Contributed by Fakhri Karray ( FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS 1999 - 14th IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL September 15-17, 1999 Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC'99) will be held from September 15-17, 1999 in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Intelligent control refers to a collection of analysis and synthesis methods dealing with systems for which traditional control theoretic assumptions do not hold. In recent years, there has been considerable research into the integration of high-level logical supervisors and low-level controllers. The main idea is to specify the controller in a declarative way, i.e., to provide only high level requirements and leave the procedural specification and design to the intelligent autonomous system. ISIC'99 is particularly interested in receiving papers concerned with this topic. Papers of special interest to this conference will deal with control systems that are able to synthesize plant models, control laws and local control goals based upon declarative specifications of high-level control goals. Specific topics of interest include hybrid control systems, timed automata and Petri nets, real-time logics and software engineering methods and tools for specification and verification, dynamics of switched systems, supervisory control synthesis and analysis, and applications illustrating novel approaches to the integration of supervision and control. In addition to the special topics itemized above, ISIC'99 will be interested in intelligent control papers relating to hierarchical control architectures and methods, knowledge based systems, temporal logic for control, path planning systems, reactive multi-agent systems, mathematical modeling and analysis of complex systems, distributed and decentralized control methods, machine learning and learning control systems, adaptive control systems, discrete event systems and supervisory control, neural networks for control, fuzzy logic and fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, and hybrid dynamical systems. The program committee is also interested in real-life implementations of intelligent controllers arising out of applications in networking, communications, robotics, manufacturing, process control, industrial systems, automotive, aircraft, and spacecraft control systems. The ISIC'99 organizing committee solicits proposals for half-day tutorials/workshops related to the symposium themes. All of those interested in providing one, should send (mail, fax, or e- mail) a brief description or summary of their intended tutorial to: Prof. Fakhri Karray, Dept. of Systems Design Eng. University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 Tel: (519)-885-1211 (5584) Fax: (519) 746 4791 e-mail: Researchers who desire to submit a contributed paper for consideration by the program committee should send 5 copies to the program chair by February 16, 1999. Clearly indicate who will serve as the corresponding author and include the title, name of the author(s), affiliation, address, telephone number, fax, and e-mail address. Please indicate to which topic the paper is being submitted. Notification of acceptance and the author's kit will be mailed by April 30th, 1999. The full paper typed in camera-ready form must be received by June 11, 1999. Final instructions for camera-ready copy submission will be in the author's kit. Papers will be limited to 6 pages including abstract, figures, and tables. Please mail your submission by regular post to: Prof. Michael Lemmon Dept. of Electrical Eng. University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN, 46556, USA Tel: (219)-631-8309 Fax: (219)-631-4393