E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 84, August 1, 1995 E-mail: eletter-request@win.tue.nl Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-465995 Siep Weiland Dept. of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-434582 Contents 1. Editorial 2. Personals 3. General announcements 3.1 www-page complexity in dynamical systems 3.2 Short course in modern industrial control, Newcastle 3.3 SCAD update 4. Positions 4.1 Postdoc fellowship position Nat. University of Singapore 4.2 Postdoc fellowship Idaho State university 4.3 Academic position at Catholic University Louvain 5. Books 5.1 "Digital video processing" A.M. Tekalp 6. Journals 6.1 Information MCSS 6.2 TOC IEEE Transactions AC, vol.40:7 6.3 TOC Circuits, Systems & Signal Processing, vol.14:4 6.4 TOC LAA, vol.225 6.5 TOC SIAM Journal Control & Optimization, vol.33:5 6.6 TOC Automatica, vol.31:8 6.7 TOC Modeling Identification and Control, vol.16:3 6.8 CFP "Robust Control Applications", for special issue IJRC 7. Conferences 7.1 Final program ECC-1995 7.2 European colloquium applications of nonlinear & adaptive control 7.3 CFP 4th int. conf. on control, automation, robotics and vision, Singapore 7.4 CFP 1st European conf. on structural control, Barcelona 7.5 Block Island workshop on control using logic bases switching 7.6 CFP 4th symp. on low cost automation, Buenos Aires ****************************************** * * * Editorial * * * ****************************************** Welcome to E-letter number 84 !!! We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will appear September 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution. We remind you of the following. -1- Contributions have to be sent to: "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution. -2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list. To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 'unsubscribe'. -3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and your old address will be removed manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to "eletter-request@win.tue.nl" and we will try to resolve the problem. -4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "eletter@win.tue.nl" carrying the subject 'info' or via the finger command: "finger eletter@wsbs08.win.tue.nl" -5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** ****************************************** * * * Personals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Berend Roorda CHANGE OF ADDRESS of Berend Roorda FROM: Erasmus University, Tinbergen Institute TO: Berend Roorda, room 304 University of Groningen Mathematics Institute P.O. Box 800 9700 AV Groningen the Netherlands Telephone: +31 50 633961 (Monday -- Wednesday) +31 10 4294699 (Thursday -- Friday) Fax: +31 50 633976 Email: B.Roorda@math.rug.nl *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Lucy Y. Pao (pao@schof.colorado.edu) CHANGE OF ADDRESS My new coordinates are: Mail: Electrical and Computer Engineering Department University of Colorado at Boulder Boulder, Colorado 80309-0425 Phone: (303) 492-2360 Fax: (303) 492-2758 E-mail: pao@schof.colorado.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Peter M. Young (pmy@LANCE.ColoState.edu) CHANGE OF ADDRESS In August I will start a position at Colorado State University. My new address is: Department of Electrical Engineering Engineering Building C215 Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado 80523 Tel: (970) 491-5406 Fax: (970) 491-2249 E-mail: pmy@LANCE.ColoState.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: mathans@MIT.EDU (Michael Athans) MICHAEL ATHANS WINS BELLMAN AWARD Professor Michael Athans of MIT was awarded the Richard E. Bellman Control Heritage Award of the American Automatic Control Council. The citation reads as follows: "In regognition of a distinguished career in automatic control as a leader and champion of innovative research, as a contributor to fundamental knowledge in optimal, adaptive, robust, decentralized and distributed control, and as a mentor to his students." The award was presented at the awards ceremony of the American Control Conference, Seattle, Washington on June 22, 1995. ****************************************** * * * General announcements * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Onur Toker ------------------------------------------- WWW page: "Complexity in Dynamical Systems" ------------------------------------------- I have prepared a WWW page about the complexity issues in dynamical systems. This page contains references to several results in this relatively new area. The WWW address of this page is: http://eewww.eng.ohio-state.edu/~tokero/comp.html "Complexity issues in dynamical systems" includes (but not limited to) NP-hardness/completeness, algorithmic unsolvability (including both by regular Turing machines, and by non-standard Turing machines), algebraic unsolvability (being not semialgebraic over Q, or over R), or any other type of complexity result about problems related with linear systems, nonlinear systems, discrete event/hybrid systems, or any other type of dynamical system. In summary, "Complexity issues in dynamical systems" includes any kind of complexity result about control/system theoretic problems. Please feel free to contact with me if you would like to contribute to this page (or if you have any suggestions/questions). *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Lisa Crisafulli MODERN INDUSTRIAL CONTROL SHORT COURSE SEPTEMBER 25 - 29 1995 NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITY, NEWCASTLE, AUSTRALIA Professor Graham Goodwin and colleagues from the Centre for Industrial Control Science (CICS) at Newcastle University will conduct a week long school presenting modern control strategies in an industrial context. The course is aimed at engineers and control practitioners providing practical knowledge and tools for design, analysis and implementation of both conventional and advanced control strategies. It would also be beneficial to academics or research students in gaining exposure to how modern control theory can be effectively applied to practical problems. The course features a problem based learning format where the material is motivated by and applied to real world problems, and then followed up by hands-on laboratory sessions. FIVE MODULES COVERING: Review of Conventional Control Introduction to Model Based Control Advanced Model Based Control Soft Sensing and Kalman Filtering Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Control HANDS-ON LABORATORY SESSIONS: Description, motivation and solutions of actual industrial control applications For more detailed information and registration forms contact: Lisa Crisafulli, CICS, University of Newcastle, Callaghan NSW 2308, Australia Ph:Int + 61 49 217126 Fax:Int + 61 49 601712 email:lisac@ee.newcastle.edu.au *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Raimund J. Ober Xu Huang UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- July 1995 #### #### ## ##### # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # #### #### # # ##### Systems and Control Archive at Dallas gopher: gopher.utdallas.edu ftp address: ftp.utdallas.edu IP number: Worldwide web: URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/research/scad queries (email): scad@utdallas.edu New contents: ============= eletters: ========= Number 83 Links to systems and control groups: ==================================== The following new link has been added: University of Catania, Italy: DEES Systems and Control Group. SCAD ADDRESS LIST: ================== Recently we have started an address list for systems and control people. Already 200 people have added their addresses to the list. To register your, simply: - go to SCAD with your web browser - go to the ADDRESS LIST link - click: add your address - fill in the form. You can check out addresses by using the search facility or by scanning through the full list. !!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE, Add your Address to the SCAD ADDRESS LIST !!!!!!!!!!! ********************************************************************** How to access scad: =================== 1.) Using gopher: Type gopher -p 1/research/scad gopher.utdallas.edu or gopher gopher.utdallas.edu Select `UT-Dallas Research' and then `Systems and Control Archive at Dallas' 2.) Using ftp: ftp ftp.utdallas.edu Then cd /pub/scad 3.) Using Worldwide Web: URL: http://www.utdallas.edu/research/scad More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to scad@utdallas.edu After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains more information about SCAD. ****************************************** * * * Positions * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Shuzhi S. GE (elegesz@leonis.nus.sg) POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP POSITION AT NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE The Centre for Intelligent Control, Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Singapore kindly invites applications for a post-doctoral fellship position available in 1995. The successful applicant will do research work on a project entitled ``Parallel Adaptive Controls in Digital Servo-Mechanisms''. The duration is for 2 years, and the the salary is approximately S$3,000 per month. Main research activities within the Centre include the following theoretical areas: Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Theory, Robot Control, Intelligent Control, Knowledge Based Control Systems, Expert Control Systems, Neural Network and Fuzzy Logic Control, System Modelling and Identification, Robust H-infty Control, Variable Structural Control among others. We also have a number of industrial application oriented projects ranging from servo control, robot control, to process control. We have a very friendly and vibrant working environment. Applicants should have attained a doctoral degree in Systems and Control Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or a closely related field by the starting date of the appointment. Candidates must have strong interest and ability in research and real-time implementation. The deadline of application is 1 SEPTEMBER, 1995. The successfully applicant is expected to join us as soon as possible. Interested persons please send their application resumes, copies of three best papers and arrange to send three confidential reference letters to me at the address below. If you have any query, please do not hesitate to contact me. Dr Shuzhi S. GE Department of Electrical Engineering National University of Singapore 10 Kent Ridge Crescent Singapore 0511 Tel: (+65) 772 6821 Fax: (+65) 779 1103 Email: elegesz@leonis.nus.sg *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Kevin Moore POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS Two one-year postdoctoral research fellowships are available with the Measurement and Control Engineering Research Center (MCERC) in the College of Engineering at Idaho State University. The first position involves applied research in support of a funded project on the control of gas-metal arc welding processes. This position may be renewed for a second year, depending on satisfactory performance and continued funding. The successful applicant for the second position will collaborate with MCERC faculty to conduct interdisciplinary research related to measurement and control, and assist in proposal development, in one of the following areas: Active control of flexible structures; Modelling, measurement, and control of chaotic thermal-hydraulic systems; Control of aerospace systems and spacecraft; Nuclear reactor measurement and control systems. Both positions require a Ph.D. in engineering or a related area, with a strong interdisciplinary background that includes: (i) knowledge of measurement system design techniques; (ii) current state-of-the-art in control theory (especially robust control theory and the principles of intelligent control, including neural networks and fuzzy logic); and (iii)\ subject area background in one of the areas listed above. Candidates who lack only their dissertation will be also considered. Stipend is $30-40K/year, depending upon qualifications, plus medical benefits. One position requires teaching one course per semester. The positions begin September 1, 1995 and continue through August 31, 1996. Salary is prorated to reflect actual time of service. Send inquires and resume with the names of three references to: Dr. Kevin L. Moore, Director, Measurement and Control Engineering Research Center, College of Engineering, Box 8060, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID 83209 Phone:(208)236-4188, FAX:(208)236-4538, email: moorek@isu.edu *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Michel Gevers (gevers@auto.ucl.ac.be) ACADEMIC POSITION AT CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LOUVAIN Academic Position at Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve - Belgium), Department of Mathematical Engineering. The Department of Mathematical Engineering invites applications for an academic appointment in mathematical engineering, with preference for one of the following topics : - numerical analysis and scientific computing - stochastic modelling - discrete mathematics, combinatorics, graphs and algorithms - mathematical system theory - optimisation and variational calculus. The applicant will have a teaching load in applied mathematics. Applicants should demonstrate both breadth of interest and promise in research and teaching. Tenured positions will be considered but appointment rank will depend on the candidates and their records ofaccomplishment. Applicants will be expected to teach in French, possibly after a certain transition period. The Catholic University of Louvain is a 550 year old university located on a new university campus created in 1972 in Louvain-la-Neuve. The new campus now has over 20,000 students and about 5,000 members of staff. The Mathematical Engineering Department hosts research programs in the different topics listed above. The department also has close ties with the Center for Operations Research and Econometrics (CORE), the Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics (CESAME) and the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (MAPA). The applicant should have a doctoral degree in engineering (or equivalent), postdoctoral experience, and a recognized scientific publications record. The appointment will start in October 1996. The applicants should furnish a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, an abstract of five selected publications, the name and address of four referees including two belgian referees who are not members of UCL, before 15 December 1995 to the Rector of the university: Recteur de l'Universite Catholique de Louvain, 1, Place de l'Universite B-1348 Louvain la Neuve. Belgium (The reference number of the position N 96/16 should be mentioned) Further information can be obtained from : Professor Georges Bastin Head of the Department of Mathematical Engineering Catholic University of Louvain Batiment Euler 4, avenue Georges Lemaitre B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve BELGIUM Fax : + 32 10 47 21 80 Email : bastin@auto.ucl.ac.be ****************************************** * * * Books * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: A. Murat Tekalp ***NEW BOOK: Digital Video Processing*** by A. Murat Tekalp Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-190075-7, available August 1995 This 550 page textbook covers various aspects of digital video processing technology in a tutorial style suitable for classroom teaching or self-study. CONTENTS -------- PART 1: Representation of Digital Video Chapter 1 Basics of Video Chapter 2 Time-Varying Image Formation Model Chapter 3 Spatio-Temporal Sampling Chapter 4 Sampling Structure Conversion PART 2: Two-Dimensional Motion Estimation Chapter 5 Optical Flow Methods Chapter 6 Block-Based Methods Chapter 7 Pel-Recursive Methods Chapter 8 Bayesian Methods PART 3: Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation and Segmentation Chapter 9 Methods Using Point Correspondences Chapter 10 Optical Flow and Direct Methods Chapter 11 Motion Segmentation Chapter 12 Stereo and Motion Tracking PART 4: Video Filtering Chapter 13 Motion Compensated Filtering Chapter 14 Noise Filtering Chapter 15 Restoration Chapter 16 Standards Conversion Chapter 17 Superresolution PART 5: Still Image Compression Chapter 18 Lossless Compression Chapter 19 DPCM and Transform Coding Chapter 20 Still Image Compression Standards Chapter 21 Vector Qunatization, Subband Coding and Other Methods PART 6: Video Compression Chapter 22 Interframe Compression Methods Chapter 23 Video Compression Standards Chapter 24 Model-Based Coding Chapter 25 Digital Video Systems APPENDICES: Appendix A: Markov and Gibbs Random Fields Appendix B: Basics of Segmentation Appendix C: Kalman Filtering For further info, please contact: A. Murat Tekalp tekalp@ee.rochester.edu Karen Gettman, Prentice-Hall kgettman@cup.portal.com Ann Sullivan, Prentice-Hall ann@prenhall.com ****************************************** * * * Journals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Jan H. van Schuppen (J.H.van.Schuppen@cwi.nl) Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) CALL Readers of this eletter are encouraged to submit their work to MCSS. The backlog that existed years ago has been completely cleared. For instance, several papers that were received in the second half of 1994 are already appearing in the 1995 volume. MCSS publishes one volume (four issues) per year, with about 400 pages. AIMS AND SCOPE MCSS publishes original and high-quality research papers concerned with mathematically rigorous, system theoretic aspects of control and signal processing. HANDLING OF PAPERS A paper is assigned to an Associate Editor, who makes a publication recommendation on the basis of a detailed and careful evaluation by two or more referees. Evaluation criteria used include originality, substance, and quality of exposition. To maintain the highest possible standards of quality, and to pursue the goal of timely publication, only a small fraction of submitted papers can be expected to be accepted. The journal strives for a fast turnaround in the review process. SUBMISSION A typical paper submitted to MCSS consists of an average of 20 pages of LaTeX in 12 point article style with a maximum of 25 such pages, 50 double-spaced typewritten pages, or the equivalent. If a paper is longer than the maximum number of pages then authors are requested to provide a justification for the added length in their cover letter. Associate Editors and reviewers are instructed to pay careful attention to conciseness as an important characteristic of good mathematical exposition. The address for submissions is: J.H. van Schuppen Co-Editor MCSS CWI P.O. Box 94079 1090 GB Amsterdam The Netherlands Authors wishing to inquire about the scope of the journal or the suitability of a particular topic are encouraged to contact the Editors informally, preferably by electronic mail, prior to submission. Email inquires regarding submission should be addressed to mcss@cwi.nl. WWW PAGES OF MCSS http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/departments/BS3/mcss.html http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~sontag/mcss.html These pages are identical; the access is faster to one of these depending on the geographical area from which the request originates. The MCSS Home Page provides general information on the journal, as well as information regarding the submission of manuscripts. Two additional pages can be accessed from the main page: - a page which provides information on the tables of contents of recently appeared issues of MCSS and on papers accepted for publication but not yet published; - and a page which provides information on the tables of contents of the older volumes of MCSS. We look forward to your contributions! Brad Dickinson, Jan van Schuppen, and Eduardo Sontag *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by John Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Table of Contents - Volume 40, Number 7 - July, 1995 ___________________________________________________________________________ Scanning the Issue ___________________________________________________________________________ PAPERS Structural Infinitesimal Perturbation Analysis (SIPA) for Derivative Estimation of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems .. L. Dai and Y. C. Ho Equivalence Preserving Transformations for Timed Transition Models ....................................... M. Lawford and W. M. Wonham Robust Parametric Transfer Function Estimation Using Complex Logarithmic Frequency Response Data ....................... P. Guillaume, R. Pintelon, and J. Schoukens An Euler Lagrange Inclusion for Optimal Control Problems ................................ M. de R. de Pinho and R. B. Vinter Machine Learning and Nonparametric Bandit Theory ......................................... T. L. Lai and S. Yakowitz Control of Systems Without Drift via Generic Loops ........... E. D. Sontag An Adaptive Controller Based on Disturbance Attenuation .................................... D. F. Chichka and J. L. Speyer ____________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE Optimal Routing into Two Heterogenteous Service Stations with Delayed Information ............................................ D. Artiges Weak L_2 Stability ............................................... O. Konig Sufficient Stability Condition for a Sampled-Data Systems with Digital Controller ................ J. Tokarzewski and A. W. Olbrot Residual Bounds for Discrete-Time Lyapunov Equations ...................................... A. R. Ghavimi and A. J. Laub The Infimal Controllable and N-Observable Superpredicate of A Given Predicate ....................... S. Takai, T. Ushio, and S. Kodama Comments on "A New Method of Weitching Surface Design for Multivariable Variable Structure System" ............................. C. M. Kwan Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Robust Stability of Linear Systems with Multiaffine Uncertainty Structure ......................................... B. T. Polyak and J. Kogan Worst Case Systems Identification in H\infty: Validation of a Priori Information, Essentially Optimal Algorithms, and Error Bounds ............................. J. Chen, C. N. Nett, and M. K. H. Fan Approximation of Discrete-Time State-Space Trajectories Using Dynamic Recurrent Neural Networks .......................... J. Jin, P. N. Nikiforuk, and M. M. Gupta On Infinity Norms as Lyapunov Functions for Linear Systems .... A. Polanski Optimal Quadratic Filtering of Linear Discrete-Time Non-Gaussian Systems ................. A. De Santis, A. Germani, and M. Raimondi Deterministic LQ Preview Tracking Design ......... E. Mosca and A. Casavola Nonlinear H\infty Control and Its Application ot Rigid Spacecraft ........................................................... W. Kang Addendum to "Extensions and Generalizations of Smoothed Perturbation Analysis in a Generalized Semi-Markov Process Framework" ............................................. M. C. Fu and J.-Q. Hu Absolute Stability in Linear Delay-Differential Systems: Ill-Posedness and Robustness ........................................ J. Louisell An Asymptotic Model Observer for LInear Autonomous Time Lag Systems .................................. J. Leyva-Ramos and A. E. Pearson A New Formula for the Log-Likelihood Gradient for Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems ................................... R. P. Leland Adaptive Observers with Arbitrary Exponential Rate of Convergence for Nonlinear Systems ...................... R. Marino and P. Tomei Algorithmic Modeling of TES Processes ..... P. R. Jelenkovic and B. Melamed The Computational Complexity of Decentralized Discrete-Event Control Problem ................................ K. Rudie and J. C. Willems Stabilization of Linear Systems Under Nonlinear Stable Diagonal Perturbations ....................... A. N. Gundes and M. G. Kabuli Design of Observers for Descriptor Systems ..... M Darouach and M. Boutayed Erratum to "Passivity-Based Control of Nonlinear Flexible Multibody Systems" ............. A. G. Kelkar, S. M. Joshi, and T. E. Alberts *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: A. H. Zemanian (zeman@sbee.sunysb.edu) Table of Contents for: CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Vol. 14, No. 4, 1995: On the local qualitative behavior of differential-algebraic equations, Sebastian Reich Model conversions of uncertain linear systems using a scaling and squaring geometric series method, Leang S. Shieh, Jingfong Gu, and Jason S. H. Tsai Robust estimation and signal detection with dependent nonstationary data, D. R. Halverson Further improved 2-D lattice filter structure employing missing reflection coefficients, Aysin Ertuzun, Ahmet H. Kayran, and Erdal Panayirci The prime and generalized nullspaces of right regular pencils, N. Karcanias and G. Kalogeropoulos Impulse stress wave propagation in elongated bodies: Apparent deviations from circuit realizability principles, Dov Hazony New time-frequency distribution, Soo-Chang Pei and Er-Jung Tsai A set of necessary stability conditions for $m$-D nonlinear digital filters, Peter H. Bauer *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 225, August 1995 Omer Egecioglu (Santa Barbara, California) Parallelogram-Law-Type Identities 1 Khalid Benabdallah (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) and Bernard Charles (Montpellier, France) Orbits of Invariant Subspaces of Algebraic Linear Operators 13 Gong-ning Chen and Hui-pin Zhang (Beijing, China) Note on Products of Bezoutians and Hankel Matrices 23 Lawrence A. Harris (Lexington, Kentucky) Factorizations of Operator Matrices 37 Joao F. Queiro and Eduardo M. Sa (Coimbra, Portugal) Singular Values and Invariant Factors of Matrix Sums and Products 43 Jong-Shenq Guo, Wen-Wei Lin, and Chern-Shuh Wang (Hsinchu, Taiwan) Numerical Solutions for Large Sparse Quadratic Eigenvalue Problems 57 Olga Azenhas (Coimbra, Portugal) Opposite Littlewood-Richardson Sequences and Their Matrix Realizations 91 L. Yu. Kolotilina (St. Petersburg, Russia) Two-Sided Bounds for the Inverse of an H-Matrix 117 P. R. Graves-Morris (Bradford, West Yorkshire, England) and C. R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) Determinantal Inequalities for Diagonally Signed Matrices and an Application to Gram-Cauchy Matrices 125 Daniel Alpay (Beer-Sheva, Israel) and Philippe Loubaton (Paris, France) The Partial Trigonometric Moment Problem on an Interval: The Matrix Case 141 Achouri Abdelhak (Montpellier, France) Approximation Positive Contractante en Norme Trace 163 S. Bouali and J. Charles (Montpellier, France) Extension de la Notion D'Operateur D-Symetrique. II 175 C. Mallol and R. Varro (Montpellier, France) A Propos des Algebres Verifiant x[3]=u(x)3x 187 Fridrich Sloboda (Bratislava, Slovakia) and Fiorella Sgallari (Bologna, Italy) On Iterative Solution of Linear Equations Arising in BVPs of ODEs 195 L. Brugnano and D. Trigiante (Firenze, Italy) Polynomial Roots: The Ultimate Answer? 207 Tomasz Szulc (Poznan, Poland) Some Remarks on a Theorem of Gudkov 221 Huang Tin-Zhu (Chengdu, Sichuan, People's Republic of China) A Note on Generalized Diagonally Dominant Matrices 237 Author Index 243 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: thomas@siam.org SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization SEPTEMBER 1995 Volume 33, Number 5 CONTENTS Toward a Geometric Theory in the Time-Minimal Control of Chemical Batch Reactors B. Bonnard and J. de Morant Neumann Boundary Value Problems for Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations Across Resonance Wang Huaizhong and Li Yong Equivalent Conditions for the Solvability of the Nonstandard LQ- Problem for Pritchard-Salamon Systems Bert Van Keulen Exact Controllability and Stabilization of a Vibrating String with an Interior Point Mass Scott Hansen and Enrique Zuazua Optimal Stopping of a Discrete Markov Process by Two Decision Makers Krzysztof Szajowski On Nonlinear Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints Monica Motta The Linear-Quadratic Control Problem Revisited Tomasz Bielecki Tools for Semiglobal Stabilization by Partial State and Output Feedback Andrew Teel and Laurent Praly Consistency of Primal-Dual Approximations for Convex Optimal Control Problems Stephen E. Wright Error Bounds for Piecewise Convex Quadratic Programs and Applications Wu Li A Perspective Theory of Motion and Shape Estimation in Machine Vision B. K. Ghosh and E. P. Loucks Uniqueness for Viscosity Solutions of Nonstationary Hamilton- Jacobi-Bellman Equations Under Some A Priori Conditions (with Applications) William M. McEneaney Control Time for Gravity-Capillary Waves on Water Russell M. Reid An Embedding of Domains Approach in Free Boundary Problems and Optimal Design P. Neittaanmaki and D. Tiba Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Sets of L^infinity Functions with Range in a Polyhedron Joseph C. Dunn *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak AUTOMATICA Table of contents August, 1995 Issue 31:8 Regular Papers M. R. James, S. Yuliar Numerical approximation of the H(infinity) norm for nonlinear systems Kemin Zhou Relative/multiplicative model reduction for unstable and non-minimum- phase systems M. Corless, P. Tsiotras, J. A novel approach to the attitude control of M. Longuski axi-symmetric spacecraft J. Chen, C. N. Nett Sensitivity integrals for multivariable discrete-time systems J. Kadlec, F. M. F. Gaston, The block regularised parameter estimator and G. W. Irwin its parallelisation C. Moons, B. de Moor Parameter identification of induction motor drives S. A. Barton Two dimensional movement controlled by a chaotic neural network H. G. Chiacchiarini, A. Variable structure control with a second-order Palazoglu, et al. sliding condition: Application to a steam generator B. J. Allison, J. Dual adaptive control of chip refiner motor E.Ciarniello, load Brief Papers I.Kaminer, A. M.Pascoal, P. A velocity algorithm for the implementation of P.Khargonekar, E. E. Coleman gain-scheduled controllers Technical Communiques S. O. Reza Moheimani, A. V. A connection between H-infinity control and Savkin, I. R. Petersen the absolute stabilizability of discrete-time uncertain linear systems V. Blondel, C. Lundvall A rational test for strong stabilization A. L. Tits, M. K. H. Fan On the small mu theorem *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Tor A. Johansen (torj@regtek.sintef.no) TABLE OF CONTENTS Modeling, Identification, and Control (MIC), Vol. 16, No. 3, July 1995 Monica Ostenstad and Terje Sira, "Temperature and flow distribution in planar SOFC stacks" ...................... 119 David Di Ruscio, "A method for the identification of state space models from input and output measurements" ......... 129 Are Willersrud, Fred Godtliebsen and Trygve Thomessen, "Automatic programming of grinding robot restoration of contours" ................................................ 145 Geir Horn and Svein Linge, "Analytical generation of the dynamical equations for mechanical manipulators" ......... 155 L. K. Alm and T. A. Nygaard, "Flow over complex terrain estimated by a general purpose Navier-Stokes solver" ..... 169 Accumulated index and subscription information for MIC is available from http://www.itk.unit.no/publikasjoner/mic/mic.html. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Da-Wei Gu CALL FOR PAPERS Robust Control Applications A Special Issue of "International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control" In the last decade or so, the Control Community has witnessed major developments in robust control systems theory and design. Theoretical achievements, such as H-inf optimisation, mu-synthesis and parametric optimisation, to name just a few, have emerged. Also encouraging is the extension of robust control techniques into the area of nonlinear systems. At the same time, many researchers have been working hard to apply the newly developed results to real, industrial projects. However, by and large, practising control engineers are still unfamiliar with these new theories and the accompanying design techniques. It is now important for researchers to demonstrate the successes of advanced robust control techniques to industry and to arouse interest among industrial control engineers. Therefore, it has been decided to organise a special issue of the "International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control" on Robust Control Applications. The theme of the special issue will be industrial applications of robust control methods. Applications may be in any industrial sector. The design methods are not limited either, and may include -- H-inf/H-2 optimisations -- Mu-synthesis -- Nonlinear finite L2-gain control -- Variable structure control -- Adaptive control -- Neural/fuzzy control, etc Papers describing significant and interesting applications are solicited for the special issue, which is scheduled for late 1996 or early 1997. Five copies of the manuscript should be submitted to Da-Wei Gu or Ian Postlethwaite by 1 January, 1996 for review. For contributor guidelines, please refer to a recent issue of the "International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control". IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission deadline: 1 January, 1996 Notification of decision: 15 May, 1996 Final manuscript submission: 1 July, 1996 GUEST EDITORS: Da-Wei Gu Ian Postlethwaite Control Systems Research Department of Engineering University of Leicester Leicester LE1 7RH U.K. Tel: + 44-116 2522560 Tel: + 44-116 2522546 E-mail: dag@le.ac.uk E-mail: ixp@sun.engg.le.ac.uk Fax: + 44-116 2522619 ****************************************** * * * Conferences * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Alessandro De Luca FINAL PROGRAM ECC-1995 The Final Program of the ECC95 in now available in electronic form via the following ftp commands from a host machine ftp labrob.ing.uniroma1.it user: ecc95 password: ecc95 get ECC95_FinalProgram/AdvProgram.txt Alessandro De Luca ECC95 Secretariat *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: S. Bittanti bittanti@elet.polimi.it European Colloquium on the APPLICATIONS OF NONLINEAR AND ADAPTIVE CONTROL TO PHYSICAL SYSTEMS Workshop organized in connection with the ECC conference in Rome European HCM network on Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Roma Saturday September 9 1995 Universita' di Roma La Sapienza PROGRAM 9.00-9.15 Welcome address FIRST MORNING SESSION Chairman: Bjorn Wittenmark Lund Institute of Technology 9.15 - 10.00 David Clarke; Oxford University Adaptive Control of a Materials Testing Machine 10.00 - 10.10 Karl J. Astrom; Lund Institute of Technology Friction in Control - an overview 10.10 - 10.40 Carlos Canudas-de-Wit and Pablo Lischinsky; Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble: Adaptive Friction Compensation with Partial Knowledge of Dynamic Friction Parameters. 10.40 - 11.00 Henrik Olsson; Lund Institute of Technology Limit Cycles in Control Loops with Friction SECOND MORNING SESSION Chairman: Henk Nijmeijer University of Twente 11.30 - 12.15 Guido O. Guardabassi; Politecnico di Milano Adaptive and Nonlinear Excitation Control of Synchronous Generators 12.15 - 12.45 Karl J. Astrom and Jorgen Malmborg; Lund Institute of Technology A Mixed Control Strategy for a HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Airconditioning) Problem 12.45 - 15.00 Lunch AFTERNOON SESSION Chairman: Pedro Albertos Universidad Politecnica de Valencia 15.00 - 15.45 Romeo Ortega; Universite' de Compiegne, (in col. with University of Twente and Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble Passivity-Based Control of Euler-Lagrange Systems: Applications to Mechanical, Electromechanical and Power Electronic Systems 15.45 - 16.15 Bernard Brogliato; Lab. d'Automatique de Grenoble Control of mechanical systems with unilateral constraints 16.45 Meeting of the steering committee Information The registration fee is 80000 Lire, which can be payed at the registration desk of the European Control Conference on September 5, 1995, or at the registration desk of the Colloquium, which will be open between 8.30 and 9.00 of September 9. The fee includes the lunch and a set of photocopies with the main contributions of the Colloquium. Colloquium Chairman Sergio Bittanti Politecnico di Milano Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 20133 Milano (Italy) Email: bittanti@elet.polimi.it *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Mohamed Zribi CALL FOR PAPERS FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, AUTOMATION, ROBOTICS AND VISION ICARCV'96 3-6 December 1996 Westin Stamford, Singapore The Fourth International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, will be held in Singapore on 3-6 December 1996. This conference is organized by the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University. The theme of ICARCV'96 is "Emerging Technologies for the Twenty First Century". The conference will provide a forum for Control and Automation professionals, manufacturing engineers and academic researchers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience. The conference will focus on theory abd applications. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be plenary, invited and tutorial sessions. Papers describing original work in, but not limited to, the following technical areas are invited: AUTOMATION ROBOTICS Instrumentation Systems Robot Control Flexible Manufacturing Systems Mobile Robots and Navigation Process Automation Task Planning Man-machine Interaction Intelligent Sensors and Actuators Computer Integrated Manufacturing Kinematics and Simulation Factory Modelling and Automation Autonomous Systems Petri Nets and Applications Industrial Applications CONTROL COMPUTER VISION Control Methodologies and Applications Image Processing and Interpretation Estimation, Ident. and Fault Detection 2-D and 3-D Scene Analysis Robust and Adaptive Control Motion Analysis and Tracking Nonlinear Control Pattern Recognition and Applications Intelligent Control Learning in Computer Vision Process Control Parallel Algorithms for Computer Vision Motion Control Applications of Computer Vision EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES NEURAL NETWORKS & FUZZY SYSTEMS Mechatronics Virtual Reality REAL-TIME SYSTEMS Micro-electromechanical Systems Electric Vehicl Technology SIGNAL PROCESSING & APPLICATIONS Intelligent Vehicle Highway Systems SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Submit three copies of abstract and extended summary, in English, formated as follows. The first page should include the title, the name of the author, affiliation, mailing address, Fax number, e-mail address, preferred technical area, and a 100-word abstract. The second and succeeding pages should include the title and up to 1500-word extended summary. The description must be comprehensive enough to allow assessment of the work's originality and contributions. Upon acceptance, authors will be required to register and present their papers. Papers will be published in the conference proceedings only if at least one of the authors is officially registered. The length of the final papers in the proceedings will be limited to a maximum of 5 pages (5 mats A4 size, single space, font size 10, two columns format), including figures, tables and references. SELECTED PAPERS WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR PUBLICATION IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS. INVITED SESSIONS: The Technical Programme Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions focusing on topics related to the theme of ICARCV'96. Prospective organizers should submit proposals to the Technical Programme Co-Chairman (at the same address as the one given below) by the 31 May 1996. BEST PAPER AWARD: An award will be given to the author(s) of the best paper. The selection will be made at the conference based on both the technical contents and the presentation. The winner(s) will be chosen by the Technical Programme Committee members in consultation with the International Advisory Committee members. Please submit three copies of the abstract and extended summary for review to: Dr Chan Sai Piu c/o Instrumentation and System Engineering Lab School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263 Republic of Singapore Tel : (65) 799-5471 Fax : (65) 791-2687 E-mail: icarcv96@ntuix.ntu.ac.sg AUTHOR'S SCHEDULE : 31 May 1996 Receipt of extended summary of the papers 15 July 1996 Notification of Acceptance 31 August 1996 Submission of Camera Ready Manuscripts TRAVEL Specially priced Airline Tickets for attending the conference may be available from our official airline, SINGAPORE AIRLINES. ORGANIZER: School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University CO-SPONSORS: The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Economic Development Board (EDB) GINTIC, Singapore Instrumentation and Control Society (ICS) National Computer Board (NCB) National Science and Technology Board (NSTB) Singapore Computer Society(SCS) IN-COOPERATION WITH: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society IEEE Control Systems Society IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** contributed by : rodellar@etseccpb.upc.es FIRST EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON STRUCTURAL CONTROL 29-- 31 May 1996 Barcelona, Spain SCOPE OF THE CONFERENCE: The aim is to bring together scientists, engineers and practitioners interested in the multi--disciplinary interaction of topics like vibration isolation, sensors, actuators, identification, optimization, active and hybrid control, health monitoring, damage detection, smart materials and others on structural systems, such as those in civil, mechanical, naval, aerospace engineering and related fields, subject to excitation sources such as earthquakes, wind, traffic, noise, machinery and others. OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: English. LOCATION: The Conference will be held at the School of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia, located at Barcelona. CALL FOR PAPERS: Presentations are solicited on the topics of the Conference describing research and/or application results. Only one presentation is allowed to each participant. Three copies of a 1-page abstract suitable for printing and distribution at the Conference should be submitted to the Sci. Committee at the address shown below by 15 November 1995. The abstract should be typed single--spaced on white paper measuring 21x29.7 cm (A4) and include the following: (1) Title; (2) Author(s) with full name(s) and affiliation(s); (3) Mailing address for each author; and (4) Abstract giving enough detail to clearly understand the scope, originality and results of the described work. Abstracts will be reviewed and acceptance will be notified by 15 January 1996. PROCEEDINGS: Presentations at the Conference are expected to be accompanied by a full paper which will be due in camera--ready form at the Conference dates. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings published by an international publisher. Further details regarding submission of camera--ready papers will be provided with the notification of acceptance for the Conference. REGISTRATION: The registration fee is 500 DM, which covers attendance to all lectures and sessions, coffee breaks, Conference banquet, a bound copy of the Abstracts at the Conference and a copy of the Proceedings mailed after the publication. Registration before 1 April 1996 will have a reduced fee of 400 DM. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: A. Baratta (Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy)(co--chairman), A. Barbat (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain), F. Bourquin (Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chausses, France), A. Carotti (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), F. Casciati (Universita di Pavia, Italy), A. Del Grosso (Universita di Genova, Italy), P. Fajfar (University of Ljublijana, Slovenia), L. Faravelli (Universita di Pavia, Italy), C.M. Friend (Cranfield University, U.K.), H. Irshik (J. Kepler University, Austria), F. Lopez Almansa (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain), J. Rodellar (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)(co--chairman). IMPORTANT DATES: -- Submission of Abstracts by 15 November 1995 -- Notification of acceptance by 15 January 1996 -- Reduced fee registration by 1 April 1996 -- Conference days 29--31 May 1996 -- Full papers given during the Conference days -- Review and publication of proceedings after two months ADDRESSES for authors to submit abstracts and individuals to ask for future announcements, registration information and final Conference program: ACS -- c/o Dept. of Structural Mechanics via Abbiategrasso 211 I27100 Pavia -- Italy Telephone: 39-382-505456 Fax: 39-382-528422 e-mail:marco@dipmec.unipv.it 1ECSC -- Department of Applied Mathematics III, School of Civil Engineering, U.P.C. Campus Nord, Modul C--2 08034--Barcelona -- Spain Fax: 34-3-4016504 e-mail: 1ecsc@etseccpb.upc.es *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: A Stephen Morse Announcing the Block Island Workshop on Control Using Logic-Based Switching at the Spring House Hotel on Block Island, Rhode Island September 29 - October 2, 1995 Supported by the National Science Foundation Army Research Office Yale University Faculty of Engineering Princeton University Department of Electrical Engineering The theme of this workshop is control using logic-based switching. By a logic-based switching controller is meant a controller whose subsystems include not only familiar dynamical components such as integrators, summers, gains, etc., but a nontrivial logical component as well. More often than not the predominately logical component within such a system is called a supervisor, a mode changer, a gain scheduler, a reference governor or something similar. Within the past few years there has been a growing interest in determining what might be gained by utilizing hybrid controllers of this type. Toward this end detailed analyses, simulation studies and laboratory experiments of such systems have been initiated in a variety of disciplines including adaptive control, gain scheduling, control of nonholonomic systems, motion control, and the control of saturation constrained systems. The primary purpose of the workshop is to bring together a small number of specialists working within the area for the purpose of crystallizing concepts, problem formulations, and approaches. We will also encourage the attendance of a limited number additional individuals who are either already working in the area or who desire to learn more about opportunities for research in the area. Because of space constraints attendance is limited to approximately thirty-five individuals. The workshop will be centered around approximately fifteen consecutive, 45 minute invited presentations given over a two day period. Block Island is about 70 minutes by ferry off the coast of Rhode Island. The island can also be reached by air. Because of limited air and ferry connections, participants should plan to spend the nights of September 29, 30, and October 1 on the island. Those traveling from the west coast may prefer to spend the night of the 28th enroute. On the other hand is not difficult to travel from Block Island to any destination in North America within a single day . Partial List of Confirmed Participants: L. Bushnell P. Caines J. Chandra E. Davison M. Dahleh J. Guckenheimer R. Kosut S. Kulkarhi S. Marcus H. McClamroch D. Miller S. Mitter A. Morse K. Narendra F. Pait K. Poolla P. Ramadge M. Safonov J. Shamma G. Zames For further information please either email Ms. Lesley Kent at lesley@sysc2.eng.yale.edu or call her at 203-432-2211 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Pedro Albertos < pedro@aii.upv.es > 4 th SYMPOSIUM ON LOW COST AUTOMATION FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA - UNIVERSIDAD DE BUENOS AIRES BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA SEPTEMBER 13 / 15, 1995 LCA '95 Secretariat ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE CONTROL AUTOMATICO CALLAO 220 - 1 -B- BUENOS AIRES - 1022 REPUBLICA ARGENTINA TECHNICAL PROGRAM The technical program consist of: AC Plenary sessions PS1 Hierarchical fuzzy controllers = Z. Binder, P. Horacek (FRANCE), Gihan Nagib (EGYPT) PS2 Low cost shopfloor control in small and medium sized enterprises Heinz-H. Erbe (GERMANY) PS3 Supervision and monitoring of furnaces F. Muratori, et al (ARGENTINA) Technical sessions WM1 - Basic controllers WM2 - Sensors WM3 - Process control applications WA1 - Fuzzy control WA2 - Actuators & drives I WA2 - Flexible systems I WE1 - Electric power generation WE2 - Actuators and drives II WE3 - Flexible systems II TM1 - Neural Networks & intelligent control TM2 - Control theory I TM3 - Metal & siderurgical. applications TA1 - Process simulation TA2 - Manufacturing TE1 - Knowledge based systems TE2 - LC sensors TE3 - Electric power systems FM1 - Modelling FM2 - Control theory II FM3 - Fault detection & measurement 4th IFAC INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LOW COST AUTOMATION Address ASOCIACION ARGENTINA DE CONTROL AUTOMATICO AV. CALLAO 220 - 1(B BUENOS AIRES - 1022 REPUBLICA ARGENTINA Tel / Fax: +54 1 3726746 +54 1 3743780 ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************