1995 IEEE WORKSHOP ON NEURAL NETWORKS FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING August 31 -- September 2, 1995, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA Sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society (In cooperation with the IEEE Neural Networks Council) ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Thanks to the sponsorship of IEEE Signal Processing Society, the co-sponsorship of IEEE Neural Network Council, the fifth of a series of IEEE Workshops on Neural Networks for Signal Processing will be held at the Royal Sonesta Hotel, Cambridge Massachusetts, on Thursday 8/31 -- Saturday 9/2, 1995. Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following topics: ++ APPLICATIONS: Image, speech, communications, sensors, medical, adaptive filtering, OCR, and other general signal processing and pattern recognition topics. ++ THEORIES: Generalization and regularization, system identification, parameter estimation, new network architectures, new learning algorithms, and wavelets in NNs. ++ IMPLEMENTATIONS: Software, digital, analog, hybrid technologies, parallel processing. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5 copies of extended summaries of no more than 6 pages. The top of the first page of the summary should include a title, authors' names, affiliations, address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address if any. Camera-ready full papers of accepted proposals will be published in a hard-bound volume by IEEE and distributed at the workshop. For further information, please contact Mrs. Alice Chiang (Tel.) (617)-981 0711, (Fax) (617)-981 5957 (e-mail) achiang@ll.mit.edu. We plan to use the World Wide Web (WWW) for posting further announcements on NNSP95 such as: submitted papers status, final program, hotel information etc. You can use MOSAIC and access URL site: http://www.cdsp.neu.edu. If you do not have access to WWW use anonymous ftp to site ftp.cdsp.neu.edu and look under the directory /pub/NNSP95. Please send paper submissions to: Prof. Elias S. Manolakos IEEE NNSP'95 409 Dana Research Building Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115, USA Phone: (617) 373-3021, Fax: (617) 373-4189 IMPORTANT DATES Extended summary received by: February 17 Notification of acceptance: April 21 Photo-ready accepted papers received by: May 22 Advanced registration received before: June 2 GENERAL CHAIRS Federico Girosi (MIT), email: girosi@ai.mit.edu John Makhoul (BBN), email: makhoul@bbn.com PROGRAM CHAIR, Elias S. Manolakos (Northeastern U.) email: elias@cdsp.neu.edu FINANCE CHAIR, Judy Franklin (GTE), email: jfranklin@gte.com LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS, Mary Pat Fitzgerald (MIT), email: marypat@ai.mit.edu PUBLICITY CHAIR, Alice Chiang, (Lincoln Lab.), email: achiang@ll.mit.edu PROCEEDINGS CHAIR, Elizabeth J. Wilson, email: bwilson@sud2.ed.ray.com