From Mon Aug 1 22:51:46 1994 To: Subject: E-letter 72 From: eletter Reply-To: E-LETTER on Systems, Control, and Signal Processing ISSUE No. 72, August 1, 1994 E-mail: Editors: Anton A. Stoorvogel Dept. of Mathematics & Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-465995 Siep Weiland Dept. of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven University of Technology P.O. Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven the Netherlands Fax +31-40-434582 Contents 1. Editorial 2. Personals 3. General announcements 3.1 Matlab primer 4th edition 3.2 Phone numbers at Rutgers change 3.3 Course Nonlinear and Adaptive Control in European HCM Program 4. Positions 4.1 Department head, Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State University 4.2 Postdoc position systems and control, University of Exeter 5. Books 5.1 Linear quadratic control- an introduction; P. Dorato cs. 5.2 First order representations of linear systems; M. Kuijper 5.3 Modelling, analysis and control of multi-link flexible structures; Lagnese 5.4 Modeling, identification and simulation of dynamical systems; P. vd Bosch and A. van der Klauw 6. Journals 6.1 Call for papers special issue on Biomedical System Engineering 6.2 Table of contents Automatica, Vol. 30:8 6.3 Table of contents SIAM J. Contr. Opt., Vol. 32:6 6.4 Table of contents SIAM J. Optimization, Vol. 4:4 6.5 Table of contents Linear Alg. Applic., Vol. 208/209 6.6 Table of contents Circuits Systems and Signal Proc., Vol. 13:5 6.7 Table of contents Math Control, Signals and Systems, Vol. 7:4 6.8 Table of contents Mechatronics Journal, Vol. 4:3 7. Conferences 7.1 European Control Conference 1995 7.2 9th Int Symp. on Intelligent Contr., Columbus '95 7.3 International workshop on applications of neural networks to telecommunications, Stockholm '95 7.4 IEEE Information theory workshop, Alexandria, '94 7.5 ICAUTO-95, Indore, India 7.6 Int. Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress,'95 7.7 Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology, '94 7.8 Invited session "control-relevant modeling, identification and estimation, ACC '95 ****************************************** * * * Editorial * * * ****************************************** Welcome to E-letter number 72 !!! We plan to send out the E-letter monthly. The next issue of E-letter will appear September 1. Please send contributions before this date. We remind you of the following. -1- Contributions have to be sent to: "" It would be useful if articles are already sent in the format that we use, starting with a "Contributed by:..." and a title centered in the next line. Each line should be no more than 80 characters wide. Please respect the MAXIMUM LENGTH OF 8 Kb per contribution. -2- You can subscribe to the E-letter by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'add' or 'subscribe'. You will be automatically subscribed and included in our mailing list. To unsubscribe from this list, send an (empty) e-mail message to "" with the subject 'remove', 'delete' or 'unsubscribe'. -3- If your address changed first unsubscribe (using your old E-mail address) and then subscribe again (using your new E-mail address). If you can not use your old E-mail address any longer then send an E-mail to "" and your old address will be removed manually. In case of any problems please send an E-mail to "" and we will try to resolve the problem. -4- Further information about the E-letter can be obtained by sending an (empty) e-mail message to "" carrying the subject 'info' or via the finger command: "finger" -5- If you are using an editor to read this mailing and if at any point you wish to skip to the next article, you can accomplish this by searching for the string: *.** ****************************************** * * * Personals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by : Anton Stoorvogel I am happy to announce that one of the editors is no longer a bachelor: On July 22 Siep Weiland has married Teresa Puig-Amerillas. Please don't forget to congratulate them by sending an E-mail to I can assure everybody that it was a beautiful wedding. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by : Venkat Anantharam Change of Address I have moved from Cornell to Berkeley effective July 1. My new coordinates are : 570 Cory Hall, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, U.S.A.. Phone : (510)-643-84 E-mail : ****************************************** * * * General announcements * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: MATLAB Primer, 4th Edition The Fourth Edition of the MATLAB Primer will be available in mid-August 1994 from CRC Press. Features of the new edition include: ---New compact, reader-friendly, bound format. ---Features of Version 4.2 of MATLAB blended into the text. ---Substantial new section on the Symbolic Math Toolbox. ---Extensive general revision and reformatting. ---A fine-grained Table of Contents and detailed Index. ---Same character and purpose of of the earlier editions: (To help students and others begin to use MATLAB) Ordering Information: ---Mail Orders (both national and international): CRC Press, Inc. 2000 Corporate Blvd., N.W. Boca Raton, FL 33431 USA ---Telephone Orders: Continential USA, except Florida: 1-800-272-7737 Florida and outside Continential USA: 1-407-994-0555 ---The expected price is $12.95. The MATLAB Primer is no longer available as TeX source. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag ***** PLEASE NOTE: PHONE NUMBERS AT RUTGERS ABOUT TO CHANGE ***** Around Sept 1, 1994, the three-digit prefix for the telephone numbers of individuals, as well as administrative offices, at several Rutgers departments (in the New Brunswick-Piscataway campus), including among others: MATHEMATICS and COMPUTER SCIENCE will change, from "932" to "445". The actual numbers (last 4 digits) will remain the same. Thus the change is given by the following rule: +1 908.932.abcd --> +1 908.445.abcd Please take note. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Romeo Ortega The European Human Capital and Mobility (EHCM) network "Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Systems" organizes a tutorial course on: NONLINEAR CONTROL SYSTEMS: Towards a Design Methodology for Physical Systems. Valencia 6-7 October 1994 -Addressed to EHCM Network Partners, to establish common points of interest, and future research actions. -Also open to other participants to discuss a course syllabus for advanced/application oriented nonlinear control course. Documentation: Lecturers will provide copies of the transparencies (papers,notes, ...) Registration fee: Free for EHCM partners. 20.000 pts, including lunches and coffees, for others. TOPICS 1. Nonlinear control problems, examples and introduction (P. Albertos) 2. State space approach (A. van der Schaft/ H. Nijmeijer) 2.1 Survey of basic mathematical concepts 2.2 State space representation of NLCS 2.3 Controllability and observability 2.4 Feedback linearization 2.5 Stabilization via Lyapunov methods 3. Input/output approach (R. Ortega) 3.1 Passivity and small gain theories 3.2 Passivity conditions for stabilization 3.3 Control of Euler-Lagrange systems 4. Adaptive control of NLS (R. Lozano, B. Wittenmark) 4.1 Backstepping-based techniques 4.2 Passivity-based techniques 4.3 Systems with static nonlinearities 5. AI nonlinear controllers (I) (P. Albertos, K. Astrom) 5.1 Fuzzy logic controllers 5.2 Nonlinear behaviour 5.3 Design methodologies 5.4 Stability analysis 6. AI nonlinear controllers (II) (S. Bittanti, P. Albertos) 6.1 Neural nets for modeling of physical processes 6.2 NN for control of NLS 6.3 NN in adaptive control loops 7. Simulation tools (D. Clarke/ A. Kuznetsov) 8. Control of nonlinear physical systems 8.1 A.C. motors (R. Ortega) 8.2 Robot Manipulators and mobile robots (C. Canudas) 8.3 Friction compensation (K. Astrom) 8.4 Other systems (R. Lozano, D. Clarke, S. Bittanti, ...) Timing: Thursday 6 08.30-08.45 Welcome. Course presentation. (P. Albertos, R. Ortega) 08.45-09.30 Topic 1 09.30-10.30 Topics 2-2.3 10.30-11.00 Coffee 11.00-12.15 Topics 2.4-2.5 12.15 13.30 Topics 3-3.1 13.30-15.30 Lunch 15.30-16.45 Topics 3.2-3.3 Coffee 17.00 18.30 Topics 4-4.2 20.00 --- Dinner Friday 7 08.30-09.30 Topic 4.3 09.30-10.30 Topics 5.1-5.2 10-30-11.00 Coffee 11.00-12.15 Topics 5.3-5.4 12.15-13.30 Topic 6 13.30-15.30 Lunch 15.30-17.00 Topic 7 17.00-17.15 Coffee 17.15-18.30 Miscellaneous (Topic 8) 18.30 Closing ****************************************** * * * Positions * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: William T. Baumann ( DEPARTMENT HEAD BRADLEY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSITY Nominations and applications are being solicited for the position of Head of the Harry Lynde Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering. Nominations and applications will be accepted until suitable candidates are selected and will be reviewed beginning October 1, 1994. The selection is expected to be made in late fall, with the appointment to begin no later than the summer of 1995. Candidates should have achieved distinction in university teaching and research and a record of demonstrated scholarship and administrative ability. They must qualify for the rank of professor. The Department offers B.S. degree programs in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering and M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs in Electrical Engineering. The Department has 55 full-time faculty members, 820 undergraduate students, 368 on-campus graduate students, and is the beneficiary of the Bradley endowment. New externally funded research grants and contracts during the past year totaled $7 million. A generous overhead return policy provides additional Departmental income. Virginia Tech is the senior land-grant university of the Commonwealth, located in Blacksburg adjacent to the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains. Highly selective in admissions, the University enrolls in its nine colleges some 18,000 undergraduate students and 4,500 graduate and professional students. The College of Engineering was the first among major public institutions to require each student to have a personal computer and its graduate and undergraduate programs are ranked nationally. Applications should include a current resume and the names, affiliations, and telephone numbers of at least three references. Send applications and nominations to: Dr. Gary S. Brown Chair, Search Committee Bradley Department of Electrical Engineering Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061 Virginia Tech has a strong commitment to the principle of diversity and, in that spirit, seeks a broad spectrum of candidates including women, people of color, and people with disabilities. Individuals with disabilities desiring accommodation in the application process should notify Kathy Atkins, Electrical Engineering Department, 703-231-4136 or TDD/PC - 1-800-828-1120 or Voice - 1-800-828-1140. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: S. Townley POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSISTANT IN SYSTEMS AND CONTROL AT THE UNIVERSITY OF EXETER to work with Prof.D.H.Owens (Engineering) Dr.S.Townley (Mathematics) of the Centre for Systems and Control Engineering, University of Exeter. Applications are invited for a post of postdoctoral research assistant to work on an EPSRC contract in the area of "Control and Systems Theory in the Synthesis and Analysis of Intelligent Dynamic Networks". The post is available for three years and it is expected that the successful applicant will be appointed on the 1st September 1994 or soon thereafter. The salary for the post is expected to be point 6 on the RA1A grade scale (currently 17,007 GB Pounds.) The proposed research project is a collaboration between engineers and mathematicians. It aims to develop and extend the application of techniques from systems and control theory, in the synthesis of nonlinear dynamical systems possessing fundamental properties of interest to the development of "Intelligent Networks". Such networks should be capable of learning desired transient behaviour, exhibiting this behaviour after a training cycle, storing the information and recalling it under appropriate stimuli. The research will be in the spirit of Kosko ("Neural networks and fuzzy systems - a dynamical systems approach to machine intelligence", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1992) and will exploit the extensive knowledge in the areas of Systems and Control engineering, infinite dimensional systems theory and nonlinear mathematics and the increasing knowledge of the richness of nonlinear systems dynamics to develop a control orientated approach to the construction of interconnections of simple linear and nonlinear elements with desired properties. This connectionist viewpoint and the constructive approach envisaged will guarantee that the maximum benefit will be obtained from the two areas and provides a feasibility study of the use for this paradigm in developing simple computational networks for application in intelligent control systems design and realization for robotics, transport systems, chemical process control and other areas. The theoretical component of the research requires that the research assistant has an extensive background in mathematical systems and control theory including nonlinear systems and an appreciation of the mathematical properties of infinite dimensional systems/partial differential equations. An ability to undertake computational studies using control and simulation software (MATLAB and SIMULINK) would be desirable. Further information can be obtained from Professor Owens (Tel: 0392 263689, E-mail: or Dr. Townley (Tel: 0392 263975, E-mail: Written and or email applications are required by Monday 15th August 1994 and should be sent to Professor D.H.Owens, Centre for Systems and Control Engineering, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QF, Devon, England or via email to either Prof. Owens or Dr. Townley. ****************************************** * * * Books * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Chaouki Abdallah - _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Dept of Electrical & Computer Engineering _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/_/ _/ / University of New Mexico _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ Albuquerque, NM 87131 _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ tel: (505) 277-0298 _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ fax: (505) 277-1439 or (505) 277-1413 NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT: AVAILABLE IN AUGUST 1994, SOLUTIONS MANUAL AVAILABLE IN OCTOBER 1994. Title: Linear Quadratic Control: An Introduction Authors: P. Dorato, C. Abdallah, and V. Cerone About the Book: An introductory text, "Linear Quadratic Control" covers problems of regulation, disturbance rejection, stochastic and robust control. The book examines linear quadratic control theory as one of the major analytical techniques for the design of multivariable feedback systems. The text includes a sampling of practical applications for both students and practicing engineers. It includes numerous realistic design problems solved with Matlab to illustrate the application of the theory. CONTENTS: Foreword by Michael Athans Notation Chapter1: Introduction {1.1}Historical Sketch {1.2}Prerequisites} {1.3}Organization and Scope of Text Chapter2: The LQR Problem {2.1}LQR Problem Statement {2.2}Hamilton--Jacobi Equation {2.3}LQR Solution: Matrix Riccati Equation {2.4}Riccati Equation Solution {2.5}Steady-State Regulator Problem {2.6}Sufficient Conditions for Optimality {2.7}Selection of $M$, $Q$, and $R$ Matrices {2.8}Matlab Software {2.9}Notes and References {2.10}Problems Chapter 3: Tracking and Disturbance Rejection {3.1}Tracking Problem {3.2}Disturbance-Rejection Problem {3.3}Disturbance-Rejection Solution {3.4}Steady-State and Preview Control {3.5}Unknown Disturbances {3.6}Matlab Software {3.7}Notes and References {3.8}Problems Chapter 4: LQR Robustness Properties {4.1}Robust-Stability Condition {4.2}Kalman's Inequality {4.3}Gain and Phase Margins {4.4}Matlab Software {4.5}Notes and References {4.6}Problems Chapter 5: Stochastic Control {5.1}Stochastic Differential Equations {5.2}Stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi Equation {5.3}Additive Disturbances {5.4}Multiplicative Disturbances {5.5}Sufficient Conditions for Optimality {5.6}Stochastic-Deterministic Dualism {5.7}Matlab Software {5.8}Notes and References} {5.9}Problems Chapter 6: The LQG Problem {6.1}Kalman-Bucy Filter {6.2}LQG Solution: Separation Principle {6.3}Fixed-Order Compensators {6.4}Matlab Software {6.5}Notes and References {6.6}Problems Chapter 7: Robustness Design {7.1}The Robustness Problem {7.2}LQG/LTR Design {7.3}Guaranteed-Cost Design {7.4}A Brief Survey of H_infinity Methods {7.5}Linear Matrix Inequality Methods {7.6}Matlab Software {7.7}Notes and References {7.8}Problems} Chapter 8: Digital Control {8.1}Digital-Control Issues {8.2}Discrete-Time LQR Problem {8.3}Discrete-Time LQR Optimization {8.4}Steady-State Control {8.5}Matlab Software {8.6}Notes and References {8.7}Problems Index Ordering Information: Linda Ratts, Prentice hall, 160 Gould Street, Needham Heights, MA 02194, USA. e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Ciontributed by: Elizabeth Carey, Birkhauser New Book Announcement FIRST-ORDER REPRESENTATIONS OF LINEAR SYSTEMS by M. Kuijper, University of Groningen, The Netherlands 1994 208 pp. Hardcover $49.50 ISBN 0-8176-3754-0 (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) The author develops representation theory from a behavioral point of view and focuses on various types of (generalized state space) first-order representations that commonly arise in the process of modeling. The book fortifies the reader's understanding with basic examples from electrical networks and mechanics. Contents: 1. Introduction * 2. Rational matrices and vector spaces: Algebraic preliminaries * Euclidean domains of rational functions * Pole/zero structure of a rational matrix * Wiener-Hopf structure of a rational matrix * Minimal basis of a rational vector space * Preliminary results for matrix pencils * 3. Representations of linear time-invariant systems: Dynamical systems * AR representations * ARMA representations * First-order representations * Systems with split external variables * 4. Minimality and transformation groups: Minimality of a P representation * Minimality of a D representation * Minimality of a DZ representation * Minimality of a DP representation * Transformation groups * 5. Realization in minimal first-order form: Realization in pencil form: the abstract procedure * The pencil realization in terms of a discrete-time behavior * Choosing bases * Connections with the Fuhrmann realization * 6. Structural invariants: Observability indices * Controllability indices * The input-output structure * 7. Conclusions * Bibliography * Index MODELLING, ANALYSIS AND CONTROL OF MULTI-LINK FLEXIBLE STRUCTURES by J.E. Lagnese, Georgetown University, G. Leugering, University of Bayreuth & E.J.P.G. Schmidt, McGill University 1994 389 pp. Hardcover $69.50 ISBN 0-8176-3705-2 (Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications) The book develops mathematical models of the transient behavior of some or all of the state variables describing the motion of multiple-link flexible structures; provides rigorous mathematical analyses of the resulting methods; and develops control-theoretic properties of multiple-link (multi-link) flexible structures based on the control-theoretic properties of the models. Contents: I. Introduction: General Overview * On the Contents of the Book * II. Modeling of Networks of Elastic Strings: Modeling of Nonlinear Elastic Strings * Networks of Nonlinear Elastic Strings * Linearization * Well-posedness of the Network Equations * Controllability of Networks of Elastic Strings * Stabilizability of String Networks * String Networks with Masses at the Nodes * III. Networks of Thermoelastic Beams: Modeling of a Thin Thermoelastic Curved Beam * The Equations of Motion * Rotating Beams * Straight, Untwisted, Nonshearable Nonlinear 3-d Beams * Straight, Untwisted Shearable Linear 3-d Beams * Shearable Nonlinear 2-d Beams with Curvature * A List of Beam Models * Networks of Beams * Rotating Two-link Flexible Nonlinear Shearable Beams * IV. A General Hyperbolic Model for Networks: The General Model * Some Special Cases * Existence and Regularity of Solutions * Energy Estimates for Hyperbolic Systems * Exact Controllability of the Network Model * Stabilizability of the Network Model * V. Spectral Analysis and Numerical Simulations: Preliminaries * Eigenvalue Problems for Networks of 1-d Elements * Numerical Simulations of Controlled 1-d Networks * Finite Element Approximations of Timoshenko Networks * Implicity Runge- Kutta Method: Dry Friction at Joints * VI. Interconnected Membranes: Modeling of Dynamic Nonlinear Elastic Membranes * Systems of Interconnected Elastic Membranes * Controllability of Linked Isotropic Membranes * VII. Systems of Linked Plates: Modeling of Dynamic Nonlinear Elastic Plates * Linearization * Systems of Linked Reissner Plates * Well-posedness of Systems of Linked Reissner Plates * Controllability of Linked Reissner Plates * Systems of Linked Kirchhoff Plates * VIII. Plate-Beam Systems: Introduction * Modeling of the Plate-Beam Junction: I * Function Spaces and Well-Posedness * The Reachable Set * Limit Model as the Shear Moduli Approach Infinity * Modeling of a Plate-Beam Junction: II * Bibliography * Index Ordering Information: In North America: Birkhauser, 675 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139 Tel: 1 800 777-4643 / 201 348-4033 Fax: 201 348 4505 Outside North America: Birkhauser Verlag AG, Klosterberg 23, P.O. Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Tel: 41 61 721 7400 Fax: 41 61 721 7666 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: P. vanden Bosch NEW BOOK Title: Modeling, Identification and Simulation of Dynamical Systems. Authors: P.P.J. van den Bosch (Technical University of Eindhoven) and A.C. van der Klauw (Technical University of Delft), Publisher: CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 195, ISBN 0-8493-9181-4 This book gives an in-depth introduction in the areas of modeling, identification, simulation and optimization. These closely-related topics play an increasingly dominant part in many engineering areas. A short contents: Modeling: Model building approaches, mathematical models both continuous and discrete, state-events, differential-algebraic equations (DAE), bond graphs. Identification: black-box models (FIR, ARMAX, OE, BJ), signal spectra, stochastic quantities. Non-parametric identification, ETFE, persistence of excitation. Parametric identification, prediction models, least- squares method, approximate identification. Identification in practice, experiment design, input design, data preprocessing, model structure selection, model validation Simulation: Numerical solution of differential equations, numerical solution of algebraic equations, solving stiff-differential equations and differential-algebraic equations. Optimization: convergence, determination od step size, determination of search direction, least-squares problem, optimization with constraints. ****************************************** * * * Journals * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: L.W. Chang, Center for Biomedical Engineering National Taiwan University Call for Papers Special Issue on Biomedical Systems Engineering The Journal of Biomedical Engineering - Applications, Basis, Communications (an official bimonthly publication of the Biomedical Engineering Society of the Republic of China, Taiwan) is planning to have a special issue on Biomedical Systems Engineering in the spring of 1995. Reviews, regular papers and communications are all welcome. Only original contributions will be considered and all papers will be peer-reviewed. Potential areas may include: Biomedical System Modeling Biodynamics Biocontrol Bioprocess and Biotechnology Systems Biomedical System Identification Biomedical System Integration The manuscripts should be received by December 1, 1994. Please send the manuscripts to Dr. Liang-Wey Chang Center for Biomedical Engineering College of Medicine National Taiwan University Taipei, Taiwan *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by Huibert Kwakernaak MATERIAL FOR ISSUE 30:8 OF THE IFAC JOURNAL AUTOMATICA Volume 30 Number 8 August 1994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SURVEY PAPER C. P. Jobling, P. W. Grant Object-oriented Programming in Control H. A. Barker and P. Townsend System Ddesign: A Survey PAPERS G. C. Goodwin and Mario Salgado Frequency Domain Sensitivity Functions for Continuous Time Systems Under Sampled Data Control A. Delopoulos and Consistent Identification of Stochastic G. B. Giannakis Linear Systems with Noisy Input-Output Data L. Leyval, S. Gentil and Model-based Causal Reasoning for Process S. Feray-Beaumont Supervision T. Iwasaki and R. E. Skelton All Controllers for the General Control Problem: LMI Existence Conditions and State Space Formulas R. A. Hilhorst, J. van Amerongen, A Supervisor for Control of Modeswitch P. Lohnberg and Processes H. J. A. F. Tulleken BRIEF PAPERS Q. Xia, M. Rao, Y. Ying and Adaptive Fading Kalman Filter with an X. Shen Application J-M. Chen and B-S. Chen A Higher-order Correlation Method for Model-Order and Parameter Estimation P. Crnosija, S. Bogdan and Sensitivity Model and Synthesis of Dead- Z. Kovacic Beat Algorithms in Digital Servosystems *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Volume 32, Number 6, November 1994 Contents Robust Stability of Linear Evolution Operators on Banach Spaces D. Hinrichsen and A. J. Pritchard Solution Differentiability for Nonlinear Parametric Control Problems Helmut Maurer and Hans Josef Pesch Comments on a Structural Approach to the Nonlinear Model Matching Problem U. Kotta Recursive Algorithms for Solving a Class of Nonlinear Matrix Equations with Applications to Certain Sensitivity Optimization Problems Wei-Yong Yan, John B. Moore, and Uwe Helmke Optimal Problems for Nonlinear Parabolic Boundary Control Systems H. O. Fattorini and T. Murphy On Brockett's Condition for Smooth Stabilizability and Its Necessity in a Context of Nonsmooth Feedback E. P. Ryan Abnormal Minimizers Richard Montgomery Inverse Function Theorems and Shape Optimization Luc Doyen Estimation of Interfaces from Boundary Measurements Karl Kunisch and Xiaosu Pan Feedback Stabilization over Commutative Rings: The Matrix Case V. R. Sule Robust Indirect Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Plants with Unmodeled Dynamics and Disturbances Sanjeev M. Naik and P. R. Kumar Information Structures, Causality and Non-Sequential Stochastic Control II: Design-Dependent Properties Mark S. Andersland and Demosthenis Teneketzis On Convergence of Iterated Random Maps John R. Liukkonen and Arnold Levine Minimizing the Euclidean Condition Number Richard D. Braatz and Manfred Morari Continuity of Best Hankel Approximation and Convergence of Near- Best Approximants Charles K. Chui and Xin Li On One Identification Problem for Distributed Controllable Systems Benzion Shklyar and Victor Bakhmutsky *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: SIAM J. OF OPTIMIZATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Volume 4, number 4 Large Scale, Nonlinearly Constrained Optimization on a 1024 Processor nCube J. H. Glick and J. B. Rosen Evaluation of LargeScale Optimization Problems on Vector and Parallel Architectures Brett M. Averick and Jorge J. More Serial and Parallel Multicategory Discrimination Kristin P. Bennett and O. L. Mangasarian An Extension of the DQA Algorithm to Convex Stochastic Programs Adam J. Berger, John M. Mulvey, and Andrzej Ruszczynski Problem Formulation for Multidisciplinary Optimization Evin J. Cramer, J. E. Dennis, Jr., Paul D. Frank, Robert Michael Lewis, and Gregory R. Shubin Coordination in CoarseGrained Decomposition R. DeLeone, R. R. Meyer, S. Kontogiorgis, A. Zakarian, and G. Zakeri Parallel BranchandBound Algorithms for General Mixed Integer Programming on the CM5 Jonathan Eckstein Parallel Variable Distribution M. C. Ferris and O. L.Mangasarian Parallel Factorization of Structured Matrices Arising in Stochastic Programming Elizabeth R. Jessup, Dafeng Yang, and Stavros A. Zenios Structured Linear LeastSquares Problems in System Identification and Separable Nonliner Data Fitting Linda Kaufman, Garrett S. Sylvester, and Margaret H. Wright Serial and Parallel Computation of KarushKuhnTucker Points via Nonsmooth Equations JongShi Pang A Stochastic Method for Constrained Global Optimization Klaus Ritter and Stefan Schaffler *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Richard Brualdi LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS Contents Volumes 208/209 Preface 1 Man-Duen Choi and Peter Rosenthal (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) A Survey of Chandler Davis 3 Fuad Kittaneh (Amman, Jordan) On Some Operator Inequalities 19 Man-Duen Choi (Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Mary Beth Ruskai (Lowell, Massachusetts), and Eugene Seneta (Sydney, Australia) Equivalence of Certain Entropy Contraction Coefficients 29 Kenneth R. Davidson and Marc S. Ordower (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) Some Exact Distance Constants 37 V. Olevskii and M. Solomyak (Rehovot, Israel) An Estimate for Schur Multipliers in Sp-Classes 57 T. Ando (Sapporo, Japan) and F. Hiai (Mito, Ibaraki, Japan) Inequality Between Powers of Positive Semidefinite Matrices 65 Gerd M. Krause (Bielefeld, Germany) Bounds for the Variation of Matrix Eigenvalues and Polynomial Roots 73 Ludwig Elsner (Bielefeld, Germany) Perturbation Theorems for the Joint Spectrum of Commuting Matrices: A Conservative Approach 83 Michael Stewart (Urbana, Illinois) and George Cybenko (Hanover, New Hampshire) Perfect-Reconstruction Filtering With Unitary Operators and Projections 97 Stephen Pierce (San Diego, California) and Leiba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia) Lipschitz Properties of Some Actions of Matrix Groups 135 C. Laurie (Tuscaloosa, Alabama), B. Mathes (Waterville, Maine), and H. Radjavi (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) Sums of Idempotents 175 D. Przeworska-Rolewicz (Warszawa, Poland) Remarks on Commutators With Operators Having Either Finite Nullity or Finite Deficiency 199 Avraham Feintuch (Beersheva, Israel) Gap Metric Robustness for Linear Time-Varying Systems 209 Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan) A Note on the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality for Every Unitarily Invariant Matrix Norm 223 Don Hadwin (Durham, New Hampshire) An Algebraic Version of the Multiplication Property of the Fredholm Index 229 Alexander Markus (Beer-Sheva, Israel) and Vladimir Matsaev (Ramat-Aviv, Israel) The Failure of Factorization of Positive Matrix Functions on Noncircular Contours 231 Sujit Kumar Mitra (New Delhi, India) Separation Theorems 239 Jin-Hsien Wang (Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China) and Pei Yuan Wu (Hsinchu, Taiwan, Republic of China) Difference and Similarity Models of Two Idempotent Operators 257 T. Ando (Sapporo, Japan) and Richard A. Brualdi (Madison, Wisconsin) Sign-Central Matrices 283 G. W. Stewart (College Park, Maryland) Perturbation Theory for Rectangular Matrix Pencils 297 C. C. Paige (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) and M. Wei (Shanghai, China) History and Generality of the CS Decomposition 303 Mihaly Bakonyi (Atlanta, Georgia) and Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) Invertible Completions of Partial Operator Matrices: The Nonsymmetric Case 327 R. McEachin (Fort Wayne, Indiana) Analyzing Specific Cases of an Operator Inequality 343 Rajendra Bhatia (New Delhi, India) First and Second Order Perturbation Bounds for the Operator Absolute Value 367 Ilya Spitkovsky (Williamsburg, Virginia) Once More on Algebras Generated by Two Projections 377 Khakim D. Ikramov and Vadim N. Chugunov (Moscow, Russia) On the Teng Inverse Eigenvalue Problem 397 Seppo Hassi and Kenneth Nordstrom (Helsinki, Finland) On Projections in a Space With an Indefinite Metric 401 M. Omladic (Ljubljana, Slovenia), M. Radjabalipour (Kerman, Iran), and H. Radjavi (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada) On Semigroups of Matrices With Traces in a Subfield 419 W. O. Amrein (Geneva, Switzerland) and Kalyan B. Sinha (New Delhi, India) On Pairs of Projections in a Hilbert Space 425 Karl Gustafson (Boulder, Colorado) Antieigenvalues 437 S. Friedland (Chicago, Illinois) and M. Katz (Haifa, Israel) On the Maximal Spectral Radius of Even Tournament Matrices and the Spectrum of Almost Skew-Symmetric Compact Operators 455 Ren-Cang Li (Berkeley, California) On Eigenvalue Variations of Rayleigh Quotient Matrix Pencils of a Definite Pencil 471 Daniel Alpay (Beer-Sheva, Israel), Joseph A. Ball (Blacksburg, Virginia), Israel Gohberg (Tel-Aviv, Ramat-Aviv, Israel), and Leiba Rodman (Williamsburg, Virginia) The Two-Sided Residue Interpolation in the Stieltjes Class for Matrix Functions 485 J. A. Dias Da Silva (Lisboa, Portugal), Daniel Hershkowitz (Haifa, Israel), and Hans Schneider (Madison, Wisconsin) Sum Decompositions of Symmetric Matrices 523 P. A. Fuhrmann (Beer-Sheva, Israel) On Skew Primeness of Inner Functions 539 Author Index 553 2081f-la.k (Contents - vol. 208/209) *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by:A.H.Zemanian ( Table of Contents for: CIRCUITS, SYSTEMS, AND SIGNAL PROCESSING Vol. 13, No. 5, 1994 Voltage step-up filters not using transformers, R.J.Duffin On the design of output feedback for finite and infinite pole assignment in singular systems with application to the control problem of constrained robots, A.Ailon Some estimates pertaining to sensitivity and robust stability on input-output systems, Vaclav Dolezal Nonlinear map inversion via state observers, S.Nicosia, A.Tornambe, and P.Valigi Complex coefficient FIR digital filters, M.J.Mismar and I.H.Zabalawi Two's complement quantization in orthogonal biquad digital filters, Tamal Bose, M.Q.Chen, and David A.Trautman Derivation of recursive stability-test procedures, A.Lepschy and U. Viaro A mathematical framework for algorithm-based fault-tolerant computing over a ring of integers, Hari Krishna *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Eduardo Sontag MATH OF CONTROL, SIGNALS, AND SYSTEMS TABLE OF CONTENTS, Vol. 7, No. 4 Tryphon Georgiou, Differential stability and robust control of nonlinear systems, pp. 289-306. Corrado Deconcini and Fabio Fagnani, Symmetries of differential behaviors and finite group actions on free modules over a polynomial ring, pp. 307-321. Daniel E. Miller and Edward J. Davison, On asymptotic model matching, pp. 322-340. A. Pastor and V. Hernandez, Differential periodic Riccati equations: Existence and uniqueness of nonnegative definite solutions, pp. 341-362. Yu-Fan Zheng and Li Cao, On general construction of reduced inverse for controlled systems, pp. 363-379. Author Index for Vol 6, p. 380 Subject Index for Vol 6, p. 381 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: T.H.Lee Mechatronics, Pergamon Press Vol.4, No. 3, 1994 Contents: "Mechatronics education developments in the United States: the perspective from Louisiana Sate University." by R.A.Hirschfeld, T.W.Liao and L.K.Keys "Experiments in cooperative manipulation from a flexibly mounted platform." by R.L.Vasquez and R.H.Cannon, Jr. "Initial experiments in robotic mushroom harvesting," by J.N.Reed and R.D.Tillett "Software and transputer system design for high speed grading of agriculture products," by J.A.Marchant and R.D.Tillett "Generic model of an autonomous sensor," by F.Figueroa and A.Mahajan "A fixed parameter optimal controller design for an active suspension - a senitivity analysis," by C.A.Peterson et al "Object tracking at field rate using the Hough Transform," by L.Montret, H.Ekerol and D.C.Hodgson. The purpose of Mechatronics journal is to provide rapid publication of topical papers featuring practical developments in mechatronics. It will cover a wide range of applications areas including consumer product design, instrumentation, manufacturing methods, computer integration and process and device control, and will attract a readership from across the industrial and academic spectrum. Particular importance will be attached to aspects of innovation in mechatronics design philosophy which will illustrate the benefits obtainable by an a priori integration of functionality with embedded microprocessor control. A major item will be the design of machines, devices and systems possessing a degree of computer based intelligence. The journal seeks to publish research progress in this field with an emphasis on the applied rather than the theoretical. It will also serve the dual role of bringing greater recognition to this important area of engineering. Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate to either of the Editors-in-Chief whose contact information is listed below. Dr. R. W. Daniel Department of Engineering Science University of Oxford Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PJ U.K. Professor J. R. Hewit Department of Applied Physics, Electronics and Manufacturing Engrg University of Dundee Dundee DD1 4HN U.K. ****************************************** * * * Conferences * * * ****************************************** *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Alessandro De Luca Second Announcement and Call for Papers European Control Conference (ECC 95) September 5--8, 1995 Roma, Italy Under the auspices of the ECCA In cooperation with IFAC In collaboration with the IEEE Control Systems Society %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Scope of the Conference The European Control Conference is an event that is organized every two years, with the aim to stimulate contacts between scientists active in the area of Systems and Control. The first two conferences took place in Grenoble in 1991 and in Groningen in 1993. The third edition will take place in Roma in 1995. The primary goal of the conference is to promote scientific exchange within the European community and between Europa and other parts of the world. The scope of the conference includes all aspects of Systems and Control, and ranges from fundamental research to applications in process control and advanced technology. Topics of interest include multivariable control, systems modelling and identification, adaptive control, optimal control, filtering, robotics, aerospace systems, neural networks applied to control, and control of chemical processes. Keynote Speakers J. Ackermann (Oberpfaffenhofen) H. Kwakernaak (Twente) V.A. Yakubovich (St. Petersburg) Special Topics Lecturers P. Bernhard (Sophia Antipolis) B. De Moor (Leuven) B. Francis (Toronto) K. Glover (Cambridge) H. Kimura (Osaka) A.S. Morse (Yale) C. Scherer (Delft) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Minicourses Discrete Event Dynamical Systems G. Olsder (Delft) Vision Systems and Control Theory G. Picci (Padova) Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems L. Praly (Paris) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Organizing Committee A. Isidori (chair, program) S. Bittanti (program) E. Mosca (program) A. De Luca (publications) M.D. Di Benedetto (finances) G. Oriolo (secretary) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% International Program Committee P. Albertos (Valencia) A. Bagchi (Enschede) A. Benveniste (Rennes) R. Boel (Gent) C. Bonivento (Bologna) E.F. Camacho (Sevilla) G. Campion (Louvain) H. Chen (Beijing) D. Clarke (Oxford) R. David (Grenoble) B. Egardt (Goteborg) R. Evans (Melbourne) B.A. Francis (Toronto) R.V. Gamkrelidze (Moscow) J. Geromel (Sao Paulo) T. Glad (Linkoping) G. Guardabassi (Milano) A. Halanay (Bucharest) M. Ikeda (Kobe) R. Isermann (Darmstadt) B. Jakubczyk (Warszawa) S.B. Jorgensen (Lyngby) P.P. Khargonekar (Ann Arbor) M. Kinnaert (Bruxelles) A.J. Krener (Davis) V. Kucera (Praha) A. Kurzhanski (Moscow) J.M. Lemos (Lisboa) J.N. Limebeer (London) R. Lozano (Compiegne) J.M. Maciejowski (Cambridge) C. Maffezzoni (Milano) G. Marchesini (Padova) G. Marro (Bologna) V. Mehrmann (Chemnitz) M. Milanese (Torino) F. Nicolo' (Roma) S. Nicosia (Roma) G. Picci (Padova) J.-B. Pomet (Sophia Antipolis) I. Postlethwaite (Leicester) L. Praly (Paris) P.J. Ramadge (Princeton) C. Samson (Sophia Antipolis) L. Sciavicco (Napoli) F. Silva-Leite (Coimbra) T. Soderstrom (Uppsala) A. Stoorvogel (Eindhoven) H.L. Trentelman (Groningen) J. Tsinias (Athens) H. Unbehauen (Bochum) A.J. van der Schaft (Enschede) J.H. van Schuppen (Amsterdam) V. Yakubovich (St. Petersburg) M. Zeitz (Stuttgart) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ECC 95 is organized with the cooperation of Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita' di Roma ``La Sapienza'' Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica Universita' di Firenze %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Topics and Themes for Contributed Papers and Invited Sessions %%% Control Methodology Modelling and identification Linear and nonlinear feedback design Robust control H_infinity-control Adaptive control Optimization methods Stochastic filtering and control Neural and learning systems Discrete-event dynamical systems Numerical aspects in feedback design %%% Applications and Implementation Aerospace engineering Algorithms and architectures for real-time control Automotive control Components and instrumentation Computer-aided control systems design Control applications in manufacturing Process control Robotics Vehicle dynamics and control %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The European Control Conferences are held under the auspices of the European Community Control Association (ECCA) J.C. Willems (NL) (President) M. Gevers (B) (Vice-President) A. Isidori (I) (Vice-president) P. Frank (D) (Secretary) H. Nijmeijer (NL) (Treasurer) } J. Ackermann (D) D. Aeyels (B) G. Bastin (B) S. Bittanti (I) O.H. Bosgra (NL) J.M. Dion (F) J.M. de Carvalho (P) A. Dourado (P) P. Fleming (UK) M. Fliess (F) I.D. Landau (F) J. Levine (F) G. Lunze (D) J.M. Maciejowski (UK) S. Monaco (I) E. Mosca (I) D. Normand-Cyrot (F) I. Postlethwaite (UK) A.J. Pritchard (UK) J. Quevedo (E) R. Strietzel (D) A. Titli (F) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Instructions for Authors and Special Session Proposals %%% Papers Perspective authors should submit four copies of their draft paper by October 1, 1994. The length of the paper should be about eight typed pages. The cover page should contain: title, author's name, affiliation and address, fax number, e-mail address, telephone number, an abstract and five keywords. In the case of joint authorship, the first name mentioned will be used for all correspondence, unless otherwise requested. %%% Invited sessions Proposals for invited sessions should be submitted by October 1, 1994. An invited session should comprise 4 or 5 lectures of 30 minutes each. The proposal should contain the title of each lecture as well as the name, affiliation and address, fax number, e-mail address and telephone number of each proposed speaker. In addition, a four page abstract of each lecture is required. Invited sessions will be refereed. %%% Exhibits Stands will be available for technical exhibits and display of scientific books. %%% Technical Secretariat Papers and proposals for invited sessions should be sent to: ECC 95 Secretariat Alessandro De Luca Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita' degli Studi di Roma ``La Sapienza'' Via Eudossiana 18 00184 Roma ITALY E-mail: Fax: +39 6 44585 367 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% General Information Time and location The European Control Conference will take place from Tuesday September 5 to Friday September 8, 1995, in the School of Engineering of the University of Rome ``La Sapienza''. In early September, the `eternal city' offers to visitors its best aspects in terms of climate and accommodation. Registration fee The registration fee of the conference is expected to be 500.000 Italian Liras (approximately equivalent to 280 ECUs or 300 US $). Language The official language of the conference is English. Accommodation Information about hotel reservations will be provided. Important Dates October 1, 1994 Submission of papers and proposals of special sessions March 15, 1995 Notification of acceptance of contributed papers and of special sessions April 30, 1995 Final version of paper due September 5--8, 1995 Conference *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by the program chairs of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control 1994. 9th IEEE International Symposium on INTELLIGENT CONTROL August 16-18, 1994 Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza Columbus, Ohio, USA Sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society INVITATION On behalf of the IEEE Control Systems Society, the Program and Organizing Committees invite you to participate in the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control (ISIC). ISIC has always been, what I consider, a friendly, intimate gathering. The conference site, at the Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza provides a particularly good layout for discussions and exchange of ideas. The Program Committee has selected an excellent set of papers, and with the Tutorial Workshops, this promises to be an exciting three days in Columbus. Umit Ozguner, General Chair ISIC'94 SYMPOSIUM HIGHLIGHTS Topics of interest include: - Architectures for intelligent control - Hierarchical intelligent control - Distributed intelligent systems - Modeling intelligent systems - Mathematical analysis of intelligent systems - Discrete event systems - Hybrid systems - Design techniques for intelligent controllers - Knowledge-based and expert systems - Planning systems - Fuzzy systems and fuzzy control - Machine learning and adaptive systems - Genetic algorithms - Neural networks and neural control - Reconfigurable control - Multisensor fusion and integration - Pattern recognition - Failure detection and identification - Applications and implementations - Robotics - Manufacturing systems - Automotive and transportation systems - Intelligent vehicle highway systems - Aircraft, spacecraft, and satellites - Underwater and land vehicles - Process operations and control - Consumer products Plenary Presentations Each day begins with a Plenary Lecture: Wednesday: James S. Albus, Nat. Inst. of Standards and Tech. "Intelligent Control --- From Theory to Practice" Thursday: Robert Stengel, Princeton University "Intelligent Control of Automotive Systems" Panel Discussion Defining Intelligent Control Organizer: Panos J. Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame IEEE CSS Task Force, Chair Moderator: Umit Ozguner, The Ohio State University IEEE CSS Committee on Intelligent Control, Chair Panelists: James S. Albus, National Inst. of Standards and Technology Panos J. Antsaklis, University of Notre Dame J. Douglas Birdwell, University of Tennessee Alexander M. Meystel, Drexel University Kumpati S. Narendra, Yale University Harry E. Stephanou, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute This panel discussion will be held on Thursday from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tutorial and Workshops Workshops: "Architectures for Intelligent Control Systems." Organizer/Moderator: A. M. Meystel, Drexel University "Neural Networks" Organizer/Moderator: L. Berke, NASA Lewis Research Center Tutorial: "One Aspect of IVHS: The Automated Highway System." ORGANIZING COMMITTEE General Chair: Umit Ozguner Program Chairs: Michael B. Leahy, Jr. Levent Acar Registration Chair: Jeff Donne Publications Chair: John S. Bay Finance Chair: Kevin M. Passino Local Arrangements Chair: James F. Davis PROGRAM COMMITTEE J. S. Albus, National Institute of Standards and Technology J. R. Balaram, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory J. S. Bay, Virginia Polytechnic Institute H. R. Berenji, NASA Ames Research Center M. Buehler, McGill University J. Farrell, University of California at Riverside J. T. Feddema, Sandia National Laboratory T. Fukuda, Nagoya University, Japan O. Kaynak, Bogazici University, Turkey M. M. Kokar, Northeastern University M. D. Lemmon, University of Notre Dame A. M. Meystel, Drexel University K. M. Passino, The Ohio State University S. V. Rao, University of Missouri-Rolla H. E. Rauch, Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory T. M. Sobh, University of Utah K. P. Valavanis, University of Southwestern Louisiana Y. F. Zheng, The Ohio State University SYMPOSIUM INFORMATION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Form --- IEEE ISIC'94 Name __________________________________________________________________ Name on badge _________________________________________________________ Affiliation ___________________________________________________________ Department ____________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________ City, State _______________________________________ ZIP _______________ Country _______________________ Fax ___________________________________ Accompanying Guest's Name _____________________________________________ IEEE Membership Number ________________________________________________ Email _________________________________________________________________ (Please circle) IEEE Member Non-member Student or Retiree Adv. Reg. Fee $220 $250 $60 Onsite Reg. Fee $250 $280 $80 Tutorial (w/o conf.) $150 $200 $75 Tutorial (with conf.) $100 $120 $40 Workshop $40 $50 $30 Add. Proc. Copies $60 $75 No. ____ Add. Banquet Tickets $30 each No. ____ Workshop Number ____ Conference Registration Total _______ The society and non-member symposium registration fee includes one proceedings copy, one banquet ticket, and one complimentary drink ticket. All workshop registrations received after the advanced registration deadline must be at the nonmember rate. To avoid workshop cancellation, please preregister. Please make check or money order in US dollars payable to "9th IEEE ISIC'94" and mail payment with this form to the registration chair at the address below. Alternatively, you can charge the total amount by filling in the following information: Mastercard ___ Visa ___ American Express ___ Number: ___________________________ Expiration Date: ________ Signature _____________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the form, cut it out and mail it to Jeff Donne AEG, Automation Systems Group P.O. BOX: 490 Pittsburgh, PA 15230 Telephone: (412)873-9300 Fax: (412)873-9641 Email: Symposium Advanced Registration Deadline: July 15, 1994 Registration after this date is at the onsite rate. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hotel Reservation Form --- IEEE ISIC'94 Name __________________________________________________________________ Affiliation ___________________________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________ City, State _______________________________________ ZIP ______________ Country _______________________ Fax __________________________________ Sharing room with _____________________________________________________ Arrival Date ______________________ Arrival Time ______________________ Departure Date ________________________________________________________ Reservations must be received by August 5, 1994 and must include a one night deposit. Please reserve _____ single room(s) at $98 per room (plus tax) Please reserve _____ double room(s) at $98 per room (plus tax) Please pay in U.S. dollars by either check, money order, or credit card: Mastercard ___ Visa ___ American Express ___ Number: ___________________________ Expiration Date: ________ Signature _____________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- After completing the form, please cut it out and mail it to: Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza 33 Nationwide Blvd. Columbus, OH 43215 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: (Lee Giles) CALL FOR PAPERS International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (IWANNT*95) Stockholm, Sweden May 22-24, 1995 You are invited to submit a paper to an international workshop on applications of neural networks and other intelligent systems to problems in telecommunications and information networking. This is the second workshop in a series that began in Princeton, New Jersey on October, 18-20 1993. This conference will take place in the center of Stockholm at a time of the year when the beautiful city is at its best. A tour in the famous archipelago adds to the attraction. This workshop will bring together active researchers in neural networks and related intelligent systems with potential users in the telecommunications industries. Today, telecommunications also means data transmission, cable TV, wireless, and entertainment industries. We expect the workshop to be a forum for discussion of applications issues relevant to the enlarged circle of telecommunications industries. It is sponsored by IEEE, INNS, SNNS (Swedish Neuronet Society), Bellcore and Ericsson. Suggested Topics: Application of Neural Networks and other Intelligent Systems in: Network Management Congestion Control Adaptive Equalization Speech Recognition Security Verification Language ID/Translation Information Filtering Dynamic Routing Software Reliability Fraud Detection Financial and Market Prediction Adaptive User Interfaces Fault Identification and Prediction Character Recognition Adaptive Control Data Compression Please submit 6 copies of both a 50 word abstract and a 1000 word summary of your paper to arrive in New Jersey, USA by September 16, 1994. Mail papers to the conference administrator: Betty Greer, IWANNT*95 Bellcore, MRE 2P-295 445 South St. Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 829-4993 (fax) 829-5888 Abstract and Summary Due: September 16, 1994 Author Notification of Acceptance: November 1, 1994 Camera-Ready Copy of Paper Due: February 10, 1995 Organizing Committee: General Chair Josh Alspector Bellcore, MRE 2P-396 445 South St. Morristown, NJ 07960-6438 (201) 829-4342 Program Chair Rod Goodman Caltech 116-81 Pasadena, CA 91125 (818) 356-3677 Publications Chair Timothy X Brown Bellcore, MRE 2E-378 445 South St. Morristown, NJ 07960-6438 (201) 829-4314 Treasurer Anthony Jayakumar, Bellcore Publicity Atul Chhabra, NYNEX Lee Giles, NEC Local Arrangements Miklos Boda, Ellemtel Bengt Asker, Ericsson Program Committee Harald Brandt, Ellemtel Tzi-Dar Chiueh, National Taiwan University Francoise Fogelman, SLIGOS Michael Gell, British Telecom Larry Jackel, AT&T Bell Laboratories Thomas John, Southwestern Bell Adam Kowalczyk, Telecom Australia S Y Kung, Princeton University Tadashi Sone, NTT Bernard Widrow, Stanford University Conference Administrator Betty Greer Bellcore, MRE 2P-295 445 South St. Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 829-4993 (fax) 829-5888 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (IWANNT*95) Stockholm, Sweden May 22-24, 1995 Registration Form Name: _____________________________________________________________ Institution: __________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________________________ I will attend | | Send more information | | Paper enclosed | | Registration Fee Enclosed | | ($400; $500 after Apr. 15, 1995; $200 students;) Please make sure your name is on the check (made out to IWANNT*95) Registration includes lunch, a boat tour of the Stockholm archipelago, and proceedings available at the conference. Mail to: Betty Greer, IWANNT*95 Bellcore, MRE 2P-295 445 South St. Morristown, NJ 07960 (201) 829-4993 (fax) 829-5888 Deadline for submissions: September 16, 1994 Author Notification of Acceptance: November 1, 1994 Camera-Ready Copy of Paper Due: February 10, 1995 -- C. Lee Giles / NEC Research Institute / 4 Independence Way Princeton, NJ 08540 / 609-951-2642 / Fax 2482 == *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** WORKSHOP ANNOUNCEMENT XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 1994 IEEE-IMS Information Theory Workshop ``INFORMATION THEORY AND STATISTICS'' XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX October 27--29, 1994 Alexandria, Virginia GENERAL CHAIRMAN Stamatis Cambanis, University of North Carolina INQUIRIES -------------------------------------- The exchange of ideas between information theorists and statisticians has grown steadily over time, underscoring the deep connections between the two disciplines. The objective of the Workshop is to nurture this process by providing both communities with a forum for interaction. The program includes five plenary and two special talks, six invited sessions (each jointly organized by members of the Information Theory and the Statistics communities) and two poster sessions. A tentative list of plenary and special speakers, invited sessions and session organizers is given below. PLENARY SPEAKERS T. Cover (Stanford) D. Geman (U. Mass.) R. Gray (Stanford) J. Rissanen (IBM San Jose) M. Vetterli (Berkeley) SPECIAL SPEAKERS A. Dembo (Stanford) H. V. Poor (Princeton) INVITED SESSIONS 1. ``Stochastic complexity and universal data compression'' IT: J. Ziv (Technion) STAT: P. Shields (Toledo) 2. ``Randomization complexity and information theory'' IT: S. Verdu (Princeton) STAT: M. Burnashev (Moscow) 3. ``Markov random fields'' IT: M. Miller (Washington U.) STAT: L. Pitt (U. Va.) 4. ``Vector quantization, classification and regression trees'' IT: R. Gray (Stanford) STAT: R. Olshen (Stanford) 5. ``Theory and applications of wavelets'' IT: S. Mallat (NYU) STAT: D. Donoho (Stanford) 6. ``Nonparametric function estimation'' IT: E. Masry (UCSD) STAT: I. Johnstone (Stanford) TRAVEL GRANTS A limited number of travel grants may be available for young participants or those whose resources will not enable them to attend the Workshop. Inquiries on travel grants, registration and other matters related to the Workshop should be addressed to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee: Professor Geoffrey C. Orsak Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030 email: WORKSHOP SPONSORS IEEE Information Theory Society Institute of Mathematical Statistics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS CONFERENCE HOTEL The Workshop will be held in the Holiday Inn, Old Town Alexandria in Alexandria, Virginia: Holiday Inn 1-703-549-6080 480 King Street 1-800-368-5047 Old Town Alexandria Virginia, 22314 Rooms have been reserved at the reduced rates of $115 per single room per night $130 per double room per night ($15 per extra person per night) When making reservations, please inform the Hotel that you are with the IEEE Information Theory Workshop. (Hotel Check in time is 3:00) ABOUT ALEXANDRIA Alexandria, located on the west bank of the Potomac River six miles south of Washington, D.C., was established in 1749 as a seaport and commercial center. This heritage is reflected today in the Old Town Alexandria historic district where one can find cobblestone streets lined with museums, historic architecture, fine restaurants and hotels. These and other attractions draw more than 1.5 million international and domestic visitors each year. The Alexandria Holiday Inn is located right in the heart of the historic district. All of the major activities of Old Town Alexandria are within walking distance to the workshop hotel. TRANSPORTATION The Workshop Hotel offers free shuttle service from Washington National Airport. The shuttle can be accessed by calling the Holiday Inn upon your arrival. In addition, for those wishing to visit Washington, D.C., the workshop hotel offers free shuttle service to the nearest metro stop. The metro rail system offers quick transportation to all the major points of interest within the metropolitan area. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REGISTRATION 1994 Information Theory Workshop October 27-29, 1994 Alexandria, VA Conference Registration Form First Name: _________________ Middle Initial: ___ Last Name: ______________________________________ Position/Title: _________________________________ Affiliation: ____________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ City: __________________ State: _________________ Postal Code: __________ Country: ________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ E-mail: __________________ Fax: _________________ Conference Fees Before After Aug. 31, 94 Aug. 31, 94 IEEE/IMS Member: _ US $130 _ US $190 Membership #: __________ Expiration Date: ______ Non-member: _ US $190 _ US $250 Student (attach evidence): _ US $80 Total Registration Fee: ............US $________ All payments must be made in US $ in the form of personal check or bank check (credit cards can not be accepted), payable to: 1994 Information Theory Workshop Payment should be sent together with the registration form to: Professor Bernd-Peter Paris Dept. Electrical and Computer Engineering George Mason University Fairfax, VA 22030 e-mail: *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Prof.H.Kashiwagi CALL FOR PAPERS ICAUTO-95 (International Conference on Automation) December 12-14,1995,Indore,India The International Conference ICAUTO'95 is scheduled in technical co-sponsorship with the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE),Japan at Indore in India on Dec.12-14,1995 to bring the researchers from east and west together to dicuss high quality research in the field of computer based automation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following areas: *Intelligent Robots *Autonomous Systems *Virtual Environments *Artificial Intelligence *Robot Human Collaboration *Man Machine Interfaces *Process Automation *Distributed Systems *Office Automation *Fault Tolerance *Neural Networks *Fuzzy Systems *Mechatronics *Computer Vision *CAD/CAM *Sensor Fusion *Software Tools *Applications Paper Submission: Submit a summary of the paper to any of the following co-ordinators, formatted as follows: First page -title, authors, mailing address of each author, telephone number, Fax number, e-mail address, and subject area. Second and subsequent pages -title, authors, affiliations, key words, 600-1000 word summary, figures, references etc. H.Kashiwagi Dept. of Mechanical Engg., Faculty of Engg., Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860,Japan. Tel.+81-96-344-2111(ext 3742),Fax:+81-96-346-4360 G.S.Hura Division of Comp. Tech.,School of App. Sc., Nanyang Techonological University, Singapore 2263. Tel.(65)799-1271,Fax:791-9414 A.K.Ramani International Insititute of Professional studies. DAVV, Khandwa Rd., Indore, India. Tel.91-731-467668 Vijay Kumar Dept.of Comp. Sc. and Telecom, 5100 Rockhill, Univ. of Missouri-Kansas City, Kansas City, MO 64110, USA. Tel.(816)235 2366, Fax:(816)235-5159 Swamy Kutti School of Computing & Mathematics, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia - 3217. Tel.61-52-271322, Fax.52-272028 Important Dates: Summary submissions: Dec.31,1994 Review results: April 30,1995 Camera ready papers: July 31,1995 The papers will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. Submission of paper imply commitment to present the paper on acceptance, at the conference. Awards for best papers for different tracks will be constituted. Tutorials will be held on the topics of current interest. A special session for the students is also planned. India Exploration Tours: India is a land apart -colorful, eventful, spititual and exotic with historical monuments, scenic beauty & wildlife. Tours will be arranged to unfold a spectacle of customs, religions, festivals, lifestyles and craftmanship of Indea. Special events are envisaged for the spouses. Place: The conference will be held at Indore, a city of technical and commer- cial importance. It has its own heritage and culture with facilities and comforts for international events at attractive cost. Climate during the conference period wil be pleasant with a temperature around 10 degree centi- grade. Guest Lectures: Proposals for tutorials and special lectures are invited. Exhibition: A technical exhibition will be arranged. Industries are invited to take part in the technical exhibition. For details please contact Dr.P.K.Chande /Dr.H.Kashiwagi or any of the co-chairs. General Chairs: P.K.Chande(India) SGSITS, Indore-3, India Ph. 434095, 440632, Fax. 91-731-432540 E-mail: H. Kashiwagi(Japan) Faculty of Engineering Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860, Japan Tel. +81-96-344-2111(ext 3742), Fax +81-96-346-4360 E-mail: Supported by: Computer Society of India, Center for Advanced Technology, International Institute of Professional Studies and Devi Ahilya University. *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: (IFSA95) IFSA '95 Sixth International Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress Sao Paulo-Brazil July 22-28, 1995 ___________ First Call for Papers ___________ The International Fuzzy Systems Association is pleased to announce the sixth IFSA World Congress (IFSA '95) to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from July 22nd to 28th, 1995. The goals of the congress are twofold; the first is to encourage communication between researchers throughout the world whose research either draws support from, or complements, the theory and applications of fuzzy sets related models. The second goal is to explore industrial applications of fuzzy systems technology to make systems more convenient. The theme of IFSA '95 is "New Frontiers", aiming at enlarging the horizons of research in fuzzy sets beyond its traditional areas. The congress is divided into 7 main topical areas, whose themes include, but are not limited to, the theory or applications in the topics listed below with the respective area chairs. Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts for consideration by the program committee. Four copies of 4-page extended abstracts, one paper submission form, and one cadastration form filled for each author, should be sent to the secretariat (see address below) before November 1st, 1994. Fax submissions will not be accepted. The proceedings will contain the final versions of refereed papers, prepared on camera-ready sheets. For any further inquires, please send a message to DATES _____ . Tutorials July 22 - 23, 1995 . Conference July 24 - 28, 1995 . Demonstrations July 22 - 28, 1995 DEADLINES _________ . Reception of 4 copies of 4-page extended abstracts; 1 cadastration form for each author; and 1 paper submission form - November 1st, 1994 . Notification of acceptance - February 1st, 1995 . Reception of final camera ready copy for proceedings - April 1st, 1995 SECRETARIAT ___________ Address : INPE/Setor de Eventos/ IFSA'95 Av. dos Astronautas, 1758 - Caixa Postal 515 12201-970 Sao Jose' dos Campos - SP - Brazil Phone: +55-123-418977 Fax: +55-123-218743 IFSA'95 MAILING LIST SUBSCRIPTION AND SPECIFIC INFORMATION __________________________________________________________ To subscribe to IFSA'95 mailing list please send a message to : In the body of the message please write "subscribe IFSA" along with your name, in a line by itself. For further information please contact : ORGANIZERS __________ General Chairman : Armando Rocha (Brazil) Vice Chairman : George Klir (USA) Honorary Chairman : Lofti Zadeh (USA) Honorary Vice-Chairmen: J. Bezdeck (USA) D. Dubois (France) E. Sanchez (France) T. Terano (Japan) H.-J. Zimmerman (Germany) Steering Commitee Chairwoman : Sandra Sandri (Brazil) Scientific Board Chairman : Fernando Gomide (Brazil) Local Arrangements Chairman : Marcio Rillo (Brazil) AREA CHAIRS ___________ Artificial Intelligence - Ronald Yager (USA) _______________________________________________________________________ Approximate Reasoning, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation, Expert Systems Design, Natural Language Issues, Decision Making, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Distributed AI, Genetic Algorithms, Artificial Life, Evolutionary Systems, and other related topics. Engineering - Kaoru Hirota (Japan) _______________________________________________________________________ Fuzzy Control, Hybrid Control, Industrial Robots, Intelligent Robotics, Industrial Systems, Fuzzy Petri Nets, Manufacturing, and other related topics. Mathematical Foundations - Peter Klement _______________________________________________________________________ Non-Classical Logics, Category Theory, Analysis Algebra and Topology, Functional Equations, Fuzzy Measures, Approximation Theory, Evidence Theory & Probability & Statistics, Relational Equations, and other related topics. Information Sciences - Henri Prade (France) _______________________________________________________________________ Automata, Fuzzy Grammars, Formal Languages, Information Retrieval, Fuzzy Databases, Distributed Data Bases, Information Theory, Distributed Soft-Computing, and other related topics. Health Sciences, Biology, Psychology - Donna Hudson (USA) _______________________________________________________________________ Medical Diagnosis, Intelligent Patient Monitoring, Laboratory Intelligent Systems, Applications in Molecular Biology, Physiology, Pharmacology, Perception, and other related topics. Neural Nets and Hardware - Takeshi Yamakawa (Japan) _______________________________________________________________________ Neural Nets, System Identifications by Neural Networks, Neural Chips, Hardware Implementations of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Hardware and Fuzzy Logic Computers Implementation, Novel Devices for Neural & Chaotic Systems, and other related topics. Fuzzy Systems - J.L. Verdegay (Spain) _______________________________________________________________________ Fuzzy Linear and Non-linear Programming, Multiple Objective Decision Making, Fuzzy Mathematic Programming, Multiple Criteria Decision, Multi-person Decision Making, Operational Research, Management, Economic Systems, Fuzzy Databases, Distributed Data Bases, and other related topics. Also, papers not classified in the above areas. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CADASTRATION FORM Last Name ____________________________________________________________ First name ___________________________________________________________ Organization/Affiliation _____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code _____________________ City ___________________________ Country ______________________________________________________________ Telephone ___________________________________________________________ Fax __________________________________________________________________ E-mail address ______________________________________________________ 1a) Do you intend to submit a paper at the conference ? Yes __ No __ 1b) As main author ? Yes __ No __ 2) Do you intend to attend the conference ? Yes __ No __ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PAPER SUBMISSION FORM Title ________________________________________________________________ Authors ______________________________________________________________ Reader at the conference _____________________________________________ Area of the paper (please mark only one option) [ ] Artificial Intelligence [ ] Engineering [ ] Mathematical Foundations [ ] Information Sciences [ ] Health Sciences, Biology, Psychology [ ] Neural Nets and Hardware [ ] Fuzzy Systems *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Rensselaer's Fourth International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute October 10-12, 1994 ADVANCE PROGRAM Sponsored by New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Automation and Robotics In Cooperation with IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, ASME Material Handling Engineering Division, and Connecticut State Advanced Technology Center for Precision Manufacturing Conference Chair: Professor Lester Gerhardt, Associate Dean of Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, Phone: (518) 276-6203, Fax: (518) 276-8788, E-mail: Program Chair: Professor Peter Luh, Dept. of Electrical and Systems Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3157, Phone: (203) 486-4821, Fax: (203) 486-2447, E-mail: Local Organizer: Ms. Sandra Stake, Coordinator, Center for Adv. Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180-3590, Phone: (518) 276-4068, Fax: (518) 276-4897, E-mail: Program Committee Mr. James S. Albus, National Institute of Standards and Technology Dr. Hassane Alla, Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble Dr. Albert W. Chan, National Research Council of Canada Prof. Shi-Chung Chang, National Taiwan Univ. Prof. S. Misbah Deen, University of Keele Prof. Steve Demurjian, Univ. of Connecticut Prof. Alan A. Desrochers, RPI Prof. Frank DiCesare, RPI Prof. Toshi Fukuda, Nagoya University Prof. Weibo Gong, Univ. of Massachusetts Prof. William A. Gruver, Simon Fraser Univ. Prof. Nai Choon Ho, Nanyang Technology University Prof. Thomas Hodgson, North Carolina State University Prof. Cheng Hsu, RPI Prof. Baosheng Hu, Xi'an Jiaotong University Prof. Mohsen A. Jafari, Rutgers University Prof. Winston Knight, Univ. of Rhode Island Dr. George Kovacs, Hungarian Academy of Science Prof. Bruce Krogh, Carnegie Mellon University Prof. Andrew Kusiak, University of Iowa Prof. Wook Hyun Kwon, Seoul National Univ. Mr. Richard S. Lopatka, United Technologies Research Center Prof. Eamonn McQuade, University of Limerick Dr. K. Mertins, Fraunhofer Inst. for Production Systems & Design Technology Prof. Toshimichi Moriwaki, Kobe University Prof. Gustaf Olsson, Lund Institute of Technology Prof. Jean-Marie Proth, INRIA-Lorraine Prof. Ulrich Rembold, University of Karlsruhe Mr. Stephen D. Ricketts, Center for Manufacturing Competitiveness Prof. Joao J. S. Sentieiro, Lisbon Technical University Prof. Ali Sharifnia, Boston University Prof. Manuel Silva, Universidad de Zaragoza Dr. Fred Stewart, ALCOA Dr. Odo J. Struger, Allen-Bradley Dr. Shinsuke Tamura, Toshiba Corporation Prof. Hendrik Van Brussel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Prof. Agostino Villa, Politecnico di Torino Prof. N. Viswanadham, Indian Institute of Science Prof. Michael J. Wozny, National Institute of Standards and Technology Prof. MengChu Zhou, New Jersey Institute of Technology It is our great pleasure to invite you to join us for the Fourth International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Automation Technology which will be held on October 10-12, 1994 at Rensselaer's George M. Low Center for Industrial Innovation. The previous three highly successful Conferences were held at Rensselaer in 1988, 1990, and 1992, respectively. The technical themes of this year's Conference include integrated product/process development, system technology, and information infrastructure. The representation of system technology (Petri nets and applications, planning and scheduling of manufacturing systems, discrete event dynamic systems, and quality related issues) is particularly strong. Conference highlights include 3 keynote addresses by industrial, government and academic leaders in manufacturing, 66 papers organized into 18 technical sessions (among which 5 are invited sessions), and 3 panel discussions on issues related to computer integrated manufacturing and manufacturing informatics. The Conference will provide an excellent forum for researchers and practitioners from industry, government, and academia to present research, development, and deployment achievements, exchange ideas, and discuss new directions in the area of computer integrated manufacturing and automation technology. The Conference will be held at Rensselaer during the peak of the foliage season of Upper New York State and New England. The Conference also runs back to back with the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (Oct. 2 to 5, San Antonio, Texas). We look forward to meeting you at Rensselaer. CONFERENCE PROGRAM Monday, October 10 8:30 A.M. - 8:45 A.M. Opening Welcome, Prof. Lester A. Gerhardt, and Opening Remarks, Dr. R. Byron Pipes, President, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 8:45 A.M. - 9:45 A.M. Keynote Address I "Flexible Manufacturing through People and Technology," Dr. John F. Cassidy, Jr. Vice President of United Technologies Corporation, and Director of United Technologies Research Center 10:15 A.M. -11:30 A.M. Session Ia: Process Modeling and Planning Session Ib: Petri Net Theory 12:50 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Session IIa: Integrated Product/Process Development Session IIb: Petri Nets in Advanced Automation Session IIc: Control and Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems I 3:00 P.M. - 4:40 P.M. Session IIIa: Holonic Manufacturing Systems Session IIIb: Specification and Analysis of Supervisory Controller Session IIIc: Control and Scheduling of Manufacturing Systems II 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. - Panel I Computer Integrated Manufacturing: the Past, Present and Future Panel Organizers and Chairs: C. Hsu, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and J. Lee, National Science Foundation Tuesday, October 11 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Keynote Address II Manufacturing Research: A Status and Vision, Dr. Michael J. Wozny Director of Manufacturing Engineering Laboratories of National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Professor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 10:00 A.M. -11:30 A.M. Session IVa: Total Quality Management Session IVb: Petri Net Languages and Applications Session IVc: Optimization in Design and Scheduling 12:50 P.M. - 2:30 P.M. Session Va: Tolerance Analysis and Optimization Session Vb: Discrete Event Dynamic Systems Session Vc: Sequencing and Scheduling 3:00 P.M. - 4:40 P.M. Session VIa: Manufacturing Infrastructure Session VIb: Control Issues in Manufacturing Systems 5:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. - Panel II Manufacturing Research at National Institute of Standards and Technology Panel Organizers and Chairs: M. J. Wozny, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Wednesday, October 12 8:30 A.M. - 9:30 A.M. Keynote Address III "The Present and Future Scenarios for Manufacturing Research," Dr. Thomas Hodgson Professor of Industrial Engineering, North Carolina State University, and past Director of the Design and Manufacturing Systems Division, National Science Foundation 10:00 A.M. -11:15 A.M. Session VIIa: Petri Net Applications Session VIIb: Hierarchical Planning and Scheduling 11:30 A.M. -12:30 A.M. - Panel III Manufacturing Informatics: Navigating the Information Superhighway Panel Organizers and Chairs: S. A. Demurjian and H. Dyer, University of Connecticut 12:30 A.M. -12:40 A.M. Closing Remarks Prof. Lester A. Gerhardt, Associate Dean, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Prof. Peter B. Luh, University of Connecticut For conference registration form and hotel information, please contact Ms. Sandra Stake, Conference Coordinator Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute CII Building, Suite 8015 Troy, NY 12180-3590 Phone: 518-276-4068 FAX: 518-276-4897 *.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.*.** Contributed by: Oscar D. Crisalle ( CALL FOR PAPERS CONTROL-RELEVANT MODELING, IDENTIFICATION AND ESTIMATION 1995 Americal Control Conference Seattle, Washington, June 21-23, 1995 Invited Sesion Sponsored by the AIChE CAST Division, Group 10B We are soliciting abstracts for papers and presentations in the area of modeling, identification and estimation, which specifically address the issue of their relevance to control. Some exemplary issues are: modeling requrements for closed-loop control, integrated identification and control, and interaction between estimation and control. Both theory and application papers will be considered. Selection will be based on how explicit the relationships between the proposed modeling / identification / estimation techniques and control requirements / performance are made. Interested people should send abstracts to the chair or co-chair by September 1. The contributors are expected to provide the full papers by the usual March deadline. CHAIRS: Dr. Jay H. Lee Dr. Oscar D. Crisalle Chemical Engineering Dept. Chemical Engineering Auburn University University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 Temporary address (until 9/20): Ph: 904-392-5120 DuPont Central Research and fax: 904-392-9513 Development Experimental Station e-mail: P.O. Box 80101 Wilmington, DE 19880-0101 (use Dr. Tunde Ogunnaike c/o Jay H. Lee as recipient). Ph: 302-695-1929 fax: 302-695-2645 e-mail: ****************************************** * * * THE END * * * ******************************************