Contributed by: Jifeng Zhang Dear Colleagues: We like to draw your attention to the 14th World Congress of IFAC to be held in Beijing, China, from July 5 to July 9,1999. The Beijing Congress, being the last IFAC Congress in the 20th century, will serve as a unique forum for the international control community to review the great impact of automation on the elapsing century and to look forward to its development in the next century. The Congress provides a spectrum of categories for technical presentations, including plenary lectures, survey papers, regular papers of both lecture and poster session types, panel discussions and case studies. Immediately preceding the formal opening of the Congress, tutorials are being offered to provide participants an opportunity to learn new principles, methodologies, technologies, and applications that have been developed and/or are developing in recent years. For more information, please visit our IFAC'99 homepages: The Beijing Congress will be the first IFAC Congress to be held in a developing country. As one of the oldest capitals and one of the fastest developing cities in the world, Beijing affords tourist attractions for the participants and their guests. We look forward to seeing our old and new friends in Beijing in 1999. Jifeng Zhang IFAC'99 IPC Secretariat