International Discourse on FUZZY LOGIC AND THE MANAGEMENT OF COMPLEXITY (FLAMOC'96) Sydney, 15-18 January, 1996 SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT AND FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS FLAMOC'96 is an International Discourse targeted on the growing use of Fuzzy Logic when dealing with Complexity in various fields of applications (Industry, Business, Finance, Management, Ecology, Medicine, Social Science, etc.). FLAMOC'96 intends to contribute insight and foresight regarding creation of innovative and practically efficient ways of implementing Fuzzy Logic in problem situations impregnated with Uncertainty, Intricacy, and Hazard. In the age of an increasing Technological, Environmental and Social Complexity, FLAMOC'96 emphasises the synergy between Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms, Non-linear Simulation Techniques, Fractal and Chaos Theory not only in fuzzy engineering practice but also in the search for better understanding the changes around and in us, learning how to handle paradoxes and risk, how to avoid conflicts and look for collaboration and consensus, how to improve our personal and organizational achievements by integrating many diverse and contradictory requirements into coherent, complimentary, and useful outputs. FLAMOC'96 is the only one of its kind discourse that intents to explore the diversity of practical and theoretical applications of Fuzzy Logic in managing real life Complexity, using Fuzzy Thinking as a bridge between science and the humanities. THE PROGRAM: Keynote speaker: Prof. Lotfi Zadeh . Invited speakers: Prof. G.Klir and Prof. M. Sugeno Three basic streams build the conceptual framework of this discourse: - Soft Computing Technology (Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms) with applications in Process Control, Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, Artificial Intelligence (Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems, Knowledge Based Leaning Systems, Robotics), Fuzzy Mathematics, Data Analysis, Linguistics, Biomedical Engineering, Medical Informatics; - Fuzzy Logic in Organising Systems with applications in Social Science (Consensus Seeking, Conflict Analysis, Human Decision Making, Public Participation, Qualitative Reasoning, Education), Philosophy (PostAristotelean Logic, Postmodernism), Psychology, Economics (Stock Market and Financial Analysis); - Approximate Reasoning in Environmental Applications in Cleaner Production, Environmental Management, Mass Load Analysis, Risk Management, Sustainable Development Practice, Ecology, Ecocybernetics. FLAMOC'96 aimed at system and complexity scientists and researchers, control engineers, social scientists, managers in business, industry and government, academics, conflict resolution practitioners and facilitators, bio-medical engineers, environmental managers and environmentalists, fuzzy soft- and hardware specialists, information science professionals and students. FLAMOC'96 provides a special day for business people and managers with presentations delivered by leading experts and tutorials on how effectively to apply Fuzzy Logic in business, marketing, finance, and management. Participants are invited to submit proposals for presentation in a form that is most appropriate to the subject matter they would cover (e.g. paper, poster presentation, tutorial, lecture, computer demonstration, discussion, exhibit of a fuzzy product, performance on fuzzy music system, etc.) IMPORTANT DATES: 15 September 1995 Deadline for Extended Abstract (1-2 pages) Submission.Address for submission: Dr Vladimir Dimitrov, School of Social Ecology, UWS-Hawkesbury, Richmond 2753, Australia ; Fax:+61(45) 701901, Phone: +61(47) 701903, E-mail: 30 November 1995 Deadline for Camera Ready Copy of Full Pape.r All accepted papers will be published in the FLAMOC'96 Proceedings: "Fuzzy Logic and the Management of Complexity". After the discourse, selected papers will be published in a separate volume. REGISTRATION FEE; AUS$ 450 (before 15.11.1995) and AUS$500 (after 15.11.1995). Students' Fee: AU$100. TUTORIALS: (1) Introduction to Fuzzy Logic (FL) and its Applications. (2) Industrial Applications of FL. (3) Applications of FL in Management Practice. (4) Applications of FL in Busines and Financial Forecasting. (5) Clinical Applications of FL.(6) Application of FL in Environmental Management. (7) Advanced Design Methodology of Fuzzy Systems: Neuro-Fuzzy and Fuzzy-Genetic Systems. (8) Fuzzy Semantics . (9)Approximate Reasoning. (10) Research Topics in Soft Computing. FEE FOR TUTORIALS: AUS$100 for one selected tutorial topic. AUS$180 for two selected lectures.AUS$250 for three selected lectures. AUS$300 for four or more lectures. Students' fee: AUS$50 (full day tutorials). Potential lectures are invited to submit a one page proposal for tutorial that includes: the background of the lecturer (both in research and lecturing experience), abstract and contents of the proposed lecture (not limited by the above list) to: Dr Xiheng Hu (DEE, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia; Fax:+61(2) 351 3847, Tel +61(2) 351 6475, E-mail: not later than 15 September 1995. Lecturers are responsible for preparation and delivery of their lectures as well as preparation of quality handout (such as copies of lecture overheads). Lecturers have FREE REGISTRATION for FLAMOC'96. EXHIBITION. For information about the exhibition and space reservation, contact:Mr Kalevi Kopra; 6 Boree Rd, Forestville 2087, Australia Fax: +61(2) 975 1943, Phone: +61(2) 451 5728.Proposals for the exhibition to be sent not later than 15 September 1995. FEE FOR EXHIBITION SPACE (for companies): AU$2000 PAYMENT: Cheques made payable in Australian Dollars to: FLAMOC'96, The University of Sydney, and sent to POBox 91, Richmond 2753, AUSTRALIA