IEE COLLOQUIUM 'HYBRID CONTROL FOR REAL-TIME SYSTEMS' Friday 6th December 1996 at The Institution of Electrical Engineers, Savoy Place, London WC2R 0BL SCOPE With contributions from leading research and control system design groups in Europe and the UK, this Colloquium will address recent developments on integrated approaches to hybrid systems. The event will be of direct interest to researchers in control theory and computer science, designers of hybrid control systems and developers of sequential supervisory controllers. The objective is to share state-of-the-art research and design experience and to report on new applications. PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME 9.30 Registration and Coffee 9.55 Introduction and Welcome 10.00 Keynote Lecture: 'Engineering aspects of real-time systems and an experiment in hybrid control' A.P. Ravn, (Technical University of Denmark) 10.45 'Modelling hybrid systems as the limit of discrete computational processes' M.D. Westhead and J. Hallam (Dept. of Artificial Intelligence, University of Edinburgh, U.K.) ' 11.20 'Transforming continuous into discrete specifications with VDM++' S. Goldsack +, K. Lano +, A. Sanchez * ( + Dept. of Computing, and *Centre for Process Systems Engineering= , Imperial College, London, U.K.) 11.55 'Extended real-time logic (RTL) in the specification and verification of an industrial process' R. de Lemos +, J.G. Hall * (+ Centre for Systems Reliability, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Newcastle on Tyne, UK.) (*Dept. of Computer Science, University of York, U.K.) 12.30 Lunch 13.30 'Using modal analysis to guarantee the closed loop behaviour for a class of hybrid system' R.N. Shorten, (Daimler Benz Research, Berlin, Germany) 14.15 'Hybrid flow net for hybrid process modelling and control' J-M Flaus (Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble, ENSIEG, France) 14.0 Tea 15.05 'A novel modelling approach for multi-machine manufacturing systems with hybrid behaviour' D.A. Linkens and Y.Y. Yang (Dept. of Automatic Control and Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield) 15.40 'Fixed scheduling theory for advanced engine controllers' N. Audsley, I. Bates and A. Burns (Dept. of Computer Science, University of York, U.K.) 16.15 Discussion 16.35 Close REGISTRATION ENQUIRIES & REGISTRATION FORMS: The Colloquium is organised by the IEE Professional Group C8 (Control Systems Theory and Design). For details of registration, including Registration Forms please contact the IEE: Telephone: 0171 240 1871 Ext 2205 / 2206 =46ax: 0171 497 3633 email: REGISTRATION Registration is by Registration Forms, which should be completed and returned a.s.a.p. with your remittance (fees) to Colloquia Bookings, Institution of Electrical Engineers, P.O. Box 96, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, U.K. Full details can be found on the Registration Form and the Colloqium Advanced Notice Brochure. =46EES (all subject to terms and conditions stated on Registration Form): REGISTRATION FEE IEE Members: =A345.50 (including VAT @ =A36.78) Non Members: =A376.50 (including VAT @ =A311.40) Students (Non Members): =A322.75 (incl. VAT @ =A33.39) Students (IEE Members), retired / unemployed IEE members: No charge= . BUFFET LUNCH (ticket) =A35.00 (incl. VAT @ =A30.75)