**** Contributed by Eugenio Ferreira CONTROLO'2000: 4th PORTUGUESE CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL First Announcement and Call for Papers 4-6 October 2000, GUIMARAES Portugal Organized by APCA - Portuguese Association of Automatic Control = (IFAC National Member Organization) and supported by Universidade do Minho http://www.dei.uminho.pt/controlo2000 VENUE & SCOPE The Portuguese Association of Automatic Control (APCA) invites = researchers, professionals, students, industrialists and businessmen = to participate in the CONTROLO'2000: 4th PORTUGUESE CONFERENCE = ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL, which will be held at the Campus of = Azur=E9m of the University of Minho, in the town of Guimar=E3es. The conference is intended as an international forum where an = effective exchange of knowledge and experience amongst researchers = active in various theoretical and applied areas of systems and control = can take place. This is also an excellent opportunity to promote the = Portuguese control community and stimulate the establishment of = new international links. The program will include an ample space for promoting the = implementation of new technologies, emphasizing simultaneously the = real-world challenges in their applications. The program includes a "Student Forum on Automatic Control", a = mean to atract young students to the area of control. The working language of the conference is English. IMPORTANT DEADLINES February 14, 2000: Submission of full papers and proposals of special sessions April 15, 2000: Notification of acceptance = June 30, 2000: Final version of the papers accepted and pre-registration REGISTRATION FEES The registration fee includes the Proceedings, attendance to the = sessions, coffee breaks and social program. The average price of a = single room in a 3/4-star hotel is under 10 000 PTE per night. = Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings only if one of = the authors pays the registration fee before July 31, 2000. 1 000 PTE =3D 5 Euros; PTE: Portuguese Escudos Before July 15, 2000 Member of APCA: Full fee - 35 000; Reduced fee* - 17 500 Non-Member of APCA: Full fee - 45 000; Reduced fee* - 22 500 After July 15, 2000 Member of APCA: Full fee - 45 000; Reduced fee* - 22 500 Non-member of APCA:Full fee - 55 000; Reduced fee* - 27 500 * Reduced fee: students under 25. An online pre-registration form is availabe at the internet = http://www.dei.uminho.pt/controlo2000 LOCAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE C. Couto (Chairman) (Dep. Industrial Electronics) E. Bicho (Dep. Industrial Electronics) E. Ferreira (Dep. Biological Eng.) J. Ferreira da Silva (Dep. Mechanical Eng.) J. Martins (Dep. Industrial Electronics) J. Monteiro (Dep. Industrial Electronics) F. Soares (Dep. Industrial Electronics) F. Ribeiro (Dep. Industrial Electronics) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM - 3 plenary lectures by invited speakers - Special sessions - Contributed (regular) lectures - Poster sessions Special sessions Comprise 4/5 contributions each. Papers in each session should = present a cohesive and comprehensive focus on a relevant topic, = consistent with the conference themes. Prospective organizers are = invited to submit 4 copies of the full papers and a session title. Contributed papers and poster sessions = Are solicited in all areas consistent with the conference themes. = Authors are asked to submit 4 copies of original papers. TOPICS Contributions are welcome in both theoretical developments and = practical implementations in all areas involving systems and control. = Such topics include, but are not limited to: linear and nonlinear control, optimal control, adaptive control, real = time systems architectures, control technology, sensors and = actuators, process control, modeling, identification and simulation, = neural networks, fuzzy systems, robust control, robotics and artificial = vision, industrial automation, stochastic control, signal processing, = filtering and estimation, genetic algorithms, manufacturing systems = and scheduling, curricula development INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS The length of each paper (special, contributed or poster proposal) = should not exceed 6 single spaced pages. The cover page should = contain title, author's name, affiliation and address, fax number and = e-mail address, as well as, a brief abstract and five keywords. = Detailed format information (IFAC type) will be provided after paper's = selection. Authors are encouraged to employ the electronic submission = procedure, but contributions may also be sent by normal mail on = paper (4 copies), together with a file on a floppy disk (PC format), = using Microsoft WORD, PDF or Postscript formats. The required paper format and the procedure for electronic = submission are described at the Conference web site. http://www.dei.uminho.pt/controlo2000 SPECIAL EVENT: CONTROLOJOVEM A Student Forum on Automatic Control is organized for students. It = includes a poster session, where the students can describe their = original projects and main achievements. A limited number of posters = will be selected for oral presentation in a dedicated session. EXHIBITION An exhibition related to the topics of the conference will be held at = the conference venue. SECRETARIAT CONTROLO'2000 (c/o Filomena Soares) Departamento de Electr=F3nica Industrial Universidade do Minho Campus de Azur=E9m 4800-058 Guimar=E3es PORTUGAL Phone: 351-253- 510190 Fax: 351-253-510189 E-mail: controlo2000@dei.uminho.pt http://www.dei.uminho.pt/controlo2000 _______________________________________________________ CONTROLO'2000 = 4th PORTUGUESE CONFERENCE ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL PRE-REGISTRATION FORM Professional title (Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs) = Family Name:_________________________________ First Name:_________________________________ Institution:_________________________________ Mailing address:_________________________________ ZIP code: ____________ Country: ________________ Phone: _______________ Fax: __________________ E-mail: ___________________________ Please tick when applicable I Intend to present an oral communication (YES/NO) Congress topic(s): _____________________ I Intend to present a poster (YES/NO) Congress topic(s): _____________________ Member of APCA (YES/NO) _______________________________________________________