The Second European Workshop on Hybrid Systems ============================================== Date: 31.5-2.6.95 Place: Grenoble, France. Hybrid systems, namely systems in which computers interact with the physical world, are becoming more and more common in all application domains. The analysis and design of such systems require a synthesis of ideas, concepts, mathematical theories and tools that are currently spread over distinct disciplines, most notably Computer Science and Control Theory. The goal of this meeting is to contribute to the reapproachment between those disciplines, by inviting together computer scientists and control persons to an informal meeting in which various approaches to the problem will be presented and discussed. The emphasis in this workshop, sponsored by the ESPRIT-NSF project HYBRID EC-US-043, will be on two issues: * What are the differences between the type of questions asked in program verification (purely discrete systems) and in control theory (purely continuous systems)? What are the explicit and implicit assumptions behind the answers? What is the role of formal methods (or other tools such as simulators) in actual engineering practice in both types of systems? * Case studies and tool demonstration: participants are encouraged to prepare small real-world examples of hybrid control problems and demonstrate on those examples how their proposed methodology works. Tools for automatic analysis and simulation of hybrid systems will be presented. It is highly recommended that the goal of building bridges between disciplines be kept in mind. The presentation should be as clear as possible for the non-expert in the presenter's discipline, rather than a demonstration of virtuosity in his or her particular technical niche. The following speakers will present review/tutorial talks on various relevant aspects of hybrid systems: Eugene Asarin, Inst. for Problems of Information Transmission, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia. Zvi Artstein, Department of Mathematics, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. Michel Fliess, Laboratory of Signals and Systems, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Bud Mishra, Courant Institute, New York University, USA. Anil Nerode, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Cornell University. Ithaca, USA. Amir Pnueli, Department of Computer Science, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel. Frits Vaandrager, CWI, Amsterdam, Holland. The meeting will be rather informal and those who wish to present their work are requested to send a short abstract (3-6 pages) to the selection committee. Others who wish to participate or demonstrate a tool should send (preferably by e-mail) a short description of their interests and previous work on hybrid systems to the selection committee. The deadline is 15.3.95. Proceedings will be distributed only for the participants. The registration fees have not yet been determined but they will not be prohibitive (around 1000 FF including lunches). Organizing committee: Oded Maler, Ahmed Bouajjani. Selection committee: Mats Andersson (Lund), Albert Benveniste (Rennes), Ahmed Bouajjani (Grenoble, co-chair), Oded Maler (Grenoble, co-chair), Amir Pnueli (Rehovot and Grenoble), Anders Ravn (Lyngby), Hans Rischel (Lyngby), Joseph Sifakis (Grenoble). For further information contact: Oded Maler, VERIMAG, 38330 Montbonnot, France. Phone: +33 76909635 Fax: +33 76413620 E-mail: