ICASAV' 95: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles Toulouse, France October 25-26, 1995 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Future automotive vehicles will deal more and more with autonomous functions to improve safety, traffic management and to reduce consumption and pollution. Numerous on-board decision systems will replace the driver in critical running phases. The problems and solutions experienced, by adopting this new technology, will bring out numerous common points with other transportation systems and of course with mobile robots. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together specialists of components and instruments for automotive systems, mobile robots and transportation in general in order to enhance the value of their experience in the field of autonomous vehicles. The scope of this workshop covers sensors, actuators and controllers that are currently applied to implement intelligent autonomous function on vehicles. New techniques, instruments and both software and hardware components are included. TOPICS - Intelligent sensors and fusion techniques for: navigation, environment related sensors, energetic efficiency, hypo vigilance. - Intelligent actuators: electrical steering, engine actuators, active suspension,... - Control techniques: internal model based techniques, non-linear, adaptive, emergent techniques (fuzzy, neural, neuro-fuzzy),... - Safety and reliability of on-board components: design, software, hardware, on-line, off-line diagnostic APPLICATION FIELD - Engine control, Body control, Transmission control - Driving control and Cruise control - Steering control and Path tracking - Obstacle avoidance - Vehicles position estimation - Path planning and route planning - Vehicle/vehicle/ ground communication, IVHS - Man machine interface and telerobotic functions LOCATION The workshop will take place at the Laboratory for Analysis and Achitecture of Systems (LAAS) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Toulouse. RELATED EVENT SITEF is an international market of advanced technologies, with five major industrial sectors: - Aerospace, - Land Transportation Systems and their infrastructures, - Information Technology and Communication, - Mass Production, - Natural Resources and Bio-industries. A visit of the trade fair, specially the areas concerning the workshop, will be organized on October 25th. CALL FOR PAPERS Please submit five copies of draft papers (4-6 pages) in English. The first page must contain the paper title, authors' names and affiliations, complete address of the corresponding author (fax, tel, E-mail) and the abstract (200-250 words). SECRETARIAT Papers should be sent to : Marie Therese Ippolito Secretariat IFAC-ICASAV' 95 LAAS-CNRS 7, avenue du Colonel Roche F-31077 Toulouse Cedex, France Tel.: +33 61 33 62 74 Fax.: +33 61 55 35 77 E-mail: icasav@laas.fr DEADLINES Expression of interest Immediately Submission of draft papers May 1, 1995 Notification of acceptance June 1, 1995 Submission of full papers July 30, 1995