E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 104, 1 April 1997

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Lectures on nonlinear control systems by Nikitin
        3.2  Call for nominations of SIAG/LA prize
        3.3  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  EPSRC Research studentships at University of Glasgow
        4.2  Research Associateship, Engineering Dept., Univ. of Cambridge
        4.3  Open TA and RA positions image sequence analysis, Bilkent Univ.

5.      Books
        5.1  New textbook on linear systems, P.A. Antsaklis, A.N. Michel
        5.2  New book on identification and estimation, Walter and Pronzato
        5.3  `Parallel and Distributed Computation: Numerical Methods',
              D.P. Bertsekas and J.N. Tsitsiklis

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC J. of Math. Systems, Estimation and Control, 7:2
        6.2  TOC Intl. Journal on Control, 66:5,6
        6.3  TOC J. of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, 15:3
        6.4  TOC SIAM J. on Control and Optimization, 35:3
        6.5  TOC Automatica, 33:4
        6.6  TOC SIAM J. on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 18:2
        6.7  TOC IEEE Transactions on AC, 42:4
        6.8  TOC Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 7:2

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP MTNS 1998
        7.2  CFP IEEE SP Workshop on Multimedia SP, Princeton.
        7.3  CFP 3rd Intl Conf. ADPM'98, Reims
        7.4  CFP National conference on automation, Sofia, Bulgaria
        7.5  CFP Special session on learning at SCI'97
        7.6  CFP Symp. on Automated Systems Based on Human Skill, Slovenia
        7.7  Workshop on modelling and control of mechanical systems,
                 London, U.K.

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to E-letter number 104 !!!

We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will
appear May 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage
contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right
to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution.

We remind you of the following.

-1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl"

    It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we
    use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the
    next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please
    respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution.

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Helene Loeb 

New contact info for Helene Loeb

171 Stoneway Lane, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004-3124
Phone 610/668-7732      Fax: 610/644-6293

 - http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/loeb/helene.html
 - http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~loeb/tree/helene.html

Thesis: Engin Nautique de Surface Robotise, Synthese de lois
        de commande et GPS differentiel
 - http://dept-info.labri.u-bordeaux.fr/~loeb/mkf/index.html

Contributed by: Andrzej Dzielinski

                      ADDRESS CHANGE:

>From 1st of April my new address is:

    Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics (ISEP)
    Warsaw University of Technology
    ul. Koszykowa 75
    00-662 Warszawa

    Phone:  +48.22.660.7320 / +48.22.628.0665
    Fax:    +48.22.625.6633
    E-mail: dzielinski@nov.isep.pw.edu.pl

Contributed by: Yishao Zhou 

                Temporary Change of Address

>From April 1 to June 30, 1997 I'll be with

          Department of Systems Science and Mathematics
          Washington University
          Campus Box 1040
          One Brookings Drive
          St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Contributed by:  Michael Breitner 


I will be on leave from the Technische Universitaet Clausthal as visiting
Assistant Professor at the UCSD until July 7, 1997. New temporary address:

  Dr. Michael H. Breitner
  Department of Mathematics
  University of California, San Diego
  9500 Gilman Drive
  La Jolla, California 92093-0112
  Fax: USA + 619 534 5273
  Email: breitner@math.tu-clausthal.de (forwarded)
  URL:   http://www.math.tu-clausthal.de/~mamhb

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Sergey Nikitin

                   Lectures on Nonlinear Control Systems
                            Dr. S. Nikitin

This course of lectures will be offered in a regular class room (TTh.
4:40-5:55pm) and on the Internet at


The lectures will be based on the book of Dr. S. Nikitin. The course starts
in August, 25th and goes till December. You can register for the course by
sending el-mail at

                              with the message
                          "register for MAT 598".

If you are a student at Arizona State University then you can register by

You need to register for the course with the line number 46631.

This course of lectures on nonlinear systems was given by Dr. S. Nikitin at
the Moscow State University (1989 - 1990), at the Moscow Institute of Steel
and Alloy (1990 - 1991), at the Kaiserslautern University (summer 1990, 1991
- 1992), and at the Arizona State University (fall 1996). The main purpose of
this course is to provide a self-contained, complete and geometrically clear
presentation of recent results on global controllability and stabilization.

A good deal of effort was put into the development of geometrical control
intuition and inspiring the reader to think independently. That is why, the
course contains many geometrical illustrations and exercises.

The material presented will be organized in such a way that it is only
assumed that the reader has mastered the very basic notions of ordinary
differential equations theory, general topology and analytic geometry.

The main topics covered in the course are

   * Controllability analysis under phase and control constraints
   * Control Synthesis
   * Feedback Stabilizer Design
   * Nonlinear Observer Design

Contributed by: bogardo@siam.org

                            CALL FOR NOMINATIONS

                 SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra Prize

     The SIAG/LA Prize:

     The SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra will present the award at
     its Sixth Conference on Applied Linear Algebra at Snowbird in
     October 1997.  The prize, the fourth to be given, is awarded to the
     author(s) of the most outstanding paper on a topic in applicable
     linear algebra published in a peer-reviewed journal.


     Nominations, along with an electronic* AND hard copy of the paper,
     should be sent BY APRIL 15, 1997 to the chair of the selection

                Biswa Nath Datta
                Department of Mathematical Sciences
                Northern Illinois University
                DeKalb, Illinois 60155
                Telephone: 815-753-6759
                Fax: 815-753-1112
                E-mail: dattab@math.niu.edu

     * If not available electronically, please send five hard copies
       for distribution to the committee.

     Other members of the selection committee are Tony Chan (UCLA),
     Ludwig Elsner (University of Bielefeld), Anne Greenbaum
     (NYU-Courant), and Jim Varah (University of British Columbia).


     Candidate papers must be published in English in a peer-reviewed
     journal bearing a publication date between January 1, 1993 through
     December 31, 1996.  The papers must contain significant research
     contributions to the field of linear algebra, as commonly defined
     in the mathematical literature, with direct or potential
     applications.  Nominations should include a full bibliographic
     citation for the paper and a brief statement outlining the
     justification for the nomination in terms of its importance and

     Description of Award:

     The award consists of a plaque and a certificate containing the
     citation.  If the selected paper has multiple authors, each author
     will receive a plaque and certificate.  At least one of the
     awardees is expected to attend the award ceremony to present the

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 
                Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- April 1997

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

               Worldwide web:   URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
               queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

In addition to material extracted from the last eletter the following is new:


   Recently we have started an address list for systems
   and control people.

   About 1340 people have added their addresses to the list.

   To register your, simply:
      - go to SCAD using the web
      - go to the ADDRESS LIST link
      - click: add your address
      - fill in the form.

   You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
   by scanning through the full list.

Links to:  Control Systems Group, Dublin City University.
           Systems and Control Group, University of Groningen.

SOFTWARE: Art Krener's Nonlinear Toolbox.

   !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!

How to access scad:
 Using Worldwide Web:
      URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/

 More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to
 After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
 more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by:  P.Gawthrop@eng.gla.ac.uk


                                at the
                     CENTRE FOR SYSTEMS & CONTROL
                        UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW

A number of EPSRC Research Studentships and Faculty Research Studentships
are available within the Centre for Systems & Control, which is an
interdisciplinary centre spanning the departments of Electronics &
Electrical and Mechanical Engineering at Glasgow University.  Details of the
Centre members and their research interests and contact address are to be
found on WWW at URL:


where further details of available PhD projects can be found under the
heading "Opportunities and Vacancies in the Centre".

Applications are welcome from students who have, or expect to have, a good
honours degree in an appropriate discipline. An application form and further
details can be found on our WWW page.

Please note that the EPSRC studentships are restricted to UK students;
Faculty Studentships are unrestricted but cover full fees only for UK/EU

Informal inquiries may be made directly to centre members including

Prof. PJ Gawthrop       (P.Gawthrop@eng.gla.ac.uk)
Prof. J O'Reilly        (J.OReilly@elec.gla.ac.uk)
Prof. DJ Murray-Smith   (D.Murray-Smith@elec.gla.ac.uk)

Contributed by: Duncan McFarlane

                Manufacturing Engineering Group
                     Engineering Department
                    University of Cambridge
                      Cambridge, England

                     RESEARCH ASSOCIATESHIP

Applications are invited for a Research Associateship to work on an EU
funded (ESPRIT) Long Term Research project involving the application of
co-operating agents within the domain of manufacturing control systems. The
project, which began on 1 February 1997, is a three year project involving
five European industrial and academic partners. The focus of the project is
specifically on manufacturing control systems that are capable of handling
the increasingly frequent disturbances and changes that production must cope
with to be effective.

The appointment will be for 30 months starting 1 August 1997 and the
candidate will be expected to be able to work independently and
collaboratively to develop appropriate control tools, integrate these into
distributed test bed simulations, and develop system features which would
enable effective implementation of the results.  It is hoped that the
successful candidate will have previous experience in the manufacturing area
or in sectors where distributed systems management is equally important.
Candidates should have a good honours degree and preference will be given to
candidates with a degree in a relevant subject. Knowledge of modelling,
scheduling and control techniques for discrete manufacturing systems would
be a significant advantage.  It is important that the candidate is well
versed in computer programming and networking in a Windows environment.
Experience with some or all of C++, Matlab, factory simulation and languages
suitable to agent-based programming would also be an advantage.

Further particulars and an application form can be obtained from Dr Duncan
McFarlane, Manufacturing Engineering Group, Department of Engineering,
University of Cambridge, Mill Lane, Cambridge, UK, CB2 1RX or by email at
dcm@eng.cam.ac.uk.  Closing date for applications is 2 May 1997.

The University follows an equal opportunity policy.

Contributed by: Levent Onural


 Our group has been working on very low bit-rate video coding
 for six years.  We are a part of the European COST211 project.
 In the past, we have contributed directly to H.263 standard.
 Currently, the group is one of the leading contributors to
 automated analysis of video sequences within the context
 of MPEG7. The group has proposed the algorithm, wrote and
 distributed the software of the COST211 AM.1 model.  It is
 quite likely that the group members will be pioneers in this
 field.  Our video processing laboratory is well equipped.

 Please visit our home page at


 The appointments are made by the department; the applicants
 must satisfy departmental requirements for the degree thay
 are applying for   (MS or PhD).  Applicaant are required
 to fill out a formal application form which is available
 from baydin@bilkent.edu.tr  or onural@bilkent.edu.tr
 The language of instruction is English throughout the university.
 The salaries for the positions are competitive and there is a
 possibility of rent-free on campus housing.

 Please send resume and names of three references to:
 Dr. Levent Onural, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department,
 Bilkent University, TR-06533 Ankara, Turkey.  FAX: +90 312 2664126,
 email: onural@bilkent.edu.tr

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Panos Antsaklis 


A new first-year graduate textbook on Linear Systems was just published by
McGraw-Hill.  Some information is given below.  More details can be obtained
from http://www.mhhe.com/engineering/electrical/ (McGraw-Hill) or from

Panos J. Antsaklis and Anthony N. Michel
University of Notre Dame

ISBN: 0-07-041433-5
Electrical and Computer Engineering Series
McGraw-Hill 1997
670 pages; Solutions Manual

Designed for a challenging, one-semester systems course, this book is an
introduction to systems theory, with an emphasis on control theory.  It
examines the fundamental properties that govern the behavior of systems by
developing mathematical descriptions of systems.  The depth and breadth of
coverage enables the reader to easily progress to more advanced topics in
the systems area.  This textbook presents a broad view of linear systems,
their advantages and limitations and covers linear time-invariant,
time-varying, continuous-time, and discrete-time systems.  It also contains
extensive coverage of stability and polynomial matrix/fractional
representation, topics that prepare students for further study in linear
and nonlinear feedback control.  Flexible coverage allows the independent
study of time-invariant and time-varying systems as well as continuous-time
and discrete-time systems.  The book contains extensive mathematical
background material, it is self-contained and it can be used for self-study
or as a reference.

1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Preliminaries; 1.3 Initial-Value Problems; 1.4
Examples of Initial-Value Problems; 1.5 More Mathematical Preliminaries;
1.6 Existence of Solutions of Initial-Value Problems; 1.7 Continuation of
Solutions; 1.8 Uniqueness of Solutions; 1.9 Continuous Dependence of
Solutions on Initial Conditions and Parameters; 1.10 Systems of First-Order
Ordinary Differential Equations; 1.11 Systems of Linear First-Order
Ordinary Differential Equations; 1.12 Linear Systems: Existence,
Uniqueness, Continuation, and Continuity with Respect  to Parameters of
Solutions; 1.13 Solutions of Linear State Equations; 1.14 State-Space
Description of Continuous-Time Systems; 1.15 State-Space Description of
Discrete-Time Systems; 1.16 Input-Output Descriotion of Systems; 1.17
Summary; 1.18 Notes; 1.19 References; 1.20 Exercises
2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Backround Material; 2.3 Linear Homogeneous and
Nonhomogeneous Equations; 2.4 Linear Systems with Constant Coefficients;
2.5 Linear Periodic Systems; 2.6 State Equation and Input-Output
Description of Continuous-Time Systems; 2.7 State Equation and Input-Output
Description of Discrete-Time Systems; 2.8 An Important Comment on Notation;
2.9 Summary; 2.10 Notes; 2.11 References; 2.12 Exercises
3.1 Introduction; PART 1  Controllability and Observability; 3.2
Reachability and Controllability ; 3.3 Observability and Constructibility;
PART 2  Special Forms for Time-invariant Systems; 3.4 Special Forms; 3.5
Poles and Zeros; 3.6 Summary; 3.7 Notes; 3.8 References; 3.9 Exercises
4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Linear State Feedback ; 4.3 Linear State Observers;
4.4 Observer-Based Dynamic Controllers; 4.5 Summary; 4.6 Notes; 4.7
References; 4.8 Exercises
5.1 Introduction; 5.2 State-Space Realizations of External Descriptions;
5.3 Existence and Minimality of Realizations; 5.4 Realization Algorithms;
5.5 Summary; 5.6 Notes; 5.7 References; 5.8 Exercises
Chapter 6: STABILITY
6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Mathematical Background Material; PART 1  Lyapunov
Stability; 6.3 The Concept of an Equilibrium; 6.4 Qualitative
Characterizations of an Equilibrium; 6.5 Lyapunov Stability of Linear
Systems; 6.6 Some Geometric and Algebraic Stability Criteria; 6.7 The
Matrix Lyapunov Equation; 6.8 Linearization; PART 2  Input-Output Stability
of Continuous-TIme Systems; 6.9 Input-Output Stability; PART 3  Stability
of Discrete-Time Systems; 6.10 Discrete-Time Systems; 6.11 Summary; 6.12
Notes; 6.13 References; 6.14 Exercises
7.1 Introduction; PART 1  Analysis of Systems; 7.2 Background material on
Polynomial Matrices; 7.3 Systems Represented by Polynomial Matrix
Descriptions; PART 2  Sysnthesis of Control Systems; 7.4 Feedback Control
Systems; 7.5 Summary; 7.6 Notes; 7.7 References; 7.8 Exercises
A.1 Introduction; A.2 Solving Linear Algebraic Equations; A.3 Sungular
Values and Sungular Value Decomposition; A.4 Solving Polynomial and
Rational Matrix Equations Using Interpolation Methods; A.5 References

Contributed by: Eric Walter <

New book on identification and estimation:

               from Experimental Data

by Eric Walter and Luc Pronzato

Springer, London, 1997
Communications and Control Engineering Series
About 420 pages


        Aims of modelling
        Parameter uncertainty
        Critical analysis of the results
        In summary

        Phenomenological and behavioural models
        Linear and nonlinear models
        Continuous- and discrete-time models
        Deterministic and stochastic models
        Choice of complexity
        Structural properties of models

        Least squares
        Least modulus
        Maximum likelihood
        Bayesian criteria
        Constraints on parameters

        LP structures and quadratic cost functions
        Least-squares based methods
        Instrumental-variable method
        General methods
        Optimization of a measured response

        Cost contours in parameter space
        Monte-Carlo methods
        Methods based on the density of the estimator
        Bounded-error set estimation

        Local design
        Robust design
        Design for Bayesian estimation
        Influence of model structure

        Simple inspection
        Statistical analysis of residuals



Contributed by: Dimitri Bertsekas

     Parallel and Distributed Computation: Numerical Methods

           by Dimitri P. Bertsekas, and John N. Tsitsiklis
              Massachusetts Institute of Technology

          (718 pages, Softcover, ISBN: 1-886529-01-9, $56.00)
                          published by
                 Athena Scientific, Belmont, MA

This is a republication of a book first published by Prentice Hall in
1989 that is now out-of-print. It is a comprehensive and theoretically
sound treatment of parallel and distributed numerical methods. It
focuses on algorithms that are naturally suited for massive
parallelization, and it explores the fundamental convergence, rate of
convergence,  communication, and synchronization issues associated with
such algorithms.

Among its special features, the book:

** Quantifies the performance of parallel algorithms, including the
limitations imposed by the communication and synchronization penalties.

** Describes communication algorithms for a variety of system
architectures including tree, mesh, and hypercube.

** Provides a comprehensive convergence analysis of asynchronous methods
and a comparison with their asynchronous counterparts.

** Covers direct and iterative algorithms for linear and nonlinear
of equations and variational inequalities.

** Describes optimization methods for nonlinear programming, shortest
paths, dynamic programming, network flows, and large-scale

** Includes recent research material on optimization methods,
asynchronous algorithm convergence, rollback synchronization,
asynchronous  communication network protocols, and others.

** Supplements the text material with many exercises (solutions manual
publicly available).


1. Introduction
2. Algorithms for Linear Equations and Matrix Inversion
3. Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Problems
4. Shortest Paths and Dynamic Programming
5. Network Flow Problems
6. Totally Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms
7. Partially Asynchronous Iterative Methods
8. Organizing An Asynchronous Network of Processors for Distributed
Appendix A: Linear Algebra and Analysis
Appendix B: Graph Theory
Appendix C: Duality Theory
Appendix D: Probability Theory and Markov Chains

Reviews of the 1989 printing:
"This major contribution to the literature belongs on the bookshelf of
every scientist with an interest in computational science, directly
beside  Knuth's three volumes and Numerical Recipes..."
Anna Nagurney, University of Massachusetts, in the International
Journal of Supercomputer Applications

"This major work of exceptional scholarship summarizes more than three
decades of research into general-purpose algorithms for solving systems
of equations and optimization problems."
W. F. Smyth, in Computing Reviews

"This book marks an important landmark in the theory of distributed
systems and I highly recommend it to students and practicing engineers
in the fields of operations research and computer science, as well as
to mathematicians interested in numerical methods."
Lorne G. Mason, in IEEE Communications Magazine

Publisher's Information:

Athena Scientific, P.O.Box 391, Belmont, MA, 02178-9998, U.S.A.
Email: athenasc@world.std.com
Tel: (617) 489-3097, FAX: (617) 489-2017
WWW Site for Info and Ordering: http://world.std.com/~athenasc/

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Edwin Beschler,  Birkhauser Boston

    TOC Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control
                 Volume 7, number 2, 1997

Table of  Contents

Globally Convergent Homotopy Algorithms for the Combined
        H2/H(infinity) Model Reduction Problem
        Yuzhen Ge, Layne T. Watson, Emmanuel G. Collins, Jr.,
         and Dennis S. Bernstein  129

Numerical Recovery of Material Parameters in Euler-Bernoulli
        Beam Models
        Ralph C. Smith, Kenneth L. Bowers, and Curtis R. Vogel 157

A Parametrization of the Minimal Square Spectral Factors of a
        Nonrational Spectral Density
        Augusto Ferrante   197

Summary: A Sliding Horizon Feedback Control Problem with
        Feedforward and Disturbance
        William N. Patten and Luther W. White  227

Summary: Estimates of the Rate of Convergence for
        Distributed Parameter Identification in Linear
        Parabolic Problems
        Tommi Karkkainen   231

Summary: Control Lyapunov Functions, Input-to-State Stability
        and Applications to Global Feedback Stabilization for
        Composite Systems
        J. Tsinias    235

Summary: Frequency Domain Criteria for Hurwitz Stability
        of Generalized Disc Polynomials
        C.B. Soh  239

Contributed by: Taylor & Francis Table of Contents Service

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 66  Issue:- 5

Publication Date (Expected):  17th March 1997


Title: Design and analysis of gain-scheduled control using local controller
Authors:  K. J. Hunt, T. A. Johansen.
Pages 619-651.

Title: Stabilization of systems with input constraints.
Authors:  Navneet Kapoor, P. Daoutidis.
Pages 653-675.

Title: Pole assignment and controllability subspaces in descriptoe systems
Authors:  L. R. Fletcher.
Pages 677-709.

Title: Parameter set estimation algorithms for time-varying systems
Authors:  J Watkins, S Yurkovich.
Pages 711-731.

Title: Time-delayed state and unknown input observation
Authors:  Min-Jea Tahk, JaeHyun Jin, ChangSu Park.
Pages 733-745.

Title: on discrete-time H Problem with a strictly proper controller
Authors:  Leonid Mirkin.
Pages 747-765.

Title: A parametrization of all observers for descriptor systems
Authors:  Nariyasu Minamide, Yasumasa Fujisaki, Akira Shimizu.
Pages 767-777.

International Journal of Control
Volume:- 66  Issue:- 6

Publication Date (Expected):  15th April 1997


Title: Robust control for a nonlinear servomechanism problem
Authors:  Hassan.K Khalil, Nazmi.A Mahmoud.
Pages 779-802.

Title: Robust servo problem with Hoo norm constraint
Authors:  S. Hara, Jin Hozumi, Hisaya Fujioka.
Pages 803-823.

Title: Robust input to state stabilization for minimum phase nonlinear systems
Authors:  Weizhou Su, Lihua Xie, Zhiming Gong.
Pages 825-842.

Title: Robust nonlinear-nonquadratic feedback control via parameter-dependent
lyapunov functions
Authors:  Wassin.M Haddad, Vijaya-Sekhar Chellaboina.
Pages 843-861.

Title: Improving control design for nonlinear parametric uncertainty
Authors:  Bruce H. Wilson, Bora Eryilmaz, Bahram Shafai.
Pages 863-883.

Title: Observation of qualitative states by means of a qualitative model
Authors:  G. Lichtenberg, J. Lunze.
Pages 885-903.

Title: Design and analysis of simple robust controllers
Authors:  Roman Prokop, Jean-Pierre Corriou.
Pages 905-921.

Title: Identification of wiener-type nonlinear systems in an noisy environment
Authors:  W.R Cluett, A.D Kalafatis, L Wang.
Pages 923-941.

Title: On nonlinear continuous observers
Authors:  M Zeitz, X Xia.
Pages 943-954.

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems
for Signal, Image, and Video Technology
Contents, Volume 15, Issue 3, 1997

Determining the Order of Processor Transactions in
Statistically Scheduled Multiprocessors; S. Sriram and
Edaward A. Lee

Power Optimization in VLSI Layout: A Survey; Massoud Pedram
and Hirendu Vaishav

Novel Radix Finite Field Multiplier for GF(2^m); M.C.
Mekhallalati, M.K. Ibrahim and A.S. Ashur

Digital Design of Discrete Exponential Bidirectional
Associative Memory; Chua-Chin Wang and Chih-Lwan Fan

Finding Space-Time Transformations for Uniform Recurrences
via Branching Parametric Linear Programming; Karl-Heinz
Zimmermann and Wolfgang Achtziger

An Efficient VLSI Architecture for Full-Search Bloxk
Matching Algorithms; Chen-Yi Lee and Mei-Cheng Lu

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our Web site
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by: thomas@siam.org

SIAM JOURNAL ON Control and Optimization
MAY 1997 Volume 35, Number 3


Asymptotically Efficient Adaptive Choice of Control Laws in Controlled Markov
Todd L. Graves and Tze Leung Lai

Block Triangular Decoupling for Linear Systems over Principal Ideal Domains
Naoharu Ito and Hiroshi Inaba

Configuration Controllability of Simple Mechanical Control Systems
Andrew D. Lewis and Richard M. Murray

Weighted Sensitivity Minimization for Causal, Linear, Discrete Time-Varying
Michel Verhaegen

Output-Induced Subspaces, Invariant Directions, and Interpolation in Linear
Discrete-Time Stochastic Systems
Anders Lindquist and Gyorgy Michaletzky

On the Puiseux Series Expansion of the Limit Discount Equation of Stochastic
W. W. Szczechla, S. A. Connell, J. A. Filar, and O. J. Vrieze

Constrained Regular LQ-Control Problems
G. Stefani and P. Zezza

Optimal Control for Holonomic and Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems with
Symmetry and Lagrangian Reduction
Wang-Sang Koon and Jerrold E. Marsden

Investigation of the Degeneracy Phenomenon of the Maximum Principle for
Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints
Aram V. Arutyunov and Sergei M. Aseev

Generalized Controlled Invariance for Nonlinear Systems
H. J. C. Huijberts, C. H. Moog, and R. Andiarti

Finite-Dimensional Filters. Part I:  The Wei-Norman Technique
M. Cohen de Lara

Finite-Dimensional Filters. Part II:  Invariance Group Techniques
M. Cohen de Lara

Optimization of Observations:  A Stochastic Control Approach
Boris M. Miller and Wolfgang J. Runggaldier

State Maps for Linear Systems
Paolo Rapisarda and J. C. Willems

Contributed by: Huibert Kwakernaak


                              Table of contents
April, 1997                                              Issue  33:4


J. M. Schumacher                Call for papers Automatica special issue on
                                Hybrid systems

Regular Papers

H. Sira-Ramirez, R. Ortega,     Passivity-based controllers for the
et al.                          stabilization of DC-to-DC power converters

X. Liu, M. Ilic, C. Vialas,     A structure-based modeling and control of
M. Athans, B. Eidson            electric power systems

Z. Qu, E. W. Kamen, J. F.       Continuous I/O robust control of SISO time
Dorsey                          varying systems

J.R. Gossner, B.                Stable generalized predictive control with
Kouvaritakis, J.A. Rossiter     constraints and bounded disturbances

K. M. Grigoriadis, R. E.        Minimum energy covariance controllers

P. Lucibello, S. Panzieri,      Repositioning control of a two-link flexible
G. Ulivi                        arm by learning

M. A. Peters, P. A. Iglesias    Minimum entropy control for discrete-time
                                time-varying systems

Z. Li, R. J. Evans, B.          Minimum variance prediction for linear
Wittenmark                      time-varying systems

C. Zhang, J. Zhang, K.          Analysis of H2 and H(infinity) performance of
Furuta                          discrete periodically time varying controllers

Brief Papers

S. Commuri, F. L. Lewis         CMAC neural networks for control of nonlinear
                                dynamical systems: Structure, stability, and

C. Canudas de Wit, B.           Direct adaptive impedance control including
Brogliato                       transition phases

Q-G. Wang, T-H. Lee, J-B. He    Low-order stabilizers for linear systems

P. Apkarian                     On the discretization of LMI-synthesized
                                linear parameter-varying controllers

F. He, M. J. Gibbard            Design of an adaptive bilinear power system

I. Masubuchi, Y. Kamitane,      The H-infinity control for descriptor systems:
A. Ohara, N. Suda                A matrix inequalities approach

V. Santibanez, R. Kelly         Strict Lyapunov functions for control of robot

M-S. Chen, Y-R. Huang           Linear time-varying system control based on
                                the inversion transformation

P.O. Arambel, G. Tadmor         Identifiability and persistent excitation in
                                full matrix fraction parameter estimation

G. L. Santosuosso               Passivity of nonlinear systems with
                                input-output feedthrough

J.A. Farrell                    Persistence of excitation conditions in
                                passive learning control

M. Bonilla Estrada, M.          Structural matrix minimization algorithm for
Malabre                         implicit descriptions

Technical Communiques

In-Beum Lee, J. H. Park, S.     Improved relay auto-tuning with static load
W. Sung                         disturbance

M. Darouach                     Unbiased minimum variance estimation for
                                systems with unknown exogenous inputs

Do Chang Oh, Hing Bae Park      Discrete model reduction preserving bounded

G. A. Gonzales                  Adaptive control of linearizable discrete-time

G. De Nicolao, S. Strada        On the use of reachability gramians for the
                                stabilization of linear periodic systems

M. Bonilla Estrada, O.M.        Angular position adaptive control of a
Amestegui, et al.               squirrel-cage-induction- machine

H. H. Choi, M. J. Chung         An LMI approach to H(infinity) controller
                                design for linear time- delay systems

W. Qiu, Y. Hua, K.              A subspace method for the computation of the
Abed-Meraim                     GCD of polynomials

B. Bona, G. Calafiore, S.       Structural interpretation of multivariate
Carabelli                       transmission zeros for finite dimensional
                                second order systems

Book Reviews

P. Ioannou                      C. C. Hang, T. H. Lee, W. K. Ho: Adaptive

Xunjing Li, Jiongmin Yong       R. F. Curtain: Optimal control theory for
                                infinite dimensional systems

Contributed by:  schad@siam.org

     SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
     APRIL 1997, Volume 18, Number  2

     On Parabolic and Elliptic Spectral Dichotomy
     A. N. Malyshev and M. Sadkane

     Least-Squares Approximate Solution of Overdetermined Sylvester
     A. Scottedward Hodel and Pradeep Misra

     Efficient Solution of Linearly Coupled Lyapunov Equations
     Emmanuel G. Collins Jr. and A. Scottedward Hodel

     Some Improvement of Oppenheim's Inequality for M-Matrices
     Jianzhou Liu and Li Zhu

     Homotopy Method for the Large, Sparse, Real Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue
     S. H. Lui, H. B. Keller, and T. W. C. Kwok

     Norms and Inequalities Related to Schur Products of Rectangular
     Wenchao Huang, Chi-Kwong Li, and Hans Schneider

     Matrix Analysis of a Two-Stage-Splitting Iteration for Maximum
     Likelihood Estimation
     S. Yu, G. A. Latham, and R. S. Anderssen

     Convergence of Polynomially Bounded Semigroups of Matrices
     Leonid Gurvits and Leiba Rodman

     Complete Orthogonal Decomposition for Weighted Least Squares
     Patricia D. Hough and Stephen A. Vavasis

     Optimal Backward Perturbation Bounds for Underdetermined Systems
     Ji-guang Sun and Zheng Sun

     A Fast Parallel Cholesky Decomposition Algorithm for Tridiagonal
     Ilan Bar-On, Bruno Codenotti, and Mauro Leoncini

     A Stabilized QMR Version of Block BICG
     V. Simoncini

     Analysis of Augmented Krylov Subspace Methods
     Yousef Saad

     On the Complexity of Matrix Balancing
     B. Kalantari, L. Khachiyan, and A. Shokoufandeh

     Circulant Preconditioners for Markov-Modulated Poisson Processes and
     Applications to Manufacturing Systems
     Wai Ki Ching, Raymond H. Chan, and Xun Yu Zhou

     Quasi Lumpability, Lower-Bounding Coupling Matrices, and Nearly
     Decomposable Markov Chains
     Tugrul Dayar and William J. Stewart

     Probabilistic Analysis of Gaussian Elimination without Pivoting
     Man-Chung Yeung and Tony F. Chan

     Erratum:  Comments on Normal Toeplitz Matrices by Farenick  et  al.
     Khakim D. Ikramov

     List of Referees

Contributed by: John Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control


        Table of Contents - Volume 42, Number  4 -April, 1997

Scanning the Issue


Pade Approximants for the Transieent Optimization of Iledging Control Policies
in Manufacturing
        ......................................... S. El-Perik and R.P. Malhame

The Contact Problem for Linear Continuous-Time Dynamical Systems: A
Geometric Approach
        ..................... A.A. ten Dam, K.F. Dwarshuis, and J.C. Willems

Robust Feedback Stabilization of Chemical Reactors
        ............................ F. Viel, F. Jadot, and G. Bastin

Certain Nonlinear Partially Observable Stochastic optimal Control Problems
with Explicit Control Laws Equivalent to LEQG/LQG Problems
        .................... C.D. Chaaralambous and R.J. Elliott

Supervisory Control Using Failure Semantics and Partial Specifications
        ................................ A. Overkamp


Two Examples of Ill-Posedness with Respect to Time Delays Revisited
        ................................. R. Datko

A Unifying Construction of Orthonormal Bases for System Identification
        .......................... B. Ninness and F. Gustafsson

An Approximate Nonlinear Observer with Polynomial Coordinate Transformation
        ................................. K. Nam

Time-Varying Exponential Stabilization of a Rigid spacecraft with Two Control
        ............................. P. Morin and C. Samson

A Systematic Approach to Adaptive Observer Synthesis for Nonlinear Systemss
        ............................ Y.M. Cho and R. Rajamani

Stability of Discrete-Time Matrix Polynomials
        ..................... K.T. Ngo and K.T. Erickson

Noninteracting Control of Descriptor Systems Involving Disturbances
        ............... F.N.Koumboulis and K.G. Tzierakis

Robust Decoupling of Discrete Systems Using L1 Optimization
        .......................................... C.K. Quek and A.P. Loh

Robust Adaptive Sampled-Data Control of a Class of Systems Under Structured
Nonlinear Perturbations
        ....................... O. Ocah and M.E. Sezer

Point-To-Point Regulation of a Robot with Flexible Joints Including Electrical
Effects of Actuator Dynamics
        .............................. A. Ailon, R. Lozano-Leal, and M. Gil'

New Results on the Separation of Matrix Eigenvalucs and the Clustering of
Matrix Elements
        ............................................... J.E. Kurek

Sensitivity Analysis of the Feedback Synthesis Problem
        .............. M.M. Konstantinov, P.H. Petkov, and N.D. Christov

Convergence of the DRE Solution to the ARE Strong Solution
        ............................................ P. Park and T. Kailath

Tight Bounds for the Trace of a Matrix Product
        .............................................. J.B. Lasserre

Convergence Analysis of the Extended Kalman Filter Used as an Observer for
Nonlinear Deterministic Discrete-Time Systems
        ................ M. Boutayeb, H. Rafaralahy, and M. Darouach

Dynamics and Convergence Rate of Ordinal Comparison of Stochastic
Discrete-Event Systems
        ............................................. X. Xie

Correction to "Absolute Stability Criteria for Multiple Slope-Restriced
Monotonic Nonlinearities
        ............................................. W. M. Haddad

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

  Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications
          Contents: Volume 7, Issue 2, April 1997

Why Event Observation: Observability Revisited;
Changwei Cao, Feng Lin, and Zheng-Hui Lin

A Survey of Petri Net Methods for Controlled Discrete Event
Systems; L.E. Holloway, B.H. Krogh, and A. Giua

On Supervisory Policies that Enforce Global Fairness and
Bounded Fairness in Partially Controlled Petri Nets;
Ramavarapu S. Sreenivas

Some Ergodic Results on Stochastic Iterative Discrete Events
Systems; J.M. Vincent

Contributing Authors

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our Web site
at http://www.wkap.nl, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Giorgio Picci


                              MTNS 98

                Padova, Italy, July 6-11, 1998

             Call for papers and first announcement

MTNS 98 will be held from July 6 to 10, 1998, at the school of Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy. Contributed papers and invited sessions
for MTNS - 98 are hereby solicited in all traditional areas involving
mathematics of networks and systems as well as emerging fields in
engineering and mathematics with potential impact in circuits, automatic
control systems, and signal processing. Such topics include, but are not
limited to:

Adaptive Control - Algebraic Systems Theory - Applications of Algebraic and
Differential Geometry in Systems Theory - Autonomous Control Systems -
Aereospace and Avionic Systems - Coding Theory - Computational Fluid
Dynamics - Distributed and Infinite Dimensional Systems - Control of
Flexible and Distributed Parameter Systems - Dynamic System Identification -
Dynamic Aspects of Computer Vision - Image and 2D Signal Processing -
Information Theory and Information Theoretical Methods in Systems and
Networks - Intelligent Control- Mathematical Theory of Networks and Circuits
- Multivariable and Large-Scale Systems - Multiresolution Signal Processing
- Neural Networks in Modeling and Identification - Nonlinear Filtering and
Estimation and Applications - Nonlinear Systems and Control - Numerical and
Symbolic Computations in Systems Theory - Operator Theoretic Methods in
Circuits and Systems Theory - Optimization and Optimal Control - Process
Control - Robotics - Robust and H-Infinity Control and Estimation - Signal
Processing - Statistical Physics and Stochastic Mechanics - Stochastic
Modeling and Stochastic System Theory - Stochastic Control and Estimation -
Subspace Methods in Identification and Signal Processing - Visionics - VLSI
Design - Wavelets.

We also encourage contributions in the application areas of:  - Aerospace -
Biomedical Engineering Sciences - Communication - Manufacturing - Civil
Engineering - Process Control - Transportation.

Papers: Submit an extended abstract (4-5 pages) in duplicate by December 1st,
1997. The abstract should preferably contain a history and motivation of the
problem, a precise statement of results together with indications of the
techniques involved, and a representative bibliography.  Notice of acceptance
 will be given by February 28, 1998.

Submission of extended abstracts should be made to:
Department of Electronics and Informatics
University of Padua
via Gradenigo 6/a
35131, PADOVA,Italy
email: mtns98cb@dei.unipd.it

Special Sessions: Submit proposals for special sessions, containing the title
of the session, the names, affiliations, complete address and email of the
authors  by December 1st, 1997.  Normally a session should accomodate four
speakers, each given half an hour, but longer sessions with five speakers can
be also arranged. Notice of acceptance will be given by February 28, 1998.

Send proposals for Special Sessions to:
Department of Electronics and Informatics
University of Padua
via Gradenigo 6/a
35131, PADOVA,Italy
email: mtns98@dei.unipd.it

We encourage electronic submission. To submit  extended abstracts
and proposals  for special sessions electronically,  please send either  a
LaTeX or Postscript file to  the   appropriate electronic address above.
Final hard copy version of the papers for possible inclusion in  the
proceedings of MTNS98 is due at the conference.

                            IMPORTANT DATES

Submission Deadline             December 1st, 1997
Acceptance Notification          February 28, 1998
Early Registration               April 15,    1998
Conference                       July 6-10,   1998

MTNS-98 Conference Information: The International Symposium  on the
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS) is organized biannually.
Previous meetings were held in College Park, Maryland, USA (1973), Montreal,
Canada (1975), Lubbock, Texas, USA (1977), Delft, Netherlands (1979), Santa
Monica, California, USA (1981), Beer Sheva, Israel (1983), Stockholm, Sweden
(1985), Phoenix, Arizona, USA (1987), Amsterdam, Netherlands (1989), Kobe,
Japan (1991),  Regensburg, Germany (1993), St. Louis, Missouri USA(1996).

For general information contact:
 email: mtns98@dei.unipd.it

Contributed by: KuoJuey Ray Liu 



              June 23-25, 1997, Princeton, New Jersey, USA

               EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE:  MAY 15, 1997

YOU ARE INVITED to participate in the 1997 First IEEE Workshop on
Multimedia Signal Processing, June 23-25, in Princeton, NJ.


MMSP strives to bring together people in the signal processing society, the
communications society, and the computer society, and to offer a forum for
interaction.  This workshop will feature plenary address by Larry Rabiner,
technical presentations, special sessions by invited speakers, and demo
sessions.  In the demo sessions, latest research results in applications of
signal processing techniques to multimedia transmission, data retrieval and
processing will be shown by researchers from several corporate and
university research labs.

Early registration deadline is May 15, 1997.  For additional information,
advance program, and registration information, please visit our web page at


  Sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (IEEE SPS)
                   Multimedia Signal Processing Technical Committee

  In cooperation with
    IEEE SPS Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee
    IEEE SPS Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee
    New Jersey Center for Multimedia Research

Contributed by: N. Rakoto 

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                REIMS - FRANCE, 19-20 March 1998

WORKING LANGUAGES: French and English with simultaneous translation.

  Address: ADPM'98 Secretariat, LAM, UFR Sciences Exactes et Naturelles,
  Moulin de la Housse, BP 1039, 51687 REIMS Cedex 2 - France
  Tel: +33 (0) 3 26 05 32 26
  Fax: +33 (0) 3 26 05 31 06
  E-mail: adpm98@BAHIA.univ-reims.fr
  W3 Server: http://www.univ-reims.fr/CongresADPM98/adpm.html

  AFCET: Association Francaise des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information
         et des Systemes
  SEE: Societe des Electriciens et des Electroniciens
  Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

  Automation can nowadays no longer be either continuous or discrete. Coping
  with: various operating modes, increased flexibility and dependability
  constraints, batch processes, and controlling production flow, demand a
  broad approach combining the concepts, models, theories, and know-how both
  from continuous control systems, and from discrete-event systems.

  The expressions Mixed processes or Dynamic Hybrid Systems designate the
  class of systems that explicitly and simultaneously include continuous and
  event based phenomena or models.

  Following the success of the two previous conferences ADPM'92 (held in
  Paris) and ADPM'94 (held in Brussels), the Dynamic Hybrid Systems working
  group of the AFCET/SEE has taken the initiative of organising the 3rd
  international Conference ADPM'98 in Reims, on March 19th and 20th 1998. This
  conference has the twofold objective of providing a survey of the advances
  in this field and of setting up contacts between researchers and
  industrials, whether they have control, electronics or informatics
  background. The material submitted must be original and related to one of
  the theoretical or practical aspects of modelling, analysis or synthesis of
  hybrid systems.

  - Event based models: automata (timed, hybrid, ...), Petri nets (continuous,
    batch, hybrid, high-level, ...), Statecharts, Grafcet, transition systems.
  - Continuous based model: linear or non-linear processes, discontinuous
    state or transfer function models, algebraic models, bond-graphs.
  - Logic, temporal, stochastic, chaotic models.
  - Methodological issues for hybrid systems: multi-modelling approaches,
    hierarchical organisation, distribution of intelligence.

  Simulation, Analysis and Synthesis:
  - Simulation and proof of specifications and implementations.
  - Properties of hybrid systems: Controllability, Observability, Stability,
    Robustness, Reliability, Safety.
  - Synthesis, identification and supervision of hybrid systems: intelligent
    control, adaptive control, optimal control.

  - Examples of specially adapted automation components: batch programmable
    controllers, field buses, communication networks, software systems.
  - Industrial processes: electronic systems, batch processes, manufacturing
    systems, complex systems, ...
  - Hybrid systems in education and training.

  Please include the names, complete mailing addresses, phone number of the
  authors, eventually e-mail number. Underline the name of the corresponding
  author. Abstracts and final papers may be submitted in French or English.
  All the accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings. A
  further selection will be made to include:
  - 10 papers in a special issue of the European J. of Automation.
  - 6 papers in the journal Revue de l'Electricite et de l'Electronique.


  Reims is situated 150 Km to the east of Paris. It has a direct connection by
  shuttle car with both Paris airports: Roissy and Orly. The railway station
  and the A4 and A26 motorways are situated at about 200 meters of the
  Congress Centre.

  During the conference an exhibition of relevant hardware tools, software
  tools, and batch processes will take place.
  The first national forum for students of Electronics, Power, and Control
  Engineering will also be held in conjunction with the conference.

Contributed by:  I.Kalaykov   



      October 14 - 17, 1997
      Sofia, Bulgaria



* Adaptive, Robust, Optimal Systems
* Computer Communications and Integrated Communications
* Discrete-Event Systems
* Distributed Computing Systems
* Intelligent networks
* Linear and Nonlinear Systems
* Modelling, Identification, Decision making
* Multi-media Systems
* Networks Hardware Developments and Architecture
* Networks Management
* Process Control and Production Management
* Signal Processing, Stochastic Systems
* Sensors Components and Instrumentation

This year the  National conference AUTOMATION and INFORMATICS includes
the following symposia:



   - Design Methodology of Network Systems
   - Networks Hardware Developments and Architecture
   - Networks Interconnection
   - Networks Management
   - Networks Standards and Protocols
   - Special Purpose LAN's
   - ATM
   - ISDN Interfaces
   - Distributed Computing Systems
   - Distributed Data Bases
   - Computer Messaging Systems
   - Multi-media Systems
   - Data Manegement for Office Systems
   - Computer Communications and Integrated Communications
   - Intelligent networks
   - Distributed Processing
   - Intelligent networks

Chairman of Organizing and Program Committee: K. Boyanov

2. International Workshop "INTELLIGENT CONTROL" - INCON'97


   - Knowledge Based Systems
   - Fuzzy Control
   - Neural Networks for Control and Simulation
   - Genetics Algorithms and Learning in Control Systems
   - Expert Based Control
   - Analysis and Disign in Intelligent Controllers
   - Direct and Supervisory Control

Chairman of Int. Program Committee: H. Verbruggen (NL)
Chairman of Org. Committee:         I. Kalaykov

3. International Simposium "BIOPROCESS SYSTEMS'97" - BioPS'97


   - Modelling of bioprocess systems
   - Optimization and control of bioprocesses
   - Measurements in bioprocess systems
   - Biotechnology and bioequipment

Chairman of Int.Program Committee: K. Belgarg
Chairman of Organizing Committee:  S. Tzonkov

4. Mini Symposium "Advanced Control in Power Plants and Systems".

   - Control of power plants
   - Control of power system
   - Control of heat distribution systems

Chairman of Program Committee: M. Hadjiski

5. Mini Symposium "Diagnosis and Pattern Recognition"


   - Technical Diagnosis
   - Medical Diagnosis
   - Pattern Recognition

Chairman of Program Committee: A. Nedev



Only unpublished materials may be presented. Prospective authors should
submit the full length papers in two copies by May 30, 1997 in camera-ready
form. Authors are urged to prepare their manuscript using advanced word
processing software and a laser printer.


The registration fee of the conference is 200 USD.

Information about hotel reservations will be provided to participants.

Submission of full papers     May 30, 1997
Notification of acceptance    June 30, 1997


Mrs. Margarita Grigorova
Union of Automation and Informatics
108 Rakovsky Str.
1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: + 3592  87-61-69
Fax: + 3592  9879 360
E-mail: SAI @ bgcict.acad.bg

Contributed by: Karl Mathia 

                           LAST Call for Papers:


                                at the

                        WORLD MULTICONFERENCE ON
                            Caracas, Venezuela
                              July 7-11, 1997

           (Extended Deadline for Abstracts: March 31, 1997)

"Learning Control" is a term attributed to a broad class of self-tuning
processes,  where the performance of the controlled system with respect
to a particular task is self-improved based on the performance for
previous identical tasks.  The idea of self-learning control systems is
aesthetically appealing and represents a fundamental step towards fully
autonomous systems. This is of advantage when dealing with uncertain or
changing systems.

The major difference between adaptive and learning control is sometimes
characterized in terms of 'local' and 'global' learning.  An adaptive
systems continuously adapts to changes in environment and system para-
meters (local),  whereas a learning systems memorizes and recognizes
previously experienced situations (global).  The classification of
learning control will be one of many topics at this SCI'97 session. We
invite you to present your recent research results, learn about current
avenues in the field, and to meet interesting people.

We look for quality papers which cover the topics outlined below.
Similar work is also welcome.

SCI'97 is a truly multi-disciplinary conference, covering intelligent
computing, information theory,  cybernetics,  social and biological
systems, psychology, and applications.  General information about the
conference is listed below or can be found at the website


SCI'97 is an ideal platform for a special session on "Learning Control",
an emerging discipline which is receiving more and more attention from
both the academic and industrial controls community, due to the increasing
complexity of (technical) systems.

The Learning Control Session will include, but is not limited, to the
following topics (further suggestions are encouraged):

     * Classification of learning control systems.

     * Mathematical learning theory in a controls context.

     * Biological or social self-learning control mechanisms and
       their extension to technical systems.

     * Human operator modeling.
       Human operators are (currently) the ultimate learning controller
       for complex systems.

     * Neurocontrol, using biological or artificial neural networks.

     * Fuzzy logic and learning.

     * Optimal Control type learning algorithms (adaptive critics,
       Q-learning, etc.).

     * Variable structure learning of controllers and its
       variants, e.g. reconfigurable and reparameterizable controllers.

     * Stability of learning control systems (important!).

     * Hardware implementations.

     * Applications and case studies which exceed the usual benchmark
       problems towards real-world complex systems.

Questions about, or contributions to this special session can be
e-mailed to Karl Mathia at


Please mail three (3) hardcopies of your abstract or draft (1-2 pages)

  Dr. Karl Mathia
  Accurate Automation Corporation
  7001 Shallowford Road                 Phone: (423) 894-4646
  Chattanooga, TN 37421                 Fax:   (423) 894-4645

Full-size papers (max. 8 pages, single spaced) are be submitted by
authors after the notification of acceptance.
Please note the extended deadline for camera-ready papers: May 12, 1997.

March 15, 1997    Submission of 1-2 page abstracts or drafts.
March 31, 1997    Acceptance notifications.
May 1,    1997    Submission of camera ready papers (max. 8 pages,
                  single spaced).

Contributed by: Marjan Rihar

6th IFAC Symposium on Automated Systems Based on Human
Skill - Joint Design of Technology and Organisation

Sept 17-19, 1997, Kranjska gora, Slovenia

Scope of the Symposium:

As the previous five Symposia of the same name, this
Symposium will bring together researchers, developers and users
of automated systems. The areas of discussion are:
- the role of the individual human operator at the work place
(human-machine interaction, skills, motivation, health,
creativity, quality of working life, ...)
- work-groups supported by technology (human
communication, cooperation, participation in decision
processes, decision-support systems, ...)
- networks of groups and enterprises, together with the
supporting networks of information, control and
transportation systems (computer - supported cooperative
work, virtual enterprises, issues of reengineering of complex
hardware and software, technology and quality management,
- the impact of control and information technology on society at
large (issues of national strategies, employment and
qualification, education and training, the roles of trade unions,
gender issues, ...)
- the impact of technology on the natural environment.

The Symposium will discuss these aspects in the following
areas of using control technology:
1)  Manufacturing and Processing
2)  Energy systems
3)  Transportation
4)  Business processes

The Symposium takes place in Slovenia specifically in order
to encourage participants from the newly independent states of
Europe to join the IFAC activities. Slovenia is easily reached
from any part of the world.

Preliminary Programme Outline:

The members of the IPC and NOC thank cordially the authors of the
papers submitted to date. Preliminary scanning revealed that there
will be an interesting event comparable in quality to the previous
symposia in this series. Please, find some details from Programme
planning below.
        Plenary papers foreseen, given by reputable speakers:
Federico Butera, Sue Holmes, Tomas Martin, Donald Michie,
Walter Oberschelp, Rita van der Vorst.

Invited sessions planned:
- Organisational and business issues to be re-considered before
introducing automation systems
- Learning machines to see and to act
- Simulation systems for decision-making support in enterprises
- Women and technology (with panel discussion)

Clusters of submitted papers:
1. Introducing automation and information technology
2. Testing human performance
3. Decision-making support in production
4. Theoretical concepts of joint design
5. Manufacturing integration
6. Business process support tools
7. Business process modelling
8. Human-machine interaction in transportation
9. Learning organisations
10.Creativity in IT engineering

All communication to:

Dr. Dietrich Brandt (IPC Chairman)
Department of Informatics in Mechanical Engineering (IMA/HDZ),
University of  Technology (RWTH)
Dennewartstr. 27,  D-52068 Aachen, GERMANY
Phone: +49-241/9666-25,  Fax: +49-241/9666-22
email: Brandt@hdz-ima.rwth-aachen.de

Further information:

Contributed by:Alessandro Astolfi 


      June 17-20, 1997, Imperial College, London, UK

This four-day workshop is intended to provide doctorate students,
researchers and professionals with an overview of the status of the
art on modelling, identification, and control of mechanical systems.

Both theoretical contributions on new developments on the theory
of mechanical systems and selected lectures discussing topics of
major industrial interest are presented.

For further information contact:
A. Astolfi at a.astolfi@ic.ac.uk
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London SW7-2BT, UK

or visit the Workshop WEB site

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