FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS - IEA/AIE-95 ================================== The Eighth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems Hilton on the Park, Melbourne, June 6-6,1995. (with Tutorials on the 5th and site visits on the 9th). The International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI) & The Institution of Engineers, Australia (IEAust) In co-operation with AAAI, ACM SIGART, Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, ECCAI, IEEE Computer Society, Institute of Measurement and Control, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, International Neural Network Society and JSAI; with endorsement of the Australian Computer Society; And with support from:- QANTAS, (The Australian Airline), Australian Department of Industry, Science and Technology and the Victorian Dept of Business & Employment, announce IEA/AIE-95, continuing a tradition of emphasising applications of artificial intelligence techniques and expert/knowledge-based systems to engineering and industrial problems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:- Case-based Reasoning Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Manufacturing Distributed AI Architectures Expert & Diagnostic Systems Intelligent Databases Intelligent Interfaces Intelligent System Dev Tools Intelligent Tutoring KBS Methodologies Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Representation Machine Learning Machine Vision Model-based Reasoning Natural Language Processing Neural Networks Pattern Recogition Planning & Scheduling Practical Applications Qualitative Reasoning Reasoning Under Uncertainity Robotics Sensor Fusion Software (AI) Dependability Spatial Reasoning System Dependability Temporal Reasoning Verification & Validation Authors are invited to submit four copies of papers, written in English, of up to 10 single-spaced pages, presenting the results of original research or innovative practical applications relevant to one or more of the listed areas of interest. Practical experiences with state-of-the-art AI methodologies are also acceptable when they reflect lessons of unique value to the conference attendees. Shorter works, up to 6 pages, to be presented in 10 minutes, may be submitted as SHORT PAPERS representing work in progress or suggesting possible research directions. (Please indicate "short paper" in the submission letter in this case.) Submissions should be received by the Program Chair by November 18, 1994. Notification of the review process will be made by January 22, 1995, and final copies of papers will be due for inclusion in the conference proceedings by February 22, 1995. Referees will be asked to nominate papers for a Best Paper Prize to be announced at the conference. All papers, but particularly those nominated for the Best Paper competition, will be automatically considered for a place in the Journal of Applied Intelligence. Program Chair General Chair ------------- ------------- Graham F Forsyth Moonis Ali Airframes & Engines Div DSTO Dept of Comp Science 506 Lorimer Street Southwest Texas State Univ Fishermens Bend 3207 Australia San Marcos TX 78666-4616 USA email: PROGRAM COMMITTEE. ------------------ Suhayya Abu-Hakima, NRC, Canada Juan J Alba, IIT Madrid, Spain Frank Anger, U West Florida, USA Paul Chung, Loughborough U T, UK Wai-Keong Foong, N A P, Singapore Teruo Fukumura, Chukyo U, Japan David Harris, ACTE, U South Aust Robert Inder, HCRC, Edinburgh, UK Akiro Ito, KARC Kobe, Japan Julia Johnson, U Regina, Canada K Kanchanasut, AIT, Thailand Jin Kim, CAIR KAIST, Korea K.S. Leung, Chinese U Hong Kong Raj Loganantharaj, ARL CACS, USA Gillian Lovegrove, Staffordshire U,UK F. Maruyama, Fujitsu Labs, Japan Manton Matthews, U South Carolina Laszlo Monostori, C&ARI, Hungary Hiroshi Motoda, ARL Hitachi, Japan A Okumura, IT Labs, NEC, Japan Paul O'Rorke, U California,Irvine,USA W. Don Potter, U Georgia, USA Anil Rewari, Digital, Marlboro, USA Rita Rodriguez, U West Florida,USA Paul Schutte, Langley RC NASA, USA Daniel Serain, Digital, France Grahame Smith, CIDS, Melb., Aust Elizabeth Sonenberg, U of Melb, Au Peter Sydenham, MSE, U South Aust Takushi Tanaka, Fukuoka IT, Japan Satoshi Tojo, Mitsubishi RI, Japan Wilson Wen, Telecom Res. Labs, Aust Xin Yao, ADFA, Canberra, Aust Xindong Wu, Monash Uni, Aust Wai-Kiang Yeap, AI Lab, Otago, NZ Tutorial Chair Jose Alonso, Swinburne, Melb., Aust Sponsor/Exhibition Chair Bernie Green, kb Systems, Melb., Aust Publicity Chair Simon Goss, AOD DSTO Melb., Aust IEAust Liaison Alva Purkiss, Melbourne, Australia Publisher Gordon + Breach Science Publishers Official International Airline QANTAS, The Australian Airline THE PROCEEDINGS WILL BE PUBLISHED AND WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONFERENCE. COPIES OF PROCEEDINGS OF EARLIER CONFERENCES ARE AVAILABLE FROM: GORDON + BREACH SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, CUSTOMER SERVICE P.O.BOX 786 COOPER STATION, NEW YORK, NY 10276 FAX:(+1)212-645-2459 I am interested in attending or receiving information on The Eighth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Melbourne, June 5-9, 1995. Please put my name on the mailing list. Name:................................Email Address: ...................... Full Postal Address:................. .................................... Phone - [Country](area)number: [___](___)..Fax Number .................... Please tick I would like registration information [ ] I would like to submit a paper [ ] Mail (or fax +1 (512) 245 8750) to the General Chairman, Dr Moonis Ali, at the address above, or to:- AE Conventions P/L, PO Box E181, Queen Victoria Terrace, ACT 2600, AUSTRALIA