1st CALL FOR PAPERS AND PANELS International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA-95) Baden-Baden, Germany 17th-19th August 1995 Objective --------- The gap between data generation and data comprehension is widening. Efficient computational methods for analysing data effectively are required to narrow this gap. There have been a variety of computationally intelligent techniques developed, which are beginning to provide such capability. However, many questions need to be properly addressed before these techniques can be most effectively employed to perform various data analysis tasks. It is the purpose of IDA-95 to provide an international forum for the discussion of these questions, some of which are listed below: a) How important is it to understand the data characteristics and to pre-process data accordingly before using the data for tasks such as classification and forecasting? [Exploratory data analysis, incompleteness and uncertainty, noise filters, outliers] b) With so many modern techniques, which technique should I use for my application? [Bayesian networks, fuzzy logic, decision trees, genetic algorithms, neural nets, statistical pattern recognition] c) What is the impact of modern visualisation techniques on data analysis? [Computer graphics, computational geometry, image processing, user interface] d) What is the role of domain knowledge in data analysis? Does it help analyse data more effectively or simply introduce "biases" into the analysis procedure? e) How do we evaluate the performance of intelligent data analysis systems? What should we do when "golden standards" do not exist? f) How can one integrate a variety of related techniques to develop the most effective system for a given application? Submissions ----------- Participants who wish to present a paper are requested to submit a 1000 word extended abstract as soon as possible, but not later than February 1, 1995. (E-mail submissions are preferred.) Notification of acceptance will be sent to authors by March 15, 1995. Full camera-ready papers, not exceeding 5 single-spaced pages, will be required by May 1, 1995 for publication in the Symposium Proceedings. In addition to paper presentations, panel sessions on one or more of the above-mentioned topics are planned. If you would like to organise a panel discussion in these or other related topics, please submit your proposals with a one-page description of the subject matter and a list of proposed panelists by April 1, 1995. Correspondence -------------- Submissions for IDA-95 should be addressed to: Dr X Liu, Department of Computer Science, Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, UK. E-mail: ida-95@dcs.bbk.ac.uk Tel: (+44) 171 631 6711 Fax: (+44) 171 631 6727 Latest information regarding IDA-95 will be available on the World Wide Web Server of the Department of Computer Science at Birkbeck College, London: http://web.dcs.bbk.ac.uk/CS/Research/IDA/cfp.html