E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing

ISSUE No. 100, December 1, 1996

      E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing
                 ISSUE No. 100,  December 1, 1996

E-mail:    eletter-request@win.tue.nl

Editors:   Anton A. Stoorvogel
           Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 246 5995

           Siep Weiland
           Dept. of Electrical Engineering
           Eindhoven University of Technology
           P.O. Box 513
           5600 MB Eindhoven
           the Netherlands
           Fax     +31 40 243 4582


1.      Editorial

2.      Personals

3.      General announcements
        3.1  Errata for `Mathematical Control Theory' available on www
        3.2  Web based control tutorials available for Matlab
        3.3  `Control system professional' symbolic software
        3.4  NSF initiative on learning and intelligent systems
        3.5  SCAD update

4.      Positions
        4.1  Faculty position Aerospace Engr., Georgia Inst. of Technology
        4.2  Faculty posititions in control systems, Virginia university
        4.3  Postdoctoral research position, Loughborough University
        4.4  Research associate position, University of Newcastle
        4.5  Research associate positions, Cambridge University
        4.6  Postdoctoral position grey box ident., Univ. of Queensland
        4.7  Doctoral position, Dept. Mech and Process Engr., ETH Zurich

5.      Books
        5.1  `Introduction to data compression' by Khalid Sayood
        5.2  `Fundamental limitations in filtering and control',
              M.M. Seron, J.H. Braslavsky and G.C. Goodwin

6.      Journals
        6.1  TOC Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing, Vol. 8:1/2
        6.2  TOC SCL, Vol. 29:3
        6.3  TOC Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 19:1
        6.4  TOC Intl. Journal of Control, Vol. 65:4/5/6
        6.5  TOC LAA, Vol. 247:1-3, 248:1-3
        6.6  TOC Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Vol. 14:2,3
        6.7  TOC Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, Vol. 2:4
        6.8  TOC IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, Vol. 41:12
        6.9  TOC Control Engineering Practice,  Vol. 4:12
        6.10 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA).

7.      Conferences
        7.1  CFP 4th Intl. Symp. on MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland
        7.2  CFP 9th Informs Applied Probability Conf., Boston
        7.3  CFP Intl. Conf. Control of Oscillations and Chaos, St. Petersburg
        7.4  CFP Theoretical Approaches to Adaptive Control
        7.5  CFP Conf. on Management and Control of Production and Logistics
        7.6  CFP ILAS Symposium on Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and IP
        7.7  CFP 17th Chinese control conference, Lushan, Jiangxi
        7.8  CFP 11th Conf. on Process Control, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
        7.9  CFP 12th IEEE Int. Symp. on Intelligent Control, Istanbul
        7.10 CFP 19th Symp. on Mathematical Programming, Washington.

              *                                        *
              *              Editorial                 *
              *                                        *

Welcome to this milestone E-letter 100 !!!

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              *                                        *
              *              Personals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Alan J. Laub

             ADDRESS CHANGE

Alan J. Laub
Dean, College of Engineering
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-5294

phone: (916) 752-0554
fax:   (916) 752-8058
e-mail: laub@ucdavis.edu

Contributed by: Wei-Min Lu

             ADDRESS CHANGE

Wei-Min Lu
Automation and Control Section
NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, M/S 198-326
California Institute of Technology
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109
Tel: (818)-354-4224

Contributed by: Konstantin E. Starkov

             ADDRESS CHANGE

My new address is:

CITEDI-IPN                              CITEDI-IPN
Av. Del. Parque 1310           or       2498 Roll Dr. #914
Apartado Postale N 152-E                Otay Mesa, San-Diego
Mesa de Otay, Tijuana 22510,            92173 CA, USA
Baja California Norte
Email:  konst@citedi.mx

Contributed by: Reggie Davidrajuh
             ADDRESS CHANGE

PhD Student,  Dept Thermal Energy and Hydropower
The Norwegian Univ. of Sci. and Tech.  (NTNU)

Mailing address:
Inst. termisk energi og vannkraft, NTNU
N-7034 Trondheim, Norway.

Telephone: home   +47 73 88 96 91
           office +47 73 59 82 56
FAX:       office +47 73 59 83 90
email:     rdite@termo.unit.no
URL:       http://www.itk.ntnu.no/~reggie

              *                                        *
              *        General announcements           *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag (sontag@control.rutgers.edu)


I have prepared a long  :-(  list of errata, typos, and miscellaneous stylistic
changes for my textbook:

   Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite Dimensional Systems,
   Springer, New York, 1990.

The materials are available online, from the following URL:


and can also be obtained by FTP anonymous from math.rutgers.edu [pub/sontag].
I plan to keep updating the information until a second edition appears.

Contributed by: William Messner (bmessner+@andrew.cmu.edu)
                Dawn Tilbury (tilbury@umich.edu)


The authors announce the availability of tutorials using Matlab and
the World-Wide Web (WWW)  for undergraduate-level controls courses.
The tutorials currently exist on the WWW at
http://www.engin.umich.edu/group/ctm and

The authors have developed education aids which illustrate control
system design and analysis and enable students to quickly use the
knowledge presented to them. The tutorials combine explanatory text
with sample Matlab commands and illustrative plots and graphics.
The outline of the tutorials closely follows the outline of the
most popular textbooks for undergraduate controls courses. For each
topic the tutorial contains an example problem which is worked out in
detail, showing all of the necessary steps. In addition, there are four
physical examples which are followed throughout the tutorial; each of
the four different control design techniques are applied to each of the
four examples.

With access to both the WWW and to Matlab on either a personal computer
or a workstation, any student will be able to follow a tutorial while
running Matlab and will be able to easily switch between the two
programs. Students will be able to grasp key concepts and design
techniques in a "learn by seeing and doing" manner. Commands shown
in the tutorials can be copied from the Netscape or Mosaic window and
pasted into the Matlab command window or into an m-file with a simple
point and click of the mouse; there is no need for time-consuming typing
and editing. Students can immediately see the result of an actual
computation, compare it to the result shown on the tutorial, and quickly
experiment with modifications of the commands and changes of parameters.
By using the hypertext markup language on the WWW, the tutorials are
highly interconnected.

There are anonymous feedback forms at the bottom of each tutorial and
example.  The authors are interested to hear how the tutorials are
used as well as suggestions for improvements.  Professors who would like
to incorporate the Matlab tutorials into an undergraduate controls course
may contact Prof. Tilbury to get a copy of the tutorials to install on
their local web site.  This project was funded by the United States
National Science Foundation.

Dawn Tilbury, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics,
University of Michigan

William Messner, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Carnegie Mellon University

Contributed by: Igor Bakshee 

Wolfram Research announces

                The First Comprehensive Environment
                with Integrated Symbolic Capability

Symbolic control algorithms are now available as a part of Control
System Professional, the newest addition to the Mathematica
applications library. The software package uses a unified object-
oriented approach to integrate the arbitrary precision, machine
precision, symbolic, and graphical operations commonly performed in
the control and systems areas and covers all the steps from creating
and manipulating symbolic models, to analysis, design, and simulation
of control systems.  The package is oriented toward practitioners in
the field as well as researchers.  It is also a complete tool for
educators and students studying topics ranging from the beginning to
the advanced level.  Written with an interdisciplinary audience in
mind, the package is readily applicable to a wide range of problems
in the mechanical, electrical, chemical, and aerospace industries as
well as other fields including biochemistry and economics.

With Control System Professional, the user gains access to a library
of more than 150 functions and options that are designed to solve the
typical control problems. To make the package easy to use, the same
functions handle the state-space and transfer-function represen-
tations of SISO or MIMO dynamic systems, defined in either the
continuous-time or discrete-time domains.  Internally, the systems
are represented by data structures that allow the user to pass all
system information from one function to another simply by referencing
the system by name -- the package automatically chooses appropriate
algorithms.  Experts, on the other hand, may easily access  all the
intermediate steps.

Supporting both the "classical" and "modern" approaches, Control
System Professional finds the transfer function matrices in the
expanded and factored polynomial forms and computes the state-space
realizations from the input-output forms or state equations.
A collection of interconnecting functions is supplied to build
arbitrary complex systems from simple ones.  Numerous algorithms
are provided to find the discrete-time approximations of the analog
systems and the continuous-time models of the sampled system.  The
package handles systems with time delays and supports several
linearization methods for nonlinear systems, including Pade and
minimax approximations.

Control System Professional's model operations include computing the
minimal realizations, and finding the Jordan and Kalman canonical
forms, as well as selecting controllable and observable subspaces.
The package also finds the internally balanced realizations and
performs the corresponding model reductions. Controllability and
observability properties are determined either in a transparent
fashion or by computing and analyzing the controllability and obser-
vability matrices and Gramians. A similarity transform function is
provided to convert between equivalent realizations. The user also
has access to the continuous and discrete matrix Lyapunov equation

Drawing on Mathematica's computational engine, Control System
Professional allows the user to obtain the time-domain responses
analytically or to simulate them numerically.  Impulse, step, ramp,
or arbitrary response functions are obtainable with the same ease.
The package generates the Bode, Nyquist, Nichols, and singular-value
plots for the frequency domain representations as well as the root-
locus plots and animations.

The feedback design tools are represented by the robust and
Ackermann's algorithms for the eigenvalue assignment problem and the
linear-quadratic optimal control design tools for the infinite-
horizon state and output regulator problems.  Special functions are
provided to compute the Kalman estimator and filter, the discrete
equivalents to the continuous regulator and estimator, and the
solutions to the continuous and discrete algebraic Riccati equations.

The package comes with a 186 page manual that describes its functions
and provides hundreds of examples that make the package immediately
useful for practical applications.  The case studies are presented
for the inverted pendulum and magnetic ball levitation systems, the
production and inventory control model, the depth control of a
submarine, the lateral dynamics of an aircraft, the roll attitude
control of a missile, the concentration control of a chemical mixture
in a mixing tank, as well as the PID controller, the minimum-time
response controller, and others.  Also included is comprehensive
on-line help.

Control System Professional is available for all platforms that run
Mathematica 2.2 or later.  These include Microsoft Windows,
Macintosh, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, OSF/1, HP-UX, AIX, IRIX, NEXTSTEP,
OS/2, and OpenVMS.

For more information, contact info@wolfram.com, phone (800) 441-6284.
CSP home page is at http://www.wolfram.com/applications/control.
Examples from the manual are freely downlodable from

We consider CSP as an open platform for implementing control
algorithms. If you are working on methods that can make a useful
extension to the package, we would be happy to help.  Please contact
us at control-developer@wolfram.com.

Contributed by: Kishan Baheti (rbaheti@nsf.gov)


Advanced information and communication technologies will radically
transform the way people live, learn, create, and work in the 21st
century. The Learning and Intelligent Systems (LIS) initiative, by
integrating  technology with research in the many disciplines that
contribute to the study of learning and intelligent systems has the
potential to help inform and shape these changes.  To do so, the
initiative must build on approaches drawn from a wide variety of
currently separate but related scientific disciplines and technological
advances.  Six NSF Directorates-Biological Sciences (BIO), Computer
and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), Education and Human
Resources (EHR), Engineering (ENG), Mathematical and Physical Sciences
(MPS), and Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE)-will coordinate
and manage the initiative through a special Committee with an appointed
Coordinator. The LIS Committee reports to the Senior Management
Integration group through a cognizant Assistant Director.

There are two parallel and compelling reasons why the NSF is framing a
new initiative in the general area of learning and intelligent systems
at the present time:
    *The growing convergence of concepts, models, and technologies used
     in many disciplines that address issues related to the improvement of
     information technologies and their application to learning and
     intelligent systems.
    *As our understanding of learning, intelligent systems, and information
     technologies grows, the need to integrate the knowledge generated and
     to apply it within a broad social context is growing even faster.

Research on learning technologies can point to significant breakthroughs
promises rapid advances in both theory and application.
LIS seeks to fund:
    *high-risk multi-year research by interdisciplinary teams designed
     to develop fundamental knowledge that will integrate concepts related
     to LIS.
     Projects must go beyond the scope of traditional disciplinary proposals
     and span the purview of more than one NSF Directorate. experimental
     prototypsystems and technology testbeds that embody theory, test its
     consequences, and point out factors relating to its eventual efficient
    *projects that contribute to the creative integration of research in
     education with research in information technology, and that use
     education at any level as an application domain.
    *one or more (real or virtual) Centers for Collaborative Research on
     Learning Technologies (CRLT) to undertake larger collaborative
     projects,  act as a technology transfer mechanism, train new researchers
     and serve as an evaluation center for learning technology research.

Pre-proposals are required and will be reviewed by internal and
external multidisciplinary panels.  Target date for preliminary proposals is
February 7, 1997.  Award recommendations will be made in August and
September, 1997. The initiative is expected to continue through FY
1998. The LIS solicitation (NSF 97-18) and additional information can be
found in  NSF's Web server, in http://www.nsf.gov/lis or send a message
to lis@nsf.gov.

Contributed by  Raimund J. Ober 
                Xu Huang 

        UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- November 1996

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               Systems and Control Archive at Dallas

                 Worldwide web:   URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/
                 queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu

New contents:

Conferences: Preliminary Call for Papers `Compression and Complexity of
===========                               SEQUENCES 1997 '

Education: Link to Mechatronic Systems, Inc., makers of The Pendubot.

Eletters: Number 99

Hardware: Link to Mechatronic Systems, Inc., makers of The Pendubot.

JOURNALS: Link to the site and contents pages of
========  `IEEE Transactions and Control Systems Technology'

   Recently we have started an address list for systems
   and control people.

   About 1130 people have added their addresses to the list.

   To register your, simply:
      - go to SCAD using the web
      - go to the ADDRESS LIST link
      - click: add your address
      - fill in the form.

   You can check out addresses by using the search facility or
   by scanning through the full list.

THESES:  Ph.D. Thesis on "Theory of Hybrid Systems and Discrete Event Systems"
======   by Anuj Puri.

   !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!!

How to access scad:
 Using Worldwide Web:
      URL: http://scad.utdallas.edu/scad/

 More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to
 After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains
 more information about SCAD.

              *                                        *
              *              Positions                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Wassim M. Haddad

                School of Aerospace Engineering
                Georgia Institute of Technology
                Atlanta, GA 30332-0150
                Voice: (404) 894-1078
                FAX: (404) 894-2760
                email: wm.haddad@aerospace.gatech.edu

                             FACULTY POSITION

The School of Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta invites applications and nominations for a tenure-track faculty
position in aerospace control and dynamics.  A doctorate in engineering is
required, with a background in linear and nonlinear control, dynamics, and
optimization, including an emphasis on aerospace related applications.
Scholarly achievement is an essential qualification.  Experience in or
having had strong interaction with industry and/or government research
facilities will be viewed as highly desirable.  Candidates are expected to
have a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels and to the development of an externally funded research program.
Senior candidates must have well established research credentials and
demonstrated leadership in aerospace control methodologies.

Areas of interest include but are not limited to nonlinear adaptive and
robust control systems, control of aerospace vehicles, active control of
flows, active control of fluid-structure interaction, noise control, and/or
propulsion/combustion control.  Candidates will be expected to teach
courses in aerospace vehicle stability and control and in spacecraft
dynamics, as well as have significant interaction with other faculty both
in teaching and research.  Please send nominations and applications to:
Professor W.M. Haddad, Chairman, Faculty Search Committee, School of
Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
30332-0150.  Georgia Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma-tive Action
Employer.  The School welcomes applications from qualified women and
minority candidates.

Contributed by: Gang Tao, University of Virginia

                 Faculty Positions in Control Systems etc.

The University of Virginia's Department of Electrical Engineering invites
applications for tenure-track faculty positions at all professorial levels.
Candidates are sought with specific expertise in the areas of control theory
and its application, analog and mixed signal circuits, wireless and computer
networks, pattern recognition and signal processing, system design
verification/validation, and novel high performance/high frequency
semiconductor devices.  Responsibilities in these positions include teaching
at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, developing a funded scholarly
research program, and providing service to the University and profession.  An
earned doctorate in electrical engineering is required.  Established research
programs exist in the department in the areas of control theory; digital and
computer system design; VLSI systems; solid-state materials, devices and
circuits; and communications and signal processing.  More complete information
about the department can be found through URL http://server.ee.virginia.edu.
Interested individuals should send a complete resume, statement of citizenship
(or visa) status together with the names and addresses of at least three
references (include email address) to J.H. Aylor, Chair, Dept. of Electrical
Engineering, University of Virginia, Thornton Hall, Charlottesville, VA
22903-2442. The University of Virginia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Employer.

Contributed by: Anthony Rossiter 

               Postdoctoral Research Assistantship
                   Loughborough University, UK

       Theory and application of predictive control to electricity
                       generating industry

Applicants are sought for a 3 year postdoctoral position (salary scale
approx. 14,317 - 15,986 pa according to age/experience) to start as soon as
possible.  The post is jointly funded through the EPSRC and the ERCOS
(Electricity Research Co-Funding Scheme). The main aim of the project is to
develop and implement predictive controllers for steam temperature control
in a power station.  The project will be based at Loughborough but will be
jointly supervised by Dr. J.A. Rossiter of Loughborough University and Dr.
B. Kouvaritakis of Oxford University; implementation will be carried out in
collaboration with PowerGen based at Ratcliffe Power station (near
Loughborough).  Enquiries and applications  (deadline 25th January) by full
c.v. to Dr. J.A. Rossiter,  Dept. Mathematical Sciences,  Loughborough
University,  Leics.,  LE11 3TU. Tel. (44)  1509  222860, email: J.A.
Rossiter @lboro.ac.uk.

Contributed by: jie.zhang@newcastle.ac.uk (Dr. Jie Zhang)


New awards to the Centre for Process Analysis, Chemometrics and Control have
provided funds for strategic research initiatives in the development and
application of dynamic and neuro-fuzzy model based predictive control.  The
project will also address aspects of non-linear model identification, model
structure and robustness.  A number of European industrial companies are

A vacancy exists for a 2 year Post-Doctoral Research Associate position.
Prospective candidates should have a good honours degree and appropriate
post-graduate qualifications in either engineering, physics and mathematics
and advanced control, should be able to demonstrate significant research
potential and have excellent inter-personal skills.  The successful
candidate will be expected to work closely with industry.

The research group which comprises 8 post-doctoral research staff and 15
research students is actively addressing technological challenges in neural
networks, adaptive and predictive control, non-linear optimisation, process
fault detection and diagnosis, multivariate statistical process control and
plant performance monitoring and real-time knowledge based systems.

Salaries will be in the range: 14,317 - 18,294 UK pounds per annum, on the
scale: 14,317 - 21,519 UK pounds per annum, subject to qualifications and

For further details, please contact Professor Julian Morris, Director,
Centre for Process Analysis, Chemometrics and Control, Department of
Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon
Tyne, NE1 7RU, Tel. 0191 222 7342, Fax 0191 222 5292, e-mail
julian.morris@newcastle.ac.uk.  Interested candidates are invited to send
their CV with the names and addresses of three referees to Professor Morris
by the 13th December 1996.

Contributed by: Keith Glover (kg@eng.cam.ac.uk)

           University of Cambridge, Department of Engineering

   Two Research Associates in Robust Control of Internal Combustion Engines.

 Applications are invited for two Research Associateships  to work on a major
new project aimed at reducing vehicle emissions via improved engine control.
The project is for three years, and is funded by the EPSRC and the Ford
Motor Company. Funds have been made available for an advanced, and
comprehensively equipped dynamic dynamometer facility, which is presently
under construction. The project will focus on how modern robust control
techniques  can be employed for I.C. engines, giving improved emissions and
driveability.  Both Diesel and gasoline engines will be employed in this

 It is hoped that one of the Research Associates will have  a strong
background in control, but not necessarily related to engines,  and that the
other will have  a strong background in engine research, especially related
to emissions,  but not necessarily related to control.

 Candidates should have a good honours degree and preference will be given
to candidates with a PhD degree in a relevant subject.  The appointments
will be for three years with a  salary in the range 14,317 to 19,848.
Further particulars and an application form can be obtained by  writing to
Mrs. Mavis Barber, Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge,
Trumpington St., Cambridge CB2 1PZ, or via email at mavis@eng.cam.ac.uk.
Informal enquiries may also be made to the address above, or (preferably) by
e-mail to:- for the "control" activity to Professor Keith Glover
(kg@eng.cam.ac.uk) and for the "engine" activity to Dr. Nick Collings
(nc@eng.cam.ac.uk). The closing date is January 24th 1997.

 The University follows an equal opportunities policy.

Contributed by Erik Weyer (Erik.Weyer@cheque.uq.edu.au)



The CAPE Centre in the Department of Chemical Engineering, The
University of Queensland is seeking to appoint a Postdoctoral Fellow
to work in the area of grey box identification for process control.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in a relevant area and a good
theoretical understanding. Experience in system identification and
process control is highly desirable. The position is for two years
and is available immediately.

The CAPE Centre is a major research group comprising three academic
staff, one research fellow and 15 PhD students working in the fields
of modelling, control and optimisation with a particular emphasis on
applications in the process industries.

For further information please email Bob Newell on:

Contributed by:  Lino Guzzella 


      Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering
                  ETH-Zurich, Switzerland

                    For the project:

          Feedback Control of Transitional Flows

 In this project the issue of feedback flow control for wake flows
 and flows in channels with sudden expansions will be addressed.
 The approach is based on Direct Numerical Simulation and analysis
 of the simulation data for the derivation of low-dimensional
 models. These will then be used for the design of control laws,
 which will be implemented and tested with the simulation code.

 General qualifications required: Recent diploma in mechanical
 or process engineering or in physics (with specialization
 preferably in Fluid Mechanics, Applied Mathematics or in Control
 Theory). Ability to work with computer tools. Good knowledge of
 German or English.

 For more information please contact:

 Lino Guzzella or Lambros Kaiktsis
 Institute of Energy Technology
 Sonneggstrasse 3
 CH-8092 Zurich
 e-mail guzzella@lvv.iet.mavt.ethz.ch  phone: (+41-1) 632-5448
 e-mail kaiktsis@lvv.iet.mavt.ethz.ch  phone: (+41-1) 632-4616

              *                                        *
              *                Books                   *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Lisa Schneider (lschneider@mkp.com)

    by Khalid Sayood, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

1996; 475 pages; hardcover; ISBN 1-55860-346-8
published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, California

Engineers and Computer Scientists must have a solid understanding of
compression to work with the increasing variety of data types and
data-intensive applications. This uniquely comprehensive book explains the
fundamental theories and techniques of data compression, with the most
complete coverage of both lossy and lossless methods. Rather than simply
describing current approaches, Sayood explains the theoretical underpinnings
of the algorithms so readers learn how to model structures in data and
design compression packages of their own. Practitioners, researchers, and
students will benefit from the balanced presentation of theoretical material
and implementations.

-Covers both lossy and lossless compression techniques with applications to
image, speech, text, audio, and video compression.
-Discusses official compression standards for video, audio, text, and
facsimile including JPEG, MPEC, G.728, H261, and Group 3 and 4 fax standards.
-Provides software implementations and sample data sets, allowing readers to
work through the examples in the book and to experiment with various
compression techniques of their own.
-Presents detailed examples illustrating each new concept or algorithm.
-Includes appendices on probability theory, random processes, and matrix

Contributed by: J.H. Braslavsky 

                        New book announcement:


      Maria M. Seron, Julio H. Braslavsky and Graham C. Goodwin

               University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

 Springer-Verlag Series on Communications and Control Engineering (CCES)
 Springer-Verlag, London, 1997 . XIV, 369 pp. 114 figs., 2 tabs.,
 Hardcover ISBN 3-540-76126-8 DM 108,-;  42,50; FF 407,-;
 Lit. 119.270; S 788,40; sFr 95,50
 U.S. Customers: For Price Information please contact SV New York
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This book deals with the issue of fundamental limitations in filtering
and control system design. This issue lies at the very heart of any
design problem, since it reveals what is achievable, and conversely
what is not achievable, on the basis of structural and dynamic
characteristics of the system.

The subject has a rich history beginning with the seminal work of Bode
during the 1940's and as subsequently published in his well known book
Feedback Amplifier Design (Van Nostrand, 1945). The original
motivation for the study of fundamental limitations in feedback was
control system design. However, it has been recently realized that
similar constraints hold for many related problems including filtering
and fault detection. Recent developments in the field of fundamental
design limitations include extensions to multivariable systems,
sampled-data, periodic, and nonlinear problems.

At this point in time, a considerable body of knowledge has been
assembled on this topic. It is thus timely to summarize the key
developments in a modern and comprehensive text. This is the principal
objective of this book, which covers all necessary background and
gives new succinct treatments of Bode's original work together with
all contemporary results.

This book should be of interest to researchers, junior graduate
students and practitioners from diverse fields, including Control,
Communications, Signal Processing, and Applied Mathematics.


    o Part I: Introduction
         1) A Chronicle on Systems Design Limitations
    o Part II: Limitations in Linear Control
         1) Review of General Concepts
         2) SISO Control
         3) MIMO Control
         4) Extensions to Periodic Systems
         5) Extensions to Sampled-Data Systems
    o Part III: Limitations in Linear Filtering
         1) General Concepts
         2) SISO Filtering
         3) MIMO Filtering
         4) Extensions to SISO Prediction
         5) Extensions to SISO Smoothing
    o Part IV: Limitations in Nonlinear Control and Filtering
         1) Nonlinear Operators
         2) Nonlinear Control
         3) Nonlinear Filtering
    o Appendices
         1) Review of Complex Variable Theory
         2) Proofs of Some Results in the Chapters
         3) The Laplace Transform of the Prediction Error
         4) Least Squares Smoother Sensitivities for Large T
    o References
    o Index

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *
Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

        Multidimensional Systems & Signal Processing
        Contents, Volume 8, Numbers 1/2, January 1997



Editorial, N.K. Bose
Preface, Sankar Basu and Bernard Levy


Hyunju Park, Ton Kalker, and Martin Vetterli, Grobner Bases
and Multidimensional FIR Multirate Systems

Charles A. Micchelli and Yuestheng Xu, Reconstruction and
Decomposition Algorithms for Biorthogonal Multiwavelets

T. G. Marshall, Jr., Zero-Phase Filter Bank and Wavelet
Code v Matrices: Properties, Triangular Decompositions, and
a Fast Algorithm

Steven A. Benno and Jose M. F. Moura, On Translation
Invariant Subspaces and Critically Sampled Wavelet


Michael Lightstone, Eric Majani, and Sanjit K. Mitra, Low
Bir-Rate Design Considerations for Wavelet-Based Image

Giancarlo Calvagno and Roberto Rinaldo, Multiresolution
Vector Quantization for Video Coding

Eric L. Miller and Alan S. Willsky, Multiscale, Statistical
Anomaly Detection Analysis and Algorithms for Linearized
Inverse Scattering Problems

Jose Fridman and Elias S. Manolakos, On the Scalability of
2-D Discrete Wavelet Transform Algorithms


Wayne Lawton, A Fast Algorithm to Map Functions Forward

Contributing Authors

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our homepage
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Contributed by:  J.KASTELEIN@elsevier.nl

11 NOVEMBER (1996)   (contents)

   D. Chmielewski and V. Manousiouthakis, On
   constrained infinite-time linear quadratic optimal
   control                                                 121

   O.J. Staffans, On the discrete and continuous time
   infinite-dimensional algebraic Riccati equations        131

   E. Zerz, Primeness of multivariate polynomial
   matrices                                                139

   D. Hern\'{a}ndez-Hern\'{a}ndez and S.I. Marcus, Risk
   sensitive control of Markov processes in countable
   state space                                             147

   A.E. Barabanov and A.M. Ghulchak, {\it H}$^{\infty}$
   optimization problem with sign-indefinite quadratic
   form                                                    157

   G. Tao, Inherent robustness of MRAC schemes             165

   F. Albertini and D. D'Alessandro, Asymptotic
   stability of continuous-time systems with saturation
   nonlinearities                                          175

For a free sample copy of Systems & Control Letters please
send the message "SCL Sample Copy (E-letter)" with your
professional postal address to P.SCHRADER@ELSEVIER.NL

Only a few issues a year have larger print-runs to fulfil
these requests, therefore requests for one specific issue
cannot be honoured.

Contributed by:  M.RIJ@elsevier.nl

Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Vol. 19, No. 1, November 1996

Special Issue on Evolutional Robots
edited by Toshio Fukuda


T. Fujii, H. Asama, T. von Numers, T. Fujita, H. Kaetsu and I. Endo
     Co-evolution of a multiple autonomous robot system and its working
     environment via intelligent local information storage
M. Tanaka-Yamawaki, S. Kitamikado and T. Fukuda
     Consensus formation and the cellular automata
T.C. Henderson and A.A. Efros
     Evolutionary teleomorphology
J. Wang and S. Premvuti
     Resource sharing in distributed robotic systems based on a wireless
     medium access protocol (CSMA/CD-W)
J. Ota, T. Arai, E. Yoshida, D. Kurabayashi and J. Sasaki
     Motion skills in multiple mobile robot system
M. Mataric and D. Cliff
     Challenges in evolving controllers for physical robots
N. Kubota, T. Fukuda and K. Shimojima
     Trajectory planning of cellular manipulator system using
     virus-evolutionary genetic algorithm
J.C. Gallagher, R.D. Beer, K.S. Espenschied and R.D. Quinn
     Application of evolved locomotion controllers to a hexapod robot
H. Ishihara and T. Fukuda
     Dynamical reconfiguration method of cellular robotic system
     based on distance evaluation

Contributed by:  Anton Stoorvogel 

             Int. Jnl. of Control
             Volume:- 65  Issue:- 4
             Expected publication date:- 13/11/96


Title: performance enhancement of wind turbine power regulation by switched
linear control.
Authors:  Leithead.
Pages 555-572.

Title: Self-tuning control of a cold mill automatic gauge control system.
Authors:  Dutton, Groves.
Pages 573-588.

Title: Decomposition of generalised frequency response functions for=
systems using symbolic computation.
Authors:  Billings, Yusof.
Pages 589-618.

Title: State-space approach to stabilizing stochastic predictive control.
Authors:  Chisci, Lombardi, Mosca, Rossiter.
Pages 619-637.

Title: Robust semi-global output tracking for nonlinear singularly perturbed
Authors:  Christofides, Teel, Daoutidis.
Pages 639-666.

Title: Nonlinear H Method for Volterra Systems.
Authors:  Liu, Zinober.
Pages 667-680.

Title: Optimal parallel model solutions using the polynomial approach
Authors:  Milocco, De Don=E1.
Pages 681-698.

Title: An interpolation approach to multiobjective H=FD design
Authors:  Rotea, Prasanth.
Pages 699-720.

Title: Comment on 'Eigenvalue placement in a specified sector for variable
control system'
Authors:  Cao, Sun.
Pages 721-724.


International Journal of Control
Volume:- 65  Issue:- 5
Publication Date (Expected):- 25/11/96


Title: Adaptive learning control of uncertain robotic systems.
Authors:  Jin S. Lee, B. H. Park, Tae-Yong Kuc.
Pages 725-744.

Title: A new class of nonlinear robust adaptive controller
Authors:  Petros A. Ioannou, Youping Zhang.
Pages 745-770.

Title: An extension of the small gain theorem in L.
Authors:  Ricardo S. Snchez Pea, Pablo A. Anigstein.
Pages 771-790.

Title: An improved lyapunov function for power system stability analysis.
Authors:  Q. H. Wu, Y. J. Cao, S. J. Cheng.
Pages 791-802.

Title: Vibrational control of a flexible beam.
Authors:  Arie Feuer, Michael Levine.
Pages 803-825.

Title: On the controller and observer design of non-redundant linear mechanical
systems including actuator dynamics.
Authors:  -Ing. Xiaohang Zhang.
Pages 827-845.

Title: State bounding with ellipsoidal set description of the uncertainty
Authors:  D. G. Maksarov, J. P. Norton.
Pages 847-865.

Title: J-lossless conjugation and factorization for discrete-time systems.
Authors:  Hidenori Kimura, W. Kongprawechnon.
Pages 867-884.

Title: A graph theoretic method for computing a formal representation of the
largest controlled invariant subspace of a structured system.
Authors:  J. W. van der Woude.
Pages 885-898.


International Journal of Control
Volume:- 65  Issue:- 6
Publication Date (Expected): 13th December 1996


Title: Editorial
Pages 899-899.

Title: A redundant dynamical sliding mode control scheme for an asymptotic space
vehicle stabilization.
Authors:  H. Sira-Ramrez, H. B. Siguerdidjane.
Pages 901-912.

Title: Guaranteed level-gamma H control in uncertain linear matrix
Authors:  PooGyeon Park, Thomas Kailath.
Pages 913-924.

Title: Application of the minmal control synthesis algorithm to the control and
synchronisation of chaotic systems
Authors:  D.P. Stoten, M. Di Bernardo.
Pages 925-938.

Title: Robustness properties of repetitive controllers
Authors:  Gunnar Hillerstrom, Jan Sternby.
Pages 939-961.

Title: H output feedback control for linear discrete time-varying systems via
the bounded real Lemma
Authors:  J. M. A. Scherpen, M. Verhaegen.
Pages 963-993.

Title: Robust end-point optimizing feedback for nonlinear dynamic processes.
Authors:  Alessandro Astolfi, Peter Terwiesch.
Pages 995-1014.

Title: Decentralized robust control design with insufficient number of
Authors:  W-J. Wang, Y. H. Chen.
Pages 1015-1030.

Title: Balanced model reduction of symmetric composite systems
Authors:  James Lam, Guang-Homg Yang.
Pages 1031-1043.

Title: Robust controller design for uncertain linear systems with circular
pole constraints
Authors:  Wang Zidong, Tang Guoqing, Chen Xuemin.
Pages 1045-1053.

              *                                        *
              *               Journals                 *
              *                                        *

Contributed by: Hans Schneider 

Journal       : Linear Algebra and Its Applications

Volume Number : 247
Issue Number  : 1 - 3
Year          : 1996

Page 1
Time-Dependent Linear DAE's with Discontinuous Inputs
P. J. Rabier, W. C. Rheinboldt

Page 31
Dualistic Differential Geometry of Positive Definite Matrices and Its
Applications to Related Problems
A. Ohara, N. Suda, S. Amari

Page 55
On Maximal Sign-Nonsingular Matrices
T. J. Lundy, J. S. Maybee, J. Van Buskirk

Page 83
A Reverse Hadamard Inequality
S. Ambikkumar, S. W. Drury

Page 97
Convergence Properties of Block GMRES and Matrix Polynomials
V. Simoncini, E. Gallopoulos

Page 121
Polynomial Maps with Strongly Nilpotent Jacobian Matrix and the
Jacobian Conjecture
A. van den Essen, E. Hubbers

Page 133
Algebraic Representations for Finite-State Machines. II. Module
T. L. Moeller, J. Milstein

Page 151
Degree of Indecomposability of Certain Highly Regular Zero-One
D. de Caen

Page 159
On Almost Nilpotent-By-Abelian Lie Algebras
K. Bowman, D. A. Towers

Page 169
On Approximation Problems with Zero-Trace Matrices
K. Zietak

Page 185
An Elementary Prooof of Barnett's Theorem About the Greatest Common
Divisor of Several Univariate Polynomials
P. L. Gonzalez-Vega

Page 203
Block Matrices and Multispherical Structure of Distance Matrices
T. L. Hayden, J. Lee, J. Wells, P. Tarazaga

Page 217
Finding Norms of Hadamard Multipliers
C. C. Cowen, P. A. Ferguson, D. K. Jackman, E. A. Sexauer, C. Vogt, H.
J. Woolf

Page 237
Parallel Chaotic Extrapolated Jacobi-Like Methods
R. Fuster, V. Migallon, J. Penades

Page 251
The Maximum Row Length Nonsingularity Radius
B. I. Wainberg, H. J. Woerdeman

Page 265
On Linear Preservers of Immanants
M. P. Coelho

Page 273
On a Character Formula Involving Borel Subgroups
M. Maliakas

Page 277
On the Smith Normal Form of D-Optimal Designs
C. Koukouvinos, M. Mitrouli, J. Seberry

Page 297
Upper and Lower Bounds for Inverse Elements of Finite and Infinite
Tridiagonal Matrices
P. N. Shivakumar, J. Chuanxiang

Page 317
On Polynomials Nonnegative on the Unit Circle and Related Questions
Y. V. Genin

Page 327
A Note on Linear Transformations which Leave Controllable Multi-Input
Descriptor Systems Controllable
O. Fung

Page 337
On the Matrix Equation X+ATX-1A=1
X. Zhan, J. Xie

Page 347
Factorization of Banded Lower Triangular Infinite Matrices
I. Gohberg, M. A. Kaashoek, L. Lerer

Page 359
Hermitian Solutions of the Equation X=Q+NX-1N
A. Ferrante, B. C. Levy

Page 375

Volume Number : 248
Issue Number  : 1 - 3
Year          : 1996

Page 1
Companion Based Matrix Functions: Description and Minimal
H. Bart, L. G. Kroon

Page 47
Some Convex and Monotone Matrix Functions
J. S. Aujla, H. L. Vasudeva

Page 61
A Supplement to the Von Neumann Trace Inequality for Singular Values
H. F. Miranda, R. C. Thompson

Page 67
The Constrained Newton Method on a Lie-Group and the Symmetric
Eigenvalue Problem
R. E. Mahony

Page 91
Rank Inequalities for Postivie Semidefinite Matrices
M. Lunquist, W. Barrett

Page 101
An Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Symmetric and Normal Matrices
N. Radwan

Page 111
Factorization and Job Scheduling: A Connection Via Companion Based
Matrix Functions
H. Bart, L. G. Kroon

Page 137
Condition Number of the Krylov Bases and Subspaces
J. Carpraux, S. K. Godunov, S. V. Kuznetsov

Page 161
Block Pivoting and Shortcut Strategies for Detecting Copositivity
I. M. Bomze

Page 185
Band-Diagonal Operators
C. K. Fong, Y. Wu

Page 205
Elliptic Dichotomy of a Matrix Spectrum
S. K. Godunov, M. Sadkane

Page 233
A Note on the Sequence of Brualdi-LI Matrices
S. J. Kirkland

Page 241
On Algebras of Symmetric Loewner Matrices
R. Bevilacqua, E. Bozzo

Page 253
Classes of Sign Nonsingular Matrices with a Specified Number of Zero
B. C. Green, D. D. Olesky, P. van den Driessche

Page 277
Some Notes on Multisplitting Methods and M-Step Preconditioners for
Linear Systems
A. Hadjidimos, A. K. Yeyios

Page 303
Minimum Rank Matrices with Prescribed Graph
P. M. Nylen

Page 317
On the Ranks of Skew Centrosymmetric Matrices over Finite Fields
K. W. Culler, G. L. Price

Page 327
Additive Operators Preserving Idempotent Matrices over Fields and
C. Chongguang, Z. Xian

Page 339
Criteria for Generalized Diagonal Dominant Matrices and M-Matrices
Y. Gao, X. Wang

Page 355
On the Indices of Convergence of Reducible Boolean Matrices with the
Generalized Period fo (Equal to or Greater than) 2
J. Zhi-Ming

Page 375

Here's the latest issue lineup for Linear Algebra and Its
Applications. As of Spring 1996, Elsevier will offer electronic
enhancements to the print journal. Readers whose institutions
subscribe will have access to precopyedited accepted LATEX
manuscripts, and all readers will be able to use the ISITE engine to
search author/title/abstracts of papers from January 1995 onwards. For
more information please use: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/lineralgebra

Contributed by: Mike Groth (mgroth@wkap.com)

        Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
        Contents, Volume 14, Issue 2, 1996


John G. Ackenhusen and Yu Hen Hu, Guest Editors'

T. Egolf, M. Perrigrew, J. DeBardelaben, R. Hezar, S.
Famorzadeh, A. Kavipurapu, M. Khan, Lan-rong Dung, K.
Balemarthy, N. Desai, and V. Madisette, VHDL-Based
Rapid System Prototyping

Assawaree Kalavade and Edward A. Lee, Complexity Management
in System-Level Design

Chaitali Chakrabarti, Mohan Vishwanath, and Robert M.
Owens, Architectures for Wavelet Transforms: A Survey

Joseph M. Winograd and S. Hamid Nawab, Probabilistic
Complexity Analysis for a Class of Approximate DFT

Graham A. Jullien, Wenzhe Luo, and Neilo M. Wigley, High
Throughput VLSI DSP Using Replicated Finite Rings

James R. Armstrong, Geoff Frank, and F. Gail Gray, Efficient
Approaches to Testing VHDL DSP Models

        Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
        Contents, Volume 14, Issue 3, 1996


Vojin G. Oklobdzija and Belle Wei, Guest Editors'

Zhongde Wang, G. A. Jullien, and W. C. Miller, An Efficient
Tree Architecture for Module 2"+1 Multiplication

Sorin Cotofana and Stamatis Vassiliadis, 8-Bit Serial Binary
Addition with Linear Threshold Networks

Chris Dick and Fred Harris, Narrow-Band FIR Filtering with
FPGAs Using Sigma-Delta Modulation Encoding

Milos D. Ercegovac and Tomas Lang, On Recoding in Arithmetic

Hercule Kwan, Robert Leonard Nelson, Jr., and Earl E.
Swartzlander, Jr., A New Design for a Lookahead Carry

Richard H. Strandberg, Jean-Claude Le Duc, Luis G.
Bustamante, Vojin G. Oklobdzija, and Michael A. Soderstrand,
Efficient Realizations of Squaring Circuit and Reciprocal
used in Adaptive Sampling Rate Notch Filters

Shen-Chieh Huang, Liang-Gee Chen, and Thou-Ho Chen, A 32-Bit
Logarithmic Number System Processor

Paul F. Stelling and Vojin G. Oklobdzija, Design Strategies
for Optimal Hybrid Final Adders in a Parallel Multiplier

For subscription information, aims & scope, instructions for
authors, and previous tables of contents, see our homepage
at http://www.wkap.com, or contact:

Mike Groth
Kluwer Academic Publishers
101 Philip Drive
Norwell, MA  02061
Tel: (617) 871-6600
Fax: (617) 871-6528
e-mail: mgroth@wkap.com

Contributed by: Yuri L. Sachkov 

                        Vol. 2, No. 4,   October 1996


Exact Controllability for Semilinear Parabolic Equations
with Neumann Boundary Conditions                                449--484
Dongho Chae, O.Yu. Imanuvilov, Sang Moon Kim

On the Ergodicity of a Model of Drilling                        485--502
G. Chakvetadze

Extremal Controls for Chained Systems                           503--528
A.V. Sarychev, H. Nijmeijer

Existence and Comparison Theorems for Algebraic Riccati
Equations and Riccati Differential and Difference Equations     529--548
G. Freiling, G. Jank

The Minamal Number of Generators of a Matrix Algebra            549--556
V.P. Kostov

Maier's Theorems and Geodesic Laminations of Surface Flows      557--582
S. Aranson, E. Zhuzhoma

Controllability Near Takens--Bogdanov Points                    583--598
G. Haeckl, K.R. Schneider

Contributed by: John Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief
                IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control


        Table of Contents - Volume 41, Number  12 - Dec., 1996

Scanning the Issue

A Realization Theory for Perspective Systems with Applications to Paramter
Estimation Problems in Machine Vision
        ......................................... B. K. Ghosh and E. P. Loucks
Constructive Lyapunov Stabilization of Nonlinear Cascade Systems
        .....................M. Jankovic, R. Sepulchre, and P. V. Kokotovic

On Asymptotically Efficient Solutions for a Class of Supervisory Control
        ............................R. S. Sreenivas

Free-Choice Petri Nets--An Algobraic Approach
        ....................F. Baccelli, S. Foss, and B. Gaujal

Adaptive Control of Continuous-Time Overmodeled Plants
        ................................ G. Kreisselmeier and R. Lozan

A Multishift Hessenberg Method for Pole Assignment of Single-Input Systems
        .................................... A. Varga

On the Trace Bound of a Matrix Product
        ............................P. G. Park

Deterministic Weak-and-Marked Petri Net Languages are Regular
        ...................................S. Gaubert and A.Giua

Comments on the Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems by Adding an Integrator
        .............................R. Outbib and H. Jghima

Exact Hybrid Filiters in Discrete Time
        ............................R. J. Elliott, F. Dufour, and D. D. Sworder

On the Identification of Noisy MA Models
        .....................F. Desbouvries, I. Fijalkow, and Ph. Loubaton

A Single Sample Path-Based Performance Sensitivity Formula for Markov Chains
        ...............X. -R. Cao, X.-M. Yuan, and L. Qiu

An Alternate Calculation of the Discrete-Time Kalman Filter Gain and Riccati
Equation Solution
        ............................................R. Leland

Robust Stability of Linear Systems with Delayed Perturbations
        .............................................. J. -H. Kim

H$infinit Identification of Multivariable Systems by Tangential Interpolation
        ......................J. Chen, J.A. Farrell, C.N. Nett, and K. Zhou

Spectral Norm and Trace Bounds of Algebraic Matrix Riccati Equations
        ..................................T. Kang, B.S. Kim, and J.G. Lee

Adaptive Control of Nonminimum Phase Systems Subject to Unknown Bounded
        ................................D.A. Suarez and R. Lozano

Solutions to the Combined Sensitivity and Complementary Sensitivity Problem in
Control Systems
        ................................A.E.B. Lim, W.-Y. Yan, and K.L. Teo

Spectral and Inner-Outer Factorizations for Discrete-Time Systems
        ........................V. Jonescu and C. Oara

Comment Regarding "On Undershoot in SISO Systems"
        ...................................................J.R. Howell
Comment Regarding "On Delay-Independant Stability of Large-Scale Systems with
Time Delays"
        ...................................................H. Bourles

Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design--M. Kristic, I. Kanellakopoulis, and P.V.
        .....................................Reviewed by D. Mayne

Optimal Control Theory for Infinite Dimensional Systems -- X. Li and J. Yong
        ....................................Reviewed by S. Lenhart
1996 INDEX

Contributed by George Irwin:

                        CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE

                                Table of Contents

1996: Volume 4 : Issue 12

 Improvement of robust digital control by identification in the closed
 loop application to a 360 flexible arm

 Modeling and intelligent chatter control strategies for a lathe

 Inferential estimation of viscosity index on a lubricant production

 Mobile robot navigation in a partially structured static environment
 using neural predictive control

 A simulation study on fault diagnosis of a high-temperature furnace
 using a bilinear observer method

 Decreased vibration control for centrifuges: a new adaptive hybrid
 control technique

 Preface to the papers from the IFAC conference on intelligent
 autonomous control in aerospace (IFACA'95)

 New control problems associated with a proposed future space
 transportation infrastructure

 On-board autonomy eureca experience and requirements for future space

 An adaptive filter with periodic gain and its application in
 autonomous satellite navigation

 A fast autonomous star-acquisition algorithm for spacecraft

 A satellite selection criterion incorporating the effect of elevation
 angle in gps positioning

 Optimal design of robust analytical redundancy for a redundant
 strapdown inertial navigation system
 For free automatic prepublication notification of the contents of this journal,
 contact cdsubs@elsevier.co.uk

Contributed by: ETNA 

 Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA).
 Volume 4, Fall 1996.

89    An analysis of the pole placement problem.
      I. The single-input case.
      Volker Mehrmann and Hongguo Xu.

106   Ray sequences of Laurent-type rational functions.
      I. E. Pritsker.

125   On the solution of Cauchy systems of equations.
      D. Calvetti and L. Reichel.

ETNA articles can be obtained via the World Wide Web (URL
http://etna.mcs.kent.edu), Gopher (etna.mcs.kent.edu), anonymous ftp
(etna.mcs.kent.edu), or e-mail (send requests to mailer@etna.mcs.kent.edu).

              *                                        *
              *              Conferences               *
              *                                        *
Contributed by Leon Tarasiejski 

                        CALL FOR PAPERS
                Fourth International Symposium on
                26-29 August 1997, Miedzyzdroje, Poland

The objective of the Symposium is to bring together scientists and engineers
to present and discuss recent developments in the area of mathematical methods,
modelling, simulation and identification in automation and robotics.
This Symposium is the fourth event in a series which started in 1994.

   - Control theory:
infinite dimensional systems, H-inf and robust control, 2-D systems, nonlinear
systems, optimization methods, adaptive control, predictive control
   - Control engineering:
neural networks and learning systems, computer aided control system design,
active noise control, components and instrumentation, marine automation
   - Robotics:
robot design and control, assembly and task planning, path planning and mobile
robots, intelligent sensors and actuators, robot applications
   - Identification:
identification methods and algorithms, time-varying systems, fault detection,
   - Metrology:
diagnostic measurements, dynamic measurements, recovery of measured signals,
sensors and transducers
   - Modelling and simulation:
mathematical modelling: model representation and quality: robot simulation

The Symposium programme will include plenary-survey lectures
delivered by invited speakers, mini-courses, invited sessions
and regular sessions.

The plenary lectures will be given by:
- R. Curtain (Groningen, The Netherlands)
- T. Fukuda (Nagoya, Japan)
- V. Kucera (Prague, Czech Republic)
- J. Sokolowski (Nancy, France)

There will be two mini-courses:
- Repetitive Control
        by G. Weiss (UK)
- Adaptive Regulators for Bio-Processes
        by J. Ilchmann and S. Townley (UK)

The following proposals for invited sessions
have been accepted so far:
- Predictive methods for adaptive control
        by Z. Kowalczuk (Poland)
- Recent developments in robotics
        by K. Kozlowski (Poland)
- Distributed parameter systems
        by I. Lasiecka (USA) and P. Grabowski (Poland)
- Recent developments for marine systems
        by A. Tiano and G. Veruggio (Italy)

Further proposals will be welcome.

The Symposium will be held in Miedzyzdroje, a well-known seaside resort
of North-Western Poland, from Tuesday, 26 August till Friday, 29 August 1997.
The Meeting will take place at the Slavia Hotel situated a few meters from
the Baltic beach and at walking distance from the Wolin National Park.
The Hotel has conference facilities and can accommodate all participants
at reasonable prices. Accommodation will be provided in single and double
rooms, as well as in suites. Participants may also reserve accommodation
in the Slavia Hotel after the Symposium.

The official language of the Symposium is English.

The registration fee of the Symposium covering the costs of Symposium
Proceedings and reception is expected not to exceed 150 ECU.

Two copies of an extended abstract of three pages clearly stating the purpose
of the paper, significant results and conclusions should be submitted to the
Symposium Secretariat by the deadline shown. The titles and names of authors,
affiliations, postal and e-mail addresses, fax and telephone numbers should be
included. Contributions will be judged for inclusion in the programme on the
basis of their extended abstracts. Detailed instructions on preparation of
camera-ready manuscripts will be sent to authors whose papers are accepted
for publication. All papers chosen for presentation will appear in the
Preprints which will be distributed to the participants at the beginning
of the Symposium and also offered for sale. The presented papers will be
further screened for possible publication of their expanded versions in the
quarterlies 'Applied Mathematics and Computer Science' or 'Metrology and
Measuring Systems'.

Persons wishing to organize an invited session should submit a proposal
including the topic and a brief justification and description of the scope
of the session.


MMAR'97 Symposium Secretariat
Institute of Control Engineering
Technical University of Szczecin
ul. Sikorskiego 37
70-313 Szczecin,

Phone: (+48 91) 494737, (+48 91) 494704,     Fax: (+48 91) 340932
E-mail: mmar@we.tuniv. szczecin.pl, mmar@amber.tuniv. szczecin.pl
Updated information about MMAR'97 may be found in the Internet:

15 January 1997         Submission of abstracts and the enclosed return card
                        Submission of proposals for invited sessions
15 March 1997           Notification of acceptance of contributed papers
31 May 1997             Submission of camera-ready manuscripts
30 June 1997            Distribution of the final programme

Contributed by: David D. Yao 

                        CALL FOR PAPERS
            Marriott Hotel Cambridge, Massachusetts
                JUNE 30 - July 2, 1997, BOSTON

The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Applied Probability Section will hold its ninth conference at the
Cambridge Marriott Hotel on June 30 - July 2, 1997.


The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Markov Processes * Point Processes * Particle Systems * Stochastic Comparison
* Stochastic Control * Discrete Event Systems * Markov Decision Processes
* Queueing Networks * Stochastic Petri Networks * Large Deviations
* Finance Models * Probabilistic Models in Biology * Modeling of Telecommuni-
  cation Systems * Modeling of Manufacturing Systems *  Modeling of Computer
  Systems * Modeling of Transportation Systems * Statistical Theory of
  Simulation * Perturbation Analysis * Probabilistic Combinatorial Optimization
* Probabilistic Analysis of Algorithms * Stochastic Scheduling * Reliability,
  Risk and Survival Analysis * Information Theory

Tentative list of Plenary Speakers
Robert G. Gallager, Richard M. Karp, Stephen A. Ross.


Two kinds of submissions will be accepted:

1.  proposals for organized sessions;
2.  proposals for single papers.

A proposal for an organized session should include one-page abstracts for all
presentations.  A proposal for a paper should include a one-page abstract.
All submissions will be reviewed by the program committee.  The authors will
be notified of the program committee's decision by February 15, 1997.


November 1, 1996,  Submission of organized session title, list
                   of participants and title of presentations.

December 1, 1996   Submission of abstract(s) for single papers and
                   organized sessions.

February 15, 1997, Acceptance notification

The session proposals and abstracts may be submitted ELECTRONICALLY
(for abstracts that include mathematical symbols please use LaTeX)

or THREE TYPED COPIES may be sent to

                Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis
                Manufacturing Engineering Department
                15 St. Mary's Street
                Boston, MA 02215
                Fax: (617) 353-5548

This information and (future updates) is (will be) posted at INFORMS on-line
and the WEB page of the INFORMS Applied Probability Section under

        INFORMS:  http://www.informs.org
        Applied Probability Section:  http://hong.commerce.ubc.ca/www/informs

Questions can be sent to  AP97@bu.edu

Contributed by: Guanrong Chen (gchen@uh.edu)

                       INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE


                       Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA
                          August 27-29, 1997

             LAST CALL FOR PAPERS (with new deadline: January 15, 1997)

   This will be the first international conference focusing on the subject
of controlling oscillatory dynamical systems, with emphasis on both theory
and applications.
   A major goal of the Conference is to bring together researchers from
various fields, to advance the state-of-the-art control theory and technology
for complex oscillatory dynamical systems, and to gain some general and
unified perspectives in the control of nonlinear dynamical behavior.

The topics for the Conference include but are not limited to:
   - Nonlinear, adaptive and robust control;
   - Analysis and design of oscillatory systems;
   - Modeling and identification of oscillatory systems;
   - Synchronization of oscillatory and chaotic processes;
   - Control of oscillations and waves in distributed and time-delayed systems;
   - Applications of control of oscillations, bifurcations and chaos
     in science and technology (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology,
     telecommunications, medicine, lasers, power systems, finance, etc.).

The Organizing Committee invites the prospective authors to submit 4 copies
of the draft papers (4-6 pages) by January 15, 1997, to:
The Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering
61 Bolshoy ave. V.O.
199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA
Tel: +7(812)217-8185, Fax: +7(812)217-8614
E-mail: coc97@ccs.ipme.ru

Young Author prize will be awarded for the best paper by an author
(or authors) younger than 35 at the time of the Conference.
Authors wishing to participate in the contest should indicate it
in the submission form.

January 15, 1997 - Deadline for submission of draft papers
April 1, 1997 - Notification of acceptance
June 1, 1997 - Deadline for camera ready copy
August 27-29, 1997 - Conference.

Accommodation will be provided in hotels and student hostels.

English will be the official language of the Conference.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

St.Petersburg (the former capital of Russia) is recognized as one of the most
beautiful cities in the world. Various guided tours over St.Petersburg and
suburbs will be organized both during the Conference days and during the
weekend August 30-31, 1997.

RUSSIA:    http://www.ipme.ru/coc97.html
USA:       http://www.egr.uh.edu/Departments/ECE/Conferences/coc97.html

Contributed by: Szepesvari Csaba 

                   CALL FOR PAPERS

Those interested in the topic and wishing to contribute a
half-hour  talk  (some slots are open) may  e-mail  me  a
title and brief abstract.
Csaba Szepesvari

       Theoretical Approaches to Adaptive Control
                session at the conference

 March 2--5, 1997, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
  Organizer: Csaba Szepesvari, szepes@math.u-szeged.hu

The  aim of this section is to bring together researchers
of    Reinforcement   Learning   (RL),   Adaptive-    and
NeuroControl   (AC,NC)  in  order   to   facilitate   the
discussion  between the people working in  these  fields,
overview  the research done in these fields and  develope
connections between them. Although the framework and  the
ultimate   goal  of  these  fields  are  different,   the
theoretical  problems arising share many common  features
(stability(AC)    =    convergence   (RL),    performance
optimization(AC) = exploration exploitation dilemma (RL),
observability  and controllability(AC)  =  hidden  state,
perceptual    aliasing(RL),   etc   .).   Ideally,    the
contributions should discuss the current problems arising
in these fields from a theoretical point of view. In case
of  sufficient interest a panel discussion at the end  of
the session will be included.

Summaries on Intelligent Control are solicited  for  this
session.   Summaries should be sent  to   me   and   will
bepublished  in  the  proceedings. After  the  conference
speakers may extend their summaries to full papers  which
will  go  through  a  usual refereeing process.  Accepted
papers  will be published as journal articles.  For  more
information   on  the  conference  see   the   Web   site


Csaba Szepesvari
Session Organizer on Theoretical Approaches to Adaptive Control
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

Contributed by: mcpl97 




31 August - 3 September 1997
Campinas, SP, Brazil

The conference will bring together researchers from four
different areas - Management, Control, Production and Logistics -
to promote a synergy among different disciplines in order to solve
complex industrial problems. This meeting covers recent progress
in the  conference topics encompassing methodological approaches,
methods, tools and applications.


Factory Automation:
- Robust and Reactive Production Control
- Cell Control and Shop Floor Logistics
- Discrete-Event and Hybrid Systems
- Monitoring, Production Control and Maintenance
- Learning and Computational Intelligence
- Human factors

Manufacturing and Logistics in the Global Market:
- Supply Chain Integration and Management Issues
- Lean/Agile/Virtual Manufacturing
- Concurrent Engineering

Information Technology in Production and Logistics Management
- Industrial Applications of Intelligent Systems
- Computer Supported Cooperative Work
- Holonic Manufacturing Systems
- Artificial Intelligence in Production and Logistics Management
- Factory Communication

Decision Support Systems, Concepts and Algorithms
- Hierarchical, Distributed and Multiagent System Organisations
- Autonomy, Adaptivity, Optimality Reactivity, Reliability, Robustness
- Artificial Intelligence Tools (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, etc.)
- Optimisation Methods and Simulation Tool


Submission of full draft papers and invited sessions   15 January 1997
Reception of the accepted papers                       27 June 1997

Registration Fee 320 US$
(400 US$ after 27 June 1997)
Student 100 US$

Prospective authors are invited to submit five copies of a full draft
paper, written in English,  free format or final paper format
(6 two-columns A4 (210mmx297mm)  pages, 10 pts Times-New
Roman and single line spacing). The first page should contain the
aper's title, author's names and affiliations, the complete address
of the corresponding author (fax, tel, E-mail), a brief abstract and
key words.
The proposition of invited sections comprising 4 full draft papers
should be submited and they will also be reviewed.

CTI, Rodovia  D.Pedro I (SP-65) km 143,6
Caixa Postal 6162
13081-970 Campinas, SP
Fax:+55 192 40 20 29

E-mail: MCPL97@ia.cti.br

Contributed by:  Hans Schneider 


        "Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing"
                        June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1997


      Session on Linear Algebra for the Canadian Mathematical Society
                                June 9, 1997

                                Organized by

     Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences (IIMS) University of

   Participating Institutions of IIMS are: Manitoba Hydro, Atomic Energy
   of Canada Ltd., Faneuil ISG Inc. and the Red River Community College.

   The objective of this three day meeting is to bring together people
   from the areas of Control Theory, Signal and Image Processing and
   Computational Linear Algebra to discuss recent advances, trends and
   future directions for research on fast algorithms. This will offer a
   unique opportunity for interaction among these groups and will provide
   a forum of interdisciplinary communication that should encourage
   researchers to develop a new sense of participation and a new
   perception of these areas as closely rel ated scientific disciplines.

   The Symposium will feature a special emphasis on modern methods in
   scientific computing and linear algebra relevant to digital control,
   signal and image processing. For such applications it is important to
   consider ingredients such as 1) sophisticated mathematical models of
   the problems, including a priori knowledge, 2) rigorous mathematical
   theories to understand the difficulties of solving problems which are
   often ill-posed, and 3) fast algorithms for either real-time or
   data-massive computations. Asp ects of each of these three ingredients
   will be discussed by speakers in the Symposium by way of short
   courses,invited and contributed lectures, and invited and contributed
   mini-symposium on relevant topics.

   On June 6 a set of tutorial short courses will be given.

   The Summer Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is being
   held in Winnipeg on June 7, 8, 9, 1997 and hence overlaps with the
   ILAS Workshop on June 7 and 8. A CMS Session on Linear Algebra
   organized by ILAS/IIMS will be held on June 9, 1997.

   The Winnipeg Symposium and short courses are the first of their kind
   for ILAS.

   On June 6 there will be an ILAS Workshop which will be open to
   participants of CMS.

   Date ILAS CMS
   June 6 Tutorial Short Courses
   June 7, 8 Symposium Annual Meeting
   June 9 *Session on Linear Algebra (Open to ILAS)

   *The main speakers are Roger Horn and Paul Van Dooren.

   The Registration Fee is $150.00. An additional $60.00 will enable ILAS
   participants to attend the CMS Summer Meeting.

                              Invited Speakers

   Eleanor Chu (Guelph), M. Hanke (Germany), Simon Haykin (McMaster),
   Linda Kaufman (Bell Labs), Christopher Paige (McGill), Haesun Park
   (Minnesota), Ali Sayed (UCSB), C. W. Stewart (Maryland).

                               Short Courses

   Stephen Boyd (Stanford), Raymond Chan (Chinese University of Hong
   Kong), Tom Kailath (Stanford), Byron Welsh (Air Force Institute of

                           Invited Mini-Symposia

   N. Nichols (Reading), B. Datta (NIU), G. Heinig (Kuwait), J. Nagy
   (SMU), P. Van Dooren (Belgium), F. Luk (RPI)

                              Call for Papers

   Contributed papers which deal with the themes of the ILAS Symposium
   and for the CMS Special Session on Linear Algebra are solicited.
   Please send author, title and abstracts before March 31, 1997.


   All enquiries regarding the meeting, including those on contributed
   papers, should be addressed to:

   P. N. Shivakumar, Director.

   Registration forms should be sent to:

   Mrs. S. Henderson, Conference Coordinator.

   Address for both is as follows:

   Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences
   420 Machray Hall
   University of Manitoba
   Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
   Tel: (204) 474 6724 Fax: (204) 275 0019
   E-Mail: insmath@cc.umanitoba.ca
   URL: http://www.iims.umanitoba.ca


   Holiday Inn South
   1330 Pembina Highway
   Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2B4
   Tel: (204) 452 4747 (call collect)
   Fax: (204) 284 2751
   $75.00 per night, single/double

   Please make your reservations directly with the hotel.

   For registered hotel guests to use the free Holiday Inn South shuttle
   from and to the Airport please contact the hotel in advance.

Contributed by: Jifeng Zhang 

                          Call for papers
               The 17th Chinese Control Conference (CCC)
                September 1997, Lushan, Jiangxi, China

  General topics of interests will include, but not limited to:
      Linear systems                     Nonlinear systems
      Stochastic control systems         Expert systems
      Distributed parameter systems      Large scale systems
      Social economy systems             Bio-environment systems
      Optimal control                    Robust control
      H infinity control                 Prediction control
      Fuzzy control                      Neural network control
      Intelligent control                Robot control
      Adaptive control                   Industrial control
      Model reduction                    Stability analysis
      Optimization methods               System modeling and identification
      DEDS                               CIMS

  Key dates:
      January 31, 1997       Submission deadline
      March 15,   1997       Notification of acceptance
      April 30,   1997       Submission of camera-ready copy
      September   1997       Conference at Lushan, Jiangxi, China

  The official language of the conference is Chinese, but English is
      acceptable for both the presentation and proceedings.

  Submission and enquiries:
      Professor LIU Zhimin
      Institute of Systems Science
      Chinese Academy of Sciences
      Beijing 100080, P.R. China
      Phone:  86-10-62532161
      Fax:    86-10-62587343
      Email:  lzm@iss03.iss.ac.cn

  Conference Prize: Guan-Zhao-Zhi Prize is the highest award confered by the
      Control Theory Committee of the Chinese Association of Automation for
      young researchers. To apply for it, please submit 9 copies of your
      manuscript together with a recommendation letter from a professor in
      your area, and a copy of your ID card, and indicate that you are
      applying for the Prize. The age limit for authors (including co-authors)
      of the candidate papers is less than or equal to 40 at the time of

  You are welcome to spread the above message over the world.
Contributed by: Miroslav Fikar 

                 Process Control '97
         11th Conference on Process Control

will be held at Tatranske Matliare, High Tatras, Slovak Republic
June 8 - 11, 1997

Scope of the Conference
The objective of the conference is to bring together
theoretical experts and control systems specialists,
to evaluate the new possibilities of techniques,
design procedures and instruments in process
control projects. Different fields of manufacturing
benefit from automation by introducing suitable
control strategies and various procedures without
relevant modifications on the productive process.
Papers for presentation may range from theoretically
rigorous research works to industrial applications.
- Linear and Non-linear Control System Design
- System Identification and Modelling of Processes
- Process Measurements and Devices
- Optimisation Problems (including H2, Hinf, ...)
- Robust and Adaptive Control
- Simulation and Education
- Intelligent Control Systems
- Applications and Case Studies

Call for Papers
Two copies of structured abstract (about 200/400 words)
should be submitted to:
        Department of Process Control
        CHTF STU
        Radlinskeho 9
812 37  Bratislava, Slovak Republic

tel. : (+42) (7) 39 52 69, fax: (+42) (7) 39 31 98
E-mail: pc97@chelin.chtf.stuba.sk

The structured abstract should indicate:
Authors and Mailing Address
Problem Statement
Main Results - Contribution

Venue and Travel
The conference will be held in the hotel building
in Tatranske Matliare, beautifully located in the
High Tatras, North Slovakia. There are frequent
rail and buss links from the town Poprad (Approx. 20 km).

Fee and booking
The registration fee including proceedings will
not exceed $ 70 (or 2000 Sk). Double room accomodation
 is offered for 15 $ per day and person. The full board
pension (3 meals daily) costs approx. 10 $. Further
details on booking and prices will be available
in the second announcement (January - February 1997).
First authors are supposed to take part in the conference.
Papers will be required in English (approx. 5 standard pages).
The working languages will be English,
Slovak and Czech (English preferred).

December 31, 1996       Submission of abstracts
January 1997            Notification of acceptance,
        Second announcement
March 31, 1997          Submission of full papers
June 8 - 11, 1997       Conference

For more informatin please contact

Dep. of Process Control CHTF
Slovak Technical University
Radlinskeho 9
SK - 812 37     BRATISLAVA
S L O V A K  R E P U B L I C


Contributed by : Fakhreddine Karray

                         CALL FOR PAPERS  ISIC' 97
         12th IEEE International Symposium on INTELLIGENT CONTROL
               Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society

                           16-18 July, 1997
                           Istanbul, Turkey

                          Symposium Highlights

The 12th Interantional Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC'97) will be
held in Istanbul, Turkey, hosted by Bogazici University. The symposium
will be held following the IFAC Conference on Control Education, and will
be held at the same hotel. ISIC, the oldest meeting on Intelligent
Control, is organized by the IEEE Control Systems Society Technical
Committee on Intelligent Control. This is the second time the meeting will
be held outside the USA.

                           Paper  Submission

Authors are invited to submit full papers describing novel research or
engineering applications in all topics of Intelligent Control.

The International Symposium on Intelligent Control will have three Special
Tracks running through the Symposium on which the Intelligent Control
Technical Committee will select to stress each year. For 1997 these Tracks

*  Hybrid Systems and Discrete Event Systems
*  Computational Intelligence
*  Robotics and Other Applications

Tutorials, workshops, plenaries will follow the Special Tracks. Authors
should indicate if they wish to be considered for one of the special
tracks. Prospective authors should submit four copies of their manuscript
for review to either one of the Program Co-Chairs, depending on proximity:

Enrique Barbieri
Elect. Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
e-mail:  barbieri@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu

Kemal Ciliz
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department
Bogazici University
Bebek, Istanbul 80815, Turkey
e-mail:  ciliz@boun.edu.tr

The cover sheet of the submitted manuscript should include:
1.  Title of the paper
2.  Author's name(s), address, affiliation, phone, and e-mail
3.  Corresponding author's name
4.  Key words identifying technical area.  If one of the Special Tracks is
    intended, this should be clearly identified.


Manuscript and proposals due . . . December 20, 1996
Notification of Acceptance . . . . March 20, 1997
Camera-Ready Manuscripts due . . . May 20, 1997

                     Tutorials and Special Sessions:

Proposals for tutorials and special/invited sessions are also being
solicited.  Interested organizers are invited to contact the Tutorials and
Special Sessions Chair:

Okyay Kaynak
Electrical and Electronic Eng. Dept.
Bogazici University
Bebek, Istanbul 80815, Turkey
e-mail:  kaynak@boun.edu.tr

For information of a general nature about the symposium, contact the
General Co-Chairs:  Yorgo Istefanopulos at Bogazici University
(istef@boun.edu.tr)  or Umit Ozguner at The Ohio State University
(ozguner.1@osu.edu) or check the Technical Committee Web Page at:

Contributed by:  Adi Ben-Israel  

                        MPDP - 19
     Nineteenth Symposium on Mathematical Programming
           with Data Perturbations, MAY 22-23, 1997
              The George Washington University
                 Washington, DC 20052, USA

The NINETEENTH Symposium on Mathematical Programming with Data Perturbations
will be held at George Washington University's Marvin Center on 22-23 May
The objective is to bring together practitioners who use mathematical
programming optimization models and deal with questions of sensitivity
with researchers who are developing techniques applicable to these problems.

CONTRIBUTED papers in mathematical programming are solicited in the following

   1. Sensitivity and stability analysis and their applications
   2. Solution methods for problems involving implicitly defined functions
   3. Solution methods for problems involving deterministic or stochastic
      parameter changes.
   4. Solution approximation techniques and error analysis.

"CLINICAL" presentations that describe problems in sensitivity analysis
encountered in applications are also invited.

REGISTRATION and ABSTRACTS can be sent by mail or e-mail to any member of the
Organizing Committee (listed below), or submitted by using the electronic form
included in the symposium home-page:
where further information on the Symposium and on Washington DC is available.

Abstracts should provide a good technical summary of key results, avoid the
of mathematical symbols and references, not exceed 500 words, and include a
and the name and full address of each author.

A $50 registration fee is payable at the meeting.

   15 March 1997 Registration and submission of tentative title and abstract
    1 May   1997 Submission of final abstract for inclusion in the Symposium

              *                                        *
              *               THE END                  *
              *                                        *