Underlined numbers indicate preprints which can be browsed.

1105 Karen Rudie &Jan C. Willems

The computational complexity of decentralized discrete-event control problems

1106 John A. Burns &Ruben D. Spies

A numerical study of parameter sensitivities in Landau-Ginzburg models of phase transitions in shape memory alloys

1107 Gang Bao &William W. Symes

Time like trace regularity of the wave equation with a nonsmooth principal part

1108 Lawrence Markus

A brief history of control

1109 Richard A. Brualdi, Keith L. Chavey &Bryan L. Shader

Bipartite graphs and inverse sign patterns of strong sign-nonsingular matrices

1110 A. Kersch, W. Morokoff &A. Schuster

Radiative heat transfer with quasi-monte carlo methods

1111 Jianhua Zhang

A free boundary problem arising from swelling-controlled release processes

1112 Walter Littman &Stephen Taylor

Local smoothing and energy decay for a semi-infinite beam pinned at several points and applications to boundary control

1113 Srdjan Stojanovic &Thomas Svobodny

A free boundary problem for the Stokes equation via nonsmooth analysis

1114 Bronislaw Jakubczyk

Filtered differential algebras are complete invariants of static feedback

1115 Boris Mordukhovich

Discrete approximations and refined Euler-Lagrange conditions for nonconvex differential inclusions

1116 Bei Hu &Hong-Ming Yin

The profile near blowup time for solution of the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition

1117 Jin Ma &Jiongmin Yong

Solvability of forward-backward SDEs and the nodal set of Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equations

1118 Chaocheng Huang &Jiongmin Yong

Coupled parabolic and hyperbolic equations modeling age-dependent epidemic dynamics with nonlinear diffusion

1119 Jiongmin Yong

Necessary conditions for minimax control problems of second order elliptic partial differential equations

1120 Eitan Altman &Nahum Shimkin

Worst-case and Nash routing policies in parallel queues with uncertain service allocations

1121 Nahum Shimkin &Adam Shwartz

Asymptotically efficient adaptive strategies in repeated games, part II: Asymptotic optimality

1122 M.E. Bradley

Well-posedness and regularity results for a dynamic Von Kármán plate

1123 Zhangxin Chen

Finite element analysis of the 1D full drift diffusion semiconductor model

1124 Gang Bao &David C. Dobson

Diffractive optics in nonlinear media with periodic structure

1125 Steven Cox &Enrique Zuazua

The rate at which energy decays in a damped string

1126 Anthony W. Leung

Optimal control for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations related to ecology

1127 H.J. Sussmann

A continuation method for nonholonomic path-finding problems

Wed Mar 16 22:06:17 CST 1994