Contributed by: Frank Allgower Announcement and Call for Contributed Papers: WORKSHOP ON NONLINEAR MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL - ASSESSMENT AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS June 3 - 5, 1998 Ascona, Switzerland With this workshop we want to bring together internationally recognized researchers from all parts of the world working on nonlinear model predictive control. Since research in this field is still at its early stage, we consider it crucial and timely to assess the current status and to discuss future research directions. We hope that this will lead to an open and critical exchange of research ideas and possibly the creation of new research directions, and will lay the foundation for future international collaboration. The workshop will cover three main topic areas: Theory, computation and application, and future research directions. The main focus is on discussions concerning the critical assessment of the state of the art and future directions in this field. Topics include, but are not limited to, problem formulation, computation, algorithms, estimation, stability and robustness, and application. In addition to a number of invited keynote and main speakers, there is room for a limited number of contributed papers. Participants are expected to arrive on June 2, 1998 in the afternoon. The workshop will end on Saturday, June 6, 1998 after breakfast. The workshop will take place in the Centro Stefano Franscini Monte Verita CH-6612 Ascona Switzerland. The Centro is located very beautifully in the hills above Ascona and the Lago Maggiore in one of Switzerland's most beautiful regions. Participants will stay at the Centro during the workshop and will have all meals there together. Ascona can be conveniently reached by train. The closest airports are Milano, Italy, and Zurich, Switzerland, which are both roughly 2 1/2 hours by train from Ascona. The workshop is sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation plus a number of other sponsors. We can therefore offer participation at a highly subsidized rate of SFr. 400.- (approximately US $ 270.- ) including full board (all meals) and accommodation for the whole duration. There will be no additional registration fee. It is also worth noting that the workshop takes place directly before the DYCOPS-5 meeting in Corfu (June 7 - 10, 1998). Conference proceedings will be published in book form by Birkhauser-Verlag, Basel. For further information, including a list of the plenary keynote speakers, see the www-page: . If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please send an e-mail or letter indicating your interest to one of the organizers immediately and the latest by March 4, 1998. If you want to present a paper, please send in addition a title and an abstract (approx. 1 page). Authors will be notified of the acceptance decision by March 10, 1998. Organizers: Frank Allgower Alex Zheng Automatic Control Laboratory Chemical Engineering ETH Zentrum University of Massachusetts CH-8092 Zurich Amherst, MA 01003-31210 Switzerland U.S.A. Tel.: +41-1-632-3557 Tel.: +1-413-545-2916 Fax: +41-1-632-1211 Fax: +1-413-545-1647 E-mail: E-mail: