SIAM Journal on Optimization Table of Contents 4-2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Line Search Procedures for the Logarithmic Barrier Function Walter Murray and Margaret H. Wright Superlinearly Convergent O( nL)-Iteration Interior-Point Algorithms for Linear Programming and the Monotone Linear Complementarity Problem Kevin McShane Convergence Properties of a Class of Rank-two Updates Paul T. Boggs and Jon W. Tolle Can Parallel Branch and Bound Without Communication be Effective? Per S. Laursen Convergence Theory of Nonlinear Newton-Krylov Algorithms Peter N. Brown and Youcef Saad On the Resolution of Linearly Constrained Convex Minimization Problems Ana Friedlander, Jose Mario Martinez, and Sandra A. Santos On Optimization Problems with Variational Inequality Constraints J. V. Outrata Triangular Decomposition Methods for Solving Reducible Nonlinear Systems of Equations J. E. Dennis Jr., Jose Mario Martinez, and Xiaodong Zhang Extension of Hoffman's Error Bound to Polynomial Systems Xiao-Dong Luo and Zhi-Quan Luo Globally Convergent Inexact Newton Methods Stanley C. Eisenstat and Homer F. Walker An Interior Point Column Generation Method for Linear Programming Using Shifted Barriers John E. Mitchell Predictor-Corrector Methods for a Class of Linear Complementarity Problems Sanjay Mehrotra and Robert A. Stubbs