Contributed by: Ken Hunt CALL FOR PAPERS Neural Adaptive Control Technology Workshop: NACT II 9--10 September, 1996 Daimler-Benz Systems Technology Research Berlin, Germany NACT Project ============ The second of a series of three workshops on Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) will take place on September 9--10, 1996 in Berlin, Germany. This event is being organised in connection with a three-year European Union funded Basic Research Project in the ESPRIT framework. The project is a collaboration between Daimler-Benz Systems Technology Research, Berlin, Germany and the Control Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. The project, which began on 1 April 1994, is a study of the fundamental properties of neural network based adaptive control systems. Where possible, links with traditional adaptive control systems will be exploited. A major aim is to develop a systematic engineering procedure for designing neural controllers for non-linear dynamic systems. The techniques developed are being evaluated on concrete industrial problems from within the Daimler-Benz group of companies: Mercedes-Benz AG, Daimler-Benz Aerospace (DASA), AEG Daimler-Benz Industrie and DEBIS. The project leader is Dr Ken Hunt (Daimler-Benz) and the other principal investigator is Professor Peter Gawthrop (University of Glasgow). NACT II Workshop ================ The aim of the workshop is to bring together selected invited specialists in the fields of adaptive control, non-linear systems and neural networks. The first workshop (NACT I) took place in Glasgow in May 1995 and was mainly dedicated to theoretical issues of neural adaptive control. Besides monitoring further development of theory the NACT II workshop will be focused on industrial applications and software tools. A number of contributed papers will also be included. As well as paper presentation, significant time will be allocated to round-table and discussion sessions. In order to create a fertile atmosphere for a significant information interchange we aim to attract active specialists in the relevant fields. Professor Karl Johan Astrom of Lund Institue of Technology, Sweden and Professor Hassan K. Khalil of Michigan State University have kindly agreed to act as invited speakers. Proceedings of the meeting will be published in an edited book format. Contributed papers ================== The Program Committee is soliciting contributed papers in the area of neurocontrol for presentation at the conference and publication in the Proceedings. Prospective authors are invited to send an extended abstract of up to six pages in length to the address below no later than Friday, 31 May 1996. Final selection of papers will be announced at the end of June and authors will have the opportunity of preparing a final version of the extended abstract by the end of July which will be circulated to participants in a Workshop digest. Following the Workshop selected authors will be asked to prepare a full paper for publication in the proceedings. This will take the form of an edited book produced by an international publisher. LaTeX style files will be available for document preparation. Each submitted paper must be headed with a title, the names, affiliations and complete mailing addresses (including e-mail) of all authors, a list of three keywords, and the statement NACT II. The first named author of each paper will be used for all correspondence unless otherwise requested. Address for submissions Dr Kenneth J Hunt Daimler-Benz AG Systems Technology Research Alt-Moabit 96A 10559 BERLIN Germany