> > > CALL FOR PAPERS > > IEEE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON > > COMPUTER-AIDED CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN > > The Ritz-Carlton Hotel > > Dearborn, Michigan, USA > > September 15 - 17, 1996 > > Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society > _____________________________________________________________________________ > > > Computer-Aided Control System Design (CACSD) is the discipline > concerned with providing control engineers with the theoretical > foundations and software engineering environments for the design > and development of complex control systems. Today's control engineering > software tools and techniques can greatly improve the efficiency in > iterative system design cycles, using open-framework software > architectures, object-oriented data and model management, high > performance numerical computation tools, parallelization, and > decision-support systems. Currently, the design of hybrid systems > and of large-scale systems are of great interest. Other activities > of interest include real-time control techniques and support tools > for the formal specification and automatic control code generation, > control task scheduling, supervisory control development tools, > the design and implementation of model-based fault monitoring systems, > modeling and simulation of discrete-event dynamical systems, reliable > numerical techniques and robust numerical software tools for CACSD. > > The bi-annual Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design > will take place, under one meeting venue, jointly with the International > Symposium on Intelligent Control and the International Conference on > Control Applications. All three conferences emphasize > "Control of Automotive Systems" as a special theme. This is the reason > why this triple conference will be held at Dearborn, close to the main > US automotive manufacturers. > > There will be individual conference proceedings, but only one registration > fee (approx. $250) for the entire event, including the full set of proceedings. > > > TECHNICAL PROGRAM: > > The CACSD'96 Symposium is a forum for all timely aspects of CACSD. > However, due to the special emphasis theme, papers on all aspects of > CACSD linked to the system-dynamics and mechatronics engineering > development life cycle for automotive systems are invited. > > The technical program of the Symposium will feature: > > A plenary lecture > Technical sessions with contributed and invited papers > Special sessions and lectures > - survey papers > - case studies > - benchmark sessions > - panel discussion sessions. > > An invited session is a set of papers on a well-defined subject of > current interest. It normally contains 5-6 papers. > > A survey paper summarizes the state of the art in a technical > area of special interest; it is to be presented in a lecture > session of contributed or invited papers where it usually takes the > slots of two regular papers (about 40 minutes). > > A case study describes a particularly important application in some > depth; its length may be an hour. > > A benchmark session compares several methods using a previously > defined example; its length may be an hour. > > A panel discussion is a discussion session on a subject of current > interest, usually with a strong industrial emphasis, with the > participation of the audience and several recognized experts in the > "panel". Its length is usually an hour. > > Papers are solicited for technical and special sessions which include, > but are not limited to: > > - Algorithms for CACSD - Data Structures for CACSD > - Software Tools for CACSD - CACSD Support Environments > - System Modeling and Simulation - Intelligent controller design > - Control System Design Methodology - Design of Automotive Systems > - Symbolic and Numerical Computations - Hybrid, Discrete-Event and > Real-Time Systems > > CALL FOR CONTRIBUTED AND INVITED PAPERS: > > Authors of regular papers are invited to submit contributions in any of > the topics listed above. The submissions should identify the corresponding > author, telephone, fax and email information, and full mailing address. > Organizers of invited sessions must contact the Program Chair (see below) > by Jan. 1., 1996 to obtain information on the required invited proposal > format. Five copies of regular papers, and invited session proposal > packages (in the proper format) are due Jan. 22, 1996, and should be sent > to the CACSD Program Chair Prof. G. Gruebel (address below). > Detailed typing instructions and sample sheets > will be provided together with the acceptance notification. > > > CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSION/PAPER PROPOSALS: > > Proposals are also welcome for > - survey papers > - case-studies > - benchmark sessions > - panel discussions. > Organizers of benchmark and case studies sessions as well of panel > discussions must contact the Program Chair by Jan. 1., 1996 to obtain > information on the required proposal format. > > > TIME-TABLE: > > January 22, 1996 ........ All submissions and proposals > May 1, 1996 ........ Notification of acceptance > June 17, 1996 ........ Camera-ready paper > > > Organizing Chair Program Chair > ---------------- ------------- > Prof. Grantham Pang Prof. Georg Gruebel > Dept. Electr. & Comp. Eng. DLR Oberpfaffenhofen > University of Waterloo Institute for Robotics and System Dynamics > Waterloo, Ontario Postfach 1116, D-82230 Wessling > CANADA, N2L 3G1 GERMANY > Tel: 519-885-1211 (ext.3994) Tel: (+49) 8153-28-2484 > Fax: 519-746-3077 Fax: (+49) 8153-28-1441 > Email: pang@kingcong.uwaterloo.ca Email: georg.gruebel@dlr.de > > > ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: > > URL: http://www.op.dlr.de/FF-DR/dr_er/CACSD96.html > > > > > > CACSD'96 DRAFT PAPER SUBMISSION FORM > > > - Title of paper __________________________________________________ > - Corresponding author's title and name ___________________________ > - Mailing address _________________________________________________ > - phone _______________________ fax ____________________________ > - e-mail ____________________________________________ > - Signature of corresponding author _______________________________ > - Technical Area and Keywords _____________________________________ > > The paper is part of an invited session ___ yes ___ no > (Invited papers must be mailed together as a group) > > > Where to submit: > Prof. Georg Gruebel > DLR Oberpfaffenhofen > Institute for Robotics and System Dynamics > Postfach 1116, D-82230 Wessling > GERMANY >