_________________________________________________________________ THE 34TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers New Orleans, Louisiana December 13-15, 1995 _________________________________________________________________ The IEEE CSS Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) is the annual meeting of the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS), conducted in cooperation with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the Operations Research Society of America (ORSA). The thirty-fourth CDC will be held December 13-15, 1995, with tutorial workshops preceding the conference on Monday and Tuesday, December 11-12. The Conference General Chairman is Panos Antsaklis of the University of Notre Dame, and the Program Chairman is Edward Kamen of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The venue is the New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers, located on the Mississippi River immediately west of Canal Street. A short walk through a landscaped Riverwalk brings one to the French Quarter, scene of New Orleans nightlife and musical history. _________________________________________________________________ CALL FOR CONTRIBUTED PAPERS AND INVITED SESSIONS The IEEE CDC will include both contributed and invited sessions and a full Proceedings will be published. Contributed papers are hereby solicited in all aspects of the theory and applications of systems, including decision-making, control, adaptation, optimization, industrial automation, and manufacturing. Invited sessions are also solicited in new developments in these and related areas. All submissions are due 1 MARCH 1995. CONTRIBUTED PAPERS: The Program Committee is soliciting both regular and short contributed papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the Proceedings. All submissions must follow the guidelines below. REGULAR PAPERS. Regular papers describe completed work in some detail. Authors should submit five (5) copies of the full paper for review to the Conference Publications Editor at the address below. SHORT PAPERS. Short papers describe important recent or preliminary results which require limited length for their development. Authors should submit four (4) copies of a 4-6 page detailed summary, including references, for review to the Program Vice-Chair for Short Papers at the address below. INVITED SESSIONS: The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions. Cohesive sessions focusing on new or emerging topics in the above-listed areas are particularly encouraged, and will have priority over those of a classical or mainstream flavor. Session organizers should submit four (4) copies of proposals for invited sessions for review to the Program Vice-Chair for Invited Sessions at the address below. Organizers should contact the Vice-Chair by 1 FEBRUARY 1995 stating their intent to submit a proposal. Proposals for invited sessions should contain the names, affiliations, and complete mailing addresses of the session organizer(s), chairperson, co-chairperson, and all authors (with corresponding authors identified) along with a list of paper titles. The organizers must include in the proposal: (1) a clear statement of the topic and purpose of the session and (2) a description of how the papers form a cohesive, well-integrated exploration of the session topic. Detailed extended summaries, following the submission guidelines below and consisting of a minimum of 2000 words, covering all contributions of the paper in sufficient depth to permit an informed review, must be included for each paper. The initial paper may be a tutorial or survey which can be allotted twice the usual time for presentation. The usual number of papers in a session is six. Organizers will be contacted near 1 June 1995 concerning the tentative disposition of their session. _________________________________________________________________ SUBMISSION GUIDELINES AND ACCEPTANCE INFORMATION Each submitted regular paper, short paper extended summary, or invited session proposal must be headed with a title, the names, affiliations and complete mailing addresses of all authors (or organizers for invited sessions), a list of three keywords, and the statement "34th CDC". The first named author of each paper will be used for all correspondence unless otherwise requested; if possible an electronic mail address and fax number of the corresponding author should be included. Incomplete submissions or submissions by fax or electronic mail cannot be accepted. Final selection of papers and invited sessions will be announced in mid-July 1995. Authors of all accepted papers will be provided with instructions for preparation of manuscripts for the Proceedings. Authors should limit their manuscripts to six Proceedings pages (approx. 6000 words) for regular papers or two Proceedings pages (approx. 2000 words) for short papers. There will be a mandatory page charge for each additional page. Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the CDC to present their work. _________________________________________________________________ ADDRESSES FOR SUBMISSIONS Regular Papers: Prof. M. Peshkin, 34th CDC Editor, Conference Publications Mechanical Engr. Dept. Northwestern University 2145 Sheridan Road Evanston, Ill 60208-3111 Tel: (708) 467-2666 Fax: (708) 491-3915 email: cdc@nwu.edu Short Papers: Prof. J. Jim Zhu, 34th CDC VC for Short Papers 3221 CEBA Bldg. Rem. Sens.\Image Proc. Lab. Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Tel: (504) 388-6826 email: zhu@sun-ra.rsip.lsu.edu Invited Sessions: Prof. W. J. Rugh, 34th CDC VC for Invited Sessions Elect. & Computer Engr. Dept. Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD 21218 Tel: (410) 516-7004 email: wjr@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu General Information: Panos J. Antsaklis, 34th CDC General Chair Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556 Tel: (219) 631-5792 Fax: (219) 631-4393 Panos.J.Antsaklis@nd.edu _________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE SUMMARY: 1 Feb. 1995- Deadline for statement of intent to submit invited session proposals 1 Mar. 1995- Deadline for submission of contributed papers and invited session proposals 1 Jun. 1995- Tentative notification of invited session organizers Mid-July 1995- Notification regarding acceptance of papers and invited sessions Early Aug. 1995- Instructions for manuscript preparation sent to authors Mid-Sept. 1995- Camera-ready papers due at the printer ======================================================================== ======================================================================== THE 34TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON DECISION AND CONTROL New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers New Orleans, Louisiana December 13-15, 1995 ABBREVIATED CALL FOR PAPERS (A full CFP can be obtained by sending a blank email message to info.cs.95conf.dc@ieee.org. This autoresponse email will contain the updated CDC info (e.g. registration forms at the appropriate time) up until the CDC occurs. The thirty-fourth CDC will be held December 13-15, 1995, with tutorial workshops preceding the conference on Monday and Tuesday, December 11-12. The Conference General Chairman is Panos Antsaklis of the University of Notre Dame, and the Program Chairman is Edward Kamen of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The venue is the New Orleans Hilton Riverside and Towers, located on the Mississippi River immediately west of Canal Street. A short walk through a landscaped Riverwalk brings one to the French Quarter, scene of New Orleans nightlife and musical history. CALL FOR CONTRIBUTED PAPERS AND INVITED SESSIONS The IEEE CDC will include both contributed and invited sessions and a full Proceedings will be published. Contributed papers and invited sessions are hereby solicited in all aspects of the theory and applications of systems, including decision-making, control, adaptation, optimization, industrial automation, and manufacturing. All submissions are due 1 MARCH 1995. For complete details see the full CFP in the IEEE autoresponse message. General Chairman: Panos J. Antsaklis, 34th CDC General Chair Dept. of Electrical Engineering University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556 Tel: (219) 631-5792 Fax: (219) 631-4393 Panos.J.Antsaklis@nd.edu _________________________________________________________________ SCHEDULE SUMMARY: 1 Feb. 1995- Deadline for statement of intent to submit invited session proposals 1 Mar. 1995- Deadline for submission of contributed papers and invited session proposals 1 Jun. 1995- Tentative notification of invited session organizers Mid-July 1995- Notification regarding acceptance of papers and invited sessions Early Aug. 1995- Instructions for manuscript preparation sent to authors Mid-Sept. 1995- Camera-ready papers due at the printer