E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 105, 1 May, 1997

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 105,  May 1, 1997

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Call for Nominations for DiPrima and Polya Prize

4.      Positions
        4.1  Faculty position in guidance, navigation and control, Stanford
        4.2  Postdoc research associateships at NASA Dryden Flight Research
        4.3  Visiting & postdoc fellowship positions Univ. of Miss. at Kansas
        4.4  Three Ph.D. positions Univ. of Newcastle, U.K.
        4.5  Research studentships Univ. of Leicester, U.K.
        4.6  Postdoctoral position at the Univ. of Leeds, U.K.

5.      Books
        5.1  `The Control Handbook', Edt: W.S. Levine
        5.2  `Automated Highway Systems', Edt: P. Ioannou
        5.3  `A Polynomial Approach to Linear Algebra', P. Fuhrmann
        5.4  `Computational Inteligence for Optimization', N. Ansari and E. Hou

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC IJC, 67:1
        6.2  TOC Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 10:2
        6.3  TOC Automatica, 33:5
        6.4  TOC Dynamics and Control, 7:3
        6.5  TOC Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 8:3
        6.6  TOC Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 3:2
        6.7  TOC CWI Quarterly, special issue Control and Systems Theory, 9:3
        6.8  TOC J. of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 16:1
        6.9  TOC SIAM J. on Optimization, 7:2
        6.10 TOC Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 16:3

7.      Conferences
        7.1  Neurocomputing at the Munich Stochastic Days 1998
        7.2  CFP 1998 IEEE Conference on Control Applications
        7.3  CFP Intl Conf. on Fuzzy logic and Applications, Zichron-Ya'akov
        7.4  CFP 35th Allerton Conf. on Communicaiton, Control and Comp.
        7.5  CFP Workshop Operatos, Systems and Linear Algebra, Kaiserslautern
        7.6  CFP workshop on Modelling and Control of Mech. Systems, London
        7.7  ACC Tutorial Workshop Nonlinear Control
        7.8  CFP 3rd Intl. Conference ADPM'98 on Hybrid Systems, Reims
        7.9  CFP Invited sessions for ISIAC'98

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 105 !!!

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Andrew Paice

As of April 1st my new address is:

 ABB Corporate Research C1
 CH-5404 Baden-Daettwil

Email: Andrew.Paice@chcrc.abb.ch
Tel : +49 56 486 8177
Fax : +49 56 486 7365

Contributed by Lubomir Baramov

                ADDRESS CHANGE

My new address is:

Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics
The University of Tokyo
7-3-1 Hongo
Tokyo 113

Tel: +81-3-3812-2111 ext. 6893
Fax: +81-3-5802-2973
e-mail baramov@crux.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                               CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                            THE RICHARD C. DiPRIMA PRIZE

     The DiPrima Prize

     SIAM will present the award at the 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting in
     Toronto, Canada, July 13-17.  The award honors the memory of
     Richard C. DiPrima, long-time Chair of the Department of
     Mathematical Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and
     past-president and energetic supporter of SIAM.  The award
     will be based on an outstanding doctoral dissertation in
     applied mathematics.


     The award, based on Ph.D. research in applied mathematics (defined
     as those topics covered in SIAM journals or series) is made to a
     young scientist.  The Ph.D. thesis and all other Ph.D. requirements
     should have been completed in the time period from July 1, 1995 to
     June 30, 1997.  The Ph.D. degree must be awarded by December 31,

     Description of the Award

     The award will consist of a certificate and a cash prize of $1,000.
     The SIAM president will notify the recipient of the award in
     advance of the award date and invite the recipient to attend the
     annual meeting to receive the award.


     Nominations, along with a copy of the dissertation (in English),
     should be sent by November 30, 1997 to:

                        Professor Gilbert Strang
                        Chair, DiPrima Prize Selection Committee
                        c/o Allison Bogardo
                        3600 University City Science Center
                        Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                        Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                        Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                        E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

     Members of the selection committee are Philip Holmes (Princeton
     University), Gilbert Strang (MIT), and Shmuel Winograd (IBM
     Research Center).

                           CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
                            GEORGE POLYA PRIZE

     The Polya Prize

     SIAM will present the award at the 1998 SIAM Annual Meeting in
     Toronto, Canada, July 13-17.  The award honors the memory of George
     Polya and will be given for a notable contribution in one of the
     following areas: approximation theory, complex analysis, number
     theory, orthogonal polynomials, probability theory, or mathematical
     discovery and learning.


     There are no restrictions except that the prize is broadly intended
     to recognize specific work.

     Description of Award

     The award will consist of an engraved medal and a $20,000 cash


     A letter of nomination, including a description of achievement(s),
     should be sent by October 1, 1997, to:

                Professor Harry Kesten
                Chair, Polya Prize Selection Committee
                c/o Allison Bogardo
                3600 University City Science Center
                Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688
                Telephone: (215) 382-9800
                Fax:       (215) 386-7999
                E-mail:    bogardo@siam.org

     Other members of the selection committee are Lennart Carleson
     (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), Barry Mazur (Harvard
     University), Paul Nevai (The Ohio State University), and Andrew Yao
     (Princeton University).

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Jonathan How



outstanding new faculty member committed to teaching and research with
interests in control and navigation.  Candidates at both junior (untenured)
and senior (tenured) faculty levels are invited to apply.  The successful
candidate should have a history of innovation, with publications that
corroborate achievement, in some aspect of control or navigation
technologies, such as sensing, robotics, aircraft landing systems, air
traffic control, or land vehicle navigation, and should have a PhD in AA,
ME, or EE. The candidate should also be able to teach courses in one or more
of the fields of control systems, dynamics, space mechanics, or signal
analysis.  Stanford is an affirmative action employer and welcomes
applications from women and minority candidates.

Applicants should send their resumes by August 31, 1997 to:

        Prof. J. David Powell,
        Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
        250 Durand Building, MC 4035
        Stanford University
        Stanford, CA  94305
        email: powell@sun-valley.stanford.edu

Contributed by: Marty Brenner   

NASA/RRA/NRC Research Award for 1997 at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
NASA Resident Research Associateship administered by the
National Research Council (NRC)
Postdoctoral and Senior Research Awards for 1997
Opportunity for Research at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
Proposed Research Title:
Robust Nonlinear Stability Estimation of Aeroelastic Systems
from Flight Data Measurements

Aeroelastic testing is often extensive and time consuming for careful and
safe envelope expansion. Aeroelastic models are subject to errors resulting
from simplifications in structural and aerodynamic modeling. The following
aspects contribute to complicated uncertainty descriptions in an aeroelastic
model: (1) assumptions of linearity and reduced modal complexity in the
structural dynamics, (2) aerodynamic simplifications in different flight
regimes to reduce computational complexity, and (3) unmodeled interactions
between structure and aerodynamics.  Robust estimation from in-flight
measurements must account for structured uncertainty, including nonlinear
phenomena, to distinguish linear from nonlinear dynamics for uncertain model
definition.  The ability to identify and generate models describing
nonlinear phenomena such as buzz and limit cycle oscillations is extremely
important to Dryden and the flight test community for stabilty
estimation. Nonlinear phenomena cannot be effectively suppressed without
accurate dynamic models generated by such methods.

Confidence bounds are desired in the identification scheme to guarantee
system stability within a flight regime. Unknown system parameters
identified from these data should be consistent with the uncertainty and
disturbance models for an explicit measure of stability at any flight

Application of time-frequency-scale methods is an attractive approach to
this research. Wavelets provide systematic tools for signal processing of
nonlinear and time-varying systems. Wavelet research could concentrate on
applying algorithms to generate time-frequency-scale representations that
adapt to the true nature of the signal and clearly identify nonlinear and
time-varying aspects of the system dynamics.

Research is under way to investigate methods of aeroelastic modeling with
uncertainty descriptions consistent with the data. Dryden is studying linear
and nonlinear identification algorithms and methodologies for in-flight
aeroelastic robust stability determination. Use of advanced data processing
procedures, such as wavelet decompositions and other multiresolution
methods, are being encouraged for more informative data
acquisition. Intelligent data processing and analysis routines are required
to accomplish the goal of accurate stability determination during flight
testing.  This integrated research effort requires innovative data
processing, modeling, identification, and robust system theory applications.

Advisor:                Marty Brenner
                        NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
                        MS 4840D / RS
                        Edwards, California 93523-0273

                        Phone: 805-258-3793
                        Fax: 805-258-2586
                        email: gonzo@xrd.dfrc.nasa.gov
Postdoctoral Research Associateships are awarded to persons who have held the
doctorate less than five years and are made initially for one year. Extensions
to two years are common.

Senior Research Associateships are awarded only to applicants who have held
the doctorate five years or more and demonstrate research experience that
has resulted in significant contributions and recognition as established
investigators. They are usually for one year, but awards for periods of
three months or longer may be considered.

A Research Associate is a guest investigator who conducts his research
full-time and on-site.

This opportunity for research IS ONLY OPEN TO US CITIZENS.
Detailed information on procedures and all necessary application materials and
supporting documents are available on request from:

                Associateship Programs          E-mail: rap@nas.edu
                TJ 2114                         WWW: http://www.nas.edu/rap
                National Research Council       Gopher: nas.edu/rap
                2101 Constitution Avenue NW
                Washington, D.C. 20418

Application deadlines:          Postmark        Received

February Review deadline -      Jan 15          Jan 25
June Review deadline -          Apr 15          Apr 25
October Review deadline -       Aug 15          Aug 25

Supporting documents must be received approximately one month later than
Received date.

Contributed by: Khosrow Sohraby 


Computer Science Telecommunications at the University of Missouri-Kansas
City invites applications for number of visiting scholars and postdoctoral
fellowship positions. We are looking for excellent candidates in the
following areas:

-Design and Analysis of High-Speed Computer and Communications Networks
-Wireless Networks (all layers)
-Parallel, Distributed and Large-Scale Computations
-Numerical Analysis (especially as applied to probability and stochastic

The successful candidate should have a Ph.D in EE, CS or Applied Mathematics.
The expected starting date will be as early as Sept. 1997 or later.  The
salary will be commensurate with qualification.  For more information, please

Prof. Khosrow Sohraby
Computer Science Telecommunications
University of Missouri-Kansas City
5100 Rockhill Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64110

Tel: 816-235-2361
FAX: 816-235-5159
E-Mail: sohraby@cstp.umkc.edu

Contributed by: Dr. Jie Zhang (jie.zhang@newcastle.ac.uk)

                Three PhD Research Studentships




PhD Research Studentships in Non-linear Optimal Control, Non-linear Model
Based Control and Multivariate Statistical Process Control

Applications are invited for 3 PhD studentships funded by the EPSRC, the
BBSRC and EU ESPRIT projects.  The research will be carried out within the
Centre for Process Analysis, Chemometrics and Control. The Centre comprises
3 academic staff, 6 Post Doctoral Researchers and 11 PhD students.  It has
its own research accommodation with a dedicated NT workstation network.

All the studentships are linked with industrial companies where the students
will gain valuable practical experience as well as seeing their research
ideas tested and validated on manufacturing plants.

Applicants should have, or expect to be awarded, at least an upper second
class honours degree in Engineering, Physics or Mathematics and Statistics.

Applications with a c.v. should be sent to Professor Julian Morris, Centre
for Process Analysis, Chemometrics and Control, University of Newcastle,
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, U.K.; Tel:  +44 191 222 7342;
Fax:  +44 191 222 5292; email:  julian.morris@newcastle.ac.uk
or jie.zhang@newcastle.ac.uk

Contributed by: D W Gu (dwg@sun.engg.le.ac.uk)

                     RESEARCH STUDENTSHIPS

                 Control Systems Research Group
                    Department of Engineering
                     University of Leicester

The Group has six studentships available (three University, one EPSRC
and two EPSRC/Industry) to support postgraduate research projects.

One of the University studentships is in the specific area of sliding
mode control using output feedback. The two EPSRC/Industry studentships
are linked to a major collaborative project between the Control Systems
Research Group, our Bioengineering Transducers & Signal Processing
Research Group and Perkins Technology. The project is entitled "Diag-
nostics and Control in Diesel Powered Systems".

The other studentships are available in the areas of robust control,
nonlinear control, gain scheduling control, numerical optimization and
reliable implementation strategies. The specific context of these
projects is open to negotiation between prospective supervisors and
interested candidates. Other areas of interest and project proposals
would be considered.

The University Studentships are for UK and EC nationals and provide
a maintenance grant of 8000 sterling pounds (in addition to fees)
for which they may be asked to assist with a limited amount of teaching
and demonstrating work.

Further details and application forms are available from:

   Mrs Lesley Dexter, Postgraduate Secretary
   Department of Engineering, University of Leicester
   University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH,  UK

   Tel: 0116 252 2547  or +44 116 252 2547
   Fax: 0116 252 2619  or +44 116 252 2619
   Email: engineering@le.ac.uk
   Internet:  http://www.engg.le.ac.uk/

Contributed by Jonathan Partington 


A vacancy has arisen for a 3-year postdoctoral research assistant
at the University of Leeds, Department of Pure Mathematics, to work
with Dr J.R. Partington on an EPSRC-funded project entitled
"Applications of operator theory to the modelling of linear systems".
A starting date around October 1st 1997 is intended.

Enquiries are welcome from people with experience in the areas of
Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, Hardy Spaces or Harmonic
Analysis. They should be directed to Dr Partington at
J.R.Partington@leeds.ac.uk, from whom further information is
available. The closing date for applications is May 16th 1997.

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Nora Konopka  

                 The Control Handbook,
               William S. Levine, Editor,

Published February, 1996 by CRC Press, 1548 pages.

Advisory Board: Karl J. Astrom, Michael Athans, John Baillieul, Robert
R. Bitmead, Petar Kokotovic, Michael J. Piovoso, Wilson J. Rugh

Edited Preface: The purpose of "The Control Handbook" is to put the
tools of control theory and practice into the hands of the
reader. This means that the tools are not just described.  Their use
is explained and illustrated.  References are given to more detailed
and specialized works on each of the tools.

     The book is organized in three major sections, Fundamentals,
Advanced Methods, and Applications.  The Fundamentals are the basics
of control engineering.  This section includes major subsections on
digital control and modeling of dynamical systems.  There are also
chapters on specification of control systems, techniques for dealing
with the most common and important control system nonlinearities, and
digital implementation of control systems.

     The section on Advanced Methods deals with more difficult and
more specialized control problems. This section contains
subsections devoted to the analysis and design of multiple-input
multiple-output systems, adaptive control, nonlinear control,
stochastic control, and the control of distributed parameter systems.

     The Applications section is included for several reasons. First,
these chapters illustrate the diversity of control systems.  Second,
they provide examples of how the theory can be applied to specific
practical problems.  Third, they contain important information about
aspects of control that are not fully captured by the theory, such as
techniques for protecting against controller failure and the role of
cost and complexity in specifying controller designs.

     "The Control Handbook" is designed to be used as a traditional
handbook.  That is, if you have a question about some topic in control
you should be able to find an article dealing with that topic in the
book.  It can also be used in several other ways.  It is a picture of
the present state-of-the-art.  Browsing through it is a way to
discover a great deal about control.  Reading it carefully is a way to
learn the subject of control.

Contributed by: Petros Ioannou 

                        NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT

                        AUTOMATED HIGHWAY SYSTEMS

Editor: Professor Petros Ioannou (Director of the Center for Advanced
        Transportation Technologies, University of Southern California)

Publisher: Plenum Press, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013
Publication Date: January, 1997
ISBN 0-306-45469-6

Ch.1 Introduction
Ch.2 Reasons for Operating AHS Vehicles in Platoons
Ch.3 Integration of Automated Highway Systems into Existing California
Ch.4 System Configurations:Evolutionary Deployment Considerations
Ch.5 Step by Step to an Automated Highway System-And Beyond
Ch.6 The Evolution of AHS and Current Vehicle Trends in Light of Aerospace
                Systems Evolution
Ch.7 Evolution to an Automated Highway System
Ch.8 Spacing and Capacity Evaluations for Different AHS Concepts
Ch.9 Communications Technologies for AHS
Ch.10 Control and Sensor Requirements and Issues in AHS
Ch.11 Commercial Trucks and Buses in Automated Highway Systems
Ch.12 Aerodynamic Benefits from Close-Following
Ch.13 The effects of AHS on Environment
Ch.14 Regional Mobility Impacts Assessment of Highway Automation
Ch.15 Institutional and Societal Issues Associated with Automated
                Highway Systems:An Environmental Perpspective
Ch.16 Automated Highway System Deployment: A Preliminary Assessment of
Ch.17 Societal and Institutional Aspects of AHS Deployment

R. Bishop (FHWA,U.S.Dep. of Transportation)
P. Ioannou (CATT, Univ. of So. California)
S. Shladover (PATH)
M. Miller (PATH)
Y. Yim, P.Hellman, M. Sharafsaleh (PATH)
R. Hall (Univ. of So. Cal.)
J. Ward ( Ward Assoc.)
D. Blancett, G. Davis, S. Payne, C. Taylor (Northrop Grunmman Corp.)
A. Kanaris, F.S. Ho ( Univ. of So. Cal.)
A. Polydoros, P. Panayiotou ( Univ. of So. Cal.)
I. Kanellakopoulos ( Univ. of Cal. in Los Angeles)
M. Tomizuka (Univ. of Cal. at Berkeley)
F. Browand, M. Zabat, P. Tokumaru (Univ. of So. Cal.)
M. Barth ( Univ. of Cal. at Riverside)
J. Tsao, A. Bresnock, E. Lechner (PATH)
W. Stevens (MITRE Corp.)


Tel. : 1-800-221-9369

Contributed by: Paul A. Fuhrmann (paf@ivory.bgu.ac.il)

                      NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT:

TITLE:          A Polynomial Approach to Linear Algebra

AUTHOR:                Paul A. Fuhrmann
              Ben Gurion University of the Negev
                      Beer Sheva, Israel

ISBN:                      0-387-94643-8

PUBLISHER:                 Springer Verlag
(in the Universitext Series)

To order directly from publisher:
In Europe:
Postfach 31 13 40
D-10643 Berlin, Germany
Fax:    0049 30 8207 301
Phone:  0049 30 8207 373
e-mail: orders@springer.de

Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.
Mathematics Promotion
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010, USA

The preface and table of contents can be viewed in my home page:
(Incidentally, one can find there about 20 of my papers in dvi
format, as well as a collection of photos of some of my colleagues).

of the most innovative books on this topic that came out.
It reverses the current trend of limiting the scope of the material
presented to students and fossilizing its presentation. It is
different in its philosophy from  existing texts in two main points.

The text is functional oriented, that is it uses polynomials and
rational unctions extensively. It uses the shift operator as a central
object, and in doing so it makes linear algebra a perfect
introduction to other areas of mathematics, functional analysis and
operator theory in particular. The technique developed by the author
in numeruous papers, namely that of polynomial and rational models,
is presented here in its scalar version. The power of the technique
becomes apparent in the study of the Frobenius and Jordan canonical
forms, in the analysis of interpolation, circulant matrices etc.
Basically, as has been the case since the pioneering work of Rota,
Debranges, Livsic, Sz.-Nagy and Foias, this method changes the
emphasis from the arithmetic properties to the geometric ones. It
replaces the study of a standard space and many operators to the
study of a single operator in many spaces. This new perspective
brought about a flowering of the theory of non-selfadjoint operators
and with it all of its areas of application, scattering theory,
time series analysis and filtering, algebraic system theory to name
a few. Recently, these ideas have begun to infiltrate differential
and algebraic geometry.
The author feels, after thirty years of work in the area of system
theory, that there is no clear boundary line between core linear
algebra and algebraic system theory. Developments of both topics
got to the same point where it is impossible to teach calculus
without recourse to at least the kinematics of physical objects.
In the same way, it will be impossible to teach linear algebra
without introducing the extremely suggestive notions of controllability,
observability and realization theory. This is because, in the modern
technological world, it is our duty as teachers to give students a
conceptual framework of modelling processes. In this book this is
done on a limited scale, that is single input/single output,
time-invariant, finite dimensional systems.
On this level of sophistication we cannot hope for more.
However, this provides an ideal platform from which one can go on
in a variety of directions.
Beyond the basic material taught in most linear algebra courses, the
choice was made with system theory in mind. Quadratic forms are
studied from the same perspective, with emphasis on the important
examples of Bezout and Hankel forms. These topics, as well as that
of Toeplitz forms, whose basic theory is covered by a series of exercises,
are of central imortance in applies areas as signal processing,
numerical linear algebra, stochastics and control. Stability theory
and system theory, including realization theory and feedback, are
treated as an integral part of linear algebra. The book concludes
with a chapter on Hankel norm approximation for the case of scalar
rational functions. The treatment is purely algebraic and it allows
students access to ideas and results on the frontiers of current

Of course, the full content is more than what a single, one year,
course in linear algebra can cover. One can choose some topics from
the later part of the book. Alternatively, one can select topics for
second, specialized courses in algebra that are not usually covered.
But it is my belief, that if more students have a book of this type
in their hands, we will hear less the question: "What is linear algebra
good for".

Contributed by: Nirwan Ansari <

New book on computational intelligence and optimization:


by Nirwan Ansari and Edwin Hou
New Jersey Institute of Technology

240 pages, Hardcover, ISBN 0-7923-9838-6, $110
published by Kluwer Academic Publishers 1997


The field of optimization is interdisciplinary in nature, and has been
making a significant impact on many disciplines.  As a result, it is an
indispensable tool for many practitioners in various fields.  Conventional
optimization techniques have been well established and widely published in
many excellent textbooks.  However, there are new techniques, such as neural
networks, simulated annealing, stochastic machines, mean field theory, and
genetic algorithms, which have been proven to be effective in solving global
optimization problems.

Computational Intelligence for Optimization is intended to provide a
technical description on the state-of-the-art development in advanced
optimization techniques, specifically heuristic search, neural networks,
simulated annealing, stochastic machines, mean field theory, and genetic
algorithms, with emphasis on mathematical theory, implementation, and
practical applications.  Most of the theory and their applications are
widely scattered in journals, technical reports, and conference proceedings
of various fields, making it difficult for people new in the field to learn
the subject.  We hope this book will bring together a comprehensive
treatment of these techniques, thus filling an existing gap in the
scientific literature.

Computational Intelligence for Optimization is suitable for a first-year
graduate course in electrical and computer engineering, computer science,
and operational research programs.  It may also be used as a reference for
practicing engineers, scientists, operational researchers, and other

1   Introduction
2   Heuristic Search Methods
3   Hopfural Networks
4   Simulated Annealing and Stochastic Machines
5   Mean Field Annealing
6   Genetic Algorithms
7   The Traveling Salesman Problem
8   Telecommunications
9   Point Pattern Matching
10  Multiprocessor Scheduling
11  Job Shop Scheduling

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service


International Journal of Control
Volume:- 67  Issue:- 1

Publication Date (Expected):  1st May 1997


Title: On stochastic modification for global optimization problems: an efficint
implementation for the control of the vulcanization process
Authors:  L. Autrique, J. E. Souza de Cursi.
Pages 1-21.

Title: Design of stable systems with uncertainties and constrained performance
Authors:  J. Liu.
Pages 23-32.

Title: Computation of the maximal robust H2 performance radius for uncertain
discrete time systems with nonlinear parametric uncertainties
Authors:  J. Stoustrup, Ke-You Zhao.
Pages 33-43.

Title: Stabilizing controllers for interconnected systems
Authors:  A.N. Gndes.
Pages 45-68.

Title: Periodic Lyapunov equations: some applications and new algorithms
Authors:  Andras Varga.
Pages 69-87.

Title: Dynamic output feedback compensation for linear systems with independent
amplitude and rate saturations
Authors:  Dennis.S Bernstein, Feng Tyan.
Pages 89-116.

Title: Exact-Output tracking theory for systems with parameter jumps
Authors:  Santosh Devasia, B. Paden, Carlo Rossi.
Pages 117-131.

Contributed by: Clarence W. de Silva 

              Journal Contents

Journal        : Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Volume Number  : 10
Issue Number   : 2
Year           : 1997
Anticipated Publication Date: 22-APR-97

pp. 117-127
Multi-model-based operation support system

pp. 129-137
EADOCS: conceptual design in three phases---an application to fibre
reinforced composite panels

pp. 139-155
Artificial-neural-network-based fast valving control in a
power-generation system

pp. 157-170
Two-step approach in the training of regulated activation weight
neural networks (RAWN)

pp. 171-177
Predicting the internal bond strength of particleboard, utilizing a
radial basis function neural network

pp. 179-188
Collision-free motion planning for redundant robots using
neural-network processing

pp. 189-204
A database approach to hierarchical image storage and recognition

pp. 205-211
Evaluation of the number of consistent multiattribute classification

pp. 213-224
Using curvature features in a multiclassifier OCR system

pp. 225-230
Some communication problems of KB-controlled manufacturing systems


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Copyright Elsevier Science Ltd, 1997

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                              Table of contents
May, 1997                                                Issue  33:5


Regular Papers

J. H. Lee, Zhenghong Yu         Worst-case formulations of model predictive
                                control for systems with bounded parameters

Tong Zhou                       Unfalsified plant model parametrization from
                                closed loop emperiment data

V. Krishnamurthy, R. J.         Filters for estimating Markov modulated
Elliott                         poisson processes and image-based tracking

K. OEzcaldiran, V. Eldem         A complete classification of minimal
                                realizations of nonsingular and strictly
                                proper transfers under similarity
G. de Nicolao, G. Sparacino,    Nonparametric input estimation in
 C. Cobelli                     physiological systems: Problems, methods, case

A. Hansson, P. Hagander         Existence of minimum upcrossing controllers

M. Basseville                   Information criteria for residual generation
                                and fault detection and isolation

Brief Papers

F. Allgoewer, J. Ashman, A.      High-gain adaptive lambda-tracking for
Ilchmann                        nonlinear systems

P. Sadegh                       Constrained optimization via stochastic
                                approximation with a simultaneous perturbation
                                 gradient approximation

B. Yao, M. Tomizuka             Adaptive robust control of SISO nonlinear
                                systems in a semi-strict feedback form

E. Gazi, W. D. Seider, L. H.    A non-parametric Monte-Carlo technique for
 Ungar                          controller verification

R. K. Mutha, W. R. Cluett,      Nonlinear model-based predictive control of
A. Penlidis                     control nonafine systems

M.S. Park, Y. Chait, M.         Inversion-free design algorithms for
Steinbuch                       multivariable quantitative feedback theory: An
                                 application to robust control of a CD-rom

B-C. Cheng, A. D. Stoyenko,     LSTF: A new scheduling policy for complex
T. J. Marlowe, S. Baruah        real-time tasks in multiple processor systems

M. L. Corradini, G. Orlando     A VSC algorithm based on generalized
                                predictive control

I.D. Landau, A. Karimi          An output error recursive algorithm for
                                unbiased identification in closed loop

L. Wang, W. R. Cluett           Frequency sampling filters: An improved model
                                structure for step response identification

C-P. Chao, P. M. FitzSimmons    Stabilization of a large class of nonlinear
                                systems using conic sector bounds

D. Vafiadis, N. Karcanias       Canonical forms for descriptor systems under
                                restricted system equivalence

P. S. V. Nataraj, P. Date,      Robust feedback synthesis for nonlinear
A. Umrani                       integro-differential equation models using
                                generalized describing functions

Lihua Xie, Yeng Chai Soh        Robust control of linear systems with
                                generalized positive real uncertainty

Y. Zhang, C-B. Feng             Unbiased parameter estimation of linear
                                systems with colored noises

V. Kucera, J. C. Martinez       Partial model matching: Parametrization of
Garcia, M. Malabre              solutions

R. Sepulchre, M. Jankovic,      Integrator forwarding: A new recursive
P. V. Kokotovic                 nonlinear robust design

T. Soederstroem, P. Stoica        Common factor detection and estimation

Technical Communiques

R. Pintelon, J. Schoukens       Identification of continuous-time systems
                                using arbitrary signals

W. M. Haddad, V-S.              Structured matrix norms for real and complex
Chellaboina                     block-structured uncertainty

C. Y. Chan                      Discrete adaptive sliding mode tracking

Book Reviews

W. K. Ho, J. R. Zhou            B. C. Kuo: Automatic control systems

R. F. Curtain                   P. Dorato, C. Abdallah, V. Cerone:
                                Linear-quadratic control: An introduction

Software reviews

W. Schaufelberger               The student edition of MATLAB

Contributed by:  Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

Dynamics and Control
Contents, Volume 7, Issue 3, July, 1997

Universal Adaptive Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems; Achim

Global Asymptotic Stabilization of a Spinning Top with
Torque Actuators Using Stereographic Projection; C.J. Wan,
P. Tsiotras, V.T. Coppola, and D.S. Bernstein

A Stabilizing Control for a Class of Uncertain Linear Delay
Systems with Limited Measurable State Values; Takashi

Destabilization Via Active Stiffness; M. Corless and G.

On a Modification of the PID Controller; A.M. Formal'sky

Computational Suboptimal Filter for a Class of
Wiener-Poisson Driven Stochastic Processes; Raghib Abu-Saris
and Floyd B. Hanson

A Powerful Numerical Technique Solving Zakai Equation for
Nonlinear Filtering; N.U. Ahmed and S.M. Radaideh

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our Web site
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
Contents, Volume 8, Issue 3, July 1997

Editorial; N.K. Bose

Adaptive Morphological Representation of Signals: Polynomial
and Wavelet Methods; Hyungtai Cha and Luis F. Chaparro

Design of the Multidimensional Separable-Denominator Digital
Filters in the Spatial Domain; Takao Hinamoto, Akimitsu Doi
and Ken-Ichi Harada

A New Bit Rate Control of MPEG with Predictive and Adaptive
Perceptual Quantization; Yig-Shyang Lin, Tsann-Shyong Lui
and Long-Win Chang

On the Positive Definite Solutions to the 2-D
Continuous-time Lyapunov Equation; Chengshan Xaio, P.
Agathoklis and David J. Hill


Fast Implementation of 3-D Digital Filters Via Systolic
Array Processors; B.G. Mertzios and A.N. Venetsanopoulos

Contributing Authors

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our Web site
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by:  Yuri L. Sachkov (sachkov@sys.botik.ru)

                      Vol. 3, No. 2, April 1997


Explicit Solution of Some First Order PDE's
E.N. Baron, R. Jensen, W. Liu                                   149

The Generic Local Structure of Time-Optimal Synthesis with
a Target of Codimension One in Dimension Greater than Two
G. Launay,  M. Pelletier                                        165

Homogeneous Tangent Vectors and High-Order Necessary
Conditions for Optimal Controls
F. Ancona                                                       205

Nonabelian Statistics for Calogero - Sutherland Systems of
V. Golubeva, V. Leksin                                          241

On Mappings of Bounded Variation
V.V. Chistiyakov                                                261

Contributed by: Jan H. van Schuppen (schuppen@cwi.nl)

CWI Quarterly, Volume 9 (1996), Number 3 (September)
Special Issue on Control and System Theory

Table of contents

Introduction to the special issue on control and system theory
J.H. van Schuppen

Time series econometrics
M. Deistler

Probability in the real world as a system attribute
R.E. Kalman

Geometric methods in stochastic realization and system identification
G. Picci

On information structures and nonsequential stochastic control
D. Teneketzis

A retrospective view on sampled-data control systems
Y. Yamamoto

A copy of the papers may be seen on the WWW at the URL:
Then proceed to the Table of Contents of number 9.3.
A separate WWW page is available for every section of each paper.
This may change in the near future.

The PostScript files of the papers are available by anonymous ftp
at the address        ftp.cwi.nl
and at the directory  pub/CWIQuarterly/1996/9.3
Upon getting the paper apply the command `gunzip' to the file
with filename.ps.gz after which one obtains a PostScript file.

Printed copy
For a printed copy of the journal contact
Ms. S. Panka-Van der Wolf (Email simone@cwi.nl)

An error has been made with the paper by D. Teneketzis as printed
in the special issue. The corrected version of the paper is
available on the WWW, by ftp, and this version will also be printed
in a future number of the journal.

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
Contents, Volume 16, Issue 1, May 1997


Guest Editors' Introduction; Keshab K. Parhi, Takao
Nishitani and Hironori Yamauchi

A Low-Power Encoder for Pyramid Vector Quantization of Subband
Coefficients; Won Namgoong and Teresa H. Meng

A Single-Chip MPEG/Audio Decoder LSI Based on a Compact
Decoding Algorithm; Masahiro Iwadare, Hideto Takano,
Yoshitaka Shibuya, Hideki Sakamoto, Takeshi Kuwajima, Osamu
Kitabatake and Nauko Kobayashi

An Algorithm Adapted Autonomous Controlling Concept for a
Parallel Single-Chip Digital Signal Processor; Johannes
Kneip, Mladen Berekovic, Jens Peter Wittenburg, Willm
Hinrichs and Peter Pirsch

Architectural Synthesis of Digital Signal Processing
Algorithms Using "IRIS"; D.W. Trainor, R.F. Woods and J.V.

A Generalized Technique for Register Counting and its
Application to Cost-Optimal DSP Architecture Synthesis;
Kuzuhito Ito and Kshab K. Parhi

Compiled Simulation of Programmable DSP Architectures; Vojin
Zivojnovic, Steven Tjiang and Heinrich Meyr

Efficient Implementation Methodology of Fast FIR Filtering
Algorithms on DSP; Anissa Zergainoh, Pierre Duhamel and Jean
Pierre Vidal

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our Web site
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by:  wunderlich@siam.org

SIAM Journal on Optimization
Volume 7, Number 2, MAY 1997
From: eletter 
Reply-To: esend@win.tue.nl

On the Self-Concordance of the Universal Barrier Function
Osman Guler

A Quadratically Convergent Infeasible-Interior-Point Algorithm for LCP with
Polynomial Complexity
Rongqin Sheng and Florian A. Potra

A Large-Step Infeasible-Interior-Point Method for the P_*-Matrix LCP
Florian A. Potra and Rongqin Sheng

Efficiency of the Analytic Center Cutting Plane Method for Convex
Krzysztof C. Kiwiel

Penalty/Barrier Multiplier Methods for Convex Programming Problems
Aharon Ben-Tal and Michael Zibulevsky

Practical Aspects of the Moreau-Yosida Regularization: Theoretical
Claude Lemarechal and Claudia Sagastizabal

An Infeasible Path-Following Method for Monotone Complementarity Problems
Paul Tseng

Smooth Approximations to Nonlinear Complementarity Problems
Bintong Chen and Patrick T. Harker

Convergence Rates in Forward-Backward Splitting
George H-G. Chen and R. T. Rockafellar

Convergence of Newton's Method for Singular Smooth and Nonsmooth Equations
Using Adaptive Outer Inverses
Xiaojun Chen, Zuhair Nashed, and Liqun Qi

Newton and Quasi-Newton Methods for a Class of Nonsmooth Equations and
Related Problems
Defeng Sun and Jiye Han

Exact Penalization and Necessary Optimality Conditions for Generalized
Bilevel Programming Problems
J. J. Ye, D. L. Zhu, and Q. J. Zhu

On Uniqueness of Lagrange Multipliers in Optimization Problems Subject to
Cone Constraints
Alexander Shapiro

Hadamard and Strong Well-Posedness for Convex Programs
Julian P. Revalski

A Projection-Based Algorithm for Consistent and Inconsistent Constraints
Tuvia Kotzer, Nir Cohen, and Joseph Shamir

Single Machine Scheduling to Minimize Batch Delivery and Job Earliness
T. C. Edwin Cheng, Mikhail Y. Kovalyov, and Bertrand M.-T. Lin

A Network Design Problem for a Distribution System with Uncertain Demands
Franco Blanchini, Franca Rinaldi, and Walter Ukovich

Contributed by:  A.H.Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu)

Table of Contents for:


Vol. 16, No. 3, 1997:

Editor: Armen H. Zemanian
Department of Electrical Engineering
University at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-2350
FAX: 516-632-8494
Email: zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu

Row straightening via local interactions,
   Israel A. Wagner and Alfred M. Bruckstein

Unicursal resistive networks,
   Bruce D. Calvert

Digitally redesigned PAM controller and ideal state reconstructor
for input time-delay/nondelay systems with nonsynchronous sampling,
   Jason S.H. Tsai, Shiaw J. An, and Leang S. Shieh

MODE-type algorithm for estimating damped, undamped, or explosive modes,
   Mats Cedervall, Petre Stoica, and Randolph Moses

Orthogonal cycle transforms of stochastic matrices,
   S. Kalpazidou and Joel E. Cohen

A new approach for estimating spectra from randomly sampled sequences,
   K.C. Lo and A. Purvis

Uniform approximation of discrete-space multidimensional myopic maps,
   Irwin W. Sandberg and Lillian Xu

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Michael Breitner

 Numerical approximation and numerical synthesis by neurocomputing usually is
 not among the topics of a conference on Stochastics. Therefore I want to call
 attention especially to Section 14 "Stochastic Optimization and Numerical
 Approximation with Neural Networks" of the following Conference (abbreviated
 1st announcement):

                     Special Interest Group Stochastics
                            1st announcement
         MUENCHENER STOCHASTIK-TAGE (Munich Stochastic Days) 1998
                          March 24 - 27, 1998
                                at the
         Federal Armed Forces University Munich, Neubiberg/Munich
                        with support of the
         GAMM - Committee on "Applied Stochastic and Optimization"
         IFIP - Working Group WG7.7 "Stochastic Optimization"

After the Stochastic Days in Marburg, September 13 - 16, 1993 and in
Freiberg Sachsen), March 26 - 29, 1996, the Special Interest Group on
Stochastics holds its third Stochstic Days at the "Universitaet der
Bundeswehr Muenchen" in Neubiberg.
Corresponding to the conferences so far in Marburg and Freiberg, the Munich
Stochstic Days are to give representatives of university, industry, and
administration the opportunity to present new results in the field of
stochastic - in theory and practice - and to discuss with colleagues.

* Pre-Registration
If you should be interested in this conference, please supply the enclosed form
preferably per e-mail or by post until April 30, 1997 to the address given

* To the schedule
In each section a one-hour invited main lecture is supposed.  Short lectures
of 30 minutes (incl. discussion) are held in parallel meetings. The section
chairmans decide about the acceptance of a short talk.
Beside the main lectures and the short lecture there is planned again an
opening and a closing lecture, a panel discussion and a social evening.
Furthermore, the meeting of the members of the Special Interest Group takes
place. If reqired, poster sessions can be arranged, and further there is a
possibility of software demonstration.

* Fees of conference
The fee of the conference amount to ca. DM 75,-- resp. DM 55,-- for members
of the Special Group of Stochastic, the DMV, and the GAMM. Students and
scholarship holders pay DM 20,--.

* Addresses

          Muenchener Stochastik-Tage 1998
          Univ. Prof. Dr. K. Marti
          UniBw Muenchen, Fak. LRT
          D-85577 Neubiberg/Muenchen, Germany
          e-mail: stoch.tage.98@unibw-muenchen.de
          URL: http://www.unibw-muenchen.de/campus/LRT/LRT1/stoch_98

   and additionally only for the topic neurocomputing in Section 14
   "Stochastic Optimization and Numerical Approximation with Neural Networks"

          Dr. Michael H. Breitner
          Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego
          9500 Gilman Drive, La Jolla, California 92093-0112, USA
          Phone: USA + 619-53-46297                   Fax: USA + 619-53-44932
          Email: breitner@math.ucsd.edu
          WWW:   http://www.math.tu-clausthal.de/~mamhb

Contributed by: Vassilis Syrmos 


                Congress Center of the Stazione Marittima
                 Molo Bersaglieri 3, 34124 Trieste, ITALY
                            September 1-4, 1998

                       important deadlines (below)


The Seventh IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) is being sponsored
by the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation
Society,the International Federation of Automatic Control, the European
Union Control Association, the IEEE North Italy, the University of Trieste,
and the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. The function of the IEEE CCA is to
bring together theoretical results and practical applications in system and
control theory, particularly in regard to uses in industrial, commercial,
aerospace, power systems, automotive, or other applied arenas.  The Program
Committee solicits papers presenting original work in all aspects of
theoretical and practical control applications.  The theme for CCA'98 is
Control Applications in Biological and Medical Systems.  The theme of CCA is
meant to help structure the conference and not to limit the topics covered.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of
traditional and modern control design techniques in:
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of
traditional and modern control design techniques in:

   ** Aerospace Systems ** Adaptive Control ** Automotive Systems
   ** Biomedical Systems ** Computer-Aided Design ** Discrete Event Systems
   ** Distributed Systems ** Expert Systems ** Fault Tolerance ** Fuzzy Systems
   ** Manufacturing Systems ** Modeling and Identification ** Neural Networks
   ** Nonlinear Systems ** Power Electronics/Systems ** Process Control
   ** Robotics ** Robust Control ** Sensor-Based Control


        January 15, 1998        Full Papers and Proposals Due
        April 1, 1998           Notification of Acceptance/Rejection
        April 30, 1998          Electronic Submission of Title and Abstract
        May 22, 1998            Final Camera-Ready Papers Due


FIVE copies of the full paper must be received for peer review by one
of the Program Chairs by  15 JAN. 1998.  Papers will be reviewed by the
International Program Committee.  Authors will be notified of acceptance or
rejection by 1 APRIL 1998.  Electronic submissions of title and
abstract are required by 30 APRIL 1998.  The final camera-ready papers
must be received by the Conference Secretariat no later than 22 MAY 1998.


European Program Chair          U.S. Program Chair
G. Conte                        Kimon P. Valavanis
Dipt. di Elett. e Autom.        Center for Advanced Computer Studies
Univ. di Ancona                 PO Box 44330
via Brecce Bianche              University of SW Louisiana
60131 Ancona, ITALY             Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, USA
Email: gconte@anvax1.cineca.it  Email: kimon@cacs.usl.edu
Phone: +39-71-2204844           Phone: (318) 482-5817
Fax: +39-71-2804334             Fax: (318) 262-5401


FOUR copies of proposals for: Invited Sessions, including extended abstracts
and a cover letter indicating the scope of the proposed session; or
Workshops, including a detailed outline of the proposed topic, must be
submitted to either Program Chair by 15 JAN. 1998. Invited Sessions
may include an introductory survey paper.  Workshops will be held on 1 SEP.
1998.  Invited sessions and workshops in the conference theme of biomedical
systems are particularly of interest.


A CD-ROM and a Book of Abstracts will be provided at the conference.  A hard
copy of the proceedings will be mailed after the conference to those who
request it for an additional charge.

For further information, VISIT OUR WEB SITE, or contact the General Chair:

                Frank L. Lewis
                Automation & Robotics Research Institute
                The University of Texas at Arlington
                7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S.
                Fortworth, TX 76118, USA
                Email: flewis@controls.uta.edu
                Phone: (817) 272-5972
                Fax: (817) 272-5989
Contributed by: Michal Ronen

International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Applications May 18 - 21,
     Zichron-Ya'akov, Israel

    organized by the Israeli Ministry of Science and the Arts

The International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, FUZZY'97, is
seeking to bring together researchers from all over the world to encourage
cooperation with the local Academia and Industries.

For general conference information contact:  Fuzzy'97 Conference Managment
Departmant of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv,
Israel Tel:
972-3-6408056 Fax:  972-3-6407095 email:  fuzzy97@newton.bgu.ac.il WWW

* Qualitative and Approximate Reasoning
* Mathematical Foundations * Learning and Acquisition of Approximate Models * Decision Making Models * Hardware Implementations of Fuzzy-Logic Algorithms * Design, Analysis and Synthesis of Fuzzy Logic Controllers * Relations between Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks * Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks * Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Evolutionary Computing * Image Processing and Understanding * Artificial Intelligence and Robotics * Fuzzy Logic Applications INVITED TALKS Keynote speaker: L. Zadeh (USA) Plenary Talks: J. Bezdek (USA) L. Hall (USA) A. Kandel (USA) E. Klement (Austria) D. Ralescu (USA) H. Teodorescu (Rumania) I. Turksen (Canada) R. Yager (USA) H. Zimmermann (Germany) TUTORIALS J. Bezdek (USA)- Clustering models and cluster validity A. Kandel (USA)- Fuzzy expert systems and fuzzy hybrid systems L. Hall (USA)- Learning with imprecision Conference Time Table and Activities at the web site Registration Conference and Tutorials fees 3 days conf. 1 day conf. tutorials Regular rate 240 $ 80$ 80$ Students rate 120$ 40$ 40$ The conference fees including participation in the conference, 3 lunches, light refreshments, a copy of the proceedings, and social events (reception and banquet). Students must send legible proof of full-time student status. The registration desk at Hotel Ganei-Moriah, Zichron-Ya'akov will open during conference hours throughout the conference. Mrs. Beki Shimoni, Head, Conference Unit Ministry of Science P.O.Box 18195, Jerusalem 91181, Israel Tel: 972-2-847784 Fax : 972-2-842022 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Tamer Basar (allerton@csl.uiuc.edu) Call for Papers THIRTY-FIFTH ANNUAL ALLERTON CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION, CONTROL, AND COMPUTING September 29 - October 1, 1997 Monday - Wednesday The Thirty-Fifth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing will be held from Monday, September 29, through Wednesday, October 1, 1997 at the Allerton House, the conference center of the University of Illinois. Allerton House is located twenty-six miles southwest of the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University, in a wooded area on the Sangamon River. It is part of the fifteen-hundred acre Robert Allerton Park, near Monticello, Illinois. A two-day workshop on "Future directions in systems and control," starting on September 28, and open to all Allerton Conference participants, will be a new feature this year. For the Allerton Conference, papers presenting original research are solicited in the areas of communication systems, information theory and error-correcting codes, communication and computer networks, detection and estimation, source coding and data compression, multiple-access communications, queueing networks, control systems, robust and nonlinear control, adaptive control, optimization, dynamic games, large scale systems, robotics and automation, manufacturing systems, discrete event systems, intelligent control, multivariable control, adaptive signal processing, numerical methods for signals and systems, learning theory, neural networks, combinatorial and geometric algorithms, parallel and distributed computation, computational complexity, VLSI design algorithms, VLSI architectures for communications and signal processing, and automated highway systems. Also solicited are organized sessions for the Conference; prospective organizers should discuss their plans with the Conference co-chairmen before sending a formal proposal. The plenary lecture at this year's Conference will be delivered by Professor Graham Goodwin of the University of Newcastle, Australia, on the topic: Fundamental Limitations in Filtering and Control To celebrate this thirty-fifth anniversary of the Allerton Conference, a time-capsule will be buried on site, to be opened in thirty-five years. Conference participants will be encouraged to contribute to the time-capsule to help anticipate developments in technology, and related theory and social issues, over the next thirty-five years. Information for authors: Regular papers, suitable for presen-tation in twenty minutes, as well as short papers, suitable for presentation in ten minutes, are solicited. The purpose of the short paper category is to encourage authors to present preliminary results of their work. Regular papers will be published in full (subject to a maximum length of ten 8.5" x 11" pages) in the Conference Proceedings, while short papers will be limited to two-page summaries in the Proceedings. For regular papers, a title and a five-to-ten page extended abstract, including references and sufficient detail to permit careful reviewing, are required. For short papers, a title and a three-to-five page summary are required. Manuscripts that are submitted as regular papers but cannot be accommodated in that category will be considered in the short paper category, unless the authors indicate otherwise. Three copies of the manuscript should be mailed to: 35-th Annual Allerton Conference Coordinated Science Laboratory University of Illinois 1308 West Main Street Urbana, Illinois 61801-2307, USA in time to be received by JULY 18, 1997. Submissions by e-mail or fax will not be accepted. Submissions should specify the name, e-mail address, and postal address of the author who is to receive all subsequent correspondence. Authors will be notified of acceptance via e-mail by August 18, 1997, at which time they will also be sent detailed instructions for the preparation of their papers for the Proceedings. Full camera-ready versions of accepted papers will be due the last day of the Conference. Only the papers presented at the Conference will be included in the Proceedings. Further information on the Conference and the workshop preceding it can be found on the Conference Web site whose url address is given below: url: http://www.comm.csl.uiuc.edu/allerton email: allerton@csl.uiuc.edu Conference Co-Chairmen: Tamer Basar and Alexander Vardy *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Eva Zerz Workshop `OPERATORS, SYSTEMS AND LINEAR ALGEBRA: THREE DECADES OF ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS THEORY' In Honor of Professor Paul Fuhrmann Kaiserslautern, Germany September 24-26, 1997 Dear Colleagues, we would like to invite you to attend a workshop on `Operators, Systems and Linear Algebra,' which will be held at the University of Kaiserslautern, September 24-26, 1997. The scope of the workshop is to present a retrospect of the past three decades of algebraic systems theory as well as to provide an outlook on the future development of the field. The workshop is dedicated to Paul A. Fuhrmann, in acknowledgement of his major contributions to operator and systems theory, and on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Invited speakers: A.C. Antoulas, D. Arov, J.S. Baras, R.W. Brockett, F. Callier, A. Gombani, M. Hautus, M. Hazewinkel, J.W. Helton, M. Heymann, D. Hinrichsen, P.S. Krishnaprasad, A. Lindquist, G. Marchesini, R.J. Ober, G. Picci, H. Schneider, J.M. Schumacher, H.J. Sussmann, J.C. Willems. A limited number of contributed presentations is scheduled for September 24. Authors should submit a one-page abstract before May 31. Proceedings containing the invited lectures will be published by Teubner Verlag, in cooperation with the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry. For further information, please contact: Eva Zerz, Department of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany. Fax: +49 631 205 3052. We are looking forward to seeing you in Kaiserslautern! Uwe Helmke, Dieter Praetzel-Wolters, Eva Zerz *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Alessandro Astolfi WORKSHOP ON MODELLING AND CONTROL OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS June 17-20, 1997, Imperial College, London, UK This four-day workshop is intended to provide doctorate students, researchers and professionals with an overview of the status of the art on modelling, identification, and control of mechanical systems. Both theoretical contributions on new developments on the theory of mechanical systems and selected lectures discussing topics of major industrial interest are presented. For further information contact: A. Astolfi a.astolfi@ic.ac.uk Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7-2BT, UK or visit the Workshop WEB site http://www.ps.ic.ac.uk/~astolfi/Section/Events/Workshop/workshop.html *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: John Doyle NONLINEAR CONTROL: COMPARISONS AND CASE STUDIES ACC TUTORIAL WORKSHOP NUMBER 7. SATURDAY, JUNE 7 (note new day) Speakers include: John Doyle, Caltech Randy Freeman, Northwestern Miroslav Krstic, Maryland Richard Murray, Caltech Andy Packard, UC Berkeley A group of speakers will present brief tutorials on a variety of popular nonlinear design techniques. These reviews will then be followed by the results achieved with the method when applied to benchmark examples. The participants are not able to choose example problems to suit their selected control method, and the examples will be deliberately created so that each method will have severe difficulties with at least one of the benchmark examples. John Doyle serves as an independent judge coordinating creation of the benchmark examples. The goal is to provide both the participants and the audience a much clearer and objective view of the relative merits of various nonlinear methods. The methods studied include: 1) Control Lyapunov functions and inverse optimality 2) Frozen Riccati equations and nonlinear matrix inequalities 3) Gain scheduling using Quasi-LPV methods and LMIs 4) Model predictive (MPC), or receding horizon control 5) Nonlinear "H-infinity" optimal control 6) Jacobian linearization plus linear optimal control 7) Feedback linearization, differential flatness, and backstepping We expect this workshop to suggest previously unexplored research directions as well as potential connections between apparently quite distinct approaches. Already some new ideas on creating a more unified view have emerged and will be presented. As a result, this event should appeal to university researchers interested in nonlinear control. In addition, since the emphasis will be on applications to a common set of benchmark problems, the results will also be accessible to nonexperts and industrial practitioners interested in evaluating the state-of- the-art in nonlinear control theory. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: N. Rakoto FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS 3rd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ADPM'98 AUTOMATION OF MIXED PROCESSES: DYNAMIC HYBRID SYSTEMS REIMS - FRANCE, 19-20 March 1998 IMPORTANT DATES: May 5, 1997 Submission of abstracts July 15, 1997 Preliminary acceptance October 3, 1997 Receipt of final paper ADDRESS OF SUBMISSION: Dr. J. Zaytoon ADPM'98 Secretariat LAM, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 REIMS Cedex 2 - France WORKING LANGUAGES: French and English with simultaneous translation. INFORMATION Address: ADPM'98 Secretariat, LAM, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 REIMS Cedex 2 - France Tel: +33 (0) 3 26 05 32 26 Fax: +33 (0) 3 26 05 31 06 E-mail: adpm98@BAHIA.univ-reims.fr W3 Server: http://www.univ-reims.fr/CongresADPM98/adpm.html ORGANISERS: AFCET: Association Francaise des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et des Systemes SEE: Societe des Electriciens et des Electroniciens Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne CO-SPONSORED BY : BIRA, INRIA, CNRS, EUREL, Club EEA, EAEEIE SCOPE Automation can nowadays no longer be either continuous or discrete. Coping with: various operating modes, increased flexibility and dependability constraints, batch processes, and controlling production flow, demand a broad approach combining the concepts, models, theories, and know-how both from continuous control systems, and from discrete-event systems. The expressions Mixed processes or Dynamic Hybrid Systems designate the class of systems that explicitly and simultaneously include continuous and event based phenomena or models. Following the success of the two previous conferences ADPM'92 (held in Paris) and ADPM'94 (held in Brussels), the Dynamic Hybrid Systems working group of the AFCET/SEE has taken the initiative of organising the 3rd international Conference ADPM'98 in Reims, on March 19th and 20th 1998. This conference has the twofold objective of providing a survey of the advances in this field and of setting up contacts between researchers and industrials, whether they have control, electronics or informatics background. The material submitted must be original and related to one of the theoretical or practical aspects of modelling, analysis or synthesis of hybrid systems. TOPICS Modelling: - Event based models: automata (timed, hybrid, ...), Petri nets (continuous, batch, hybrid, high-level, ...), Statecharts, Grafcet, transition systems. - Continuous based model: linear or non-linear processes, discontinuous state or transfer function models, algebraic models, bond-graphs. - Logic, temporal, stochastic, chaotic models. - Methodological issues for hybrid systems: multi-modelling approaches, hierarchical organisation, distribution of intelligence. Simulation, Analysis and Synthesis: - Simulation and proof of specifications and implementations. - Properties of hybrid systems: Controllability, Observability, Stability, Robustness, Reliability, Safety. - Synthesis, identification and supervision of hybrid systems: intelligent control, adaptive control, optimal control. Applications: - Examples of specially adapted automation components: batch programmable controllers, field buses, communication networks, software systems. - Industrial processes: electronic systems, batch processes, manufacturing systems, complex systems, ... - Hybrid systems in education and training. Please include the names, complete mailing addresses, phone number of the authors, eventually e-mail number. Underline the name of the corresponding author. Abstracts and final papers may be submitted in French or English. All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. A further selection will be made to include: - 10 papers in a special issue of the European J. of Automation. - 6 papers in the journal Revue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique. TRAVEL Reims is situated 150 Km to the east of Paris. It has a direct connection by shuttle car with both Paris airports: Roissy and Orly. The railway station and the A4 and A26 motorways are situated at about 200 meters of the Congress Centre. During the conference an exhibition of relevant hardware tools, software tools, and batch processes will take place. The first national forum for students of Electronics, Power, and Control Engineering will also be held in conjunction with the conference. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Dr. C.W. de Silva Conferences: Call for Papers; Invited Sessions for ISIAC'98 ============================================== You are cordially invited to submit a two-page extended abstract or a complete paper for the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent Automation and Control (ISIAC). For an invited session, please submit four different abstracts/papers on a common topic. This conference will be held at the Eden Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, from May 10 through 14, 1998. This is one of four conferences sponsored by the World Automation Congress (WAC), and will be held simultaneously. Analytical, applied, and numerical papers on any topic in control, automation, and knowledge-based applications would be appropriate. Please send a hard copy of your submission within on week (from the date of release of this E-Letter) to the Conference Chair: Dr. Clarence W. de Silva NSERC Professor of Industrial Automation Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of British Columbia 2324 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Fax: 604-822-2403 Further details are available on the web at: http://ace.unm.edu/wac98/isiac.html ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************