JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS, ESTIMATION, AND CONTROL Contributors and readers are reminded that, beginning with Volume Four, JMSEC begins its transition to a partially electronic format. Specifically, after the transition, each issue will carry a number of four page, extended summaries. There will in the future be between 15-20 such summaries per issue. The FULL paper will be available only electronically via anonymous ftp. For access, the full ftp address is required along with the article identification number which is carried on the first page of the extended summary. For the time being, copies of the full electronic version will be free of charge. More details are included in the Editorial in Volume 4#1 or directly from the publisher, Birkhaeuser Boston, 675 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139. Also, see e-mail address above. Volume Four, Number Two An Application of Luenberger's Shuffle Algorithm to Regularization of Descriptor Systems by Proportional Feedback V. Lovass-Nagy, R. Mukundan and R.J. Schilling Towards Robustness and Genericity of Dynamic Feedback Linearization Krysztof Tcho/'n Finite Dimensional Filters with Nonlinear Drift I: A class of filters including both Kalman-Bucy filters and Benes filters Stephen S.-T. Yau On Discontinous Strategies in Optimal Control Problems D. B. Silin A Convergence Theory for Fully Galerkin Approximations of Parabolic PDE in Inverse Problems J.G. Wade SUMMARY: Design of Finite-Dimensional Controllers for Infinite- dimensional Systems by Approximation K.A. Morris SUMMARY: Fixed Gain Off-line Estimators of ARMA Parameters L/'aszl/'o Gerencs/'er SUMMARY: Extended Controller Form and Invariants of Nonlinear Control Systems with a Single Input Wei Kang SUMMARY: Necessary Condition and Genericity of Dynamic Feedback Linearization P. Rouchon Due to a processing error at the publisher's, we omitted in these two issues of the Journal the specific information required to order electronic copies of papers whose Summaries have appeared. That information will be included in future issues but is given below for those who may have immediate need. ___________________________________________________________ Articles appearing in SUMMARY form are available in COMPLETE form by anonymous ftp. Please follow these instructions: ADDRESS: USER: anonymous (personal e-mail address) ACCESS: cd jmsec get The ID # is the five digit identification number of the paper desired. It is located at the bottom of the first page of the Summary and is called "Retrieval Code."