Contributed by Shankar Sastry and Linda Bushnell ARO-NASA Montana State University Workshop on Intelligent Control: Hybrid and Exterior Differential Systems July 24 - July 29 1995 Bozeman, Montana This workshop focuses on intelligent control. It is a continuation of a set of workshops sponsored jointly by ARO and NASA; the first was at MIT in October 1993, the second at Cornell in October 1994. This year, the focus is on two apparently disparate topics: hybrid control and exterior differential systems. The first topic is an area of great current interest featuring the use of new formal techniques for the analysis of systems which have a mixture of continuous and discrete event parts. These techniques are frequently used in the control of complex, hierarchically-organized control systems. The use of exterior differential systems is a new way of unifying path planning and control for complex systems at the lowest or "regulation" layers. This workshop will feature the use of methods from exterior differential systems, differential geometry, game theory, automata for the control of complex, hierarchical control systems, nonholonomic systems, systems with substantial nonlinearity in their dynamics and systems on Lie groups. A partial list of topics to be covered include: linearization by state feedback, nonholonomic systems, variational problems and exterior differential systems, nonlinear normal forms and rolling, splines on Lie groups, linearization by dynamic state feedback, path planning using generalized splines, nonlinear maneuvering: connections with flat systems. We invite researchers and students to both participate and speak at the workshop. Some travel and other support will be available. The following is a partial list of people who have committed to speak thus far: Andrzej Banaszuk (Ga Tech), Robert Bryant (Duke), Linda Bushnell (ARO), Peter Caines (McGill), Robert Gardner (UNC), John Hauser (Colorado), Robert Hermann (Boston U), L.R. Hunt (Dallas), Lucas Hsu (Princeton), Naomi Leonard (Princeton), Petar Kokotovic (UC Santa Barbara), Jerry Marsden (Caltech), Clyde Martin (Texas Tech), George Meyer (NASA Ames), Richard Montgomery (Santa Cruz), Richard Murray (Caltech), Brad Paden (UC Santa Cruz), Shankar Sastry (UC Berkeley), William Shadwick (Toronto), Willem Sluis (Caltech), Dawn Tilbury (U Michigan), and Z. Zhang (Texas Tech). The program committee is: Linda Bushnell, Jagdish Chandra (ARO), John Lund (Montana State University), Clyde Martin, George Meyer, and Shankar Sastry. For registration and more information, please contact Clyde Martin at or Shankar Sastry and Linda Bushnell at