Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems-96 Washington University, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA June 24-28, 1996 The 1996 International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, MTNS 96 will be held in June 24-28, 1996 at the Washington University in Saint Louis. The Chairmen of the Symposium are Christopher I. Byrnes, Biswa Nath Datta and Clyde F. Martin. The symposium will consist of plenary talks and lectures in special topics together with contributed papers and invited sessions. Second Call for Contributed Papers and Invited Sessions Contributed papers and invited sessions for MTNS 96 are hereby solicited in all traditional areas involving Mathematics of Networks and Systems as well as emerging fields in Engineering and Mathematics with potential impact in Circuits, Automatic Control Systems and Signal Processing. Such topics include, but are not limited to Mathematical Theory of Networks and Circuits, Linear and Numerical Linear Algebra in Systems, Control and Signal Processing, Image Processing, Wavelets, Information Networking, Visionics, Robotics, Stochastic Systems, Distributed Parameter and Infinite Dimensional Systems, Nonlinear Systems and Control, System Identification, Robust Control, Adaptive Control, Computation and Control, Flow Control and Computational Fluid Dynamics. We also encourage contributions in the application areas of Aerospace, Communication, Bio-Medical, Manufacturing, Transportation and Process Control. A Proceedings of the conference is intended to be published by Birkhauser. Regular Papers: The Program Committee is soliciting regular papers that describe completed work in some detail. The authors should submit hard copies of 4 page extended abstracts with bibliography by November 1, 1995 to the Symposium Charman Biswa Nath Datta. Invited Sessions: The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions. Cohesive sessions focusing on new or emerging topics in the above listed areas of interest are particularly encouraged and will have a priority over those of a classical or mainstream flavor. Session organizer should plan on 4 or 5 speakers in a session and should submit 4 copies of the proposal by November 1, 1995 to the Symposium Chairman Clyde F. Martin. Such a proposal must include 4 page extended abstracts of all papers proposed. An intent to submit an invited session proposal is also due by October 1, 1995. A complete guidelines for an invited session proposal is available from Clyde F. Martin upon receipt of the statement of intent. ADDRESSES FOR SUBMISSIONS REGULAR PAPERS MTNS-96 Prof. Biswa Datta Dept. of Mathematical Sciences Northern Illinois Univ. DeKalb, Illinois 60115 ph: 815 753 6759 fax: 815 753 1112 INVITED SESSIONS MTNS-96 Prof. Clyde F. Martin Dept. of Mathematics Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409 ph: 806 742 1511 fax: 806 742 1112 GQCFM@TTACS1.TTU.EDU GENERAL INFORMATION MTNS-96 Prof. Christopher I. Byrnes Office of the Dean, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Campus Box 1163, Washington University Saint Louis, MO 63130-4899 ph: 314 721 7266 fax: 314 935 6949 SCHEDULE SUMMARY: 1 Oct., 1995: Deadline for statement of intent to submit invited session proposals 1 Nov., 1995: Deadline for submission of contributed papers and invited session proposals. 1 Feb., 1996: Notification of acceptance of papers and invited sessions.