Contributed by : Alexander Fradkov, COC'2000 NOC Chairman SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CONTROL OF OSCILLATIONS AND CHAOS" (COC'2000) Saint-Petersburg, RUSSIA July 5-7, 2000 ************************************************* FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS ORGANIZERS: - St.Petersburg Informatics and Control Society - Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences - St.Petersburg State University IN COOPERATION WITH: - THE IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS SOCIETY - THE IEEE CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS SOCIETY (to be confirmed) - THE INTERNATIONAL UNION OF THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS (IUTAM) (to be confirmed) - THE INTERNATIIONAL UNION OF PURE AND APPLIED PHYSICS (IUPAP) (to be confirmed) SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE: The first International Conference on Control of Oscillations and Chaos (COC'97) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia in 1997 and was a great success (with about 200 participants from 35 countries, see report at This second Conference will be focusing on the same subjects of controlling oscillatory dynamical systems, with emphasis on both theory and applications. A major goal of the Conference is to bring together researchers from various fields, to advance the state-of-the-art control theory and technology for the control and analysis of complex oscillatory dynamical systems and to gain some general and unified perspectives in this interdisciplinary field of advanced research. The topics for the Conference include but are not limited to: - Nonlinear, adaptive and robust control of complex behavior; - Analysis and design of oscillatory systems; - Modeling and identification of oscillatory systems; - Synchronization of oscillatory and chaotic processes; - Control of oscillations and waves in distributed and time-delayed systems; - Applications of control of oscillations, bifurcations and chaos in science and technology (mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, telecommunications, medicine, lasers, power systems, finance,etc.). INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: F.L.Chernousko (Chairman, Russia) E.Abed V.S.Anischenko (Russia) K.J.Astrom I.I.Blekhman (Russia) D.H. van Campen (The Netherlands) G.Chen (USA) B.Chirikov (Russia) L.Chua (USA) A.S.Dmitriev (Russia) R. de Figueiredo(USA) A.L.Fradkov (Russia) K.Furuta (Japan) R.Genesio (Italy) C.Grebogi (USA) M.Hasler (Switzerland) G.Hu (P.R.China) E.Kreuzer (Germany) G.A.Leonov (Russia) I.M.Y.Mareels (Australia) H.Nijmeijer (The Netherlands) M.Ogorzalek (Poland) A.A.Pervozvansky (Russia) F.Pfeiffer (Germany) M.I.Rabinovich (USA) E.N.Rozenvasser (Russia) W.Schiehlen (Germany) A.N.Sharkovsky (Ukraine) A.Tesi (Italy) T.Ushio (Japan) V.A.Yakubovich (Russia) NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: A.L.Fradkov (Chairman) D.A. Indejtsev (Vice-Chairman) G.A.Leonov (Vice-Chairman) SUBMISSION: The Organizing Committee invites the prospective authors to submit 4 copies of their papers (up to six pages) by November 15, 1999 to the Organizing Committee. The title should be followed by the authors' names, affiliations, addresses (including FAX and E-mail address) and abstracts (60-100 words). IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for submission: November 15, 1999. Notification of acceptance: February 15, 2000. Camera ready copy: April 15, 2000. Conference: July 5-7, 2000. WORKING LANGUAGE: English will be the official language of the Conference. No simultaneous translation will be provided. SOCIAL PROGRAM: St.Petersburg (the former capital of Russia) with about 5 millions inhabitants is recognized as one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Various guided tours over St.Petersburg and suburbs including visits to Tsars' palaces and museums will be organized during both the Conference days and the weekend. LOCATION: St.Petersburg is located in the mouth of Neva river near the Finnish Gulf of the Baltic Sea. There are daily flights of major international carriers to the International airport "Pulkovo" of St.Petersburg. It also can be reached from Helsinki, Finland by plane (0.5 hours) or by train (4 hours). ADDRESS OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Prof.A.L.Fradkov The Institute for Problems of Mechanical Engineering 61 Bolshoy ave. V.O. 199178, St.Petersburg, RUSSIA Tel: +7(812)321-4766, Fax: +7(812)321-4771 E-mail: