E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 113, January 1, 1998

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 113, January 1, 1998

                        HAPPY NEW YEAR

                        FROHES NEUJAHR

                        BONNE ANNEE

                        FELIZ ANO NUEVO

                        GELUKKIG NIEUWJAAR

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Ph.D. thesis in diagnosis and control of electrical drives
        3.2  Presentation by. prof. Zadeh

4.      Positions
        4.1  Postdoc position, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
        4.2  Research Assistant Position, University of Stuttgart
        4.3  Faculty Position, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
        4.4  Research Assistantships, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
        4.5  Research Assistant Professor, University of Connecticut
        4.6  Faculty Positions, University of Connecticut
        4.7  Research Fellows and Students, Nanyang Technological University,
        4.8  Research position Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
        4.9  Positions at Industrial Control Centre, Glasgow, U.K.
        4.10 Faculty Position, Bowling Green State University

5.      Books
        5.1 Direct adaptive control algorithms: theory and applications,
            2nd edition, Howard Kaufman, Itzhak Barkana, Kenneth Sobel
        5.2 Applied Neural Networks for Signal Processing,
            Fa-Long Luo and Rolf Unbehauen
        5.3 Signal processing systems, theory and design, N. Kalouptsidis

6.      Journals
        6.1 TOC Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 272:1-3, 273:1-3
        6.2 Cfp Special Issue Linear Algebra and Its Applications
        6.3 CfP Special Issue Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
        6.4 TOC Journal  of Dynamical and Control Systems, 3:4
        6.5 CfP Special Issue of Automatica
        6.6 TOC SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 36:1
        6.7 TOC Eng. Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 10:5
        6.8 TOC Sydney R. Parker memorial volume, part I, 17:1

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CfP IEEE Conf. on Control Applic.,Trieste, Italy
        7.2  CfP Conf. in honor of Roger Brockett, Cambridge, Massachusetts
        7.3  CfP SIAM Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada
        7.4  CfP Workshop on statistical signal and array processing,
                 Portland, Oregon
        7.5  CfP Symposium on Dynamics, Control, and Design of Biomechanical
                 Systems, Anaheim, California
        7.6  CfP Conf. on Information Sciences and Systems, Princeton NJ
        7.7  CfP IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida
        7.8  CfW IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, Florida
        7.9  CfP Conf. on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, San Antonio, Texas
        7.10 CfP Brazilian Automatic Control Conference
        7.11 CfP 18th Chinese Control Conference, Zhejiang Province
        7.12 CfP Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Washington DC

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 113 !!!

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Robert van der Geest (robert.van-der-geest@nocrc.abb.no):


On November 17th I moved from the University of Twente to ABB in Norway.
My new address is

Robert van der Geest,
ABB Corporate Research,
Information Technology and Control Systems,
P.O.Box 90, N-1361 Billingstad, Norway.

Phone:  +
Fax:    +
E-mail: robert.van-der-geest@nocrc.abb.no

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Maurizio Cirrincione, < nimzo@cerisep.pa.cnr.it>

Diagnosis and Control of Electrical Drives Using Neural Networks

PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of Palermo, Italy.


This thesis deals with the use of neural networks for controlling and
diagnosing an electrical drive by describing some original applications.
More importance has been given to the engineering and experimental aspects
of these applications than to a deep theoretical approach, in order to
prove the suitability of these neural network techiques in a particular
domain of industrial applications.

Contributed by: IEE Control, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL, UK

IEE Control Divisional Lecture at Savoy Place, London
and live via videoconference link to Alcatel Bell, Antwerp

Tuesday, 13 January 1998 at 17.30 hrs GMT (18:30 hrs in Antwerp)


by Prof Lotfi A Zadeh
(University of California, Berkeley, USA)


Prof Lotfi A. Zadeh is Professor in the Electrical Engineering School at the
University of California, Berkeley, USA.  He is world renowned for his
pioneering research on the theory of fuzzy sets and its applications to
artificial intelligence, linguistics, logic, decision analysis, control
theory, expert systems and neural networks.

His lecture will describe how soft computing - a combination of
methodologies including fuzzy logic, genetic computing, neurocomputing and
probabilistic computing, which provide a foundation for intelligent systems
 - aims to achieve tractable, robust, low-cost solutions and a better rapport
with the real world.  In the future, the ubiquity of intelligent systems is
certain to have a profound impact on the ways in which man-made systems are
conceived, designed, manufactured, employed and interacted with, and this is
the perspective in which the basic issues relating to soft computing and
intelligent systems will be addressed.


Alcatel Bell, Bell Education Centre, Room 3.1, Amerikalei 26-28, B - 2018
Antwerpen, Belgium.

For tickets and further information, contact:

  Mevr. Martine Vandenbergh    Tel: +32 (0)3 240 37 31    Fax: +32 (0)3 240
37 20    Email: berghm@btmaa.bel.alcatel.be

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Tor Arne Johansen 

           Postdoc position available

at the Department of Engineering Cybernetics at the Norwegian University of
Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway.

The general area of the project is "Multiple Model Approaches to Nonlinear
Modelling and Control".  The candidate is expected to contribute in one of
the following specific topics:

- Identification of multiple model systems; this includes experiment design
  and utilization of prior knowledge
- Optimization-based process control (model predictive control) using
  multiple models, case studies with examples from process industry
- Methods for interpolation of models and knowledge in multiple model
- Gain scheduled nonlinear control design and analysis using linear matrix

The project will be defined to include one or more of the above topics
depending on the candidates background and interests. The research will
include theoretical studies, software development and application studies.
In addition, there may be some teaching responsibilities. The research will
be carried out in close collaboration with the members of the Process
Cybernetics group. The process cybernetics group operates in close contact
with several companies in particular in the process industries.

Applicants must have a PhD (or equivalent) degree with strong background in
control engineering and interest in nonlinear systems. Software development
skills and practical experience is desirable.

The position is available for one year with possibilities for extension for
one more year. The salary will depend on qualifications. Applicantions with
CV must be sent to Tor Arne Johansen, Department of Engineering Cybernetics,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7034 Trondheim, Norway by
20th January 1998. The position is available from spring 1998.

More information can be found at http://www.itk.ntnu.no or if you have
further questions: Tor.Arne.Johansen@itk.ntnu.no

Contributed by: Michael Zeitz

                          Research Assistant Position
                   Systems and Control Engineering Laboratory
                       University of Stuttgart, Germany

The Systems and Control Engineering Laboratory (Prof. E.D. Gilles) is part
of the Department of Process Engineering and Engineering Cybernetics at the
University of Stuttgart, Germany. It consists of 6 permanent scientific staff
members, 6 permanent technical support staff and 23 Ph.D. students. Its main
research topics are control theory, process control in chemical engineering an
biotechnology, and ship navigation systems.

In the Control group of the laboratory a full-time research assistant
position is available for a period of 2 years with the possibility to extend
the contract for another 3 years. The monthly salary (before tax and social
security deduction) is approximately 4900,- to 5700,- DM depending on
marital status and age.

The subject of the position will be in the area of nonlinear control theory
or control of distributed parameter systems and applications.  Moreover,
participation in teaching (tutorials for students) is expected.  The
sucessful candidate will have the possibility to do his/her Ph.D. thesis.

* Diploma (or MSc) in one of the engineering sciences.
* Strong background in control theory, programming languages and computer
* Excellent communication skills. Proficiency in English, willingness to
  learn German.

Interested candidates should send their application (curriculum vitae,
references) to:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Zeitz
Institut fr Systemdynamik und Regelungstechnik (ISR)
Universitt Stuttgart
Pfaffenwaldring 9
D-70550 Stuttgart

Phone: (49)-(711)-6856313
Fax:   (49)-(711)-6856371

For further information, write to: zeitz@isr.uni-stuttgart.de

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong

                        Faculty Position Available

                University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

                Department of General Engineering

The Department of General Engineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track
faculty position.  Candidates are sought who have a strong interest in
control engineering.  All areas of Control Engineering will be considered,
however, emphasis in one of the following sub areas is preferred:
Nonlinear Control, Robust and Adaptive Control, Hybrid and Intelligent
Control.  Applications of Control in areas such as process control,
manufacturing, automotive control, motion control, real-time control
architectures, mechatronics, or robotics is highly desirable.  The
appointment will normally be made at the assistant professor level, but a
senior level appointment may be made in an exceptional case for a person
of recognized national and international stature.  An earned Ph.D. degree
in engineering or allied discipline is required.  The candidate must be
committed to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels as well as
developing a high quality, externally supported program of research.
Salary is commensurate with education and experience.  The proposed
starting date is August 21, 1998.  The Department has 19 faculty and 500
students at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and research programs
in engineering design, engineering geometry, robotics and control,
discrete-event systems, design and manufacturing systems, decision
making/operations research, genetic algorithms, biomechanics, and
nondestructive evaluation.  Applications, including a letter of interest,
a curriculum vitae, complete publication list, dissertation abstract,
undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and the names of four references
should be sent to Dr. Thomas F. Conry, Head, Department of General
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 104 South Mathews
Avenue, Urbana, Illinois 61801; (217-333-2730).  In order to ensure full
consideration, application must be received by February 15, 1998, though
applications will be considered until the position is filled.  The
University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity

Contributed by: Mark W. Spong 

                Graduate Research Assistantships Available

                Coordinated Science Laboratory
                University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

I have openings for one or more graduate research assistants interested
in pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Electrical or Mechanical Engineering.  The
project involves both theoretical and experimental investigations into
the nonlinear control of underactuated mechanical systems.  Preference
will be given to applicants who have already completed the M.S. degree
in controls, biomechanics, robotics, or mathematics.  Of particular
interest in this project is the study of human and robotic locomotion
using techniques of geometric nonlinear control, hybrid and switching
control, passivity and saturation methods.  Also of interest is the study
of real-time vision feedback for balance and control.  Please send a resume
(email is OK) including the names of three references to

                        Professor Mark W. Spong
                        Coordinated Science Laboratory
                        University of Illinois
                        1308 W. Main Street
                        Urbana, IL 61801


The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity

Contributed by: Peter B. Luh (Luh@brc.uconn.edu)

       Research Assistant Professor in Manufacturing Systems

Research Assistant Professor in Manufacturing Systems
Electrical & Systems Engineering Department
University of Connecticut
Storrs, CT  06269-2157

The University of Connecticut seeks applicants to fill a Research Assistant
Professor position in the area of manufacturing systems in the Electrical
and Systems Engineering Department starting Spring, 1998.  Necessary
qualifications include an earned doctorate in Electrical Engineering (or a
closely related suitable field), strong scholarly research achievements, and
potential to attract external funding for research.

The E&SE Department has an established reputation and a strong funding base.
The two primary research areas are: (i) Information, Communication, and
Manufacturing Systems and associated Computing Algorithms (Federal and
Industry funding of $2M/yr.) and (ii) Optoelectronic and Computing Devices
(State, Federal and Industry funding of $2M/yr.).  The Department
participates in interdisciplinary programs including
Biotechnology/Bioengineering, Information Technology, Manufacturing,
Materials and Photonics through University-based research centers and other
departments.  The Department currently has sixteen full-time faculty (half
of whom are IEEE Fellows), six active emeritus faculty and five research
faculty.  The faculty regularly hold major professional society positions
such as editors of leading journals, national and international conference
chairs, distinguished lecturers and society officers.  The Department has
120 graduate students (85 full-time) and typically awards 10 - 15 doctorates
per year.  The University is in the midst of a Billion-dollar rejuvenation
and physical expansion program and has recently been ranked 20th among US
National public institutions.

A research assistant professor for a two-year term is sought in the area of
Manufacturing Systems.  The faculty in this area collaborate extensively
with industry, and are well known for the optimization-based planning and
scheduling of manufacturing facilities to maximize on-time delivery of
products while reducing work-in-process inventory.  By developing advanced
Lagrangian relaxation methods for separable integer optimization problems,
the group obtains near-optimal results with quantifiable quality within
short computational times for practical planning and scheduling problems.
The facilities include an Ethernet cluster of Sun Sparc workstations and
PCs, and extend to factories of Cannondale, Toshiba, Sikorsky, Delta, J. M.
Products, Pratt & Whitney, etc.  Future directions include neural networks
for optimization, and network-based planning, scheduling, and coordination
of design and manufacturing activities with extension to customers and

Send application letter, resume and the names of four references to: Dr.
Peter Luh, Electrical & Systems Engineering Department, University of
Connecticut, 260 Glenbrook Road, Storrs, CT 06269-2157.  His phone number is
(860) 486-4821, and e-mail address is Luh@brc.uconn.edu.  The review of
applications will proceed on their arrival and will continue until the
position is filled.  The University of Connecticut is an Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer.

Contributed by: Peter B. Luh (Luh@brc.uconn.edu)

Faculty Search, Electrical & Systems Engineering Department
University of Connecticut

The University of Connecticut seeks applicants to fill multiple tenure track
faculty positions at the assistant or associate professor level in the
Electrical and Systems Engineering Department beginning in August, 1998.
Necessary qualifications include an earned doctorate in Electrical
Engineering (or a suitable closely related field) with a first degree in
Electrical or Computer Engineering preferred, a strong commitment to
effective undergraduate and graduate teaching including laboratory
development, outstanding scholarly research achievement and potential to
attract external funding for research.

The E&SE Department has an established reputation and a strong funding base.
The two primary research areas are: (i) Information, Communication and
Manufacturing Systems and associated Computing Algorithms (Federal and
Industry funding of $2M/yr.) and (ii) Optoelectronic and Computing Devices
(State, Federal and Industry funding of $2M/yr.). The Department
participates in interdisciplinary programs including
Biotechnology/Bioengineering, Information Technology, Manufacturing,
Materials and Photonics through University-based research centers and other
departments. The Department currently has sixteen full-time faculty (half of
whom are IEEE Fellows), six active emeritus faculty and five research
faculty. The faculty regularly hold major professional society positions as
editors of leading journals, national and international conference chairs,
distinguished lecturers and society officers. The Department has 120
graduate students (85 full-time) and typically graduates 10 - 15 PhDs/yr.
The University is in the midst of a $1 billion rejuvenation and physical
expansion and has recently been ranked 20th among US public institutions.

        Faculty are sought in the following technical areas:

1. Communications/Signal Processing (COM): Including both theoretical and
   practical implementation capabilities.
2. Optoelectronics (OE): Materials/OEICs/displays, Optical interconnects and
   system level packaging for telecommunications and computing.
3. Information Processing/Networks (IPN): Optical information systems, pattern
   recognition, networked communication and computing.
4. Manufacturing Systems (MAN): Optimization based manufacturing/production
   and fault tolerant design (including VLSI) to improve competitiveness.
5. Biosensors/Biosensor Systems (BIO): Sensors and instrumentation systems
   used in biomedical applications, especially microsensors, analog
   electronics and computing system design and integration.

Applicants should indicate the area for which they are applying. Send
application letter, resume and the names of four references to: Dr. David
Jordan, Chairman, ESE Department U-157, University of Connecticut, 260
Glenbrook Road, Storrs, CT 06269-2157.

The review of applications will proceed on their arrival and will continue
until the positions are filled. The University of Connecticut is an Equal
Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer.

Contributed by: Dr Danwei Wang, email: edwwang@ntu.edu.sg

                        OPEN POSITIONS of

        Research Fellows and Research Students

in School of Electrical and Electronic Enigneering, Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore. These research positions are for the project on
Modelling, Path Planning and Tracking Control of Mobile Robots. Applications
are invited for the following two classes of positions

Research Fellows:
Applicants must have Ph.D degrees in related areas. Contract is two-three
years and renewable. Salary depends on qualifications and experiences.

Research students: (in both Ph.D and Master levels)
Applicants should have Master degrees if apply for Ph.D research programs.
Applicants should have Bachelor degrees if apply for Master research
programs.  Both research programs are by research theses.  Scholarships are
available for both cases.  Research interests in other areas, such as
iterative learning control and robot force control are welcome.

Interested persons can send his/her CV (electronic version) to
Dr. Danwei Wang at email: edwwang@ntu.edu.sg

or hard copy to the following address
Dr Danwei Wang
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Block S2
Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Ave.
Singapore 639798
Republic of Singapore

Contributed by:  Sabine.VanHuffel@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

    Research position at ESAT-SISTA, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, on

The research group SISTA (Signals, Identification, System Theory and
Automation) of the Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) at the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, has an opening for one or two
researchers on the European TMR (Training and Mobility of Researchers) project
``Advanced signal processing for medical magnetic resonance imaging and

In this project, the group develops with 8 other European groups
a fully automatic, user-friendly software package for the quantitation and
imaging of metabolites (MRS, MRSI) in clinical and medical research
environments. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) enables to detect and
quantify metabolite concentrations in the region of interest in a subject.
MRS Imaging (MRSI) provides an image of the concentration of each metabolite
of interest. We extend/tune the MRS/MRSI software to distinct wishes of
industry and our user group comprising 100 teams, worldwide. This
multidisciplinary project covers mathematics, informatics, electrical
engineering, physics, biochemistry, medicine, and biology.

The new researcher will mainly contribute to the automation of metabolite
quantitation, especially for clinical environments. The signal-to-noise ratio
of MRS and MRSI signals being low, its task will consist of the development
and automation of robust model-based signal processing techniques that
accommodate any available chemical and instrumental prior knowledge.

The candidate should have a background in numerical linear algebra and
signal processing. The position is intended for a young EC researcher and
may lead to a Ph.D., but also post-doctoral researchers may apply.
The position is available for 3 years, starting January 1998.

More information be found at
http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/sista/sista.html for the research group,
http://azur.univ-lyon1.fr/HCM/hcm.html for a description of the previous
project (the new project is a continuation of the same project with the
same partners and similar aims)

Interested candidates should send
- an application letter including a detailed statement of research interest,
- curriculum vitae,

to :

Prof. Sabine Van Huffel
Dept. Electrical Engineering, K.U.Leuven
Kardinaal Mercierlaan 94, 3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium.
Phone: + 32-16-32 17 03    Fax: + 32-16-32 19 70
Email: Sabine.Vanhuffel@esat.kuleuven.ac.be

Contributed by: Reza Katebi 

Industrial Control Centre
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Research Assistant (2) / Teaching Company Associate (1)  / Research Fellow (1)

The EPSRC have recently awarded a major hot strip rolling mill control
project to a consortium involving CEGELEC, Davy International, Alcan
International, British Steel plc and the Industrial Control Centre at the
University of Strathclyde.

Applications are invited for the above positions commencing February 1998.
Candidates should have a honours degree, preferably have experience at
control design, dynamic simulation, real time control and instrumentation.
Salary will be in the range 15000 to 22000 pounds per annum and the prospect
candidates can register for PhD study.

Applications (Ref. : 12/97) with a full c.v. giving the names and addresses
of two referees should be sent or emailed to Professor M J Grimble,
Industrial Control Centre, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1QE
(Email: m.grimble@eee.strath.ac.uk).

Further particulars may be obtained from Dr Reza Katebi, Tel: 0141 548 4297,
Email: r.katebi@eee.strath.ac.uk.

Contributed by: Sri Kolla (skolla@opie.bgsu.edu)

                        Faculty Position Announcement

Bowling Green State University is seeking applicants for a tenure track
faculty position in the field of Electronic Technology.  Qualifications
include a demonstrated commitment to electronic technology with special
interest in computer systems and networks, communication circuits, the
potential for research and publication within the field, a strong interest
in both undergraduate and graduate teaching.  An earned doctorate in
electrical/computer engineering or technology or a related field is
required.  Responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate teaching,
conducting research and publication, and active participation in
departmental programs and service activities.  Assistant professor rank
is preferred, but candidates at all ranks will be considered.  Qualified
applicants must have proof of legal authority to work in the U.S.  BGSU is
an AA/EEO employer and encourages applications from women, minorities,
veterans, and persons with disabilities.  Send a letter demonstrating the
interest in and eligibility for the position, curriculum vitae, and the
names, addresses and phone numbers of at least three current references
to the address below, postmarked no later than February 27, 1998.
Chair, ET Search Committee
Department of Technology Systems
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Phone:  (419) 372-2439

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Howard Kaufman (kaufmh@rpi.edu)


Authors: Howard Kaufman, Itzhak Barkana, Kenneth Sobel

Publisher: Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc. 1998
        ISBN 0-387-94884-8

This book is a self contained compendium of simple adaptive control
techniques, that have been developed and applied by the authors for
over 15 years. The proposed algorithms are easily implementable and do
not require explicit process parameter identification.  Further, they
have been successfully applied to a wide variety of engineering
problems including flight control, flexible structure control, blood
pressure control, and robotics.  In general, these algorithms are
suitable for a wide class of multiple input multiple output control
systems containing significant uncertainty as well as disturbances.

The text has been written so that anyone with a basic linear multivariable
systems background will be able to develop and apply the adaptive algorithms
to their particular problems. Thus, besides developing the theoretical
details of the algorithm, the text gives considerable emphasis to the design
recipes and to representative applications in flight control, flexible
structure control, robotics, and drug infusion control.

The text has been prepared in a manner such that it will be possible for
readers to actually use the algorithm even before they thoroughly understand
the complete theory.  This is the result of a separate emphasis on the
algorithm structure, its implementation, and the recommended procedures for
tuning. This should appeal to a practicing design engineer. It is also
suitable either as a reference or as a text for a graduate course in
adaptive control systems.

This second edition has been revised to include MATLAB programs for some of
the Chapter 3 examples and for a new case study in liquid level control
which is found in Section 7.5. These programs are available from The
MathWork's FTP server.  Other significant changes include Section 3.5.3,
which treats nonlinearities of known form when the linear part of the system
does not satisfy certain positive real conditions, Sections 5.5-5.6, which
extend the simple adaptive controllers of Chapter 3 to a wide class of
nonlinear systems, Section 5.7 which discusses the application of the
nonlinear adaptive algorithms to robotic manipulators, and Section 6.2,
which both discusses and illustrates procedures for designing the
feedforward compensators (discussed in Chapter 3) that are used for ensuring
that the (sufficient) positive real conditions are satisfied.

The key features of the text are

Algorithm theory and development
Algorithm implementation
Algorithm applications


1. Introduction
2. Basic Theory of Simple Adaptive Control
3. Extensions of the Basic Adaptive Algorithm
4. Robust Design Procedures
5. Adaptive Control of Time-Varying and Nonlinear Systems
6. Design of Model Reference Adaptive Controllers
7. Case Studies

Contributed by: Fa-Long Luo 

                              New Book
               Applied Neural Networks for Signal Processing
                 Authors:  Fa-Long Luo and Rolf Unbehauen
                  Publisher:  Cambridge University Press
                         ISBN: 0 521 56391 7

The use of neural networks in signal processing is becoming increasingly
widespread, with applications in areas such as filtering, parameter
estimation, signal detection, pattern recognition, signal reconstruction,
system identification, signal compression, and signal transmission. The
signals concerned include audio, video, speech, image, communication,
geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical and others. The key features of
neural networks involved in signal processing are their asynchronous
parallel and distributed processing, nonlinear dynamics, global
interconnection of network elements, self-organization and high-speed
computational capability.  With these features, neural networks can provide
very powerful means for solving many problems encountered in signal
processing, especially, in nonlinear signal processing, real-time signal
processing, adaptive signal processing and blind signal processing.

>From an engineering point of view, this book aims to provide a detailed
treatment of neural networks for signal processing by covering basic
principles, modelling, algorithms, architectures, implementation procedures
and well-designed simulation examples. This book is organized into nine

   Chap. 1: Fundamental Models of Neural Networks for Signal Processing,
   Chap. 2:  Neural Networks for Filtering,
   Chap. 3:  Neural Networks for Spectral Estimation,
   Chap. 4:  Neural Networks for Signal Detection,
   Chap. 5:  Neural Networks for Signal Reconstruction,
   Chap. 6:  Neural Networks for Principal Components and Minor Components,
   Chap. 7:  Neural Networks for Array Signal Processing,
   Chap. 8:  Neural Networks for System Identification,
   Chap. 9:  Neural Networks for Signal Compression.
  This book will be an invaluable reference for scientists and engineers
working in communications, control or any other field related to signal
processing. It can also be used as a textbook for graduate courses in
electrical engineering and computer science.


Dr. Fa-Long Luo                     or      Dr. Philip Meyler
Lehrstuhl fuer Allgemeine und               Cambridge University Press
Theoretische Elektrotechnik                 40 West 20th Street
Cauerstr. 7, 91058 Erlangen                 New York, NY 10011-4211
Germany                                     USA
Tel: +49 9131 857794                        Tel: +1 212 924 3900 ext. 472
Fax: +49 9131 13435                         Fax: +1 212 691 3239
Email: luo@late.e-technik.uni-erlangen.de   E-mail: pmeyler@cup.org

Contributed by: N. KALOUPTSIDIS

 I wish to inform you about my book titled
published by J. Wiley and Sons, 1997.

The main objective of the book is to provide a solid background on the
theory and design of signal processing systems. It emphasizes tool
development as well as signal processing design and shows the reader how to
perform a variety of tasks. These include signal compression and coding,
modulation, equalization, encryption, filtering for signal enhancement and
noise removal, pattern classification, error control coding, prediction,
feedback control, and identification to locate a plant or signal source
operating in an uncertain environment. The specific signal processing tasks
selected for presentation feature universal characteristics and generic
value.  They form primary building blocks upon which more sophisticated
signal processing operations are developed. The book is organized as
   Chapter 2 provides a first acquaintance with signal models.  Signal
representations build upon approximations and decompositions upon "simpler"
constituents.  For this purpose signal metrics, limiting operations and
representations in terms of orthogonal bases are discussed.
   System representations are studied in Chapter 3. Input-output
transformations, finite derivative, finite difference models, and state
space representations are introduced. General system attributes such as
causality, time invariance, memory, continuity, and fading memory are
described. Quantization and discrete simulation are introduced. The
convolutional representation of linear systems and its nonlinear
generalization to Volterra models are developed. Neural networks and radial
basis function networks are also presented as nonlinear models and their
universal approximation capabilities are highlighted.
   Chapter 4 provides an introduction to the main design problems discussed
in the book.  Filtering prediction and identification are discussed in the
context of least squares estimation.  The LMS and the RLS algorithms are
developed in connection with adaptive signal processing. The design of
scalar and vector quantizers is studied and the k means algorithm is
derived. Pulse code modulation (PCM) and differential pulse code modulation
(DPCM) are introduced as popular compression schemes. The basic elements of
linear block codes for error control in transmission and storage are
presented. The primary encryption concepts are highlighted and the RSA
public key cryptosystem is developed. Finally, the perceptron algorithm and
the backpropagation method are developed for pattern recognition
   Chapters 5 and 6 are concerned with the frequency representation of signals
and systems.  The Fourier transform and its properties are developed for
analog, discrete, and multidimensional signals. Fast algorithms are
developed for the implementation of the DFT. Frequency selective filtering,
sampling, modulation and multiplexing are important signal processing tasks
discussed here.
   Chapter 7 is concerned with the series representation of a discrete signal.
Discrete and digital signals generated by linear recurrent sources are
analyzed, and their fine structure is revealed. Application to the analysis
of linear feedback shift register sequences is discussed.  Finally fast
convolution algorithms including the Winograd algorithm are described.
   Signal and system analysis in the complex domain with the use of the z
and Laplace transforms is carried out in Chapter 8. An introduction to
analog and discrete filter design is provided.
   Chapter 9 develops spectral representations for stochastic wide sense
stationary processes. The notions of power spectral density and spectral
distribution are introduced. The spectral process of the signal itself is
constructed, and the Fourier analysis and synthesis equations are derived.
Higher-order spectral analysis via cumulants and poly-spectra is also
   Chapter 10 is concerned with realization theory. It searches for canonical
forms with special characteristics and explores the uniqueness of system
representations and their bearing on minimum memory requirements. The
properties of controllability and observability are instrumental for this
purpose. The strong duality of these concepts as well as the deeper duality
between estimation and control is pointed out. Minimal realizations are
considered, highlighting Hankel and singular value decomposition (SVD)
   Stability of recurrent structures is the main topic of Chapter 11. The
effects input and initial state perturbations have on the output are
analyzed using Liapunov functions. A simple example is used to navigate the
reader toward the world of bifurcation and chaos.
   Chapter 12 continues the discussion on prediction filtering and
identification. Infinite memory linear predictors and Wiener filters are
derived using the mean squared formulation. The basic elements of the
Kolmogorov-Wiener theory are highlighted. Digital Pulse Amplitude modulation
and demodulation are introduced. An alternative approach to filtering is
offered by the Kalman filter. Identification is discussed in the context of
convolutional and finite difference models. Topics include blind
identification, instrumental variables, nonlinear regressions and the
prediction error algorithm. Finally, second order Volterra system
identification is discussed.
   Three major control system design methods are presented in Chapter 13, the
transform design approach relying on the transfer function description of
systems, the Pole placement design using state space ideas and the regulator
design based on quadratic function minimization.
   Chapter 14 deals with compression and error control coding.  Popular
compression techniques such as transform coding and the discrete cosine
transform are presented. Furthermore, the family of BCH codes is
highlighted, and decoding algorithms are derived, including the
Berlekamp-Massey algorithm. Special emphasis is given to Reed-Solomon codes.
   A rather detailed account on algebraic structures, mainly finite (Galois)
fields is provided in the appendix.

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

              Contents Direct From Elsevier Science

Journal Code   : 7738
Journal        : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume issue   : 272/01-03
Year           : 1997
Anticipated Publication Date: 19-DEC-97

pp. 1-16
Inverting Block Toeplitz Matrices in Block Hessenberg Form by Means of
Displacement Operators: Application to Queueing Problems

pp. 17-32
Two connections between the SR and HR Eigenvalue Algorithms
DAVIDS Watkins

pp. 33-44
On the connectedness of solution sets in linear complementary problems
MS Gowda

pp. 45-57
Linearizations, realization, and scalar products for regular matrix
Krupnik, P Lancaster

pp. 59-89
Singular values and eigenvalues of non-Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices
P Tilli

pp. 91-101
On Lei-Miranda-Thompson's result on singular values and diagonal elements
TY Tam

pp. 103-130
Spectra and pseudospectra of block Toeplitz matrices
A Lumsdaine

pp. 131-153
Destabilizing effects of small time-delays on feedback controlled descriptor
HARTMUT Logemann

pp. 155-168
On the optimal consistent approximation to pairwise comparison matrices
MT Chu

pp. 169-179
Further lower bounds for the smallest singular value
C Johnson, T Szulc

pp. 181-192
New perturbation results for equality constrained least squares problems
J Ding

pp. 193-203
On the structure of stochastic matrices with a subdominant eigenvalue near 1
DJ Hartfiel

pp. 205-225
Majorization, polyhedra and statistical testing problems
G Dahl

pp. 227-275
Componentwise analysis of direct factorization of real symmetric Hermitian
I Slapnicar

Volume issue   : 273/01-03
Anticipated Publication Date: 29-DEC-97
Issue dated    : April 1998

pp. 1-8
On A Trace Inequality
D Wang

pp. 9-22
A Connection Between Positive Semidefinite and Euclidean Distance Matrix
Completion Problems
M Laurent

pp. 23-28
A sequence of upper bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix
Tasci, S Kirkland

pp. 29-43
On the non-singularity of matrices with certain sign patterns
PN Shivakumar

pp. 45-63
Non-generic eigenvalue perturbations of Jordan blocks
Ma, A Edelman

pp. 65-82
Products of diagonalizable matrices
JD Botha

pp. 83-117
The general rational interpolation problem and its connection with the
nevanlinna-pick interpolation and power moment problem
G Chen

pp. 119-131
Hook immanantal inequalities for trees explained
Chan, TK Lam

pp. 133-167
Computing Hausdorff dimension of subshifts using matrices
S Friedland

pp. 169-198
Computations with Gohberg-Semencul-type formulas for Teoplitz matrices
T Huckle

pp. 199-214
Iterative refinement using splitting methods
JY Yuan

pp. 215-226
Block-triangularization of skew-symmetric matrices
S Iwata

pp. 227-229
Book Review:  Matrix analysis by Rajendra Bhatia

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 


  CALL FOR PAPERS: Special Issue on Linear Systems and Control.

Over the last 15 years, LAA has published three special issues devoted to
Linear Systems and Control.  These issues that came out as vol. 50 (1983),
vols. 122-124 (1989)  and vols. 203-206 (1994) were among the best issues
of this journal in terms both of scope and quality. They are evidence of
the vitality of the field of systems and control, of the breadths and
depth of the mathematical techniques employed and developed.  Each of
these special issues provided a cross section of the current interests in
our field. We believe that these issues also had some beneficial effect in
attracting younger people to the field.

The closing of the second millenium and the beginning of the third is a
natural point to stop for a summing up on one hand and charting the future
course on the other.  What we are proposing for this occasion is a
different kind of special issue.

We do not aim at a large publication, but want to achieve distinction
through a high quality collaborative effort.  We aspire to a volume that
makes a strong positive statement about systems and control and archives
some of the major contributions of the last decades. It is our expectation
that these goals can be best achieved by collaborations and we intend to
do whatever we can to encourage the development of papers that are
co-authored by people who would represent different points of view on the
same subject.  In the best case the contributions will be fairly
homogeneous with respect to mathematical level and length.  What we are
after are topics that seem to have adequate scope and depth.  A
preliminary list of possible topics would include:

- Schubert Calculus as a problem in matrix calculus
- Matrices depending on parameters and their algebraic geometry
- Factorization theory of matrix functions
- Behaviours and geometric control theory
- Module theoretic techniques in system theory
- Interpolation theory on loop groups.
- Geometry of rational function spaces, matrix flows
- Systems over finite fields, coding theory
- Realization theory for structured matrices
- Analysis of zeros and connection to geometric control
- New computational techniques in control

Of course additional topics can be considered as well.  If questions arise
as to the suitability of a paper for the special issue in terms of topic,
scope or method, it is advisable that the author(s) communicate directly
with of the special issue editors.  At the present time there is a
definite possibility that this could be the first issue of the year 2000
for LAA.  What better way to start the new millenium?

To make this target date possible, the submission deadline has been set
for 30 September, 1998.  Papers should be submitted to one of the special
issue editors listed below:

Prof. A.C. Antoulas
Department of Electrical Engineering
Rice University
Houston, Texas 77251, U.S.A.
E-mail: aca@rice.edu

Prof. R.W. Brockett
Div. of Engineering  and Applied Physics
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
E-mail: brockett@arcadia.harvard.edu

Prof. P.A. Fuhrmann
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Ben-Gurion University
84105 Beer Sheva, Israel
E-mail: paf@indigo.bgu.ac.il

Prof. Dr. U. Helmke
Mathematisches Institut
University of Wuerzburg Am Hubland
97074 Wuerzburg, Germany
E-mail: helmke@mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de

Prof. J.C. Willems
Department of Mathematics
University of Groningen
P.O.Box 800
Groningen, The Netherlands
E-mail: willems@math.rug.nl

Contributed by: Zdzislaw Kowalczuk 
                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                           Special Issue on
               " Predictive Methods for Adaptive Control "
            in the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The Editorial Board of the quarterly journal "Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science"  have decided  to  publish a special issue on "Predictive Methods for
Adaptive Control".  Papers directly relating their contribution to the session
subject are particularly encouraged.  Nevertheless,  we also  invite  all  the
original  and  innovative contributions  clearly  connected  with  this topic,
-       predictive design methods and algorithms,
-       predictive-based identification and control,
-       adaptive and self-tuning predictive control,
-       discrete-time design methodology,
-       continuous-time approach to the design.
Papers having  practical relevance  and  dealing with the application of ideas
can also be proposed.  As well as regular papers,  tutorials and review papers
on the topic are welcome.
The papers  will  be subject  to  a regular  qualification procedure,  and the
publication decision will be made based on reviewer's comments.

Four copies  of the manuscript should be submitted by 15th January 1998 to the
guest editor:

Zdzislaw Kowalczuk
Department of Automatic Control (W.E.T.I)
Narutowicza 11/12, P.O. Box 612
80-952 Gdansk, POLAND
E-mail: kova@pg.gda.pl      fax (4858) 416132   tel. (4858) 472018

More information  about the  "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science"   and
instructions for authors can be found at:

Contributed by:  Yuri L. Sachkov (sachkov@sys.botik.ru)

                  Vol. 3, No. 4, October 1997


On Morse Theory for Piecewise Smooth Functions                 449--469
A.A. Agrachev, D. Pallaschke, S. Scholtes

Power Geometry                                                 471--491
A.D. Bruno

Approximate Invariance and Differential Inclusions
in Hilbert Spaces                                              493--518
F.H. Clarke, Yu.S. Ledyaev, M.L. Radulescu

A Nonintegrable SubRiemannian Geodesic Flow
on a Carnot Group                                              519--530
R. Montgomery, M. Shapiro, A. Stolin

Controllability of Right-Invariant Systems
on Solvable Lie Groups                                         531--564
Yu.L. Sachkov

First- and Second-Order Integral Functionals
of the Calculus of Variations which Exhibit
the Lavrentiev Phenomenon                                      565--588
A.V. Sarychev

On Isomonodromic Deformations of Fuchsian Systems              589--604
A.A. Bolibruch

The detailed information about the Journal of Dynamical and
Control Systems may be found at its WWW homepages:


Contributed by: Venkat Anantharam, Tamer Basar, and Jean Walrand

                                    CALL FOR PAPERS

                                Special Issue of AUTOMATICA

TITLE : Control Methods for Communication Networks
SCOPE : Research and/or tutorial papers on :

Applications of game theory and Markov decision theory to communication
network problems.
Admission control, flow control, and congestion control.
Power control and mobility management of wireless networks.
Control for data compression.
Scheduling of switches.
Measurement-based control.
Control problems for satellite communications.
Pricing of network services.
Other control problems in communication networks.

PROJECTED SIZE : 15 papers

TIMETABLE :     Date for the call for papers :  January 1, 1998
                Submission deadline :           June 30, 1998
                Deadline for acceptance
                 of submitted papers :          March 31,1999
                Scheduled Issue :               December 1999.

INVITED PAPERS : We have in mind six invited papers at this moment. We are
 planning to contact these potential authors once we get the go ahead from


One of the most dramatic technological developments of our times is the
deployment of communication networks such as the Internet and local area
networks.  This networking revolution is ongoing, and continues to raise
fundamental challenges for control and communication engineers.

The control problems raised require new techniques and formulations, in
addition to the traditional ones familiar to control theorists.
Communication networks are large complex entities which support many agents,
and have to handle demands with a wide range of quality of service (QoS)
requirements. Together with the commercial nature of the offered services,
this complexity brings to the fore problems of a game theoretic nature among
the interacting agents, problems of how to price the services, of how to
decide when to admit connections, and more generally how to provide and meet
QoS guarantees through routing, congestion control, and flow control. The
infrastructure of the network needs to be properly designed, and requires
the investigation of the tradeoff between hardware cost and performance in
switches and routers, the development of efficient scheduling algorithms,
and the design of adaptive control methods that use appropriate distributed
measurements of the current state of the network. Multiple access problems
need to be solved for both wired and wireless systems.

The purpose of this special issue of AUTOMATICA is to bring together
research and/or tutorial papers addressing the general theme of ``Control
Methods for Communication Networks". Subject areas of interest include :
Applications of game theory and Markov decision theory to communication
network problems; Admission control, flow control, and congestion control;
Power control and mobility management of wireless networks; Control for data
compression; Scheduling of switches; Measurement-based control; Control
problems for satellite communications; Pricing of network services.  Papers
on other control problems in communication networks not covered by the
preceding list are also welcome.

All submitted papers will be subject to peer review.  The time table for the
special issue is as follows : Submission deadline: June 30, 1998; Deadline
for announcement of decisions regarding acceptance of submitted papers :
March 31,1999.  Scheduled Issue : December 1999.

Guest editors : Venkat Anantharam and Jean Walrand, University of California,

        V. Anantharam/J. Walrand
        EECS Department
        231 Cory Hall
        University of California
        Berkeley, CA 94720

        Phone : (510)-643-8435 (VA)
                (510)-642-1529 (JW)
        Fax   : (510)-642-2739 (VA)
        Email : ananth@vyasa.eecs.berkeley.edu  (VA)
                wlr@eclair.eecs.berkeley.edu    (JW)

Contributed by: Ira D. Smiley, Production Editor

SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Volume 36, Number 1, JANUARY 1998


     Estimates of Convergence of Fully Discrete Schemes for the Isaacs
     Equation of Pursuit-Evasion Differential Games via Maximum Principle
     Pierpaolo Soravia

     A Generic Classification of Time-Optimal Planar Stabilizing Feedbacks
     A. Bressan and B. Piccoli

     Model Reference Adaptive Control of Distributed Parameter Systems
     Michael Bhm, M. A. Demetriou, Simeon Reich, and I. G. Rosen

     An Approximation Theory of Solutions to Operator Riccati Equations for
     H-infinity Control
     Kazufumi Ito and K. A. Morris

     Convergence Rate of Stochastic Approximation Algorithms in the
     Degenerate Case
     Han-Fu Chen

     The Value Function of the Singular Quadratic Regulator Problem with
     Distributed Control Action
     Francesca Bucci and Luciano Pandolfi

     Minimal (Max, +) Realization of Convex Sequences
     Stphane Gaubert, Peter Butkovic, and Raymond Cuninghame-Green

     Stabilization of Elastic Plates with Dynamical Boundary Control
     Bopeng Rao

     Configuration Flatness of Lagrangian Systems Underactuated by One
     Muruhan Rathinam and Richard M. Murray

     Partial Disturbance Rejection with Internal Stability and H  Norm
     Vasfi Eldem, Hitay zbay, Hasan Selbuz, and Kadri zaldiran

     Bifurcation and Normal Form of Nonlinear Control Systems, Part I
     Wei Kang

     Bifurcation and Normal Form of Nonlinear Control Systems, Part II
     Wei Kang

     Optimal Residence Time Control of Hamiltonian Systems Perturbed by
     White Noise
     James P. Dunyak and Mark I. Freidlin

     Output Dead Beat Control for a Class of Planar Polynomial Systems
     D. Nesic, I. M. Y. Mareels, G. Bastin, and R. Mahony

     Optimal Control of Problems Governed by Abstract Elliptic Variational
     Inequalities with State Constraints
     Matine Bergounioux

     On the Attainable Set for Scalar Nonlinear Conservation Laws with
     Boundary Control
     Fabio Ancona and Andrea Marson

     Infinite Linear Programming and Multichain Markov Control Processes in
     Uncountable Spaces
     Onsimo Hernndez-Lerma and Juan Gonzlez-Hernndez

     Spectral Approach to Duality in Nonconvex Global Optimization
     Alexey S. Matveev

     Generic Pole Assignment via Dynamic Feedback
     Susumu Ariki

Contributed by: C.W. de Silva, Regional Editor

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 10(5), Oct. 1997


pp. 417-427
Time-constrained qualitative model-based diagnosis
AD Steele, R Leitch

pp. 429-439
Qualitative modeling and control of dynamic systems
YK Wong, AB Rad, YK Wong

pp. 441-452
Fuzzy controller and observer design for backing control of a trailer-truck
K Tanaka, T Taniguchi, HO Wang

pp. 453-461
Optimization of a fuzzy controller for fruit storage using neural networks and
genetic algorithms
TM Suzuki, Y Hashimoto

pp. 463-472
Fuzzy-logic-based decision support system for scheduling tillage operations
S Thangavadivelu, TS Colvin

pp. 473-483
Evolutionary neural trees for modeling and predicting complex systems
WD Zhang, P Ohm, H Muhlenbein

pp. 485-493
Comparison of shape features for the classification of wear particles
K Xu, AR Luxmoore, F Deravi

pp. 495-502
Feature selection in the recognition of handwritten Chinese characters
CH Leung, L Sze

pp. 503-515
A two-level hierarchical approach for raw material scheduling in steelworks
MS Suh, YJ Lee, YK Ko

Contributed by: A.H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for


(Vol. 17, No. 1, 1998):

Design of sharp linear-phase FIR bandstop filters using the
frequency response masking technique,
    Rui Yang, Yong-Chin Lim, and Sydney R. Parker

Capon estimation of covariance sequences,
    Hongbin Li, Petre Stoica, and Jian Li

Signal processing based on parameter structural modeling and separation of
highly correlated signals of known structure.
    Eugene I. Plotkin and M.N.S. Swamy

Nonlinear digital filters mimicking cellular neural networks,
    James A. Bush, Sankar Basu, and Paul M. Chirlian

A space-time-filtered Viterbi receiver for CCI/ISI reduction in TDMA systems,
    Jen-Wei Liang, Jiunn-Tsair Chen, and Arogyaswami J. Paulraj

Computable real lattice structures for cochlea-like digital filters,
    Louiza Sellami and Robert W. Newcomb

Direct multiple-channel blind equalization,
    Rui-wen Liu

Parametric signal processing of anechoic data from prosthetic heart
valve testing,
    A.L. Warrick, J.V. Candy, and A.E. Brown

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Vassilis Syrmos 


                Congress Center of the Stazione Marittima
                 Molo Bersaglieri 3, 34124 Trieste, ITALY
                            September 1-4, 1998

                       important deadlines (below)


The Seventh IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA)  is being sponsored
by  the  IEEE Control Systems Society, and technically cosponsored by the ASME
Dynamic Systems and Control Divion, IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,
the International Federation of Automatic Control, the European Union Control
Association, the IEEE North Italy, ANIPLA (the Italian Association for
Automation), the University of Trieste, and the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The function of the IEEE CCA is to bring together theoretical results and
practical applications in system and control theory, particularly in regard to
uses in industrial, commercial, aerospace, power systems, automotive, or other
applied arenas.  The Program Committee solicits  papers presenting original
work in all aspects of theoretical and practical control applications.  The
theme for CCA'98 is Control Applications in Biological and Medical Systems.
The theme of CCA is meant to help structure the conference and not to limit
the topics covered.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of
traditional and modern control design techniques in:

   ** Aerospace Systems ** Adaptive Control ** Automotive Systems
   ** Biomedical Systems ** Computer-Aided Design ** Discrete Event Systems
   ** Distributed Systems ** Expert Systems ** Fault Tolerance ** Fuzzy System
   ** Manufacturing Systems ** Modeling and Identification ** Neural Networks
   ** Nonlinear Systems ** Power Electronics/Systems ** Process Control
   ** Robotics ** Robust Control ** Sensor-Based Control


        January 15, 1998        Full Papers and Proposals Due
        April 1, 1998           Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
        April 30, 1998          Electronic Submission of Title and Abstract
        May 22, 1998            Final Camera-Ready Papers Due


FIVE copies of the full paper must be received for peer review by one
of the Program Chairs by  15 JAN. 1998.  Papers will be reviewed by the
International Program Committee.  Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by 1 APRIL 1998.  Electronic submissions of title and
abstract are required by 30 APRIL 1998.  The final camera-ready papers
must be received by the Conference Secretariat no later than 22 MAY 1998.


European Program Chair          U.S. Program Chair
G. Conte                        Kimon P. Valavanis
Dipt. di Elett. e Autom.        Center for Advanced Computer Studies
Univ. di Ancona                 PO Box 44330
via Brecce Bianche              University of SW Louisiana
60131 Ancona, ITALY             Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, USA
Email: gconte@anvax1.cineca.it  Email: kimon@cacs.usl.edu
Phone: +39-71-2204844           Phone: (318) 482-5817
Fax: +39-71-2804334             Fax: (318) 262-5401


FOUR copies of proposals for: Invited Sessions, including extended abstracts
and a cover letter indicating the scope of the proposed session; or
Workshops, including a detailed outline of the proposed topic, must be
submitted to either Program Chair by 15 JAN. 1998. Invited Sessions
may include an introductory survey paper.  Workshops will be held on 1 SEP.
1998.  Invited sessions and workshops in the conference theme of biomedical
systems are particularly of interest.


A CD-ROM and a Book of Abstracts will be provided at the conference.  A hard
copy of the proceedings will be mailed after the conference to those who
request it for an additional charge.

For further information, VISIT OUR WEB SITE, or contact the General Chair:

                Frank L. Lewis
                Automation & Robotics Research Institute
                The University of Texas at Arlington
                7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.
                Fortworth, TX 76118, USA
                Email: flewis@controls.uta.edu
                Phone: (817) 272-5972
                Fax: (817) 272-5989

Contributed by: Jan C. Willems 

                          INVITATION TO ATTEND
                             CALL for PAPERS

                        PERSPECTIVES IN CONTROL

                     A Scientific Conference in Honor of

                              ROGER W. BROCKETT

                             Harvard University
                    on the Occasion of his 60-th Birthday

                          October 23 and 24, 1998
                          Cambridge, Massachusetts

                              Keynote address

                        R.E. KALMAN (ETH, Z/"urich)

                         RANDOMNESS AND PROBABILITY:
                    The hype, the truth, and the future

The following former Ph.D. students and post-docs of R.W. Brockett have
accepted to give a presentation:

                J.S. Baras (University of Maryland)
                C.I. Byrnes (Washington University)
                J.J. Clark (McGill University)
                P.E. Crouch (Arizona State University)
                D. Dobkin (Princeton University)
                L. Faybusovich (University of Notre Dame)
                P.A. Fuhrmann (Ben Gurion University)
                R. Hirschorn (Queen's University)
                J. Ja Ja (University of Maryland)
                V. Jurdjevic (University of Toronto)
                A.J. Krener (University of California, Davis)
                P.S. Krishnaprasad (University of Maryland)
                J. Loncaric (NASA)
                D. Montana (BBN)
                F.C. Park (Seoul National University)
                D. Seto (Carnegie Mellon University)
                S. Smith (Lincoln Laboratory)
                H.J. Sussmann (Rutgers University)
                T. Taylor (Arizona State University)
                D. Williamson (Australian National University)
                A.S. Willsky (MIT)
                W.S. Wong (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

The conference will close with a formal dinner on October 24, 1998.
Professor S.K. Mitter from MIT will give a Laudatio at the dinner in
honor of R.W. Brockett


J. Baillieul                  and          J.C. Willems
College of Engineering                     Department of Mathematics and
Boston University                          Computing Science
Boston, MA 02215,  USA                      University of Groningen, NL
Fax:    617-353-5866                       Fax: +31 50 3633976
Email: Brockettfest@enga.bu.edu            Email: Brockettfest@math.rug.nl

If you wish to attend the conference please inform one of the organizers by
electronic mail. There is room for contributed talks. Prospective
contributors are invited to submit a 200 word abstract by electronic mail
to one of the organizers as soon as possible. Deadline: May 1, 1998.

           Details on the program can be found on internet:

Contributed by: flores@siam.org

     A friendly reminder --


     1998 SIAM Annual Meeting
     July 13-17, 1998
     University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

     December 15, 1997: Deadline for submission of minisymposium proposals
     January 15, 1998:  Deadline for submission of contributed abstracts

     1998 SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics
     July 12-15, 1998
     University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

     January 2, 1998: Deadline for submission of contributed abstracts

     For more information, visit  http://www.siam.org/conf.htm   or contact
     SIAM by e-mail  meetings@siam.org

Contributed by: SSAP-98 


              September 14-16, 1998     Portland, Oregon, USA

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

        This workshop is the ninth in a series of biannual
meetings sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
Following the successful scheme of previous meetings, the
workshop will feature keynote addresses by leading researchers
in the area, and poster sessions consisting of both invited
as well as contributed papers.  Participation will be limited.

Authors are invited to submit contributions in the
areas of, but not limited to:

      Real and complex multivariate statistics
      Covariance and spectrum estimation
      Higher-order spectrum estimation
      Nonstationary signals and time-varying systems
      Non-Gaussian signals and nonlinear systems
      Parameter estimation on differential manifolds
      System identification and calibration
      Sensor array processing
      Signal processing for communications
      Signal processing for mechanical systems
      (special session)
      Computational and implementation issues
      Applications in all areas

Prospective authors should submit four copies of a hundred word
abstract and a two to four page extended summary to the Program
Chair at

        Daniel R. Fuhrmann
        Dept. of Electrical Engineering
        Washington University
        St. Louis, MO 63130
        email: danf@saturn.wustl.edu

The summary should include affiliations, addresses, tel/fax numbers and
e-mail addresses, and keywords identifying one of the above topics.

Important Dates:

      Submission of summary              February 27, 1998

      Notification of acceptance         March 21, 1998

      Camera-ready paper                 May 4, 1998

Website: http://www.ee.pdx.edu/conferences/SSAP-98/
Inquiry: ssap-98@ee.pdx.edu

Contributed by: Fathi Ghorbel

Symposium on Dynamics, Control, and Design of Biomechanical Systems.
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
Anaheim, California,  USA, November 15-20, 1998

The Biomechanical Systems Panel and Systems Theory Panel of the Dynamic
Systems and Control Division, and the Design and Rehabilitation Panel of the
Bioengineering Division, of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME) are co-sponsoring a joint symposium in the International Mechanical
Engineering Congress and Exposition that will be held in Anaheim California,
USA, on November 15-20, 1998. The symposium will cover the following themes:

      * Computer Modeling
      * Human-Machine Systems
      * Measurement and Data Processing
      * Mathematical Modeling of Physiological and Biomedical
        Engineering Systems
      * Prosthetics, Orthotics and assistive devices
      * Methods and Instrumentation
      * Simulation and Optimization in Biomechanics
      * Normal and Non-Normal Locomotion
      * Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation
      * Assessment of Muscle Function
      * Clinical and Orthopedics Biomechanics
      * Occupational Biomechanics
      * Sport Biomechanics

The accepted papers are expected to be based on sound
engineering approach and demonstrate innovative application of the
principles of dynamics, control and mechanical design to
bioengineering problems.

Schedule Summary:

January 15, 1998 : One page abstracts are due to one of the organizers
                (submission via e-mail is encouraged)
February 10, 1998 :  Submission of full papers for review
May 6, 1998 : Notification of paper acceptance
June 16, 1998 : Submission of camera ready papers


Fathi Ghorbel
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rice University
6100 S. Main Street - MS 321
Houston, Texas 77005 USA
Tel: (713) 527-8101 ext. 3738
Fax: (713) 285-5423

Yildirim Hurmuzlu
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, Texas 75275 USA
Phone  : (214) 768-3498
Fax    : (214) 768-1473

Dan Stoianovici
Director, Medical Robotics
Brady Urological Institute
School of Medicine
Johns Hopkins University
Tel:(410) 550-1980
Fax:(410) 550-0773

Contributed by: Bradley Dickinson 

Call For Papers

CISS '98 will be held on March 18-20, 1998, sponsored by the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ

Authors are invited to submit previously unpublished papers describing
new advances, applications, and ideas in the fields of communications;
systems and control; signal, image, and video processing; pattern recognition
and statistical inference.

Two kinds of contributed papers are solicited.  (1) Regular papers requiring
approximately thirty minutes for presentation; these will be reproduced in
full (up to six pages) in the conference proceedings.  (2) Short papers
suitable for presentation in 15 minutes or less; one page summaries of these
papers will be published in the proceedings.

Five copies of a summary together with a regular or short designation are to
be submitted by January 15, 1998. Summaries should be of sufficient detail
and length to permit careful reviewing.  Authors will be notified of
acceptance by February 16, 1998.  Instructions for the preparation of
accepted papers for the proceedings will be sent to each author.  All
manuscripts are to be submitted to:

1998 CISS
Department of Electrical Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544-5263

Conference Office:
  1998 CISS
  Department of Electrical Engineering
  Princeton University
  Princeton, NJ 08544-5263

  email: ciss98@ee.princeton.edu
  URL:   http://www.ee.princeton.edu/confs/CISS/

Program Director:
  Bradley Dickinson

Important Dates:
  Submission deadline: January 15, 1998
  Notification of acceptance: February 16, 1998
  Advance Registration: Before March 13, 1998
  Conference Dates: March 18-20, 1998

Contributed by: David A. Schoenwald (schoenwaldda@ornl.gov)

        Call for Papers -- 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control

       Hyatt Regency Westshore, Tampa, Florida, USA, December 16-18, 1998

The IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) Conference on Decision and Control (CDC
is the annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society, conducted in
cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). Th
thirty-seventh CDC will be held December 16-18, 1998, with tutorial workshops
preceding the conference on Monday and Tuesday, December 14-15. The Conference
General Chairman is J. Douglas Birdwell of the University of Tennessee (e-mail
birdwell@utk.edu), and the program chairman is David Castaon of Boston
University (e-mail: dac@bu.edu). The venue is the Hyatt Regency Westshore Tamp


The IEEE CDC will include both contributed and invited sessions, and a full
Proceedings will be published. Contributed papers are solicited in all
aspects of the theory and applications of systems, including
decision-making, control, adaptation, optimization, industrial automation,
and manufacturing. Invited sessions are also solicited in new developments
in these and related areas. All submissions are due 3 MARCH 1998.

CONTRIBUTED PAPERS: The Program Committee is soliciting both Regular and
Short contributed papers for presentation at the conference and publication
in the Proceedings. Regular papers describe completed work in some detail.
Short papers describe important recent or preliminary results that require
limited length.  Short papers may be submitted for review as a 4-6 page
detailed summary, with references.

INVITED SESSIONS: The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited
sessions. Cohesive sessions focusing on new or emerging topics in the
above-listed areas are particularly encouraged, and will have priority over
those of a classical or mainstream flavor. Session organizers should submit
five (5) copies of proposals for invited sessions for review to the Program
Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions at the address on the opposite side. All
invited session proposals must be accompanied by all the information for all
the proposed papers and mailed together as a group. Organizers must contact
the Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions by 3 FEBRUARY 1998 stating their intent
to submit a proposal and the accompanying papers.

Proposals for invited sessions should contain the names, affiliations, and
complete mailing addresses of the session organizer(s), chairperson,
co-chairperson, and all authors (with corresponding authors identified)
along with a list of paper titles. The organizers must include in the
proposal: (1) a clear statement of the topic and purpose of the session and
(2) a description of how the papers form a cohesive, well-integrated
exploration of the session topic. Detailed extended summaries, following the
submission guidelines below and consisting of a minimum of 2000 words,
covering all contributions of the paper in sufficient depth to permit an
informed review, must be included for each paper. The initial paper may be a
tutorial or survey that can be allotted twice the usual time for
presentation. The usual number of papers in a session is six.  Organizers
will be contacted near 1 June 1998 concerning the tentative disposition of
their session.


Each submitted regular paper, short paper extended summary, or invited
session proposal must be accompanied by the Manuscript Submission Form. This
form is on the reverse side of the Call for Papers form and can also be
obtained by e-mail request to the publicity chairman, David A. Schoenwald of
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (e-mail: schoenwaldda@ornl.gov).  Addresses,
deadlines, and other submission requirements may be found on that form.
Incomplete submissions or submissions by fax or electronic mail cannot be
accepted.  A web site for the 1998 CDC is now up at the address,
http://www.lit.net/ieee/cdc98, which will contain the submission form as
well as other information about the conference.

Final selection of papers and invited sessions will be announced in July
1998.  Authors of all accepted papers will be provided instructions for
preparation of manuscripts for the Proceedings. Authors should limit their
manuscripts to six Proceedings pages (approx. 6000 words) for regular papers
or two proceedings pages (approx. 2000 words) for short papers.  There will
be a mandatory page charge for each additional page.  Manuscripts must
arrive at the Printer by 18 AUGUST 1998.  Authors of accepted papers are
expected to attend the CDC to present their work.

Contributed by: Mike Masten (m.masten@ieee.org)


If you are interested in presenting a Workshop at the 1998 CDC, please
submit the following by January 30, 1998,

                Title for Proposed Workshop
                List of Workshop Presenters (and Affilations)
                Brief (One Sentence) Statement of Workshop Goal
                Brief (250 to 350 Words) Synopsis of Workshop
                Outline of Major Topics to be Included (Typically 4-5 per day)
                Indicate if one- or two- Day Workshop

Submissions should be forwarded to Mike Masten at,


Contributed by: its 
                                ***  ITS '98  ***
                       Fourth International Conference on

                          INTELLIGENT TUTORING SYSTEMS

                    Call For Papers/Panels/Exhibits/Workshop
                              August 16-19, 1998
              San Antonio, Texas at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk


ITS '98 is sponsored by Advanced Training Technologies AFRL, Mei Technology,
St. Mary's University, Galaxy Scientific, Command Technologies, and
University of Texas at San Antonio.

ITS '98 is supported by AAAI, AI-ED, SIGART and SIGCUE.
The International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems in 1998 will
focus on a broad spectrum of research concerned with how artificial
intelligence and other advanced technologies can be applied to education and
training. The conference will be concerned with current state of the art and
serve as a reference basis for future research directions. ITS '98 will be
supported by a strong international program committee that will ensure full
refereeing of all submitted papers. There will be provocative papers and
panels on "hot topics" in the field and exhibits of prototypes, research
projects, and products from universities and industries.

Topics of Interest:
  AI programming environments
  Architectures for ITS
  Assessment and evaluation of ITS
  Authoring shells and tools
  Cognitive task analysis
  Cognitive modeling
  Collaborative learning
  Design/interface issues
  Deploying ITS
  Discovery environments/microworlds
  Educational objects/agents
  Helping and advising systems/agents
  Knowledge elicitation
  Knowledge structure and representation
  Negotiated tutoring
  Neural nets/models applied to ITS
  Pedagogical agents
  Real-world applications
  Situated learning
  Software tools for tutoring
  Student modeling
  Teaching and learning strategies
  Use of multimedia for ITS
  Virtual reality in ITS
  Web-based ITS

Submission of Papers:
Papers should describe original and unpublished results of research
Authors are requested to submit electronically by email or five hard
copies (in English) of a double-spaced manuscript of up to 5000 words no later
than January 16, 1998 to the Program Chair: Henry Halff, 8930 Fourwinds
Drive, Suite 450, San Antonio, TX, 78239; Tel: 210-655-8911; Email:
its98submit@meitx.com. Submitted papers should include a cover page with:
(a) the title of the paper and the author's name and affiliation;
(b) snail-mail address, phone, and fax numbers;
(c) email address;
(d) a 10-line abstract, and
(e) a list of applicable topics from the Topics of Interest for your paper.

All papers received will be refereed by an international committee, and each
paper will be reviewed by at least three independent referees.  Electronic
submissions must be received by midnight January 16 preferably in PDF,
compressed Postscript or Word formats.  If you send your paper by courier
such as Federal Express please use the address above.  Papers will appear in
a proceedings by a publisher such as Springer Verlag Lectures Notes in
Computer Science.  An award will be made to the best paper submitted to the

Submission of Panels:
Proposals for panels (2 pages) can be sent to Pat Kyllonen at
kyllonen@alhrm.brooks.af.mil or at 7909 Lindbergh Dr., Brooks AFB,
TX 78235-5352. by January 16. Panels will be approximately 1 1/2 hours
Include the topic of the panel, intended speakers, contact person and
panel description. Proposals will be reviewed by a committee.
Submission of Exhibits:
ITS '98 will offer the opportunity to show working prototypes and fully
developed systems. Individuals and organizations interested in
presenting their instructional software are invited to submit a short
(3-4 pages) description of the system to Kurt Rowley at
rowleyk@cobra.brooks.af.mil or HRCT, 7909 Lindbergh Dr., Brooks AFB,
TX 78235 by January 16.
Proposed exhibits will be reviewed by a committee.

Submission of Workshop Participant Papers:
The following workshops will be held on August 16.
Workshop 1 - Web-based ITS
  Bev Woolf (Chair), University of Massachusetts, USA
Workshop 2 - Pedagogical Agents
  Claude Frasson (Chair), University of Montreal, Canada
  Guy Gouarderes (Co-chair) Universite de Pau, France
Workshop 3 - Efficient ITS Development
  Allen Munro (Chair), University of Southern California, USA
  Wouter von Joolingen (Co-Chair), University of Twente, Netherlands
Workshop 4 - Embedding Cognitive Principles in ITS
  Wes Regian (Chair), Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
People interested in participating in these workshops are invited to
submit 3-5 page papers before March 31, 1998. Send papers or questions
to Cathy Connolly at cathy@texas.net or Galaxy Scientific, 7334 Blanco,
Suite 206, San Antonio, TX 78216.

Summary of Important Dates:
  Papers/Panels/Exhibits due:   January 16, 1998
  Papers/Panels/Exhibits acceptance notice:   March 15, 1998
  Workshop papers due:   March 31, 1998
  Camera-ready papers/panels/exhibits:   April 15, 1998
  Workshop acceptance notice:   May 15, 1998
  Early registration/hotel reservation cut off:   July 26, 1998
  ITS '98 conference:   August 16-19, 1998

  For more information, please send email to:
  vshute@colab.brooks.af.mil or carol@meitx.com.
  Continue to look at the web page for updates at

Contributed by: Prof. Jose' Manoel Fernandes 

                BRIEF CALL FOR PAPERS

    The Organizing Comittee of the XII Brazilian Automatic Control
Conference announce the important dates for the conference:

        Deadline for submitting papers:                 January 20, 1998.
        Authors will be notified about acceptance by:   April 30, 1998.
        Deadline for receiving final manuscripts:       June 30, 1998.
        The conference:                                 September 14-18, 1998.

    More information in the conference venue, the main topics, etc., can
be found in the XII CBA home page:

            J A N U A R Y  20, 1998.

Contributed by: lsc@iss03.iss.ac.cn (LAB of Systems Control)

                          Call for Papers
               The 18th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
        August 1998, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China

  General topics of interests will include, but not limited to:
      Linear systems                 Nonlinear systems
      Stochastic control systems     Expert systems
      Distributed parameter systems  Large scale systems
      Social economy systems         Bio-environment systems
      Optimal control                Robust control
      H infinity control             Prediction control
      Fuzzy control                  Neural network control
      Intelligent control            Robot control
      Adaptive control               Industrial control
      Model reduction                Stability analysis
      Optimization methods           System modeling and identification
      DEDS                           CIMS

  Key dates:
      Feb. 28,    1998         Submission deadline
      March 15,   1998       Notification of acceptance
      April 30,   1998       Submission of camera-ready copy
      Aug.,       1998       Conference at Ning-bo City, Zhejiang Prov.,China

  The official language of the conference is Chinese, but English is
      acceptable for both the presentation and proceedings.

  Submission and enquiries:
      Professor LIU Zhimin
      Institute of Systems Science
      Chinese Academy of Sciences
      Beijing 100080, P.R. China
      Phone:  86-10-62532161
      Fax:    86-10-62587343
      Email:  lsc@iss03.iss.ac.cn

  Conference Prize: Guan-Zhao-Zhi Prize is the highest award confered
      by the Control Theory Committee of the Chinese Association of
      Automation for young researchers. To apply for it, please submit
      9 copies of your manuscript together with a recommendation letter
      from a professor in your area, and a copy of your ID card, and
      indicate that you are applying for the Prize. The age limit for
      authors (including co-authors) of the candidate papers is less
      than or equal to 40 at the time of conference.

  You are welcome to spread the above message over the world.

Contributed by:  Adi Ben-Israel 

                        MPDP - 20
       Twentieth Symposium on Mathematical Programming
           with Data Perturbations, MAY 21-22, 1998
              The George Washington University
                 Washington, DC 20052, USA

The TWENTIETH Symposium on Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations
will be held at George Washington University's Marvin Center on 21-22 May 1998

The objective is to bring together practitioners who use mathematical
programming optimization models and deal with questions of sensitivity
analysis , with researchers who are developing techniques applicable to
these problems.

CONTRIBUTED papers are solicited in all ares of Mathematical Programming
dealing with Sensitivity Analysis, Stability, Data Perturbations,
Approximation, Parametric Optimization and Numerical Methods for such

We'll also celebrate the 70th Birthday of Tony Fiacco, and the 30th
Anniversary of the Fiacco & McCormick classic "Sequential Unconstrained
Minimization Techniques" (Wiley, 1968).

At this time there are no plans for other symposia on Mathematical
Programming with Data Perturbations, so MPDP-20 is likely to be the last of
a very good series.

REGISTRATION and ABSTRACTS can be mailed to:

        MPDP-20 c/o Adi Ben-Israel
        RUTCOR - Rutgers Center for Operations Research
        Rutgers University
        640 Bartholomew Rd
        Piscataway, NJ 08854-8003, USA

or submitted by using the electronic form included in the symposium home-page:
where further information on the Symposium and on Washington DC is available.

Abstracts should provide a good technical summary of key results, avoid the
use of mathematical symbols and references, not exceed 500 words, and
include a tit le and the name and full address of each author.

A $50 registration fee is payable at the meeting.

   15 March 1998 Registration and submission of tentative title and abstract
    1 May   1998 Submission of final abstract for inclusion in the Symposium

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *