Contributed by: Vassilis Syrmos 1998 IEEE CONFERENCE ON CONTROL APPLICATIONS Congress Center of the Stazione Marittima Molo Bersaglieri 3, 34124 Trieste, ITALY September 1-4, 1998 important deadlines (below) CALL FOR PAPERS AND INVITED SESSIONS The Seventh IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA) is being sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society,the International Federation of Automatic Control, the European Union Control Association, the IEEE North Italy, the University of Trieste, and the Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia. The function of the IEEE CCA is to bring together theoretical results and practical applications in system and control theory, particularly in regard to uses in industrial, commercial, aerospace, power systems, automotive, or other applied arenas. The Program Committee solicits papers presenting original work in all aspects of theoretical and practical control applications. The theme for CCA'98 is Control Applications in Biological and Medical Systems. The theme of CCA is meant to help structure the conference and not to limit the topics covered. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of traditional and modern control design techniques in: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the applications of traditional and modern control design techniques in: ** Aerospace Systems ** Adaptive Control ** Automotive Systems ** Biomedical Systems ** Computer-Aided Design ** Discrete Event Systems ** Distributed Systems ** Expert Systems ** Fault Tolerance ** Fuzzy Systems ** Manufacturing Systems ** Modeling and Identification ** Neural Networks ** Nonlinear Systems ** Power Electronics/Systems ** Process Control ** Robotics ** Robust Control ** Sensor-Based Control IMPORTANT DATES: January 15, 1998 Full Papers and Proposals Due April 1, 1998 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection April 30, 1998 Electronic Submission of Title and Abstract May 22, 1998 Final Camera-Ready Papers Due PAPER SUBMISSION: FIVE copies of the full paper must be received for peer review by one of the Program Chairs by 15 JAN. 1998. Papers will be reviewed by the International Program Committee. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by 1 APRIL 1998. Electronic submissions of title and abstract are required by 30 APRIL 1998. The final camera-ready papers must be received by the Conference Secretariat no later than 22 MAY 1998. PROGRAM CHAIRS: European Program Chair U.S. Program Chair G. Conte Kimon P. Valavanis Dipt. di Elett. e Autom. Center for Advanced Computer Studies Univ. di Ancona PO Box 44330 via Brecce Bianche University of SW Louisiana 60131 Ancona, ITALY Lafayette, LA 70504-4330, USA Email: Email: Phone: +39-71-2204844 Phone: (318) 482-5817 Fax: +39-71-2804334 Fax: (318) 262-5401 INVITED SESSIONS WORKSHOPS: FOUR copies of proposals for: Invited Sessions, including extended abstracts and a cover letter indicating the scope of the proposed session; or Workshops, including a detailed outline of the proposed topic, must be submitted to either Program Chair by 15 JAN. 1998. Invited Sessions may include an introductory survey paper. Workshops will be held on 1 SEP. 1998. Invited sessions and workshops in the conference theme of biomedical systems are particularly of interest. PROCEEDINGS & CD-ROM: A CD-ROM and a Book of Abstracts will be provided at the conference. A hard copy of the proceedings will be mailed after the conference to those who request it for an additional charge. For further information, VISIT OUR WEB SITE, or contact the General Chair: Frank L. Lewis Automation & Robotics Research Institute The University of Texas at Arlington 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S. Fortworth, TX 76118, USA Email: Phone: (817) 272-5972 Fax: (817) 272-5989