Contributed by: Hans Schneider INTERNATIONAL LINEAR ALGEBRA SOCIETY (ILAS) SYMPOSIUM ON "Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing" June 6th, 7th and 8th, 1997 and ILAS/IIMS Session on Linear Algebra for the Canadian Mathematical Society June 9, 1997 Organized by Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences (IIMS) University of Manitoba Participating Institutions of IIMS are: Manitoba Hydro, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Faneuil ISG Inc. and the Red River Community College. The objective of this three day meeting is to bring together people from the areas of Control Theory, Signal and Image Processing and Computational Linear Algebra to discuss recent advances, trends and future directions for research on fast algorithms. This will offer a unique opportunity for interaction among these groups and will provide a forum of interdisciplinary communication that should encourage researchers to develop a new sense of participation and a new perception of these areas as closely rel ated scientific disciplines. The Symposium will feature a special emphasis on modern methods in scientific computing and linear algebra relevant to digital control, signal and image processing. For such applications it is important to consider ingredients such as 1) sophisticated mathematical models of the problems, including a priori knowledge, 2) rigorous mathematical theories to understand the difficulties of solving problems which are often ill-posed, and 3) fast algorithms for either real-time or data-massive computations. Asp ects of each of these three ingredients will be discussed by speakers in the Symposium by way of short courses,invited and contributed lectures, and invited and contributed mini-symposium on relevant topics. On June 6 a set of tutorial short courses will be given. The Summer Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) is being held in Winnipeg on June 7, 8, 9, 1997 and hence overlaps with the ILAS Workshop on June 7 and 8. A CMS Session on Linear Algebra organized by ILAS/IIMS will be held on June 9, 1997. The Winnipeg Symposium and short courses are the first of their kind for ILAS. On June 6 there will be an ILAS Workshop which will be open to participants of CMS. Date ILAS CMS June 6 Tutorial Short Courses June 7, 8 Symposium Annual Meeting June 9 *Session on Linear Algebra (Open to ILAS) *The main speakers are Roger Horn and Paul Van Dooren. The Registration Fee is $150.00. An additional $60.00 will enable ILAS participants to attend the CMS Summer Meeting. Invited Speakers Eleanor Chu (Guelph), M. Hanke (Germany), Simon Haykin (McMaster), Linda Kaufman (Bell Labs), Christopher Paige (McGill), Haesun Park (Minnesota), Ali Sayed (UCSB), C. W. Stewart (Maryland). Short Courses Stephen Boyd (Stanford), Raymond Chan (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Tom Kailath (Stanford), Byron Welsh (Air Force Institute of Technology). Invited Mini-Symposia N. Nichols (Reading), B. Datta (NIU), G. Heinig (Kuwait), J. Nagy (SMU), P. Van Dooren (Belgium), F. Luk (RPI) Call for Papers Contributed papers which deal with the themes of the ILAS Symposium and for the CMS Special Session on Linear Algebra are solicited. Please send author, title and abstracts before March 31, 1997. Communications All enquiries regarding the meeting, including those on contributed papers, should be addressed to: P. N. Shivakumar, Director. Registration forms should be sent to: Mrs. S. Henderson, Conference Coordinator. Address for both is as follows: Institute of Industrial Mathematical Sciences 420 Machray Hall University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Canada Tel: (204) 474 6724 Fax: (204) 275 0019 E-Mail: URL: Accommodation Holiday Inn South 1330 Pembina Highway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2B4 Tel: (204) 452 4747 (call collect) Fax: (204) 284 2751 $75.00 per night, single/double Please make your reservations directly with the hotel. For registered hotel guests to use the free Holiday Inn South shuttle from and to the Airport please contact the hotel in advance.