E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 111, November 1, 1997
E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
ISSUE No. 111, November 1, 1997
E-mail: eletter-request@win.tue.nl
Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel
Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 246 5995
Siep Weiland
Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Eindhoven University of Technology
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
the Netherlands
Fax +31 40 243 4582
1. Editorial
2. Personals
3. General announcements
3.1 SLICOT available from working group on software
3.2 1998 AACC Awards Nominations
3.3 DAISY database available
3.4 Time-frequency toolbox in Matlab
3.5 SIAM Student paper prizes
3.6 Signal Processing Toolbox for O-Matrix
4. Positions
4.1 Assistant professor position, Univ. of Michigan
4.2 Postdoc position Hungarian Academy of Sciences
4.3 Tenure Track positions, Texas A&M University
4.4 Chair position, univ. of Maryland Baltimore County
4.5 Ph.D and postdoc positions Delft University
5.6 Research positions at ESTA Eurocontrol
4.7 Full time professorship at C.Albrecht's Univ.Kiel
4.8 Ph.D. studentships Univ. of Glasgow, Scotland
4.9 Research assistant Queen's university of Belfast
4.10 Postdoctoral positions Boston University
4.11 Faculty positions University of Maryland
4.12 Faculty position Georgia Institute of Technology
4.13 Postdoctoral fellowships University of Maryland
4.14 Assistant professor, University of Minnesota
5. Books
5.1 Control of Uncertain Systems with Bounded Inputs,
Tarbouriech, Garcia
5.2 Adaptive control, Landau, Lozano, M'Saad
5.3 Multirate and wavelet signal processing, Suter
6. Journals
6.1 TOC EJC, 2-97
6.2 TOC MSEC, 7:4
6.3 TOC LAA, 267/01-3 and 268/01-3
6.4 TOC TOC Engineering Applic. of Art. Intelligence, 10:4
6.5 TOC Automatica, 33:11
6.6 TOC MIC, 18:4
6.7 TOC SIAM J. on Control and Opt., 35:6
6.8 TOC IJC, 68:4
6.9 TOC SIAM Review, 39:4
6.10 TOC J. of Dynamical and Control Systems, 3:3
6.11 TOC SIAM J. on Optimization, 7:4
6.12 TOC Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 16:4
7. Conferences
7.1 CFP 12th Brazilean Automatic Control Conf.
7.2 CFP Symp. on Dynamic Games and Applications
7.3 CFP 1st Workshop on Multidimensional Systems
7.4 CFP IEEE Conf. on Control Application
7.6 CFP 35th Meeting on Dynamics and Control Symposia
7.7 CFP IFAC Workshop Control in Natura Disasters
7.8 CFP MTNS-98
7.9 CFP Workshop on Relaxation Methods
7.10 CFP Workshop on Nonlinear Systems and Robot Control
7.11 CFP Workshop on Control of Nonlinear Systems
7.12 CFP Conf. on Human-Computer Interactin in Aeronautics
7.13 CFP Int. Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
7.14 CFP Int. Symp. "Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics"
* *
* Editorial *
* *
Welcome to E-letter number 111 !!!
We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear December 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.
We remind you of the following.
-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"
It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.
-2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message
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* *
* Personals *
* *
Contributed by: Andrzej Banaszuk
In April 1997 I left University of California at Davis to join UTRC.
My new address is:
Andrzej Banaszuk
Research Engineer
United Technologies Research Center
411 Silver Lane, MS 129-15
East Hartford, CT 06108
PHONE: (860) 610-7381
FAX: (860) 610-7909
EMAIL: banasza@utrc.utc.com
URL: http://talon.colorado.edu/~banaszuk/
Contributed by: Julia Abrahams
Change of Address
I'll be leaving the Office of Naval Research, Mathematical, Computer,
and Information Sciences Division, and joining DIMACS, the NSF Science
and Technology Center for Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
Science, as of Dec. 1997. My new address will be:
Julia Abrahams
Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1179
email: abrahams@dimacs.rutgers.edu
fax: 732-445-5932
phone: tba
* *
* General announcements *
* *
Contributed by: Sabine Van Huffel
Working Group on Software
Worldwide web: URL: http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/wgs.html
queries (email): ida.tassens@esat.kuleuven.ac.be
More about WGS AND SLICOT (http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/wgs.html)
The objectives of WGS are first to bring together the existing numerical
software for control and systems theory in a widely available library,
called SLICOT, and to extend this library to cover as far as possible the
area of industrial applications.
The WGS started as a Benelux initiative in the early eighties, but now
operates on a more general European level.
More about NICONET (http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/niconet.html)
WGS has attracted new partners (academia, research centers and industries)
with complementary expertise in order to implement a thematic Numerics
in Control network, entitled NICONET. This network is part of the specific
European Community programme on Industrial and Applied technologies
(BRITE-EURAM III) under the fourth framework programme (1994-1998) on
``Research and technological development'' and aims to coordinate the
development of robust numerical software for control systems analysis and
Such software is an essential ingredient in modern computer aided control
system design (CACSD) and thus for the future of high-tech European industry.
More information is available in WGS newsletter 12, which can be obtained:
- via WWW at http://www.win.tue.nl/wgs/newslet.html,
- via anonymous ftp from wgs.esat.kuleuven.ac.be as a compressed file
issue12.ps.Z in the directory pub/WGS/NEWSLETTER.
Contributed by: Marwan Simaan
1998 AACC Awards Nominations Due December 1, 1997
Nominations for five AACC (American Automatic Control Council) awards for
1998 are now being solicited. The awards consist of a certificate and an
honorarium, and they will be presented at the Awards Banquet during the 1998
ACC to be held in Philadelphia on June 25, 1998.
Nomination packages should be prepared in accordance with the AACC Award
Nomination Form (which can be obtained from the AACC web site at
http://web.ece.nwu.edu/~ahaddad/aacc/awards.html or from the AACC
Secretariat, Abraham Haddad) and include the following: biographical
information, a statement identifying and evaluating the accomplishments on
which the nomination is based (not to exceed two double spaced pages), a
minimum of three and a maximum of five reference letters, a current list of
publications and patents, and any additional supporting material that could
have bearing on the award. All materials should be collected in a single
package and the original together with six (6) copies should be submitted at
the same time. The nomination package is due by December 1, 1997. It should
be sent to:
Professor Abraham Haddad
Department of ECE
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Rd.
Evanston, IL 60208-3118.
Telephone: (847) 491-3641
Fax: (847) 491-4455
E-Mail: ahaddad@ece.nwu.edu
The awards are described as follows:
contributions to the theory or applications of automatic control. The
nominee is to have spent a significant part of his or her career in the
United States. Posthumous nominations are not allowed.
DONALD P. ECKMAN AWARD: For outstanding accomplishments by a young engineer
in the field of automatic control. Nominees must be younger than 35 years
at the time of the award. The award is based on contributions made while the
nominee was a resident of the United States.
JOHN R. RAGAZZINI EDUCATION AWARD: For outstanding contributions to
automatic control education in any form. The awardee normally is a teacher,
but there is no formal requirement that nominees be members of a university
CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE AWARD: This is a new award which will be
presented for the first time in 1998. The award recognizes significant
contributions to the advancement of control practice including the
application and implementation of innovative control concepts, methodology,
and technology, for the planning, design, manufacture, and operation of
control systems.
O. HUGO SCHUCK BEST PAPER AWARD: For each of the two best papers presented
at the previous American Control Conference. The award winning papers must
have been presented by the author or a co-author at the conference.
Selection criteria include quality of the written and oral presentation,
technical contribution, timeliness, and practicality, with one award
emphasizing contributions to theory and the other emphasizing significant or
innovative applications.
The Chairman of the AACC Awards Committee for 1997-99 is Dr. Marwan Simaan,
Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering, University of Pittsburgh.
Contributed by: Peter De Gersem
DAISY: A Database for Identification of Systems
DAISY is an Internet application, mainly consisting of a database
of datasets used in system identification or time series analysis.
The system can be used in two directions: you can download datasets
from the database (e.g. to use them to compare or test
identification algorithms), and you can upload datasets to the
database (to make it possible for other people to use your datasets
to verify their algorithms, or to reproduce or enhance your
results). The datasets in the database are subject to a mild
review, so that we can guarantee a certain level of quality.
DAISY is an answer to a real challenge in research in system
identification and signal processing, namely to ensure the
reproducibility of results, based on real data. Often datasets are
used to illustrate algorithms in publications, but almost never
these datasets are public, so nobody is able to verify the results
stated. Using DAISY, this problem is history: if you need to
verify your algorithm with a real-world example, you can use
datasets from DAISY, or you can submit the dataset you used to
DAISY. This way everybody can (try to) reproduce your results.
Other benefits of DAISY include increased collaboration between
researchers, the gradual evolution of certain datasets into
benchmarks, and the publication of comparisons between different
methods or algorithms.
DAISY is a website consisting of a page with the datasets (sorted
by category), a page where you can submit datasets, and pages with
relevant links, all publications and talks about DAISY, a
bibliography and software overview, some hitting statistics, and
last but not least the acknowledgments to our sponsors.
DAISY is being developed and maintained at the department of Electrical
Engineering of the K.U.Leuven, in the research group SISTA, under the
responsibility of Bart De Moor.
Contributed by: F. Auger, P. Flandrin, P. Goncalves, O. Lemoine
Announcement of a TIME-FREQUENCY TOOLBOX, for use with Matlab.
The Time-Frequency Toolbox is a collection of about 100 M-files, developed
for the analysis of non-stationary signals using time-frequency
distributions. It consists in groups of signal generation files, processing
files and post-processing files (including visualization tools).
The toolbox contains numerous algorithms for time-frequency signal
analysis, with special emphasis on quadratic energy distributions within
Cohen's class and the affine class, including most recent developments
based on reassignment.
As usual under Matlab, each function of the toolbox has a help entry and is
documented in a reference manual. Several demonstration M-files are also
available, showing the possibilities of the toolbox, and following the
contents of a user's guide.
The toolbox is primary intended for researchers and engineers with some
basic knowledge in signal processing. It requires Matlab v4.2c (or later
version) and the Signal Processing Toolbox, v3.0 or later.
The Time-Frequency Toolbox has been developed by Francois Auger, Olivier
Lemoine, Paulo Goncalves and Patrick Flandrin, under the auspices of the
French CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) and Rice
It is available for free.
All necessary information on how to download it can be found at any of the
following web sites :
Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org
SIAM Student Paper Prizes
The annual SIAM Student Paper Prizes will be awarded during the
1998 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 13-17, at the University of Toronto.
If you are a student or know of a student who would like to take
part in the competition, here are the details:
The authors of the three best papers in applied and computational
mathematics written by students and submitted to SIAM will present
their papers at the meeting and will receive a $750 cash prize as
well as gratis registration for the meeting. The winners will be
awarded calligraphed certificates at a special prize ceremony at
the meeting. Papers must be singly authored and not previously
published or submitted for publication to be eligible for
consideration. To qualify, authors must be students in good
standing who have not received their PhDs at the time of
In submitting their work for publication, authors are asked to
consider SIAM journals. However, student paper prize winners are
not guaranteed publication in any SIAM journal; all papers
submitted to SIAM journals are subject to the same refereeing
process and standards.
Submissions must be received in the SIAM office on or before
March 15, 1998.
Submissions, which must be in English, can be sent by regular mail
or fax. Each submission must include (1) an extended abstract NOT
LONGER THAN 5 PAGES (including bibliography); (2) the complete
paper, which will be used solely for clarification of any
questions; (3) a statement by the student's faculty advisor that
the paper has been prepared by the author indicated and that the
author is a student in good standing; (4) a letter by the student's
faculty advisor describing and evaluating the paper's contribution;
and (5) a short biography of the student.
Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, and
quality of exposition.
The winners will be notified by June 1, 1998.
Please direct your submission and any questions you may have to
A. Bogardo at SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center,
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688;telephone (215) 382-9800; e-mail to
bogardo@siam.org; fax to (215) 386-7999.
Contributed by: harmonic@world.std.com
Signal Processing Toolbox
Harmonic Software Inc. has released SPT(r), The Signal Processing Toolbox
for O-Matrix. SPT for O-Matrix provides a broad, extensible set of
functions and utilities that expands the capabilities of O-Matrix in the
area of digital signal processing. Built on the high-performance
capabilities and flexibility of O-Matrix, the toolbox contains tools for
algorithm development, data analysis, and visual presentation. SPT enables
the rapid development of robust, high-performance applications in areas
including digital filtering, spectral estimation, digital communication
system simulation, time series analysis, real time control, geophysics, and
more. The package comes with complete source code, online tutorials and
examples, and unlimited free technical support. See the SPT overview on our
home page at http://www.omatrix.com/spt/sptmain.htm
SPT requires O-Matrix for Windows version 3.1 or greater and is compatible
with Windows 3.1, Windows 95 and Windows NT. Individual copies are
priced at $135.00.
Harmonic Software Inc. http://www.omatrix.com
12223 Dayton Ave. North harmonic@omatrix.com
Seattle, WA 98133
(206) 367-8742
FAX: (206) 367-1067
(800) 895-4546
* *
* Positions *
* *
Contributed by: Candy Ellis
University of Michigan - Department of Mathematics - Interdisciplinary
Mathematics: Assistant Professor positions are available through an
Interdisciplinary Initiative in the Department of Mathematics. Positions
supported by NSF award to Michigan Research Group. The positions are
intended to be three years in duration with a two course per year teaching
load. In addition to a strong mathematical background, successful candidates
will have a research program with links to areas outside mathematics such as
engineering or the natural sciences. The Mathematics Department at Michigan
has an active group in interdisciplinary mathematics; areas of research
include fluid dynamics and numerical analysis, control theory and mechanics,
mathematical biology, mathematical physics, algorithms and complexity,
optics, and finance. Applications, including a vita, brief statement of
research interests and interdisciplinary activities, and four letters of
recommendation (one specifically commenting on teaching) should be sent to:
Interdisciplinary Initiative, Department of Mathematics, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1109. For full consideration complete
applications should be received before January 15,
1998. (http:/www.math.lsa.umich.edu) The University of Michigan is a
nondiscriminatory affirmative action employer.
Contributed by: Laszlo Gerencser ( laszlo@decst.scl.sztaki.hu )
Computer and Automation Research Institute
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Budapest, 1111
Kende u 13-17
The Stochastic Systems Research Group under formation is seeking applicants
on a post-doctoral level to carry out research in the theory and
applications of stochastic systems. The main areas of interest are:
1. Stochastics in systems and control theory: statistical theory of
stochastic systems, stochastic adaptive control, continuous-time stochastic
systems, Hidden-Markov models, risk-sensitive identification and control,
randomization methods for optimization.
2. Financial mathematics: option pricing, model-validation, Monte-Carlo
methods, economic time-series.
3. Biomedical engineering: mathematics of microsurgery, periodic dynamics,
ECG signal processing, classification problems.
The position is up to three years. Interested applicants should send their
CV to the above address.
Contributed by: Reza Langari
Applications are invited for several tenure-track appointments in the broad
areas of (1)Dynamics, Systems, Controls, and Manufacturing(Code=DSCM); (2)
Mechanics, Materials, and Manufacturing(Code=MMM); and (3)Thermal and Fluid
Sciences(Code=TFS). Applications are especially sought from individuals
with strength in fundamentals that would complement the current research and
educational thrusts of the department and could bridge the current and
emerging fields.
Although preference will be given to candidates seeking tenure-track
appointments at the Assistant Professor level, applicants with established,
outstanding records of achievement will be considered for appointment at the
Associate/Full Professor level. The successful candidates must have
demonstrated scholarly research accomplishments, be willing to participate
in collaborative efforts in teaching and research, and be interested in
directing undergraduate design projects. Applicants must have an earned
doctorate in an appropriate field by the date of appointment. In addition,
some part of the candidate's formal education (Bachelor's degree or
doctorate) and/or experience must be in Mechanical Engineering.
Within the broad area of DSCM, special consideration will be given to
candidates with strengths in machine tool design, machine dynamics,
semiconductor manufacturing, active control of vibratory phenomena, and flow
and process control; within MMM emphasis will be on applied and
computational mechanics, polymer science and engineering, and manufacturing;
and within TFS, emphasis will be on heat transfer and fluid mechanics with
applications to micro-scale transport phenomena, turbomachinery performance
and aerosols.
Applicants should send a complete resume, a one page statement of research
and teaching interests clearly indicating one of the three areas (DSCM, MMM,
or TFS_) in the heading and a list of three references including contact
addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail.
Faculty Search Committee for
c/o Suhada Jayasuriya, Kotzebue Professor and Head
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 778453-3123
Applications will be accepted until January 31, 1998. Texas A&M
University is an Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contributed by: THOMAS I. SEIDMAN
Chair, Department of Mathematics and Statistics --
The University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites
applications for the position of Chair of the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics. The successful candidate is expected to lead the faculty in the
development of the department's instructional and research programs, including
the anticipated filling of several open faculty positions over the next few
years. Candidates should have an earned doctorate in mathematics, statistics,
or a closely related field, and be qualified for appointment at the rank of
full professor. The successful candidate is expected to be committed to
excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, possess superior
leadership and communication skills, and to maintain a strong research
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers programs
leading to to BA, BS, MS and Ph.D. Degrees in Applied Mathematics and
Statistics. There are currently 22 full-time faculty members, 25 full-time
and 30 part-time graduate students and 150 majors. Further details can be
obtained from the department's web site at http://www.math.umbc.edu.
UMBC has a faculty of over 400 members and approximately 10,000
students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Its research is
focused in the areas of science, technology and public policy. Total
research funding is currently near $43 million. UMBC is located on a
wooded, 450 acre site in the Baltimore-Washington corridor near major
industries, federal laboratories, and sponsoring agencies.
Candidates should submit a CV, a statement of professional goals,
and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four references to
Dr. Geoffrey P. Summers, Chair Math/Stat. Search Committee, c/o Department of
Mathematics and Statistics, UMBC, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250.
Screening of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the
position is filled. UMBC is an EOE/AA employer.
Contributed by: M. Verhaegen
WWW http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/+ +verhaege/
Department of Electical Engineering
Systems- and Control Engineering Group
P.O. Box 5031, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Tel. (31-15) 278 61 52 Fax. (31-15) 278 66 79
Ph.D. and post-doc position
The Systems and Control Laboratory (SCE) is a research group within the
Department of Electrical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology,
the Netherlands. It consists of 9 permanent scientific staff members, 6
permanent technical support staff, 4 postdocs and 15 PhD students. Its main
research topics is the development of system identification and control
algorithms for linear and non-linear multivariable systems in different
application areas. Three different areas where the group is actively
participating in sponsored research projects are: (1) The mechatronic and
robotic manipulator industry. (2) The area of computational intelligence
characterized by the use of neural networks and fuzzy logic for e.g. solving
multi-criteria decision problems. In this area the group is participating
in different EC projects FAMIMO (a basic research project LTR 21911 standing
for ``Fuzzy Algorithms for the Control and Multi-Input, Multi-Output
processes,''), FALCON (the ESPRITIII Basic Research Working Group 6017) and
ERUDIT (``European Network of Excellence in Uncertainty Techniques
Development for Use in Information Technology''). (3) The modeling and
control of nonlinear systems in the process and mechatronic industry. Based
on pioneering contributions e.g. in the field of system identification that
group is invited to participate in nationall and internationally sponsored
research projects. Examples are: the 4 year research project IPC-NL
(``Identification and Predictive Control of Nonlinear Systems in the process
Industry,'') sponsored by the Dutch National Science Foundation STW under
contract DEL55.3891 and involving 2 Ph.D. students and 1 Postdoc and the 3
year EC-Brite Euram project SCOOP (Seat comfort optimization) with 9
European partners.
The group has 2 vacancies for a Ph.D. student and a postdoctoral
fellow. Both for a period of 4 years.
The project, Neuro-fuzzy modeling in fault detection, diagnosis
and controller reconfiguration, is sponsored by the Dutch National
Science foundation STW. The goal of the project is to develop a fault
tolerant controller design framework making use of the latest
developments in the areas of hybrid system theory, neural networks and
fuzzy logic. Application domains are vehicle technology, aerospace
manipulators and process industry. Prior knowledge in both the
fundamental and application domains is desired.
The application, including an up-to-data cv and three letters of
recommendations indicating your abilities to contribute to the above
project and your linguistic and verbal capabilites
should be send to Dr. M. Verhaegen.
The deadline for application is Nov. 15, 1997.
Contributed by: L. El Ghaoui
Research positions at ENSTA within a EUROCONTROL project
EUROCONTROL, the European agency for air traffic management, has started a
long-term research project entitled FREER-1, led at its Experimental Centre
of Bretigny (30 km south of Paris, France). The objective of this research
is to develop methodologies allowing aircraft to freely choose their route
in real time. This project involves dynamic conflict resolution, path
planning, computer graphics, robust control, etc.
In collaboration with the Applied Mathematics Laboratory of the Ecole
Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees (ENSTA), EUROCONTROL will launch
a research action on the topic of
Two kinds of positions are available: one is a post-doctoral position,
starting January 1st, 1998. The other is a PhD position, which starts
between March 1st and September 1st, 1998.
Requirements are a strong background in optimization, control, and
basic knowledge in programming languages and computer science.
Applications (vita, references, selection of journal articles) should be
sent to (deadline: November 30, 1997):
Prof. Laurent El Ghaoui
Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees
32, Bd Victor, 75739 PARIS cedex 15, France
Tel: (33+1) 45 52 54 30
Fax: (33+1) 45 52 55 87
For further information, write to: elghaoui@ensta.fr.
Contributed by: Jorge R Cuellar
Vacancy for a Full Professor in Real-Time/Embedded Systems
at the Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics of the
Christian Albrecht's University at Kiel, Germany.
This chair plays a central r\^{o}le within the computer science engineering
studies of the Technical Faculty, to which the institute belongs.
The institute gives two kinds of computer science studies (at both
undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D., and Habilitation level):
-- one established around 1971 and devoted to computer science at large,
-- one initiated a few years ago and aiming at the education of computer
science engineers.
The difference between these two studies is that the prospective computer
science engineers follow a curriculum in which, apart form the usual
emphasis on computer science, industrial disciplines such as electrical
engineering and material sciences constitute substantial components, and in
which special attention is paid to the interface between theses two
disciplines and computer science.
It is the intention that the chairholder is representative for these
studies, both in the eyes of student and in the eyes of his/her colleagues
in the faculty, by his/her broad industrial background, by the courses he or
she gives, and the interdisciplinary nature of his/her area of research,
linking computer science to its industrial applications.
The chair's specific area is characterized by systems for which
-- time is a critical resource,
-- the desired reliability and functionality are difficult to obtain,
-- the environment in which they function constitute an active
Below follows a (non-exhaustive) list of examples of areas which reflects
the realistic application and practical requirements within computer
science which are covered by the chair
-- Hardware-software codesign and real-time architectures
-- Experimental prototyping and validation techniques
-- Systematic methods in requirement engineering, design, development,
and verification
-- Reliability and fault tolerance
Summarizing, the candidate should be able to collaborate in
interdisciplinary fashion, in particular with his/her electrical engineering
colleagues, and have a broad background in industrial research and
development. It is expected that he/she will both lecture in his/her field
and give a standard curriculum courses, and will participate in
administrating the institute. The candidate should be able to lecture in
German after approximately two years.
The candidate should have a Ph.D.~degree plus substantial research experience
as evidenced by his/her publication list and list of (industrial) research
projects in which he/she has played a substantial r\^{o}le.
Professor salaries in Germany are quite generous by foreign
standards. Crucial components in their calculation are, for instance:
-- A basic $13*(6.500 - 10.500)$ DM/year allowance, depending on one's
years of service.
-- Substantial monthly marriage and children's allowances.
-- Extra allowances depending on one's present salary, whether one's
present job is abroad, and whether one comes from industry; in special
cases, such an allowance can exceed $60.000$ DM/year.
The Christian-Albrecht's University at Kiel is an affirmative action equal
opportunity employer.
More information about this position and how to apply can be obtained from:
-- the Dean of the Technical Faculty, Helmut F{\"o}ll
phone: ++49-431-77572-102
email: \texttt{hf@techfak.uni-kiel.de}
-- the head of the Institute of Computer Science and Applied
Mathematics, Alphons Jammel
phone: ++49-431-560462
email: \texttt{aj@informatik.uni-kiel.de}
-- Willem-Paul de Roever, Software Technology Chair
phone: ++49-431-560471/74 (office) and ++49-431-83413 (private)
email: \texttt{wpr@techfak.uni-kiel.de}
Although the official dealdline is earlier, applications can still be sent
to the Dean in the beginning of November, 1997.
Contributed by: Ken Hunt
PhD Studentships in the Centre for Systems and Control at the
University of Glasgow, Scotland.
"Biomedical Applications of Nonlinear and Adaptive Control"
A number of 3-year PhD Studentships are available from 1.1.98 in the Centre
for Systems and Control at the University of Glasgow. There are no teachingq
duties associated with the studentships so that students can dedicate
themselves full-time to PhD research. If desired, however, laboratory
supervision can be undertaken, with additional remuneration.
The projects available concern the development of nonlinear and adaptive
control methods and their application in biomedical problems. A key area of
work is the development of neural prostheses for paralysed subjects using
electrical stimulation of intact muscles.
The studentships are available to EU citizens and have the value of 5500 GBP
per year, tax free. PhD fees are covered by the University.
Information about the University of Glasgow and the
Centre for Systems and Control can be found on the WWW:
If you are interested in these posts please contact Ken Hunt
at hunt@dbresearch-berlin.de
Contributed by: Prof. George W Irwin
Research Assistant in Control - Ref: 97/F202A
Advanced Control Engineering Research (http://www-cerc.ee.qub.ac.uk)
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Applications are invited for this one year, fixed-term post tenable from 1
January 1998 to conduct research on dynamical modelling and control of
industrial plant using neural networks. Applicants must hold a 2:1 honours
degree or equivalent in electrical and electronic engineering or equivalent,
ie, control engineering, computer science, mathematics, physics; be able to
demonstrate relevant research experience and knowledge in one or more of the
following areas, advanced control and plant modelling, neural networks ,
neurofuzzy networks, statistical estimation; have a publications record in
refereed conferences and journals; and have experience in Matlab/Simulink
Commencing salary: 16,927 - 21,894 per annum
Applicants quoting reference number 97/F202A may obtain further
particulars from the Personnel Office, The Queens University of
Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT7 1NN, by telephoning (01232) 273246 or
273044 or 273854 (answer machine) or FAX (01232) 324944 or EMAIL
k.butler@qub.ac.uk. Closing date: 14 November 1997
Committed to an Equal Opportunities policy and selection on merit the
University welcomes applications from all sections of the community.
Contributed by: Tasso Kaper
Interdisciplinary post-doctoral positions
Post-doctoral positions are available with immediate starting date (and also
with starting date September 1, 1998) for an N.S.F. funded research program
in ``Applied Mathematics for Systems of Oscillators in Biology &
Engineering" within the Department of Mathematics at Boston University.
The explicit goal of this program is to provide the opportunity for
collaborative interdisciplinary research training with faculty in
Mathematics (N. Kopell, T. Kaper, C.E. Wayne), Aerospace & Mechanical
Engineering (J. Baillieul, M. Berkemeier, A. Nadim), Biomedical Engineering
(J. Collins, J. White), and Health Sciences (J. Schotland). The problems to
be addressed using this approach fall into three broad classes: dynamics of
networks of neurons, systems of coupled mechanical oscillators, and
interactions of neural and mechanical systems.
Boston University offers a stimulating environment for research and training
in all areas related to this program. The Center for BioDynamics focuses on
research and training at the interface between dynamical systems, biology,
and engineering. In addition, there are active research connections among
faculty from the Departments of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering,
Biomedical Engineering, Cognitive and Neural Science, Electrical
Engineering, Mathematics and Physics.
It is expected that strong candidates will have a substantial research
interest in at least one of the program's main areas. To apply, please send:
1) a 1-page statement that includes your career goals,
how this position satisfies those goals, and why you think
you are a good candidate; 2) your C.V.; and 3) three letters
of recommendation to:
GIG Postdoctoral Search
Department of Mathematics
attention: Ariella Rebbi
Boston University
111 Cummington Street
Boston, MA 02215
For more information, see our Web site http://eng.bu.edu/INTERDISC/Oscillation
or write to the above address. Please include your area(s) of research
interest in any correspondence.
Boston University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.
Contributed by: Mark Shayman (shayman@eng.umd.edu)
Open Faculty Positions
Electrical Engineering Department
The Electrical Engineering Department at the
University of Maryland, College Park (www.ee.umd.edu) expects to have
several openings for tenure track and tenured faculty positions starting
August 1998.
The Department is seeking candidates to further strengthen its programs in
Information Technology, Intelligent Automation Systems and Beam Technology.
In particular, we are seeking faculty who can build links between
established research programs in systems and devices. In Information
Technology, we are seeking candidates in (i) wireless communications,
emphasizing the physical layer, including error control coding, modulation,
and signal processing for wireless communications; (ii) circuit design,
especially analog and mixed mode VLSI, and HF and RF circuits, for
applications in communications and signal processing, controls or computer
systems; (iii)communication networks, emphasizing hardware implementation,
including optical communications and RF communications; (iv) signal
processing, particularly in video processing and multimedia systems; (v)
embedded computing systems, focusing on hardware/software co-design,
computer architectures, and high-performance low-power VLSI systems.
Specific interests are for applications to specialized microarchitectures
and processors, mobile computing, communications, and control systems. In
Intelligent Automation Systems, we are seeking candidates in (i) intelligent
controls, emphasizing MEMS and sensor/actuators; (ii) semiconductor devices,
emphasizing applications to sensors and actuators, novel devices, as well as
RF and low-power devices. Finally, in Beam Technologies, we are seeking a
candidate in charged particle beams and accelerator research, emphasizing
applications such as in materials processing, waste processing, energy
production or medical accelerators.
There are possibilities for joint appointments between the Department and
the Institute for Systems Research, the Institute for Advanced Computer
Studies, the Institute for Plasma Research and the Department of Computer
Science. In addition, candidates in the area of circuits and semiconductor
technologies may be eligible for a Ward Professorship in Semiconductor Science
and Technology.
Appointments at all ranks will be considered but preference will be given
to applicants at the Assistant Professor level. Prior experience in
industry is desirable. Candidates for the rank of Assistant Professor should
have a high potential for both teaching and research. Candidates for the
ranks of Associate and Full Professor should have distinguished records in
research and a strong interest in educational programs.
For best consideration, applications should be received by January 31, 1998.
Please send resume, list of publications, and the names of at least four
references to Professor Nariman Farvardin, Chairperson, Department of
Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742.
The University of Maryland is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer with a strong commitment to the principle of diversity. In that
spirit, applications from minority groups and women are especially invited.
Contributed by: Wassim M. Haddad
School of Aerospace Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0150
Voice: (404) 894-1078
FAX: (404) 894-2760
email: wm.haddad@aerospace.gatech.edu
The School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta invites applications and nominations for a tenure-track faculty
position in aerospace control and dynamics. A doctorate in engineering is
required, with a background in linear and nonlinear control, dynamics, and
optimization, including an emphasis on aerospace related applications.
Scholarly achievement is an essential qualification. Experience in or
having had strong interaction with industry and/or government research
facilities will be viewed as highly desirable. Candidates are expected to
have a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels and to the development of an externally funded research program.
Senior candidates must have well established research credentials and
demonstrated leadership in aerospace control methodologies.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to nonlinear adaptive and
robust control systems, control of aerospace vehicles, active control of
flows, active control of fluid-structure interaction, noise control, and/or
propulsion/combustion control. Candidates will be expected to teach
courses in aerospace vehicle stability and control and in spacecraft
dynamics, as well as have significant interaction with other faculty both
in teaching and research. Please send nominations and applications to:
Professor W.M. Haddad, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee, School of
Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
30332-0150. Georgia Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. The School welcomes applications from qualified women and
minority candidates.
Contributed by the Institute for Systems Research
University of Maryland, College Park
The Institute for Systems Research
Post-Doctoral Fellowships
For Ph.D. recipients in Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and related
The Institute for Systems Research is a permanent state-supported institute
of the University of Maryland, within the A. James Clark School of
Engineering and the Glenn L. Martin Institute of Technology. ISR has a
continuing affiliation as a National Science Foundation Engineering Research
The Institute for Systems Research (ISR) is an interdisciplinary research unit
of the University of Maryland. Located in College Park, Md., ISR generates
fundamental knowledge and technologies of integrated design for control of
complex engineering systems.
The following thrust areas are emphasized:
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems
- Systems Integration Methodology
ISROs research programs are at the forefront of advances in modern systems
engineering, and incorporate sophisticated analytical and computational
methods with progressive experimental and modeling techniques.
A multi-disciplinary team of outstanding scientists and engineers is pursuing
in-depth studies in the implications and applications of modern computer
technology to control and communication systems technologies. Extensive
industrial collaboration is an integral part of the program.
ISRs research projects encompass a diverse set of systems problems; they
include intelligent control of processes, electromechanical motion control,
wireless communication networks, high-speed satellite and terrestrial
communication networks, telemedicine systems, and virtual factories for the
manufacture of electromechanical devices.
While we encourage all persons with interests in systems engineering to apply,
we are especially seeking persons with the following interests:
- Semiconductor manufacturing operations, process control, simulation an
- Engineered learning systems
- Smart actuators and sensors
- Intelligent control of structures
- Computational neuroscience and control
- Intelligent control and neuro-dynamic programming
- Network management (CORBA, JAVA)
- ATM hybrid networks (including wireless and satellite)
- Next generation Internet
- Wireless networks
- Multi-user communication systems
- Air traffic management
- Network and combinatorial optimization
- Operational methods in manufacturing (stochastic modeling,
optimization and simulation)
- Human-computer interaction
- Information visualization
- Simulation environments
- Aerospace Engineering
- Business and Management
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Materials and Nuclear Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Zoology
ISR Post-Doctoral Fellowships are available for recipients of Ph.D. degrees
who have interests in systems engineering and its applications. Candidates
must have received their degrees by August 31 of the same year that the
fellowship begins.
Typically, fellowships are effective from September through August. Academic
excellence and outstanding potential for basic research weigh heavily in
fellowship selection.
ISR Post-Doctoral Fellows enjoy the unique opportunity of participating in
state-of-the-art research in systems engineering. Exceptional opportunities
exist for research in collaboration with leading industrial and government
research laboratories. Appointments offer generous stipends (approximately 40K
per year) and provide excellent benefits. They are typically for one year and
are renewable up to a second year based on performance and the availability of
To be considered for a post-doctoral appointment, applicants must submit the
following materials:
- curriculum vitae including a list of publications,
- statement of research interests and goals, including the reason one
wishes to participate in this program,
- sample publications,
- three letters of recommendation,
- a transcript from the institution where the Ph.D. was (or will be)
earned, showing grades in courses taken.
All materials must be received by the Institute for Systems Research by
January 15 to qualify candidates for fall consideration.
Mail applications to:
Institute for Systems Research
Attn: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Review Committee
A.V. Williams Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
For additional information, call 301-405-6599.
Visit ISR on the Internet at http://www.isr.umd.edu
Contributed by: Kim A. Stelson
Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota
The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Minnesota
invites applications for an Assistant Professor in the area of dynamic
systems and control. Appointments to Associate Professor may be considered
for exceptionally well qualified individuals. An earned doctorate in
mechanical engineering or closely related discipline is
required. Exceptional capabilities in teaching and research are sought. The
successful candidate will have a strong theoretical background, an
experimental research orientation, and a recognition of the synergism
between mechanical design and control. Collaborative research both within
the university and with local industries is highly desired. Application
areas of interest include mechatronics, micro-electromechanical systems
(MEMS), biomedical devices, information storage, fluid power, transportation
and manufacturing.
Please submit a letter of application, CV, and three letters of
reference to:
Search Committee, IT 569
Ms. K. Suzanne Sower
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Minnesota
111 Church Street, S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455
The deadline for the receipt of applications including letters of
recommendation is January 31, 1998, or until the position is filled.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and
* *
* Books *
* *
Contributed by: Sophie Tarbouriech (tarbour@laasfr)
Title : Control of Uncertain Systems with Bounded Inputs
Editors : S. Tarbouriech and G. Garcia
Publisher : Springer-Verlag (LNCIS), London, 1997
ISBN : 3-540-76183-7
Table of contents :
* Preface
* List of contributors
* Chapter 1. Feedback Control of Constrained Discrete-Time
Systems. by E. De Santis
* Chapter 2. ${\cal L}^2$-Disturbance Attenuation
for Linear Systems with Bounded Controls :
an ARE-Based Approach. by R. Su\'{a}rez, J. Alvarez-Ram\'{\i}rez,
M. Sznaier, C. Ibarra-Valdez
* Chapter 3. Stability Analysis of Uncertain Systems
with Saturation Constraints. by A.N. Michel and L. Hou
* Chapter 4. Multi-Objective Bounded Control of Uncertain Nonlinear
Systems : an Inverted Pendulum Example. by S. Dussy and L. El Ghaoui
* Chapter 5. Stabilization of Linear Discrete-Time Systems with
Saturating Controls and Norm-Bounded Time-Varying Uncertainty.
by S. Tarbouriech and G. Garcia
* Chapter 6. Nonlinear Controllers for Constrained Stabilization
of Uncertain Dynamic Systems. by F. Blanchini and S. Miani
* Chapter 7. $H_{\infty}$ Output Feedback Control with State
Constraints. by A. Trofino, E.B. Castelan, A. Fischman
* Chapter 8. Dynamic Output Feedback Compensation for Systems
with Input Saturation. by F. Tyan and D.S. Bernstein
* Chapter 9. Quantifier Elimination Approach to Frequency
Domain Design. by P. Dorato, W. Yang, C. Abdallah
* Chapter 10. Stabilizing Feedback Design for Linear Systems
with Rate Limited Actuators. Z. Lin, M. Pachter, S. Banda, Y. Shamash
>From Preface :
In a practical control problem, many constraints have to be handled in order
to design controllers which operate in a real environment. The first step in
a control problem is to find an appropriate model for the system. It is
well-known that this step, if successfully applied (that is, if the model
gives an accurate representation of physical phenomena) leads usually to a
satisfactory control law design, satisfactory meaning that the observed
behavior of the real controlled system is conform with the desired results.
A model can be derived in several ways. The most direct
approach consists in applying general physical laws, decomposing the
modelling problem into subproblems, solving each of them and by some
more or less simple manipulations, deriving a complete model. Obviously,
this method is based on some strong a priori knowledges and then some
approximations are usually considered.
For some systems, the previous approach is difficult to implement because
the application of physical laws is practically impossible or simply because
only a partial knowledge on the system is available. In this case, the
system is considered as a black box and a model is elaborated from
experimental data (identification). Some crucial choices have to be done in
order to derive a satisfactory model, these choices concerning essentially
the input, the model order and model structure.
It is also possible to combine the two previous methods. An a priori
knowledge on the system is then combined with identification tools. The
model structure results from the a priori knowledge while the model
parameters are obtained by an identification method.
In conclusion, to obtain a model using one of the above approaches, it
is often necessary to approximate or neglect some phenomena, or to
choose some key parameters. A direct consequence is that the derived
model is affected by some uncertainties. To find a control operating in
a real environment, uncertainties have to be appropriately described and
their effects considered in the control law design (Robust Control).
Some potential results on robust control have been widely developed
these last decades and although, some intensive works continue to be
developed, this domain has attained a certain maturity degree.
Concerning the control, practically the control is bounded and saturations
can occur, these problems being the consequence of actuators limitations. It
is also important to include them in the control law design (Constrained
Control). A large amount of works has been done in this way and several
approaches were developed in the literature.
It seems to be fundamental to combine the results obtained in these two
fields in order to derive some methodologies with practical interest and
therefore to design some controllers capable of achieving acceptable
performances under uncertainty or disturbance and design constraints. For
two or three years, a significative effort is done in this sense. This book
entitled "{\em Control of Uncertain Systems with Bounded Inputs}" is aimed
to give a good sample, not exhaustive of course, of what it was done up to
now in the field of robust and constrained control design. The idea is to
propose a collection of papers in which some fundamental ideas and concepts
are proposed, each paper constituting a chapter of the book.
Contributed by : I.D. Landau, e-mail : landau@lag.ensieg.inpg.fr
Authors : I.D. Landau, R. Lozano, M. M'Saad
Publisher : Springer Verlag, London, 1997
ISBN 3-540-76187-X
Adaptive control provides techniques for automatic adjustment in real time
of controller parameters in order to achieve or to maintain a desired level
of system performance when the parameters of the plant model are unknown or
variable. The aim of this book is to provide a coherent and comprehensive
treatment of the field. The presentation takes the reader from the basic
problem formulation to the analytical solutions which practical
significance is illustrated by applications. The topics covered by the book
includes :
- Synthesis and analysis of parameter adaptation algorithms
- Recursive plant model identification in open and in closed loop
- Robust digital control for adaptive control
- Robust parameter adaptation algorithms
- Direct and indirect adaptive control
- Practical aspects and applications
A perspective view of the field concludes the book. To reflect the
importance of digital computers for the application of adaptive control
techniques, discrete-time aspects are emphasized.
Ms. Leslie HOLLETT
Editorial Assistant, European Journal of Control
Addresses :
Contributed by: Dr. Bruce Suter
Multirate and Wavelet Signal Processing by Bruce W. Suter
Academic Press (a volume in Charles Chui's Wavelet Analysis and Its
Applications Series), October 1997, ISBN 0-12-677560-5.
This innovative and in-depth book integrats the well-developed theory and
practical applications of one dimensional and multidimensional multirate
signal processing. Using a rigorous mathematical framework, it carefully
examines the fundamentals of this rapidly growing field. Areas covered
include: building blocks of multirate signal processing, fundamentals of
multidimensional multirate signal processing, multirate filter banks,
lossless lattice structures, and an introduction to wavelet signal
processing. The book forms the basis of a graduate course in multirate
signal processing. It includes an introduction to wavelet signal processing
and emphasizes topics of ever-increasing importance for a wide range of
applications. Concise and easy-to-read, this book is also a useful primer
for professional engineers.
* *
* Journals *
* *
Contributed by: Leslie HOLLETT
TABLE OF CONTENTS European Journal of Control : issue 2-97
On the Role of Passivity and Output Injection in the Output Feedback
Stabilization Problem: Application to Robot Control
Stefano Battiloti, Leonardo Lanari, Romeo Ortega
On Global Regulation of Robot Manipulators: Saturated Linear State Feedback
and Saturated Linear Output Feedback
Victor Santibanez, Rafael Kelly
Design of H- Attitude Controllers for Spacecraft Using a Magnetically
Suspended Momentum Wheel
Myeong-Ryong Nam, Tatsuaki Hashimoto, Keiken Ninomiya
Robust Tuning of PID Regulators Based on Step-response Identification
Claudio Maffezzoni, Paolo Rocco
Automatic Tuning of PID Regulators in Presence of Model Perturbations near
the Desired Closed-loop Cutoff
Alberto Leva
Nonlinear Observers for Infinite Dimensional Bilinear Systems
Hassan Hammouri, H. Bounit
First-order Representations of Delay-differential Systems in a Behavioural
Heide Glusing-Luerssen
Contributed by: Edwin F. Beschler, Birkhauser Boston
Table of Contents
Journal of Mathematical Systems Estimation and Control, Volume 7, number 4 199
Factorization Theory for Stable, Discrete-Time Inner Functions,
P.A. Fuhrmann and J. Hoffmann 383
A Modification of the Trust-Region Gauss-Newton Method to
Solve Separable Nonlinear Least Squares Problems
Christine Bockmann 401
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory in Linear Controlled
Evolution Systems with Quadratic Cost
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan 417
Well-Posedness, Stabilizability, and Admissibility for
Pritchard-Salamon Systems
Ruth F. Curtain, Hartmut Logemann,
Stuart Townley, and Hans Zwart 439
A Unified Representation for Nonlinear Discrete-Time
and Sampled Dynamics
S. Monaco and D. Normand-Cyrot 477
Index 1997 505
Contributed by: Hans Schneider
Contents Direct From Elsevier Science
Journal Code : 7738
Journal : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume issue : 267/01-3
Year : 1997
Anticipated Publication Date: 07-NOV-97
pp. 1-10
Multilinear Operators And Weighted L1 Norms
M Goldberg
pp. 11-40
On Arov-Normalized Jqq - Jq-Elementary Factors
B Fritzsche
pp. 41-52
A Fast Algorithm For Generalized Hankel Matrices Arising In Finite Moment
pp. 53-63
Criterion Of High-Codimensional Bifurcations With Several Pairs Of Purely
Imaginary Eigenvalues
WM Liu
pp. 65-100
On The Permanent Of Certain (0,1) Toeplitz Matrices
B Codenotti
pp. 101-111
The Boundary Of Numerical Range Of Matrix Polynomials
J Maroulas
pp. 113-123
Improving The Modified Gauss-Seidel Method For Z-Matrices
T Kohno, H Niki
pp. 125-137
Quadratic Forms in Unitary Operators
G Pisier
pp. 139-161
The Extension of the Concept of the Generating Function to a Class of
Preconditioned Toeplitz Matrices
S Serra
pp. 163-174
An Inequality for Positive-Definite Matrices with Applications to Combinatoria
MG Neubauer
pp. 175-186
External Flats to Varieties in PG(Mn,n(GF(q)))
BN Cooperstein
pp. 187-219
Generalized Updating and Computation of the Eigenvalues of Rational Toeplitz
F Di Benedetto
pp. 221-240
Applications of linear transformations to matrix equations
pp. 241-246
A new statement about the theorem determining the region of eigenvalues of
stochastic matrices
H Ito
pp. 247-279
Fernando's solution to Wilkinson's problem: an application of double
pp. 281-315
Parallel hybrid algebraic multilevel iterative methods
pp. 317-334
Differential properties of the numerical range map of pairs of matrices
Hillman, Ricker
pp. 335-358
On the convergence of power scaled Cesaro sums
Chen, Hartwig
pp. 359-373
Ray patterns of matrices and nonsingularity
JJ Mcdonald
Journal Code : 7738
Journal : Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Volume issue : 268/01-3
Year : 1997
Anticipated Publication Date: 31-OCT-97
pp. 1-8
Matrix Scaling: A Geometric Proof Of Sinkhorn Theorem
A Borobia
pp. 9-30
Group Majorization And Schur Type Inequality
M Niezgoda
pp. 31-39
Structure Of A Nonnegative Regular Matrix And Its Generalized Inverses
RB Bapat
pp. 41-57
Local Spectral Radii and Collatz-Wielandt Numbers of Monic Operator Polynomial
with Nonnegative Coefficients
KH Forster
pp. 59-70
On Monge Sequences in d-Dimensional Arrays
R Rudolf
pp. 71-89
On error bounds for eigenvalues of a matrix pencil
pp. 91-116
Topics on a generalization of Gershgorin's theorem
pp. 117-129
Local exponents of primitive digraphs
J Shen
pp. 131-149
On a variable smoothing procedure for Krylov subspace methods
Heyouni, H Sadok
pp. 151-169
Multiplicative perturbations of stable and covergent operators
pp. 171-181
An equivalent reformulation of summability by weighted means methods
pp. 183-196
Applications of Paz's inequality to perturbation bounds for Markov chains
Kirkland, Neumann
pp. 197-225
Matrix displacement decompositions and applications to Toeplitz linear systems
Di Fiore, P Zellini
pp. 227-242
Uniformly one-connected matrices and their inverses
Lundy, Maybee
pp. 243-246
An arithmetic-harmonic-means inequality for nonnegative definite matrices
O Krafft
pp. 247-287
On a new positive extension problem for block Toeplitz matrices
D Alpay
pp. 289-321
Reduced stability of parameter - dependent matrices
J Moro
pp. 323-344
Generating graded central simple algebras
L Le Bruyn
pp. 345-354
Patterns that preserve sparsity in orthogonal factorization
Iwata, P Van Den Driessche
pp. 355-364
On structure rank of a class of structure matrices
MC Zhang
pp. 365-374
Operator versions of inequalties and equalities on a Hilbert space
CS Lin
Contributed By: Prof. C.W. de Silva, Regional Editor
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
(Int. J. Intelligent Real-Time Automation)
Volume 10, No. 4, September 1997
pp. 321-334
Intelligent decision support for waste minimization in electroplating plants
KQ Luo, YL Huang
pp. 335-343
Using intelligent agent templates for dynamic structuring of distributed
computer control systems
A Stothert, IM Macleod
pp. 345-356
A fuzzy approach to operation selection
FTS Chan, A Kazerooni, K Abhary
pp. 357-367
An expert-system architectural framework for engineering selection
C Chan, P Lau
pp. 369-377
Analyzing the schedulability of hard real-time artificial intelligence systems
A Garcia-Fornes, A Terrasa, V Botti, A Crespo
pp. 379-385
A framwork for probabilistic combination of multiple classifiers at an abstrac
HJ Kang, K Kim, JH Kim
pp. 387-401
Identification of text-only areas in mixed type documents
C Strouthopoulos, N Papamarkos, C Chamzas
pp. 403-412
A binary tree based OCR technique for machine printed characters
B Gatos, N Papamarkos, C Chamzas
pp. 413-413
Book review - fuzzy databases: principles and applications
by Frederick E Petry
D Rao
pp. 415-416
Book review - fuzzy expert system tools
J Tepandi
Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak
Table of contents
November, 1997 Issue 33:11
Regular Papers
E. Panteley, R. Ortega Cascaded control of feedback interconnected
nonlinear systems: Application to robots with
AC drives
K. C. Goh, Fen Wu Duality and basis functions for robust H2
performance analysis
D. Flynn, S. McLoone, G. W. Neural control of turbogenerator systems
Irwin, et al.
S-H. Yu, A. M. Annaswamy Adaptive control on nonlinear dynamic systems
using (theta)- adaptive neural networks
L. Mirkin, Z. J. Palmor Mixed discrete/continuous specifications in
sampled-data H2-optimal control
Brief Papers
O. Toker On the complexity of the robust stability
problem for linear parameter varying systems
F. Schipp, J. Bokor L(infinity) approximation algorithms generated
by (varphi) summations
B. Aloliwi, H. K. Khalil Robust adaptive output feedback control of
nonlinear systems without persistence of
E. De Santis On invariant sets for constrained discrete
time linear systems with disturbances and
parametric uncertainties
P. Rocco, G. Ferretti, G. Implicit force control for industrial robots
Magnani in contact with stiff surfaces
M. G. Yoon, B. H. Lee An approximation approach to H(infinity)
control problems for distributed parameter
T. S. Schei A finite-difference method for linearization
in nonlinear estimation algorithms
Technical Communiques
J. L. Maryak, L. W. Hunter, Automated system monitoring and diagnosis via
S. Favin singular value decomposition
P. Lucibello, S. Panzieri Experiments on output tracking with internal
stability by learning for a one-link flexible
S. L. Shah, B. Huang The role of the unitary interactor matrix in
the explicit solution of the singular LQ
output feedback control problem
S. Takai A characterization of relizable behavior in
supervisory control of timed event graphs
J-K. Chen, C-C. Yu Optimal input design using generalized binary
J. Glaria A laboratory plant for feedback theories
H.H. Choi A new method for variable structure control
system design: A linear matrix inequality
Book Reviews
B. Ninness G. N. Saridis: Stochastic processes,
estimation, and control: The entropy approach
M. Weiss K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, K. Glover: Robust and
optimal control
Contributed by: MIC
Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 18, No. 4, October 1997
S. O. Wasbo, B. A. Foss and R. Tronstad, "Object-oriented
Ferromanganese Furnace Model" ............................ 249
K. Stole-Hansen and B. A. Foss, "Controlling pH in a
Precipitation Plant" ..................................... 261
P. J. Nicklasson, R. Ortega, G. Espinosa-Perez,
"Passivity-Based Control of a Class of Blondel-Park
Transformable Electric Machines" ......................... 273
Accumulated index and more information about MIC is available at
Contributed by: Ira D. Smiley,
Production Editor,
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Volume 35, Number 6, NOVEMBER 1997
Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems
G. N. Silva and R. B. Vinter
Dynamics and Approximations of a Velocity Tracking Problem for the
Navier-Stokes Flows with Piecewise Distributed Controls
L. S. Hou and Y. Yan
Annealing of Iterative Stochastic Schemes
Haitao Fang, Guanglu Gong, and Minping Qian
Exact Finite-Dimensional Filters for Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation
of Continuous-Time Linear Gaussian Systems
Robert J. Elliott and Vikram Krishnamurthy
System Identification by Dynamic Factor Models
C. Heij, W. Scherrer, and M. Deistler
Ergodic Control of Switching Diffusions
Mrinal K. Ghosh, Aristotle Arapostathis, and Steven I. Marcus
Averaging Theorems for Highly Oscillatory Differential Equations and Iterated
Lie Brackets
Wensheng Liu
Risk-Sensitive and Robust Escape Criteria
Paul Dupuis and William M. McEneaney
Bolza Problems with General Time Constraints
P. D. Loewen and R. T. Rockafellar
Asymptotic Optimization of a Nonlinear Hybrid System Governed by a Markov
Decision Process
Eitan Altman and Vladimir Gaitsgory
Perturbation Formula for Regular Free Boundaries in Elliptic and Parabolic
Obstacle Problems
Srdjan Stojanovic
Approximations in Dynamic Zero-Sum Games II
Mabel M. Tidball, Odile Pourtallier, and Eitan Altman
NP-Hardness of Some Linear Control Design Problems
Vincent Blondel and John N. Tsitsiklis
On Approximate Solutions in Convex Vector Optimization
Sien Deng
Optimal Control of Linear Periodic Resonant Systems in Hilbert Spaces
Viorel Barbu
Blackwell Optimality in Borelian Continuous-in-Action Markov Decision Processe
Alexander A. Yushkevich
A Control Method for Assimilation of Surface Data in a Linearized
Navier-Stokes-Type Problem Related to Oceanography
Aziz Belmiloudi and Francoise Brossier
Author Index
Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service
International Journal of Control
Volume:- 68 Issue:- 4
Publication Date (Expected): 3rd November 1997
Title: A Singular perturbation approach for tracking control of a parallel
robot including motor dynamics
Authors: L. Beji, A. Abichou.
Pages 689-707.
Title: Spray Control
Authors: A. El Jai-K. Kassara, O. Cabrera.
Pages 709-730.
Title: Co-(J', J)-Lossless Conjugations and Co-(J',J)-Lossless
Factorisations of Linear Time-Varying Systmes
Authors: P HLee, H. Kimura, Y. C. Soh.
Pages 731-752.
Title: Feedback Control of Affine Nonlinear Singular Control Systems
Authors: L. Xiaping, S. Celikovsky.
Pages 753-774.
Title: On the approximation of non proper controls laws
Authors: M. Bonilla, M. Malabre, M. B. Fonseca.
Pages 775-796.
Title: Robust Model Predictive Control of Stable Linear Systems
Authors: T. A. Badgwell.
Pages 797-818.
Title: Bounded Tracking for Nominimum Phase Nonlinear Systems with fast Zero
Authors: C. J. Tomlin, S. S. Sastry.
Pages 819-847.
Title: Robust stabilization of a triple inverted pendulum cart
Pages 849-865.
Title: Laguerre filter reduced-order 1 identification
Authors: D..S Wall, S..M Veres.
Pages 867-886.
Title: Existence of optimal controls for continuous time infinite horizon
Authors: M. L. Bell, R. W. H. Sargent, R. B. Vinter.
Pages 887-896.
Title: Finite Poles and Zeros of Linear Systems: an Intrinsic Approach
Authors: H Bourles, M. Fliess.
Pages 897-922.
Title: Discretized LMI Set in the Stability Problem of Linear Uncertain
Time-Delay Systems
Authors: K. Gu.
Pages 923-934.
Title: On Global Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Nonautonomous Systems
Authors: M I Gil, A. Ailon.
Pages 935-941.
Title: A Note on 'The Asymptotic Stability of Linear Autonomous Systems of
Commensurate Time Delays
Authors: J. S. Luo, P. P. J. van den Bosch.
Pages 943-946.
Title: Comment on 'modified least squares algorithm incorporating
exponential resetting and forgetting'
Authors: Z. Han, P. M. Frank.
Pages 947-953.
Contributed by: Deborah Poulson, Production Editor
SIAM Review Volume 39, Number 4, December 1997
Of Stable Marriages and Graphs, and Strategy and Polytopes
Michel Balinski and Guillaume Ratier
A Survey of Combinatorial Gray Codes
Carla Savage
Interference Effects in Computation
Willard L. Miranker
On the Gibbs Phenomenon and Its Resolution
David Gottlieb and Chi-Wang Shu
Engineering and Economic Applications of Complementarity Problems
M. C. Ferris and J. S. Pang
Process Modeling in Resin Transfer Molding as a Method to Enhance
Product Quality
W. K. Chui, J. Glimm, F. M. Tangerman, A. P. Jardie, J. S. Madsen, T.
M. Donnellan, and R. Leek
Geometry and Convergence for Euler's and Halley's Methods
A. Melman
Initialization of the Simplex Algorithm: An Artificial-Free Approach
H. Arsham
Finding the Center of a Circular Starting Line in an Ancient Greek
Chris Rorres and David Gilman Romano
Stability Considerations for Numerical Methods
Johnny Snyder
Dynamics and Modelling of Ocean Waves (G. J. Komen, L. Cavaleri, M.
Donelan, K. Hasselmann, S. Hasselmann, and P. E. A. M. Janssen),
Sen-Huei Chen
The Transforms and Applications Handbook (Alexander D. Poularikas,
Editor), Lokenath Debnath
Maple: A Comprehensive Introduction (Roy Nicolaides and Noel
Walkington), Patrick Fitzpatrick
Probability Theory and Combinatorial Optimization (J. Michael Steel),
Alan Frieze
An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Inverse Problems
(Andreas Kirsch), Charles Groetsch
Handbook of Numerical Analysis. Vol. IV. Finite Element Methods
(Part 2) and Numerical Methods for Solids (Part 2) (P. G. Ciarlet and
J. L. Lions), Weimin Han
Functional Analytic Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Hiroki
Tanabe), R. Bruce Kellogg
Perturbation Theory in Mathematical Programming and Its Applications
(Evgenij S. Levitin), Wu Li
Numerical Solutions for Partial Differential Equations: Problem
Solving Using Mathematics (Victor G. Ganzha and Evgenii V.
Vorozhtsov), Biyue Liu
Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics (Joel H. Ferziger and Milovan
Peric), K. W. Morton
On Spectral Theory of Elliptic Operators (Yuri Egorov and Vladimir
Kondratiev), Martin Schechter
Table of Integrals, Series, and Products (I. S. Gradshteyn and I. M.
Ryzik), Joseph J. Shirron
Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov (sachkov@sys.botik.ru)
Vol. 3, No. 3, July 1997
A Generalization of the Tikhonov Theorem for
Singularly Perturbed Differential Inclusions 291--320
V. Veliov
Conjugations, Joinings, and Direct Products of
Locally Rank One Dynamical Systems 321--342
G.R. Goodson, V.V. Ryzhikov
Feedback-Invariant Optimal Control Theory and
Differential Geometry -- I. Regular Extremals 343--390
A.A. Agrachev, R.V. Gamkrelidze
Characterizations of Hamiltonian Geodesics in
SubRiemannian Geometry 391--418
M. Alcheikh, P. Orro, F. Pelletier
Conjugacy of Vector Fields Respecting Additional
Properties 419--432
P. Bonkaert
On the Confluence Phenomenon for Fuchsian Equations 433--449
B.Yu. Sternin, V.E. Shatalov
Contributed by: Deidre Wunderlich, Editorial Associate
SIAM Journal on Optimization
Volume 7, Number 4, NOVEMBER 1997
A Study of General Dynamic Network Programs with Arc Time-Delays
Malcolm C. Pullan
A New Class of Incremental Gradient Methods for Least Squares Problems
Dimitri P. Bertsekas
On the Convergence Theory of Trust-Region-Based Algorithms for
Equality-Constrained Optimization
J. E. Dennis and Lus N. Vicente
Alternating Projection-Proximal Methods for Convex Programming and
Variational Inequalities
Paul Tseng
Abadie's Constraint Qualification, Metric Regularity, and Error Bounds for
Differentiable Convex Inequalities
Wu Li
Mathematical Study of Very High Voltage Power Networks I: The Optimal DC
Power Flow Problem
J. Frdric Bonnans
Robust Truss Topology Design via Semidefinite Programming
A. Ben-Tal and A. Nemirovski
An Efficient Algorithm for Minimizing a Sum of Euclidean Norms with
Guoliang Xue and Yinyu Ye
A Dynamic Adaptive Relaxation Scheme Applied to the Euclidean Steiner
Minimal Tree Problem
Franois Chapeau-Blondeau, Fabrice Janez, and Jean-Louis Ferrier
Shortest Networks for Smooth Curves
J. F. Weng
Convergence of Proximal-Like Algorithms
Marc Teboulle
Surrogate Projection Methods for Finding Fixed Points of Firmly
Nonexpansive Mappings
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel and Bozena Lopuch
On Generic One-Parametric Semi-infinite Optimization
H. Th. Jongen and O. Stein
Stability Theory for Linear Inequality Systems II: Upper Semicontinuity of
the Solution Set Mapping
M. A. Goberna, M. A. Lpez, and M. I. Todorov
Integer Isotone Optimization
Ming-Hong Liu and Vasant A. Ubhaya
Author Index
Contributed by: A.H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)
Table of Contents for Vol. 16, No. 6, 1997:
Input-output systems whose transmission operators furnish nearly best
approximations to a given map,
Vaclav Dolezal
Notes on uniform approximation of shift-invariant systems,
Irwin W. Sandberg
On a ``central inequality'' in the theory of input-output systems,
Vaclav Dolezal
Guaranteed stability margins for discrete-time LQ optimal regulators
for the performance index with cross-product terms,
K.G. Arvanitis and G. Kalogeropoulos
On the zeros of discrete-time linear periodic systems,
G. De Nicolao and G. Ferrari Trecate
* *
* Conferences *
* *
Contributed by: Jose' Manoel Fernandes
Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, September 14-18, 1998
Organized by SBA (Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica), the
national member organization of International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC).
Brazilian Automatic Control Conference (CBA) has been held every
two years since 1976. The 1998 meeting will take place at the
Federal de Uberlandia in Uberlandia, September 1998, in Uberlandia,
eastern Brazil, Minas Gerais state. It is a commercial
and transportation center for a vast livestock-raising and crop-farming
area. Manufactures include processed food and chemicals. Uberlandia was
chartered as a city in 1891. Population around 600,000.
Applied and theoretical contributions in all fields related to
Control and Automation are welcome. The topics of interest include, but
are not limited to: i) Systems theory; ii) Control and automation;
iii) Robust control; iv) Optimization; v) Adaptive and decentralized
control; vi) Intelligent control; vii) Electric power systems; viii)
Control of vehicles, machines, and electric converters; ix) Signal
processing; x) Process control and instruments; and xi) Power
electronics, xii) Education, history, and social implications of control
and automation, xiii) Agricultural control engineering.
Papers in Portuguese, Spanish, and English are invited.
For a paper to be considered for inclusion in the technical program,
submit 5 copies of the complete paper, until december 20th, 1997,
free format. The final work will be in a two columns in an A4 size
Submit papers to:
Profs. Jose Manoel Fernandes/Joao Batista Vieira Junior
Coordenacao Tecnica do XII CBA
Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
Caixa Postal 593
38.400-902 - Uberlandia - Minas Gerais
Tel: + (55) 34 239 4103
Fax: + (55) 34 239 4103
e-mail: XIICBA@ufu.br
web addresses:
Portuguese: http://www.deene.ufu.br/eletrica/cba/index.htm
English: http://www.deene.ufu.br/eletrica/cba/index1.htm
Contributed by Eitan Altman (altman@sophia.inria.fr)
Organized by
July 5-8, 1998
Chateau Vaalsbroek
the Netherlands
Sponsored by
The 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, a
three day conference, will be held for the first time in the Netherlands,
July 6-8, 1998.
Participants will have an opportunity to hear state-of-the-art presentations
on a wide range of game-theoretic models, both theory and applications. The
conference will be preceded by a one-day tutorial on July 5.
The three day technical program will consist of plenary sessions, invited
sessions, and presentations of contributed papers. The topics include, but
are not limited to the following:
* H-Infinity control and robust controller designs
* Repeated games
* Stochastic games
* Learning and adaptive games
* Evolutionary games
* Cooperative equilibria
* Dynamic bargaining
* Pursuit-Evasion games
* Search, encounter and inspection games
* Networking games in telecommunications and transportation
* Dynamic games in economics
* Dynamic games in management
* Environment, energy and resource management
* Games in finance and marketing
* Numerical methods and computer implementation of game models
Plenary lectures will cover different areas of dynamic games. They will
focus on the state of the art of several areas of dynamic games, and will
be delivered by
* Prof. R. AUMANN from the Hebrew university of Jerusalem (IL)
* Prof. A. LAZAR from Columbia University (US)
* Prof. M. MASCHLER from the Hebrew university of Jerusalem (IL)
The topic of the tutorial is LEARNING IN GAMES. It will be delivered by
Professor E. LEHRER from Tel-Aviv University (IL) and Professor R. VOHRA
from Ohio State University (US).
All accepted papers will be included in a volume of preprints to be made
available to registered participants at the beginning of the conference.
Authors will also have the opportunity to submit their papers for
publication in a refereed special volume of the ANNALS OF THE ISDG
(Birkhauser publisher).
The schedule for submission of papers and invited sessions is
JAN. 2, 1998: Submission of extended abstract
and invited sessions
MARCH 1, 1998: Notification of acceptance
MAY 1, 1998 : Full paper
Submissions should preferably be made by E-mail by sending a
Latex file to
It is also possible to send an ascii file.
Another possibility is to send hard copies (in which case four
copies would be needed) to :
Ephie Deriche -
ISDG Conference- Submission
06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE
Each paper submission should contain
* the title of the paper
* the author(s')'s name(s) with a clear indication
of the corresponding author;
* the authors' complete details :
-affiliation (with URL address if any)
-complete address (including fax number)
-E-mail address
- home page URL address if any
* a list of keywords
* a detailed extended summary supported by relevant references
Invited sessions
The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions.
Cohesive sessions focusing on new or emerging topics are particularly
Proposals for invited sessions should contain
* the name(s) of the session organizer(s) and for all of them the above
personal details
* a clear statement of the topic of the session
* for each paper of the invited sessions, the same information needed as
for paper submission above.
The initial paper may be a tutorial or survey which can be
allotted twice the usual time for presentation.
Registration Fees
Conference paid before april 1, 1998 250 USD
paid after april 1, 1998 350 USD
Tutorial ........................ 50 USD
Symposium Location
All the sessions, the conference dinner and the tutorial will be held at the
Chateau Vaalsbroek, near Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Although other hotels are available nearby, it is strongly recommended that
participants stay at Chateau Vaalsbroek.
A limited number of rooms has been reserved for the duration of the conference
at a reduced rate, including breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
1 day and night 100 USD
2 180 USD
3 250 USD
4 300 USD
Participants from developing countries may apply for a reduced hotel rate.
Contributed by: Krzysztof Galkowski
July 12-14, 1998, Lagow near Zielona Gora, POLAND
Call for papers and first announcement
YOU ARE INVITED to participate in the first Workshop on Multidimensional
(nD) Systems,
organised by
Technical University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Robotics and Software
Engineering, Zielona Gora, Poland
in co-operation with
Image Speech and Intelligent Systems Research Group, Department of
Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton, UK
The past two to three decades, in particular, have seen a continually
growing interest in so-called two-dimensional (2D) or, more generally,
multidimensional (nD) systems. This is clearly related to the wide variety
of applications of both practical and/or theoretical interest. The key
unique feature of an nD system is that the plant or process dynamics (input,
output and state variables) depend on more than one indeterminate and hence
information is propagated in many independent directions. Many physical
processes have a clear nD structure. Also the nD approach is frequently
used as an analysis tool to assist, or in some cases enable, the solution of
a wide variety of problems.
Contributed papers and invited sessions for NDS-98 are hereby solicited in all
areas mathematics of nD systems as well as emerging fields in engineering with
potential impact in circuits, automatic control systems and signal processing.
NDS 98 strives:
to bring together people in the control society, the circuits society, the
signal processing society and the computer society and to offer a forum for
to give an overview of some key 2D (nD) systems theory topics, including
current progress/results, open research problems, and the links with general
areas such as control, circuit analysis/design and signal processing.
to illustrate that existing theory offers strong analytical tools for
solving key problems in numerous industrial applications areas.
PAPERS: Submit an extended abstract (2-3) pages in duplicate by
January 15th 1998.
The abstract should preferably contain motivation of the problem, a
precise statement of results together with indications techniques involved,
and a representative bibliography. Notice of acceptance will be given by
February 28, 1998. The oral, as well, as poster sessions are expected.
SPECIAL SESSIONS: Submit proposals for special sessions, containing the title
of the session, the names, affiliations, complete address and e-mail of the
authors by December 1st, 1997. Normally a session should accommodate four,
five speakers.
Some financial support for colleagues from Eastern and Central Europe is
Dr. A. Pieczynski
Technical University of Zielona Gora
Institute of Robotics and Software Engineering
Podgorna Str. 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland
Fax: 48 68 253944, email:apiecz@irio.pz.zgora.pl
VENUE: Lagow the little, picturesque town famous from its medieval castle,
surrounded by huge forests and lakes is the tourist pearl of Ziemia Lubuska,
the mid-west part of Poland. This provides an excellent atmosphere for
scientific, as well as, informal contacts and having the rest. The excursion
to Wielkopolska /Great Poland/ - the historic heart of Poland, with extremely
interesting towns, palaces, castles, churches ect. and the reach social
programme are planned during the meeting.
TRANSPORT: Lagow is placed near Zielona Gora easily accessible by train from
Berlin /e.g. 2 hours by IC/, or from Warsaw /5 hours/. Buses from Zielona Gora
to the conference place will be provided.
Contributed by: Vassilis Syrmos
Congress Center of the Stazione Marittima
Molo Bersaglieri 3, 34124 Trieste, ITALY
September 1-4, 1998
important deadlines (below)
The function of the IEEE CCA is to bring together theoretical results and
practical applications in system and control theory, particularly in regard to
uses in industrial, commercial, aerospace, power systems, automotive, or other
applied arenas. The Program Committee solicits papers presenting original
work in all aspects of theoretical and practical control applications. The
theme for CCA'98 is Control Applications in Biological and Medical Systems.
The theme of CCA is meant to help structure the conference and not to limit
the topics covered.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of
traditional and modern control design techniques in:
** Aerospace Systems ** Adaptive Control ** Automotive Systems
** Biomedical Systems ** Computer-Aided Design ** Discrete Event Systems
** Distributed Systems ** Expert Systems ** Fault Tolerance ** Fuzzy System
** Manufacturing Systems ** Modeling and Identification ** Neural Networks
** Nonlinear Systems ** Power Electronics/Systems ** Process Control
** Robotics ** Robust Control ** Sensor-Based Control
January 15, 1998 Full Papers and Proposals Due
April 1, 1998 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
April 30, 1998 Electronic Submission of Title and Abstract
May 22, 1998 Final Camera-Ready Papers Due
FIVE copies of the full paper must be received for peer review by one
of the Program Chairs by 15 JAN. 1998. Papers will be reviewed by the
International Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by 1 APRIL 1998. Electronic submissions of title and
abstract are required by 30 APRIL 1998. The final camera-ready papers
must be received by the Conference Secretariat no later than 22 MAY 1998.
FOUR copies of proposals for: Invited Sessions, including extended abstracts
and a cover letter indicating the scope of the proposed session; or
Workshops, including a detailed outline of the proposed topic, must be
submitted to either Program Chair by 15 JAN. 1998. Invited Sessions
may include an introductory survey paper. Workshops will be held on 1 SEP.
1998. Invited sessions and workshops in the conference theme of biomedical
systems are particularly of interest.
A CD-ROM and a Book of Abstracts will be provided at the conference. A hard
copy of the proceedings will be mailed after the conference to those who
request it for an additional charge.
For further information, VISIT OUR WEB SITE, or contact the General Chair:
Frank L. Lewis
Automation & Robotics Research Institute
The University of Texas at Arlington
7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.
Fortworth, TX 76118, USA
Email: flewis@controls.uta.edu
Phone: (817) 272-5972
Fax: (817) 272-5989
Contributed by J.M.A. Scherpen (nolcos@math.utwente.nl)
International Federation of Automatic Control
1-3 July, 1998, Enschede, The Netherlands
NOLCOS98 Secretariat
c/o C.H.G. Hassing-Assink
University of Twente
Department of Applied Mathematics
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel: (+31) 53-4-89-34-00
Fax: (+31) 53-4-89-31-14
Email: nolcos@math.utwente.nl
WWW: http://lcewww.et.tudelft.nl/~scherpen/nolcos.html
Four copies of the full papers (maximum 6 double column pages including
figures) should be received by November 15, 1997. Please provide four
keywords to indicate the area of the paper. Give the full name, affiliation,
full address, telephone and fax numbers, and email addresses of the
corresponding author. Notification of acceptance and author instructions
will be mailed by March 1, 1998. The final manuscripts and registration
payment of at least one of the authors are due by May 1, 1998. Registration
fees not received by that date may result in the paper being excluded from
the Book of Preprints.
Please visit our Web page for latest information concerning
the conference.
Contributed by: Jordan M. Berg (jberg@ttu.edu)
The 35th Annual Technical Meeting of
The Society of Engineering Science
September 27-30, 1998
Washington State University
Pullman, WA, USA
You are invited to attend the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society of
Engineering Science at Washington State University. The modern meeting
facilities in the center of this 17,000 student campus, coupled with the
city's quiet and relaxed atmosphere, provide an excellent setting for
scientists from all over the world to exchange and discuss their new ideas
and discoveries. Pullman is easily reached by air through Spokane,
Seattle, Portland and Boise. The location puts you within driving distance
of Magnificent Glacier National Park, Hell's Canyon and the dramatic
setting of Grand Coulee Dam.
This Conference provides a forum for the discussion and dissemination of
recent advances in engineering science, development and education, with
topics from all areas of fluid, solid and structural mechanics, dynamics
and control, heat transfer, materials, processing, and biomedical
engineering. Over 25 symposia are being organized, covering topics in the
areas of
-Materials Science
-Solid Mechanics
-Applied Mathematics
-Dynamics and Control
-Materials Processing
-Structural Engineering
-Earthquake Engineering
-Design and Manufacturing
-Semiconductors and Electron Devices
-Thin Films and Electronic Materials
-Fluid Mechanics
-Engineering Physics
-Heat Transfer
-Soil Mechanics
-Nuclear Engineering
Submissions are specifically solicited in the area of Dynamics and Control.
There will be six Dynamics and Control symposia, as follows:
* Continuous System Dynamics: Modeling for Control
Organizer: Prof. Alan A. Barhorst (alan@osci.me.ttu.edu)
Organizer: Prof. Gordon G. Parker (ggparker@mtu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Modeling/simulation distributed parameter systems (DPS).
(2) Modeling issues related to control of DPS.
(3) Experimental results related to modeling/control of DPS.
(4) Modeling/control issues related to Fluid/structure interaction.
(5) Results in discretized modeling/control of DPS.
* Control Opportunities in Materials Processing
Organizer: Prof. Jordan M. Berg (jberg@ttu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Modeling, estimation, and control of microstructure.
(2) Modeling, estimation, and control of thin film processing.
(3) Modeling, estimation and control of morphology in phase change,
and flow problems.
(4) Modeling and applications of actuators based on innovative
materials, such as shape-memory alloys, magnetostrictive materials,
magnetorheological materials, and others.
* Nonlinear Dynamics
Organizer: Prof. Thomas D. Burton (metdb@coe3.coe.ttu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Nonlinear normal modes.
(2) Mode localization.
(3) Model reduction in nonlinear systems.
(4) Experimental studies.
(5) Analytical and perturbation methods.
(6) Chaotic dynamics.
* Mathematical Methods in Structural Control
Organizer: Prof. George Avalos (avalos@math.ttu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Control of large flexible structures.
(2) Identification and control of distributed parameter systems.
(3) Numerical solutions of optimal control problems.
(4) PDE methods in control theory.
(5) Inverse problems in engineering.
* Structural Dynamics I: Damage Detection and Model Updating
Organizer: Prof. Alan A. Barhorst (alan@osci.me.ttu.edu)
Organizer: Prof. Thomas D. Burton (metdb@coe3.coe.ttu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) New methods of analysis for damage detection/model updating.
(2) Error analysis.
(3) Mode shape expansion methods.
(4) MRPT and other methods for determining property changes.
(5) Finite element applications.
(6) Experimental studies.
(7) Nonlinear applications.
(8) Chaotic dynamics.
(9) Issues in Wavelet based signal processing in damage detection.
* Structural Dynamics II: Frictional Contact, Multi-Body Dynamics and
Computational Methods
Organizer: Prof. Alan A. Barhorst (alan@osci.me.ttu.edu)
Organizer: Prof. Thomas D. Burton (metdb@coe3.coe.ttu.edu)
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
(1) Consistent nonlinear vibrational modeling.
(2) Reduced model simulation.
(3) Issues related to multipoint frictional contact in rigid and
elastic multibody systems.
(4) Computational/Experimental results in frictional multibody contact.
SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: Abstracts may be submitted by e-mail to the
appropriate symposium organizer, or by e-mail or postal mail to one of
the conference co-chairs. The abstract format is described on the SES '98
web site at http://www.mme.wsu.edu/ses98.htm.
Conference Co-Chairs:
Professor Hussein M. Zbib
School of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-2920, USA
Phone: (509)335-7832/8654
Fax: (509)335-4662
Email: ses98@mme.wsu.edu
Professor Tom D. Burton
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-1021, USA
Phone: (806) 742-3563
Fax: (806) 742-3540
E-mail: metdb@coe3.coe.ttu.edu
VISIT THE CONFERENCE WEB SITE: http://www.mme.wsu.edu/ses98.htm
Contributed by: Stephen Kahne
IFAC Workshop on Control in Natural Disasters
This web page contains the call for papers for the noted conference in
Tokyo, September 1998.
The workshop deals with ideas from control science and engineering
which may be helpful in large scale catastrophies such as earthquakes.
It will deal with technical, social and human issues.
Contributed by: Giorgio Picci
University of Padua,
Padova, Italy, July 6-10, 1998
Second announcement and call for papers and special sessions
MTNS-98 will be held at the school of Engineering, University of
Padua, Padova, Italy, from July 6 to 10, 1998. Contributed papers
and proposals for invited sessions are hereby solicited in all
traditional areas involving mathematics of networks and systems
as well as emerging fields in engineering and mathematics with
potential impact in systems, automatic control, networks
and signal processing. Such topics include, but are not limited
Adaptive Control - Algebraic Systems Theory - Applications of
Algebraic and Differential Geometry in Systems Theory - Autonomous
Control Systems - Coding Theory - Computational Fluid Dynamics -
Distributed and Infinite Dimensional Systems - Control of
Flexible and Distributed Parameter Systems - Dynamic System
Identification - Dynamic Vision - Hybrid Systems - Image
analysis and 2D Signal Processing - Information Theory and
Information Theoretical Methods in Systems and Control -
Intelligent Control- Mathematical Theory of Networks and Circuits
- Multivariable and Large-Scale Systems - Multiresolution Signal
Processing - Neural Networks in Modeling and Identification -
Nonlinear Filtering and Estimation and Applications - Nonlinear
Systems and Control - Numerical and Symbolic Computations in
System Theory - Operator Theoretic Methods in Circuits and
System Theory - Optimization and Optimal Control - Robotics -
Robust and H-Infinity Control and Estimation - Signal Processing
- Statistical Physics and Stochastic Mechanics - Stochastic
Modeling and Stochastic System Theory - Stochastic Control and
Estimation - Subspace Methods in Identification and Signal
Processing - Visionics - VLSI Design - Wavelets.
We also encourage contributions in the application areas of:
Aereospace and Avionic Systems - Biomedical Engineering Sciences
- Communication systems - Manufacturing - Civil Engineering -
Process Control - Transportation Systems.
PAPERS: Submit an extended abstract (4-5 pages) electronically or
by mail (in duplicate), by December 1st, 1997. The abstract should
preferably contain a history and motivation of the problem, a
precise statement of results together with indications of the
techniques involved, and a representative bibliography. Notice
of acceptance will be given by February 28, 1998.
Submission of extended abstracts should be directed to:
Department of Electronics and Informatics
University of Padua via Gradenigo 6/a
35131, PADOVA,Italy
email: mtns98cb@dei.unipd.it
SPECIAL SESSIONS: Submit proposals for special sessions,
containing the title of the session, the names, affiliations,
complete address and email of the authors by December 1st,
1997. Normally a session should accomodate four speakers, each
given half an hour, but longer sessions with five speakers
(Please no more than five) can be also arranged. Notice of
acceptance will be given by February 28, 1998.
Send proposals for Special Sessions to:
Department of Electronics and Informatics
University of Padua via Gradenigo 6/a
35131, PADOVA,Italy
email: mtns98iv@dei.unipd.it
We encourage electronic submission. To submit extended
abstracts and proposals for special sessions electronically,
please send either a LaTeX or Postscript file to the
appropriate electronic address above.
YES, there will be proceedings of MTNS98. All papers presented at
the conference and submitted for publications will be reviewed
for possible inclusion in the proceedings of MTNS98. The final
hard copy version of the papers is due AT THE CONFERENCE.
Plenary, Special Topic, Minisymposia and Minicourse lectures will
be published in a hardcover volume in the Birkhauser series
"Progress in Systems and Control Theory". A copy of the volume
will be mailed to all registered partecipants
Submission Deadline December 1st, 1997
Acceptance Notification February 28, 1998
Early Registration May 15, 1998
Conference July 6-10, 1998
Contributed by Zvi Artstein (zvika@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il)
A three-day Workshop on Relaxation Methods will take place
at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, during March
22 to March 24 (Sunday through Tuesday), 1998.
The scope of the workshop will include relaxation methods like
compensated compactness, Young measures, homogenization, gamma
convergence, relaxed controls, chattering, variational limits,
nonsmooth methods, etc.; and applications in dynamical systems,
pde's, variational analysis, control and optimization. The
theory and applications of such methods have been proliferated
to the extent that communication among users in different
subfields is limited. The idea of the workshop is to create an
opportunity for comparison and interaction among the different
The list of speakers includes:
H. Attouch, E.J. Balder, J.M. Ball, G. Buttazzo, F.H. Clarke
G. Dal Maso, D. Kinderlehrer, A. Ioffe, B. Mordukhovich,
M. Slemrod, H.J. Sussmann, L. Tartar, R.B. Vinter, J. Warga.
There is no registration fee, however (due to limited resources),
pre-registration is required for participation. Modest social
and culinary events will be organized, but there will be no
organized accommodation. A small number of rooms have, however,
been reserved on campus.
For more information contact Zvi Artstein at
or by snail-mail at the Weizmann Institute.
Also fax: (+972) 8 934 4122, phone: (+972) 8 934 4066
The Workshop will be held under the auspices of the Arthur and
Rochelle Belfer Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science.
(The dates of the workshop were chosen in accordance with the
International Conference on the Calculus of Variations and
Related Topics, that starts on March 25 at the Technion, Haifa.
Information about the latter can be obtained at
Contributed by: jqalvar@cicese.mx and rcastro@ctrl.cinvestav.mx
2nd Announcement
The Workshop on Nonlinear Systems and Robot Control will
be held from Thursday 4 to Friday 5 December 1997, at Hotel
Mision Santa Isabel, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. This
event is organized by the Scientific Research and Advanced
Studies Center of Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico (CICESE)
and the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the
National Polytechnic Institute at Mexico City (CINVESTAV-
IPN), with the support of the National Council for Science
and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) and CICESE.
The objective of the workshop is to bring together recog-
nized experts in the fields of nonlinear control systems
and robot control, to present the state of the art and to
discuss new trends and impacts on these research subjects.
The event is based on plenary conferences given by active
researchers in the fields of the workshop and who have -
significantly contributed in them. The researchers who have
confirmed their participation as plenary speakers are:
- Prof. Suguru Arimoto, Ritsumeikan University, Japan.
"A generalization of impedance matching to nonlinear
mechanics: A key concept for evaluation of manual
dexterity S"
- Prof. Antonio Bicchi, Universita di Pisa, Italy.
"Nonholonomy on purpose: Robotic manipulation by
- Prof. Carlos Canudas de Wit, INPG, France.
"Trends on mobile robot and vehicle control"
- Prof. G. Ron Chen, University of Houston, USA.
"Control and anti-control of chaos"
- Prof. Hassan K. Khalil, Michigan State University, USA.
"High-gain observers in nonlinear control"
- Prof. Miroslav Krstic, University of California at
San Diego, USA.
"Stochastic nonlinear disturbance attenuation"
- Prof. Claude H. Moog, University of Nantes, France.
"Output feedback control problems for nonlinear
- Prof. Romeo Ortega, LSS, France.
"A passivation approach to power systems
- Prof. Hebertt Sira-Ramirez, University of Los Andes,
"Sliding mode control and passivity: A projection
operators perspective"
- Prof. Stephen M. Rock, Stanford University, USA.
"Nonlinear issues in semi-autonomous, task-directed,
robotic control systems"
- Prof. Vadim Utkin, Ohio State University, USA.
The city of Ensenada is approximately 90 miles away from -
the city of San Diego (this is 1.5 to 2 hours driving) -
where the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control -
(CDC'97) will take place this year. Therefore, for any one
planning to attend the CDC'97, this is an excellent oppor-
tunity to also attend the workshop. There wil be no regis-
tration fee for the workshop.
More information about the workshop, workshop registra-
tion, lodging in Ensenada and transportation San Diego-
Ensenada-San Diego, can be found at the website address
http://www.cicese.mx/~jqalvar/jalvarez.html. An executable
file which generates a Word file with all the information
of the workshop can also be obtained via ftp using the
following commands:
ftp ftp.cicese.mx
Userid: anonymous
Password: (your email address)
ftp> cd /pub
ftp> get WkEnse97.exe
ftp> bye
Please be advised that the executable file "WkEnse97.exe"
is rather long (approximately 1 Mb).
Contributed by: L. Praly
Workshop on Control of Non Linear Systems
Paris, January 26-30, 1998
The Institut Henri Poincare in Paris organizes semesters or quarters on
dedicated themes of mathematics and theoretical physics. In 1998, from
january 5 to April 3, the theme is
Control theory and Applications
The workshop mentioned above is one of the events which will occur during this
period. Other workshops will take place as well as graduate and advanced
courses, seminars and mini-symposia. For more informations, please contact
The following topics are to be covered during the workshop:
+ Finite dimensional geometry and optimal control
+ Infinite dimensional geometry and absolute equivalence
+ Interconnected systems
+ Observers
+ Stabilization and energy
Among the invited speakers, we have already received the acceptance of
Aeyels Agrachev Fliess Gauthier
Isidori Jakubczyk Krstic Kupka
Laumond Marino Martin Ortega
Piccoli Pomet Respondek Rudolph
Sachkov Sarycev Sepulchre Stefani
Sussmann Van der Schaft Ydstie Zhitomirsky
The expected attendance is very wide from graduate students to senior
researchers and industrials. No charge will be required to attend the workshop
However to be fully informed about the program as well as about the other
events it is recommended to register by sending the following completed form.
Information about accommodation in Paris can be obtained from
Contributed by: Martine Gemme
1998 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in
May 27-29, 1998
Montreal, Canada
The 1998 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in
Aeronautics (HCI-Aero'98) will provide a forum for the best of current
research and industrial innovative applications. It will enable participants
to build a common frame of reference for exploring crucial issues induced by
human-computer interaction in design, evaluation, operations, maintenance,
management and training in aeronautics. The technical program will be
enhanced by social events and opportunities for extensive interaction with
colleagues from different countries and disciplines.
HCI-Aero'98 follows a series of conferences that were organized in Toulouse
(France) in 1986, 1988, 1990, 1993 and 1995. These conferences were called
Human-Machine Interaction and Artificial Intelligence in Aerospace
(HMI-AI-AS). They gathered many well recognized experts from academia and
industry in the fields of Human-Machine Interaction, Artificial Intelligence
and Aerospace. Over the years, Human-Computer Interaction has emerged as a
crucial and necessary field of investigation to analyze, design and evaluate
in aeronautics environments. Manufacturers have developed and integrated new
software agents in aircraft cockpits. New issues have also emerged, such as
how to certify, operate and learn the use of such artificial agents. This is
the reason why we have forged the name HCI-Aero for this conference.
HCI-Aero'98 will bring together researchers and practitioners with an
interest in methods, techniques, tools, and technology for constructing,
evaluating, maintaining and using modern aircraft cockpits.
You are invited to participate in this forum by proposing papers,
posters, videos or demonstrations that present:
Multidisciplinary investigations
Industrial experience
Challenging perspectives and solutions to current aviation problems
1. Design and Evaluation
This theme covers research efforts and experience in design and evaluation
of computer-based tools that support operations in aeronautics. The
following non-exhaustive list of topics will be considered:
User-centered design methods
Adaptive user interfaces
Input/Output devices
Information display (e.g. 3-D displays)
Situation awareness and sense-making
Multimedia user interface
Intelligent agents
Virtual environments
Usability engineering
Standards and Norms for cockpits
2. Corporate Memory
Task and tool understanding is a critical aspect of any organization. In
aeronautics, computers have emerged to contribute to a reorganization of
work. The following non-exhaustive list of topics will be considered:
Design rationale
Active documents
Intranets and CSCW
Experience feedback
Human expertise transfer
Incident and accident databases
Organizational and sociological issues
3. Operations and Maintenance
This theme emphasizes analyses and experimentations of crucial aspects of
new generation cockpits. The following non-exhaustive list of topics will be
Human workload
Crew communication, cooperation and coordination (Cockpit Resource
Reliability and human performance
Human errors
On-board electronic documentation
Data link
Pilot-controller communication
On-board maintenance preparation
4. Task Models and Training
The use of computer-based technology in the cockpit is closely related to
the way pilots are trained. New needs and requirements are emerging from
this evolution. The following non-exhaustive list of topics will be
Task modeling and simulation
Dynamic task allocation
Causal reasoning and mental models
Cognitive modeling (situated-distributed-shared cognition)
Computer-based training
Adaptive intelligent tutoring systems
Performance support systems
As the traditional HMI-AI-AS conferences, HCI-Aero'98 will offer:
Paper presentations that include keynote speeches, selected
articles, posters and videos.
Specialized workshops where participants will exchange ideas, form
consensus and elicit differences in approaches.
Panels of world-wide recognized experts of the field interacting
with the participants on current and innovative issues.
Products and prototypes demonstrations.
Each submission should have a cover page containing: title, authors' names,
postal and electronic addresses, keywords, abstract and the exact descriptor
of the theme and topic.
INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS (this information will be released later on)
Papers must be up to 6 pages long. Posters must be 2 pages long.
Please submit 4 copies of your submission in English to:
4 avenue Edouard Belin
31400 Toulouse
E-mail: helen.wilson@onecert.fr
Contributed by: Intelligent Tutoring System
ITS '98
Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Call For Papers/Panels/Exhibits/Workshop
Participants August 16-19, 1998
San Antonio, Texas at the Hyatt Regency on the Riverwalk
ITS '98 is sponsored by Brooks Air Force Base, Mei Technology,
St. Mary's University, Galaxy Scientific, Command Technologies,
and University of Texas at San Antonio. ITS '98 is supported by
The International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems in 1998
will focus on a broad spectrum of research concerned with how
artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies can be applied
to education and training. The conference will be concerned both with
the current state of the art as well as serving as a reference basis
for future research directions. ITS '98 will be supported by a strong
international program committee that will ensure full refereeing of all
submitted papers. There will be provocative papers and panels on
"hot topics" in the field, demonstrations and exhibits of prototypes,
research projects or products from universities and industries.
Topics of Interest:
- AI programming environments
- Architectures for ITS
- Assessment and Evaluation Techniques
- Cognitive task analysis
- Cognitive modeling
- Collaborative learning
- Design/interface issues
- Deploying ITS
- Discovery environments/microworlds
- Educational objects/agents
- Helping and advising system/agents
- Knowledge elicitation
- Knowledge structure and representation
- Negotiated tutoring
- Neural nets/models applied to ITS
- Pedagogical agents
- Real-world applications
- Situated learning
- Software tools for tutoring
- Student modeling
- Teaching and learning strategies
- Use of multimedia for ITS
- Virtual Reality in ITS
- Web-based ITS
Submission of Papers:
Papers should describe original and unpublished results of research
work. Authors are requested to submit electronically by email or five
hard copies (in English) of a double-spaced manuscript of up to 5000
words no later than JANUARY16, 1998 to the Program Chair: Henry Halff,
8930 Fourwinds Drive, Suite 450, San Antonio, TX, 78239; Tel:
210-655-8911; Email: henry@meitx.com. Submitted papers should include
a cover page with:
(a) the title of the paper and the author's name and
(b) snail-mail address, phone, and fax numbers;
(c) email address; and
(d) a 10-line abstract, and (e) a list of applicable topics from
above for your paper.
All papers received will be refereed by an international committee,
and each paper will be reviewed by at least three independent referees.
Electronic submissions must be received by midnight January 16
preferably in Postscript or Word formats. If you send your paper by
courier such as Federal Express please use the address above.
Papers will appear in a proceedings by a publisher such as Springer
Lectures Notes in Computer Science.
An award will be made to the best paper submitted to the conference.
Call for Panels:
Propositions for a panel (2 pages) can be sent to Pat Kyllonen at
kyllonen@alhrm.brooks.af.mil or at 7909 Lindbergh Dr., Brooks AFB, TX
78235-5352. by JANUARY 16. Panels will be approximately 1 1/2 hours
Include the topic of the panel, intended speakers, contact person and
panel description. The proposals will be reviewed by the panel
Call for Exhibits:
ITS '98 will offer the opportunity to present working prototypes and
fully developed systems. We invite people or organizations interested in
presenting their instructional software to submit a short (3-4 pages)
Send a description of the system to be exhibited which will be reviewed
by the exhibit committee to Kurt Rowley at rowleyk@cobra.brooks.af.mil
or HRCT, 7909 Lindbergh Dr., Brooks AFB, TX 78235 by JANUARY 16, 1998.
Call for Workshop Participants:
The following workshops will be held on August 16.
- Workshop 1 - Web-based ITS
Bev Woolf (Chair), University of Massachusetts, USA
- Workshop 2 - Pedagogical Agents
Claude Frasson (Chair), University of Montreal, Canada
Guy Gouarderes (Co-chair) Universite de Pau, France
- Workshop 3 - Efficient ITS Development
Allen Munro (Chair), University of Southern California, USA
- Workshop 4 - Embedding Cognitive Principles in ITS
Wes Regian (Chair), Armstrong Laboratory, USA
People interested in participating in these workshops are invited to
submit 3-5 page papers before March 31, 1998. Send papers or questions
to Cathy Connolly at cathy@texas.net or Galaxy Scientific, 7334
Suite 206, San Antonio, TX 78216.
Summary of Important Dates:
- Papers/Panels/Exhibits due: JANUARY 16, 1998
- Papers/Panels/Exhibits acceptance notice: MARCH 15, 1998
- Workshop papers due: MARCH 31, 1998
- Camera-ready papers/panels/exhibits: APRIL 15, 1998
For more information, please send email to:
vshute@colab.brooks.af.mil or carol@meitx.com.
Continue to look at the web page for updates at
Contributed by: Leon Tarasiejski
5th International Symposium on "Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics"
25-29 August 1998, Miedzyzdroje, Poland
Institute of Control Engineering, Technical University of Szczecin
Committee of Automation and Robotics
Committee of Metrology and Instrumentation
Commission of Cybernetics, Poznan Branch
Polish Academy of Sciences
State Committee for Scientific Research
The objective of the Symposium is to bring together scientists and engineers
to present and discuss recent developments in the area of mathematical
methods, modelling, simulation and identification in automation and
robotics. This Symposium is the fifth event in a series which started in
Control theory
- infinite dimensional, 2-D and nonlinear systems
- stabilization and optimization methods
- H-inf and robust control
Control engineering
- adaptive and predictive control
- neural networks and learning systems
- hybrid system control
- robot design, control and applications
- assembly and task planning
- intelligent sensors and actuators
Identification and measurements
- identification methods and algorithms
- measurement systems
- signal and image processing
Modelling and simulation
- mathematical modelling
- model representation and quality
- robot simulation
Integration in manufacturing
- computer aided control system design
- production scheduling, control and management
- discrete event system control
Industrial safety
- fault detection and diagnosis
- fault tolerant systems
- supervision and maintenance systems
Marine automation
- collision avoidance
- autopilots
- satellite navigation
The Symposium programme will include plenary-survey lectures delivered
by invited speakers, invited sessions and regular sessions.
The plenary lectures will be given by:
- F. M. Callier (Namur, Belgium)
- P. M. Frank (Duisburg, Germany)
- G. Hirzinger (Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany)
- I. Lasiecka (Charlottesville, USA)
- B. Siciliano (Naples, Italy)
It is planned that invited sessions related to the main symposium topics
will be held. Persons wishing to organize an invited session should submit
a proposal including the topic and a brief justification and description
of the scope of the session.
The Symposium will be held in Miedzyzdroje, a popular seaside resort
situated on the Wolin Island, easily accessible by air, rail, road and
ferry. The meeting will take place in a hotel complex located a few meters
from the Baltic beach and at walking distance from the Wolin National Park.
The hotel complex has conference facilities and can accommodate all
participants at reasonable prices. Accommodation will be provided in single
and double rooms, as well as in suites. Participants may also reserve
accommodation in the hotel after the Symposium.
A social programme for participants and accompanying persons is planned.
Further details will be announced in due course.
The official language of the Symposium is English.
Two copies of a draft paper should be submitted to the Symposium Secretariat
by the deadline shown. Submissions should be equivalent to maximum 6 pages:
single-spaced, two columns of A4 paper, with top margin equals 2.0 cm,
left, right and bottom margins equal to 2.5 cm, using Times New Roman 10 font.
The title page should include title, names and affiliations of authors.
Postal and e-mail addresses, fax and telephone numbers should be included.
Contributions will be judged for inclusion in the programme on the basis
of these draft papers.
The presented papers will be further screened for possible publication of
their expanded versions in the quarterlies "Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science" or "Metrology and Measuring Systems".
All papers chosen for presentation will appear in the Preprints which will be
distributed to the participants at the beginning of the Symposium and also
offered for sale.
A CD-ROM copy of the Symposium proceedings is also planned. Detailed
instructions on preparation of camera-ready manuscripts and on format
of electronic copies will be sent to authors whose papers are accepted
for publication.
All correspondence should be sent to:
MMAR'98 Symposium Secretariat
Institute of Control Engineering
Technical University of Szczecin
ul. Sikorskiego 37
70-313 Szczecin
Phone: (+48 91) 494737, 494704
Fax: (+48 91) 340932
E-mail: mmar@we.tuniv.szczecin.pl, mmar@amber.tuniv.szczecin.pl
Updated information about MMAR'98 may be found on the Internet:
31 January 1998 - Submission of draft papers and proposals for invited session
31 March 1998 - Notification of acceptance of contributed papers
15 May 1998 - Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
30 June 1998 - Distribution of the final programme
25-29 August 1998 - Symposium
The registration fee of the Symposium covering the costs of Symposium
Proceedings, reception and access to social events is expected not to
exceed 180 ECU (approx. 210 USD).
* *
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