Celebrazioni marconiane cento anni dalla invenzione della radio 1895-1995 =============================================================================== EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATION IN ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING SIXTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE / 6eme CONFERENCE ANNUELLE BOLOGNA - ITALIA WEDNESDAY 31TH MAY- FRIDAY 2ND JUNE 1995 MERCREDI 31 MAI - VENDREDI 2 JUIN 1995 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT CALL FOR PAPERS APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS THE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN ELECTRICAL AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING ----------------------------------------------------------------- LE TRANSFERT DE TECHNOLOGIE EN EEA ---------------------------------- =============================================================================== The Sixth EAEEIE annual conference 1995 will be held from Wednesday 31th May to Friday 2nd June in Bologna, the capital of the Emilia Romagna. La Sixieme Conference annuelle de l'EAEEIE se tiendra a Bologne, la capitale de la region Emilie Romagne du mercredi 31 mai au vendredi 2 juin 1995, dans le cadre des manifestations du centenaire de l'invention de la radio par Guglielmo Marconi. TOPICS / SUBJECTS ----------------- Development in Information Technology, Automation and Communications are changing many aspects of economic and social life, such as ways of working and reporting, organisation of enterprises, methods of communication and the objectives of engineering formation. These changes augment industrial productivity and the quality and performance of services. In the white book 'Growth, Competition and Occupation' of the European Commission, it is recognised that the competiveness of the European Economy will depend for the most part on developments in the technology associated with electrical and electronic systems, and the ability to utilise these developments constructively. A weak point in the European system is its limited capacity to transform scientific progress and technological realisations into successful industrial and commercial activity. The origin of the factors of this weakness are varied: - insufficient liaison between universities and industry, - reticence to invest in activities whose results are uncertain, - little consideration given to research and development in the strategic plans of a company, - absence of aid to researchers for the creation of enterprises, - absence of common strategies between enterprises, universities and government agencies. The aim of this conference is to promote the exchange of ideas and experience in the different sectors of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in the different European countries. Particular consideration will be given to the experiences which are of concern to the small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), which for them, the application of results of research is most difficult. To compete at world level the needs of the SMEs must be appreciated and activities oriented towards solving their problems. Papers will be in the general framework of transferring results of research to the sector of production, presentations will be reports from experiences in the following domaines. - Programmes of industrial conversion from traditional technology towards the new technologies of Automation, IT and Communications. - Experiences of collaboration between universities and research organisations with industry. - The role of further education and continuous professional development (CPD) to assist the transfer of technology. - The efficiency of special actions of the European Union oriented to encourage collaboration between research organisations and enterprises. Le developpement des technologies de l'information, de l'automatique et de la communication induit de profonds changements dans la vie economique et sociale. On peut citer les methodes de travail, les rapports de l'homme avec le travail, l'organisation des entreprises, les objectifs de la formation et les modalites de communication. Ces transformations tendent a augmenter la productivite industrielle, la qualite et la performance des services. Dans le livre blanc 'Croissance, concurrence, occupation', edite par les Commissions Europiennes, les auteurs mettent en ividence que la concurrence de l'economie europeenne dependra en grande partie des conditions d'utilisation et du developpement des technologies des systhmes electriques et electroniques. Un des points faible du systeme europeen est sa capacite limitee a transformer les progres scientifiques et les realisations technologiques en succes industriels et commerciaux. Les facteurs suivants semblent etre à l'origine de cette faiblesse: - liaisons insuffisantes entre les universitis et les industries, - reticence a investir dans des activites pour lesquelles les resultats sont incertains, - faible poids de la recherche et du developpement dans la strategie des industries, - absence d'aide aux chercheurs pour la creation d'entreprises, - absence de strategies communes entre entreprises, universites et pouvoirs publics. Le but de cette conference est de promouvoir l'echange d'idees et d'experiences dans les domaines du Genie Electrique, de l'Automatique et de l'Informatique dans les differents pays europeens. Une attention particuliere sera portee aux experiences qui ont concerne les petites et les moyennes entreprises dans lesquelles il est generalement difficile d'appliquer les resultats de la recherche. Pour etre appreciee a un niveau mondial, cette activite de Recherche / Developpement doit etre necessairement orientiee Technologies de pointe, ce qui est parfois eloigne des preoccupations journalihres des P.M.E. Nous attendons, toujours dans le cadre general du transfert des resultats de la recherche vers les secteurs productifs, que les travaux presentes soient relatifs a des experiences menees dans les domaines suivants : - Programmes de reconversion industriel des technologies traditionnelles vers les nouvelles technologies de l'Electronique, de l'Automatique, de l'Information et de la Communication, - Experiences de collaboration entre universites, organismes de recherche et l'industrie, - Role de la formation continue dans l'amilioration de l'efficacite du transfert de technologie, - Efficacite des actions specifiques de l'Union Europienne destinees a encourager les collaborations entre organismes de recherche et entreprises, - Presentation des structures les mieux adaptees pour mener a bien des actions de transferts de technologie. THE ORGANISING COMMITTEE ------------------------ President EAEEIE and Chairman of the Organising Committe Prof. Vito A. Monaco (Universita di Bologna, Italy) Members Prof. K. Abbot (Staffordshire University, UK) Prof. O. Bonneaud (Univ. Rennes, France) Dr. J. Boutsen (Flemish Engineers Assoc., Belgium) Prof. C. Burkley (Univ. Limerick, Ireland) Prof. J. Cluysen (Univ. Geel, Belgium) Ing. M. Di Fonso (SSGRR, L'Aquila, Italy) Prof. G. Falciasecca (Univ. Bologna, Italy) Prof. V. Havlicek (Univ. Praga, Rep. Ceck) Prof J. Landuyt (Univ. Geel, Belgium) Prof P. Lappalainen (Univ. Oulu, Finland) Dr. P. Lilley (Univ. Manchester, UK ) Prof. J. Peperstraete (Univ. Leuven, Belgium) Prof. E. Pagano (Univ. Napoli, Italy) Prof. L. Vandamme (Univ. Delft, The Netherlands) Prof. A. Seoane (Univ. Vigo, Spain) Dr. O. Silven (Univ. Oulu, Finland) Prof. G. Villermain Lecolier (Univ. Reims, France) Dipl .Ing. A. Zekl (Univ. Stuttgart, Germany) Secretary : Prof. M. Robert (Univ. Nancy, France) SESSION / PROGRAMME ------------------- The Conference will be based on plenary sessions, devoted to oral presentations of invited papers and two parallel sessions for other papers. La Conference comprendra des sessions plenieres pour les papiers invites et deux sessions paralleles pour les autres communications. PROCEEDINGS / ACTES -------------------- The proceedings of the Conference will be published as a special volume from camera ready texts before the beginning of the Conference. Detailed instructions on the preparation of manuscripts will be sent to authors whose papers are accepted for presentation at the Conference. Les actes de la Conference seront publies sous la forme d'un ouvrage contenant la reproduction des textes adresses par les auteurs. Les actes seront disponibles en debut de Conference. Les instructions de preparation des manuscrits seront envoyees aux auteurs en meme temps que la notification d'acceptation des communications. PRELIMINARY REGISTRATION, CALL FOR PAPERS ------------------------------------------ INTENTION D'INSCRIPTION, APPEL A COMMUNICATIONS ------------------------------------------------ The Conference will devote time to the presentation of short papers in-line with its general aim. The preliminary registration form and a short summary (about 600 words) must to be sent to the address of organizing committee before February 2nd 1995. Acceptance of papers will be conveyed to authors before February 25th 1995. La Conference consistera en la presentation d'une succession de communications. Le formulaire de pre-inscription et les resumes d'environ 600 mots, doivent etre envoyes a l'organisateur local de la Conference avant le 2 Fevrier 1995. La notification d'acceptation des communications sera adressee aux auteurs avant le 25 Fevrier 1995. SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT / PROGRAMME FINAL ------------------------------------- The second announcement and instruction for authors will be sent to those returning the Preliminary Registration Form to the address indicated below. Le programme final et les instructions aux auteurs seront envoyes aux participants qui auront retourne leur intention d'inscription a l'adresse suivante: Prof. Giancarlo MONTANARI Facolta di Ingegneria Viale Risorgimento 2 40136 Bologna (Italy) Fax: 39.51.644 34 81 E-mail: elettrotind5@Ingbo1.cineca.it WORKING LANGUAGES / LANGUES DE TRAVAIL -------------------------------------- The working languages of Conference will be preferably english. In order to be published in the proceedings of the Conference, the manuscripts will be written only in english language. Les communications devront etre presentees preferablement en anglais. Les manuscrits destines a etre publies dans les actes devront etre rediges uniquement en anglais. IMPORTANT DATES / CALENDRIER ---------------------------- - Deadline for return of preliminary Registration Form and summaries Date limite de reception des intentions d'inscription et resumes: February 2nd, 1995 / 2 Fevrier 1995 - Notification of paper acceptance and last announcement Notification d'acceptation des communications et envoi du programme final: February 25th, 1995 / 25 Fevrier 1995 - Deadline for receipt of camera ready copy Date limite de reception des manuscrits prets au tirage: April 9th, 1995 / 9 Avril 1995 - Deadline for advance registration and conference fee payment Date limite de reception des preinscriptions et reglements des droits d'inscription correspondants: April 30th, 1995 / 30 Avril 1995 CONFERENCE FEE / DROITS D'INSCRIPTION ------------------------------------- Standard fee/droits d'inscription Lit. 600.000 Reduced fee for EAEEIE members Lit. 500.000 (tarif reduit pour les members de l'EAEEIE) Student fee / droits d'inscription etudiant Lit. 250.000 (without dinner/sans diner de gala) Student-EAEEIE members Droits d'inscription pour les etudiants membres de l'EAEEIE Lit. 200.000 Conference fees payed after April 30th 1995 will be subject to a 20% supplement Les droits d'inscription regles apres le 30 Avril seront majores de 20%. The Conference fee includes a copy of proceedings, lunches and light refreshments on each of the days, plus conference Dinner and a standard social programme. Accomodation must be payed for separately. Les droits d'inscription comprennent les actes de la Conference, les dejeuners et rafraichissements des trois jours ainsi que le diner de gala et la participation a l'excursion prevue le vendredi apres-midi. Les frais de sejour seront regles separement. ACCOMODATION / HOTELS --------------------- Hotel accomodation will be arranged in the Centre of Bologna in various categories of hotels. The list of possibilities will be sent to participants in the final announcement. Les reservations d'hotels seront faites au centre-ville de Bologne. Une liste d'hotels sera envoyee aux participants avec le programme final. BOLOGNA / BOLOGNE ----------------- Bologna is situated in the Emilia-Romagna region in northern Italy and is an important trading center between Continental Europe and the Mediterranean. This picturesque historic city is characterized by its porticoes, its medieval towers, the superb palaces built from 14th to 17th century, and by the warm colours of its buildings. A very ancient center, first Etruscan and later Roman, Bologna had an intense cultural life during the Middle Ages. The University of Bologna, the Alma Mater Studiorum;, is the oldest in the Western world: in 1988 the University celebrated its ninth centenary. Bologna is one of the most pleasant cities in Italy for its cultural centers, social life and appetizing cuisine. The city has almost 500,000 inhabitants and in its surrounding there are many industrial and commercial activities. Bologne est situee au coeur de la region Emilie-Romagne, dans le nord de l'Italie, ce qui en fait un trait d'union entre l'Europe continentale et la Mediterranee. C'est une cite historique ou la couleur chaude des constructions incite le visiteur a decouvrir des portes monumentales, des tours midievales, de superbes palais erigis du 14 au 17eme siecle. Bologne, qui fut un centre Itrusque puis Romain, etait le siege d'une intense vie culturelle au Moyen-Age. L'Universite de Bologne, Alma Mater Studiorum;, est la plus vieille universite du monde occidental; en 1988, elle a fete son 900eme anniversaire. Bologne est une des plus plaisantes villes d'Italie, reputee pour sa vie culturelle, l'animation de ses rues et sa cuisine. Bologne compte environ 500 000 habitants; sa peripherie est le siege de multiples etablissements industriels et commerciaux. HOW TO REACH BOLOGNA / ACCES A BOLOGNE -------------------------------------- Bologna is well connected to the most important cities in Europe. Daily flights are available from and to London, Paris, Frankfurt, Munich, Nice, Roma and many other towns in Italy. Charter flights, connect many other cities in Europe. The airport is only a short journey from the city centre, a Line 91B bus takes you directly to the central railway station. Due to its geographical position in the Po plain, Bologna is the most important railway junction in Italy. It is well connected by direct train to most Italian and Europe cities. It is also convenient to reach Bologna by car as it is an important junction on the motorway network of Western Europe. Many toll roads and free-ways link Bologna and European cities. Bologne est raccordee aux principales villes europeennes. Des vols journaliers sont assures au depart de Londres, Paris, Francfort, Munich, Rome, par le jeu des correspondances, la quasi totalite des villes europeennes peuvent etre facilement jointes. L'aeroport est proche du centre ville et est relie a la gare centrale par les transports publiques (Ligne de bus 91B). De par sa position dans la plaine du Pt, Bologne est le plus important noeud ferroviaire de l'Italie, relie par train direct aux plus importantes villes d'Europe. Bologne est egalement tres facilement accessible par l'intermediaire du reseau routier ou autoroutier. ADDRESSES / ADRESSES --------------------- PRESIDENT EAEEIE AND CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN Prof. Vito A. MONACO Facolt` di Ingegneria Viale Risorgimento 2 40136 BOLOGNA (Italy) fax +39 51 6443073 E-mail : VAMONACO@deis.unibo.it SECRETARY OF THE ASSOCIATION / SECRETAIRE DE L'ASSOCIATION Professeur M. ROBERT ESSTIN-CRAN 2 rue Jean Lamour 54500 VANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY-FRANCE Til.: Fax: 33.83.57 80 25 / 83 54 21 73 E-mail: robert@cran.esstin.u-nancy.fr ORGANIZER FOR LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS / ORGANISATION LOCALE Prof. Giancarlo MONTANARI Facolt` di Ingegneria Viale Risorgimento 2 40136 Bologna (Italy) Fax: 39.51.644 34 81 E-mail: elettrotind5@Ingbo1.cineca.it SPONSORING INSTITUTION ----------------------- Comitato Celebrazioni Marconiane FGB -Fondazione Guglielmo Marconi DEIS - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica, Universit` di Bologna CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche AEI- Associazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana: Sezione di Bologna Gruppo Specialistico CCTE Microelettronica della AEI Gruppo Specialistico Elettromagnetismo della AEI WHAT IS EAEEIE ? ---------------- The European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering seeks to: - foster good practice in education for Electrical and Information Engineering, - improve the understanding of educational practices throughout the European Union, - determine corresponding educational criteria with a view to establishing common standards of education in Electrical and Information Engineering, - establish mechanisms for industrial participation in the work of the Association so that the needs of industry might be met and kept under constant review, - promote Continuing Education as a necessary means for maintaining professional effectiveness of engineers, - develop Credit Transfer schemes between collaborating establishments, - contribute to the initiatives of the European Commission related to education and research in Universities, - foster a strong technological research base and develop educational research, - encourage the exchange of staff and students between collaborating establishments. Some information about EAEEIE are available on a WWW server (in progress) : http://cran.esstin.u-nancy.fr/PresEAEEIE.html Des informations sur l'EAEEIE sont disponibles sur le serveur WWW (en construction) : http://cran.esstin.u-nancy.fr/PresEAEEIE.html