Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag ( Call For Papers Workshop on Verification and Control of Hybrid Systems Sponsored by DIMACS and SYCON October 22-25, 1995 New Brunswick, New Jersey The fifth of a series of workshops on hybrid systems will be organized at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey, from October 22 to October 25, 1995. The previous workshops of the series were organized in 1991 and 1994 in Ithaca, New York, in 1992 in Lyngby, Denmark, and in 1993 in Boston. The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers from both computer science and control theory, and to advance the theory of hybrid systems and its applications to real-life problems. The 1995 workshop will be organized as a part of the DIMACS 1995-96 Special Year on Logic and Algorithms. DIMACS is a Science and Technology Center funded by the National Science Foundation, and the participating institutions are Rutgers University, Princeton University, AT&T Bell Laboratories, and Bellcore. The co-sponsor of this workshop is SYCON, the Rutgers Center for Systems and Control. SYCON is a Rutgers University Center dedicated to research in control theory and closely associated topics. The four-day workshop will combine invited presentations with accepted submissions. Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the formal verification and control of hybrid systems, that is, systems in which digital devices interact with continuous objects. We are especially interested in methods bringing together in creative ways concepts from computer science and control theory. Topics include, but are not limited to, formal models and specification languages, algorithmic and deductive verification, control and optimization, simulation and testing, design and synthesis, complexity and decidability issues, probabilistic systems, automatic and interactive tools, experimental results and applications. Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract not exceeding twelve pages, either six hard copies or a postscript file to the address below. The abstract should start with a title page containing the title of the paper, each author's name and affiliation, the contact author's physical and e-mail addresses, and a one- or two-paragraph summary. The full versions of selected submissions will be published after the workshop as a volume of the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. There will be no registration fee for the workshop. Limited funds are available to cover the travel costs of students. Important Dates Submission deadline: July 26, 1995 Notification to acceptance: September 1, 1995 Workshop Organizing Committee Rajeev Alur ( Thomas A. Henzinger ( Eduardo Sontag ( Submission Address Rajeev Alur 2D-144, AT&T Bell Laboratories 600 Mountain Avenue Murray Hill, NJ 07974 USA Email: (postscript only) Program Committee Rajeev Alur (AT&T Bell Labs, USA) Albert Benveniste (INRIA-IRISA, France) John Guckenheimer (Cornell University, USA) Thomas A. Henzinger (Cornell University, USA) Bruce Krogh (Carnegie Mellon Univ, USA) Amir Pnueli (Weizmann Institute, Israel) Peter Ramadge (Princeton University, USA) Shankar Sastry (Univ of California, Berkeley, USA) Fred B. Schneider (Cornell University, USA) Eduardo Sontag (Rutgers University, USA) Hector Sussmann (Rutgers University, USA) Joseph Sifakis (VERIMAG, Grenoble, France) DIMACS Special Year Organizing Committee Eric Allender ( Robert Kurshan ( Moshe Y. Vardi (