ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control Budapest, Hungary, November 6-8, 1995 The aim of this workshop is to stimulate contacts and cooperation between researchers in systems and control of ERCIM institutes. It si the second workshop of this kind ans wi ll be held at the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (SZTAKI) in concomitancs with the ERCIM Directors' meeting. The workshop aims at giving researchers of the participating institutes the opportunity of getting to know each other, of exchanging ideas and experiences, and of formulating joint research proprosals. Traditionally outstanding researchers in the field, not formally affiliated with one of the ERCIM insitutes are also invited in this kind of workshop. The workshop will be held at SZTAKI in Budapest from Monday 6 November to Wednesday 8 November. Participation is limited nad is by invitation only. Please communicate your interest in participation by email or otherwise to one of the coordinators listed below. So far researchers from CWI, INRIA, CNR, SICS and SZTAKI have confirmed their participation. The scientific programme also leaves time for informal discussions. Scheduled items are: Special invited talks: V. Kucera (UTIA, Prague), J. Zabczyk (Mathematical Institute, Warsaw) and M. Deistler (TU, Wien) agreed to contribute to this part of the program. short presentations on the current activities of the research groups; for every morning and afternoon a separate topic will be selected on which there will be three to four lectures, followed by informal discussions. The following topics have been selected: Linear Systems System Identification Stochastic Systems Control Control and its Applications Because of time limitations not every participant will be asked to present a lecture. The organizers of this workshop call on their colleagues to use the opportunities of this workshop. The workshop is coordinated by : Laszlo Gerencser Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 13-17 Kende u., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary, Tel. +36-1-166 7483, Fax +36-1-166 7503, Email Jan H. van Schuppen, CWI, P.O. Box 94079, 1090 GB Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Tel. +31.20.592.4085, Fax +31-20-592 4199, Email: Andrea Gombani, LADSEB-CNR, Tel. +39-49-829 5756, Fax +39-49-829 5649, Email: Laurent Baratchart, INRIA Centre Sophia Antipolis, P.O. Box 93, 06902 Sophia Antipolis, France, Tel. +33-9365.7874, Fax +33-9365.7765, Email: Anders Lindquist, KTH S 10004 Stockholm Sweden Tel. +46-8-756 4864, Fax +46-8-225 320, Email: