CONFERENCE Title: 3rd European Control Conference Date: 5-8 September 1995 Abbreviation: ECC 95 Place: Rome, Italy ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3rd European Control Conference ECC 95 Roma, Italy, 5--8 September, 1995 NATIONAL ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (NOC) A. Isidori (chair, program) S. Bittanti (program) E. Mosca (program) A. De Luca (publications) M.D. Di Benedetto (finances) F. Lorito (publicity) G. Oriolo (secretary) SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Contributed lectures Plenary lectures by invited speakers Minicourses Invited sessions Technical exhibits Book exhibits TOPICS AND THEMES Control Methodology Modelling and identification Linear and nonlinear feedback design Robust control H-infinity control Adaptive control Optimization methods Stochastic filtering and control Neural and learning systems Discrete-event dynamical systems Numerical aspects in feedback design Applications and Implementation Aerospace engineering Algorithms and architectures for real-time control Automotive control Components and instrumentation Computer-aided control systems design Control applications in manufacturing Process control Robotics Vehicle dynamics and control INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS AND SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSALS Papers Perspective authors should submit four copies of their full paper by October 1, 1994 . The length of the paper should be about eight typed pages. The cover page should contain: title, author's name, affiliation and address, fax number, e-mail address, telephone number, an abstract and five keywords. In the case of joint authorship, the first name mentioned will be used for all correspondence, unless otherwise requested. Invited sessions Proposals for invited sessions should be submitted by October 1, 1994 . An invited session should comprise 4 or 5 lectures of 30 minutes each. The proposal should contain the title of each lecture as well as the name, affiliation and address, fax number, e-mail address and telephone number of each proposed speaker. In addition, a four page abstract of each lecture is required. Invited sessions will be refereed. TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Papers and proposals for invited sessions should be sent to: ECC Secretariat Alessandro De Luca Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universit degli Studi di Roma ``La Sapienza'' Via Eudossiana 18 00184 Roma ITALY E-mail: Fax: +39 6 44585 367 GENERAL INFORMATION Time and location The European Control Conference will take place from Tuesday September 5 to Friday September 8, 1995, in the School of Engineering of the University of Rome ``La Sapienza''. In early September, the `eternal city' offers to visitors its best aspects in terms of climate and accomodation. Registration fee The registration fee of the conference is expected not to exceed 500.000 Italian Liras (equivalent to 280 Language The official language of the conference is English. Accomodation Information about hotel reservations will be provided. IMPORTANT DATES October 1, 1994 Submission of papers and proposals of special sessions March 15, 1995 Notification of acceptance of contributed papers and of special sessions April 30, 1995 Final version of paper due September 5--8, 1995 Conference