********** WRTP'95 ********** WRTP'95 ********** WRTP'95 ********** __________________________________________________________________ | | | 20th IFAC/IFIP Workshop on | | | | REAL TIME PROGRAMMING | | | | WRTP'95 | | | | Location: Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, November 6-10, 1995 | | | | | | FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS | |________________________________________________________________| Chairs: P.A. Laplante Chair Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science Fairleigh Dickinson University Madison, NJ 07940 USA Tel.: (201) 593-8680 Fax: (201) 593-8886 E-mail laplante@fdu.edu W.A. Halang FernUniversitaet, Faculty of Electrical Engineering D-58084 Hagen, Germany Tel.: +49-2331-987-372 Fax: +49-2331-987-375 E-mail: wolfgang.halang@fernuni-hagen.de PROGRAM COMMITTEE (IPC) L. Motus, EE A. Stoyenko, USA J. de la Puente, E M. Rodd, UK M. Hinchey, UK G. Suski, USA B. Furht, USA B. McMillin, USA K. Man, HK S. Bologna, I J. Skubich, F LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE B. Furht A. Stoyenko B. McMillin SCOPE The workshop will consist of formal presentations, discussions and informal meetings covering recent advances and current issues in theory, applications, and technology of real-time programming. It is to promote interaction among researchers and practitioners and to evaluate the maturity of new directions in real-time software. The conference is being held in conjunction with the first International Conference on Complex Computer System (ICECCS), which is sponsored by the IEEE TSC on Complex Computer Systems. The topics to be covered at the workshop include, but are not restricted to: * Advances in real-time programming languages * Requirements engineering methods for real-time systems * Software design methods for predictable behaviour * Real-time scheduling and resource management * Real-time operating systems * Real-time communication architectures, incl. MAP and Fieldbus * Verification and validation, esp. of timing properties * Dependability issues * Industrial applications and experience * Evaluation of current real-time systems * Real-time (control) systems coping with challenging time constraints EXTENDED ABSTRACTS The submission of extended abstracts (800 -- 1200 words) is invited. They should address the topics outlined above and focus on insights and lessons gained from recent research and practical experience. Position papers describing new ideas, promising approaches, and work in progress are considered particularly appropriate. The abstracts should outline the contribution that the author intends to make at the Workshop. The submitted texts are to be sent by electronic mail in the form of plain ASCII files, i.e., without any mark-up. If e-mail is not available, plain ASCII files may be mailed on MS-DOS diskettes. FULL-LENGTH PAPERS Full papers will be prepared according to the instructions (using a certain LaTeX style and electronic submission) that will be sent to the authors together with the notification of acceptance. Accepted papers must be presented in person at the Workshop. PROCEEDINGS Proceedings will be available at the conference. PARTICIPATION Attendance will be limited to approx. 60 active workers in the field. Participants are requested to register in advance not later than July 15, 1995. IMPORTANT DATES Extended abstracts due by ..................... February 15, 1995 Notification of acceptance .................... March 15, 1995 Registration .................................. April 15, 1995 Full papers due by ............................ July 15, 1995 Workshop ...................................... November 6-10, 1995 COPYRIGHT CONDITIONS: The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC workshop must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Postprint volumes, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The papers which have been presented will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in other, IFAC affiliated journals. The abstracts of all papers presented will also appear in Control Engineering Practice. Copyright of material presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica, Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, the author is free to re-submit the material for publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally presented. ********** WRTP'95 ********** WRTP'95 ********** WRTP'95 ********** .