First Announcement for Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents '96 IS/SI '96 Montpellier - France 20 - 24 may 1996 ------------------------------------------------ AFIA - The French Association for AI - will organise in May 1996 at Montpellier under the label "Intelligent Systems / Systemes Intelligents '96" four conferences dedicated to - Artificial Intelligence/Intelligence Artificielle (AI/IA'96) - Natural Language Engineering/Traitement Informatique des Langues (NLE/TIL96) - Neural Networks/Reseaux Neuro-mimetiques/Neuro-Nimes (NN/RN '96) - Applied AI (AAI'96) These international conferences are the continuation of the conferences that were organised in Avignon since 1981. Besides the move to the city of Montpellier, the fact that AFIA coorganises these conferences with EC2 & Co. and has now the complete responsibility of the scientific aspects, is a major change. In parallel to IS/SI '96, the 5th conference "Interface to Real & Virtual Worlds" will also take place in Montpellier. The objective of AI/IA '96, NLE/TIL '96 and NN/RN '96 is to bring together researchers and practitionners in AI to present theoretical results and to assess state-of-the-art techniques and methods and evaluate their applicability and their use on real-world problems. The AAI'96 conference will mainly consist in presentations of operational applications of AI within companies (industry, finance, service, etc). These presentations will highlight the benefits that the european companies are gaining by using AI techniques. They will deal with the managerial, economical, strategic and technological aspects of the introduction of AI systems at the workplace. They will also mention the exemplary characteristics of the applications, so that the audience will directly gain inspiration for new developments from the presentations.This conference is coorganized with the AI associations from Italy and Spain. The presentation of each conference and their Call for papers should be sent in a few days. If you want to be sure to receive this information, please contact: EC2 & Cie, 31 Place Ronde, F-92986 Paris la Defense tel: +33 1 41 02 82 40 fax: +33 1 41 02 82 33 email: