From Sat Apr 1 11:37:32 1995 Date: Sat, 1 Apr 1995 13:16:55 +0200 To: Subject: E-letter 80, part 1 E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 80, part 1, April 1, 1995 E-mail: Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-465995 Siep Weiland Dept. of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-434582 Contents 1. Editorial 2. Personals 3. General announcements 3.1 Nominations Richard C. DiPrima Prize 3.2 Birthday celebration L.C. Young 3.3 SCAD update 3.4 ILAS information service 3.5 Course MIT summer course CAD, 3.6 Course practical methods for robust control -MIT 3.7 Summer school on identification and optimization -Prague 4. Positions 4.1 Chair Department Aerospace Eng., University of Michigan 4.2 Postdoc position process control -Dept. Chem. Eng. Un. Trondheim 4.3 EPSRC Ph.D. position -Loughborough University 4.4 Faculty Position Imperial College 5. Books 5.1 `Model predictive control in the process industry' 5.2 `Theory of sensitivity in dynamic systems' 5.3 `The boundary function method of singular perturbation problems' 5.4 `Digital control: a state space approach' 5.5 `Numerical linear algebra and application' 5.6 `Optimal sampled-data control systems' 5.7 Proceedings SVD and SP workshop, Leuven 5.8 Proceedings VSLI workshop, Leuven 6. Journals 6.1 MCSS joins the web 6.2 CFP special issue on neural nets J. of intelligent control 6.3 TOC Linear algebra and its applications: Vol 216 6.4 TOC Linear algebra and its applications: Vol 217 6.5 TOC Linear algebra and its applications: Vol 218 6.6 TOC Mechatronics journal: Vol 5:1 6.7 CFP special issue Int. J. Robust and Nonlinear Control 6.8 TOC IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control: Vol 40:4 7. Conferences 7.1 CFP symp. on multimedia communic. and video coding -New York 7.2 CFP 9th image and multidim signal processing workshop 7.3 CFP conf. on control of industrial processes -Un. Hertfordshire 7.4 CFP 1st IEEE conf. on devices, circuits, systems -Caracas 7.5 Information ACC-95 7.6 CFP IFAC symp. NOLCOS-95 -Tahoe city, California 7.7 CFP 4th int. workshop on matrix methods for statistics -Montreal 7.8 International conference on control -Exeter, UK 7.9 Workshop neural adaptive coontrol technology -Glasgow, UK 7.10 Workshop exterior diff. systems in nonlinear control 7.11 CFP IFAC ICASAV' 95 -Toulouse, France 7.12 CFP ICAUTO '95 -Indore, India ****************************************** * * * Editorial * * * ****************************************** Welcome to E-letter number 80 !!! We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will appear May 1. Please send contributions before this date. We encourage contributors to provide essential information only and reserve the right to require contributors to cut certain parts of their contribution. We remind you of the following. -1- Contributions have to be sent to: "" It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 6 Kb per contribution. -2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list. To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to "" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 'unsubscribe'. -3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to "" and your old address will be removed manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to "" and we will try to resolve the problem. -4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'info' or via the finger command: "finger" -5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** ****************************************** * * * Personals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Hidenori Kimura Change of Address I am moving to Tokyo from the 1st of April. I keep the position here in Osaka as an adjunct professor for the 1995 academic year. My new address is as follows: Professor Hidenori Kimura Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics The University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 JAPAN Tel: +81-3-3812-2111 Ext. 6890 Fax: +81-3-3816-7805 E-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Francesco Crusca Change of Address: Francesco Crusca Senior Lecturer Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering Monash University, Caulfield campus 900 Dandenong Road, East Caulfield VIC 3145 Australia Phone: +61-3-903 1035 Fax: +61-3-903 2906 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Margreet Kuijper Since March 1, I am employed as a research fellow at the University of Melbourne. Old address: Margreet Kuijper Dept. of Mathematics University of Groningen The Netherlands New address: Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering University of Melbourne Parkville 3052 Melbourne Victoria Australia email: Phone: +61 3 344 5167 (6791) Fax: +61 3 344 6678 ****************************************** * * * General announcements * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR THE RICHARD C. DiPRIMA PRIZE The DiPrima Prize SIAM will present the award at the SIAM Annual Meeting in July 1996. The award honors the memory of Richard C. DiPrima, long-time Chair of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and past-president and energetic supporter of SIAM. The award, to be given to a young scientist, will be based on an outstanding doctoral dissertation in applied mathematics. Nominations, along with a copy of the dissertation (in English), should be sent by December 31, 1995 to: Richard C. DiPrima Prize c/o Donna DiLisi Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 3600 University City Science Center Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 Eligibility. The award based on Ph.D. research in applied mathematics (defined as those topics covered in SIAM journals or series) is made to a young scientist. The Ph.D. thesis and all other Ph.D. requirements should have been completed in the time period from July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1995. The Ph.D. degree must be awarded by December 31, 1995. Description of the Award. The award will consist of a certificate and a cash prize of $1,000, which will be awarded when a paper based on the Ph.D. thesis is accepted for publication by the editors of a SIAM journal or series. The president will notify the recipient of the award in advance of the award date and invite the recipient to attend the annual meeting to receive the award. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Marshall Slemrod CELEBRATION OF 90 th BIRTHDAY OF PROF.EMERITUS L.C. YOUNG AT THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, MADISON The department of mathematics of the University of Wisconsin Madison will be hosting a celebration in honor of prof.emeritus L.C. Young's 90th birthday. on Friday May 12 two one hour research lectures will be given: one by prof. William Ziemer of Indiana University and one by prof. Richard James of the University of Minnesota. In addition there will be a pot luck dinner on Saturday night May 13 with remarks by prof. Wendell Fleming of Brown University. For further information contact prof. M. Slemrod, Dept. of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin,53706, e mail *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Raimund J. Ober Xu Huang UPDATE ON SCAD DATABASE -- March 1995 #### #### ## ##### # # # # # # # #### # # # # # # # ###### # # # # # # # # # # #### #### # # ##### Systems and Control Archive at Dallas gopher: ftp address: IP number: Worldwide web: URL: queries (email): eletters: Number 79 conference announcements: NOLCOS95: Second Announcment and Preliminary Program Third IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City June 25-28, 1995. preprints archive: Request for suggestions!!!!!! We are currently preparing to revive our preprints archive. There are many ways of doing this. Please let us know your ideas and how you would like the archive to be set up. New activities: We keep expanding the information that we are offering. Check out our WWW and gopher pages! Information is available on: books, jobs, journal contents pages, conferences, software and much more. To improve our database we need your input with suggestions of what to add and how to improve SCAD! ************ Remember to send your tech reports and other material! ********* How to access scad: 1.) Using gopher: Type gopher -p 1/research/scad or gopher Select `UT-Dallas Research' and then `Systems and Control Archive at Dallas' 2.) Using ftp: ftp Then cd /pub/scad 3.) Using Worldwide Web: URL: More detailed instructions can be obtained by sending an email to After accessing SCAD you can find a README file which contains more information about SCAD. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Danny Hershkowitz News from ILAS INFORMATION CENTER (IIC) IIC is happy to announce new services: I. Links to Electronic journals II. Links to institutional home pages so far we have links to 1. American Mathematical Society 2. Mathematics Information Servers (Penn. State Univ.) 3. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Math. (Florida State Univ.) 4. Centre for Experimental & Constructive Math. (Simon Fraser Univ.) 5. SIAM's undergraduate WWW pages 6. Journal of Approximation Theory 7. MacTutor History of Mathematics Archives 8. Center for Scientific Computing (Finland) 9. Mathematics Archives - Mathematics Departments 10. Home pages of various mathematics departments 11. NA-NET home page III. Links to members' home pages (Those who wish to have links from our database center to their home page should e-mail their home page address to There are three ways to use the services of IIC: MOSAIC, XMOSAIC, NETSCAPE or LYNX - by issuing the command "command" where command stands for mosaic, xmosaic, netscape or lynx. FTP - by anonymous FTP to "" (for the IIC database change directory to "iic"). E-mail - by including the command "SEND" (where "filename" is the file you request) in the mail body of a message sent to . The list of files that can be obtained from IIC is included in the file index.html . Detailed instructions as to how to use IIC are included in the file IIC.GUIDE. CONFERENCES: The IIC Database contains information about 166 conferences. JOURNALS: The information available from our paper JOURNALS Section consists of Contents and further information for: Linear Algebra and its Applications (LAA): Linear and Multilinear Algebra (LAMA): Journal of Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (JNLAA): SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications (SIMAX): Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS): *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Michael Athans and Munther A. Dahleh MIT SPECIAL SUMMER COURSE COMPUTER-AIDED MULTIVARIABLE CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN (6.64S) JUNE 12-16, 1995, MIT, CAMBRIDGE, MA., USA TUITION $2,300 This one week course, directed toward practicing engineers, covers the fundamentals of multivariable control analysis and synthesis using a unified time-domain and frequency domain approach to achieve robust stability and robust performance. Topics include: Modeling (state space, transfer function matrix), MIMO poles and zeroes, controllability and observability. Stability and Robustness. MIMO Nyquist criterion, unstructured perturbations, structured perturbations, small gain theorem, mu-analysis. Linear Quadratic (H2) designs. Full state LQR, LQG, H2, LQG/LTR designs with numerical examples. H-infinity designs. Full state and output feedback. Kalman filtering and H-infinity filtering Introduction to mu synthesis. To obtain detailed brochure, housing information, and application contact: MIT Summer Session Office, Room 8-201, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA Phone 617-253-2101, FAX: 617-253-8042 email: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Eric Feron COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT Practical Methods for Robust Control by Eric Feron, Steven Hall, Professors of Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT and Ragu Balakrishnan Professor of Electrical Engineering, Purdue University July 17-21, 1995 M.I.T. Summer Professional Program 16.30s Tuition: $1,500 CEUs: 3.0 Robustness is the most essential quality of a properly designed control system. Thus, it is not surprising that so much research effort has been spent over the past five decades into examining ways to analyze robust stability and performance of uncertain control systems. Initiated during World War II in Russia, this research has culminated in the past decade with the derivation of closed-form solutions to the so-called Hinfinity problem and the advent of powerful computational tools to handle robustness problems. Today, the large number of results available in robust control theory makes it hard for the user to choose among many possible methodologies the one which is going to fit his/her needs best. The main goal of this course is to help the user understand a very large number of robust control methodologies in a unified way. Effort will be spent at giving an objective comparison of various stability and performance criteria. In particular, the artificial separation between frequency-domain and time-domain approaches to robustness analysis will be eliminated, and seemingly different notions such as quadratic stability, Popov's criterion, mu-analysis will be seen as particular instances of a single concept involving Linear Matrix Inequalitiess (LMIs). Objective comparison of various stability criteria will be performed, through a study between the different possible trade-off between accuracy and required computational load. We will investigate those methods which have had the most spectacular practical applications in spacecraft control engineering. We will present an overview of the currently existing software tools for robust control system analysis and synthesis, and we will spend time studying the recently developed interior-point algorithms for solving convex programs. Control engineers working in Aerospace, Electrical and Process Engineering as well as many other relevant fields will find this course a precious complement to classical, multivariable linear control theory. Numerous practical examples based on the instructors' experience will illustrate the practical value of the matreial presented in this course. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND ADMISSION APPLICATION: MIT Summer Session Office, 8-201, Cambridge, MA 02139 Phone: (617) 253-2101 FAX: (617) 253-8042 email: world wide web home page: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Alexander Kuznetsov, Oxford University Announcement about a summer school on: IDENTIFICATION AND OPTIMIZATION Prague, 17-18 July 1995 The school is organised within the framework of the project "Adaptive and predictive control with physical constraints" (PREDCON) funded by the Commission of the European Communities (grant CP941174) under COPERNICUS scheme (Cooperation in Science and Technology with Central and Eastern European Countries). Its main aims are: - to give an overview of on-line identification; - to present new results in the field of identification methods used for predictor-based self-tuning controllers; - to introduce current and perspective optimization methods for controller design. The proceedings will contain full papers of presented lectures. Registration fee is 40 GB pounds, including lunches, refreshments and proceedings. Venue: Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. LECTURES 1. Identification in adaptive control. (J.Bohm -UTIA) 2. Bayesian Structure Estimation: State and Progress (M. Karny- UTIA) 3. Simultaneous estimation of models with different order (D.Clarke - OU) 4. Identification of distributed parameter systems. (B. Rohal - STU) 5. Optimization in constrained predictive control. (A.Kuznetsov - OU) 6. Direct search optimization. (A.Rykov -- MISIS) 7. Adaptive and Predictive Control of Lumped Input and Distributed Output Systems. (G. Hulko -- STU) 8. Problem formulations in multiobjective optimization.(A.Rykov --MISIS) 9. Methods for solving problems of multiobjective optimization.(A.Rykov --MISIS) 10. Regularization methods --- introduction. (T.Hruz -- STU) 11. Regularization methods in identification. (J. Kadlec --UTIA) 12. Applications: (STU, RB, UTIA) -- information about selected practical applications -- demonstration on laboratory models -- exhibition of software 13. Discussion. PREDCON participating institutions: OU -- Oxford University, Department of Engineering Science (United Kingdom) UTIA -- Institute of Information Theory and Automation (Czech Republic) STU -- Slovak Technical University, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Slovakia) MISIS -- Moscow Institute for Steel and Alloys (Russia) RB -- RB Ltd. company (Slovakia) Registration and additional information at: Josef Bohm, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, AV CR Pod vodarenskou vezi 4, 182 08 Prague 8, Czech Republic tel. 42-2-66052337, fax. 42-2-66414903, E--mail : The deadline for application (and reservation) is the May, 5. The registration fee after the deadline could be higher. E-mail communication should be preferred ****************************************** * * * Positions * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: dennis s bernstein Chair of the Department of Aerospace Engineering The University of Michigan The Department of Aerospace Engineering of the University of Michigan seeks an outstanding individual to lead the Department into the 21st century. Located in a newly built, state of the art facility, the Department has an enrollment of over 450 undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty members conduct both theoretical and experimental research in all areas of aerospace-related engineering and technology, including fluid mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, combustion, structural mechanics, flight dynamics, and controls. Applications are sought from individuals with demonstrated accomplishments in areas relating to aerospace engineering and technology. The Department Chair will provide leadership in the development of educational and research programs that are responsive to the varied and changing climate of the aerospace engineering profession. Essential to this goal is the development of strong ties to industrial and Government users of aerospace science and technology which will impact the educational and research programs of the Department. The University of Michigan is an internationally recognized educational and research institution located in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The city of Ann Arbor combines the amenities and high quality of life of a university town with the cultural benefits of a major city. Located near major industrial manufacturing centers, Ann Arbor is a center of high technology industry. Contact: Prof. Dennis S. Bernstein Department of Aerospace Engineering 3020 FXB Building 1320 Beal St. The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2118 (313) 764-3719 (313) 763-0578 (fax) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Morten Hovd POSTDOC POSITION IN PROCESS CONTROL AND OPERATIONS AT THE CENTER FOR PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF TRONDHEIM - NTH, NORWAY The Center for Process Systems Engineering has recently been established as Center of Excellence, in cooperation between NTH's Department of Chemical Engineering and its contract research counterpart, SINTEF Division of Applied Chemistry. The Center includes the groups of Prof. Sigurd Skogestad (process control), Prof. Kristian M. Lien (process synthesis and optimization) and Prof. Terje Hertzberg (modeling and simulation), and at this point around 30 Ph.D. students and researchers are involved in the center activities. A postdoc position will be available in the center for 1 year, with preferred start in Sept / Oct. 1995. Salary is in the range NOK 200 -250 000 per year (US $ 28 - 36 000), depending on background and experience. The preferred candidate will have a strong background in process control and operation, and will join the research group of Prof. Skogestad. The position will primarily be focused on research, but some teaching assistance and staff duties should also be anticipated. Of particular interest are applications from candidates with backgrounds within either of the following two areas: a) Controllability analysis and plantwide control, b) Control and operation of reactive distillation. However, applications from candidates with backgrounds from other areas of process control and operations are also welcome. Interested candidates for the postdoc position should contact Prof. Skogestad through e-mail at: Applications should be send by May 20, 1995 to Professor Sigurd Skogestad Chem.Eng. / PROST University of Trondheim - NTH 7034 Trondheim. Norway *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Dr. A.C.Pugh EPSRC RESEARCH STUDENTSHIP IN N-D POLYNOMIAL SYSTEM MATRIX THEORY Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University of Technology, U.K. One EPSRC research studentship for a three year Ph.D. Position is immediately available in the department under my supervision, in the above area. Students with excellent academic records are sought. Details and application forms about this EPSRC research studentship are available from me: Dr. A.C.Pugh Department of Mathematical Sciences Loughborough University of Technology Loughborough, Leics LE11 3TU England, U.K. Tel. (01509) 223190 Email : *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Glenn Vinnicombe IMPERIAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND MEDICINE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) LECTURESHIP IN AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Aeronautical Engineering. As part of their duties, the successful candidate will be expected to teach flight mechanics to undergraduate students. Strong emphasis will be placed on the applicants' research record and potential for further development. A person offering research in some branch of flight mechanics, covering aircraft stability, flight control systems and performance, would be of particular interest but the department is also prepared to consider applications from candidates with strong research interests in other areas of aeronautics. The starting salary will be at an appropriate point on a scale from 22,267 to 27,869 pounds sterling, including London Allowance. Further particulars of the post can be obtained by writing to Professor P.W. Bearman, Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, SW7 2PY (email: or by telephoning Mrs R Fairhurst on +44 (171) 594 5056 (international) or 0171 594 5056 (UK). ****************************************** * * * Books * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Carlos Bordons ( NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRY ------------------------------------------------ AUTHORS: Eduardo F. Camacho and Carlos Bordons PUBLISHER: Springer-Verlag ISBN: 3-540-19924-1 Model Predictive Control has developed considerably in the last few years, within both the research control community and industry. The reason for this success can be attributed to the fact that Model Predictive Control is perhaps the most general way of posing the process control problem in the time domain. Model Predictive Control formulation integrates optimal control, stochastic control, control of processes with dead time, multivariable control and future references when available. Another advantage of Model Predictive Control is that because of the finite control horizon used, constraints, and in general non-linear processes, which are frequently found in industry, can be handled. MODEL PREDICTIVE CONTROL IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRY seeks to fill the gap between the empirical way in which practitioners tend to use control algorithms and the powerful but sometimes abstractly formulated techniques developed by the control researchers. The book focuses on implementation issues for Model Predictive Controllers and intends to present easy ways of implementing them in industry. The book also aims to serve as a guideline of how to implement Model Predictive Control and as a motivation for doing so by showing that using such a powerful control technique does not require complex control algorithms. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction to Model Based Predictive Control 2. Model Based Predictive Controllers 3. Simple Implementation of GPC for Industrial Processes 4. Robustness Analysis in Precomputed GPC 5. Multivariable GPC 6. Constrained MPC 7. Robust MPC 8. Applications The book can be ordered contacting Ms. Sarah Judd ( at Springer Verlag (Fax: +44-483-415-151, Phone: +44-483-418-422). More information about the book can be obtained from C. Bordons. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Mansour Eslami A new book Title: Theory of Sensitivity in Dynamic Systems, an introduction (xviii + 600 pp.) Author: Mansour Eslami Publisher: Springer - Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany ISBN 3-540-54761-4 / 0-387-54761-4 The primary purpose of this book is to provide a guided entry to the emerging field of sensitivity and robustness theory in dynamical systems modeled with state-space representations. It is intended that both research students and practicing engineers in general areas of control system theory use the book as a textbook or as a reference book. In preparing this book some basic background in linear systems and linear optimal control theory as well as intermediate-level mathematics is assumed. On the overall objectives of this book: It is intended to provide a broad scope of sensitivity theory as developed in the last several decades pertaining to electrical engineering. In this regard, preserving the past is one of the main features of this project. The given list of classified references, and Appendix B which in effect is a sensitivity tree, shows where most topics are, and this feature is particularly useful for new researchers who may not have followed the overall development of this theory and may need a broad view of these issues before they launch their research activities in this area. Indeed this service provides an opportunity for new researchers to review thoroughly the earlier work. It is also hoped that a clear and coherent research media in this very broad area is introduced. On the technical aspects of the book: It is intended to provide a trajectory which covers most essential features of sensitivity theory as described in the book. It is the opinion of this author that sensitivity in its most generic sense is synonymous with the notion of distance. For instance, the "distance" between the desired behavior and an actual situation represents sensitivity. The more sophisticated and the more abstract the desired and actual situations become, the more sophisticated and the more abstract mathematics are needed to measure and/or to compensate this distance. The book is prepared with the intention to direct the readers towards the advanced aspects of this theory. Table of Contents Chapter One: Introduction Chapter Two: The Principal Aspects of Sensitivity Theory Chapter Three: Sensitivity Functions Generation Chapter Four: Algebraic Properties of System Models Terminal Conditions Insensitivity Chapter Five: Stability Robustness Analysis Maneuverability, and Sensitivity in the Large Chapter Six: Sensitivity Reduction and Robustness Chapter Seven: The Theory of Sensitivity in Networks Appendix A: Selected Numerical Applications Appendix B: List of the References: A Sensitivity Tree Journal Abbreviations and Acronyms Author Index Subject Index *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Leonid Kalachev I have recently published a new book on singular perturbations and their applications with SIAM. Title: The Boundary Function Method for Singular Perturbation Problems Authors: Adelaida B. Vasil'eva, Valentin F. Butuzov, and LeonidV.Kalachev 221 pages, hard cover, published in February 1995. Those of you who are interested in this field may find the book very helpful. Please feel free to contact SIAM for further information: (When ordering the book from SIAM: prepayment is required; shipping charge will apply.) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Rick Vaccaro NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT Title: Digital Control: A State-Space Approach McGraw-Hill Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering McGraw-Hill, 1995 ISBN 0-07-066781-0 Author: Richard J. Vaccaro, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Rhode Island, U.S.A. From the Preface: This book is intended as the text for a senior-level course on the analysis and design of digital control systems. It is assumed that the reader has had a first course in control theory. This book shows how linear algebra and state-space system theory are used to design digital control systems. In addition, classical frequency-domain tools such as Bode and Nyquist plots are used to analyze digital control systems designed by state-space techniques. A collection of MATLAB functions called the STATE-SPACE DIGITAL CONTROL TOOLBOX is available. The functions implement all of the design and analysis tools covered in this book, and programs are included to simulate continuous-time systems under digital control. The Toolbox is available from The MathWorks anonymous ftp server at in pub/books/vaccaro/. The Toolbox comes with two demonstration scripts that illustrate most of the toolbox functions. The scripts show the design, analysis, and simulation for (1) control of an inverted pendulum on a cart, and (2) multivariable digital flight control of an aircraft. OUTLINE OF THE BOOK Chapter 1 provides an introduction and motivation for the book. Chapter 2 presents the linear algebra and matrix theory needed for the rest of the book. Chapter 3 describes state-space and transfer function models for continuous-time and discrete-time systems. In addition, state-space and transfer function models for several example systems are derived. Chapter 4 shows that when a linear, continuous-time plant is operating under digital control, it is possible to replace the continuous-time model of the plant by a discrete-time model that describes the behavior of the plant exactly at sampling instants. This chapter also shows how to obtain exact discrete-time models for plants with time delay at the input. Chapter 5 presents tools for frequency-domain analysis -- Bode plots and Nyquist plots for discrete-time systems -- and discusses stability and gain/phase margins. These tools are used to assess the robustness of control systems designed in later chapters. The topic of steady-state error and system type is also covered. Chapter 6 shows how to design regulators using digital state feedback. Normalized Bessel polynomials are introduced as a simple way to choose closed-loop pole locations to achieve a desired speed of response for the closed-loop system. The robustness of the system is assessed by looking at a Nyquist plot of the loop transfer function. The relationship between state feedback and PID control is presented. Chapter 7 considers the design of observers to estimate the value of the state vector of the plant from measurements of its input and output. Both full and reduced-order observers are presented. We show how to design observers that recover much if not all of the stability margins of the state- feedback regulator. Chapter 8 shows how to introduce a reference input into a regulator structure to obtain a tracking system. A complete algorithm to design tracking systems that are robust with respect to persistent disturbances and model inaccuracies is given. The tracking systems in this chapter are designed using full state feedback as well as observers. Chapter 9 considers multivariable regulation and tracking systems. This chapter presents an algorithm that finds the matrix of feedback gains that optimizes a robustness criterion. This chapter also includes the multivariable version of the tracking algorithm from Chapter 8. Chapter 10 is an introduction to optimal control. The linear quadratic regulator for multivariable systems is derived. Only the steady-state (infinite horizon) case is considered, and so the solution to the optimal regulation problem is constant state feedback. For possible course adoption, an examination copy of the book can be obtained from your local McGraw-Hill representative. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: (Biswa Datta) ANNOUNCEMENT OF A NEW BOOK : NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS by Biswa Nath Datta I am pleased to announce the publication of my book: NUMERICAL LINEAR ALGEBRA AND APPLICATIONS by Brooks/Cole Publishing Company. The book can be used in both advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate courses on Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, and Applied Linear Algebra, in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science and Engineering. IT SHOULD ALSO BE USEFUL FOR SELF-STUDY AND REFERENCE WORK BY SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS. Starting from basic concepts and gradually leading to more advanced and up-to-date topics, the book gives thorough coverage of the main topics of Numerical Linear Algebra: Numerical Solutions of Linear Systems, Least Squares Problems, Eigenvalue and Generalized Eigenvalue Problems, and Singular Value Decomposition. A major strength of the book is a rich set of applications. I have taken a special care to connect Numerical Linear Algebra to applied areas such as Engineering (eg. Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, Chemical Plants, Electrical Networks, Vibration of Structures, etc.) Physics, Chemistry, Statistics, Control Theory, and Signal Processing, Bio-medical Engineering, etc. In every chapter after a physical problem has been posed, I have explained the physical and engineering significance of its solution. Real-life case studies of major problems have been included. The book contains far more material than can be covered in one semester, so teachers can tailor material to particular classes and easily develop course syllabi. Promoting education in numerical linear algebra and Scientific Computing ,especially in Engineering and other Applied Sciences is the primary goal of the book. SPECIAL FEATURES * Motivating Practical Life Applications drawn from numerous disciplines including engineering, statistics, control theory, biomedical engineering, etc. * A Focus on the Development and Explanations of the Basic Concepts of Stability, Conditioning, and Accuracy. * Discussions of the Fundamental Numerical Linear Algebra Tools in a separate Chapter at the beginning. * A concise statement of the fundamental problems of numerical linear algebra, their importance, and computational difficulties, when solved using the "obvious" approaches, at the very of the book, in Chapter 0. * Tutorial Nature of Algorithm Description * Abundant Text Examples that parallel the development of algorithms, and Plentiful Exercises. * A brief tutorial of how to use and write MATLAB programs, MATLAB Codes for Selected Algorithms and a MATLAB-based Educational Software MATCOM, implementing all the major algorithms of the book. * Solutions and Answers to Selected Problems * List of Key Numerical Linear Algebra Terms for Easy Reference. * A list of "Required Background Material" at the beginning and "Review and Summary" at the end of each chapter. I urge you to have a look into the book either for using it for an exisiting course for which the book is appropriate , or for the purpose of developing a new course for your students. ORDERING INFORMATION The book can be obtained from: IN USA : Brooks/Cole Publishing Company 511 Forest Lodge Road Pacific Grove, California 93950-5098 Tel :1-800-423-0563 ( for adoption and review) Tel : 1-800-354-9706 ( for purchasing) Fax : ( 415) 592-3342 ( for adoption and review) Fax : ( 415) 525-0978 ( for purchasing) IN EUROPE : International Thomson Publishing GmbH Konigswinterer Strasse 418 53227 Bonn, GERMANY International Thomson Publsihing Europe Berkshire House 168-173 High Holborn, London WC1V 7AA ENGLAND IN CANADA : Nelson Canada 1120 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada M1K 5G4 In AUSTRALIA : Thomas Nelson Australia 102 Dodds Street South Melbourne, 3205 Victoria, Australia IN ASIA : International Thomson Publishing Japan Hirakawacho Kyowa Building, 3F 2-2-1 Hirakawacho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102 JAPAN International Thomson Publshing Asia 221 Henderson Road #05-10 Henderson Building SNGAPORE 0315 IN MEXICO : International Thomson Editores Campos Eliseos 385, Piso 7 Col. Polanco 11560 Mexico D.F. MEXICO Biswa Datta, March 1995. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: OPTIMAL SAMPLED-DATA CONTROL SYSTEMS Tongwen Chen and Bruce Francis Springer-Verlag Series on Communications and Control Engineering (CCES) Springer-Verlag, London, 1995 ISBN: 3-540-19949-7 $79 US (from the Preface) Many techniques are available for designing linear multivariable analog controllers: pole placement using observer-based controllers, loopshaping, the inverse Nyquist array method, convex optimization in controller parameter space, and so on. One class of techniques is to specify a performance function and then optimize it, and one such performance function is the norm of the closed-loop transfer matrix, suitably weighted. The two most popular norms to optimize are the H2 and H-infinity norms. The fact that most new industrial controllers are digital provides strong motivation for adapting or extending these design techniques to digital control systems. This book is intended as a graduate text in linear sampled-data (SD) control systems. The subject of SD control is a subdomain of digital control; it deals with sampled signals and their discrete-time processing, but not with quantization effects nor with issues of real-time software. SD control systems consist of continuous-time plants to be controlled, discrete-time controllers controlling them, and ideal continuous-to-discrete and discrete-to-continuous transformers. As a prerequisite, the ideal reader would know multivariable analog control design, especially H2 and H-infinity theory---a user's guide to H2 and H-infinity theory is presented in Chapter 2. CHAPTER TITLES 1 Introduction Part I Indirect Design Methods 2 Overview of Continuous-Time H2- and H-infinity-Optimal Control 3 Discretization 4 Discrete-Time Systems: Basic Concepts 5 Discrete-Time Feedback Systems 6 Discrete-Time H2-Optimal Control 7 Introduction to Discrete-Time H-infinity-Optimal Control 8 Fast Discretization of SD Feedback Systems Part II Direct SD Design 9 Properties of S and H 10 Continuous Lifting 11 Stability and Tracking in SD Systems 12 H2-Optimal SD Control 13 H-infinity-Optimal SD Control Bibliography *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Marc Moonen SVD and Signal Processing III, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 22-25 August 1994 Edited by M. Moonen and B. De Moor 1995 498 pages Hardbound Price: Dfl. 325.00 (US$191.25) ISBN 0-444-82107-4 Matrix Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and its application to problems in signal processing is explored in this book. The papers discuss algorithms and implementation architectures for computing the SVD, as well as a variety of applications such as systems and signal modeling and detection. The publication presents a number of keynote papers, highlighting recent developments in the field, namely large scale SVD applications, isospectral matrix flows, Riemannian SVD and consistent signal reconstruction. It also features a translation of a historical paper by Eugenio Beltrami, containing one of the earliest published discussions of the SVD. With contributions sourced from internationally recognised scientists, the book will be of specific interest to all researchers and students involved in the SVD and signal processing field. Algorithms and Parallel VLSI Architectures III Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, Leuven, Belgium, 29-31 August 1994 Edited by M. Moonen and F. Catthoor 1995 424 pages Hardbound Price: Dfl. 315.00 (US$185.25) ISBN 0-444-82106-6 A comprehensive overview of the current evolution of research in algorithms, architectures and compilation for parallel systems is provided by this publication. The contributions focus specifically on domains where embedded systems are required, either oriented to application-specific or to programmable realisations. These are crucial in domains such as audio, telecom, instrumentation, speech, robotics, medical and automotive processing, image and video processing, TV, multimedia, radar and sonar. The book will be of particular interest to the academic community because of the detailed descriptions of research results presented. In addition, many contributions feature the "real-life" applications that are responsible for driving research and the impact of their specific characteristics on the methodologies is assessed. The publication will also be of considerable value to senior design engineers and CAD managers in the industrial arena, who wish either to anticipate the evolution of commercially available design tools or to utilize the presented concepts in their own R&D programmes. ORDERING INFORMATION Please pass this information on to your librarian and send your orders to: Elsevier Science B.V. Order Fulfilment Department P.O.Box 211 1000 AE Amsterdam The Netherlands Tel.: +31 (20) 485 3642 Fax.: +31 (20) 485 3598 ****************************************** * * * Journals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: J.van Schuppen and E.D.Sontag Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) Joins the Web ! We are pleased to announce that WWW pages for MCSS are now available. The MCSS Home Page is kept at the following URL: and a copy will be kept, for faster access from sites in North America, at this URL: The MCSS Home Page provides general information on the journal, as well as information regarding the submission of manuscripts. Two additional pages can be accessed from the main page: - a page which provides information on the tables of contents of recently appeared issues of MCSS and on papers accepted for publication but not yet published; - and a page which provides information on the tables of contents of the older volumes of MCSS (under construction). As a service to the community, it is also possible to access current contents information for several other journals from the MCSS Home Page. As always, e-mail inquiries regarding submission should be addressed to: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: F.L. Lewis CALL FOR PAPERS Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems for Closed-Loop Control Applications A Special Issue of: "Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems" Special Issue Editors: F.L. Lewis and K. Liu Automation and Robotics Research Institute The University of Texas at Arlington 7300 Jack Newell Blvd. S Ft. Worth, Texas 76118-7115 Papers are solicited for a special issue on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems for Closed-Loop Control Applications of the "Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems". Both short papers and regular papers are desired. The format of JICS is identical to that of IEEE Transactions. Intelligent controllers have the potential to significantly improve the performance of complex nonlinear processes. Neural networks and fuzzy systems have been applied with considerable success in digital signal processing, decision-making, classification, and other open-loop applications. However, closed-loop control applications of neural networks and fuzzy systems have generally been ad hoc, with no repeatable design algorithms or proofs of guaranteed stability. In spite of the lack of rigorous techniques for intelligent control system design, neural network and fuzzy system controllers have enjoyed remarkable success in complex control applications. This motivates one to use mathematical approaches to provide understanding and to shed light on further possibilities. It is the proofs that yield valuable information concerning: (1) the structure of the neural or fuzzy control system, (2) modified learning rules that keep tracking errors small and adaptive parameters bounded, and (3) additional control input terms that ensure robustness against unforseen disturbances. Without guaranteed performance, acceptance of intelligent controllers by the control systems community and US industry will not be forthcoming. Therefore, this special issue will focus on closed-loop control applications of neural networks and fuzzy systems that offer repeatable design algorithms and mathematical proofs of stability and performance. Papers that present simulations following nonrigorous discussions cannot be included. The objective of this special issue is to provide a forum for developing paradigms for intelligent control systems in the sense of T.S. Kuhn's "Structure of Scientific Revolutions". The Special Issue will appear in early 1996. Four copies of manuscripts should be submitted for review by 15 July 1995: Neural net papers should be addressed to F.L. Lewis 817-794-5972, fax 817-794-5952, Fuzzy systems papers should be addressed to K. Liu 817-794-5971, 817-794-5952, *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGABRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 216 E. E. Tyrtyshnikov (Moscow, Russia) Circulant Preconditioners With Unbounded Inverses 1 Jianming Miao and Adi Ben-Israel (New Brunswick, New Jersey) The Geometry of Basic, Approximate, and Minimum-Norm Solutions of Linear Equations 25 Georg Heinig (Safat, Kuwait) Generalized Inverses of Hankel and Toeplitz Mosaic Matrices 43 Jonathan Goodman (New York, New York) and Neal Madras (North York, Ontario, Canada) Random-Walk Interpretations of Classical Iteration Methods 61 Juriaan Simonis (Delft, the Netherlands) MacWilliams Identities and Coordinate Partitions 81 Roy Meshulam (Haifa, Israel) On Two-Parameter Families of Symmetric Matrices 93 G. A. Watson (Dundee, Scotland) Estimating Hadamard Operator Norms, With Application to Triangular Truncation 97 Hernan G. Abeledo and Uriel G. Rothblum (New Brunswick, New Jersey) Courtship and Linear Programming 111 Jose A. Hermida-Alonso and Miriam Pisonero (Valladolid, Spain) What Polynomial Satisfies a Given Endomorphism? 125 J. Kovac-Striko (Zagreb, Croatia) and K. Veselic (Hagen, Germany) Trace Minimization and Definiteness of Symmetric Pencils 139 C. Moyssiadis, S. Chadjiconstantinidis (Thessaloniki, Greece), and S. Kounias (Athens, Greece) A-Optimization of Exact First-Order Saturated Designs for N=1"mod"4 Observations 159 Joseph J. Rushanan (Bedford, Massachusetts) Eigenvalues and the Smith Normal Form 177 Jian Shen (Hefei, Anhui, People's Republic of China) Proof of a Conjecture About the Exponent of Primitive Matrices 185 Boris Kimelfeld (New Brunswick, New Jersey) A Generalization of Muirhead's Theorem 205 Dasong Cao (Gainesville, Florida) and Hong Yuan (Shanghai, People's Republic of China) The Distribution of Eigenvalues of Graphs 211 C. S. Karuppanchetty and S. Maria Arulraj (Tiruchirappalli, India) Permanental Mates and Hwang's Conjecture 225 Seung-Hyeok Kye (Seoul, Korea) Positive Linear Maps Between Matrix Algebras Which Fix Diagonals 239 Arnold Neumaier (Freiburg, Germany) Hybrid Norms and Bounds for Overdetermined Linear Systems 257 Keith Bourque and Steve Ligh (Hammond, Louisiana) Matrices Associated With Multiplicative Functions 267 Author Index 277 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 217 Special Issue: Proceedings of a Conference on Graphs and Matrices in Honor of John Maybee J. Richard Lundgren (Denver, Colorado) A Brief History of John Maybee's Career 1 Charles A. Anderson (Denver, Colorado) Loop and Cyclic Niche Graphs 5 LeRoy B. Beasley and Shumin Ye (Logan, Utah) Linear Operators Which Preserve Sign-Nonsingular Matrices 15 Elizabeth D. Boyer and Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming) On Biclique Decompositions of Complete t-partite Graphs 31 R. C. Brigham (Orlando, Florida), F. R. McMorris (Louisville, Kentucky), and R. P. Vitray (Winter Park, Florida) Tolerance Competition Graphs 41 Karen Casey Dargen and Kathryn Fraughnaugh (Denver, Colorado) Conditional Chromatic Numbers With Forbidden Cycles 53 Ronald D. Dutton, Sirisha R. Medidi, and Robert C. Brigham (Orlando, Florida) Changing and Unchanging of the Radius of a Graph 67 David C. Fisher and Richard B. Reeves (Denver, Colorado) Optimal Strategies for Random Tournament Games 83 David C. Fisher and Jennifer Ryan (Denver, Colorado) Tournament Games and Condorcet Voting 87 D. A. Gregory (Kingston, Ontario, Canada), S. J. Kirkland (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada), and N. J. Pullman (Kingston, Ontario, Canada) A Bound on the Exponent of a Primitive Matrix Using Boolean Rank 101 Karl Gustafson (Boulder, Colorado) Matrix Trigonometry 117 Douglas Hale (Washington, D.C.) and George Lady (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Qualitative Comparative Statics and Audits of Model Performance 141 Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia), D. Dale Olesky, and P. van den Driessche (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada) Sign Determinancy in LU Factorization of P-matrices 155 Suh-Ryung Kim (Staten Island, New York), Terry A. McKee (Dayton, Ohio), F. R. McMorris (Louisville, Kentucky), and Fred S. Roberts (New Brunswick, New Jersey) p-Competition Graphs 167 Steve Kirkland (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) Spectral Radii of Tournament Matrices Whose Graphs Are Related by an Arc Reversal 179 J. Richard Lundgren, Sarah K. Merz (Denver, Colorado), John S. Maybee (Boulder, Colorado), and Craig W. Rasmussen (Monterey, California) A Characterization of Graphs With Interval Two-Step Graphs 203 J. Richard Lundgren, Sarah K. Merz (Denver, Colorado), and Craig W. Rasmussen (Monterey, California) Chromatic Numbers of Competition Graphs 225 Thomas Lundy (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), John S. Maybee (Boulder, Colorado), and Asok K. Sen (Indianapolis, Indiana) S-Inverse Matrices 241 Fred S. Roberts (New Brunswick, New Jersey) On the Problem of Consistent Marking of a Graph 255 Author Index 265 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volume 218 Kazuo Murota (Kyoto, Japan) An Identity for Matching and Skew-Symmetric Determinant 1 Jose A. Hermida-Alonso, M. Pilar Perez, and Tomas Sanchez-Giralda (Valladolid, Spain) Feedback Invariants for Linear Dynamical Systems Over a Principal Ideal Domain 29 C. Turke and M. Weber (Dresden, Germany) On a Maximum Principle for Inverse Monotone Matrices 47 Georg Heinig (Safat, Kuwait) and Karla Rost (Chemnitz, Germany) Recursive Solution of Cauchy-Vandermonde Systems of Equations 59 Roy Meshulam (Haifa, Israel) Spaces of Hankel Matrices Over Finite Fields 73 Artibano Micali (Montpellier, France) and Moussa Ouattara (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso) Structures des Algebres de Bernstein 77 Jean-Claude Evard (Charleston, Illinois) Invariance and Commutativity Properties of Some Classes of Solutions of the Matrix Differential Equation X(t)X*b7(t)=X*b7(t)X(t) 89 David C. Fisher (Denver, Colorado) Characteristic Polynomials of Straffin Digraphs 103 G. P. A. Thijsse (Rotterdam, the Netherlands) Symmetry Properties of and Reduction Principles for Divisibility Relations Between the Invariant Factors of Products of Holomorphic Matrix Functions 113 David Chillag (Haifa, Israel) Regular Representations of Semisimple Algebras, Separable Field Extensions, Group Characters, Generalized Circulants, and Generalized Cyclic Codes 147 B. Monson (Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada) and Asia Ivic Weiss (North York, Ontario, Canada) Polytopes Related to the Picard Group 185 Raymond H. Chan and C. K. Wong (Hong Kong) Best-Conditioned Circulant Preconditioners 205 Jerrold W. Grossman, Devadatta, M. Kulkarni, and Irwin E. Schochetman (Rochester, Michigan) On the Minors of an Incidence Matrix and Its Smith Normal Form 213 Thomas Garrity and Robert Mizner (Williamstown, Massachusetts) Invariants of Vector-Valued Bilinear and Sesquilinear Forms 225 Carl C. Cowen (West Lafayette, Indiana), Kelly E. Debro (Atlanta, Georgia), and Peter D. Sepanski (West Lafayatte, Indiana) Geometry and the Norms of Hadamard Multipliers 239 Paul Binding (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) and Qiang Ye (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) Variational Principles for Indefinite Eigenvalue Problems 251 Gregory S. Ammar (DeKalb, Illinois) and Chunyang He (Chemnitz, Germany) On an Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Unitary Hessenberg Matrices 263 Ivan Slapnicar (Split, Croatia) and Kresimir Veselic (Hagen, Germany) Perturbations of the Eigenprojections of a Factorized Hermitian Matrix 273 Author Index 281 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: T.H. Lee Mechatronics, Pergamon Press Vol.5, No. 1, 1995 Contents: "Runout rejection in end milling through two-dimensional repetitive force control," by A.J.Stevens and S.Y.Liang "The educational resources of mechatronics," by V.M.Vodovozov "Quasi-optimal control system of robotic electric servoactuators with elastic mechanical transmission," by V.F.Filaretov and M.Vukobratovic "Synthesis of adaptive robot control systems for simplified forms of driving torques," by V.F.Filaretov and M.Vukobratovic "A comparison of some control strategies for motion control," by Carli and R.Caccia "Object-oriented re-engineering of embedded software," by T.Ihme, E.Niemela, M.Salmela and V.Seppanen "Optimized digital positional encoder patterns," by P.R.Milner The purpose of Mechatronics journal is to provide rapid publication of topical papers featuring practical developments in mechatronics. It will cover a wide range of applications areas including consumer product design, instrumentation, manufacturing methods, computer integration and process and device control, and will attract a readership from across the industrial and academic spectrum. Particular importance will be attached to aspects of innovation in mechatronics design philosophy which will illustrate the benefits obtainable by an a priori integration of functionality with embedded microprocessor control. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Dr. Henk Nijmeijer, Dept. of Applied Mathematics, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control Announcement Call for papers for a Special Issue on TWENTY YEARS OF FEEDBACK LINEARIZATION OF NONLINEAR SYSTEMS The study of the transformation of a nonlinear system \dot{x} = f(x,u) under a static state feedback u = \alpha(x,v) and a coordinate change z = Z(x) into a controllable linear system \dot{z} = Az + Bv has been initiated by V.I. Korobov (1975) and R.W. Brockett (1978). Afterwards many papers have been published in relation to this question, first dealing with the above static state feedback linearization and, very recently, on the linearization problem under dynamic state feedback. The International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control is planning to publish a Special Issue on ``Twenty years of feedback linearization of nonlinear systems''. The final date for submission of articles is April 30, 1996. Papers for the Special Issue should belong to the wide range of feedback linearization of nonlinear systems under feedback and both theoretical and applications-oriented papers are sought. The Special Issue will be edited by Professor Alberto Isidori & Doctor Henk Nijmeijer University of Roma `La Sapienza' Dept. of Applied Mathematics Dipartimento di Informatica e University of Twente Sistemistica P.O. Box 217 Via Eudossiana 18 7500 AE Enschede 00184 Roma The Netherlands Italy Fax (31)53 340733 Fax (6) 44 585367 e-mail: e-mail: Authors are invited to submit five copies of their paper to one of the Special Issue editors. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: John Baillieul, Editor-in-Chief IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC CONTROL Table of Contents - Volume 40, Number 4 - April, 1995 ___________________________________________________________________________ Scanning the Issue ___________________________________________________________________________ PAPERS Adjoint and Hamiltonian Input-Output Differential Equations .... P. E. Crouch, F. Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, and A. J. van der Schaft Language Convergence in Controlled Discrete-Event Systems ......................................... Y. Willner and M. Heymann Concurrent Vector Discrete-Event Systems ........... Y. Li and W. M. Wonham Structure of Model Uncertainty for Weakly Corrupted Plant ............................................. T. Zhou and H. Kimura Explicit Formulas for Optimally Robust Controllers for Delay System ........................... H. Dym, T. T. Georgiou, and M. C. Smith Stochastic System Identification with Noisy Input-Output Measurements using Polyspectra ......................... J. K. Tugnait and Y. Ye Minimum Bias Priors for Estimating Parameters of Additive Terms in State-Space Models ...................... B. Hochwald and A. Nehorai ____________________________________________________________________________ TECHNICAL NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE Nonlinear L1 Optimal Controllers for Linear Systems ....... A. A. Stoorvogel Simultaneous Observation of Linear Systems ........................... Y. X. Yao, M. Darouach, and J. Schaefers An Algorithm for Computing the Maxk Value of the Supremal Normal Sublanguage of a Legal Language ............................ M. Barbeau, G. Custeau, and R. St-Denis Decentralized Robust Control of Uncertain Interconnected Systems with Prescribed Degree of Exponential Convergence ............... Z. Gong Hedging-Point Production Control with Multiple Failure Modes ...................................................... P. Glasserman A Globally Optimal Minimax Solution for Spectral Overbounding and Factorization ........................ R. E. Scheid and D. S. Bayard A Lower Bound for Liniting Time Delay for Closed-Loop Stability of An Arbitrary SISO Plan ............................... R. Devanathan A New Reduction Technique for a Class of Singularly Perturbed Optimal Control Problems ...................................... V. Gaitsgory Pole Assignment with Robust Stability ......................... M. E. Halpern, R. J. Evans, and R. D. Hill The Caratheodory-Fejer Problem and H$\infty$/$l_1$ Identification: A Time Domain Approach ...................... J. Chen and C. N. Nett Pole Assignment for Linear Periodic Systems by Memoryless Output Feedback ............................... D. Aeyels and J. L. Willems Fault Detection and Isolation for Unstable Linear Systems ................................ M. Kinnaert, R. Hanus, and Ph. Arte Zeros of Discretized Continuous Systems Expressed in the Euler Operator - An Asymptotic Analysis ................ A. Tesfaye and M. Tomizuka Further Theoretical Results on Direct Strain Feedback Control of Flexible Robot Arms ........................... Z.-H. Luo and B. Guo H$\infty$ Optimal and Suboptimal Controllers for Infinite Dimensional SISO Plants .................................. O. Toker and H. Ozbay Least Squares Type Algorithms for Identification in the Presence of Modeling Uncertainty .................... E.-W. Bai and K. M. Nagpal Square-Root Bryson-Frazier Smoothing Algorithms .. P. G. Park and T. Kailath Robust H$\infty$ Control of Uncertain Nonlinear System via State Feedback ..................................... T. Shen and K. Tamura Optimal Nonparametric Identification from Arbitary Corrupt Finite Time Series .................. J. Chen, C. N. Nett, and M. K. H. Fan Input Saturation and Global Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems via State and Output Feedback ................................... W. Lin Optimal Control for Systems with Deterministic Production Cycles .............................................. J.-Q. Hu and D. Xiang ____________________________________________________________________________ BOOK REVIEWS Analysis and Control of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Systems - V. Barbu ............................. Reviewed by H. O. Fattorini ****************************************** * * * Conferences * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Yao Wang Polytechnic University at Brooklyn, New York, is organizing a SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS & VIDEO CODING, October 11--13, 1995, New York City. The symposium will consist of regular technical sessions, including both invited and contributed papers, a service provider and vendor session featuring talks by industrial leaders, and a panel discussion. TRAVEL SUPPORT may be available for US graduate students and post-Doctoral fellows. Invited speakers include: Robert W. Lucky, Bellcore --- Keynote Speech Sudhir R. Ahuja, AT&T Bell Laboratories Dimitris Anastassiou, Columbia University Richard Baker, PictureTel Ronnie Burns, Hughes Aircraft Company Monsong Chen, Infovision Technology, Inc. John Cozzens, National Science Foundation Bernd Girod, Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (Germany) B. Gopinath, Rutgers University Barry G. Haskell, AT&T Bell Laboratories T. Russell Hsing, Bellcore Thomas S. Huang, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Walter Johnston, NYNEX Science and Technology, Inc. Aggelos K. Katsaggelos, Northwestern University Riccardo Leonardi, Univ. of Brescia (Italy) Bede Liu, Princeton University Sanjit K. Mitra, University of California at Santa Barbara Michael Orchard, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Atul Puri, AT&T Bell Laboratories D. Raychaudhuri, NEC USA Amy Reibman, AT&T Bell Laboratories Prodip Sen, NYNEX Science and Technology, Inc. John J. Sie, Encore Media Corporation Ali Tabatabai, Tektronix Kou-Hu Tzou, Comsat Laboratories Martin Vetterli, UC at Berkeley/Columbia University Yaqin Zhang, David Sarnoff Research Center The deadline for submission of paper summary: June 1, 1995. For more information, please contact: Yao Wang, Polytechnic University, 6 Metrotech Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201 Email:, Tel: (718)-260-3469, Fax: (718)-260-3906 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Charles Bouman CALL FOR PAPERS NINTH IMAGE AND MULTIDIMENSIONAL SIGNAL PROCESSING WORKSHOP IEEE Signal Processing Society IS&T The Society for Imaging Science and Technology Ninth IMDSP Workshop March 3-6, 1996. Radisson Hotel Belize City, Belize General Co-Chairs: Jan P. Allebach; Purdue University Jelena Kovacevic; AT&T Bell Laboratories Program Chair: Edward J. Delp; Purdue University The Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee of the IEEE Signal Processing Society has established a tradition of biennial workshops that have been intellectually stimulating and held in interesting places. The Ninth Workshop, to be held in cooperation with the Society for Imaging Science and Technology continues this tradition. It will be held in Belize which is located on the Caribbean Sea directly south of the Yucatan Peninsula and east of Guatemala, just two hours by plane from Miami. Belize has a subtropical climate. The workshop will take place in the dry season when temperatures will average 22C. There are beautiful Mayan ruins in Belize and the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere. The workshop will be held in Belize City at the Radisson Hotel. The theme of the workshop is ``Model-Based Methods in Imaging: This was partly motivated by the NSF-sponsored workshop on Future Directions in Signal Processing that was held in Keystone, Colorado in November 1991. At this workshop,the task group in the IMDSP area identified a need for more emphasis on model-based methods, including models for signal content and models for the human viewer. In addition, it was felt that there was a need for more work on image quality metrics. It is the intention of this workshop to address these topics: Physics-based models Multiresolution models Models for the human visual system Color models Image and video quality metrics Image and video compression Image and video analysis Image rendering for printing and display Color imaging Radar imaging Medical imaging Participation in the workshop will be both by invitation and application. Prospective attendees will submit a 2-page summary in final form. If the paper is accepted the summary will appear in the workshop digest as submitted. Authors should obtain the author's kit via anonymous ftp to ( in the directory /pub/dist/imdsp96. The author's kit provides complete information relative to the submission process. It is the intention of the Committee to conduct all communication with authors electronically. Questions should be directed to The General Co-Chairs can be reached at: Jan Allebach: +1 317 494 3535 Jelena Kovacevic: +1 908 582 6504 Authors' Schedule August 15, 1995 Submission of two page summaries October 15, 1995 Notification of acceptance November 15, 1995 Registration due with deposit *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Andrew Metcalfe CONFERENCE CONTROL OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES: SYNTHESISING THE STATISTICAL AND ENGINEERING APPROACHES 19 - 20 SEPTEMBER 1995 UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE CALL FOR PAPERS Historically there have been two distinct approaches to the control of industrial processes: that of the statistician and that of the engineer. Statistical Process Control techniques were developed by statisticians for use in the parts industry while Automatic Process Control techniques were developed by engineers for use in process industries. The sharp lines dividing these industries have recently begun to dissolve bringing control engineers and statisticians into closer contact with each other. This conference aims to provide control engineers and statisticians with an opportunity to exchange ideas about integrating the two approaches to Process Control. The conference ( originally suggested by the Quality Improvement committee of the Business and Industry section of the Royal Statistical Society ) is being organised jointly by the University of Hertfordshire Business School, the City University School of Mathematics, Actuarial Science and Statistics, and the University of Newcastle Department of Engineering Mathematics. There will be four half day sessions entitled: Overview; Process modelling; Process control; Forward with new thinking. Each session will be introduced with a keynote talk and will be followed by a number of shorter invited and contributed case studies. Peter Caines (McGill University) and Julian Morris (Newcastle University) have agreed to introduce the Overview and Forward with new thinking sessions. The title of Professor Morris' talk is "Modelling human intelligence to solve engineering problems". Invited speakers include: Tom Fearn (University College London) on "A case study on experimentation in the food industry", Luc Pronzato (University of Nice), Ron Leigh (University of Westminster) on "Adaptive control of multivariate batch processes using digital models" , Ming Tham (Newcastle University) on "A practical application of adaptive control", and Mike Grimble (University of Strathclyde) "Advanced control and simulation techniques for the manufacturing and process industries" Titles and abstracts for contributed papers should be sent, as soon as possible, to: The Control of Industrial Processes Conference Secretary The Business School Development Unit Second Floor Business Link 45 Grosvenor Road St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 3AW ( phone: +44 (0)1727 813611 ) ( fax: +44 (0)1707 284649 ) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Renny E. Badra Announcement and Call for Papers First IEEE INTERNATIONAL CARACAS CONFERENCE ON DEVICES, CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS December 12-14, 1995 XXV Anniversary of Universidad Simon Bolivar SPONSORS IEEE -Venezuela Simon Bolivar University TOPICS Preliminary topics include, but are not restricted to: - Solid State Devices and Materials - Communications - Digital Signal Processing - Power Electronics - Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution Applications for the Petroleum Industry are specially welcome. FOCUS The Conference intends to provide a periodic forum for exchanging recent scientific and technological information, knowledge and experience, and for establishing personal professional contacts in the fields of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. SCOPE The program includes invited papers on selected topics, oral presentations and poster sessions. LANGUAGE English will be used throughout the Conference. DEADLINE The deadline for receipt of "camera ready" manuscripts is JUNE 15, 1995 CALL FOR PAPERS Prospective authors are invited to submit full manuscripts for consideration by the Conference Program Committee. GENERAL CHAIRPERSON Adelmo Ortiz Conde, USB NOTIFICATION Submitted papers will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee, with the assistance of the members of the International Committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent by September 5, 1995, requesting pre-registration. The notification will be transmited preferably by electronic mail. Prospective authors are asked to provide an email address whenever possible. Written notification will be sent by mail or fax only if specifically requested. REGISTRATION Pre-registration is strongly encouraged. A non-refundable pre-registration fee of US $300 must be sent in by October 15, 1995. IEEE members and students are entitled to 15% and 50% discounts, respectively, when properly identified. Late registration at the Conference carries a surcharge of 15%. The fees include a copy of the Conference Proceedings. To receive further information and future announcements: send email message to with "info-iccdcs" in body of message. Also include postal address if you wish to receive printed announcements by mail. CORRESPONDENCE All Conference related correspondence from OUTSIDE Venezuela should be directed to the following address: ICCDCS BAMCO CCS 144-00 P.O. Box 025322 Miami, FL. 33102-5322 U.S.A. Phone: +58-2-9064010, Fax: +58-2-9064025, email: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: (Glenn Y. Masada) 1995 AMERICAN CONTROL CONFERENCE June 21-23, 1995 The Westin Hotel Seattle, Washington, USA The 1995 American Control Conference will have over 1000 technical papers presented to reflect the rapid growth and strong interest in the field of control engineering. The program features strong representation in applications areas such as aerospace, robotics and process control and in theoretical areas such as estimation, robust control and artificial intelligence. Plenary speakers are Dr. E. Stear of the Boeing Company, Professor K. Poolla of the University of California at Berkeley, and Dr. I.D. Landau of G.R. Automatique. The conference will be preceded by seven tutorial workships which will be held on June 19 and 20. The December, 1994 issue of IEEE Control Systems Magazine has detailed descriptions of these workshops. There will also be a number of social events, luncheons and receptions. Preregistration deadline is April 24. Please refer to the February and April, 1995 issues of IEEE Control Systems Magazine for the registration form and additional information. Workshop descriptions, registration forms, and other information can also be found on the World Wide Web at the URL address: For any other information, please contact the General Chair, Masayoshi Tomizuka at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA 94720, telephone (510) 642-0870, email: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by A. J. Krener and D. Q. Mayne NOLCOS 95 BRIEF SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT Third IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design The full program and further information is available from or from SCAD, by FTP at The file is NOLCOS95.2 in the directory pub/scad/conferences/1995 Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City, California Sunday-Wednesday, June 25-28, 1995 Organized by: Institute of Theoretical Dynamics, University of California, Davis and American Automatic Control Council (AACC) Sponsored by: IFAC,The International Federation of Automatic Control, Technical Committee on the Mathematics of Control Scope of the Symposium: The symposium will present the state of the art in the design of nonlinear control systems. It will explore current theoretical developments as well as their latest applications to engineering problems. The symposium will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of papers which describe new design methodologies for the control of nonlinear plants and will feature novel applications of these methods. The program will include invited survey papers by leading international authorities and encourage wide ranging discussions by all participants on basic problems and future directions. The beautiful location and excellent conference facilities will facilitate this. Topics - Applications of nonlinear control - Algebraic theory of nonlinear systems - Geometric theory of nonlinear systems - Discrete-time nonlinear control systems - Stabilizability and feedback stabilization - Nonlinear observers and filters - Optimal control of nonlinear systems - Variable structure systems - Robust and H-Infinity control - Adaptive control of nonlinear systems - Singular perturbations in nonlinear control - Expert control for nonlinear systems - Computational methods for design & control Location The Granlibakken Conference Center is located in a picturesque mountain valley near Tahoe City, CA. It is an hour drive from Reno Airport, two hours from Sacramento and four hours from San Francisco. The Conference Center has ample meeting rooms and lodging in one, two and three bedroom townhouses with kitchens. On the grounds is a large heated pool, six tennis courts and nearby there is hiking, river rafting, golf and boating on Lake Tahoe. Accommodations are on the American plan with three full meals. There are reduced rates for accompanying persons. Participants may wish to extend their stay and enjoy the scenic location. =================================================== Plenary Addresses C. Nett (USA) Generic Conceptual Paradigms for Active Control of Complex Physical Systems: A Practitioner's View of the Future of Nonlinear Control System Design J.M. Coron (France) Stabilizing Time-Varying Feedback R.M. Murray (USA) Nonlinear Control of Mechanical Systems M.R. James (Australia) Recent Developments in Nonlinear H-Infinity Control W.F. Shadwick (Canada) Differential Systems and Nonlinear Control Theory R. Marino (Italy) Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems: Basic Results and Applications *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: styan@gauss.Math.McGill.CA (George P. H. Styan) Fourth International Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics Montreal, Quebec, Canada: Saturday, July 15-Sunday, July 16, 1995 The Fourth International Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics will be held in Montreal, on Saturday, July 15 and Sunday, July 16, 1995, the weekend immediately following the Joint Annual Meeting of the Statistical Society of Canada (SSC) and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS). This Workshop is co-sponsored by the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS). The Workshop venue, Le Centre Sheraton Hotel (1201 Boulevard Rene-Levesque West, Montreal), is the same as for the Joint Annual SSC/IMS Meeting that precedes it. The purpose of this Workshop is to stimulate research and, in an informal setting, to foster the interaction of researchers in the interface between matrix theory and statistics. This Workshop will provide a forum for statisticians and mathematicians working in the areas of linear algebra and matrix theory to become better informed of the latest developments and newest techniques and to interchange ideas with researchers from a wide variety of countries. Contributed papers are welcome! Submit a one-paragraph abstract, in English or French: no more than 10 lines please! If at all possible use plain TEX, emTEX, LATEX or Microsoft Word and send the abstract by e-mail (as a regular ASCII text file or in Binhex) to George Styan at the address below. All abstracts should arrive by 15 May 1995. Registration fees are: ILAS, IMS or SSC Members: C$50/US$45; non-members: C$65/US$60; students: C$15/US$15. These rates are valid Through May 15, 1995. A late surcharge of C$15/US$15 will apply thereafter for all non-student participants. Requests for more information concerning the scientific program, as well as any organizational questions, should be directed to: George P. H. Styan, Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Burnside Hall, 805 ouest, rue Sherbrooke, Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6; MT56@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Louise Hudson Provisional Announcement International Conference - Control '96 University of Exeter, UK: 2-5 September 1996 Full call for papers will appear in a later issue of the e-letter. Further information from: Louise Hudson Tel: 0171 344 5467 Fax: 0171 240 8830 E-Mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Rafal W Zbikowski Neural Adaptive Control Technology Workshop: NACT I 18--19 May, 1995 University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK The first of a series of three workshops on Neural Adaptive Control Technology (NACT) will take place on May 18--19, 1995 in Glasgow, Scotland. This event is being organised in connection with a three-year European Union funded Basic Research Project in the ESPRIT framework. The project is a collaboration between Daimler-Benz Systems Technology Research, Berlin, Germany and the Control Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. The project is a study of the fundamental properties of neural network based adaptive control systems. Where possible, links with traditional adaptive control systems will be exploited. A major aim is to develop a systematic engineering procedure for designing neural controllers for non-linear dynamic systems. The techniques developed will be evaluated on concrete industrial problems from within the Daimler-Benz group of companies: Mercedes-Benz AG, Deutsche Aerospace (DASA), AEG and DEBIS. The project leader is Dr.~Ken Hunt (Daimler-Benz) and the other principal investigator is Professor Peter Gawthrop (University of Glasgow). Call for Participation, Provisional Programme, registration form and hotel booking can be found as the PostScript files: Call for Participation Provisional Programme registration & hotel on the servers detailed below. >>FTP server anonymous FTP to: ( directory: nact >>World-Wide Web server WWW server provides a link to the FTP server. Rafal Zbikowski Control Group, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Glasgow University, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, UK *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Shankar Sastry and Linda Bushnell Workshop on Exterior Differential Systems in Nonlinear Control June 29, 30 & July 1, 1995 This workshop will feature the use of methods from exterior differential systems and differential geometry for the control of nonlinear systems with nonholonomic constraints, systems with substantial nonlinearity in their dynamics, and systems on Lie groups. The workshop is timed to be held right after the IFAC meeting NOLCOS (Nonlinear Control System Design) at Lake Tahoe from June 26 through June 28. The workshop will be held on campus at Berkeley and we have reserved blocks of rooms in area hotels for workshop participants. A partial list of topics to be covered include: linearization by state feedback, nonholonomic systems, variational problems and exterior differential systems, nonlinear normal forms and rolling, splines on Lie groups, linearization by dynamic state feedback: connections with flat systems. We invite researchers and students to both participate and speak at the workshop. Some travel and other support will be available. The following is a list of people who have committed to speak thus far: Andrzej Banaszuk (Ga Tech), Robert Bryant (Duke), Linda Bushnell (ARO), Lucas Hsu (Princeton), Naomi Leonard (Princeton), Jerry Marsden (Berkeley), George Meyer (Ames), Richard Montgomery (Santa Cruz), Richard Murray (Caltech), Shankar Sastry (Berkeley), William Shadwick (Toronto), Willem Sluis (Caltech), and Dawn Tilbury (Michigan). The Organizers are: Shankar Sastry (Berkeley), Linda Bushnell (ARO), Jagdish Chandra (ARO), George Meyer (NASA Ames) and A. K. Pradeep (GE CR&D). If you are interested in attending and / or speaking at the workshop and would like more information please send e-mail by MAY 10, 1995 to: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Guillermo Heredia ICASAV' 95: IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Components for Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles Toulouse, France October 25-26, 1995 FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS Future automotive vehicles will deal more and more with autonomous functions to improve safety, traffic management and to reduce consumption and pollution. Numerous on-board decision systems will replace the driver in critical running phases. The problems and solutions experienced, by adopting this new technology, will bring out numerous common points with other transportation systems and of course with mobile robots. The main objective of this workshop is to bring together specialists of components and instruments for automotive systems, mobile robots and transportation in general in order to enhance the value of their experience in the field of autonomous vehicles. The scope of this workshop covers sensors, actuators and controllers that are currently applied to implement intelligent autonomous function on vehicles. New techniques, instruments and both software and hardware components are included. TOPICS - Intelligent sensors and fusion techniques for: navigation, environment related sensors, energetic efficiency, hypo vigilance. - Intelligent actuators: electrical steering, engine actuators, active suspension,... - Control techniques: internal model based techniques, non-linear, adaptive, emergent techniques (fuzzy, neural, neuro-fuzzy),... - Safety and reliability of on-board components: design, software, hardware, on-line, off-line diagnostic APPLICATION FIELD - Engine control, Body control, Transmission control - Driving control and Cruise control - Steering control and Path tracking - Obstacle avoidance - Vehicles position estimation - Path planning and route planning - Vehicle/vehicle/ ground communication, IVHS - Man machine interface and telerobotic functions LOCATION The workshop will take place at the Laboratory for Analysis and Achitecture of Systems (LAAS) of the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Toulouse. RELATED EVENT SITEF is an international market of advanced technologies, with five major industrial sectors: - Aerospace, - Land Transportation Systems and their infrastructures, - Information Technology and Communication, - Mass Production, - Natural Resources and Bio-industries. A visit of the trade fair, specially the areas concerning the workshop, will be organized on October 25th. CALL FOR PAPERS Please submit five copies of draft papers (4-6 pages) in English. The first page must contain the paper title, authors' names and affiliations, complete address of the corresponding author (fax, tel, E-mail) and the abstract (200-250 words). SECRETARIAT Papers should be sent to : Marie Therese Ippolito Secretariat IFAC-ICASAV' 95 LAAS-CNRS 7, avenue du Colonel Roche F-31077 Toulouse Cedex, France Tel.: +33 61 33 62 74 Fax.: +33 61 55 35 77 E-mail: DEADLINES Expression of interest Immediately Submission of draft papers May 1, 1995 Notification of acceptance June 1, 1995 Submission of full papers July 30, 1995 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Hiroshi Kashiwagi CALL FOR PAPERS ICAUTO'95 (International Conference on Automation) December 12-14,1995,Indore,India The International Conference ICAUTO'95 is scheduled in technical co-sponsorship with the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE),Japan at Indore in India on Dec.12-14,1995 to bring the researchers from east and west together to dicuss high quality research in the field of computer based automation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas: *Intelligent Robots *Autonomous Systems *Virtual Environments *Artificial Int. *Robot Human Collaboration *Man Machine Interfaces *Process Automation *Distributed Systems *Office Automation *Fault Tolerance *Neural Networks *Fuzzy Systems *Mechatronics *Computer Vision *CAD/CAM *Sensor Fusion *Software Tools *Applications Paper Submission: Submit three copies of summary of the paper to any of the following co-ordinators, formatted as follows: First page -title, authors, mailing address of each author, telephone number, Fax number, e-mail address, and subject area. Second and subsequent pages -title, authors, affiliations, key words, 600-1000 word summary, figures, references etc. H.Kashiwagi Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Faculty of Engg., Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860,Japan. Tel.+81-96-342-3742, Fax:+81-96-342-3730 G.S.Hura Division of Comp. Tech.,School of App. Sc., Nanyang Techonological University, Singapore 2263. Tel.(65)799-1271,Fax:791-9414 Shubhalaximi Kher Shri G.S. Institute of Tech. and Sciendce Indore-452003, India. Tel.91-731-534587 Fax 91-731-432540,431868 Vijay Kumar Dept.of Comp. Sc. and Telecom, 5100 Rockhill, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 64110, USA. Tel.(816)235 2366, Fax:(816)235-5159 Swamy Kutti School of Computing & Mathematics, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia - 3217. Tel.61-52-271322, Fax.52-272028 Important Dates: Summary submissions: May 15,1995 Review results: July 15,1995 Camera ready papers: September 1,1995 Submission of paper imply commitment to present the paper on acceptance, at the conference. Invited Sessions: Proposals for topics of invited sessions are especially welcome. These proposals should contain the title of the session, a list of 5 speakers and titles of their papers, together with abstracts completed according to the above instructions. Key-note Address: Physics, Biology and Philosophy of the mind in computational paradigm, by K.Tahir Shar, ICTP, Italy General Chairs: P.K.Chande(India) SGSITS, Indore-3, India Ph. 434095, 440632, Fax. 91-731-432540 E-mail: H. Kashiwagi(Japan) Faculty of Engineering Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860, Japan Tel. +81-96-342-3742, Fax +81-96-342-3730 E-mail: Supported by: Computer Society of India, Center for Advanced Technology, M.P.Council of Science and Technology, International Institute of Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya University. Iranian Society of Instrument and control Engineers, Computer Society of India, Indore Chapter ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************