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1021 IMA Summer Program for Graduate Students
Mathematical Modeling
1022 Wayne Barrett, Charles R. Johnson, and Pablo Tarazaga
The real positive definite completion problem for a simple cycle
1023 Charles A. McCarthy
Fourth order accuracy for a cubic spline collocation method
1024 Martin Hanke, James Nagy, and Robert Plemmons
Preconditioned iterative regularization for Ill-posed problems
1025 John R. Gilbert, Esmond G. Ng, and Barry W. Peyton
An efficient algorithm to compute row and column counts for sparse Cholesky factorization
1026 Xinfu Chen
Existence and regularity of solutions of a nonlinear nonuniformly elliptic system arising from a thermistor problem
1027 Xinfu Chen and Weiqing Xie
Discontinuous solutions of steady state, viscous compressible Navier-Stokes equations
1028 E.G. Kalnins, Willard Miller, Jr., and Sanchita Mukherjee
Models of -algebra representations: Matrix elements of the
-oscillator algebra
1029 W. Miller, Jr. and Lee A. Rubel
Functional separation of variables for Laplace equations in two dimensions
1030 I. Gohberg and I. Koltracht
Structured condition numbers for linear matrix structures
1031 Xinfu Chen
Hele-Shaw problem and area preserved curve shortening motion
1033 Harald K. Wimmer
On the existence of a least and negative-semidefinite solution of the discrete-time algebraic Riccati equation
1034 Harald K. Wimmer
Monotonicity and parametrization results for continuous-time algebraic Riccati equations and Riccati inequalities
1035 Bart De Moor, Peter Van Overschee, and Geert Schelfhout
model reduction for SISO systems
1036 Bart De Moor
Structured total least squares and approximation problems
1037 Chjan Lim
Nonexistence of Lyapunov functions and the instability of the Von Karman vortex streets
1038 David C. Dobson and Fadil Santosa
Resolution and stability analysis of an inverse problem in electrical impedance tomography - dependence on the input current patterns
1039 C.N. Dawson, C.J. van Duijn, and M.F. Wheeler
Characteristic-Galerkin methods for contaminant transport with non-equilibrium adsorption kinetics
1040 Bing-Yu Zhang
Analyticity of solutions of the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation with respect to their initial values
1041 Neerchal K. Nagaraj and Wayne A. Fuller
Least squares estimation of the linear model with autoregressive errors
1042 H.J. Sussmann &W. Liu
A characterization of continuous dependence of trajectories with respect to the input for control-affine systems