability Conditions
   7.3 Solutions to Full State Feedback Case
   7.4 Solutions to Output Feedback Case
   7.5 Proofs of Main Results

8  Infima in Discrete-time H-infinity Optimization
   8.1 Full Information Feedback Case
   8.2 Output Feedback Case
   8.3 Plants with Unit Circle Zeros

9  Solutions to Discrete-time H-infinity Problem
   9.1 Full Information and State Feedbacks
   9.2 Full Order Output Feedback
   9.3 Reduced Order Output Feedback

10 Discrete-time H-infinity Almost Disturbance Decoupling
   10.1 Introduction
   10.2 Solvability Conditions
   10.3 Solutions to State and Full Information Feedback Cases
   10.4 Solutions to Measurement Feedback Case
   10.5 Proofs of Main Results

11 A Piezoelectric Actuator System Design
   11.1 Introduction
   11.2 Linearization of the Nonlinear Hysteretic Dynamics
   11.3 Formulation of the Problem as an H-infinity-ADDPMS
   11.4 Final Controller and Simulation Results

12 A Gyro-stabilized Mirror Targeting System Design
   12.1 Introduction
   12.2 The Free Gyro-stabilized Mirror System
   12.3 Controller Design Using an H-infinity Approach
   12.4 Simulation and Implementation Results

13 An Open Problem



Contributed by: Wolfgang Reinelt 


PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Paderborn, Germany.

Keywords: robust control, hard constraints, saturations, H_\infty loop

Abstract: A procedure for simple and systematic design of robust and
constraint controllers is presented. The well known H_\infty Loop
Shaping Design Procedure is extended so that the resulting controller
meets the control variable's bound for a given set of reference signals
(in order to have a better average load of the control variable, the
reference signal and its first derivative are bounded, which appears in
many applications). A strategy for the straightforward and systematic
adjustment of the design weights after a loop shaping step is given.
The presented procedure works for LTI multivariable plants.

For more details see http://www-control.uni-paderborn.de/

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                                Table of contents

June, 1998                                                Issue    34:6

Regular Papers

T. Hagiwara, G. Kuroda, M.    Popov-type criterion for stability of
Araki                         nonlinear sampled-data systems

W. Lohmiller, J-J. E.         On contraction analysis for nonlinear systems

Brief Papers

A. L. Fradkov, D. J. Hill     Exponential feedback passivity and
                              stabilizability of nonlinear systems

J. M. Goncalves, M. A.        Necessary conditions for robust stability of a
Dahleh                         class of nonlinear systems

S. M. Savaresi, G. O.         Approximate I/O feedback linearization of
Guardabassi                   discrete-time non- linear systems via virtual
                              input direct design

S. M. Veres, V. F. Sokolov    Adaptive robust control under unknown plant

N. Sarav-Schapiro, Z. J.      Output stabilizing robust control for discrete
Palmor, A. Steinberg           uncertain systems

R. Rodosek                    A search control for scheduling problems

J. H. Park, S. W. Sung, I-B.  An enhanced PID Control strategy for unstable
 Lee                          processes

M. Corless, J. Tu             State and input estimation for a class of
                              uncertain systems

V. Krishnamurthy, J. Evans    Finite dimensional filters for passive
                              tracking of Markov jump linear systems

M. Bodson                     Adaptive algorithm for the tuning of two input
                               shaping methods

H-S. Zhang, T-Y. Chai, X-J.   A unified approach to optimal state estimation
Liu                            for stochastic singular systems

A. Astolfi                    New results on the global stabilization of
                              minimum phase nonlinear systems

M. Hou, R. J. Patton          Input observability and input reconstruction

Technical Communiques

M. S. Mahmoud, S. Bingulac    Robust design of stabilizing controllers for
                              interconnected time-delay systems

E. Weyer, I. M. Y. Mareels,   On the relationship between behavioural and
R. C. Williamson              standard methods for system identification



                                Table of contents

July, 1998                                                Issue    34:7

Regular Papers

D. Henrion, M. Sebek          Symmetric matrix polynomial equation:
                              Interpolation results

Zhong-Ping Jiang, L. Praly    Design of robust adaptve controllers for
                              nonlinear systems with dynamic uncertainties

K. Takaba, T. Katayama        H2 output feedback control for descriptor

A. Tchernychev, A. Sideris    A multiplier approach for the robust design of
                               discrete time control systems with
                              real/complex uncertainties

R. K. Prasanth                Two-sided tangential interpolation with real
                              rational units in H(infinity)

Brief Papers

Yuqiong Liu, Jianliang Wang,  Reliable control of uncertain nonlinear
 G-H. Yang                    systems

S. S. Ge, G. Zhu              A quasi-tracking approach for finite-time
                              control of a mass- beam system

R. C. H. Lee, M. C. Smith     Robustness and trade-offs in repetitive

Zongli Lin                    Global control of linear systems with
                              saturating actuators

Zhong-Ping Jiang, D. J.       Stabilization and tracking via output feedback
Hill, Y. Guo                   for the nonlinear benchmark system

Technical Communiques

J. Hu                         Comments on "Design of decentralized control
                              for symmetrically interconnected systems"

Shoudong Huang                Comments on "Design of decentralized control
                              for symmetrically interconnected systems"

B. Bandyopadhyay, H.          A new algorithm for compensator design for
Unbehauen, B. M. Patre        higher order system via reduced model

Chunhai Hou, Jixin Qian       Decay estimates for applications of
                              Razumikhin-type theorems

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl)

Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS)

Volume 11, Number 1

D. Aeyels, R. Sepulchre and J. Peuteman,
Asymptotic stability for time-variant systems and
observability: uniform and nonuniform criteria,
MCSS 11 (1998), 1-27.

J. Leblond and M. Olivi,
Weighted $H^2$ approximation of transfer functions,
MCSS 11 (1998), 28-39.

J. Wood, E. Rogers and D.H. Owens,
A formal theory of matrix primeness,
MCSS 11 (1998), 40-78.

M. Corless and L. Glielmo,
New converse Lyapunov theorems and related results
on exponential stability,
MCSS 11 (1998), 79-100.

Information on MCSS including tables of contents is
available at its home pages:
- -   http://www.cwi.nl/~schuppen/mcss/mcss.html
- -   http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~sontag/mcss.html

Address for submissions:
J.H. van Schuppen (Co-Editor MCSS)
P.O.Box 94079
1090 Gb Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Bradley Dickinson, Eduardo Sontag, Jan van Schuppen (Editors)

Contributed by:  Yuri L. Sachkov (sachkov@sys.botik.ru)

                     Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1998


Cyclicity of Graphics with Semi-Hyperbolic Points
Inside Quadratic Systems
C. Rousseau, G. Swirszcz, H. Zoladek                             149

The Lyapunov Spectrum of Blockdiagonal Semilinear
Control Systems
S. Grunvogel                                                     191

Mappings of Bounded \Phi-Variation with
Arbitrary Function \Phi
V.V. Chistyakov, O.E. Galkin                                     217

Non-Euclidean Dubins' Problem
F. Monroy-Perez                                                  249

Optimization of Finite Rod Structures and L-Convergence
R. Chiheb, G.P. Panasenko                                        273

Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 70  Issue:- 5

Publication Date (Expected):  15/06/98


Title: Digital redesign of H infinity controller via bilinear approximation
method for state-delayed systems
Authors:  Leang-san Shieh, Wei-min Wang, J. S. H. Tsai.
Pages 665-683.

Title: Local disturbance decoupling of nonlinear singular systems
Authors:  L. Xiaoping.
Pages 685-702.

Title: Actuator and sensor selection for an active vehicle suspension aimed
at robust performance
Authors:  M. van de Wal, P. Philips, B. de Jager.
Pages 703-720.

Title: Robust controller design under highly structured uncertainty
Authors:  O. Agamennoni, J. L. Figueroa, A. Palazoglu.
Pages 721-733.

Title: Output feedback stabilisation of SISO nonlinear systems via dynamic
sliding modes
Authors:  Xiao-Yun Lu, S. K. Spurgeon.
Pages 735-759.

Title: Handling disturbances in nonlinear control:  the use of state feedback
Authors:  J. Hammer.
Pages 761-787.

Title: A perturbation approach to finite dimensional stabilization of
time-lag systems
Authors:  Y. A. Fiagbedzi, A. Cherid.
Pages 789-802.

Title: Static output feedback simultaneous stabilization:  ILMI approach
Authors:  Yong-Yan Cao, You-Xian Sun.
Pages 803-814.

Title: The decentralised Markov parameters and the selection of control
Authors:  J. Leventides, N. Karcanias.
Pages 815-830.

Title: Some stability results of GPC
Authors:  J. Zhang, Y. Xi.
Pages 831-840.

Contributed by: Deidre Wunderlich,
                Production Editor

     SIAM Review
     Volume 40, Number 2, JUNE 1998

     A Probabilistic Look at the Wiener-Hopf Equation
     Soren Asmussen

     Bayesian Assessment of Network Reliability
     Nicholas Lynn, Nozer Singpurwalla, and Adrian Smith

     Optimization Problems With Perturbations: A Guided Tour
     J. Frederic Bonnans and Alexander Shapiro

     New Perspectives in Turbulence: Scaling Laws, Asymptotics, and
     G. I. Barenblatt and A. J. Chorin

     Calculation of Cam-Form Errors
     L. Kohaupt

     Computing Geodetic Coordinates
     Stephen P. Keeler and Yves Nievergelt

     Numerical Verification of Second-Order Sufficiency Conditions for
     Nonlinear Programming
     Terrence K. Kelly and Michael Kupferschmid

     Circular Billiard
     Michael Drexler and Martin J. Gander

     Eliminating Gibb's Effect from Separation of Variables Solutions
     T. E. Peterson

     ODE Models for the Parachute Problem
     Douglas B. Meade

     A Riemann Sum Upper Bound in the Riemann-Lebesgue Theorem
     Maurice H. P. M. van Putten

     Real Matrices with Positive Determinant are Homotopic to the Identity
     Amit Bhaya

     How to Ride a Wave: Mechanics of Surfing
     Takeshi Sugimoto

     Solutions of Linear Differential Algebraic Equations
     Mazi Shirvani and Joseph W.-H. So

     Transmission Line Modeling: A Circut Theory Approach
     Pedro L. D. Peres, Ivanil S. Bonatti, and Amauri Lopes

     The Poisson Formula Revisited
     Hongwei Chen

     Lithotripsy: The Treatment of Kidney Stones with Shock Waves
     Laurens Howle, David G. Schaeffer, Michael Shearer, and Pei Zhong


     A Posteriori Error Estimation and Adaptive Mesh-Refinement Techniques
     (Rudiger Verfurth), Mark Ainsworth

     Linear Algebra (Peter D. Lax), H. Amann

     On Being a Department Head: A Personal View (John B. Conway), Hassan

     Inverse Logarithmic Potential Problem (V. G. Cherednichenko), Carlos
     A. Berenstein

     Logical Dilemmas: The Life and Work of Kurt Godel (John W. Dawson),
     Samuel R. Buss

     Modern Spectrum Analysis of Time Series (Prabhakar S. Naidu), Collin
     C. Carbno

     Theory of Integro-differential Equations (V. Lakshmikantham and M.
     Rama Mohana Rao), J. M. Cushing

     Mathematical Topics in Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 1. Incompressible Models
     (Pierre-Louis Lions), Reinhard Farwig

     Geometric Applicatiaons of Fourier Series and Spherical Harmonics (H.
     Groemer), William J. Firey

     A First Course on Wavelets (Eugenio Hernandez and Guido Weiss),
     Richard F. Gundy

     Primal-Dual Interior-Point Methods (Stephen J. Wright), Anthony J.

     Partial Differential Equations I: Basic Theory (Michael E. Taylor),
     Partial Differential Equations II: Qualitative Studies of Linear
     Equations (Michael E. Taylor), Partial Differential Equations III:
     Nonlinear Equations (Michael E. Taylor), Peter D. Lax

     Matrix Analysis (Rajendra Bathia), Charles R. Johnson

     An Introduction to High-Performance Scientific Computing (Lloyd D.
     Fosdick, Elizabeth R. Jessup, Carolyn J. C. Schauble, and Gitta
     Domik), Robert Manning

     Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetism (Michel Cessenat), Peter Monk

     Mathematical Algorithms in Visual Basic for Scientists and Engineers
     (Namir C. Shammas), John C. Nash

     Aspects of Statistical Inference (A. H. Welsh), Guohua Pan

     Elliptic Boundary Value Problems in the Spaces of Distributions (Yakov
     Roitberg), Martin Schechter

     Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations (Eric Schechter), Jet Wimp

     Elliptic Marching Methods and Domain Decomposition (Patrick J.
     Roache), Zhimin Zhang

     Selected Collections

     Later Editions


              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  its 

                   ITS'98 Workshops

The ITS '98 Workshops are accepting papers (3-5 pages) until May 29.
The workshops are on August 16 from 9 am to 5 pm at the conference
hotel, Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk, in San Antonio, Texas.

The workshops are :
 Web-based ITS=A0 (Woolf & Stern)
 Pedagogical Agents=A0 (Frasson & Gouarderes)
 Efficient ITS Development=A0 (Munro & van Joolingen)
 Embedding Cognitive Principles in ITS=A0 (Regian)

More information about each workshop can be found at the web site

Send papers and direct questions to Cathy Connolly,
Galaxy Scientific
7334 Blanco, Suite 206
San Antonio, Texas 78216

Contributed by: Dominika Siemion

EUFIT '98, 6th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft
Computing September 7 - 10, 1998, Aachen, Germany

EUFIT is an internationally recognized event bringing together
scientists and practitioners to discuss recent advances in the fields
of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Evolutionary Computation. EUFIT
'98 will take place from September 7 - 10, 1998 in Aachen, Germany.

You will have the chance to discuss new developments and to get the
latest information on projects and available products. An
international exhibition will accompany the congress. Your
participation will enable you to visit a number of related meetings,
as for example the workshops organized by the Network of Excellence
ERUDIT. This network got a prolongation for two further years and will
present the second competition on data analysis and signal processing

You will find the detailed conference programme on
http://www.mitgmbh.de/elite/eufit.html. At this web-site you can also
look for more information on ERUDIT. If you are interested in
receiving the EUFIT '98 Invitation Programme or further information on
ERUDIT, we kindly ask you to complete the reply form which is attached
below and to return it to ds@mitgmbh.de.

We would be glad to welcome you in September in Aachen. If you have
any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,

Dominika Siemion

Contributed by: Jifeng Zhang

Dear Colleagues:

We like to draw your attention to the 14th World Congress of IFAC to be
held in Beijing, China, from July 5 to July 9,1999. The Beijing Congress,
being the last IFAC Congress in the 20th century, will serve as a  unique
forum for the international control community to review the great impact
of automation on the elapsing century and to look forward to its development
in the next century.

The Congress provides a spectrum of categories for technical presentations,
including plenary lectures, survey papers, regular papers of both lecture
and poster session types, panel discussions and case studies. Immediately
preceding the formal opening of the Congress, tutorials are being offered
to provide participants an opportunity to learn new principles, methodologies,
technologies, and applications that have been developed and/or are developing
in recent years. For more information, please visit our IFAC'99 homepages:


The Beijing Congress will be the first IFAC Congress to be held in a
developing country. As one of the oldest capitals and one of the fastest
developing cities in the world, Beijing affords tourist attractions for the
participants and their guests.

We look forward to seeing our old and new friends in Beijing in 1999.

Jifeng Zhang
IFAC'99 IPC Secretariat

Contributed by: Pierre Moulin

        1999 IEEE Information Theory Workshop on Detection, Estimation,
                        Classification and Imaging (DECI)

                February 24---26, 1999, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA)

                        FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

Detection and estimation theory have historically been closely linked
to Information Theory.  Analysis of communication systems relies heavily
on and contributes to advances in detection and estimation theory.
Considerable theoretical and practical advances in this area have been
made possible by the fostering of ideas from Statistics and Information
Theory.  This workshop will complement those activities by seeking
contributions from researchers in signal processing, image processing,
image understanding, pattern recognition, and communication theory,
whose work is heavily influenced by information theoretic considerations.
While novel applications will play important roles, new theoretical results
are expected to dominate.

The workshop will feature three plenary speakers: Andrew Barron (Yale),
H. Vincent Poor (Princeton), and Michael I. Miller (Washington University).
Invited talks and contributed talks will be presented in the following areas:

                        Detection Theory
                        Estimation Theory
                        Statistical Imaging
                        Regularization for inverse problems
                        Random Processes
                        Inference based on compressed data
                        Signal Processing Applications of IT

Of particular interest are papers dealing with nonparametric and robust
methods, methods for non-euclidean spaces, alternating maximization methods,
high-dimensional inverse problems, and dimensionality reduction.
Authors interested in submitting a contribution should mail four copies of
a 2-3 page summary to Prof. J. O'Sullivan (address below) by October 9, 1998.
Papers will be presented either as 20-minute talks or as posters.  One-page
abstracts of all papers will appear in the proceedings of the workshop
and will be posted to the workshop web site prior to the workshop.

The workshop will be held in historic Hotel Loretto, in the heart of Santa Fe.
Santa Fe possesses a rich Spanish and Native American culture
and is located in the vicinity of excellent ski resorts.
It is expected that a small number of student travel grants to the workshop
will be available. Detailed information will be included in the final
call for papers and will be posted to the workshop web site:


Inquiries about the workshop should be directed to one of the three co-chairs:

Prof. Alfred O. Hero III        Prof. Pierre Moulin     Prof. J. A. O'Sullivan
EECS Department                 ECE Department          EE Department
U. of Michigan                  U. of Illinois          Washington University
1301 Beal Avenue                Beckman Institute       Campus Box 1127
Ann Arbor, MI 48109             405 N. Mathews Ave.     St. Louis, MO  63130
hero@eecs.umich.edu             Urbana, IL 61801        jao@ee.wustl.edu

Contributed by: Sergio.Yovine@imag.fr

    School on Computational Aspects and Applications of Hybrid Systems
            KIT Workshop on Verification of Hybrid Systems
                Grenoble, France, October 19-21, 1998

In the last few years, control theorists and computer scientists have
manifested an increasing interest in the so-called hybrid systems which
are composed of both discrete (e.g., software, hardware) and
continuous (e.g., physical phenomena) subsystems. The interest is
motivated by the fact that systems of that kind appear in many ongoing
research projects such as the development of automated highways,
automated air-traffic controlers, chemical plants and multimedia protocols.
Most of such applications are safety critical. It is therefore necessary
to guarantee that they meet the safety criteria before they are put to
function. A lot of research effort has been put to develop mathematical
models, specification formalisms and computer-aided analysis tools to help
control engineers in building such applications. The purpose of this meeting
is to present an overview of the results obtained and to bring together
researchers working on innovative ideas. The meeting will include tutorials
and surveys of techniques and tools which can be useful in the analysis of
hybrid systems. These will include

- Ellipsoid-based numerical methods.
- Computer algebra and quantifier elimination.
- Timed automata verification techniques.

SPEAKERS (Partial List)
Eugene Asarin (Moscow, Russia)
        "Controller Synthesis for Timed Systems"
Alberto Bemporad and Manfred Morari (Zurich, Switzerland)
        "Model Predictive Control of Hybrid Systems"
Costas Courcoubetis (Crete, Greece)
        "Resource Sharing in ATM Networks"
Jean Della-Dora (Grenoble, France)
        "Computer Algebra and Dynamical Systems"
Alexander Kurzhanski (Moscow, Russia)
        "Ellipsoidal Calculus for Estimation and Control"
Oded Maler (VERIMAG, France)
 "Introduction to Hybrid Systems"
Pravin Varaiya (Berkeley, USA) and Sergio Yovine (VERIMAG, France)
        "Optimal Control and Verification of Hybrid Systems"
Volker Weispfenning (Passau, Germany)
        "Quantifier Elimination in Practice"

The school is organized by VERIMAG (http://www-verimag.imag.fr)
and sponsored by the European Projects KIT HYBSYS 139 and VHS 26270.
Organizing Committee: Oded Maler (VERIMAG, France), Alfredo Olivero
(INCO, Uruguay, and UBA/UNGS, Argentina), Sergio Yovine (VERIMAG,

For further information please visit the school's web page:
or send an e-mail to Sergio.Yovine@imag.fr

Contributed by: Andrea Garulli

                          Workshop on


                     June 30 - August 2, 1998

               Certosa di Pontignano, Siena - Italy

The Workshop is intended to bring together researchers with interest
in the variety of problems that contribute or utilize the techniques
of robust identification and control. It is expected that this forum
will not only delineate the state of the art in the fundamental
theoretical aspects of robustness in identification and control, but
will also cover the important emerging applications of these areas.

The Workshop is organized by the University of Siena in collaboration
with the University of Firenze, and will be held at the Certosa di
Pontignano, a very old monastery located in the Chianti area, 7
away from Siena. About 50 invited speakers will attend the workshop.
Participants are expected to arrive on July 29, in the afternoon.
The Workshop will end on August 2 after lunch.

A collection of titles and abstracts of the presentations will be
distributed to the participants.

Further information can be found at the www-page:


The detailed program of the Workshop will be available by the mid of

List of speakers who confirmed their participation:

C. Abdallah            H. Hjalmarsson          J. Partington
J. Ackermann           R. E. Kalman            I. Petersen
B. Bamieh              B. Z. Kacewicz          B. T. Polyak
A. Bicchi              M. Khammash             K. Poolla
F. Blanchini           V. Kharitonov           L. Qiu
P. Bolzern             P. Kokotovic            A. Rantzer
J. Chen                V. Kucera               M. Salapaka
P. Colaneri            A. Kurzhanski           A. Sayed
S. Dasgupta            G. Leitmann             R. Scattolini
M. A. Dahleh           L. Ljung                D. Siljak
G. De Nicolao          P. Makila               R. Smith
P. Dorato              A. Megretski            A. Stoorvogel
J. Doyle               M. Milanese             A. Tits
L. El Ghaoui           S. Monaco               P. Voulgaris
F. Garofalo            M. Morari               E. Walter
M. Gevers              J. Norton               L. Y. Wang
O. Grasselli           F. Paganini             A. Zhabko

People interested in attending the Workshop should contact the
Secretariat, at the  following address

Servizio congressi  (Mrs. Monica Masti)
Universita' di Siena
Via Banchi di Sotto, 46 - 53100 Siena, Italy
Tel. : +39 577 298132
Fax. : +39 577 298134
E-mail: servcong@unisi.it

A registration fee of 350,000 italian liras (approximately 200 US $)
will be required.


 Antonio Vicino
 Universita' di Siena
 Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Informazione
 Via Roma 56, 53100 Siena, Italy
 Tel. : +39 577 263615
 Fax. : +39 577 263602
 E-mail: vicino@unisi.it

Contributed by Fakhri Karray (karray@uwaterloo.ca)

                            FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

                  1999 - 14th IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM
                           ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL

                           September 15-17, 1999
                      Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC'99)
will be held from September 15-17, 1999 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Intelligent control refers to a collection of analysis and synthesis
methods dealing with systems for which traditional control theoretic
assumptions do not hold. In recent years, there has been considerable
research into the integration of high-level logical supervisors and
low-level controllers.  The main idea is to specify the controller in a
declarative way, i.e., to provide only high level requirements and leave
the procedural specification and design to the intelligent autonomous
system. ISIC'99 is particularly interested in receiving papers concerned
with this topic. Papers of special interest to this conference will deal
with control systems that are able to synthesize plant models, control
laws and local control goals based upon declarative specifications of
high-level control goals. Specific topics of interest include hybrid
control systems, timed automata and Petri nets, real-time logics and
software engineering methods and tools for specification and verification,
dynamics of switched systems, supervisory control synthesis and analysis,
and applications illustrating novel approaches to the integration of
supervision and control.

In addition to the special topics itemized above, ISIC'99 will be
interested in intelligent control papers relating to hierarchical
control architectures and methods, knowledge based systems, temporal logic
for control, path planning systems, reactive multi-agent systems,
mathematical modeling and analysis of complex systems, distributed and
decentralized control methods, machine learning and learning control
systems, adaptive control systems, discrete event systems and
supervisory control, neural networks for control, fuzzy logic and fuzzy
control, genetic algorithms, and hybrid dynamical systems. The program
committee is also interested in real-life implementations of intelligent
controllers arising out of applications in networking, communications,
robotics, manufacturing, process control, industrial systems, automotive,
aircraft, and spacecraft control systems.

The ISIC'99 organizing committee solicits proposals for half-day
tutorials/workshops related to the symposium themes. All of
those interested in providing one, should send (mail, fax, or e-
mail) a brief description or summary of their intended tutorial to:

                 Prof. Fakhri Karray,
                 Dept. of Systems Design Eng.
                 University of Waterloo
                 Waterloo, Ontario,
                 Canada N2L 3G1
                 Tel: (519)-885-1211 (5584)
                 Fax: (519) 746 4791
                 e-mail: karray@uwaterloo.ca

Researchers who desire to submit a contributed paper for
consideration by the program committee should send 5 copies to
the program chair by February 16, 1999. Clearly indicate who
will serve as the corresponding author and include the title, name
of the author(s), affiliation, address, telephone number, fax, and
e-mail address. Please indicate to which topic the paper is being
submitted. Notification of acceptance and the author's kit will be
mailed by April 30th, 1999. The full paper typed in camera-ready
form must be received by June 11, 1999. Final instructions for
camera-ready copy submission will be in the author's kit. Papers
will be limited to 6 pages including abstract, figures, and tables.
Please mail your submission by regular post to:

                Prof. Michael Lemmon
                Dept. of Electrical Eng.
                University of Notre Dame
                Notre Dame, IN, 46556, USA
                Tel: (219)-631-8309
                Fax: (219)-631-4393

Contributed by: C. Moog 

                       OF TEMPUS SUMMER SCHOOL
                        ON NONLINEAR CONTROL

Place :  Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France
Dates: 13 - 24 Juillet 1998
Further information: http://www.ec-nantes.fr/LAN/Tempus.en/Index.html

Contributed by: K. David Young (VSS98@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu)

                         Call For Paper


    5th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems
                      Longboat Key, Florida

                       December 11-13, 1998

VSS'98 is the fifth in a series of biennual workshops bringing together
researchers in the VSS area to discuss and share their latest developments
in the theory and application of variable structure systems. This is the
first time this workshop series is held in the US. The workshop is scheduled
during the week immediately before the IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control which will be held in Tampa, Florida. The venue will be at "The
Colony" on Longboat Key, which is near Sarasota, Florida, well known for
both its cultural attractions and its beaches and resorts. Travel from
Sarasota to Tampa takes just over an hour by car, and transportation may be
arranged both for pickup from Tampa (or Sarasota) airport on the 10th, and
return to the CDC site on the 13th.

Technical presentations concerning mathematical formulation, design
principles, application studies, engineering design issues of VSS and
VSS-related methodologies are solicited. A round table discussion session is
being organized to focus on future challenges in both theoretical issues,
control engineering practice and target application areas which may include
automotive control and aerospace systems.

Author's Schedule

Prospective authors are invited to submit 4 copies of the full paper (IEEE
two column format up to 6 pages, see the instructions at
http://www.ieee.org/pubs/authors.html for LaTex style and sample files) to
one of the three Program Co-Chairs, to be determined by a minimum distance
algorithm of choice:

Professor Giorgio Bartolini
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
Elettrica ed Elettronica
Universita' di Cagliari
Piazza d'Armi Cagliari Italy
phone + 39 70 675 5869  fax + 39 70 675 5900
e-mail: giob@elettro1.unica.it

Professor Hideki Hashimioto
Institute of Industrial Science
University of Tokyo
7-22-1, Roppongi,  Minato-Ku
Tokyo 106
phone +81 3 3402-6231 ext. 2359/2360 fax: +81 3 3423-1484
e-mail:  hashimoto@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Professor Harry Kwatny
Department of  Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics
Drexel University
32nd & Chestnut Streets
Philadelphia, Penna. 19104
phone: +1 215 895 2356   fax: +1 215  895 1478
e-mail: Harry.Kwatny@CoE.DREXEL.edu

Deadline for full paper submission                      July 15, 1998
Paper acceptance notification                           September 1, 1998
Manuscript due                                          October 25, 1998

For final manuscript to be included in the workshop proceedings, LaTex file
electronic submission is strongly encouraged.

Further Information
Send E-MAIL to VSS98@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu for more information or visit

Contributed by: Zhang Lichen 

  |                                                                |
  |                   23rd IFAC/IFIP Workshop on                   |
  |                                                                |
  |                     REAL TIME PROGRAMMING                      |
  |                                                                |
  |                            WRTP'98                             |
  |                                                                |
  |   Shantou, Guandong Province, P.R. China, 23 -- 25 June 1998   |
  |                                                                |
  |                                                                |
  |                     Call for participations                    |

Organised by
     Shantou University

WWW-Servers: http://www.ifac-control.org/

          Prof. A. Shaw and
           University of Washington, USA
          Prof. W. Zhao,
           Texas A&M University and
           City University of Hong Kong

English will be the working language of the workshop and will
be used for the proceedings, the presentations and discussions.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

To register for WRTP'98, please send an e-mail message indicating
your name, affiliation, address as well as your profession, title,
sex, passport number and the place where you want to apply for a
Chinese visa to the conference chair

    Prof. Lichen Zhang,
    Institute of AI & PR, Science Center, Shantou University,
    515063 Shantou, Guangdong, P.R. of China,
    Tel: +86-754-2903284, Fax: +86-754-2510654.

before 15 june 1998.

Further, please pay the registration fee of US$300 (or HK$2300
for Hong Kong participants) at registration desk.

Please note that the registration fee includes four nights accommodation
(arrival 22 June), full board with three banquets, and an excursion to
Chao Zhou City.

Shantou is a harbour city located on the scenic coastline of South China
with a population of 3.9 million. The weather in Shantou is mild. The
annual average temperature is 22 deg. C. With its new transportation
services, it is now convenient to commute to the neighbouring cities of
Hong Kong and Macau (40 minutes by air and 4 hours by car).

Shantou University is located at the foot of Sangpushan Hill in the
outskirts of the City of Shantou. The building complex of 280,000 square
meters, built on an area of one square kilometer with the advice of
horticulturists and artists, is not only magnificent and original, but
also elegant and unique in style. The campus is an education and
research center in the Eastern Guangdong Province.

For more detailed information on Shantou and Shantou University's
Conference Center, please refer to http://www.fernuni-hagen.de/IT/wrtp98/

Contributed by: Frank Allgower

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

             Invited session(s) on CHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROL

                    EUROPEAN CONTROL CONFERENCE 1999
                      August 31 - September 3, 1999
                           Karlsruhe, Germany

The European Control Conference (ECC) is an event that is organized every
two years, with the aim to stimulate contacts between scientists active in
the area of Systems and Control. The first four conferences took place in
Grenoble (1991), Groningen (1993), Rome (1995) and Brussels (1997). The
fifth ECC will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1999.
The scope of the conference includes all aspects of Systems and Control,
and ranges from subjects within the framework of fundamental research to
engineering applications. Topics of interest include multivariable and
nonlinear control, system modeling, system identification, adaptive control,
optimal control, filtering, robotics, aerospace systems, neural networks
applied to control, and control of chemical processes.

As for the previous ECCs we again plan to set on foot one or two invited
sessions on Chemical Process Control for ECC'99.
Papers are solicited which address theoretical and application problems
associated with chemical process control. Topics may include, but are not
limited to process monitoring and control, nonlinear and robust control,
modelling and identification, batch process control and discrete event and
hybrid systems, bio process control, and process control applications.

Similar to ACC customs, a final approval of the invited sessions can only
be given after the ECC Program Advisory Committee has met in early 1999.

If you are thinking about submitting a paper to this sessions please inform
the session organizers about your tentative intent already now, so that we
can direct any upcoming news related to this session to you.

September 1, 1998       Submit *full paper* to session organizers
September 15, 1998      Authors notified of acceptance to invited sessions
October 1, 1998         Rejected papers can be re-submitted as contributed
                        papers to the ECC Secretariat
February 1, 1999        Definite notification about approval of invited
April 1, 1999           Submit final manuscript
Aug.31 - Sept.3, 1999   ECC'99 in Karlsruhe

# Unlike in some previous years *FULL PAPERS* are required already in
  September. Abstracts or extended abstracts cannot be accepted! This
  general rule applies to all invited sessions for ECC'99.

# Our deadline for submitting papers for the invited session is ONE MONTH
  PRIOR to the deadline to submit contributed papers. This will make sure
  that papers that we cannot accomodate in the invited session(s) can still
  be submitted to the ECC Secretariat as contributed paper before the
  official October 1 deadline.

Please submit a 6 page/two column FULL PAPER by September 1, 1998 by email,
mail or facsimile to BOTH session organizers (sending a postscript file by
email is strongly preferred):

       Frank Allgower                       Denis Dochain
       Automatic Control Laboratory         CESAME
       ETH Zurich                           Universite Catholique de Louvain
       CH-8092 Zurich                       1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
       Switzerland                          Belgium

email: allgower@aut.ee.ethz.ch              dochain@auto.ucl.ac.be
fax:   +41-1-6321211                        +32-10-478667
phone: +41-1-6323557                        +32-10-472378

Contributted by: Keith Mason

              F I N A L    C A L L    F O R    P A P E R S

I N F O R M A T I O N ,   D E C I S I O N   A N D   C O N T R O L   9 9

                  A d e l a i d e,   A u s t r a l i a

                   8 - 1 0  F e b r u a r y   1 9 9 9


IDC-99 will bring together scientists, engineers and mathematicians
working across the disciplines of signal processing and communications,
decision and control, and data and information fusion. Progress in
these disciplines is critical to the successful implementation of large
interconnected and distributed systems such as military C3I systems,
communication networks, distributed sensor networks, and large scale
distributed control systems.

IDC-99 is structured along the lines of similar multi-conferences held
over recent years around the world. It is planned to provide a
technically strong symposia for each of the three core disciplines, and
in addition there will be significant opportunity for overlap and
interaction between the various groups.

The IDC-99 Organising Committee invites researchers and practitioners
in academia, industry and government to submit extended abstracts of
papers for one or more of the three symposia of IDC-99: Data and
Information Fusion, Signal Processing and Communications, and Decision
and Control. Full details can be found at http://idc99.cssip.edu.au

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *