Underlined numbers indicate preprints which can be browsed.
1043 Karen Rudie &W. Murray Wonham
Protocol verification using discrete-event systems
1044 Rohan Abeyaratne &James K. Knowles
Nucleation, kinetics and admissibility criteria for propagating phase boundaries
1045 Gang Bao &William W. Symes
Computation of pseudo-differential operators
1046 Srdjan Stojanovic
Nonsmooth analysis and shape optimization in flow problem
1047 Miroslav Tuma
Row ordering in sparse decomposition
1048 Onur Toker &Hitay Özbay
On the computation of suboptimal controllers for unstable infinite dimensional systems
1049 Hitay Özbay
optimal controller design for a class of distributed parameter systems
1050 J.E. Dunn &Roger Fosdick
The Weierstrass condition for a special class of elastic materials
1051 Bei Hu &Jianhua Zhang
A free boundary problem arising in the modeling of interanl oxidation of binary alloys
1052 Eduard Feireisl &Enrique Zuazua
Global attractors for semilinear wave equations with locally distributed nonlinear damping and critical exponent
1053 I-Heng McComb &Chjan C. Lim
Stability of equilibria for a class of time-reversible, -symmetric homogeneous vector fields
1054 Ruben D. Spies
A state-space approach to a one-dimensional mathematical model for the dynamics of phase transitions in pseudoelastic materials
1055 H.S. Dumas, F. Golse, and P. Lochak
Multiphase averaging for generalized flows on manifolds
1056 Bei Hu &Hong-Ming Yin
Global solutions and quenching to a class of quasilinear parabolic equations
1057 Zhangxin Chen
Projection finite element methods for semiconductor device equations
1058 Peter Guttorp
Statistical analysis of biological monitoring data
1059 Wensheng Liu &Héctor J. Sussmann
Abnormal sub-Riemannian minimizers
1060 Chjan C. Lim
A combinatorial perturbation method and Arnold's whiskered Tori in vortex dynamics
1061 Yong Liu
Axially symmetric jet flows arising from high speed fiber coating
1062 Li Qiu &Tongwen Chen
designs of multirate sampled-data systems
1063 Eduardo Casas &Jiongmin Yong
Maximum principle for state-constrained optimal control problems governed by quasilinear elliptic equations
1064 Suzanne M. Lenhart &Jiongmin Yong
Optimal control for degenerate parabolic equations with logistic growth
1065 Suzanne Lenhart
Optimal control of a convective-diffusive fluid problem